July 25, 2024

Instant book.

Screen capture from Axios:

ADDED: Speaking of fist pumps caught in iconic photographs, I just noticed this, in The Daily Beast, published July 12th, one day before Trump was shot:

Isn't that strange? "The choreography could not have been better"! No, it got better. 


Leland said...

Money shot.

MadisonMan said...

Who gets the photo royalties -- the photographer, or AP?

Achilles said...

The book was probably being written before the assassination attempt.

The cover of that book is now legend.

The title is perfect.

Achilles said...

MadisonMan said...

Who gets the photo royalties -- the photographer, or AP?

I imagine he said "I resign from the AP" as he took those pictures if he wasn't already a contract stringer.

I hope so anyways.

Dave Begley said...

I want a framed print for my office.

MM, If the photographer was working for the AP at the time, I think the employer gets the royalties from the photo. Work for hire.

Dave Begley said...

We know the AP takes money from Green foundations to push the CAGW scam. We also know that the AP is a hard left organization.

Did the AP "share the wealth" with the guy who took that picture and really risked his life to get that shot. Any split of the royalties?

This shot could generate $50m in lifetime royalties.

If we had an honest press, they would find out.

doctrev said...

Don't want him using iconic pictures to sell vast amounts of merch? Well maybe you shouldn't use lawfare and warfare on the guy!

tommyesq said...

Who gets the photo royalties -- the photographer, or AP?

The photo was taken by Evan Vucci, who is (I think) a Chief News Photographer for the Associated Press. Generally, the photographer would own the copyright in a photo that he/she took, but there are two circumstances that might apply here that would make AP the owner - (a) Vucci might have a contract assigning ownership of his news photos to AP, or (b) it might be deemed a "work made for hire," which arises when (in relevant part) the work is created by an employee as part of the employee’s regular duties. Not sure if Vucci is an employee or an independent contractor, or what his contract with AP might look like, so no real way to know just yet.

tommyesq said...

I would note that a search of "Vucci" in the Copyright Office's records yields no hits for Evan Vucci. While I would not necessarily expect to see this particular photo registered this fast, I would expect him to have previously registered copyright if he and not AP owned the rights.

rhhardin said...

It doesn't look iconic to me. Too chaotic, four different motives on view. Iwo Jima had all grunts with the same motive. Trump reads it differently because he sees himself mostly.

Caroline said...

This is so….Donald. A lot of us were hoping for a little near death humility.

Hassayamper said...

It doesn't look iconic to me. Too chaotic, four different motives on view. Iwo Jima had all grunts with the same motive. Trump reads it differently because he sees himself mostly.

Oh please. I understand about being a grumpy old contrarian, in fact I am one myself, but you're being ridiculous.

This is the most iconic single photograph taken since the firemen raised the flag in the wreckage of the World Trade Center in 2001. Ten thousand years from now, it will still be viewed.

Don't think so? Imagine if there were a photograph of the assassination of Julius Caesar, or video of Henry V's speech before the battle of Agincourt. People don't recognize history while it's being made, but the future of the United States, the most powerful, important, wealthy, and accomplished nation that has ever existed, may well hinge on the outcome of this election.

Laurel said...

Caroline said:

“This is so….Donald. A lot of us were hoping for a little near death humility.”

Yes, of course. Because the natural reaction to attempted murder is…humility.

For pity’s sake. The Left just hates courage from straight, White men.

n.n said...

Trump will not take a knee, and neither will the People. Onward and forward!

Inga said...

“For pity’s sake. The Left just hates courage from straight, White men.”

Caroline isn’t a leftie, she is a conservative.

Aggie said...

I wonder what it took to get the rights from AP to use the photo on his book.

Phaedrus said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
It doesn't look iconic to me. Too chaotic, four different motives on view. Iwo Jima had all grunts with the same motive. Trump reads it differently because he sees himself mostly

RHH, I do photography and putting the subject(s) aside, ie who, what, where, etc, the raw elements of the photo are framed masterfully.

