June 12, 2024

"The president declared flatly last week that he would not pardon his son if convicted, but did not address a commutation..."

"... which would leave the guilty verdict intact but wipe out some or all of the punishment. Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House press secretary, told reporters on Wednesday that she could not say whether the president might consider such an action. 'He was very clear, very upfront, obviously very definitive' in ruling out a pardon.... But as for a commutation, she added, 'I just don’t have anything beyond that.' Ms. Jean-Pierre said she had not spoken with the president about the matter yet and so her careful response may only reflect not wanting to go beyond her talking points, not an effort to leave the option open...."


MacMacConnell said...

It would be a loss for Hunter not to serve prison time. The possibilities are endless. Hunter could minister to prisoners, he could teach them all about "Biden Catholicism". Christ he could teach them to be successful painters on the outside.

Jersey Fled said...

Are you like me and retch every time you hear KJP say “the President has been very clear …”.?

Achilles said...

They are focusing on this to keep people distracted from more important things.

Like Hunter's bribery, money laundering, influence pedaling, espionage, and treason.

And and one of his relatives was a part of all of that.

FullMoon said...

When the administration is certain Hunter will serve no time, Jow will vociferously claim to have ruled out commutation from the get-go...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Hunter won't get anything worse than Probation. Don't fool yourself.

Skeptical Voter said...

Joe forgets a lot. Ultimately he'll forget that he said anything about "not granting a pardon".

Aggie said...

I have to be honest: I really don't care what happens to Hunter, one way or another, with the felony gun conviction. I want to know what the DOJ is doing about all the bagman work he's been conducting on behalf of Biden Enterprises, and I want to see much more investigation of the 20+ shell corporations that are being run under that banner, with no product or commercial service in evidence. I promise to be interested, then.

RCOCEAN II said...

Again, biden could show he was a "big man" and a "uniter not a divider" by pardoning Trump for his two federal cases and say he should be pardoned by the NY case and then communting his sons' sentence.

But of course he wont. because Biden is a totalitarian Leftist who wants to jail trump and destroy the conservatives. He's lawless scum.

RCOCEAN II said...

As stated above, Hunter's charges on guns and whatever was a way to NOT look at Hunter's corrupt dealings in China and Ukraine where "The Big Guy" got his 10 percent. Garland didnt want to charge Hunter with ANYTHING, and was only forced to by election year reality.

narciso said...

peter baker, believes 100 implausible days, every day,

he does follow vizzini rules, it's inconceivable,

narciso said...

well weiss, suggests there will be further charges, I know pull my other finger,

MadisonMan said...

I have Hunter Fatigue, at least for this case. It's a close cousin to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Iman said...

'He was very clear, very upfront, obviously very definitive'

KJP is very foolish to think that the American people are NOT very tired of her very tired obfuscations.

Enigma said...

If Hunter doesn't go to prison it may help more people than it hurts. The ATF infamously used trickery to set up a weapon "felony" and then...kill the man's dog, son, and wife for having sawed off a shotgun barrel to 18" when the law says anything shorter than 18.5" is illegal.

A felony and deaths because of a 0.5" saw cut!

If Hunter walks, the ATF will have a harder time killing regular citizens. If Hunter goes to prison, he shouldn't drop the soap. There are many, many 'guns' in prisons..."This is my weapon, this is my gun, this is for fighting, this is for fun."


RideSpaceMountain said...

"Joe forgets a lot. Ultimately he'll forget that he said anything about "not granting a pardon"

If Biden wins the election, he will renege on anything he said before the election and pardon Hunter because fuck you, that's why. If Biden loses he will pardon Hunter on his way out the gate because fuck you, that's why.

Karen Jean-Pierre will be very clear in either case when asked about why Biden made the decision to pardon Hunter, and she will say "fuck you, that's why."

Breezy said...

Doesn’t he have secret service protection, too?

Kate said...

Pardon your damn son.

I'd respect Biden more if he put aside all his political carefulness and dementia-wandering and just recognized a connection to his own flesh and blood. Quit checking the polling and take the hit, if there is one. Lincoln was willing to use the entire power of the presidency to keep his son from serving on the front lines, and Biden is no Lincoln.

Paul said...

Why would anyone believe Biden? He lies constantly.

Yes, especially if he loses the race, he will pardon his son (and all others around him.)

Christopher B said...

Now this is Stray Voltage.

Leland said...

Another day, another wreck.

