July 6, 2024

"Have you had the specific cognitive tests, and have you had a neurologist, a specialist, do an examination?"

George Stephanopoulos pushed Joe Biden, in the big ABC interview that aired last night.

Biden had just wafted the theory that the job of being president is itself, inherently, "a full neurological test every day." As if we can just watch him. But we can't watch him. He's been hiding, and he's insulated by others who can cover for all his shortcomings.

Pushed — about "specific cognitive tests" by "a neurologist, a specialist" — Biden said "No. No one said I had to. No one said. They said I'm good."

Well, then, Stephanopoulos asked again, "Would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the American people?"

And Biden repeated the theory that the job itself is the neurological test: "Look. I have a cognitive test every single day." He elaborated, wordily: "Every day I have that test. Everything I do. You know, not only am I campaigning, but I'm running the world" — running the world! — "not-- and that's not hy- — sounds like hyperbole, but we are the essential nation of the world.... I'm workin' on what we were doin' with regard to-- in Europe with regard to expansion of NATO and whether it's gonna stick. I'm takin' on Putin...."

In short, he adamantly refuses to take the specific tests from a specialist and show us the results. Because he's in the difficult job and attempting to do it, shielded from public view, we're supposed to feel assured that he's capable of doing it. I don't feel reassured. But at the same time, I wouldn't trust medical specialists to perform this task of testing the mental competence of political candidates. The specialists are human beings with preferences, who may deploy their expertise to mystify. I actually believe Biden's theory that the test is in the performance of the job. But the big problem is that we haven't been allowed to observe him doing the job. He has not exposed himself in action and his hiding gives rise to an inference that he lacks competence. 


rhhardin said...

Then there's giving cognitive tests to women. The reason that men and women have the same average IQ is that they balance men-questions and women-questions until you get the same average result.

The difference still shows up in voting patterns though, unaccountably if you believe the IQ tests.

rehajm said...

Snuffy IS the test. Now Joe has been thoroughly vetted, nothing to see here, on with the show…

Humperdink said...

Joe Biden: "Look. I have a cognitive test every single day."

Also Joe Biden: "“I’m the guy that shut Putin down"

rhhardin said...

Biden's perfectly sensible answer is that tests don't test what you want to test.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The way to get it done is to make it fun.

Ask him to name as many animals as he can in one minute.

Promise him ice cream.

Dixcus said...

Not only these things, Ann ... but also the fact that he is actively lying about the job as he performs it. Biden falsely claimed without evidence to have held a "rally" in Madison, Wisconsin yesterday to prove that people support him and that he can do the job.

Did you attend the rally? Did any of your friends or family? Where was the rally? How many people showed up to his rally?

In fact, he had no rally in Madison, Wisconsin. It was all a lie. I saw photos of him surrounded by 12 people in one end of a school gymnasium. That was his "rally." It was all faked just so he could tell George Stephanopolis that he held a rally.

Dave Begley said...

And Joe is doing a heck of a job running the world.

imTay said...

in Europe with regard to expansion of NATO and whether it's gonna stick.

"This war is *not* about expansion of NATO, that's a Putin lie," his people walked back in the near future.

I like this new Biden, he has always had a propensity for letting the truth slip out, which is why they called him the Gaffe-omatic, but now he just doesn't have the wits to keep it under control most of the time, so we are getting a lot more truth.

John henry said...

Jill Biden 2024!

John Henry

Breezy said...

Potemkin presidency. Who is going to get to the bottom of who is making all of the decisions? It’s critical that we know this before anything else. How deep is this charade?

imTay said...

"It was all faked just so he could tell George Stephanopolis that he held a rally."

It was kind of interesting how large the signs were, and how hard it was to gauge the size of the crowd since you could only see a small number of people, but I did see one "Pass the Torch Joe" sign, but it's so easy to fake that stuff now, IDK.

imTay said...

"Jill Biden 2024!"

Frau Biden! Ne e ei ei eigh!

gilbar said...

My mom (92) has to have her vision checked frequently to keep her drivers license..
WHY should she need to take a vision test? "Look. I have a test every single day."

Surely we'll KNOW When she is no longer capable of driving (when she gets into a crash and Kills people
At least people get to see her drive (which is still not too bad, i hope)
And driving to the store is complicated! it's not a simple thing, like running the world!

M Jordan said...

Biden has indeed taken a cognitive test and he failed it. The debate was it and nothing that follows will change that public test. It is gratifying for me to see that it looks like he’s going to take down the Democrat Party with him.

Breezy said...

