July 5, 2024

"I have the answer to the Crooked Joe Biden Incompetence Puzzle — Let’s do another Debate, but this time, no holds barred."

"An all on discussion, with just the two of us on stage, talking about the future of our Country. The ratings were massive for the First Debate, record setting, in fact, but this one, because of the format, would blow everything away! Let Joe explain why he wants Open Borders, with millions of people, and many violent criminals from parts unknown, pouring into our once great Nation, or why he wants Men Playing in Women’s Sports, or demand ALL ELECTRIC VEHICLES within five years, or why he allowed INFLATION TO RUN RAMPANT, destroying the people of our Country, and so much more. It would also, under great pressure, prove his 'competence,' or lack thereof. Likewise it would be yet another test for me. What a great evening it would be, just the two of us, one on one, in a good, old fashioned Debate, the way they used to be. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!!!"


Captain BillieBob said...

Trump should show up in Madison today and throw down at Biden's rally. If he can find out where it is.

God of the Sea People said...

I wonder if any enterprising reporters will ask the Biden campaign about this?

doctrev said...

I love the Rocky V style you picture, BillieBob. Nonetheless, Donald Trump has the charisma and intelligence to set up an independent debate with RFK Jr. As a way to remind the American people that we weren't always ruled by gormless puppets, it would be fatal to the Biden campaign.

Which is why Trump will leave it for after the DNC convention, if he does it at all. Why pile on against a corpse?

Jersey Fled said...

I like it. Of course it would never happen.

OTOH when your opponent is in a hole, just stand by and watch him keep digging . I’m expecting a Biden campaign implosion in 3,2,1 …

Roger Sweeny said...

I'll give Trump the border and XYs in women's sports, but he is as guilty as Biden on inflation. Substantial inflation always requires substantial monetary expansion and big deficits almost always result in significant monetary expansion. He is just as bad as Biden about running big deficits. No one has the courage to say, "I will cut this program" or "I will raise this tax."

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Clyburn made Biden president.
Clyburn will break him, for the good of the Party.

Dave Begley said...

Joe Biden will be resigning next week. FACT.

doctrev said...

Roger Sweeny said...
Substantial inflation always requires substantial monetary expansion and big deficits almost always result in significant monetary expansion.

7/5/24, 7:39 AM

European economic contraction and insane sanctions on Russia contributed heavily to this. President Trump might be able to slow things down by exposing the lies of Fuhrer RatFace before stopping all support to Ukraine. Even so, America needs massive industrialization and repudiation of financial oligarchy. President Trump can do it, if it can be done.

M Jordan said...

Trump is trying to keep Biden in. That’s his play here. Get him mad, give him a second shot at debate, etc. Biden has a massive ego and an equally massive hatred of Trump. It might work.

Oso Negro said...

@ Dave Begley - From the campaign or the office?

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Roger S. and doctrev are technically and economically correct about inflation and its causes, and Trump's role.
But, this is politics.
Whenever inflation is discussed, Trump and his surrogates only have to bring up Biden's silly claim that inflation was 9% when he took office.
The conversation will then highlight Biden's disconnection from reality, his disregard for or lack of awareness of the truth, the cognitive wasteland that is his brain.
Bring it on.


Justabill said...

You can tell from that statement that Trump used to be at least tangentially involved in professional wrestling. Very well done.

doctrev said...

West TX Intermediate Crude said...
Roger S. and doctrev are technically and economically correct about inflation and its causes, and Trump's role.
But, this is politics.

7/5/24, 8:05 AM

Right on all counts. President Trump wants to work with the big corporations to make America a solvent nation again. But if they keep trying to anklebite him, "loot the banks" will have a variety of positive advantages for MAGA.

gilbar said...

ONLY ONE REASON not to have that debate.. Democrats would LOSE EVERY OFFICE IN THE COUNTRY
Including California and New York

planetgeo said...

3D chess VS checkers. And put it on Pay-Per-View with the proceeds going for completion of the wall and airline costs for deportation.

AMDG said...

Well, he kept it up almost a week.

While Biden and the Democrats implode Trump should just shut up. While his every utterance sends a thrill up the leg of every tRump Swab it does remind undecided and independent voters of why they despise him.

The election will be won by the side that can make it about the other guy. Trump’s compulsion o make himself the center of every news cycle is very counter productive.

The point is not that Trump is leading against a dementia patient. The issue is why is he not leading by 20 points.

The Middle Coast said...

Trump does not need to debate Biden again. He already beat Biden soundly. Next debate, Trump should send his VP pick to debate Biden.

narciso said...

Dems dont care about the future neither do you you have seen the collapse of nearly every institution and yell orange man like a retarded pigboy

Rusty said...

BillieBob Thorton said...
"Trump should show up in Madison today and throw down at Biden's rally. If he can find out where it is."

Are phone booths still a thing?

Drago said...

I see AMDG, the Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer, is still wetting his pants over Trump every second of every day.

Just like his democratical lawfare allies.

John henry said...

I said earlier this week that this is what he should do.

Someone said pedjt should keep quiet for the moment and they were right.

But now is the time.

I do think pedjt should couch the challenge as "you were tired and had a cold, joe. Just not on top of your game. Let's do it over when you are in top form."

John Henry

Mikey NTH said...

I still hold to the theory that Trump is goading Biden into staying, only now he's goading the Democrats to make a decision, turning the dial on the internal fight to 11.

Rusty said...