RCOCEAN II said...

To Kate - don't you believe we're all "equal before the law"? Why should Hunter get a communtation or pardon while others committing the same crime don't?

Is this there something special about Hunter? Biden has stated he thinks "No one is above the law". Guess this should apply to his son, no? Otherwise you support powerful people giving their relatives special favors and two sets of laws.

Freeman Hunt said...

Fine with me if he pardons his son. He should pardon him and talk about what a stupid law it is.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Pardon your damn son."

We've come a long way from Lucius Junius Brutus and what civic responsibility means vis-a-vis traitorous offspring. A long way.

pious agnostic said...

I'm sure that Karine Jean-Pierre hadn't spoken with Biden about a commutation, and that's the reason she didn't have an answer for that.

Let's break it down: 1) it's unlikely that KJ-P actually talks that much with Biden himself, in order to maintain plausible deniability for the many lies she tells; 2) it's unlikely that KJ-P knows enough about the matter to ask about a "commutation" because of her low IQ; 3) it's unlikely that Biden is clear about the distinctions among the various options before him, due to his advanced dementia.

So, her not "having anything" about a commutation checks out.

Tommy Duncan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"Christ he could teach them to be successful painters on the outside."

First, get your Dad elected president …

Joe Smith said...

It's a great big fucking club...

Tommy Duncan said...

I hope Biden pardons Hunter or commutes his sentence. His doing so would reinforce the concept of a two tier justice system. Many lower and middle class Americans would see it as a privilege reserved for spoiled white kids.

Kate said...

"Is this there something special about Hunter?"

Yes. His father has the legal ability to pardon him. He has the legal ability to pardon anyone in this country for any reason he likes. Someone who has that power has my support if they want to pardon their own child. It's a short list.

libertariansafetyguy said...

If the sentencing involved jail time, Hunter won’t see the inside of a cell until after the election. Whether Biden is reelected or defeated, after November 5th he can do what he wants without consequence so he will definitely pardon his son. And, I’d pardon my son too.

But, Biden is absolutely sacrificing his son to beat Trump. What Hunter needs to worry about is what happens to him if his Dad has to step down early because of health issues (very likely). Then Hunter’s fate would be Kamala Harris’ hands and I don’t know that she won’t let him rot to “honor” the elder Biden’s wishes (and get a little payback).

Jerry said...

Tommy Duncan said...

"Many lower and middle class Americans would see it as a privilege reserved for spoiled white kids."

Seems to me it's more like:

"Many Americans would see it as a privilege reserved for spoiled politically connected kids."

Honestly, if it weren't for the Biden name, Hunter would already be doing a lot of years in the Graybar Hotel.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Honestly, if it weren't for the Biden name, Hunter would already be doing a lot of years in the Graybar Hotel."

Let's be frank, if Hunter were some rando named Hunter Smith, he'd be a crackhead banging homeless skanks under overpasses. Without his daddy's name and money, Hunter is a wastoid...the smartest wastoid his father knows. He'd be a serial john who wouldn't have the money or connections to buy underage hookers and would settle for toothless addicts. Judging by his texts and emails, he's got zero rizz, and will fuck family members because the whole Biden line is a degenerate freak show. He'd definitely see the Graybar Hotel, that is if he hadn't ended up OD'd on a parking bench in Dover first.

The Vault Dweller said...

I don't think commuting rather than full pardoning avoids political cost for the action. I don't think George W. Bush, and the Republicans avoided political cost when Scooter Libby had his sentence commuted rather than receiving a full pardon.

Iman said...

Far-left commenters appear to have scuttled back to their ratholes…

MacMacConnell said...

In the tax trial will prosecutors ask where all the income came from?

Enigma said...

@RideSpaceMountain: Let's be frank, if Hunter were some rando named Hunter Smith, he'd be a crackhead banging homeless skanks under overpasses. Without his daddy's name and money, Hunter is a wastoid...

Without Daddy's money and name, he'd have lived an average life in an average neighborhood and likely not had the money for the drugs and prostitutes at all. He'd have gone to a local community college, earned a business associates degree, and gotten a job as a Burger King night manager.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Here's my comment from the other day on the "Hunter Biden Is Guilty" thread:

- Commenters keep talking about 'pardons', but doesn't the POTUS also have the power of reprieve, i.e. commutation?