Re decision-making - for example, how did that 10 year commitment to support Ukraine come to be? It was not ever before Congress. You know, the body that owns the purse strings.

Jimmy said...

they aren't worried about losing 2024, just who will be the placeholder.
Long after the covid scam is over, it's great to know that Wisconsin will have drop boxes. When you make fraud government sanctioned, all the leftists cheer.

Breezy said...

“But the big problem is that we haven't been allowed to observe him doing the job. He has not exposed himself in action and his hiding gives rise to an inference that he lacks competence.”

Not clear that Biden understands the gravity and extent of his condition. His handlers certainly do. I would advocate changing “inference” to “admittance” and lay it at their feet.

imTay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
imTay said...

"how did that 10 year commitment to support Ukraine come to be?"

Ukraine has been a zombie operation since we did a leave-behind operation encouraging Ukrainian Nazi ultra-nationalism to give the Soviets heartburn. Nothing has changed. It will be run as a zombie operation in the future. The neocons have no reverse gear, and no peace deal will ever be acceptable to the US. If Minsk wasn't acceptable, which basically left Ukraine intact, but like Canada, with two official languages and semi-autonomy for the Russian speaking oblasts, nothing will be.

Taiwan is the same kind of deal, BTW. Our disintegrative war against China dates to the end of WWII.

Todd said...

Well it looks like the Democrat inner machine has decided that Biden must go. They can no longer hide the state of "the big guy" from the public. Jill hardest hit.

The marching orders have gone out, the curtain has been not only pulled back but taken down and sent out for cleaning. Biden stands fully exposed.

The only question now is who will they fraud in this time? I read that the current campaign chest has Biden/Harris on it and no one else can use it. If Harris doesn't get the spot (difficult to see that as she is polling even worse than Joe) the party will fracture. If she does get the nod, they 100% go down in flames.

I have GOT to get more pop-corn...

Christopher B said...

The public has done plenty of observing, and if I recall correctly about half of self-identified *Democrats* have said when polled recently that he shouldn't continue in office past this term, and that was before the debate.

Jersey Fled said...

Joe flunks that test every day. Meanwhile, Kamala hides in the basement. Joe is Kamala’s Covid.

wild chicken said...

I've been to "rallies" like that. It's all friendlies, party people, donors and groupies. Hangin with the Big Guy.

They won't embarrass old Joe.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

1. What are the pro's and con's of Ukraine being in NATO? What if Russia asked for various things in return for retreating from specific areas, and one thing was Ukraine not being in NATO? As it is we're close to starting a world war over Serbia--1914, not 1938.

2. What was the situation at the Mexican border when you took over, and what changes have you or your administration made? (Kaus is coming around to the view that Biden doesn't understand any of this).

3. Why not release the full Hur transcript? Hur apparently found you incapable of standing trial on serious federal charges.

doctrev said...

Cognitive tests are very standard in the United States. It's quite possible for elderly people to fail one, particularly if you aren't very aware of one works.

Joe Biden is well below the standard of passing one through his general actions. So I support President Puppet. Six months more, and then people start paying for their role in this farce.

exhelodrvr1 said...

We are able to watch him do his job - look at immigration. Look at the people he has picked for important positions: Harris, Buttigieg. DEI increases these last three years. It’s pretty obvious how well he does his job

wendybar said...

What's sad is that his people are lying to him, and he really thinks he is doing a great job, and everyone else is delusional. The media propaganda worked.

Quaestor said...

Althouse writes, "I wouldn't trust medical specialists to perform this task of testing the mental competence of political candidates. The specialists are human beings with preferences, who may deploy their expertise to mystify."

This is true. However, without a qualified medical diagnosis, how will Americans know anything? We used to rely on an independent and aggressive press corps, but somehow, over the last 50-odd (very odd) years it has become partisan and mendacious. The press has demonstrably deployed their expertise to mystify. The fact of the Biden presidency is proof of that. I cannot account for this bizarre and threatening phenomenon, but its emergence and growth are probably analogous to the fact that the level of support for conservative candidates among university faculty members hovers around 2 percent. Both institutions have degenerated into a self-selected priesthood in service to dogmatic truth rather than objective truth. Journalistic Lysenkoism prevails in America, consequently, the job cannot be fairly evaluated except in the hindsight of the survivors.

Quaestor said...

Althouse writes, "But the big problem is that we haven't been allowed to observe him doing the job."

That's a minor problem.

The BIG problem is mushroom-shaped.

Old and slow said...

