July 6, 2024

"People should be ebullient and happy.... you have to sit back and enjoy this particular period in our history...."

"A senile man refuses to abdicate the presidency. He's being encouraged to stay in the race by his wife, a woman who at 55 years old got a doctorate of education and makes people call her doctor. She's not a doctor. She's no more of a doctor than I'm a doctor. His son, a crack addict... is encouraging him to stay in the race. His wife is saying stay in the race. Everybody else is pulling out... and he still refuses to leave. The senile president refuses to leave. You must enjoy it. You must sit back and enjoy it.... The media has been covering for Biden... and the campaign just dribbled him out for a press conference here a state of the union there — very scripted, very tightly controlled appearances.... They juiced him for the state of the union and it worked and drugs don't always work... so whatever they shot him up with,  whatever... Pulp Fiction adrenaline shot they gave him through the... breast plate.... I'm not a doctor — Jill is — but whatever — that didn't work here...."

In case you want to sit back and enjoy the Biden debacle, there's no better companion than Tim Dillon....


Joe Smith said...

Sounded like you were quoting Trump.

-- Dr. Joe Smith

Sally327 said...

It isn't up to Dr. Jill to convince Biden to abdicate. That's Kamala Harris' responsibility, Kamala and other elected and appointed officials.

As to staying a candidate for the Presidency, I don't see anything wrong with the wife and the son and other family members encouraging him to remain in the race. Why is it on the family to push him out. I doubt they're able to be objective but they may truly believe he's up to the task. Again, it's really the responsibility of others, the DNC, party leaders, etc., to deal with this issue. I don't blame for Dr. Jill for telling them to eff off.

I don't know about being ebullient and happy, I don't think it calls for gaiety but I am fairly sanguine about it all because I don't see that much difference between the Biden of 2024 and the Biden of 2020. This isn't really new IMO, so it is kind of fun I guess, everyone now doing their best imitation of Captain Renault (Casablanca...shocked, shocked to find gambling going on in here...). And just as sincerely.

Gusty Winds said...

Donald Trump is scary, and Kenosha burning WI Gov. Tony Evers is "calming".

Running up to 2020's fraudulent election, liberal women found Biden "calming".

I can only assume braindead = calming

Kamala Harris is a calming presence.

Iman said...


“All the stories have been told
Of kings and days of old
But there's no England now (there's no England now)
All the wars that were won and lost
Somehow don't seem to matter very much anymore”

Not when Sharia Law is in their future.

PM said...

Dr. Jill has enjoyed being the Grand Poobah of the White House and the unelected, back-room President of the country. She's done a great and effective job - nobody ever let the skunk out of her Hermes bag - until that damn debate.

Original Mike said...

Well, there might be a little enjoyment imagining the people who foisted this on our country (I'm looking at you, media) cringing at Biden's gaffes. Like Biden bragging about the size of yesterday's "rally". That had to be a bit cringe-inducing, no?

Gusty Winds said...

"People should be ebullient and happy.... you have to sit back and enjoy this particular period in our history...."

I love dark comedy, and a good train wreck. Part of me is laughing as we head into the cold waters of the Atlantic. I'm pounding Miller Lite and smoking Marlboros at the violins play on the deck.

Liberal women are like "I'm not getting in that lifeboat, Donald Trump is scary. I'd rather sink with Biden and enjoy an abortion before I go underwater."

That's the dynamic of the divide. It's gender, not race.

Yancey Ward said...

Joe Smith is right- at first I thought you were quoting Trump at a rally- I was confused since I hadn't heard of a rally this week.

Yancey Ward said...

Kamala Harris is as calming as a fentanyl overdose.

n.n said...

as calming as a fentanyl overdose

Maximal respiratory depression after fentanyl administration occurs 5 minutes after administration, is dose dependent, and is most common when combined with a sedating agent, such as midazolam or propofol.
- nih.gov

rehajm said...

It would be enjoyable if I knew it were going to be over and we hang the guilty lefties and then all collectively had a good laugh then went about creating a better humanity but no…

JRoberts said...

Has anyone seen Dr. Jill’s prescription pad?

Sebastian said...

"He's being encouraged to stay in the race by his wife"

And many regular Dems. See X.

imTay said...

"I don't see anything wrong with the wife and the son and other family members encouraging him to remain in the race. "

I fully agree. The "now sober" crackhead son who dropped a bag of cocaine in the WH just a couple of months ago, and who had access to classified documents in Biden's garage and is making bank as an unregistered foreign agent has every right to look out for his own best interests!

He is non compos mentis, how can anybody other than family convince him of anything? We are in 25th amendment territory.

imTay said...