Let me get this straight. You're embarrassed by Trump, but you're not embarrassed by Biden?
Don't vote for him, then. Vote for Kamala.
" The issue is why is he not leading by 20 points."
Maybe he should hire you as his campaign manager. Two thirds of the country aren't even engaged yet. Traditionally that holds true up to the last few weeks of the election cycle. Trump is trying to change that. "Ooooo! He talks too much!" He doesn't talk too much. You don't listen enough.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump knows Biden can't accept.

I wonder if Trump wants to finish Biden off now, betting that Kamala has to be given the Dem nomination, and she is easier to beat? Force your opponents into chaos. The loyal liberal sheep will stay in place, but the rest of sane America isn't going to go for this.

The hand washing liberal voters will defect to RFK Jr. It will give the cowardly plausible deniability. Only absentee voter fraud and liberal white women can the Dems now.

Is a Kamala Harris Presidency bring anyone here a feeling of peace and calm? At least she's more masculine than WI Gov Tony Evers.

gspencer said...

A No-Holds Barred debate? I'm all for that.

I'm reminded of one of those rare times when SNL was sort of funny and wasn't all-Democrat-all-the-time. The skit - reporting on the All-Drugs-Allowed Olympics held, naturally, in Bogota,


Gusty Winds said...

Blogger AMDG said...

While Biden and the Democrats implode Trump should just shut up.

Thank God you're not a general. If you you see your enemy confused and in chaos, you push them over the edge. Dems are going to start eating each other. Some thirsting for the free, no voter nomination, some fleeing from it knowing it's better to wait for 2028; like DeSantis should have done.

If Biden stays, who is going to get on stage and campaign with him? WI Senator Tammy Baldwin is showing up in Madison, WI today. Anybody want to campaign with Kamala?

Trump needs to keep up the pressure.

traditionalguy said...

At this point President Trump is using slow water torture on the nasty pos criminal whose political career has been based entirely on lies and bribes intentionally done in a mean way all just to prove that he can get away with it.

MadTownGuy said...

Saith DJT:

"Let Joe explain why he wants Open Borders, with millions of people, and many violent criminals from parts unknown, pouring into our once great Nation, or why he wants...

Men Playing in Women’s Sports, or...

His handlers want fewer deplorables and more disruption of cultural norms.

demand ALL ELECTRIC VEHICLES within five years, or...
The end game is no private transportation. The infrastructure isn't there for all-electric personal vehicles and it won't ever be there.

why he allowed INFLATION TO RUN RAMPANT, destroying the people of our Country, and so much more. It would also, under great pressure, prove his 'competence,' or lack thereof."
Cloward-Piven, the fast track to Socialism.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Record setting"... "Biggest ever!" - be nice if Trump could stop focusing on "largest ever!" etc..

Unnecessary verbal clutter.

Paddy O said...

"Trump should show up in Madison today and throw down at Biden's rally."

Now I have the image of Trump acting out the Mr. T role from Rocky 3.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Husk Mob Puppet and Husk Mob Puppet handlers will never agree to this.


AMDG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

AMDG said...
Well, he kept it up almost a week.

While Biden and the Democrats implode Trump should just shut up. While his every utterance sends a thrill up the leg of every tRump Swab it does remind undecided and independent voters of why they despise him.

Trump got 15 million more votes than any of your failures because he reaches independent voters.

We are growing the party right now because we don’t listen to or care about people like you. We are replacing people like you 10 to 1 with minorities and working class voters.

Chuck is more honest than you are. He at least admits he is supporting the democrats.

AMDG said...

Blogger Rusty said...
Let me get this straight. You're embarrassed by Trump, but you're not embarrassed by Biden?
Don't vote for him, then. Vote for Kamala.
" The issue is why is he not leading by 20 points."
Maybe he should hire you as his campaign manager. Two thirds of the country aren't even engaged yet. Traditionally that holds true up to the last few weeks of the election cycle. Trump is trying to change that. "Ooooo! He talks too much!" He doesn't talk too much. You don't listen enough.

7/5/24, 8:38 AM


I am embarrassed by both Trump and Biden.

The hold that Trump has over people is an enduring mystery to me. He is a man with no redeeming qualities. He is untruthful, untrustworthy, unfaithful, disloyal, incompetent and the world’s most notorious golf cheat. He does not have an honorable bone in his body and would sell anyone out in a second.

When it comes to policy he is incoherent and certainly not conservative.

His proposal to replace the income tax with tarrifs is nothing short of retarted. Even those who support trade wars know this.

His proposal to build “Freedom Cities”, given our experience with urban renewal shows a lack of understanding the lessons of history and show that he is about a conservative as the average Kennedy.

His refusal to address our most serious issue, the rise of the national debt is malpractice. He advocates leaving entitlements alone because it will force difficult decisions when the true impact of his indecision will come long after he is in the ground.

While Trump prefers his war heroes not to be captured I prefer my political leaders not to advocate for the termination of the Constitution. When he did this in December of 2022 he forever rendered himself unfit for office.

AMDG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

AMDG said...

When it comes to policy he is incoherent and certainly not conservative.

Remember Conservative = Losing to democrats. The label forces ideological possession and lack of critical thought.

His proposal to replace the income tax with tariffs is nothing short of retarted. Even those who support trade wars know this

Tariffs are taxes. You have to tax something. The end affect of this is that it becomes cheaper to build things in the US and more expensive to import from other countries.

Why would AMDG think this is "retarted?"