Yes, it is true that "his hiding gives rise to an inference. The results we have seen both at home and abroad comprehensively confirm this inference. I agree that this is all the test we need to judge a president's fitness for office. Everyone knows that a cooperative doctor would be found to judge any Republican to be unfit, while rubber stamping and Democrat.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Biden did Great! He answered all the questions!! He knew all the facts!!!

We need to stand firm in support of the man who won the Democrat primary in a landslide. Our Precious Democracy is at stake.

John henry said...

I'm still not sure Brandon will drop out but leaning more that way.

So prediction:

Kamala will transition from being black or African - American to Indian and/or Caribbean-American

Or perhaps I should say will be transitioned.

Definitely if she is not the substitute. Can't have a black woman vp get passed over. So make her non-black

Less definitely if she is the sub. There might be some thinking that we already had a black(ish) president and look how that worked out. Indians are really smart, though. Yeah, that's the ticket!

John Henry

Ralph L said...

So he's being "medicated" without a medical evaluation. That just blows my mind.

I would think after his brain surgeries in the 80s, his doctors would want regular brain MRIs for the last 30 years.

planetgeo said...

Shit. The Biden "President Simulator Project" has broken out of the lab and is now free ranging it believing it's autonomous. And it was working so well up until Jill decided it was ready for the Debate Turing Test.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I wonder why Althouse didn't latch on Trump's suggestion for a wide open debate between Trump and Biden? Wouldn't that serve as a cognitive test that is out in the open?

Christopher B said...

The Instapundit-PJ media(Ed Driscoll) supercut confirming that Georgie Boy was told to stick the knife in. Sorry, Prof, but the Democrats don't give a shit that Potatohead hasn't been able to do the job since January 20, 2021. They are throwing him overboard since he obviously can't make it close enough so the margin of fraud beats Trump.

I don't know for sure who but the path of least resistance is to elevate Harris, and it appears the Democrat PTB had no backup plan for this.

John henry said...

She might even be transitioned from being a woman. Is a woman who has never been a mother a real woman? Can she understand what families go through?

And so on.

The non black, non woman demonizing and otherizing will be mostly by demmies, though some repos may pile on.

John Henry

Rusty said...

34 posts and none of the usual suspects have shown up to embrace their presidential selection.
Or make this about Trump.
There really is no way to put a positive spin on that interview.

Wendybar. At this point I seriously doubt he thinks much of anything. He's a parrot. Repeating things he's been trained to repeat. He gets a treat afterward.

narciso said...

Eight years ago when she 'won' her senate race she was described as indian

cfs said...

Biden close circle is worried about the pardons. They CAN'T have him found neurologically deficient. If such an official finding was made, he would not be competent to sign pardons for his family members and any of the other corrupt officials in his administration.

I don't believe a doctor would find him competent to manage his own financial affairs much less able to enter into a binding contract..

John henry said...

Speaking to press after his massive rly in Madison Brandon challenged pedjt to another debate "within" a month."

He said he didn't think pedjt would accept.

John Henry

John henry said...

What am I, Rusty, chopped liver?

I endorsed Jill Biden at 6:38

I don't think you are taking me seriously enough.

John Henry

Sally327 said...

Joe Biden meets the necessary requirements. He's at least 35 years old, he's a natural born citizen and he's lived in the United States for the last 14 years. Plua I would also add that he's been elected President only once.

Do the American people have the right to vote for a confused and tired old man who depends even more heavily on staff and advisors than most Presidents? Since that last point can't be a disqualifer, every President depends on other people, there's no way around that, it's too big of a job. Where do you draw that line? I think we should let the election sort all that out.

"Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."
- Abraham Lincoln

Rusty said...

John Henry
Is she paying you? Hold out for some cash.

Tank said...

We live in a country that was once a great nation. Someone once said that there's a lot of ruin in a nation, and we've been working on that since the 1960's. We've devolved to the point where almost all of our national institutions, except the Supreme Court, are corrupt, and the President is a pathetic, senile old man. He is the appropriate representative for what we've become.

John henry said...


I've yet to see anyone make the case why she is any less worthy or qualified than the other names floated.

John Henry

tolkein said...

Dear Ann Althouse

Is the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision permitting drop boxes for ballots appealable?
I assume the Democrat Governor would veto any law overturning this, so what options are there to overturn this decision?
I'm asking you as a law professor.
Thank you

jaydub said...

"But at the same time, I wouldn't trust medical specialists to perform this task of testing the mental competence of political candidates. The specialists are human beings with preferences, who may deploy their expertise to mystify."