Now, that said, I’m sure he had dozens, if not hundreds of photos of that image as it was really bright and his settings on his camera would have allowed for some really rapid image captures. He is really good and would have picked what was framed perfectly.

This is both luck and skill. The luck here is the placement of the secondary subject attributes like the SS folks heads, the flag etc, and how the relate to the primary subject, which is Trump while all subjects are in motion. The skill is being able to get things in frame while bullets are flying and chaos is erupting on the stage.

Also note that he has probably cropped this and aligned the image so it is perfectly balanced and aligns with the Rule of Threes.

The subject matter being iconic is subjective, but the mastery shown in the photo is not. It is as close to perfection for a photo as one can get.

tommyesq said...

“For pity’s sake. The Left just hates courage from straight, White men.”

Caroline isn’t a leftie, she is a conservative.

Caroline not being a lefty doesn't make the statement wrong.

Mason G said...

"This is so….Donald. A lot of us were hoping for a little near death humility."

A lot of people were hoping he was killed.

tommyesq said...

I wonder what it took to get the rights from AP to use the photo on his book.

AP has a place on-line where you can sign up to license photographs. The publisher almost certainly did so, would be pretty standard to ensure that all rights were covered.

wendybar said...

Caroline said...
This is so….Donald. A lot of us were hoping for a little near death humility.

7/25/24, 2:28 PM

You get a bullet to the ear whizzing by you, after an assassination attempt and then you can complain about near death humility. You people would have been thrilled if he got killed. Would that be good enough for you??

FormerLawClerk said...

The FBI isn't sure Trump was shot, according to Christopher Wray.

Think about that.

It's been 12 days now. Their crack ballistics team cannot even find the 8 bullets that were fired. They're not even looking for them on the site. That site is EMPTY OF ALL FBI agents as of this date.

They aren't even trying to figure out why the Secret Service ALLOWED a gunman they were WATCHING in their scopes shoot 8 times, killing one, injuring 3 others including a former President of the United States.

Not even investigating it. They're still hunting for a motive, as if we all first of all don't KNOW what the motive is, and second of all CARE what the motive was.

The FBI isn't investigating the Secret Service out of professional courtesy. Kind of like thieves not ripping each other off. That kind of courtesy.

Inga said...

“You people would have been thrilled if he got killed. Would that be good enough for you??”

Dear childless cat lady…

Caroline is YOU people, she’s a conservative.

FullMoon said...

Loser Biden says "Trump is a threat to the nation" prior to ass attempt

mccullough said...

Trump is 78. He’s always near death. The majority of males born in the US in 1946 are dead.

Trump is always creating revenue streams. He’ll sell rights to his death bed and funeral.

$99 is steep price for a coffee table book but he’ll make some good money on the sales no doubt.

Mikey NTH said...

Donald Trump does know marketing and showmanship.

tommyesq said...

It's been 12 days now. Their crack ballistics team cannot even find the 8 bullets that were fired.

One possible reason is that the 8 shots did not come from the same gun/location, so they are looking in the wrong spot for some of them.

They're not even looking for them on the site. That site is EMPTY OF ALL FBI agents as of this date.

One possible reason is because they don't want to find a possible second shooter because it was an inside job.

Conspiracy theories, maybe. So far in this term, pretty much all conspiracy theories have turned out to be true.

JAORE said...

Who, presented with this opportunity in the context of photographs would NOT use that pic?

Anything else is just "your side are assholes".

Lance said...

That shot of Barron looks like a 60's era Kennedy relative.

Big Mike said...

A lot of us were hoping for a little near death humility.

@Caroline, this is why it’s unfortunate that women don’t get drafted and sent into combat zones. Jessica Lynch or Leigh Ann Hester could perhaps explain to you that surviving an effort to kill you is absolutely not at all a humbling experience. In a famous quote Winston Churchill described the experience as “exhilarating.”

Inga claims you are conservative. But are you conservative by my standards as a former (very minor) official in the Reagan re-election campaign, or are you conservative by the standards of Inga’s lefty extremism?

boatbuilder said...