His proposal ti build "Freedom Cities", given our experience with urban renewal shows a lack of understanding the lessons of history and show that he is about as conservative as the average Kennedy.

Again the use of "conservative" to limit the appeal of the Republican party to working class and independents.

This is where AMDG just reminds everyone his goal is to lose to democrats.

His refusal to address our most serious issue, the rise of the national debt is malpractice. He advocates leaving entitlements alone because it will force difficult decisions when the true impact of his indecision will come long after he is in the ground.

Trump does address this. At 12 minutes in this video he starts answering questions from a person who hates him.

We have to grow our way out. We have to use our natural resources and we have to grow our economy. We have to clean up our government.

AMDG's problem with Trump is that Trump is a Republican that actually tries to win.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Biden is an actual criminal. Perhaps you should focus.

Mason G said...

"Record setting"... "Biggest ever!" - be nice if Trump could stop focusing on "largest ever!" etc..

He said lots of other stuff, too. But that's what you picked out to comment on. You seem to be the one focusing on it.

doctrev said...

Drago said...
I see AMDG, the Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer, is still wetting his pants over Trump every second of every day.

7/5/24, 8:34 AM

I genuinely think RDS would have been viable after Iowa, but not in a position to immediately win, if not for his campaign's absolutely terrible taste in social media influencers. To call them cultlike denies the success of the average cult.

tcrosse said...

I can imagine Trump as P.T. Bridgeport in Pogo, speaking in elaborate fonts.

Drago said...

AMDG, I don't think Ron is going to cuddle with you simply because you keep posting the same complaints (which have been debunked, particularly Greg handing you your arse on tariffs) day after day after day as you wait desperately for your democratical lawfare allies to take Trump out and your GOPe heroes to remove Trump from the ticket at the convention.

No one is fooled by you and your Steve Deace loser team.

Rusty said...

AMDG said,
"The hold that Trump has over people is an enduring mystery to me."
I've explained this to people like you till I'm tired of explaining. Go into the archives and find what I've said.
Because you're a Democrat and exist for the narrative and vote in lockstep for Democrats you find it difficult to think that conservatives have a more nuanced view of things.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

51 on-the-take former CIA/FBI agents came to Crook Joe's rescue and said that Hunter's laptop "had all the hallmark's of Russian dis-information"

That was and is - A TOTAL LIE. A lie to aid Crook Joe. Also - election interference.

Drago said...

doctrev: "I genuinely think RDS would have been viable after Iowa, but not in a position to immediately win, if not for his campaign's absolutely terrible taste in social media influencers. To call them cultlike denies the success of the average cult."

It is astonishing how absolutely loathsome and off-putting the DeSantis social media team happened to be, perfectly represented by AMDG, and how they drove voters away in the social media space. Incredible really. A Case Study in "shot in own foot" syndrome.

It was almost as if an opponent of DeSantis created his social media team and sabotaged DeSantis.

Again, PERFECTLY represented by AMDG. But only perfectly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump-Humpers. (you know who you are)

Your hatred of DeSantis does not help your cause. Just makes you look like the flip side of loyalist democratics.

Not sure if you know this - but DeSantis dropped out - and Trump won the nomination.

Drago said...

doctrev: "I genuinely think RDS would have been viable after Iowa, but not in a position to immediately win, if not for his campaign's absolutely terrible taste in social media influencers."

Remember, DeSantis blew thru $200M+ in campaign funds and campaigned in every single Iowa county.....and we all saw the results.

Interestingly enough, Iowa farmers were at the center of the tariff battles during the Trump administration and they voted overwhelmingly for Trump....because they know the actual score....not just the inside the beltway/globalist/pro-democratical spin that AMDG vomits up everyday.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Headline at insty:


Unclebiffy said...

Wouldn't it be nice if someone, anyone in the media would ask Biden these questions? In this or a similar form? They are not that incendiary. A significant part of the population would like to hear his response.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter Drago - Like a flip-side leftist. How dare anyone challenge dick-stepper Trump!

donald said...

Well AMDG, Donald Trump is hand’s down, it’s not even close, the best president of my lifetime. Of course, I hate public corruption, non stop foreign war, illegal immigration, violent crime, and respect from foreign governments. Now you may laugh at that last one. But the fact of the matter is, those countries knew he was not fucking around when it came to placing the interests of America first. Grow up.

Drago said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "Trump-Humpers. (you know who you are)

Your hatred of DeSantis does not help your cause. Just makes you look like the flip side of loyalist democratics."

No one hates DeSantis you blithering idiot.

We simply know more of the details about the globalists and GOPe-ers that drove the DeSantis campaign and we don't trust it.

We've given you those details hundreds of times but you are incapable of researching it, internalizing it and understanding what it means. So, in your stupidity, you simply assign it to cult-like behavior.

Again, because you don't really seem to know anything....which is why the GOPe loves having you around. You are quite useful to them.

Ralph L said...

He's so mean!
Women won't like it.

Achilles said...

doctrev said...

I genuinely think RDS would have been viable after Iowa, but not in a position to immediately win, if not for his campaign's absolutely terrible taste in social media influencers. To call them cultlike denies the success of the average cult.

Look at who Ron Desantis hired to run his campaign.

Look at who gave Ron Desantis record amounts of cash.

Look at where Ron Desantis went to school.

Look at Ron's complete lack of real world accomplishment.