I have had four standard cognitive tests over the last four years (they are recommended by my HMO during one's annual physical.) These tests all involve some form of the following elements:

- being able to remember a simple narrative sentence after about 5 minutes of other questions.
- being able to repeat a string of as many as 7 single digit numbers forward and backwards.
- being able to name common objects that are pictured
- Identiying shapes pictured
- combining triangles, squares, rombi and the like to produce more complicated shapes
- Identifying the patern in a sequence of letters and/or numbers in order to continue the sequence
- drawing the face of a clock and indicating the a specific time with the hands
- reproducing a geometric shape composed of simple lines
- picking a single complex shape out of a series of similar shapes

These types of exercises do not lend themselves to cheating on the part of the person giving the test, but if that was an issue then assigning multiple people to observe the subject's answers would take care of that. This type of cognitive test is very straight forward.

tolkein said...


I thought stare decisis was a big thing, remembering all the discourse about Roe v Wade. How does the Wisconsin Supreme Court not uphold their own prior decisions?

wildswan said...

What did Biden mean by "Whether NATO expansion sticks?" Did he mean Sweden and Finland or did he mean the Ukraine? or did he mean Eastern Europe? And what is he saying to Putin "every day?" No doubt, handling Russia is a severe mental test. But, in my opinion. saying those inflammatory words, "NATO expansion," at this moment is more proof that Biden can't do the job.

It's just as Althouse in a great post says: we can't see what Biden is doing, he's purposely hiding it all; then saying:"Judge me on what I don't let you see." What is he saying to Putin "every day?" Or look at the tutoring program which is supposed to help minorities in public schools in the big Dem cities catch up after Covid? Millions and millions of dollars have been allocated and millions and millions of dollars are doing nothing for the kids. Is that an example of Biden is getting tested everyday. Because the kids are flunking, so how about him?

And, PS, where does Biden get off being self-righteous when Biden's own son, Hunter, videoed himself drugged out with prostitutes and kept a record of his fun times on his laptop. And weren't Biden's dogs savaging members of the Secret Service? Did Biden care? And what about those people cavorting about and exposing themselves on the White House lawn at Easter? Were they evidence of Biden's capacities? Didn't he call them heroes or something? unlike the soldiers who died in Afghanistan whom he forgot about.

Luke Lea said...

Taking credit for the expansion of Nato? Poor judgment indeed!

Jersey Fled said...

“a confused and tired old man who depends even more heavily on staff and advisors than most Presidents? “

That’s what we call a category error Sally.

Aggie said...

I think we have it wrong. A medical professional would put a patient through cognitive testing protocols as a way of base-lining their condition within the context of their practice and experience, and business hours, and medical care standards. The POTUS is a completely different case, with a lot more riding on it.

I think it likely that Biden has already had his formal cognitive diagnosis made. He probably doesn't know it. But a medical professional with the right clearances has probably been quietly sitting in meetings and taking it all in, forming a diagnosis that is a lot more air tight than a simple array of common testing. In his present state Joe wouldn't be a hard case to put this into effect. My guess: They'll be laying it out for Joe in the week before the convention, or maybe just after. We're in a period of palace intrigues, and a lot of jostling. I think they're trying very hard to avoid open warfare.

Curious George said...

"Sally327 said...
I think we should let the election sort all that out."

What's with this "we?" It's the DNC that wants him out, not the US electorate.

Curious George said...

"narciso said...
Eight years ago when she 'won' her senate race she was described as indian"

I thought she was described as a whore.

JAORE said...

Gary Hart said to watch me.
Joe Biden says watch me.

Sadly for them we did.

Iman said...

“I was the biggest star in the world… THE WORLD!!!”

—- Mickey Rooney

Iman said...

Be proud, Wisconsin. You asked for it.

Iman said...

You cheesy bastards…

Michael K said...

I assumed that the interview would be edited to make Brandon look better. Apparently that was no longer in the script. What was the Nixon White House term? "No longer operative?" Something like that.

Yancey Ward said...

Little Georgie S. could have ended Biden's run yesterday but he did pull his punches enough to keep Biden breathing politically.

Eva Marie said...

“These types of exercises do not lend themselves to cheating on the part of the person giving the test, but if that was an issue then assigning multiple people to observe the subject's answers would take care of that. This type of cognitive test is very straight forward.”
O, please
I have an idea. Let’s just leave all our decisions to medical experts. It worked so well with Covid and gender reassignment surgery.
This could all have been avoided if the Democrats believed in democracy: real primaries.

Saint Croix said...

Is megalomania a symptom?

"I'm the guy who put NATO together. I'm the guy who shut Putin down. No one thought it could happen."

