July 26, 2024

"Does dementia make you taller?"


mccullough said...

Biden is 5’11.5 without shoes.

With his extra cushion shoes and orthotics he’s about 6’1.5

Also a camera angle looking upward makes anyone look taller.

mezzrow said...

A taller President the size of an older President.

FormerLawClerk said...

You see, that's the thing.

Joe Biden is the body double.

He's not the real President. He's always just been the body double.

That's what Sharyl Attkisson never got.

Another old lawyer said...

Too late to have Donald Sutherland sitting on a park bench intensely alluding to an explanation for the while thing. RIP Donald.

rhhardin said...

To the extent our intelligence agencies (or whomever) want to fool the American public

it's whoever.

rhhardin said...

Old New Yorker cartoon, two women at the movies and a large screen showing two huge boobs

"This is where they use the body double."

narciso said...

Did he make any more sense, then he wouod be a double

Yancey Ward said...

Well, then let that guy run in Biden's place.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Althouse, how have Americans reached the point of finding the most infinitesimal bit of data become the next big thing? Have we become Pavlovs dog?

Hassayamper said...

Anyone who watched the "Lord of the Rings" movies should have some idea of how varying camera angles and depths-of-field can make people seem much larger or smaller than they actually are.

Photographers and cinematographers call this phenomenon Forced Perspective.

narciso said...

Theyve been gaslighting peopld not us for 4 years so trust what they say not bloody likely

gadfly said...

Does dementia make you taller? No. Trump claims to be 6'3" tall but has shrunk to 6'0".

Did Trump's blood on the ear come from a gunshot? No. There is no damage to his ear. Look Ma, Bibi is staring at the unbandaged and undamaged ear.

PM said...

Reminded me of Bill Walton for a second. Strange.

Leland said...

Deep fake

narciso said...

Probably not deep but fake

Yancey Ward said...

Then where did the blood come from, Gadfly- we are dying to know- don't leave us in suspense!

Giant mosquito bite?

BUMBLE BEE said...

His gait is quite normal. Arms, torso and stance seem limber and normal.
Better living through chemistry.

Bob Boyd said...

It's not ordinary dementia. It's Tallzheimers

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gadfly, you shouldn't drive anywhere in your condition. Better stay home tonight.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Bob Boyd wins the thread!

Yancey Ward said...

"Bob Boyd wins the thread!"

It is a day that ends in Y.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Bob Boyd said...

It's not ordinary dementia. It's Tallzheimers

No, that was a department store!


Jim at said...

Did Trump's blood on the ear come from a gunshot? No. There is no damage to his ear.

Just when I think you people couldn't be any more stupid.

The whole, fucking thing was watched live in real time. It's right there. We saw it.

What in the hell is wrong with you?

Michelle said...

I do not believe in serious or widespread conspiracies. I resent being made to feel like a conspiracy theorist because of all the shenanigans, and I mostly resent Biden et al. for placing me in this position. Is he dead? Is he alive? Is that him?
I assume he’s alive and well, or at least as well as he’s been, and it’s their fault that I’m even asking these questions.
Be in public like a normal president or explain clearly when and why you won’t be in public.

Mason G said...

"What in the hell is wrong with you?"

Whatever it is, it's apparently contagious.

“With respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear,” [Christopher] Wray said in response to a question from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).


JK Brown said...

Whatever happened to Biden in Las Vegas when he had a "medical emergency" made him taller, more agile with steps....

Mary Beth said...

The problem isn't that the camera angle makes people look taller, it's that his height in comparison to Jill's looks to be greater than it does in most photos of the couple.

Inga said...

One ridiculous rumor fantasy after another. He’s dead, he’s in a coma, he’s in chains in the basement, he was beat up and drugged, now, he’s a body double.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I expect there is an effort being made to make Biden look more vigorous and in better health that he really is, so it's possible he could be wearing lifts.

TaeJohnDo said...

Inga, I heard Herr Doktor jill likes to pee on his body double when he is watching porn on a laptop given to him by hunter. Prove me wrong.

rehajm said...

I took one look at his watch and…fake.

Freeman Hunt said...


Iman said...

“One ridiculous rumor fantasy after another. He’s dead, he’s in a coma, he’s in chains in the basement, he was beat up and drugged, now, he’s a body double.”

All of these probably did happen to Biden at different points during his long, sad career as a professional grifter. Biden’s such an opportunistic asshole, they may even have happened multiple times.

Aggie said...