There is a legal difference between the two and FJB could claim he's kept his promise to 'not pardon his son' after commuting Hunter's sentence. HB would still be technically guilty, but free of any sentences/fines to be paid.
FJB then responds to a weak volley of questions from the collaborating press by stating "any father who loves his child would do the same." OWTTE -

But RCOcean brings up an interesting scenario involving FJB pardoning PDJT and commuting FHB's sentences. Slow Joe would look statesmanlike-ish and maybe reconnect with the element of the 'a pox on both houses' electorate who dislike PDJT so much that they are hoping for FJB to show some sign of sense or sentience so as to capture their reluctant vote. Commenter DDDriver strikes me as one who fits that description, for example.

I view the chances of that happening being quite narrow. Not that I don't think it is a viable tactic. I just don't see Jill "Edith" Biden letting that happen.

Yancey Ward said...


Captain BillieBob said...

Hunter knows where all the bodies are buried there's no way no how he will spend one second behind bars or doing community service or paying any price for his conviction. This is all part of the distraction from inflation, immigration, crime, drugs, wars, energy etc., etc., etc.,.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

The Vault Dweller said...

"I don't think commuting rather than full pardoning avoids political cost for the action. I don't think George W. Bush, and the Republicans avoided political cost when Scooter Libby had his sentence commuted rather than receiving a full pardon."

Good point. Although, GWB and the Republicans didn't have the press tucked into their codpieces as the Democrats do today. It's always a lose-lose situation for the GOP.

Kate said:
"Is this there something special about Hunter?"

Yes. His father has the legal ability to pardon him. He has the legal ability to pardon anyone in this country for any reason he likes. Someone who has that power has my support if they want to pardon their own child."

The POTUS does not have that power, Kate. He can only pardon federal crimes, I believe.
Goetz von Berlichingen

Yancey Ward said...

Like I wrote yesterday- the really hilarious thing about the Hunter Biden conviction is that the Bidens demanded this trial- Hunter Biden could have signed the original plea deal that did not include waiver of the financial charges that were subsequently filed. That deal was there to be had- no jail time, very minimal fine for the gun crime, and it likely that the other charges would just have died on the vine like all the other stuff that was allowed to go past the statute of limitations. Instead of that, the Bidens rolled the dice believing there was no way a Wilmington, Delaware jury would convict a Biden. Even Delaware is tired of the Bidens.

Obama was right- Joe Biden can fuck up anything.

The Godfather said...

If Hunter is sentenced to prison and Biden pardons him or commutes his sentence, then Biden must also do the same for every other person who's been sentenced for the same crime -- to show that he's acting from principle, not nepotism.

n.n said...

Reasonable gun control... Can Biden abort the baby, cannibalize his profitable parts, sequester his carbon pollutants, and have him, too?

Chuck said...

I simply don't understand how TrumpWorld can shamelessly insert itself into the subject of "Presidential Pardons." Other than the now-recognized fact that "shamelessness is the Trump superpower."

I was going to launch into the dozens of crazy, corrupt, laughable, MAGA-mob pardons and commutations of the 4-year Trump Administration. But I don't want to waste my time (I've done it before) typing out all of the most hilariously self-interested and corrupt pardons handed out by Trump. So here's the fucking Wikipedia spreadsheet on the subject. There's an easily-searched DoJ page listing all of the Trump executive clemencies for anyone who doesn't like Wikipedia. Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Elliott Broidy, Charles Kushner, et cetera, et cetera.

imTay said...

He will be referred for treatment, same as could have happened without a trial, had he not insisted on complete immunity for all offenses in return for a guilty plea. I hear that the jury was heavily black.

“Sure, we’ll vote to acquit the rich white guy on charges and proof that would put on of our brothers away for life !”

Lived experience.

Freeman Hunt said...

Maybe all these stupid convictions among the political class (both Trump and Hunter) will wake people up to the need for reform in criminal law.

That Trump was convicted is absurd.
That twenty-five years is an option for Hunter's crime is absurd.

Law should be predictable and just.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck the Cunt shows up and displays once again he doesn't understand the subject under discussion.

Let me clear it up for you, you dumb piece of dogshit- we are mocking Biden for having backed his sorry ass into this situation. All Joe Biden had to do was simply declare that, yes, he was going to pardon his son if convicted but, instead, Biden tried to play politics with it by playing word games. Trump did the right thing in pardoning all those people on his way out of office because almost every single one them were only targeted to get at Trump himself. It isn't Trump or his supporters who made the rules to this game, but we will mock them for not following their own silly rules.