"We invented the chip, the little chip, the computer chip. It's in everything from cell phones to weapons."

"I'm running the world!"

Ice Nine said...

Um, hello...Biden has had cognitive testing. It was called the Hur investigation interview. As everyone knows, he failed it utterly.

Saint Croix said...

Biden epitaph

"I did the goodest job I know I can do."

Ice Nine said...

>Ann Althouse said:
I wouldn't trust medical specialists to perform this task of testing the mental competence of political candidates. The specialists are human beings with preferences, who may deploy their expertise to mystify<

It is therefore necessary to inform you that cognitive tests are very standardized, very straightforward, and produce plain results that speak for themselves and are not subject to contrived interpretation.

Sydney said...

He was holding a pen but had no paper. Holding a pen or something else to occupy your hand is one way to hide a Parkinson’s Disease tremor.

Sydney said...

The most damning part of that interview was that he couldn’t remember if he watched his own debate. You could tell he wasn’t expecting that question and genuinely didn’t know the answer.

Original Mike said...

"but I'm running the world" — running the world! — "not-- and that's not hy- — sounds like hyperbole, but we are the essential nation of the world.... I'm workin' on what we were doin' with regard to-- in Europe with regard to expansion of NATO and whether it's gonna stick. I'm takin' on Putin...."

That's some scary stuff.

Saint Croix said...

Republicans on the House Judiciary committee are suing to get the Hur tapes.

Garland is in contempt of Congress, rather than turning over the tapes.

He's about to add contempt of court, too.

That's not a good look, to be in contempt of the the other two branches of the federal government.

Why is he hiding the Hur tapes?

Because he doesn't want the country to see how bad Biden's Parkinson's has gotten.

Biden is (not so) fine in 20 minute gigs.

A little megalomania, but who doesn't have megalomania in D.C.?

Three hours of deposition and his brain turns to oatmeal.

"He's too mentally ill to prosecute, but he's ready for four more years."

Biden is going with "executive privilege" to hide his mental decline.

He's got immunity, but Merrick Garland does not.

ColonelZag said...

Looks like it's time to go to the 25th Amendment. That would require Kamala to take Joe out. We should all be investing in popcorn futures.

Inga said...

“3. Why not release the full Hur transcript? Hur apparently found you incapable of standing trial on serious federal charges.”

The full Hur transcripts have been released.

Saint Croix said...

WaPo counter is up to 5 Democrat calls to drop out.

Adding one every day.

Saint Croix said...

The full Hur transcripts have been released.

Have they? I can't imagine a situation where you release the transcripts but you're terrified of people hearing the actual audio.

Who transcribed the interview?

Maybe the audio tapes not only show Biden's mental decline, but there are also discrepancies between the audio and the transcripts. For example, horrible pauses where he can't answer any question. And it's possible the transcriber left out gibberish words or other bad statements.

Saint Croix said...

Alleged transcripts are here.

Transcripts done by Free State Reporting Inc.

Probably ok, but still very odd that they are so terrified of the audio that they are committing illegal acts to hide it.

"You can read a transcript of the debate, but you're not allowed to watch it."

"You can read a transcript of the interview, but you're not allowed to watch it."

In what world does that make sense?

Garland is a disgrace, from the raid on Trump's home to violating the law to hide Biden's cognitive decline.

Captain BillieBob said...

Saint Croix said...
Is megalomania a symptom?

"I'm the guy who put NATO together. I'm the guy who shut Putin down. No one thought it could happen."

"We invented the chip, the little chip, the computer chip. It's in everything from cell phones to weapons."

"I'm running the world!"

Biden has always had an over inflated opinion of himself. A legend in his own mind.

Prof. M. Drout said...

In reference to cfs' point about the pardons:

Don't you think that for the past 3 years there's been a drawer full of pardons all filled out and signed with just the date left blank in case Biden croaks in his sleep?

imTay said...

I just want to see the video of Biden saying “vroom, vroom!” when asked about the classified documents that he kept in a cardboard box where his unregistered foreign agent son who talked him into staying President had easy access to them. But you do you, Inga. I can see why you don’t think that the American people have any right to see that. It might make them vote incorrectly.

Eva Marie said...

