June 16, 2024

Sunrise — 5:03, 5:17, 5:34, 5:47.






Scott Patton said...

In the last image, it's interesting that the reflection of the sun is fuzzy (diffused?) to the point that is apparently equidistant from the horizon, where it becomes a sharp reflection - a distinct line. Why is there any reflection of the sun in the fuzzy part (extending back to the horizon)? It should just be a reflection of the part of the sky that is below the sun.

lonejustice said...

It's summer, so my reading list is not as serious as it is during the fall, winter, and spring. This weekend I finished "Winesburg, Ohio" by Sherwood Anderson, and "Dandelion Wine" by Ray Bradbury. They are both told from the perspective of a young boy and young man growing up in a rural Midwestern town. I grew up in a small rural town in Iowa, so the stories resonate with my memories of childhood during the late '50s and early '60s, although both novels occur earlier in time than my childhood. Still, things were a lot simpler back then. My childhood was not idyllic, but I could still identify with both of the main characters. I highly recommend these two novels if you looking for some lighter summer reading that may bring back a lot of fond memories from your childhood.

Humperdink said...

Nothing like another deliberate head shot to Caitlin Clark's noggin. I don't follow WNBA, but it appears there is a contingent in the league that is upset with this pale faced interloper.

Eva Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eva Marie said...

Winsburg Ohio is $.49 on kindle and under 6 bucks on audible (through the Althouse portal) Cheap summer read (or listen).

Gusty Winds said...

Bryson DeChambeau, a Trump supporter, won the US Open today in 18th hole dramatic fashion.

Lib announcer actually said, "The world is rooting for Rory McIlroy."

Rory had a taken a two stroke lead by hole 13. But, missed two four foot puts in the last two holes, and left the door open.

Bryson finished it with a 50 yard up and down from the sand to win. MAGA style.

pacwest said...

Is Richard the same person as Ritmo (and the other aliases he used)? Kinda sounds like he's using the same attacks. Similar grammer. Baseless and fact free just like Ritmo.

Lilly, a dog said...

"I don't follow WNBA," said everyone, everywhere. Forever and ever. Amen.

Gusty Winds said...

Obama had to take Biden by the sleeve and walk him off stage last night at the George Clooney Hollywood fundraiser. Biden is a controllable avatar. All of what we are experiencing is being driven by Obama and the apparatus he built.


Humperdink said...

Ritmo ... a name from the past. And then there is Alley Oop.

MadTownGuy said...

Hesperia Fire explodes to over 1,300 acres

Fire is near where my sister and her son live, just a few minutes apart, but moving away from populated areas so far. The article says that someone claimed it was started by fireworks, which I expect will be true, since illegal/industrial grade fireworks are all over the place in SoCal.

Chuck said...

Hey I think it's time to set aside politics, and wish A HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL, INCLUDING THE RADICAL LEFT DEGENERATES...

Chuck said...

Gusty Winds said...
Obama had to take Biden by the sleeve and walk him off stage last night at the George Clooney Hollywood fundraiser. Biden is a controllable avatar. All of what we are experiencing is being driven by Obama and the apparatus he built.


You miserable lying fucking sack of worthless shit.
Here's the video that I saw. Now show us the video that you saw. Was it from the NY Post story? Wait; that wasn't any video at all. It was just two fantastically misleading still images.

You, and the Post, are so fucking busted on this lie.

Eva Marie said...

“Happy Fathers Day to all” and “You miserable lying fucking sack of worthless shit” within minutes of each other?
But what if Gusty Winds is a daddy?

Jersey Fled said...

“ I don't follow WNBA, but it appears there is a contingent in the league that is upset with this pale faced interloper.”

That would be Black lesbians.

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

Bryson was really killing it out there, or was that the Saudi’s? At least he was good from the deep cut, just like the Saudi’s. Ironic Americans cheering USA for a guy bought by the Saudi’s.

McElroy’s self implosion won this for DeChambeau as much as anything. He has been carrying the weight of the entire PGA on his shoulders for quite a while now and his two missed putts today was evidence of this. I don’t like when the LIV golfers win these majors for reasons that Gusty Winds should know as well as anyone.

Lilly, a dog said...

You seem like a well-adjusted fella, Chuck. Now wipe that powder from your nose and go to bed.

Aggie said...

I looked at the video clip, 48 seconds long. What does Joe Biden do between :27 seconds and :35 seconds? They edited the segment twice in this interval to change the camera angle, but if the artful distraction of these edits is ignored, Joe Biden is not waving, not engaging the audience and not moving at all - until Obama drifts back and takes his hand at :35. Not so?

Don't get me wrong, I don't like partisan attacks using cheap tricks on either side. So I wouldn't be interpreting this as a dementia brain freeze, necessarily, without seeing more, even though Obama is still engaging the crowd, waving, winking, smiling and pointing. But: Would I be asserting strongly that 'Nothing remotely close to that happened'? Well... that isn't true, is it? Yes it did happen, exactly - for 7 or 8 seconds, on stage, in front of everybody. And if you can't bring yourself to admit what is in front of your eyes, then can you tell us: Why was Joe being carefully, closely flanked on either side for the entire clip? Aren't you a little curious?

