From "White House denies rumors Biden is heading to Camp David to discuss dropping out of race with family/'The premise of the story is not accurate,' a White House official said" (Post Millennial).
I keep seeing this message to Biden: If you drop out, we will portray you as a noble and beloved public servant, but if you don't let go, everything you've done over your long life will count for nothing as against this one cataclysmic wrong — letting Trump back into the Oval Office.
And I guess it's really a message to Jill: That's a grand, honored husband you have there, and if you don't take him home and hide him, he's going to be attacked and scorned for the rest of American history.
Yeah, well. The problem is, if Joe Biden doesn't steal another election, is whole family is going to prison.
The real message here is that the Dems/Uniparty will stop at NOTHING to deny Trump the presidency.
The funniest comment I heard a commentator make just an observation but not as a criticism, is that Jill really likes the White House cooking and would hate to give it up.
OTOH, there's the possibility that Joe just had a bad night and will make a miracle recovery, prove all the naysayers wrong, and go on to a landslide victory in November. Or that's the word from Obama, which droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven on the place beneath.
An unnamed source who is not keyed in
EMPTY THREAT. Jill Biden knows the oligarchs cannot afford to fail a serious replacement effort, and she knows they are panicked enough after the NYT trial balloon to give her -anything- she wants.
They are probably plotting how to purge "disloyal" elements first, though. While I would like to see Garland in a jail cell, it's probably too much to ask for.
Jill is not a good person. She will tell them to go pi$$ up and rope.
Oh Yea said...
The funniest comment I heard a commentator make just an observation but not as a criticism, is that Jill really likes the White House cooking and would hate to give it up.
6/30/24, 11:38 AM
I'd certainly feel the same way, particularly if I was a trashy elder Karen with delusions of being a MILF. Even so, I like to think I wouldn't go full Imelda Marcos for it.
That's the thing about Joe: they made him, they can break him. Once he's no longer useful, all the money and media cover is gone, he's suddenly like Lear on the blasted heath. Does Jill even imagine she has a choice? I keep seeing that image of Gavin Newsome, after the debate, absolutely ebullient. If ever there was a tell, that was it.
Officials, speaking to Jill Biden on the side: "Either the case for him selling out his office for millions to foreign nationals will be prosecuted, and not only will family members end up in jail, but your millions will be confiscated.'ll never be spoken of again.
You choose."
"one cataclysmic wrong — letting Trump back into the Oval Office."
The cataclysm wouldn't be that Trump would take office, but that he would govern successfully.
IMO, Joe has no options. He'll be dropping out. The only question is how.
"he's going to be attacked and scorned for the rest of American history."
Too late. He IS going to be attacked and scorned for the rest of American history, along with all the other lying Progressives. The Truth is coming. Karma, Baby!!!
IMHO, you are 100% correct, Althouse.
It is all up to Dr. Jill.
The question is whether she is as delusional as her hubby.
A few comments:
==>For what it's worth, CNN had the debate camera angles adjusted in way that made Biden appear to be 2 inches taller than Trump. Biden is actually about 3 inches shorter than Trump.
==>If Biden decides to end his campaign it will end his ability to sell influence. For that reason I expect that Biden will stay in he race for President.
==>It's been noted that Jill Biden is most likely negotiating a monetary price for Joe's withdrawal from the race. I think the "price" will also include blanket pardons for his family members.
==>It's been reported that Jill and Joe have refinanced their home 30 times. Refinancing more than 1 or 2 times is suspect. Refinancing 30 times is money laundering.
==>I re-watched the first 30 minutes of the debate. What I saw was the same Joe Biden I've been watching for the last 3+ years. Joe's debate performance was not an anomaly. It was, in fact, par for the course. No amount of spin can explain away what we all saw.
From the post:
"In this they are much like an Inquisition trial for witchcraft, a Maoist self-examination session, or a bully big brother."
More like: "sweet gig you have there. Would be a shame if you lost everything."
Biden is an inch shorter than Trump nowadays.
They have both lost height, as is very common among men their age. Trump has actually lost more than Biden.
If Trump is 6’3 then Obama is 6’3 and a half.
Trump is 6’0.5 and Biden is 5’11.5 now.
The Soviet hivemind - so easily turn on a dime.
If you're the Biden's deciding what to do, you start with the undeniable facts. And the most pertinent one is Joe Biden is cognitively impaired. That's not changing. In fact, it will get worse. Joe is dropping out. You can bet the ranch.