Most importantly look at what Ron Desantis did when he was a congressman in 2017-2018. He blocked Trump from building the wall and he helped Paul Ryan fight Trump on the budget.

Ron Desantis based his campaign on the lawfare taking Trump out.

Ron Desantis was just Nikki Haley with slightly more awareness of reality.

hombre said...

Trump is such a blowhard. Fortuitously, the format of this last debate favored him, not Biden.

doctrev said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not sure if you know this - but DeSantis dropped out - and Trump won the nomination.

7/5/24, 9:54 AM

As I often enjoy clarifying. But I don't hate DeSantis. I don't hate you. I don't evenparticularly blame him for accepting a great flood of globalist money- it was a lot of cash to buy the nomination! If he had resisted their policy changes, he might (or might not) have become the nominee.

It's how it is.

Kay said...

Meh, i still wouldn’t watch it.

Achilles said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump-Humpers. (you know who you are)

Your hatred of DeSantis does not help your cause. Just makes you look like the flip side of loyalist democratics.

Not sure if you know this - but DeSantis dropped out - and Trump won the nomination.

Cry more.

Ron Desantis was the Uniparty's attempt to return to Republican loser ways.

You call us names and spent the last 8 years disrespecting and condescending to Trump supporters. Trump is expanding the party and gives us a chance to save the country.

The problem is Desantis supporters. You have been wrong about everything. This was made clear in 2012 when you forced us to run with Mitt Romney. Since then you failed to push Jeb, Marco, Ted, Ron, and Nikki and all of the other losers on us.

In 2016 Trump gave you a fig leaf with Mike Pence. Then after elected he tried to work with your establishment douchebags and he was betrayed over and over and over again.

Then you people wanted to crawl back to the same traitors that betrayed Trump and supported a guy who's entire campaign was a Nevertrump fantasy based on putting Trump in jail for "crimes."

We will never make progress listening to Desantis supporters. You are wrong about everything and as AMDG shows your only goal is to adhere to "conservative principles" that just mean losing to Democrats.

If you want to get butthurt because we don't listen to you anymore that is fine. We don't need to listen to your childish name calling.

We are replacing you 10 to 1 with new voters who like the party now with Trump in charge. We are not going to go back and we are not going to stop reminding you how wrong you have been.

If you want to grow up you can join us.

Saint Croix said...

They ought to do it while they play golf.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

No one hates DeSantis you blithering idiot.

We simply know more of the details about the globalists and GOPe-ers that drove the DeSantis campaign and we don't trust it.

And drove Desantis when he was a Congressman.

He actively betrayed his voters and helped Paul Ryan.

It is true I don't necessarily hate traitors. Hatred is a foolish emotion. But Ron Desantis has already on numerous occasions betrayed the people that voted for him.

His supporters have also demonstrated a complete willingness to lose to democrats for no better reason that to call Trump supporters various names.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles -

YOU cry more. baby.

In a Constitutional Republic - the people get to choose candidates.

With you - it is Trump or bust. Trump won - and you are still butt-hurt. Get over yourselves.

DeSantis can string whole adult sentences together - and he is a successful governor. Drives humpers up walls.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw - If Trump is so popular and on the cusp of winning big - he should be 6-10 points ahead.

AMDG said...

Whether it be the House, the Senate, the state legislatures, and Governorships the GOP is in a worse place since the ascension of Trump. He is Ballot Box Poison.

Saying Trump was good President is like saying the Atlanta Falcons had a good Super Bowl because they had a big lead after 3 quarters. The primary reason for his failure of leadership is that he kowtowed to the deep state denizens that the tRump Swabs think he will take on.

Achilles - what does Trump plan to about the debt? You tell me. And yes, his tax plan is retarded. Imports are at $4.0T. Tell me how you get $2.5T in tax revenue. The answer you can’t and if you try you will crash the world’s economy. Only an incompetent stupid person would make such a proposal.

Notice how the tRump Swabs always gloss over Trump’s character and his desire to terminate the Constitution. If you accept a man of Trump’s character any attempt to call an opposing candidate’s character into question is nothing short of hypocrisy of the worst kind. Biden is not a good person but you tRump Swabs have no currency to call him out for it given the human garbage heap that you worship without question.

The tRump Swabs are no different from the Climate Cultists and the DEI freaks. They so wedded to their narrative that they refuse to deal with its contradictions so they lie. Probably to avoid coming to the realization that they are dupes. They are no different from the battered wife who refuses to see their husband for what he is even though it is clearly evident to everyone around him.

tolkein said...

According to RCP, Trump is up, v Biden
+4 Forbes
+6 NYT/Siena
+6 WSJ
+6 CNN
+10 Rasmussen

There's few showing much less, but it'a few
Maybe Trump is winning bigly

AMDG said...

Blogger Achilles said...
Drago said...

No one hates DeSantis you blithering idiot.

We simply know more of the details about the globalists and GOPe-ers that drove the DeSantis campaign and we don't trust it.

And drove Desantis when he was a Congressman.

He actively betrayed his voters and helped Paul Ryan.

It is true I don't necessarily hate traitors. Hatred is a foolish emotion. But Ron Desantis has already on numerous occasions betrayed the people that voted for him.

His supporters have also demonstrated a complete willingness to lose to democrats for no better reason that to call Trump supporters various names.

7/5/24, 10:24 AM


The biggest achievements during Trump’s term, the tax cuts and judges, were the brain children of Ryan and McConnell, two of the tRump Swabs’ biggest targets for their two minutes of hate.

holdfast said...