Gunner said...

If Biden pardoned Trump for anything, his crazy Trump hating base would lose all the pretend enthusiasm for him and go to RFK Jr.

Meade said...

Chuck said...
“Simple! Because absolutely every conversation about Trump, or elections, should include mention of Donald Trump’s psychopathological unfitness for office. As ever, I’m working to drive wedges between the GOP, the Federalist Society, conservatism, etc., and everything “Trump.”

“I’m not trying to be fair or balanced or helpful or anything like that. I’m trying to undermine Trump’s campaign. All that other good stuff comes after we have driven a wooden stake through the vampire heart of Trumpism.“

Meade said…
Absolutely every reply to Chuck should include mention of Chuck’s psychopathological unfitness for commenting here, his Cluster B personality disorders, his under—examined dedication to sadism and maleficence.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...
Chuck the Cunt shows up and displays once again he doesn't understand the subject under discussion.

Let me clear it up for you, you dumb piece of dogshit- we are mocking Biden for having backed his sorry ass into this situation. All Joe Biden had to do was simply declare that, yes, he was going to pardon his son if convicted but, instead, Biden tried to play politics with it by playing word games. Trump did the right thing in pardoning all those people on his way out of office because almost every single one them were only targeted to get at Trump himself. It isn't Trump or his supporters who made the rules to this game, but we will mock them for not following their own silly rules.

May it please the court. At this time we move for admission of the story of Charles Kushner.

lonejustice said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Hunter won't get anything worse than Probation. Don't fool yourself.
Exactly, just like Trump will never spend a single day in prison. The worst Trump will ever serve is some probation.

Chuck said...

Wait; I don't think I'm done yet.

Steve Bannon wasn't "targeted to get at Trump." Steve Bannon and his buddies grifted their way into a colossal fraud indictment as they enriched themselves off donors who thought that they were contributing to the construction of a border wall.

Martin said...

The "no pardon" promise will last until 7:00pm in the Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck the Cunt can't fucking read, can you, Chuck the Cunt? I said almost all those people were targeted to get at Trump- not all of them.

Why don't you learn to read, Chuck the Cunt?

Yancey Ward said...

And don't lie to us, Chuck- Bannon was only targeted in that case you cite because of his support for Trump. You don't even lie very well any longer.

phantommut said...

This is Day Two and Hunter still hasn't had a catastrophic meltdown. Maybe the Democrats will dodge the real danger here.

Chuck said...

Did you guys hear that Biden issued a statement later this evening calling the criminal case against Hunter "rigged"? And that Biden also said that the Delaware US District Court Judge was "crooked" and "corrupt", a "Trump Judge," and Biden also went after the Special Counsel David Weiss and also his family in Delaware?

Haha. I'm just fucking with you. None of that happened. Unlike the Trump criminal trial.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote it before- all Joe Biden had to do was just state flatly that he would pardon his son if his son was convicted and sentenced to prison. I would have respected that since I would do the exact same thing in this case were I in Biden's shoes and so would any other person. However, the Democrats, having backed themselves into this corner tried to play word games over the issue for political purposes- that is what I and others are mocking relentlessly- the Democrats not wanting to play by the rules they set themselves- and you can see those rules personified in Chuck's sleazy, lying comments- it grates on them being held to the same rules of using the pardon power.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden couldn't call it rigged, Chuck the Cunt- the jury was surely full of Democrats given it was Wilmington. What do you suppose Biden would have said were the trial held in rural Alabama? I guarantee you he would call it rigged and so would you.

Meade said...

Chuck said...
“Haha. I'm just fucking with you. None of that happened. Unlike the Trump criminal trial.”

Cluster B personality disorders. Dedication to sadism and maleficence

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck will never forgive Trump and his supporters winning the 2016 election- Chuck had planned to spend several weeks following that election saying, "I told you so." He even promised to do it. And when Trump won, Chuck tried claiming he reluctantly voted for Trump not that anyone really believed him.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...
Chuck the Cunt can't fucking read, can you, Chuck the Cunt? I said almost all those people were targeted to get at Trump- not all of them.

Okay so now do Kwame Kilpatrick.
I can tell you from on the ground consuming Michigan news, Kilpatrick's post-release life has been an absolute comedy of completely crazy nose-thumbing at his conviction-related responsibilities. Trump's own appointee to the post of US Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan (the office that prosecuted Kwame) was offended by the pardon.