OK, I'm intrigued now with all this speculation of a body-double for Biden. Question: Is there any President in history, any important public figure in present day world society, where having a body double would be of less significance? You have to have a sense of agency for this to be important; Biden does nothing in the first place. L'Γ©minence grise is in charge. Replacing him is the least consequential thing - in terms of Presidential responsibilities, duties, authorities, etc.

Megaera3 said...

Gadfly, Mason G: apparently you managed to miss it. The FBI may be willing to present itself to the world as thinly-veiled coverups for political murder, but it seems they draw the line at adopting short-bus window lickers as their public competence models. The agency as an entity just underbussed their director with a public statement acknowledging that yes, President Trump was in fact struck by a bullet; left unspoken, but implicit, was the part about, we have no idea why Wray said what he said, but, guys, he's an idiot.

gilbar said...

Also a camera angle looking upward makes anyone look taller.

As Mary Beth asked.. How come THAT SAME SHOT doesn't make Dr Jillie look taller?
I know, I Know.. It's "forced Perspective".. That is: a body Double

Rocco said...

Animatronics have come a long way since the Chuck E Cheese’s bears.

Mason G said...

Megaera3 said...

left unspoken, but implicit, was the part about, we have no idea why Wray said what he said, but, guys, he's an idiot.

Is there anything at the link I posted that contradicts that claim?

Mark said...

Biden Derangement Syndrome, in full effect.

Keep it up, Republicans. This will for sure win you the election.

tommyesq said...

Althouse, how have Americans reached the point of finding the most infinitesimal bit of data become the next big thing?

By being continuously gaslit, lied to, had things covered up (2020 election, Trump assassination attempt, etc.), etc.

tommyesq said...

Have we become Pavlovs dog?

The Left has - as soon as the DNC talking points come out, they can't jump fast enough to repeat them ad nauseum, word-for-word, without a critical thought of any sort. Eager to jump through any hoop for that government cheese.

Quaestor said...

Freeman Hunt writes, "Camera."

Forced perspective relies on the distance between foreground and background objects being hidden by depth of field. If I want Biden to look twice as tall as Dr. Jill, I station her back about ten feet from Biden, then I instruct her to look up and to the side as if looking at something 5 feet higher than her head. Next, I compose the shot to create a line between Doc Jill's eyes and FJB peepers. Typically, this would involve a low camera position relative to the Resident. Lastly, I stop down the lens to f/11 or tighter to put both subjects in focus.

It's abundantly clear from the linked X video that "Biden" and "his wife" are not positioned for a forced perspective shot, nor is the camera angle sufficiently acute to distore their relative heights.

Fred Drinkwater said...


Today is a great example Of why I spend time on subreddits devoted to
machining and welding.

Real, intransigent stuff, forced into compliance with precise demands. By skill, and culture.

All the rest of this is just different ways of stealing that value. If you think that theft is the real world, wait until that value stops being created.

Jamie said...

Lemme get this straight: gadfly, which scenario are you positing?

1. That there was no assassination attempt on Trump, and therefore that the Trump campaign had a man murdered and two others grievously injured in order to boost support for a candidate who was already in the lead?

2. That the blood on Trump's face came from someone else who was hit by a bullet that - unless we're in an Agatha Christie novel where the victim was someone behind Trump - was intended for Trump, but hit someone else (possibly the Agatha Christie victim), and that person's blood is what was on his face?

3. That Trump was hit by, what, shattered teleprompter screen? Meaning that someone was firing on him but missed?

Which scenario do you hew to, gad?

Quaestor said...

Sometimes forced perspective is used to compensate for the optical limitation of the camera. These often rely on the viewer's expectations regarding the size of familiar objects. There's an example from a war movie (don't recall the title) containing a scene of some German generals studying a map. In the near foreground is a ringing telephone, presumably it's an irate Hitler calling. The generals are stationed in the background around a table about 20 feet from the viewer's POV. Both the telephone and the generals are in sharp focus, yet the generals are more dimly lit. The shot is practically impossible given the viewer's assumptions. The Zucker Brothers took inordinate delight in exposing the illusion in their parody film, Top Secret.

There's another example from an Alfred Hitchcock thriller called Spellbound. Both the hand and the gun are oversized props about four times lifesize created for the sole purpose of composing a shot that would have been a practical impossibility if the hand and the gun were real.

Quaestor said...

"Which scenario do you hew to, gad?"

Jamie, you'd get an honest answer if you asked a genuine parasite, rather than a metaphorical one.

Quaestor said...

"Which scenario do you hew to, gad?"

Don't hold your breath, Jamie. Liars hate to be cross-examined.

Achilles said...

Freeman Hunt said...