By posting this on truth social, it guarantees that it will mostly be seen by his fans and not so much by Normies.

minnesota farm guy said...

I think Trump has learned the following: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” But he has always known, and this invitation proves that, goading him into expanding that mistake is an acceptable tactic. In all the fuss about Biden's collapse there is very little mention that Trump read the situation right and allowed the debate to happen knowing that Joe was beyond the pale.

Interesting that people bad mouth Trump because he considers using tariffs since it was the original means that the Founders intended to fund the new government. For the entire history of the country tariffs have been used: to raise revenue; to encourage the development of domestic industry; and to use as a lever in trade negotiations. Once again Trump is signaling that he wants the people we trade with to be prepared to negotiate, but the commentariat is too stupid and inexperienced to figure it out.

Trump whipped DeSantis fair and square. I am not sure why. DeSantis certainly seemed to be wholly qualified and potentially popular. I guess there was just no way to overcome the rabid Trump core. Frankly, I thought Trump's policies in his first term were pretty much what this country needed and today even more so. During his presidency the " Common man" actually benefited unlike the clobbering he is taking under Biden. The Democratic party has turned into the party of the rich and well connected. Time to turn them out.

Achilles said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Achilles -

YOU cry more. baby.

In a Constitutional Republic - the people get to choose candidates.

With you - it is Trump or bust. Trump won - and you are still butt-hurt. Get over yourselves.

DeSantis can string whole adult sentences together - and he is a successful governor. Drives humpers up walls.

I preferred Vivek. You just can't deal with reality. This is not about Trump. This will not end with Trump.

Vivek and a host of other people are going to be the leaders of the Republican party in 2028. We are going to continue to ignore you and your childishness in 2028 and beyond.

It will not be Desantis or Haley or any of the other losers from your Romney/Bush/Pence GOPe.

You can vote for our candidates.

But we will forever remind you that you are losers and you have been wrong about everything since Ross Perot ran in 1992.

doctrev said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
btw - If Trump is so popular and on the cusp of winning big - he should be 6-10 points ahead.

7/5/24, 10:25 AM

The butthurt is real. Nonetheless, Trump isn't overly boasting about the lead he has. He really wants that Biden rematch. Too bad the internal polling likely does have Trump this far ahead. The Rats will take desperate measures.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drive that message into the ditch.
Tired. Boring. Old.

Drago said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "btw - If Trump is so popular and on the cusp of winning big - he should be 6-10 points ahead."


July 3, 20242:26 PM MDT
Updated 2 days ago

"Trump leads Biden in new polls by New York Times, Wall Street Journal
By Reuters

The New York Times and Siena College poll showed Trump, a Republican, building a 6 percentage point lead - 49% to 43% - over Biden, a Democrat, among registered voters that the Times considered likely to cast ballots in the Nov. 5 election. It was Trump's largest lead in a Times/Siena poll since 2015, when he was campaigning ahead of his 2016 presidential election victory. Among all registered voters in the poll, Trump led by 9 points.

The Wall Street Journal poll showed Trump with a 6 point lead over Biden, compared to a 2 point lead in a survey that the Journal carried out in February."


Drago said...

minnesota Farm Guy: "Trump whipped DeSantis fair and square. I am not sure why. DeSantis certainly seemed to be wholly qualified and potentially popular. I guess there was just no way to overcome the rabid Trump core. Frankly, I thought Trump's policies in his first term were pretty much what this country needed and today even more so."


Your last sentence fully answers your first several sentences/questions.

Drago said...

Think about how oblivious you would have to be to write this....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "btw - If Trump is so popular and on the cusp of winning big - he should be 6-10 points ahead."

...when that is precisely what the polls currently show?

Which is why AMDG's GOPe/drmocratical lawfare allies are panicking.

Not to worry AMDG. I am quite certain your deep state pals are cooking something up as a last resort to screw over the republican base voters.

Drago said...

minnesota farm guy: "Interesting that people bad mouth Trump because he considers using tariffs since it was the original means that the Founders intended to fund the new government. For the entire history of the country tariffs have been used: to raise revenue; to encourage the development of domestic industry; and to use as a lever in trade negotiations. Once again Trump is signaling that he wants the people we trade with to be prepared to negotiate, but the commentariat is too stupid and inexperienced to figure it out."

Common sensical and historically well grounded comments like this will only set off another round of AMDG butt-hurtness and lashing out.

effinayright said...

Gusty Winds said...
Trump knows Biden can't accept.

I wonder if Trump wants to finish Biden off now,

Me too. I also wonder if Trump ever played that gory game "Mortal Combat", where the winner stands triumphantly over his fallen-but-not-yet dead opponent and a cold voice says, "Finish him!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drag-queen is offical DeSantis Hate-Club grand poobah.

As far as Trump increasing his lead in the polls. GOOD!
That said -the left sure do stay confident in Biden's ability to "win."

Suggestions for cockiness? negative.

William50 said...

Wisconsin Supreme Court changes course, will allow expanded use of ballot drop boxes this fall

Trump now has no chance of winning Wisconsin regardless of what the polls say. The fix is in.

NKP said...

Look at Ron's complete lack of real world accomplishment.

Ron fought The Mouse and The Mouse lost.

Ron fought the Ed. Establishment and Ron is winning.

Ron fought Fauci and Florida stayed open.

PM said...

Dear Donald,
You won the debate.
You saw Joe's brain-lock and were compassionate.
No more debates.
Elder abuse is unbecoming.