Vance said...

Chuck here was very, very, very careful to not list all the pardons from Bill Clinton and Obama.

I wonder why those pardon's don't bother Chuck, the sadist and malefactor? Chuck, the guy with the unhealthy fixation on young boys?

Seriously, Chuck reminds me of a local Democrat commentator here in Utah that manages to twist every conversation into how Senator Mike Lee is literally an agent of Satan.

Talk about the latest Taylor Swift song? Mike Lee, Satanist, is Satan because he wargarble Taylor Swift!

Chuck is the same way. Maybe he's not attracted to Bannon Trump anymore... Bannon grew up. Chuck likes his targets younger, I guess, judging by his comments in the past.

Meade said...

He's all to himself
I think I know why
He took down the tire swing from the pepper tree
He has no children of his own, you see
He has no dog, he has no friends
And his lawn is dying
And what about all those packages he sends?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC Chuck - do you get your talking points from the Soviet left?

Trump's case was rigged.

Hunter Biden's case is a joke. The gun charges and guilty verdict are window dressing - and he will face nothing as a consequence. Not that anyone cares.

The real issue with the Biden's is their international money laundering and pay to play schemes in Ukraine, China and elsewhere - for personal family profit. All done while Biden was VP. Biden is the "the big guy" and Hunter was the bag-man.

Chuck - do tell us where Hunter Biden got his millions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck -

Hunter's tax evasion problem is much much larger than the stupid gun charge.

Hunter cannot pay taxes openly on ill-gotten gains. So he didn't.

On top of his illegal international pay-to-play schemes for personal profit - NO taxes were paid on all those millions. The Biden's are tax cheats.

LOL - Chuck and the loyal corrupt leftwing dutiful Democrat press DO NOT CARE.

Yancey Ward said...


Defend every pardon issued by Democrats, Chuck. It isn't my job to defend a pardon from anyone- that you seem to think Trump did something different from any other president is pretty fucking hilarious, even for a shit stain like you. Again, you don't understand the nature of the conversation here.

Chuck said...

Yancey Ward said...
Chuck will never forgive Trump and his supporters winning the 2016 election- Chuck had planned to spend several weeks following that election saying, "I told you so." He even promised to do it. And when Trump won, Chuck tried claiming he reluctantly voted for Trump not that anyone really believed him.

That's almost all untrue.

I really did vote for Trump. He was 15th out of 14 GOP primary candidates for me. I have hated and disbleieved the guy from the start. It is true that I didn't think he would win. But I did vote for him in 2016, thinking that he would be surrounded by competent experienced GOP pros, and so he might not be so terrible in office as POTUS. Halfway into 2017, I realized what an awful mistake that was. And I haven't forgiven Trump and I haven't reconciled my own culpability in that ever since.

My story isn't so remarkable. There are thousands of Republicans and former Republicans like me. (Reluctant)Trump'16-then-Biden'20 voters.

Trump won Michigan by about 11,000 votes in 2016. Mine was one of his winning votes. Trump lost Michigan by about 150,000 votes in 2020. Mine was one of the votes that helped defeat him. I would love it if 2024 came down to Michigan, and Trump lost the state by a single vote. Mine.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wasn't Chuck a Lincoln Project pedo?

imTay said...

Has anyone ever met one of the students from the class that Joe Biden was paid $1 million in ChiCom money to teach at Penn? Money laundering. Even if he did go and speak to the students for a few minutes to tick the boxes for the check, it was still a way to get Penn-Biden funds into his paws, money that came largely from China, to appear legitimate.

Yancey Ward said...

No one believes you voted for Trump, Chuck the Cunt- that is because you have long history of lying on these threads and everyone here knows it.

Yancey Ward said...

One really should read some of the November 9th, 2016 Althouse threads- I had forgotten how pathetic Chuck was that morning after getting the election so catastrophically wrong for an entire year- he spent that morning attempting to salvage whatever reputation he had left, which was none by that point in time.

Chuck said...

Vance said...
Chuck here was very, very, very careful to not list all the pardons from Bill Clinton and Obama...

I never once voted for a Clinton or an Obama. You would need to make it a full time job, to find a quote from me where I was speaking glowingly of Clinton or Obama. But I think I could at least make it easier for you by suggesting that I have defended the ACA (which has been hugely popular, and which Trump has never understood and never come close to replacing) and I have also ridiculed Trump for the Obama birth certificate calumny.