Cowardly bullshit.

JAORE said...

I think back to the visit from POTUS and (Not that kind of) Doctor Jill with Jimmy and Roslyn Carter. The Bidens looked like giants and the Carters like dolls.

These pictures look odd. But not nearly as odd as the Carter visit.

This is NOT (to paraphrase Brandon, "a big f'ing deal".

mccullough said...

Jill is behind Biden in that video.

The person closer to the camera will appear even taller in relation to the person farther from the camera.

This is basic stuff.

As far as the body double bullshit, her sources are full of shit. The Intelligence Officials spend their time trying to project competence by lying. They are a joke.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...

Jill is behind Biden in that video.

The person closer to the camera will appear even taller in relation to the person farther from the camera.

This is basic stuff.

As far as the body double bullshit, her sources are full of shit. The Intelligence Officials spend their time trying to project competence by lying. They are a joke.

Garbage. She was not far enough away to change perspective or relative height.

That takes several meters and a change of camera angle. The camera angle is too flat and the legs are just obviously longer.

But the biggest issue is that fresh off a life threatening illness Joe jumped out of an SUV and walked up the big boy stairs for the first time in a year without breathing hard and not saying a single word to anyone.

mccullough said...

The camera angle is up and she’s a dozen feet behind him.

This country has gone fucking nuts.

mccullough said...

She’s at least 8 feet behind him. Notice how she keeps getting smaller relative to him as he walks toward the stopping point?

And since you are delusional, you should be arguing that the real body double is for Jill.

Mason G said...

If Brandon and the Democrats had been honest with everybody from the get-go instead of being a bunch of lying shitweasels, none of this would even be a topic for discussion.

Butkus51 said...

to all who voted for that sack of pus


Zachary Sire said...

Haven't been here in a long time but thought I'd check just for fun. Crazy (but I guess not surprising) to see how Althouse has turned into a complete MAGA lunatic. I have a couple similarly (formerly) intelligent people in my extended family who've done the same. The cult is real. Sad and scary. Thankfully, it'll finally all be over in a few months when he loses again. I hope the MAGAts don't all have complete mental breakdowns come November 6th. (haha, jk, I can't wait to see them all completely lose it, just like they did last time.)

Megthered said...

It's not Biden. Biden is not that tall and his face is not Bidens face. His regular body doubles must have been given the night off.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...

She’s at least 8 feet behind him. Notice how she keeps getting smaller relative to him as he walks toward the stopping point?

And since you are delusional, you should be arguing that the real body double is for Jill.

Look at their feet. If you assume Biden's foot is about 1 foot long including the shoes how many of his foot lengths away is Jill? 3.

Don't even pretend you know how to estimate distance in a picture. 8 feet. You are absurd.

When she is walking right fucking next to him the top of her head is barely 2 inches above his shoulder. They are touching at 4-5 seconds through the video. Her eyes are shoulder level.

Her mouth is shoulder level in this picture.

It is like you people don't even bother to try.

Achilles said...

Zachary Sire said...

Haven't been here in a long time but thought I'd check just for fun. Crazy (but I guess not surprising) to see how Althouse has turned into a complete MAGA lunatic. I have a couple similarly (formerly) intelligent people in my extended family who've done the same. The cult is real. Sad and scary. Thankfully, it'll finally all be over in a few months when he loses again. I hope the MAGAts don't all have complete mental breakdowns come November 6th. (haha, jk, I can't wait to see them all completely lose it, just like they did last time.)

Only dumb people disagree with you.

It is a law of the universe.

OldManRick said...

I would like to believe that they are not trying to fool me but, damn, they've tried to do it so often that I have to check it out for myself.

The first three seconds of the clip are crucial. In the first second of the clip, it seems that he is holding Jill's hand. He is hidden behind a post but his shoulder is almost at the top of her head. He is a head taller than anyone else in the frame. Two seconds into the clip they are almost the same distance away and again he is head and shoulders above here. He grows another couple inches taller as the clip reaches the 8 second mark and retains that at the 12 second mark. But if you look at where their feet are located on the floor at the 18 second mark, she is only two feet further back. When you compare her to the guy in red in the beginning and who is now at least 5 feet back of her you see no vertical forced perspective between them despite a longer distance. In fact the forced perspective is the difference between the level of their feet not their heads. Both times we see her and the guy in red their heads are nearly at the same level.

Since a forced perspective depends on short distances and low angles to make the subject look taller, he should seem to grow as he walks forward and not have the nearly the same relative height at all distances. They are about three times smaller on the screen in the first seconds so they have to be four times further away. The camera in the 18th second is looking down at the floor enough to give us more force perspective between her and the guy in red's feet then their heads. The photo was taken closer to their head levels than to their feet level.