"And many regular Dems. See X."

It's so easy to astroturf social media, it's not even funny.

Quaestor said...

"Chew it and do it."


Skeptical Voter said...

A gay comedian with a history of substance abuse issues? Now he might be a fit companion for Hunter--but I'm not looking for Tim to be my companion through this era in history. That said, everyone's mileage varies. -

Kathryn51 said...

They are stalling for time and even more importantly, they are waiting for the GOP convention to end so that they can super-charge the fear-mongering based on a handful gaffes. In their wildest dreams, Trump will make a couple of comments that they can take out of context and claim to be raaaaaacccccccist. no matter what he says about Kamala, it will be deemed raaaaaacccccist.

they're also negotiating the exit - Presidential Library; lifetime gig ($1MM annual MINIMUM) for the "doctor" so she can lecture/speak/run meetings while Joe shambles offstage left, jobs for all the kidlets and grandkidlets (except the grandkidlet that should have been aborted if they all had their way).

Trump knows this. I hope he doesn't feel he must throw red meat at this time - staying quiet right now is definitely working in not just his but every GOP candidate up and down the ballot.

Meanwhile, I spend too much time on X watching the Dems cannabalize each other. Figuratively, of course.

gilbar said...

i Knew that Dr. Jillie didn't have a "real" PhD (but just a piece o'EdD)..
But, i had NO IDEA, that she DIDN'T EVEN GET THAT, until she was 55!!

Of those here, with doctorates (PhD, MD, JD, DDS, VDM..) how old were YOU when you got them?

gilbar said...


JRoberts said...

As is often mentioned here, the Democrats use so much projection when demonizing Trump.

How long have they whipped up panic that if ever allowed back in the White House, Trump would refuse to leave.

Now we’ve got Joe standing on the Truman balcony shouting at passersby to get the hell off his lawn.

gilbar said...

Gusty Winds said...
Liberal women are like "I'm not getting in that lifeboat..
That's the dynamic of the divide. It's gender, not race.

To Be Fair.. It's Not ALL Women.. Just SINGLE women.

Married Men,
Married Women,
Single Men,
ALL support Trump by a LARGE margin.
But Single Women.. Overwhelmingly for Biden

Now, compare incidence of mental illnesses across those 4 groups

Lilly, a dog said...

Sooner or later, you'll need a tag for "Biden won't drop out." And who the F is Tim Dillon, besides one of Joe Rogan's pothead friends?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Sally327 said...
It isn't up to Dr. Jill to convince Biden to abdicate. That's Kamala Harris' responsibility, Kamala and other elected and appointed officials.

It's up to whomever to convince "Dr" Jill to give up being "First Lady", because she's the elder abusing piece of shit who's keeping Joe in so she can have power and prestige.

And yes, she got it at age 55, for the stated reason that she was around all these people with titles, and she was tired of just being "Mrs Biden."

I've never seen her dissertation, but given that her husband was a Senator directing funds to the University, we know it's crap

CStanley said...

Gilbar- since you asked, I received my DVM at 23…I graduated high school at 17, then 2 years pre-vet followed by 4 years vet school.

I don’t disrespect Jill for getting her degree later in life although that combined with her insistence on the honorific title seems to suggest that the latter was her main motivation.

imTay said...

"I've never seen her dissertation."

If a high school kid had written it, you would give them a pat on the head for a nice effort. Not even kidding. If she had a brain, she wold be embarrassed by it.

narciso said...

You cant laugh at the absurd so we dont have to scream.

chickelit said...

His son, a crack addict... is encouraging him to stay in the race.

Could be pure self interest. Daddy hasn't issued a pardon or sentence commutation yet. BTW, did Hunter serve and jail time which would offset his sentence?

imTay said...

I am sure that that expert from Walter Reed on Parkinson's disease who met with the White House physician for several hours was just there for a new initiative from Joe, like that time he cured cancer.

I haven't checked up on it, but I am sure it's true. Joe promised to cure cancer if we would only elect him. Well, we elected him, and one thing about Joe, when he says something, he can take it to the bank!

Another old lawyer said...

I was awarded my JD at 24 years, not quite 2 months.

FWIW, I don't recommend it.

Jimmy said...

A couple posts mentioning the strong lead Biden has with single women. And the high instance of mental illness in the same cohort. This is so true, and not mentioned enough. We wouldn't have Biden, Clinton, or the super fraud obama were it not for single women-and male feminists.
First time listening to this Dillon guy-self proclaimed 'faggot'-his words, not mine. Uhm, not much to like there. Rush or Stein would do a much better job. Joe Rogan would be ok as well.
Repeal the 19th, and we would never have a leftist in power again.