The truly awful thing is, this is not a new development. They have known this for a long time, yet they left him running the most powerful country on the planet. and teed up anther four years. They played with well more than the 350M lives of its citizens. They played with the world. It is beyond galling when they trot out the 'Joe is a decent, honorable man'. These people deserve to burn in hell.
Not that I have a strong opinion, or anything…
If the left somehow manage to convince Michelle Obama to face Trump - it's over.
Me - I'm certain she still doesn't want to do it.
It could be over with pretty Newsum. Doesn't matter that Gavin helped kick the destruction of CA into overdrive. He's young, good looking and can verbally fight Trump with one arm behind his back.
Until something big happens - I am enjoying the shadenfraud consuming the Joe Scarborough extreme left.
Biden will drop out.
Harris will become the President and will run against Trump.
The race will be close, and either candidate might win.
Temujin said...
Officials, speaking to Jill Biden on the side: "Either the case for him selling out his office for millions to foreign nationals will be prosecuted, and not only will family members end up in jail, but your millions will be confiscated.'ll never be spoken of again.
You choose."
6/30/24, 11:48 AM
When Jill Biden stops laughing, she will remind "officials" that Merrick Garland can and will be fired when Joe Biden likes. He can pardon Hunter- or not, he's not Jill's boy. And then they can charge an oligarch with pedophilia. Warning shot.
Got any other threats?
Being “painfully aware“ of anything would require significantly more awareness than he appears to retain.
Blogger Jupiter said..."Yeah, well. The problem is, if Joe Biden doesn't steal another election, is whole family is going to prison."
They'll be pardoned prospectively. Either by their democrat successor or by Joe himself.
Last chance to get the John McCain treatment. Otherwise it's Nixon.
Put ‘em all out on the patio where they belong.
And, by all means, keep them the fuck away from power.
"It is beyond galling when they trot out the 'Joe is a decent, honorable man'."
What else are they going to say? They supported the dirtbag, knowing full well what he is (and has always been).
By any means necessary…
Lloyd W. Robertson said...
Last chance to get the John McCain treatment. Otherwise it's Nixon.
6/30/24, 12:13 PM
HAHAHAHA! Even if they wanted to, there's no shortage of liberals who think CNN has been taken over by the right wing over the debate (!!!). They could never make this threat real enough for Biden.
Time for some bunker analogies.
If he has to drop out of the race, doesn't he have to resign from the Presidency?
If he can't do it now, why stay President for 7 more months.
Another source close to Biden suggested that First Lady Jill Biden’s opinion will significantly influence the President’s decision. 'The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady,' the source said. 'If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.'"
And I guess it's really a message to Jill: That's a grand, honored husband you have there, and if you don't take him home and hide him, he's going to be attacked and scorned for the rest of American history.
No, the message to "Dr" Jill is "if you dont' get the hell out of here, we're going to take you down, too."
If she actually gave a shit about Joe, she wouldn't be engaging in the elder abuse. She's a prestige hungry (that's why she got the Ed D, so she could be "Doctor" when around "Senators"), power hungry monster.
About the only thing that might work is promising they will 25th Amendment Joe unless she pulls him out of the race, now.
But doing that makes Kamala the President, and they're their candidate. And she (properly) polls worse than Joe does.
So, because teh Dems refused to do the right thing a year ago, they're screwed now
Appearing confused? APPEARING confused???
Jill's not leaving without a fight. Her nail marks are goiing to be on every door jamb in the White House.
As my begley said, I think 500 million gets it done.
Jill doesn’t seem inclined to GAF what is best for Joe or America. Jill is looking out for Jill. Period. That article yesterday was all about how she doesn’t want to give up all trappings of being First Lady. If she cared about Joe she would have advised him to step down while he was still lucid.
After Biden drops out and Harris becomes the President, the Democrats' position will improve.
As before, the Democrats' biggest problem will be immigration. Despite that problem, about half the electorate will continue to vote for the Democrats.
Harris will have to agree to much tougher immigration controls, and she will do so. If she does not do so, then she will be defeated in a landslide.
Preserve that legacy Pedo Pete!
"could be damaging to both his campaign and presidential legacy"
Presidential legacy?
Good one. Some writer's got a career crafting jokes for Leno.
Biden only has to worry if he'll be #1 or #2 in the great tome titled "Shiittehead Presidents We've Endured."
If Joe decides to stay, he's going to need those people that are asking him to back out now. The media, the pundits, the party, the donors.
How can they turn around and go back to pretending Joe is fine?
The only way out is thru the Lindon Johnson exit doors.
Greg the Class Traitor said...
But doing that makes Kamala the President, and they're their candidate. And she (properly) polls worse than Joe does.