Leland said...

Part of me wants Trump to keep quiet while the Democrats are imploding. However, he needs to keep his own momentum. He can't go off and be quiet until November and assume the Democrat implosion will carry him. Trump needs to keep pushing his policy ideas and noting how they differ from Democrats, so ultimately, I think his comment in Truth Social is doing this.

Give the Democrat implosion oxygen, but don't let it have all the oxygen.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drag-queen is offical DeSantis Hate-Club grand poobah.

As far as Trump increasing his lead in the polls. GOOD!
That said -the left sure do stay confident in Biden's ability to "win."

Suggestions for cockiness? negative.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NKP - watch it - the Humper's be angry.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago is offical DeSantis Hate-Club grand poobah.

As far as Trump increasing his lead in the polls. GOOD!
That said -the left sure do stay confident in Biden's ability to "win."

Suggestions for cockiness? negative.

Achilles said...

NKP said...

Look at Ron's complete lack of real world accomplishment.

Ron fought The Mouse and The Mouse lost.

Ron fought the Ed. Establishment and Ron is winning.

Ron fought Fauci and Florida stayed open.

Ron unconstitutionally locked down Florida. This is worse than anything Trump did. Ron wasn't being impeached by both parties at the time either.

Outside of that failure Ron's term as governor is just as successful as Jeb's.

But Jeb had even less globalist cash than Ron and he got more delegates.

Oh and you people never mention Ron's time in Congress in 2017-18 because Ron Desantis sided with Paul Ryan and showed everyone who he truly was.

Good work.

AMDG said...

To all the tRump Swab’s who propagate the lie that DeSantis is a deep state rino GOPe who betrays the “base” at every turn. It can only be because this is what their Lord & Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump told them to think - please list all of the actions taken by Governor DeSantis that offended them. What are his policies that have advanced the interests of the Deep State. I am looking for policies and actions here. Being in the same room with Jeb Bush doesn’t count.

Drago loves to point out at every opportunity that I am salty that Trump is the nominee. Well he is correct. I am at a loss as to how someone can put Trump and DeSantis side by side whether it be accomplishments in running a government, building a party, successfully taking on entrenched interests, and character and decide that Trump is the better candidate. There is absolutely no logical reason for it. This leaves out the fact that Trump can only serve one term so he will be a lame duck after the 2026 elections.

The only thing I can think of is that, like TDS, their Trump Sycophancy Syndrome has eaten their brains.

Drago said...

Blogger Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "Drago is offical DeSantis Hate-Club grand poobah."


She hears nothing. She understands nothing.

AMDG said...

Blogger Achilles said...
NKP said...

Look at Ron's complete lack of real world accomplishment.

Ron fought The Mouse and The Mouse lost.

Ron fought the Ed. Establishment and Ron is winning.

Ron fought Fauci and Florida stayed open.

Ron unconstitutionally locked down Florida. This is worse than anything Trump did. Ron wasn't being impeached by both parties at the time either.

Outside of that failure Ron's term as governor is just as successful as Jeb's.

But Jeb had even less globalist cash than Ron and he got more delegates.

Oh and you people never mention Ron's time in Congress in 2017-18 because Ron Desantis sided with Paul Ryan and showed everyone who he truly was.

Good work.

7/5/24, 11:56 AM


When you have to lie to maintain your narrative perhaps it is time to give up the narrative.

Trump was vocal in his criticism of both Governor’s Kemp and DeSantis when they reopened against the wishes Trump’s deep state masters. Your insistence to maintain the opposite is bordering on a mental condition.

Who said this in April 11th 2018: “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question, We are with you Paul”. It was not the evil DeSantis, it was your Lord and Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump.

It was good of Trump to call Ryan something that could never be said of himself: “[He] is truly a good man”

AMDG said...

Blogger Drago said...
Blogger Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "Drago is offical DeSantis Hate-Club grand poobah."


She hears nothing. She understands nothing.

7/5/24, 12:07 PM


This is rich coming from a tRump Swab - collectively the most delusional peo0,e in the nation.

Achilles said...

AMDG said...

When you have to lie to maintain your narrative perhaps it is time to give up the narrative.

You are just a stupid person. Nobody cares what you think a lie is.

Trump was vocal in his criticism of both Governor’s Kemp and DeSantis when they reopened against the wishes Trump’s deep state masters. Your insistence to maintain the opposite is bordering on a mental condition.

Trump was being impeached at the time. I know you are too stupid to understand what was actually happening at the time. If Trump supported ending the lock downs Pence would have been president long enough to implement nationwide lock downs. We saw what you people were doing and saying at the time.

Who said this in April 11th 2018: “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question, We are with you Paul”. It was not the evil DeSantis, it was your Lord and Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump.

It was good of Trump to call Ryan something that could never be said of himself: “[He] is truly a good man”

I hope Trump learned from his mistake. We should never trust you scumbags again.

I have been vocal in my opinion that Trump's biggest mistake was working with the GOPe. This time I hope he is under no misconceptions about who and what you people are.

Bye traitor. Nobody likes you except your pedo friends at Bulwark. Chuck is a more honest person than you are.

AMDG said...

Achilles: Trump supported lockdowns because he was being impeached and if he didn’t support the a President Pence would implement them? And my support of the actions of DeSantis and Kemp’s ending the lockdowns is really my way of secretly supporting President Pence implementing the lockdowns that Trump was supporting? Yeah go with that.