Marcus Bressler said...

I had three doctorates: DVTs. Doctor of Vein Thrombosis. Now I just have one left, after 7 years, and it is only ten percent of its original size. "Big Pharm" saved my life.

John henry said...

The VP doesn't have much to do constitutionally. A no-show job as senate president and being a spare president in event of need.

The 25th amendment gives the vp the additional job of booting the president if needed.

When Joe goes, the first question I want to hear her asked is "when did you realize he was not up to it?"

If she says "last week" or last month" not acceptable. She wasn't doing her job.

Then the 2nd question want to see is "why didn't you act sooner?"

You had one job, kamala...

John Henry

Narr said...

I didn't have a graduate degree in hand until I was 41 (MLIS) and took five or six more years to acquire my second (MA Hist., 1999).

When I retired in 2015 (age 62) I was an associate professor, and a few months later they sent me the glad news that I was an emeritus, an honor I hadn't asked for and indeed wouldn't have known how to ask for.

After I retired, people would ask me if I was ready to tackle a PhD, to which I replied, "Why would I?"

I got addressed as "Doctor" a lot, though. I look the part if I say so myself.

Eva Marie said...

That was an excellent podcast. Thank you. But, my God, was that depressing.

John henry said...


I enrolled in a PhD program (engineering management) when I was 62.

Dropped out quickly when what I had thought was a diploma mill expected actual work.

I fancied being "Dr Henry" and expected my clients would fancy it enough for it to be worth an extra $2-300 on my day rate.

Now that I see all the crap all my friends give Dr Jill here, kind of glad I dropped.

John (college dropout) Henry

Kathryn51 said...

Another old lawyer said...
I was awarded my JD at 24 years, not quite 2 months.
FWIW, I don't recommend it.

At the age of 21, I wasn't the youngest entering law school - I was the THIRD youngest. I also wouldn't recommend going straight from undergraduate (2 degrees in four years - also not recommended) to graduate school.

But I don't regret having that degree. 😊

tcrosse said...

In my work group we had a young kid with a PhD in Chemistry from a legit institution. All us old non-doctor sweats were required by company policy to address him as Doctor. It was not at his insistence. So we started addressing one another as Doctor. This led to a change in policy.

John henry said...

I was thinking of Buddy Hackett duck story for some unknown reason just now. It occurred to me that our president emeritus could adapt it.

"Hey, Joe, at our next debate let's start with a pushup contest. I'll bet that however many push-ups you can do, I can do 5 more.

$1,000 to a charity of your choice if you win. You donate $1m if I win. Just to make it interesting."

So Brandon drops down on stage, huffs and puffs through 6. Totally fried all debate prep forgotten and and being administered oxygen as he lies there unable to get up says" top that, sucker"

To which pedjt replies "you know what? That's pretty impressive. You win. Here's a check. Let's get to the debate.?

John Henry

Aggie said...

This guy Tim Dillon reminds me of Rush Limbaugh, not that I ever was a Dittohead or anything. But it's the same brand of picking a topic and riffing-to-fill-the-minutes. He should be taking calls. He'd be good, taking calls.

tcrosse said...

I'd like to see Trump do the Buddy Hackett duck story the way Buddy Hackett told it.

chuck said...

how old were YOU when you got them?

Mathematics at 54. I did it for pleasure, mathematics is beautiful and well worth a visit. I didn't have an undergraduate degree in math and it took a couple of weeks to get up to speed in the graduate classes, but after that it was just hard study. I also developed a minor romance with set theory, but there were no classes in it, so just reading on the side. After graduation, I had to get serious about earning enough money for retirement and the academy wasn't the way to do that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I like Tim Dillon. He was really good when the migrants showed up at Marthas Viniard.

Original Mike said...

"Of those here, with doctorates (PhD, MD, JD, DDS, VDM..) how old were YOU when you got them?"

PhD, Medical Physics, at 27.

walter said...

Piled higher, deeper. She must have qualified earlier.

Jamie said...

Liberal women are like "I'm not getting in that lifeboat, Donald Trump is scary. I'd rather sink with Biden and enjoy an abortion before I go underwater."

That's the dynamic of the divide. It's gender, not race.

And also gilbar at 8:02, I think it was.

Yikes, and oy vey, and also LOL.

William said...