I'm not saying she would beat Trump - but don't assume that she is too unpopular to win. And, of course, if Biden totally walks away (25th Amendment or whatever), she will be the "incumbent" and media will tell us that she deserves a "grace" period and big meanie Trump shouldn't criticize her.
Then again, how do you drop out of something you are not running?
At he point the best thing for the Democrats would be for Biden to pass away peacefully in his sleep.
Within minutes of the announcement of his passing the Internet will be ablaze with conspiracy theories, each more wild than the previous one. He was poisoned; there was a needle mark on his neck. Not at all! There were clear signs of a struggle, a bloody pillow on the floor, and petechia all over his face.
If there’s no autopsy that will be a clear sign that the fix is in. If there is an autopsy then that just means the doctors at Walter Reed are in on it. Someone will claim that his second cousin on his mother’s side has a friend who saw the actual tox screen report and Biden’s blood was loaded with strychnine (do they even screen for strychnine?). No, a friend of a friend says it was cyanide. Nope, pufferfish poison. No he was smothered. Untrue! A Secret Service agent shot him on orders from the World Economic Forum.
You’d think it would be straightforward to squelch the bullshit, and before COVID-19 it certainly would have been easy. But aince then we’ve learned that “disinformation” and “misinformation” are establishment-speak for “true but harmful to the Democrats.” And thus at least half the country will treat official efforts to debunk the conspiracy theories as a clear sign that the theories must be true.
So I, for one, hope the old bastard lives at least until the second week of November.
By the way... The 25th Amendment was written with Donald Trump in mind.
Little known factoid.
"The premise of the story is not accurate." The White House clarified that the trip to Camp David had been scheduled for weeks and added, "There is nothing more to it." The Biden family is also planning to take a family photo during their visit to Camp David."
Everyone knows they are all just getting together to talk about grandkids, wedding plans and exchanges of recipes.
Was "the debate" a setup? Soft Coup?
Strange days indeed.
Most peculiar momma.
X Video: For Joe's sake, Joe better dropout... yesterday
"FU, if you can't handle the truth"
Joe is doomed to be scorned and reviled no matter what Jill does or fails to do.
Kamala promoted. Immediatly closes border, starts deporting illegals, removes oil drilling restrictions, questions climate change, favors abortion limits, restricts sex change of minors.
Keeps all Trump hating voters, acquires independents, gets elected, nullifies all the changes she made.
Pretty much every time I see someone mention the 25th Amendment I assume they have never read through the thing. It’s easier to impeach a President.
"Little known factoid."
And here's another: Kamala Harris was named Joe's running mate at the 2020 DNC to transform the XXV into a weapon of mass destruction.
My factoid is better than your factoid. So, there!
Hang in there Joe. Hold firm First Lady McBeth.
The next polls will show Joe has locked UP the critical mouth breather vote.
Why should Biden drop out? Dropping out now would make him look weak. A quitter. Better to fight on, and then at the convention, say that he will resign after inaugeral in Jan 2025, and hand the baton over to Kam.
By painting his debate as a disaster, the MSM is (deliberately?) making Joe Brandon the underdog and massively lowering expectations. WHen the 2nd debate comes around Biden will be declared the winner if he just puts two words together and doesn't fall asleep.
So, the Dem powers-that-be have decided Joe has to go. But what if Joe and Jill don't bow down and accept that decision, and then the predictable disaster in Nov comes about? Will the Dems award the RBG 'you stayed too long' Award to Joe or Jill? The premise of the contest is that Joe is too far gone to be able to figure out what's going on. So, the awardee will have to be Jill.
"I keep seeing this message to Biden: If you drop out, we will portray you as a noble and beloved public servant, but if you don't let go, everything you've done over your long life will count for nothing as against this one cataclysmic wrong — letting Trump back into the Oval Office."
Hitler gave the same choice to Rommel. Rommel chose suicide in return for which he would receive a funeral with full military and state honors, his reputation would remain intact, his family would be left and his frau would get his military pension.
Joe resigns (blanket pardons for all Bidens in hand).
Kamala becomes Potus.
Willie Brown Chief of Staff.
(Wink, wink. Nudge nudge.)
He gets the steak knife, in the back
The original report, from NBC news, is way more interesting than this Canadian spin.
President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday...according to five people familiar with the matter.
Why is Canada regurgitating Biden talking points? "Nobody's talking about it, no conversations, no leaks, nothing to see here, squirrel!"
I don't know if NBC has invented five sources, or people inside the Biden camp really think he needs to step down. Either way, it's fascinating.