Joe Smith said...

Has anyone ever figured out where Obama was during the Benghazi disaster.

You know, the classic 'who's going to answer that 3am phone call?'

Has any serious journalist ever asked?

Jim at said...

Has anyone ever figured out where Obama was during the Benghazi disaster.

Best guess? He was in bed ... getting ready to jet off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas the next day.

RCOCEAN II said...

great photos. As usual the clouds add a lot.

RCOCEAN II said...

PGA v. LIV has to be the dullest shit ever. Loved how how the dumbshit sports writers kept reminding us in their pravda like manner that the LIV was associated with Saudi Arabia.

Guess we're supposed to hate Saudi arabia, because other than being our great Ally, they're awful. Libtards hate those Goddamn Non-Christian foreigners. LOL - typical libtard inconsistency.

Rory just shows how hard it is to win majors. that jack and tiger won so many, just shows how special they were.

gadfly said...

There’s a lot of history repeating itself in Congress this year — there’s an inescapable stench of tobacco smoke in the Capitol’s hallways.

The US Capitol is one of a handful of places in Washington, DC, and among the few remaining office buildings in the country where smoking is still allowed inside. Despite efforts going back more than 150 years to prohibit tobacco from the building, smoking is still permitted in members’ offices.

The Capitol, and the surrounding congressional office buildings, are federal property but operate independently of other government buildings. Many rules — including those about smoking and recent pandemic procedures — are at the discretion of House and Senate leadership.

Despite the freedom to smoke, House Republicans have a horrible problem they are looking for Speaker Johnson to solve immediately. Johnson has a small enclosed porch just off the Speaker's ceremonial intersanctum.

"We desperately need a place to smoke cigars," Rep. Tom Cole told Axios Sunday. Another Republican said "It's a very important issue."

So another place to smoke cigars means that members don't want their offices contaminated by the stinky smell of "seegar" smoke. But our not-so-smart smoking congressmen, who are killing themselves, need not worry because smoking inhibits their ability to smell. And who among the powerful elite give a shit about visiting constituents and congressional employees anyway?

NKP said...

Four GREAT pictures. Clouds rule!

That's a Pussycat in the middle of #1, right?

NKP said...

The US Open is the USA's golf championship. It is open to all golfers.

The only thing determining the champion is how many strokes were required to complete 72 holes. Doesn't matter where the golfer came from or what group the golfer affiliates with.

NKP said...

If Joe Biden was anyone other than "Joe Biden", does anyone believe he could get a gig at McDonald's, Walmart, Kroger, Starbucks, Uber, Home Depot, the DMV, Verizon, Morgan & Morgan, Petsmart??????


wendybar said...

Isn't it strange that the only reason we're paying attention to women's basketball is because of the violence? And just WHO is committing the violence and why?? Jealous little black lesbians who hate that straight whitey is so much better than they are and broke all the records. How DARE she take over THEIR game??

The gay mafia combined with the black mafia is destroying the only good that the WNBA had. Watch as it circles the toilet bowl. Why would any decent parent want their kid involved in a hate sport??

Kate said...

The women play a physical game of basketball. Yesterday's Chicago at Indiana was outstanding.

wendybar said...

"What a picture that paints for us.

While Trump is out there fighting and campaigning for the working people, the forgotten, the minorities, the constituencies taken for granted by Democrats as the entitlement class, Biden is out courting the rich Hollywood elite",( with Hussein dragging him off the stage.)


Meade said...

2 great points directly above ^^

Meade said...


Leland said...

Gadfly prefers the White House cocaine.

rehajm said...

PGA v. LIV has to be the dullest shit ever. Loved how how the dumbshit sports writers kept reminding us in their pravda like manner that the LIV was associated with Saudi Arabia

Blood money, they said. Some PR strategist thought that angle was a good idea. Worst was during the Open at Brookline- it is not a PGA event mind you, Chamblee and every golf channel talking head was serving up that propaganda faster than Ann posting free links…

…to top it off PGA gets in bed with the Saudis. But hey with the lawsuit The Tour would have had to make some…inconvenient disclosures. Mix pure PGA money with blood money and you get blood money..:they’re all blood money now…

worst of it LIV is a crap product. Go…range goats?

6/17/24, 5:35 AM Delete

donald said...

The women can’t jump, can’t run, their upper body weakness makes their passing weak and they’re almost all ugly as hell. If I wanna seek basketball below the rim, I can go watch some preteens play. If I wanna watch Mean Girls, there’s a way better movie available. I’m 64, I’m down to one half of a knee and never played high school basketball. I can play in that league.

Christopher B said...

You can almost see the Democrats and NeverTrumpers (but I repeat myself) seething that support for Trump is becoming normal.

rehajm said...

Number three has a bit of the Dagobah on a clear day about it. Four is every ducks unlimited oil painting ever.

rehajm said...

Number three has a bit of the Dagobah on a clear day about it. Four is every ducks unlimited oil painting ever.

