June 18, 2024

Sunrise — 4:51, 5:16, 5:21, 5:33.






traditionalguy said...

Longest day of the year is as good as here. Time has come for some familiar mid 90s temps in Hotlanta.

lonejustice said...

Some of the commentators here post that anyone who says anything against Trump and in support of Biden are automatically pedophiles. This, of course, is absurd. But here is a case of a very real Trump supporter who is a pedophile:


Mason G said...

"This, of course, is absurd."

If that's so, what's the point of your link?

narciso said...

Events that happened 37 years ago and the churches reconciled as they say move on

Big Mike said...

Joy Behar worries out loud that if Trump wins he will have “The View” canceled.

Hey, lady. I was already going to vote for Trump; you don’t have to sell me on it.

Joe Smith said...

It's official; there is no advantage to being a United States citizen.

Indeed, it is now a disadvantage as citizens must pay taxes to provide for the comfort of those who broke our immigration laws.

They are protected. We are not.

Joe Smith said...

'But here is a case of a very real Trump supporter who is a pedophile:'

Did he shower with his daughter too?

The things one learns...

Big Mike said...

I just read that Willie Mays has passed away, at 93 years old.

TickTock said...

I read that Nvidia ended the day worth $3.34 trillion. There is something going on that is more important than the election. Science fiction is coming to life. A good chance that things will get wild (and bumpy) before the decade is out. Brace for the G-forces.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Some of the commentators here post that anyone who says anything against Trump and in support of Biden are automatically pedophiles."

Alex, I'll take "More LLR-democratical Jussie Smollett-Like Made Up S*** From lonejustice" for $500 please.

it really amazing how pathetic lonejustice's LLR-democratical offerings are.

He must have been grandfathered into the Alhouse Blog LLR-democratical Brigade as a charity case.

Joe Smith said...

'I just read that Willie Mays has passed away, at 93 years old.'

Me too.

I grew up an A's fan but saw him play many times at Candlestick.

If I had the first draft pick of any player in history I'd go with Mays.

Run, throw, field, hit, stolen bases...he was among that best at everything, and overall the best player in history imho.

I'm fortunate that I got to see him play.

Rory said...

"I'm fortunate that I got to see him play."

Same here. And to see him on Bewitched:


The rule of Lemnity said...

Marvelous pictures. I can’t pick a favourite.

Aggie said...

Last one looks like a Monet. Very nice !

The rule of Lemnity said...

Whatever happened to the Peter Arnets?

From a war zone ladies and gents

gadfly said...

A pop culture superstition called the "Rule of Threes" suggests that when one celebrity dies, two more will follow. Some say this superstition may have originated as a survival skill for early humans, and others say it may be related to the number three's significance in society. The number three is often used in children's stories, artistic compositions, and religious doctrine, and is considered an ideal number.

Last week, NBA great, Jerry West died.

Today, "Say Hey" Willie Mays, perhaps the greatest MLB player passed.

Mrs. Palmer’s Smile said...

I've been buying NVDA since 2016 - about 2.63 a share back then - and it has been a story of near constant growth, other than the two occasions when its value fell by about 30% within days, tough to watch because there was no telling it would not keep falling. But it did recover.

Mr Huang is the most inspiring of the founder-entrepreneurs in tech. A true immigrant success story with powerful lessons in perseverance and effort. The personal journey of the Kentucky boarding school and winning his girlfriend/wife at Oregon State provides the textbook example of moxie. He saw the ML wave and other chipmakers ignored it. Google made TPUs years later but AWS, Azure, Arm, AMD, and Intel should have been fast followers.

JaimeRoberto said...

@gadfly Bill Walton recently passed away too. Willy Mays is #3.

Old and slow said...

Speaking of Nvidia and AI, I read some very interesting writing about it (may have been posted by someone here, I don't recall) https://situational-awareness.ai/

Really worth a read. I honestly am too ignorant to have an informed opinion about where it is going, though from my reading, it seems that NO ONE is qualified to opine authoritatively.

Inga said...

“When Republicans gather in Milwaukee next month to nominate him for president, Donald J. Trump planned to stay not in the convention’s host city but at a Trump hotel in Chicago, some 90 miles away, according to three people briefed on the former president’s logistics.

That changed midafternoon on Tuesday, after reporters for The New York Times and an ABC station in Chicago contacted his campaign for comment.

Mr. Trump now intends to stay in Milwaukee, two of the people briefed on his logistics said.”


Trump loves Milwaukee after all! What a guy.

Iman said...

Don’t forget another recent passing of an NBA great: Chet “the Jet” Walker.

Drago said...

White Savior Karen Inga: "Trump loves Milwaukee after all! What a guy."

Have you figured out the hoax dossier is a hoax yet?

Don't be shy about letting us know when that little factoid gets internalized. Feel free to read Mueller's mind again for additional perspective.

Drago said...

gadfly: "A pop culture superstition called the "Rule of Threes" suggests that when one celebrity dies, two more will follow. Some say this superstition may have originated as a survival skill for early humans, and others say it may be related to the number three's significance in society. The number three is often used in children's stories, artistic compositions, and religious doctrine, and is considered an ideal number."

You really ought to start providing links and attribution for all the content you steal and try to pass off as your own.

Not a good look.

Mutaman said...

"Melania Trump spotted in NYC with $33K Birkin handbag while Donald hits campaign trail 1,200 miles away "


HistoryDoc said...

Growing up as a kid in northern california in the 60's, my 2 huge sports idols were Jerry West and Willie Mays. As I grew older, I was a big sports fan, enjoyed following many great local and national athletes, but none ever took the place of West and Mays. They represented a time of innocence in my life, before the realities of sports, media, big business, and modernity changed how we all viewed things.