If the story is legit, then people close to Biden are sabotaging his campaign and trying to push him into stepping aside. If the story is bullshit, then the media is sabotaging his campaign and trying to push him aside.
I don't know how honest the NBC story is. But at least they are digging into the secrets, as opposed to regurgitating lame ass public lies.
If Biden were dropping out WaPo and NYT would have reported on it - right Ann?
Its a five chimp setup
Jill doesn’t have to hide him, but allow him to age in the best and safest way possible if he is suffering from memory issues and confusion. When my mother had dementia she and her friends in the memory care center had periods of time where they were aware of their situation and were extremely fearful and depressed. I can’t imagine someone dealing those feelings while on a national stage.
When Reagan was diagnosed with dementia wasn’t there discussion and angst about how many years prior he might have started having symptoms. Could it have actually started while he was in office?
Now let’s compare Reagan at the end of his presidency to Biden now.
They made up all sorts of crap about reagan that they fed to jane mayer and doyle mcmanus
Polls are starting to come in...
CBS news
Kamala's severed head in his bed tomorrow morning might get the message across to Biden.
Yancey Ward: "Kamala's severed head in his bed tomorrow morning might get the message across to Biden."
That would be unfair to John Kerry as the 'horse head in the bed' is a role he was born to play.
It's so comforting that Jill Biden's around to answer the phone at 3am.
Those who put country above party and power are negligent to the point of treason if they don't invoke the 25th Amendment. And Jill Biden is just gross if she doesn't tell Joe to resign now.
Blogger Lucien said..."Pretty much every time I see someone mention the 25th Amendment I assume they have never read through the thing. It’s easier to impeach a President."
Nothing's stopping the democrats from starting impeachment proceedings. I wonder how that would play out.
Time to enlist Humper, the smartest guy Pedo Pete knows.
"It's so comforting that Jill Biden's around to answer the phone at 3am."
Who's Biden's Chief of Staff? I don't even know.
Zients fmr covid czar fmr omb obama
“When Jill Biden stops laughing, she will remind "officials" that Merrick Garland can and will be fired when Joe Biden likes. He can pardon Hunter- or not, he's not Jill's boy. And then they can charge an oligarch with pedophilia. Warning shot.”
If the deep state could stymie Trump, what can it do to Biden, especially when the appointed officials between them and him are Obamaites?
Somehow the orders will not be transmitted, or the officials who saluted and executed yesterday will suddenly find deep ethical dilemmas confronting them, or any number of other ways to throw roadblocks between Biden’s lips and the thing actually happening.
Even if he gets on live TV and says “Garland - you’re fired. Hunter - you’re pardoned. Bill Gates - you’re under arrest for the Mann Act,” KJP will appear the next day to womansplain it all away. And no memos, warrants, or any other official paper will get drafted.
And Joe will be told none of this actually happened. It was just a strange dream, and you were there, and you were there….
I fail to see how either Harris or Newsom are electable. They are both from CA a state that has clearly run off the rails and there are few in the US that aren't aware of that. In addition to Newsom being a greaseball, bringing CA votes to the party adds nothing to the Dems overall chances. I have a very hard time imagining anyone in the midwest even considering a vote for Newsom. The big problem for the Dems if Biden or either of these two are on the ballot is that a lot of Dem voters are going to stay home and the down ballot races are going to go heavily R. As someone mentioned the other day Obama did the Dems no favors by pretty much destroying the Dem bench. I can not think of anyone in the Dem party who is a legitimate, qualified candidate for President. How about Fatso Pritzker?
The people running the presidency have a real risk if Biden goes. Sooner or later, someone will start wondering what unelected people had usurped the presidency. And that could lead to real prosecutions. Sure, most of DC was in one the hoax so would try to make it go away, but it would linger.
Really their only hope is to replace Kamala on the ticket and hope Joe makes it across the line. Remember, no one has voted for Kamala so far in the 2024 cycle. All the votes were for Old Joe.
Question is whether Antifa, BLM, etc., show up to pay their debt for bail money Kamala paid in 2020.
I'm sure the Bidens are very reluctant to step aside, but O can make it happen if he can engineer a smooth transition to Harris/Whitmer, lock in the convention votes, and get the big donors on board. Quite feasible. The all-woman slate going all in on identity politics has a good chance of winning. Even Althouse will think of some reason to vote for it. Just as Trump is Biden's best opponent, Joe was Trump's best.
It would interesting to hear a discussion by some learned historians about how this country has fallen into the hands of a few Octogenarians ( Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Trump, etc.) most of whom are mentally incapacitated. Where the hell is the next generation of politicians and/or why aren't the voters supporting those that can be identified?