President George W. Bush was so parsimonious with his pardon power that he rejected the pleas of Vice President Cheney (I voted for them, twice) to pardon Scooter Libby. Trump pardoned Libby, and it was one of the precious few things that Trump ever got right.

Now there's some hard-left posturing for you, sport!

imTay said...

Isn’t this like playing keep-away with the kid who fell off the short bus? It seems kind of cruel, except that Chuck seems to enjoy it. Carry on.

Yancey Ward said...

Finally something Chuck the Cunt and I can agree on- the pardoning of Scooter Libby. Trump's worst non-pardon was leaving Julian Assange dying in British prisons without ever having been convicted of a crime.

Josephbleau said...

"The president declared flatly last week that he would not pardon his son if convicted, but did not address a commutation..."

Very lawyerly, but you would expect that from a President who was in the top 95% of his Law School class.

Jupiter said...

Yancey, stop calling Chuck a cunt. I have friends who are cunts.

Jupiter said...

And as for "cluster B personality disorders", I think we have gone way, way, way too far in letting the "psychologists" make up diseases whose only symptoms are behaviors. They just do it for power and money, which is why they are all Democrats. Chuck is just an annoying asshole. That's all. If you want some further analysis, try this. I'm going to guess that Chuck is well above average height, and fairly athletic. Because otherwise he would have gotten most of the shit beaten out of him a long time ago.

Kakistocracy said...

I am sure this is the correct verdict and I do not think it was political as such. However, am I even slightly concerned about it? Not really. It’s a very ordinary American story I’m afraid. This only matters to baby boomers who live 24/7 on Facebook and can’t tell the difference between a real photo and an AI generated hallucination.

Imagine all the potential Trump voters who have an addict in their family. And remember gun ownership is considered virtually sacrosanct among the Republicans base.

The Hunter Biden conviction will have zero political impact. The Republicans will try to make him an issue, as they did in 2020, but the move will flop outside of the conservative media bubble. e.g. zero change in partisan opinions, an irrelevant distraction to independents. To the extent that the GOP uses this attack line, I suspect they might even push some independent support on the margins to the Democrats, because the Hunter Biden issue will tend to distract from Joe Biden's genuine weaknesses as a candidate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What is so hideous about the collective LEFT - is you all sound the same. You all use the same talking points - the same whiny posture.
...and those talking points come from the corrupt leftwing democrat party press.

Also known as - the American msm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gun Charge = diversion.

Gun Charge = shiny object.

oh and lo and behold we have proof of that - when Hunter's defense team previously tried to get ALL future charges against Hunter excused and dropped. with some fine print. LOL.
Corrupt hack Merrick Garland would approve - but luckily, even an in-the-tank Judge knew that was hot garbage, and a bridge too far.

No one is above the law!

Except the Biden cabal.

MadisonMan said...

"declared flatly"
Does Biden ever say anything in a way that isn't flat?

Drago said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves: "Wasn't Chuck a Lincoln Project pedo?"

Yes indeed.

Long AFTER the entire Lincoln Pedophile Project had been exposed as coverup artists for Team Groomer, LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck came out flailing passionately in defense of their actions.

Interestingly, Chuck's support for those sickos coincided with his vocal support for Drag Queen Story hour for young children and REALLY STRONG support for all the whack job far left groomer policies in schools, including the worst pornographic content made available to children.

When those facts are combined with Chuck's years long unhealthy obsession with attacking the young children of conservative politicians and his bizarre publishing of a Homosexual Rage Rape posting at Althouse...well.

It paints a rather ugly picture.

And I havent even bothered to mention Chuck's explicitly expressed desires to inflict physical pain on several specific females that are public figures.

Mutaman said...

Yancey Ward said...

"Chuck the Cunt can't fucking read, can you, Chuck the Cunt?"

"Comments may need to pass through moderation."

Say what???

Something a bit off with this Yancey fellow.

FullMoon said...

Rational Chuck said in 2019:
"I'm not a journalist; I'm not a judge sitting on a case in which Trump is a party. I am not a government official owing a duty of fairness and fair dealing to Trump. I don't feel that I owe any duty of fairness to Trump. I think he's hateful and despicable and an asshole and I will be very happy when something very bad happens to him."

HOWEVER, Chuck deserves a little leeway, having acknowledged years prior of "Being on the spectrum."