If Trump had come out after the shooting and said "Wow, I almost got killed, time to hunker down and dial it back," I think we would understand, but be a little disappointed.

We are not disappointed.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Big Mike said...

Inga claims you are conservative. But are you conservative by my standards as a former (very minor) official in the Reagan re-election campaign, or are you conservative by the standards of Inga’s lefty extremism?

What is this some kind of purity test? While, I myself am a fan, I know there are many on the right who are not the biggest fan of Donald Trump, mainly because of his personality. I have family members who hold those views. They are still going to vote for him, but they wish he would be a little less acerbic. I suspect this is primarily motivated out of desire for the country to be less divided.

Butkus51 said...

if democrats just governed responsibly, they wouldnt have a problem.

The one thing they worked loads of OT for has failed miserably.

Kakistocracy said...

“I think with respect to former President Trump there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that you know hit his ear.” ~ FBI Director Wray told Congress

I'm going with shrapnel from the teleprompter.

Trump has not released medical records from after the shooting.

Michael McNeil said...

“…shrapnel from the teleprompter.”

Leftists love their memes but seldom put them to the test. Pics show both teleprompters at the site undamaged after the assassination attempt.

Achilles said...

Rich said...

“I think with respect to former President Trump there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that you know hit his ear.” ~ FBI Director Wray told Congress

I'm going with shrapnel from the teleprompter.

Trump has not released medical records from after the shooting.

We understand you wont accept your part in the attempted murder of your political opponent.

We now know the Local Law enforcement tried to offer drone over watch the day before and through the night and the SS repeatedly declined. The only person who used a drone that day was the shooter.

Everyone now knows the little shit was a Biden supporter and we know the FBI knew he was a Biden supporter and we all know they tried to cover it up.

The problem for you shitheads is the only reason things are quiet now is because we are heading for a historic blowout win in November. But if you all continue to try to pull your garbage it will not stay quiet.

I don't want you to change. I don't want you to hide these attempts to deflect blame.

I want you people to keep this evil garbage up and in the face of the decent people in the country.

Thank you for letting the mask slip.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“You people would have been thrilled if he got killed. Would that be good enough for you??”

Dear childless cat lady…

Caroline is YOU people, she’s a conservative.

I don't remember a Caroline. I don't really remember her posting anything here under that name. I don't remember this person having any sort of political affiliation.

If someone could point me to a thread she commented in in the past that would be awesome. Maybe I am wrong.

Because I am just going to say what everyone else is thinking.

Caroline is Inga.

Hassayamper said...

I'm going with shrapnel from the teleprompter.

The lefties think this is such a "gotcha!" for some reason.

"Yeah, yeah, he was shot and wounded from relatively close range, with another man dead and two grievously wounded, after a chain of bizarre events for which the very best-case scenario is the most grossly negligent malfeasance the Secret Service has ever committed in its history. But ACKCHOOALLY, he was only hit by shrapnel, not a bullet. Why is he still crying about it?"

In any case, it's such complete horse shit that I'm surprised even the likes of you would swallow it. The teleprompters were in front of him, where they always are, i.e. facing his LEFT ear when his head was turned towards the right. They were also intact in photographs taken afterwards.

I suppose his right ear might have been struck by a fragment from some other object that was hit by a bullet, but it wasn't a teleprompter.

Lucien said...

Only seven more years before Barron is old enough to be elected to Congress.

Iman said...

You may need a humility bullshit tag now, Prof. Althouse.

Big Mike said...

What is this some kind of purity test?

@Vault Dweller, of course not. My point, which I perceive I could have made clearer, is that “conservative” to a person as extreme as Inga might actually be pretty far left of center. Caroline’s comment does not mark her as being right or center-right in my eyes. That someone would tell another person how he (or she) should mentally process an event does not strike me as being particularly conservative.

Sorry for my lack of clarity.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim at said...

I'm going with shrapnel from the teleprompter.

If that's the case, then it should be very easy for you to provide us with a picture of that broken teleprompter.