Maybe they can replace Biden with Al Gore or John swiftboat Kerry. Those would be fun times.
"Really their only hope is to replace Kamala on the ticket "
That would be a very race-y move.
"a smooth transition to Harris/Whitmer"
It's high time. They want it.
“As my begley said, I think 500 million gets it done.“
If I were Jill I’d hold out for a trillion.
Bill O’Reilly says that the Dems have decided to remove Biden from the race.
For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon compete in a controlled debate with a 'nice guy' 81-year-old geriatric with dementia for the post of the next president. Surely this is a cockup by the American people of gargantuan proportions. There must be millions of better qualified candidates.
Big donors will be the deciding factor on Joe Biden dropping out. They will convince Jill to convince Biden. More broadly, the party doesn't want to take the hit that is coming. Senators and congressmen could lose their seats if the wrong decision is made. In the end, the choice is between Joe Biden and the party and the party will win. Joe Biden is just a vehicle. His usefulness has expired.
How does Kamala answer questions about her complicity in all this?
Michael Broad LLB, ARPS said...
For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon
So, thank you for sharing your ignorance.
here in America, everyone who paid attention realizes that the "conviction" was banana republic garbage. I'm sorry you're too ignorant to know that.
I take it you just started reading this blog? Missed all teh posts about the trial, and what total garbage it was?
Have you ever thought of educating yourself BEFORE you open your mouth?
"For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon …"
Europeans like you buy the felon crap?
Best thing about replacing Biden is that when Trump beats the new guy, Dems be cryin' and arguing with each other about whether dumping Biden was a good idea.
If the Biden clan had the honor they claim to have Joe would do the honorable thing and resign. But they don’t and he won’t.
Kathryn51 said...
Greg the Class Traitor said...
But doing that makes Kamala the President, and their candidate. And she (properly) polls worse than Joe does.
I'm not saying she would beat Trump - but don't assume that she is too unpopular to win. And, of course, if Biden totally walks away (25th Amendment or whatever), she will be the "incumbent" and media will tell us that she deserves a "grace" period and big meanie Trump shouldn't criticize her.
1: Oh, like the press will be able to "shame" Trump into not attacking his opponent
2: Her public speaking utterly sucks. She hasn't accomplished anything as VP. She was given charge of the border, the Dems biggest problem.
Joe Biden only "won" in 2020 because some chunk of WWC males who voted for Trump in 2016 were willing to vote for "Scranton Joe"
They're not going to vote for Blowjob Harris.
It's not a National Election, it's 50 State elections. And Harris won't be able to carry any of the Upper MidWest swing States, Gell, I doubt she's be able to carry MN.
So, what's she going to flip from Trump's column, to make up for losing WI, PA, and MI?
Newsom isn't going to carry any of those States, either.
Biden's having difficulty with the "Moslem vote" in MI, please do say how the Jewish sounding "Josh Shapiro" is going to do better.
The Democrat Party is made up of constituencies that hate each other, but have agreed to pull together in exchange for a split of the loot. But it takes tiem to get people to pull together, and the Dems don't have that time.
They needed to hash all this out in a Primary, but the Bidens and their enablers wouldn't let that happen.
Now they're fucked
Why isn't anyone in the conservative media talking about the bribe money the Biden Crime Family is lining up right now?
The Bidens have been bribed before. Why won't they do it again for their biggest payoff ever?
will donations to Joe Presidential Retirement Fund will be entered as legal expenses in accounting books? even in NY donors?
asking for DA Bragg
Depending, of course, on what American history makes of Donald Trump in 20 years. That's about when historians discover a "strange new respect" for Republican presidents they previously vilified (cf Coolidge, Eisenhower, Reagan).
The first time around we had a much calmer border, energy independence, non-inflationary growth, peace in Europe, and progress in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. Who knows what the second time might bring?
minnesota farm guy: "It would interesting to hear a discussion by some learned historians about how this country has fallen into the hands of a few Octogenarians ( Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Trump, etc.) most of whom are mentally incapacitated."
One of these things is so utterly unlike the others in every way except age that it actually gets in the way of the point being made.
will donations to Joe Presidential Retirement Fund will be entered as legal expenses in accounting books? even in NY donors?
asking for DA Bragg
When I think about the Roman Empire (and who doesn't, really?), I remember the concept of 'honestas', a Latin word meaning 'honor' or 'good reputation'. Honestas was what a Roman man or woman prized most highly, the esteem of one's peers. Biden has lost honestas in his own party, of which he is the head. He has been dis-honored. It must be humiliating to him. And once honor is gone, it doesn't come back, at least easily.