Enigma said...

@Humperdink: Nothing like another deliberate head shot to Caitlin Clark's noggin. I don't follow WNBA, but it appears there is a contingent in the league that is upset with this pale faced interloper.

Some people want segregation today, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever. Skin color doesn't matter -- they are the true violent far right.

Maybe we need to reintroduce separate sports leagues by race...safe spaces you know...

Politics, irony, and pendulum swings.

Humperdink said...

The knock on Caitlin Clark's teammates is they do not respond to the physical assaults on Clark. Similar to the NHL of old, it appears the team needs an enforcer, aka an NHL goon.

rehajm said...

…so glad I didn’t invest in the women’s bb- time that is. Never ever would I throw money at it…

BUMBLE BEE said...

FWIW I Like #4.

Iman said...

You far-lefties specialize in blowing smoke up asses, ‘fly.

Jamie said...

I loved Dandelion Wine - I should reread it. Bradbury's style is so rich.

boatbuilder said...

Not a huge fan of LIV or Dechambeau, but spare us the moral posturing. The PGA and the networks were and are making loads of money off off the players, and grossly underpaying them--which they could do because of their monopoly position.

The first thing the PGA did (after the vilification) was to suddenly find another $90 Million in prize money. Who was getting that $90 million before that? Not the players.

And since when did the Saudis become our enemies? Nobody in sport seems to have a serious problem with Nike/China sponsoring things.

narciso said...

Seeing as qatar helps hamas helps the taliban but also funds at least two soccer franchises in barcelona and paris st germain and supports the likes of this


Scott Patton said...

A photographer has been disqualified from a picture competition after his real photograph won in the AI image category.

Ann Althouse said...

"A photographer has been disqualified from a picture competition after his real photograph won in the AI image category."

Great story... but is it a real story?

I got skeptical because 1. It would be meta to have AI write this story about AI and 2. The photographers name is "Miles Astray." That sounds far off.

Sebastian said...

"LIV is a crap product"

And they overpaid for "stars." What was the business model, if there was one?

Meade said...

Chuck said...

You miserable lying fucking sack of worthless shit.
Here's the video that I saw. Now show us the video that you saw. Was it from the NY Post story? Wait; that wasn't any video at all. It was just two fantastically misleading still images.

You, and the Post, are so fucking busted on this lie.”
Trump Derangement Syndrome Is over. It’s been replaced with just plain Derangement. Not even a syndrome. It’s completely well-understood. Chuck’s Derangement Disorder. Look for it in the diagnostic manual. CDD.

Original Mike said...

Chuck said..."You miserable lying fucking sack of worthless shit.
Here's the video that I saw. Now show us the video that you saw. Was it from the NY Post story? Wait; that wasn't any video at all. It was just two fantastically misleading still images."

Interesting. Chuck's video edits out the part where Obama gives the semi-catatonic Biden a tug on the arm, signaling to him it's time to go.

Biden's hands are always in that half-clenched state. What's up with that?

Rusty said...

I like the third and fourth pictures. The third one is interesting and draws you in. You want to know more.

rehajm said...

"LIV is a crap product" And they overpaid for "stars." What was the business model, if there was one?

It’s an interesting question…best Incan tell the idea is to attract the best talent to a format designed to attract a younger and growing golf demographic with faster play, constant action with shotgun starts and the introduction of team play. The team aspect is important as they are supposedly developing the teams to sell as unique entities, making golf more like Formula One or something. F1 is an over $15 billion entity btw…

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "You miserable lying fucking sack of worthless shit.
Here's the video that I saw. Now show us the video that you saw. Was it from the NY Post story? Wait; that wasn't any video at all. It was just two fantastically misleading still images.

You, and the Post, are so fucking busted on this lie."


Our resident psycho falls for another New Soviet Democratical lie!

Hey dummy, the unedited video where obama grabs the arm of Dementia-Glitch Boy and guides him off stage is available EVERYWHERE!

The best part about LLR-democratical Chuck's latest (of many!) lie? The fact the Chuckles always presents his psycho self as the embodiment of factual analysis and precision!!!


Thanks for the laughs Chuck! This one will be added to the long list of hoaxes and lies you've dutifully pushed on behalf your beloved democraticals.

I put this one on a par with your years long lies supporting Sen Dick "Da Nang" Blumenthal's Stolen Valor lies...which you pushed and pushed and pushed.

Interestingly, Chuck's passionate and sustained defense of Blumenthal's Stolen Valor lies looks even more psychotic when compared to Chuck's vicious attacks against any conservative/republican with distinguished military backgrounds...particularly combat achievements.

There's clearly something deeply sick within Chuck and his likely personal cowardice that drives such bizarre reactions.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "Interesting. Chuck's video edits out the part where Obama gives the semi-catatonic Biden a tug on the arm, signaling to him it's time to go."

Chuck thinks presenting obviously edited videos when the original is floating about will work!

Lets see how long our hilariously pathetic LLR-democratical Brigade will continue to run with this latest lie.