Ice Nine says:
“cognitive tests are very standardized, very straightforward, and produce plain results that speak for themselves and are not subject to contrived interpretation.”
I would love to live in the world you think you live in.
Let’s say a panel of 5 doctors administer the test. 4 say President X(maybe Trump) passed with flying colors. Sharp as a tack. But the 5th , Doctor Liar, said there was no question there were signs of mental decline - subtle but no question they were there. Now you would say - that’s not how the test works. It doesn’t matter. Dr. Liar would be interviewed on every news, talk show and podcast. There would be opposition research on the other doctors. One of the other doctors, Dr Weak, would change her mind. Yes there were hesitancies. Why didn’t she speak out right away? She felt intimidated by the white males on the panel. Dr Liar - himself a white male - would say he totally agreed with her. - there was pressure by the white males to side with the white male President. Then Dr Liar would say, “Maybe I’m right. Maybe I’m wrong. Just to be sure - why not administer a monthly test?” What could be wrong with a monthly cognitive test for the most important job in the world? The press, the deep state, would put pressure on the administration to put Dr Liar on the panel. Of course the administration would refuse. Cover up! And now you have a huge mess on your hands.

who-knew said...

Aggie said: "We're in a period of palace intrigues" Yes, we are and all the rules are tossed out the window when the courtiers start jostling for the king's job. From a purely intellectual viewpoint it will be interesting to see how this plays out. As a citizen of a once functioning free republic, it might be scary or merely amusing. The wide range of options open to all the courtiers and the wide range of stupid mistakes likely to be made leave room for both options.

Ice Nine said...

>Eva Marie said...
Ice Nine says:
“cognitive tests are very standardized, very straightforward, and produce plain results that speak for themselves and are not subject to contrived interpretation.”
I would love to live in the world you think you live in.<

You're not likely to live in the world that I do live in because you don't know what you're talking about re cognitive tests.

The doctors that do the testing - actually it is most often RNs or other ancillary personnel - don't subjectively assess mental capacity or decline (that might come later). The cognitive tests themselves do and the patient's performance on those tests are the assessment of his cognitive ability. He either draws the clock correctly or he doesn't - his drawing is right there. He either does the simple math problem correctly or he doesn't - the result of his "calculations" are right there to be seen. Those results produce points toward a total score. Again, the results of these very simple tests and the resulting scores speak for themselves.

I don't care to argue about this with someone who is not familiar with this process. Read (this) if you care to become informed about it.

lal said...

Ann, you are quite correct the best test of qualification for any activity is an evaluation of performance of that activity.
If you want to know how well someone can shovel a walk or do stock trading watching them shovel or do trading is far
more valuable than a muscle test or math test.

Iman said...

Democrats are now throwing both Bidens under the bus…

“She’s no doctor!”

—- Bill Nye teh Science Guy, on Jill Biden

Iman said...

Moar IgnaRants®, please!

Original Mike said...

"PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, it came to me I was havin' a bad night when I realized that even when I was answering a question, even though they turned his mic off, he was still shouting. And I-- I let it distract me. I-- I'm not blaming it on that, but I realized that I just wasn't in control."

I watched the debate. That's bullshit.

Eva Marie said...

Ice Nine says:
“Again, the results of these very simple tests and the resulting scores speak for themselves.”
Then they add:
“you don't know what you're talking about re cognitive tests.“
That’s my point. You explain that to an audience of antiPresident X’ers. The RN, the MD, whoever, will say that although he passed the test, he was unsure of himself at times, stumbled when he walked in and yes he passed the test but there are still questions. And you can explain (especially with that haughty attitude) till you’re blue in the face and you will lose the argument. The truth doesn’t matter anymore.

Kevin said...

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the cognitively-impaired party?

Iman said...

The Democrats and their media sycophant operatives - corksoakers all - must be held accountable for what’s arguably the largest cover-up and national security emergency the U.S. has experienced in a long time.

Ralph L said...

Is the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision permitting drop boxes for ballots appealable?
I assume the Democrat Governor would veto any law overturning this, so what options are there to overturn this decision?

The US Constitution gives the state legislature sole power over how Prez electors are chosen. The Gov and state Courts don't have the last word. If you remember 2000, the Rep-controlled Florida legislature was preparing to approve its own slate of electors for Bush after the Dem FL SC went rogue and tried to change their law. Hopefully, the WI legislature will assert their prerogative before the election.

Maynard said...

—- Bill Nye teh Science Guy, on Jill Biden

And he is no scientist although he plays one on the internet.

If I recall correctly, he has a BA in Mechanical Engineering.

Jill has the right to call herself "Doctor" ONLY in the settings in which she earned an Ed.D. - an educational setting.

Eva Marie said...