I think the only real possibility for replacing Biden is Harris, and maybe that will be the Hail Mary play the Democrats decide to throw. As others have noticed, it has at least a notional chance of working, and if not, the only factions to take the fall will be the already disgraced Biden people and whatever few dullards are actually loyal to Harris.
If they choose Harris, all the other factions can happily give lip service to supporting the first "black" woman presidential nominee, go all-in on their favorite pastime of screaming "racist" and "white supremacist" at anyone who points out that there are millions of people and any number of household pets that are smarter, more articulate, and more likable that Kamala Harris. As a result they either win and put another group-think-controlled empty suit in the White House, or they lose, get to pronounce American irredeemably racist, purge the Biden and Harris people and take their jobs, and get busy undermining Trump and sucking up to Hair-Gel, or Heil Whitmer, or whatever new mutant the media anoints.
If Biden doesn't stay, it's Harris, so be careful what you wish for...
From the Babylon Bee:
Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients
So they are threatening to do to Biden what they did to Trump.
I voted for Trump and will do so again because America under another Biden administration is on a course of imminent destruction of our norms, customs, and laws. Harris would replace Biden after the inauguration obviously. That said, Trump does have his flaws. But the news media has fabricated an entire narrative that Trump is Hitler, but they NEVER provide any actual evidence of that wild assertion. Putting America first is his shining achievement. His sometime petty attacks the worst. Trump exaggerates his accomplishments, Biden lies about his.
So Dr. Jill is being touted for fungus of the day.
This from the Babylon Bee:
Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients
Dementia can show innocence, if good character comes into play. Dignified wouldn't be in play. It could be undignified, which is a different corner of the field.
He won’t be reviled for rest of history, he’ll be forgotten within 20 years.
Jill loves power... and all power corrupts... and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
She would never want to step down. She will run here weekend-with-Bernie-Biden toy for as long as she can. Biden's staff loves power to and won't give it up.
It would take some mighty powerful people to get them to quite.. and give them more than just their 10% usual cut.
Joe Bader Ginzburg Biden
Michael Broad,
Congrats on your LLB. About as meaningful as Jill Biden's EdD
Also congrats on your AARP membership. First time I've ever seen it used as a credential though. Mum must be so proud.
You are a subject of a hereditary king, under his appointed prime minister and under a parliament serving at King Chuck's pleasure.
You are hardly in any position to comment on, much less criticize how we elect our politician
Fuck off back to Surrey
John Henry
Where exactly would the Biden payoff money come from, if it comes to be? Better not be our treasury….
The Party will tell you what to believe and what to unbelieve.
"For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon …"
Piss off, mate.
---he's going to be attacked and scorned for the rest of American history. [AA]
By whom? The BS media that nobody with a brain pays any attention to? Forget it. Whatever happens, a crooked and 3rd-rate pol will be left with the reputation he deserves. The people who put him there have much, much more to lose on the reputation front. I hope on the personal freedom front too.
Yeah, Bob’s your aunt, michael broad.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
Why isn't anyone in the conservative media talking about the bribe money the Biden Crime Family is lining up right now?
The Bidens have been bribed before. Why won't they do it again for their biggest payoff ever?
Help me out here, Dave.
If conservative media pushed harder for investigations of the Biden family, it might pressure authorities to open criminal investigations, perhaps to include President Joe Biden. Right?
And perhaps, criminal investigations of President Biden could result in charges, a trial and a conviction. Of Joe Biden. Right?
And Joe would not and should not be immune from such criminal charges. Right?
And a felony conviction of Joe Biden would forever disqualify him from the Presidency. Right?
I knew that you’d be the right guy to help me with this, Dave.
Michael Broad LLB, ARPS: "For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon compete in a controlled debate with a 'nice guy' 81-year-old geriatric with dementia for the post of the next president. Surely this is a cockup by the American people of gargantuan proportions."
Aren't you busy with a "will of the people" vote to completely undo and place yourselves back under the total control of your continental betters?
Ursula needs your pounds sterling to make the rest of the European welfare state go vroom vroom.
Best get on it laddie. This is no time to jump on American blog sites as an exercise in "read my ignorant blatherings"! Though we are often amused by you lost empire types thinking you are still in charge of anything and lecturing the rest of us from on high.
We will, however, be happy to keep the memories and ideas of Chesterton, Churchill and assorted others in our minds and hearts. You? Not so much, so step off muppet.
"If conservative media pushed harder for investigations of the Biden family, it might pressure authorities to open criminal investigations, perhaps to include President Joe Biden. Right?"
john mosby said...