It's too stupid a stunt to believe it but given the nonsense we've been though with Biden for the last couple of years, I would say it's more likely true than not. It looks wrong, it feels wrong, and when I try to find the low angle forced perspective the geometry doesn't seem to work.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Malarkey. our government is no longer competent enough to pull something like that off... and make it undetectable? No fucking way, not this load of Party incompetents.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Jim at said...
Did Trump's blood on the ear come from a gunshot? No. There is no damage to his ear.

Just when I think you people couldn't be any more stupid.

The whole, fucking thing was watched live in real time. It's right there. We saw it.

What in the hell is wrong with you?

7/26/24, 7:15 PM

LO fucking L! He's a Party member, Jim, you can only expect him to repeat the Party line. Even the FBI director is demonstrating to the braindead Party members that you must never allow your enemy even the most fundamental truth observed by the naked eye. Last week Joe Biden was the fittest, smarterest president evah! This week Biden is a heel...no, now he's heroic again, and now hosebag Harris is the smartest, most bestest VP/presidentish evah!
You have to understand that there is absolutely no reasoning with Party members.

Something something something. - George Orwell.

Christopher B said...

What I want is an explanation of the weird photo of Joe and Jill Biden with Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter.

Rocco said...

Christopher B said...
“What I want is an explanation of the weird photo of Joe and Jill Biden with Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter.”

Little known fact: Jimmy and Rosalyn met while working members of the Lollipop Guild.

Tina Trent said...

So do we have to call Biden they/them now?

tim maguire said...

gadfly said...Did Trump's blood on the ear come from a gunshot? No. There is no damage to his ear.

Put down the koolaid, gadfly. All these pictures supposedly showing Trump’s undamaged ear clearly show a piece of it missing.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

As two other posts pointed out that face is more Bill Walton than any Biden. The eyes are alert without droop and the gait is smooth and normal quite unlike Joe the last couple years but especially recently. To be a conspiracy theory we would have to posit a guess as to why these facts don’t fit recent events. But we’re not. We’re simply trying to understand the fucking bizarre shit this White House keeps presenting to the American people.

Inga larded up her list with a bunch of crazy stuff I’ve never seen and certainly they weren’t said here. When Biden was still in hidin’ I presented a list of ten strange but verified facts to which America deserved answers. No theories as to what led to the strange events of the last ten days and certainly nothing that suggests a conspiracy other than the long-running DNC Media agreement to cover up Democrat news that’s inconvenient yet run with every Trump rumor that the fever Swamp thinks up. Of course those things made appearances here courtesy of our leftist rumor mongers but weren’t on Inga’s list.

For the record I explicitly said that the White House needed to provide “proof of life,” a common phrase used in various circumstances, because Joe had been hidden for a week after the strange Vegas evacuation AND resigned the campaign via letter after insisting for months he was “in it to win it.” He still has not explained why he changed his mind. In the absence of good trustworthy information, people will speculate.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Forget about trying to decipher the "medical emergency " in Las Vegas. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Joe Bar said...

FBI confirms Trump shot in ear.

Commie Videos and You a Law Professor said...

We are living in Kayfabe World.

Farmer John HATES The Destroyer!!!!

The ref didn't see the Big Kahuna punch Pretty Boy Richards with hidden brass knucks!!!


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m starting to hate Blogger. They eat my best work and for whatever reason can’t be released by Althouse, based on an unbroken string of posts that went away never to be seen again.

Old and slow said...

Gadfly has previously suggested that Trump used a professional wrestling trick involving a concealed razor blade to cut himself.In other words, he believes that Trump had his own supporters shot and murdered.

Jersey Fled said...

“One ridiculous rumor fantasy after another. He’s dead, he’s in a coma, he’s in chains in the basement, he was beat up and drugged, now, he’s a body double.”

Now do the fantasy that Trump is Hitler.

Yancey Ward said...

What the cameras at the Butler rally failed to capture was that when Trump ducked under the lectern he found a hungry Mike Tyson waiting for him.

Nathan Redshield said...

Will Doctor Jill be donating her famous breakfast tablecloth dress which she wore a lot everywhere and not just to the Carters to the Smithsonian?

Jupiter said...

"I do not believe in serious or widespread conspiracies."

There are seven billion people on the planet, and every single one of them is as straightforward and honest as the day is long. Well, every group of two or more of them, anyway. Why would they lie?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ah. Althouse rescued it! Thanks.

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