Let me add this:
Let’s say that Pres. Biden’s staff say that Biden has taken a cognitive test and he passed.
A. I wouldn’t believe it and
B. I wouldn’t care.
I’ve watched him over the years and my mind wouldn’t be changed.
Now let’s say Pres. Trump takes a cognitive test and passes.
The antiTrumpers
A. wouldn’t believe it and
B. wouldn’t care.
They’ve seen what they think they’ve seen.
The truth doesn’t matter (at the risk of being repetitive).

loudogblog said...

What's funny is that I went on facebook and my Biden supporting friends are accusing Stephanopoulos of doing a "hit piece" on Biden to force him to drop out.

They forgot that the job of the news media is to ask tough questions and hold candidates feet to the fire, not just lob softball questions at them.

Journalists asking Trump questions that are not softball questions: "The media is doing a great job of holding Trump accountable."

Journalists asking Biden questions that are not softball questions: "This is a hit piece on our candidate!"

Dr Weevil said...

imTay (6:54am) is offended that the U.S. prevented Mao from killing another million or two or three on Taiwan, in addition to the 60-80,000,000 he killed on the mainland. Whether the rest of us find that more hilarious or more disgusting is, I suppose, a matter of taste.

That he writes that a Minsk deal would have "basically left Ukraine intact" shows that he's either a moron or a paid Putinite shill. What treaty has Putin ever adhered to even for a week?

John henry said...


Don't know about nye but mechanical engineering is typically a 5 year bachelor of science degree.

Important to me because I have an MSBE and I like to pretend to be a scientist on the internet.

Neither of us is a "scientist" in any meaningful way, of course.

John Henry

John henry said...

Dr Weevil,

Not to defend Mao and his 50mm or so murders in the name of socialism.

Chiang and the kmt were no day at the beach. They killed as many as 25m native Taiwanese civilians when they invaded the island and imposed kmt rule.

Killed a lot of Chinese civilians in the 20s-40s

Not as bad as Mao and they were our SOBs not good guys, though.

John Henry

Dr Weevil said...

John henry:
The Nationalists did not kill 25,000,000 Taiwanese - that would have required them to kill everyone on the island three or four times over. In fact, that's more than the current population of Taiwan, which has grown enormously since then.

Nor is it entirely true that they "invaded" the island. It was returned to China after World War II, when the Japanese withdrew their occupying troops, and Chiang had as much claim to represent China as Mao did. The Kuomintang army (1,200,000 of them) did flee to Taiwan after losing the mainland, and the U.S. Navy prevented Mao from following. Chiang was obviously, and undoubtedly, by far the lesser of two evils even then, so imTay's complaint is evil as well as stupid.

Iman said...

“then that White House doctor has some explaining to do. I have no doubt his pupils are abnormally dilated.”

Sounds like mid-1970s/early 80s Ozzie Osbourne to me.

Original Mike said...

"The Nationalists did not kill 25,000,000 Taiwanese…"

John Henry uses antiquated nomenclature. Pretty sure he means 25,000.

Zavier Onasses said...

"... but I'm running the world" — running the world!"

A colossal and frightening power grab. The job of the Chief Executive is to carry out the Laws passed by the Legislature.

Jim at said...

Little Georgie S. could have ended Biden's run yesterday but he did pull his punches enough to keep Biden breathing politically.

And for that we should thank him.

Yancey Ward said...

Dr. Weevil,

John Henry uses "m" for thousands and "mm" for millions. It is an old and out of style designation but is unique to J.H. here.

Jim at said...

The full Hur transcripts have been released.

The edited Hur transcripts have been released.

mikee said...

He won't get any better than he is this week. For the rest of his life his cognitive abilities will decline from what we saw most recently, and his physical impairments will increase.
God have mercy on us all.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Dr Weevil said...
John henry:
The Nationalists did not kill 25,000,000 Taiwanese

Dude, sorry to step on your NeoCon rage spittle but m=1,000. That's just embarrassing we have to do explain that to you.

MikeD said...

"I wouldn't trust medical specialists to perform this task of testing the mental competence of political candidates. The specialists are human beings with preferences, who may deploy their expertise to mystify." Says the professor who was totally sold on the Covid lies "medical professionals" promulgated!

Dr Weevil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr Weevil said...

Bill, Republic of Texas:
Sorry to have given you an opportunity to tell stupid lies: there was no "NeoCon" or "rage" or "spittle" in my comment.

Everyone: If "m" for thousands is "old and out of style", it deserves to be even more out of style, since it's hopelessly ambiguous. I don't recall ever running across it before.

Not to mention that "as many as" 25,000 seems hardly worth mentioning compared to 50,000,000+: it's less than one-tenth of one percent! Which means imTay's complaint about the U.S. protecting Taiwan from Mao is every bit as evil and stupid as I said it was.