And Joe will be told none of this actually happened. It was just a strange dream, and you were there, and you were there….
6/30/24, 2:05 PM
Sure, but you're missing the point. The oligarchs are not a united bloc and they are stupid, GREEDY people who have some amount of investment in Joe Biden. Do you think the people propping up Biden will sit back while equally retarded throne sniffers push to the front?
The worst possible outcome for such people would be getting AIPAC or Wall Street to ask "hey, wouldn't Trump be much better than any of this?"
Chuck, your wank has grown tiresome.
From today's Dementia-Glitch Boy meltdown in the Hamptons (LOL- the very speech that was supposed to give "confidence" to party and funding leaders): "He [Trump] also lied about how great he was with veterans. Well, then I told him how he had called the veterans who had given their lives in a cemetery in Italy [France] — he wouldn’t go to the cemetery, and — because he said they’re a bunch of “suckers” and “losers.” Well, our son was one of those people — not in Italy [France] but in Iraq — and he died."
I can't WAIT for the LLR-democratical Brigade to try and gaslight that one away. There are so many lies embedded in those few sentences its rather shocking....and he turned Beau into a combat "hero"....AGAIN!
He can't help himself! He thinks his JAG son, who basically spent his entire service time prosecuting actual combat soldiers, is some kind of Audie Murphy!
@Michael Broad,
From your post, I can only presume you vote Labour. That alone should make you circumspect in opining in any regard about U.S. electoral politics. On the other hand, if you support the corruption masquerading as the governing Tory party, I wish you much luck in garnering even 50 seats in the forthcoming 4 July election (which coincidently is to be held on the Independence Day of the United States - fireworks optional, enjoy your barbeque).
LLB: Undergrad 3 or 4 year BA in law. What I suppose I'd call pre-law,if that was a thing here.
ARPS: (?) Associate of the Royal Photographic Society. Hmm. No comment.
--- For many Europeans like me it is bemusing
You don't realize how bad this makes you sound, Michael Broad. Not the right start to any serious conversation.
They can force him out by threatening to release the Hur video.
“Why did you have classified documents in a cardboard box in your garage?”
No Biden did not take the fifth, he said “Vroom vroom!” And talked about his car for half an hour until Hur gave up.
But the threat to release it is a powerful weapon. There is no lack of kompromat on Joe Biden.
Just the person to do it...
Well Jill got the wife job from her job as a babysitter of Joe Biden’s kids, so I am pretty sure that there is a “riddle of the sphinx” type joke there somewhere.
And, BTW, the British press is one of the most controlled in the world, the story of how MI6 flipped the Guardian is truly depressing. So good on him for even coming here.
I’m interested in the legal practicalities of replacing Biden in each of the states. Can he be replaced if he simply resigns from the race? Is this a Torricelli/Lautenberg where a court will have to override state statutes where deadlines have passed? I’m sure the DNC has their rules and process for replacing a candidate, but what states (if any) have rules where deadlines seem to preclude that change? Is there a difference if the 25th Amendment is invoked? I imagine all of that is being looked at now by DNC/campaign lawyers. I would think he can’t just resign without that analysis and some assurance that a Democratic candidate replaces him on the ballot.
EAB - They haven't had the convention yet.
there are deadlines that have passed, and some that are coming up, now will the lawfare machines, elias brennan center, just bulldoze past them
Are there deadlines other than who's on the ballot? None of those have passed yet. We all know about Ohio being the first and that's mid-July.
"Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Trump"
First took elected office: 1973, 1987, 1975, 1977, 2017, respectively
Suppose Biden stays on thanks to Dr. Jill, Medicine woman. How will he be handled? Even the most willfully blind is now aware Biden has cognitive problems (just once/sarc).
So between now and the next scheduled debate (yeah, yeah, I'm assuming a lot) how do you handle Biden?
30 second videos with 6 cuts? Hah!
A handful of short exposures to the press with 2 or 3 pre-screened questions, media people and canned answers? Has worked before, it will be harder/impossible to pull off now.
An actual press conference with many questions? A trip across a minefield every time.
All the while the time to get an alternate on ballots slips away.
'Tis a pity.
Visitor from UK says:
"Nature, animal welfare, cats, photography, walking. I really appreciate Google providing all their fantastic free services. Thanks Google. Managing and writing for my main website: and the other satellite sites. It has been a long journey so far of around 15 years. I never expected that. I hate sport hunting and love nature. I see the global human presence as a whole as a 'disease' on the planet, killing it."
Come on, people.