Definitely Catch 22. If Biden weren't so addled, he'd know he was past his use by date. The fact that he doesn't resign is further proof of his senility....Many people don't know this but Hunter is in fact the Eminence Gris of the White House. Joe Biden doesn't make a move without checking with Hunter. Hunter has considerable sleight of hand skills. He's using Jill Biden as a smokescreen. He's been in charge of the Biden Syndicate for years. He's the criminal genius who made everyone in the family rich. He gets his best ideas while indulging in crack. A couple of stripper friends made some helpful suggestions, but that Afghan withdrawal plan was something he thought up and gave to his father to execute.

Aggie said...

If there was a polar bear in the water and Donald Trump in lifeboat, which would you choose?

John henry said...

Is it a battery powered lifeboat, aggie?

John Henry

Jamie said...

If there was a polar bear in the water and Donald Trump in lifeboat, which would you choose?

7/6/24, 10:27 PM
Blogger John henry said...
Is it a battery powered lifeboat, aggie?

You guys, quit it! [wipes eyes]

One of the saddest things about this current farrago is that the other side doesn't appreciate Trump the humorist. He isn't as good - or maybe as polished - as Samuel Clement, say, but he's a laugh riot in his genre, and they're missing it!

Ampersand said...

This has all the tragi-comedic potential of the HBO/max series VEEP.

How on earth have the American people not run for their torches, pitchforks, tar and feathers? What are they using to sedate themselves?

Big Mike said...

Of those here, with doctorates (PhD, MD, JD, DDS, VDM..) how old were YOU when you got them?

I don’t remember. I just remember writing it in cuneiform on clay tablets. I seem to recall that it was regarded as being pretty innovative in its day.

gadfly said...

Aging is a devastating process. Forget dementia and you still get physical weakening as muscle mass declines and stamina evaporates.

And when you are President, the job pressure can kill you over time. (Jimmy Carter at 99 is the exception to the rule but even he has been in hospice for a year). Watching Donald's physical decline since 2015 has been amazing; he played golf, vacationed, and watched TV more than he worked. Bill Clinton looks awful and Barack Obama's aging has been scary. Octogenarian Joe Biden is suffering similarly except that aging proceeds faster.

I have no idea why the Biden family wants to hasten Joe's death but they do. If Joe wins he would be 85 when his term ends. I cannot imagine he will function in the office at that age. I can say that with some certainty because I am 85.

Whatever! But God help us if Donald or Kamala should win.

Drago said...

The Hopeless Soy Boy gadfly: "Watching Donald's physical decline since 2015 has been amazing; he played golf, vacationed, and watched TV more than he worked."


Not even a pedestrian 10 year old effort! But its about as much as we've come to expect from our wind-up lefty automaton.

Lawnerd said...

PhD in cell biology when I was 26 years old. JD when I was 44 years old. Never asked anyone to call me doctor. I was surrounded by PhDs at work and only called them doctor when was being a smartass - it is kind of viewed as an insulting salutation to biomedical PhDs.

Jill Biden is the worst kind of piece of shit for using the DR title.

tim maguire said...

I got a JD at 35. Never used the “esq”, though I’d be lying if I said I’d never thought about it just for fun.

The knock on Dr. Jill not that she got it later in life—that’s admirable—but that she insists on being called “Dr.” Anyone with a PhD is entitled to use that title, but by convention, only medical doctors do. On anyone else, it’s seen as puffery driven by insecurity.

tim maguire said...

Gadfly, you’re right that the presidency ages people. You look at some relatively young presidents—Bush or Obama—and it’s remarkable how much older they look only 8 years laters.

But Biden is president in name only. He doesn’t feel any of the duties, responsibilities, or stresses of office. He’s not aged by being president, he’s just old. He’s not just 81, but he’s an old 81. Trump at least is spry for his age and there’s no reason to think he won’t make it through 4 more years in the White House. In that respect, he’s fine despite being only a few years younger than Biden.

Humperdink said...

The gad asserted with certainty: " "Watching Donald's physical decline since 2015 has been amazing; he played golf, vacationed, and watched TV more than he worked."

And how do you know that? You pulled that out of your fanny.

On the mental front, recall watching Trump holding court while waiting to board Marine One. Lefty reporters asking a barrage of gotcha questions. And Trump answered them all. It's a wonder Marine One didn't have to be refueled. Then we have Biden heading to Marine One surrounded by a phalanx of suits hiding him from reporters.

Josephbleau said...

“Of those here, with doctorates (PhD, MD, JD, DDS, VDM..) how old were YOU when you got them?”

Statistics at 65, but just for the entertainment value, i still put Mr. on my drivers license.

Humperdink said...

Why oh why was Biden hiding in his basement during the 2020 campaign? Because he was already a passenger on the train steaming towards the Bridge on the River Kwai. Four years later, Colonel Nicholson (aka Dr. Jill) frantically attempting to stop the train wreck.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"[Y]ou have to sit back and enjoy this particular period in our history."