Now, I ask the Althouse world - what is a more reasonable explanation for Trump’s management of COVID. Achilles’ explanation as out lined above or perhaps it is because, behind all the bluster, the Big Baffoon is a lousy leader who didn’t know what the hell he was doing so he folded under pressure and acquiesced to his Deep State buddies?

Interested Bystander said...

I agree with hombre above ^^. The last debate was the perfect setup for Trump. He had to stand there and listen and he couldn't interrupt and Biden couldn't try to shout him down like he did in the 2020 debates.

I'd like to see something like Trump proposes but with some real debate rules where each candidate gets time to speak and the other one gets time for a rebuttal then they go on to the next question. But don't use the tight time limitations the networks llike to use. Give them 5 minutes to develop an idea and another 5 for the rebuttal. They need enough time for a well thought out discussion not just zingers and soundbites.

JAORE said...

Our youngest (33) just proposed a survey. Write a list of jobs/positions stratified by mental difficulty.

Say 10 jobs. Beginning with Wal-Mart greeter. Then host, assigning tables at a restaurant. Up through manager of a small business. Regional CEO of (say) an Apple facility. Finally POTUS.

Make your own list.

Now, starting at Wal-Mart greeter check "yes" for the positions you find Biden is capable of performing.

Sadly I think many would (at least mentally) check "No" on most but proudly mark "Yes" for POTUS.

Kevin said...

Biden has no intention of defending his record.

His intention was to run against Trump, and focus on Trump as a terrible human being who "cannot be trusted with power".

That didn't work in the first debate, which was partly to blame for Biden's meltdown.

JAORE said...

"Who said this in April 11th 2018: “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question, We are with you Paul”. It was not the evil DeSantis, it was your Lord and Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump."

Damn. Sure makes Trump look bad

{I remember: I once worked for a jelly spined, roll over and play dead, mean spirited supervisor. When he retired there were a ton of people speaking out. Many had actual opiions ranging from, "What a jerk" to "Burn in Hell!". But the words spoken were "years of service, always a forceful leader. Yada, yada, yada. I guess some people would not understand that...}.

Thank goodness Trump didn't give a hale and farewell for a high ranking Klansman. That should end anyone's political career in today's climate.

Drago said...

Achilles: "Oh and you people never mention Ron's time in Congress in 2017-18 because Ron Desantis sided with Paul Ryan and showed everyone who he truly was.

Good work."

Boulder Idiot, you can skip over this next part. It will just confuse you.

It has been mentioned repeatedly how DeSantia, while in the congress, was Paul Ryan's puppy dog on all trade and economic issues which would screw over the American worker per the globalists requirements. Specifically, TPP and handing obambi Fast Track Authority.

When asked about this directly, AMDG was challenged to explain why we should trust DeSantis on economic and trade issues given that record.

AMDG's response?

Just because.

That's it. Then we had to explain how the loathsome DC insider punk Jeff Roe was running the DeSantis campaign and controlling the money spigot from Team Globalist (see Ken Griffin, amongst others), in addition to Murdoch sliding $10M to DeSantis in the form of a book deal, it was clear DeSantis could not break free, assuming he even wanted to, from Team Globalist.

DeSantis belongs to the Sea Island group and thats all there is to it.

I am guessing the very good people of Iowa, who spent months getting a very up close and personal look at DeSantis saw the obvious as well.

Hence, the DeSantis wipeout. So, according to AMDG and Boulder Idiot, that makes 90% of the republican voters in Iowa unthinking "cult" members.

Gee, its a real mystery why those voters rejected the AMDG's in the DeSantis campaign.

DeSantis couldn't even beat Haley. Explain that one AMDG....

AMDG said...

Blogger JAORE said...
"Who said this in April 11th 2018: “Speaker Paul Ryan is a truly good man, and while he will not be seeking re-election, he will leave a legacy of achievement that nobody can question, We are with you Paul”. It was not the evil DeSantis, it was your Lord and Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump."

Damn. Sure makes Trump look bad

{I remember: I once worked for a jelly spined, roll over and play dead, mean spirited supervisor. When he retired there were a ton of people speaking out. Many had actual opiions ranging from, "What a jerk" to "Burn in Hell!". But the words spoken were "years of service, always a forceful leader. Yada, yada, yada. I guess some people would not understand that...}.

Thank goodness Trump didn't give a hale and farewell for a high ranking Klansman. That should end anyone's political career in today's climate.

7/5/24, 1:13 PM


Yes, because The Big Baffoon is well known for acting with class,dignity, and magnanimity toward people he perceives as enemies.

mccullough said...

Trump trying his best to make Cackala his opponent

Achilles said...

Drago said...

I am guessing the very good people of Iowa, who spent months getting a very up close and personal look at DeSantis saw the obvious as well.

Hence, the DeSantis wipeout. So, according to AMDG and Boulder Idiot, that makes 90% of the republican voters in Iowa unthinking "cult" members.

No. It makes us "Listless Vessels."

Desantis made it clear in his own words that he looked down on Republican voters.

There are not many Republican voters that appreciate this.

Even now AMDG is barely starting to realize that he is in a small hated group of pedo's and sellouts that nobody listens to or cares about anymore.

Republican voters are now an Americans First party. Period.

AMDG said...

If you support Trump you are not America first, you are Trump first. You cannot support a candidate who advocated for the termination of the Constitution and be America first.