For me, to lose them both this week is a double whammy of sadness, mixed with fond memories of a bygone era.

gadfly said...

Blogger Drago said...

You really ought to start providing links and attribution for all the content you steal and try to pass off as your own.

I usually do but you never read them and I have never found any links to your lies. In this case, I searched Google for "Rule of Threes" and a new thing appeared - Google's AI summary, which said what I wanted to say. So I have no URL to cite. It seems silly to include URLs for the deaths, but here I am addressing an Althouse poster who fills page after page of the blog with name-calling and idiocy such as this attack. Althouse asks that you not make personal attacks, but cultists dedicated to Don the felon must believe themselves to be as smart as Yogi Bear. So, who won the 2020 Presidential election, Drago?

Mutaman said...

Drago said...

"You really ought to start providing links and attribution for all the content you steal and try to pass off as your own.

Links in an Althouse post ???

Hey Drago, here's something they didn't teach you at Trump University-- when someone puts quotes around something, it means its not their own.

Humperdink said...

I saw the Willie Mays play at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh. My lasting memory of Mays was watching him at bat. Most players would swing at a ball. Mays would attack it. Everyone knew we were watching a legend.

wendybar said...

Mutaman said...
"Melania Trump spotted in NYC with $33K Birkin handbag while Donald hits campaign trail 1,200 miles away "


6/18/24, 11:44 PM

Jealous?? What's the big deal?? They are rich. They make MONEY. At least it is THEIR money, and NOT stolen from taxpayers or taken as a bribe for the whole family from Ukraine or China.

Should he give it to your government to blow???

Big Mike said...

@Mutaman, if you don’t provide a link then it’s perfectly fair to presume that your “facts” and your quotes are made up.

Mutaman said...

wendybar said...

" Jealous?? What's the big deal?? They are rich. They make MONEY. At least it is THEIR money, and NOT stolen from taxpayers or taken as a bribe for the whole family from Ukraine or China."

Actually its stolen from people like you. I remember when Bill Clinton got a $40 haircut and you thought it was the end of the world.

A 33 thousand dollar purse???

rehajm said...

33k is modest for a birkin. You should see the ones the clients have…

wendybar said...

Actually its stolen from people like you. I remember when Bill Clinton got a $40 haircut and you thought it was the end of the world.

A 33 thousand dollar purse???

6/19/24, 5:00 AM

None of your business how much money they spend on themselves. Do you want to get into how much the Obamas spend, what they spend it on and where their money actually came from??

And I could care less about Clintons haircut, it was a story because he held up flights at LAX, but blame the "right wing" for Progressive royalty.

Jersey Fled said...

“ White Savior Karen Inga: "Trump loves Milwaukee after all! What a guy."

Have you figured out the hoax dossier is a hoax yet?”

She kinda sorta admitted it after about a year and a half of questioning and badgering by myself and several others here.

Maybe you missed it.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Mutaman: 'Actually its stolen from people like you. I remember when Bill Clinton got a $40 haircut and you thought it was the end of the world.

A 33 thousand dollar purse???"

I am thinking more along the lines of how Secretary of Stae Hillary arranged for Putin and his russki oligarch pals to acquire control of a large % of US uranium assets after which a very, very coooooool $150 Million flowed to the Clinton Foundation from russki sources over time...inclusive of the Uranium One dea...and all from Putin's amigos...

Not to mention the $500k Billy boy received for one quickie speech in Moscow!

Makes the Biden crime family look like pikers!


Humperdink said...

$33K for a purse? Trump is/was a major real estate developer around the world. I suspect $33K wouldn't fill up Trump's jet with fuel more a once or twice. He made money. Serious money.

Obama? Biden? Professional lifetime politicians who made money the easy way. Mutaman nods.

Rusty said...

Mutaman said...
"Melania Trump spotted in NYC with $33K Birkin handbag while Donald hits campaign trail 1,200 miles away "


Now just because you can only afford 'Coach' is no reason to get upset. I'm sure yours goes with all your outfits.

Again with the mutaman. Mutaman said...
wendybar said...

" Jealous?? What's the big deal?? They are rich. They make MONEY. At least it is THEIR money, and NOT stolen from taxpayers or taken as a bribe for the whole family from Ukraine or China."

"Actually its stolen from people like you. I remember when Bill Clinton got a $40 haircut and you thought it was the end of the world."

A 33 thousand dollar purse???"

Then explain this. How come Trump is the only president since Reagan who was worth less when he left office? The Bushes, Clinton, Obama all were worth more when they left office than when they began.
Envy is an ugly sin.

Old and slow said...

It wasn't so much that Bill Clinton paid $200 for a haircut, though that seemed a shocking amount in 1993. The real problem was that he saw fit to hold up air traffic at LAX while he got the haircut.

Drago said...

Old and slow: "It wasn't so much that Bill Clinton paid $200 for a haircut, though that seemed a shocking amount in 1993. The real problem was that he saw fit to hold up air traffic at LAX while he got the haircut"


Mutaman is on a roll! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Jim at said...

Trump loves Milwaukee after all! What a guy. - The Dolt

Why do you give a shit where he stays?

Seriously. What in the hell is wrong with you? I mean, you pick the most trivial of things to bitch about and act as if it's some sort of 'gotcha!'

It isn't.

Find a new hobby because you suck at this one.

Jim at said...

"Melania Trump spotted in NYC with $33K Birkin handbag while Donald hits campaign trail 1,200 miles away"

You, too.

Who gives a damn?
Find something else to do with your time.

Jim at said...

I remember when Bill Clinton got a $40 haircut and you thought it was the end of the world.

Dumbass. It wasn't the haircut. It was the fact he tied up traffic at an airport to get it.

At this rate? By November, you'll be sitting in a corner drooling on your lap.