John henry said...

Dr Weevil said...
John henry:
The Nationalists did not kill 25,000,000 Taiwanese

No they didn't. Read my comment

I said 25m as in 25,000. I'm American. I count in American.

I can count in metric and do it every day. Never by choice, though.

John Henry

John henry said...

Hardly antiquated Mike. Used every day in industry for counting and accounting.

m for thousands
mm for millions

Never see any problems or confusion.

John Henry

John henry said...

For the past 50 years about half of my practice has been in pharmaceutical manufacturing. mm, ml, kg and all the other metric nonsense are my daily bread and butter.

Yet even there it would not be uncommon to see something like "25m kg" for 25,000.

I've been working professionally with kw and mw since the 60s.kilobytes since the 70s mb, gb and tb as time went on.

I live in PR. I buy gas and milk in liters. I drive in kilometers. Addresses outside urban areas are commonly in the form Carr. 695 km 32,hm 6 (or km 32.6) and we have "mileposts" every hectometer or so depending on maintenance.

I suspect I am more familiar with metric than 95% of my fellow Americans.

Doesn't mean I have to like it or use it when not required.

John Henry

Dr Weevil said...

I'm not asking anyone to use metric or non-metric, just suggesting that if you mean twenty-five thousand you could write "twenty-five thousand" or "25,000" instead of leaving us to guess. Not all of us work in the pharmaceutical manufacture industry.

John said...

Jim at said...
Little Georgie S. could have ended Biden's run yesterday but he did pull his punches enough to keep Biden breathing politically.

And for that we should thank him.

Exactly! The longer Biden is the focus of the discussion, the harder it will be to make a successful transition for the Democrats. And if anyone deserves a spanking, it is the Democratic Party.

I wonder if this whole thing is causing Trump to revise his theory that all coverage that focuses on him, even the bad stuff, is good? He does seem to be quiet lately.

Original Mike said...

You're tilting at windmills, Dr Weevil.

Bunkypotatohead said...

The big media guys want their team, the Dems, to win. Earlier it was to their advantage to promote good ol' Joe as wise, experienced, and ready to take on the orange monster.

Now that the world has seen his pathetic state, it is to their advantage to get him outta there. So you're beginning to see some semblance of truth in the reporting.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Blogger Dr Weevil said...

Everyone: If "m" for thousands is "old and out of style", it deserves to be even more out of style, since it's hopelessly ambiguous. I don't recall ever running across it before.

Riddle me this DOCTOR Weevil:


John henry said...

Look at your gas bill Dr. I believe common practice is to bill I'm mmbtu (thousand cubic feet)

US natural gas futures fell to $2.35/MMBtu,


John Henry

Dr Weevil said...

So "John Henry uses 'm' for thousands and 'mm' for millions" (Yancey Ward, 4:25pm), but in natural gas bills "mm" stands for thousands, not millions, of cubic feet (John henry himself, 8:08pm)? All the more reason to just write it out in words ("twenty-five thousand") or digits ("25,000"), as I have already said.

As for Bill, Republic of Texas, I am of course familiar with Roman numerals, but 'M' is not 'm', "25m" is not a Roman numeral, and the Roman numeral for 25,000 does not in fact have any Ms in it. (If anyone is wondering, it's XXV with a horizontal line above it - like an underline but over, not under - to tell you to multiply by a thousand. HTML can't handle it.)

Now, can Bill cut out the stupid insults and argue like a grown-up? We shall see.

Aggie said...

It is an engineering convention that is well-understood and very commonly used in both engineering and accounting.

I don't understand the conventions in other industries, or disciplines, but I do understand that each human enterprise has its own history, its own idiosyncrasies, its own intricacies, and its own mode of operating that is the product of the first three. Change careers, and the first thing you learn as a professional is that you are going to be learning a whole new vocabulary and the meanings that go with them.

Jamie said...

Maybe the audio tapes not only show Biden's mental decline, but there are also discrepancies between the audio and the transcripts. For example, horrible pauses where he can't answer any question.

With the Steph interview, I read the transcript first. In the exchange in which GS asks JB whether he has watched his own debate performance, and JB says, "I don't think so, no," (I believe that's the direct quote) the transcript gives no color - it could be a humorous tone, it could be dismissive, it could be anything.

And then I watched the interview.

It's about 2 minutes in. Watch it.

In that moment, JB takes a long pause, looking pitifully confused, before saying uncertainly, " I don't think so, no..."

And that, inga, is why the audio matters. Do you want a competent chief executive? Or is a politburo cool with you?