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Joe acts like he's devoted to Hunter's welfare; a pardon or commutation would be seen sympathetically by many Americans.
Do we know for sure that Hunter is clean now? Could he be so desperate to avoid prison that he would blackmail his father by threatening to confirm what we already know, that Joe is indeed the "Big Guy" and the beneficiary of Hunter's shady business with the Ukrainians and Chinese?

Also, all this talk about Joe magnanimously pardoning Trump assumes that Trump would accept a pardon that would imply the he is/was guilty as charged. My understanding is that presidential pardons must be formally applied for and doing this represents acceptance of guilt. I don't see Trump getting involved in such stuff.

Mutaman said...

Yancey Ward said...

"Chuck the Cunt can't fucking read, can you, Chuck the Cunt?"

Something a bit off with this Yancy dude.

Yancey Ward said...

I don't tolerate liars, Mutaman- so if that is what is a bit off with me, then so be it.

Yancey Ward said...

Fair enough, Jupiter- henceforth Chuck will be Dog Shit.

Mutaman said...

Yancey Ward said...

"I don't tolerate liars, Mutaman- so if that is what is a bit off with me, then so be it."

I don't think responding to liars by writing posts that seem to come from a fifth grader is a rational way of acting.

Gk1 said...

Joe Biden is just a pathetic liar. No one really believes him for a moment. "Dad of the Year" couldn't give two shits for his family and it shows. Hunter Biden's trial was all for show so they could bleat "No one's above the law" while they jail Trump and commute Hunters sentence. No one is being fooled by this.

Big Mike said...

The article was behind a paywall, so all I have is, essentially, the headline — which suggested Joe Biden imagined that his son could not be convicted in a Delaware court by a Delaware jury because of the love and affection Delaware residents have for him personally. Interesting take on this trial and Biden’s pledge regarding a pardon for his son.

gadfly said...

Hunter Biden’s plea agreement was killed last year when Trump-appointed Judge Maryellen Noreika intervened by refusing to sign the Diversion Agreement that Special Counsel David Weise and Hunter had signed. So if Joe Biden were to commute the sentences imposed by the judge, the president would be resetting backhanded decisions right that the judge improperly made. Should Noreika impose no jail time or fines, commution would not be necessary. Possession of an unloaded gun for eleven days by an addict is rarely treated as a criminal offense against first-time offenders. The judge also failed to permit discussion in court that the gun purchase application be examined to show the original application signed by Biden contained only one form of ID.

FleetUSA said...

When Biden speaks he lies.

Enigma said...

@Jupiter: And as for "cluster B personality disorders", I think we have gone way, way, way too far in letting the "psychologists" make up diseases whose only symptoms are behaviors. They just do it for power and money, which is why they are all Democrats.

It wasn't the psychologists on the whole, rather, Obamacare mandates made the problem 100x worse. Before Obamacare, squishy psych and counseling and transgender ideological stuff wasn't typically covered by insurance. It thereby stayed in the fringes and in deep blue locations. With required coverage for...superstition and quackery...a whole lot of greedy medical predators saw new profit streams. This is why they are so dogmatic about stopping debate, blocking coverage of de-transitions, blocking data and coverage of failed treatments, etc. [Medical professionals can indeed be wolves in sheep's clothing.]

The solution is to merely undo the utopian and partisan ideas forced by Obama and Biden in their first two years in office. And, get the courts to stop agencies who run wild (e.g., EPA, ATF, etc.) with ideological new 'rules' that never receive a vote.

Mr. Majestyk said...

@gadfly, the judge didn't just willy-nilly refuse to accept Hunter's plea deal. The judge nixed the plea deal because, on the basis of a few questions, it became clear the two sides had different understandings of what they were agreeing to regarding immunity for Hunter's other crimes. In other words, there was no deal to approve.

Bruce Hayden said...

“@gadfly, the judge didn't just willy-nilly refuse to accept Hunter's plea deal. The judge nixed the plea deal because, on the basis of a few questions, it became clear the two sides had different understandings of what they were agreeing to regarding immunity for Hunter's other crimes. In other words, there was no deal to approve.”

My theory is that the plea agreement was intentionally ambiguous. Hunter could claim that it was a blanket messy, while the DOJ could claim the opposite. Then, when they went to enforce it, Hunter could claim that he wouldn’t have signed without the blanket amnesty, and likely prevail on Due Process grounds. Win/win, except that they were caught by the judge.

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