You have chosen to love the Big Baffoon more than you love America. You might as well join the Hamas sympathizers burning the American flag.

Drago said...

AMDG: "This is rich coming from a tRump Swab - collectively the most delusional peo0,e in the nation."


Team Lawfare/dem/GOPe/Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer lashes out one more time!

Hassayamper said...

@AMDG - Look, a lot of us like DeSantis and admire what he's done in Florida. We like Vivek too, by and large. I am not a raving fan of Nikki Haley or the rest of the establishment RINOs, but any of them would be miles ahead of the current senile clown puppet and those who are pulling his strings, and I would vote for pretty much any of them if they had won the nomination.

Most of my support for Trump is unrelated to his policies or his personality. It is meant as a message and warning to the Deep State scum that we are their masters. They are our insubordinate hired help, nothing more, and we mean to punish them for interfering with "our holy sacred DEMOCRACY!!!!" while they are drawing a salary from our taxes.

Bloodying their noses at the ballot box is a thousand times preferable to the only alternative that they would otherwise leave us for permanently and definitively removing the shit-stain of their corrupt lawfare and unconstitutional tyranny from our society.

These scheming Byzantine court eunuchs are far, far, FAR more dangerous to all of our freedoms than 4 more years of Trump.

Rusty said...

Achilles said,
"I preferred Vivek. You just can't deal with reality. This is not about Trump. This will not end with Trump."
That's what these left leaning types refuse to grasp. It's not about Trump. It's about us taking our republic back. Trump is just the vehicle.

AMDG said...


I don’t get the love for Vivek. He does not have a sincere bone in his body.

At some level I get the appeal of Trump’s pugnaciousness, however, just going by the election results of 2018, 2020, and 2022 it is not working. Since Trump took office in January of 2017 the GOP has lost:

Control of the Senate
Control of the House (won back with a slim majority)
Republican Governors from 34 to 27
Lost control of several state legislative bodies.

Trump is personally responsible for the GOP losing the Senate. This allowed Biden to pass such inflationary actions like the American Recovery Act and the Inflation Reduction Act.

Trump could be the greatest thing since Washington but he is is useless unless he has a Reoibkican Senate and a Republican House. He does not understand that. My view is that he does not care about it either.

AMDG said...

@Rusty - If Trump is the vupehicke for taking the country back you picked an Edsel.

Old and slow said...

"Bloodying their noses at the ballot box is a thousand times preferable to the only alternative that they would otherwise leave"

Well said. I agree wholeheartedly.

Leland said...

JAORE @12:59pm

That is a good way to gauge Biden at this time. Mentally, I think he could still do Walmart greeter, because I think his short-term recollection is still fairly good. My problem would be him calling everyone Jack or Fat.

Schumer would be fully qualified as Walmart Greeter, including the checking of people leaving as having purchased their goods (not sure Biden could handle it). But Chucky as a Bigger Flipper? Can't trust him not to serve raw food to customers.

Achilles said...

AMDG said...

If you support Trump you are not America first, you are Trump first. You cannot support a candidate who advocated for the termination of the Constitution and be America first.

You have chosen to love the Big Baffoon more than you love America. You might as well join the Hamas sympathizers burning the American flag.

Your democrat allies couldn't have said it any better.

Drago said...

Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG: "@Hassayanmper
I don’t get the love for Vivek. He does not have a sincere bone in his body."


Anyone who would pose the slightest challenge to the GOPe/Dem uniparty is out in AMDG world!

Guess who would pose zero "threat" to the DC Uniparty? Ron DeSantis.

Drago said...

Hassayamper: "Most of my support for Trump is unrelated to his policies or his personality. It is meant as a message and warning to the Deep State scum that we are their masters."

Well there you go. There's the point of disconnect with AMDG. AMDG exists to serve the deep staters and uniparty.

AMDG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AMDG said...


Besides flapping his gums what has Vivek done to advance your agenda.

What are the odds that Drago has settled a dispute with the IRS by buying Apple gift cards and giving the numbers to an IRS agent named John Smith who sounds lo’e Apu from the Simpson?

I would put it at north of 75% - gullible.

Drago said...

Even Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG's "insults", such as they are, are a "tell" on himself.

Yet he clearly believes they are effective.

Come to think of it, he just might fit in perfectly with the self-defeating official DeSantis Online Influencer team, particularly given their undeniable track record of abject failure.

Rusty said...

AMDG said...
"@Rusty - If Trump is the vupehicke for taking the country back you picked an Edsel."

With a continental kit. What would your favorite ,Biden, be? Oh, yeah. A Studabaker Lark.

Rusty said...

Has anyone else noticed that when Biden screws up the usual suspects show up and attempt to make everything about Trump.

Achilles said...

Rusty said...

Has anyone else noticed that when Biden screws up the usual suspects show up and attempt to make everything about Trump.

Do you mean the democrat democrats or the democrats pretending to be republicans?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - your DeSantis hate-obsession smells just like the left's hatred of Trump.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump was being impeached at the time. I know you are too stupid to understand what was actually happening at the time. If Trump supported ending the lock downs Pence would have been president long enough to implement nationwide lock downs. We saw what you people were doing and saying at the time.

Again, Achilles lies boldly. The impeachment trial was over on January 31, the acquittal was formerly filed on February 5, more than a month before the lockdown started.

Drago said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "Drago - your DeSantis hate-obsession smells just like the left's hatred of Trump."

Your inability to absorb information and reason is not my problem.