Some politician, maybe from Texas, got in trouble some years ago for cracking the might-as-well-lay-back-and-enjoy-it joke.

I'm not going to bother to look him up.

Mikey NTH said...

JD at age 30.

Rusty said...

Gadfly said,
"Whatever! But God help us if Donald or Kamala should win."

Humperdink said...

" might-as-well-lay-back-and-enjoy-it joke.

Indiana University basketball Coach Bob Knight, who told NBC's Connie Chung, “I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it ..." (April 29,1988)

Narayanan said...

she insists on being called “Dr.”
then I would start describing my symptoms in detaial any chance I get!

J L Oliver said...

I got my PhD when I was 59 to use it as a legacy project. I never use the honorific but my daughter did get an apron that says, “That’s Doctor Oliver to you.”

John henry said...

I understand that in Switzerland if one has a double doctorate, the customary form of address is "Doctor Doctor Schmidt"

Socially and professionally.

John Henry

Another old lawyer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

A gay period is epistemologically transgender.

Rusty said...

It wasn't an idle question, Gadfly.

Prof. M. Drout said...

It's a running joke in academia that if someone who can't write prescriptions insists on being called "Doctor," that person is an Ed.D.

I did read through "Dr" Jill's thesis. It's poorly written, contains obvious arithmetic errors, and says nothing but conventional wisdom. She looked at data from a mere 4 years of the community college she teaches at--no comparative data at all.

Most of the 30+ UNDERGRADUATE honors theses I've directed over the past couple decades are substantially--and obviously--superior in every way.

Academia has a minor problem with "Ph.D. as Doorprize" credentials given to the spouses / partners of other high-ranking academics (i.e., a new President's much younger wife is "working" on a Ph.D. and some poor bastard gets stuck "advising" her, which actually means writing most of the damned dissertation in the most inefficient way possible). That's what "Dr. Jill" was, but she did even less work than most of those people do.

effinayright said...

Prof. M. Drout said...
It's a running joke in academia that if someone who can't write prescriptions insists on being called "Doctor," that person is an Ed.D.

Wasn't there a song back in the 60's with the lines,

"Doctor, Doctor, Ms. Ed.D,

Now can you tell me, tell me, tell me,
What's ailin' me?"

On reflection, I don't think so.

Narr said...

I generally addressed or introduced PhD/EdD holders as Doctor in formal academic settings; Professor maybe 20-25% of the time.

The Chronicle of Higher Education used to use Mr. (etc.) in its stories about academics. Maybe that's still true.

(I can't recall if they used Doctor or Dr. in stories about, say, MDs at medical schools . . . I'm thinking not.)

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

There's no need for Biden to drop out, from his perspective.
If he stays in there is a 50/50 chance he might win, then hand over the reigns to the VP a bit later.
And if he loses it's no skin off his ass. The party can deal with the aftermath. He doesn't have an altruistic molecule in his body.

David said...

Keep in mind the Latin origins of doctor referred to “teacher, scholar” and through the 14th century meant the highest rank of scholar at a university. PhDs often look down our collective noses at EdDs, since we are expected to demonstrate the ability to develop an original research program and keep at it for many years. Many Ed types (not all) wouldn’t have made it through a rigorous dissertation defense. (BTW, I read her thesis way back when her title was controversial—I have had undergrads do similar levels of work.

I earned my PhD in 1991 in economics. I prefer my students call me Professor or some such. What I hate: business cards or signature lines with Dr. Joe Smith, Phd. Seems repetitive. Law school professors have earned the JD degree, some even the Doctor of Laws degree, but most I know don’t go by Doctor but rather Professor which is their actual rank/title. Most Doctorate of Nursing Practice holders don’t use Dr.

Hassayamper said...

It's a running joke in academia that if someone who can't write prescriptions insists on being called "Doctor," that person is an Ed.D.

Chiropractors are also remarkably prickly about being addressed as "Doctor." Much more than M.D.'s, in my experience, and so much so that it makes other medical professionals snicker at their preening pretensions.

Conversely, an attending surgeon in the U.K. and Ireland is always addressed as "Mr." (or "Miss" if female, regardless of marital status) and in spite of having been a fully qualified doctor before beginning surgical training. The same is true in most other Commonwealth countries, but not Canada.

It is a form of reverse snobbery akin to the disgust that a drill sergeant has for being called "Sir", and harkens back to their origins as uneducated barber-surgeons. Registrars in surgery, i.e. what we would call residents, look forward to the day when their training is complete, and the boss no longer disdainfully calls them "Doctor".