And then we'll counter is with a picture of the teleprompters being completely intact.

Your move, brainiac.

effinayright said...

Rich said...
“I think with respect to former President Trump there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that you know hit his ear.” ~ FBI Director Wray told Congress

I'm going with shrapnel from the teleprompter.


I'm going with you are an asshole.

The teleprompters were not damaged. What's more, they were to Trump's front, while he was hit on his right ear facing away from them.

Inga said...

Achilles, you really are a weirdo.

“I don't remember a Caroline. I don't really remember her posting anything here under that name. I don't remember this person having any sort of political affiliation.

If someone could point me to a thread she commented in in the past that would be awesome. Maybe I am wrong.

Because I am just going to say what everyone else is thinking.

Caroline is Inga.”

Blogger Caroline said...
Thing is, he is 100% correct. Every time I see a thirty-something, lulu-lemon clad woman walking her one, two, three dogs…i want to yell out of the window, “get married! Have a baby!” Because they are 100% lavishing their peak fertile years’ maternal instincts on the puppies. Dems dark world is void of the romance of life. Let them sell their vision of a society in which the highest good is abortion, sterilization, atomization, bodily mutilation. I admire The hell out of conservatives like Vance who are willing to make the case that human flourishing is tethered to natural law…that man and woman He created us, and that there is meaning and purpose in our sexuality, and that it must be directed toward the good of the family. Any civilization that does not promote family, revere fertility, sanctify marriage, is doomed.

7/25/24, 2:42 PM


I Use Computers to Write Words said...

"This is so….Donald."

Hey, it's sexist to refer to politicians by their first name.

chickelit said...

Inga said...Caroline isn’t a leftie, she is a conservative.

Says who? You? lol

gadfly said...

Former President Donald Trump's relationship with professional wrestling and WWE has spanned decades. While he's not the first U.S. president to admire the sport, no president has had such direct links to the industry as Trump. As the most polarizing figure in American politics, Donald Trump continues to cast a large shadow even after his presidency ended in 2020. His long-standing relationship with Vince McMahon and WWE still endures, spanning over three decades.

According to Wiki, in professional wrestling, "blading" is the practice of intentionally cutting oneself to provoke bleeding. It is also known as "juicing", "gigging", or "getting color". Similarly, a blade is an object used for blading, and a bladejob is a specific act of blading. And whatever Dopey Donald doesn't know about blading, Vince does, So I always disbelieve Trump and wonder why no real medical reports have been forthcoming two weeks after Butler.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Shooter had a “clear line of sight” from the rooftop to Trump across the stage left to right (everyone agrees). Behind the steel reinforced lectern. And the glass of the ’prompter is bullet-resistant. So other than the loony shrapnel theory being obviously untrue it is also the least likely explanation given the known evidence and 100% of the photos and videos taken of the event.

Why is this distinction without a difference so important to the loony left? Is shrapnel not dangerous in their imaginations? Reagan almost died from a ricochet!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

PS In that photo Barron looks as much like Charlie Kirk as he does a young Trump. Same height too. We got a crop of young and very tall Republicans maturing out there. Better hire more tall USSS agents.

Rusty said...

You just keep thinkin' there, Gadfly. Someday you'll get good at it.

Curious George said...

Coop said...
This is both luck and skill. The luck here is the placement of the secondary subject attributes like the SS folks heads, the flag etc, and how the relate to the primary subject, which is Trump while all subjects are in motion. The skill is being able to get things in frame while bullets are flying and chaos is erupting on the stage."

Great photo, but at the point the photo was taken the bullets had stopped flying, the shooter's brains were splattered all over the roof, and the erupting chaos is gone. The photog had set himself up to the right side of the stage and was ready when the SS agents helped Trump up. Trump was yelling "wait, wait!" so he could address the crowd and fist pump. This pause was when the photo was taken.

Caroline said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caroline said...

I’m an old school conservative, you remember those values: Thrift, Prudence, Modesty, temperance, fortitude, justice.

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