Michael Broad, welcome to Althouse - like everybody else, I'm assuming you're new here. Unlike apparently everybody else, I'm also assuming your view of our presidential contest is pretty much entirely informed by your own nation's news media.
If an important part of what you have heard about the two candidates for US president is that the primary characteristic of the challenger is that he's a "convicted felon," I'm not surprised. The European press (in which I include the British press) is even farther to the left than ours.
Lawyers, please do jump in here:
The "felony" of which Trump was convicted was very literally trumped up. It was a federal - that is, national, not state - misdemeanor financial records charge: that his accountants recorded a payment as legal services when it should have been a campaign expense. It was also outside the statue of limitations. It might be important to note that Trump self-funded his campaign in 2016, so he wasn't subject to most? all? campaign finance laws.
This expired alleged misdemeanor was magicked into a felony by the state of New York using a section of a state statute under which no one had ever been prosecuted. (I think this is the case - though I may be thinking of the earlier civil trial.) The use of this statute also meant that (under the NY attorney's interpretation) New York could pierce the statute of limitations, since Trump hadn't been in New York for most of the intervening years - the statute of limitations was frozen in place every time he left the state. The gist of the section of the statute Trump supposedly violated was that he conspired (that is, discussed with at least one other person) to affect the 2016 election by illegal means - illegal means, according to the NY attorney and the NY acting judge who tried the case, that do not need to be specified nor agreed on by the jury.
The payment in question was in exchange for a non-disclosure agreement, under which porn actress Stormy Daniel would not go public with her allegation - which Trump denies to this day - that she had sex with him once. During his 2016 campaign she threatened to do just this - and Trump, I'm guessing on the advice of his lawyers, paid her off not to make that allegation publicly. After all, how was he going to prove the negative? NDAs are perfectly legal. Payment in exchange for an NDA is also perfectly legal - though you might consider it extortion in this case, in which case Trump is the victim of a crime, not a criminal.
So one of his lawyers forwarded payment to Daniels in exchange for the NDA (which she obviously broke, but AFTER the election), and then Trump paid the lawyer back in a series of partial payments, after being elected. So no part of this records charge, the basis for the entire case, took place before the election - so nothing about the records charge could have affected the election.
It was byzantine, it was brought under what the Democrat side calls a "novel" legal theory, it was a prosecution uniquely brought against one particular defendant (with regard to an earlier civil case against him in New York, the New York governor assured businesses, on the record, that they wouldn't be the targets of the law Trump supposedly violated there because Trump was an obvious criminal and none of them are - which, if it isn't an admission that the statute was used just to Get Trump, makes ya wonder what it is), and it and the several other indictments he's under (which all share these qualities) are what make us believe the whole purpose was to be able to tar Trump as a "convicted felon" and render him unfit to be president.
I hope this gives you some context for that label.
The future grift will begin with the Joey Biden presidential library. I'm not sure where it will be located (Scranton? Deleware?) but that's how big, big money is transferred.
Reagan left office in 1989 and his Presidential Library opened three years later in 1991.
Obama left office in 2017 and his library still hasn't opened (nominally scheduled for 2026). It's not really a library - everything is digitized. So, it's more along the lines of the Pyramids or the Palace of Versailles (think Louis the XIV. Or don't if you remember what happened to him). An HOMAGE to a specific MAN rather than a Presidency of the USA. Which makes sense because Obama doesn't give a F**k about the United States, its status as a beacon of hope to the world, its Constitutional foundations. Yeah, a big F**K to the country.
I digressed. My apologies. But someone (or lots of someones) are putting together The Plan for paying off the Biden family - ALL of the family with sinecures on the board of the Library, the eventual Foundation(s??). Surely a Dr. Jill foundation will also be created. Dr. Jill's International Lecture Series (a cool $1MM per 1 hour speech).
As someone who never voted for Trump (and hasn't decided for this year because my vote doesn't count in Commie WA state), this is pure popcorn time.
Kathryn51, oh, go on and vote for the orange guy. As you point out, you have literally nothing to lose! And I would dearly love to see it be close in these bastions of deep blue, as a thumb in the eye to everyone who has been lying to us all this time.
"And I guess it's really a message to Jill: That's a grand, honored husband you have there, and if you don't take him home and hide him, he's going to be attacked and scorned for the rest of American history."
It didn't work on Lady Macbeth.
oh no are they really using their first amendmant rights to try to persuade him
The only thing missing at the Obama Library will be the lines:
"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
SNL should do a bit, where they take the music and title screen of the show The West Wing. A narrator can cut in saying, "This week on the West Wing." It can show Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Joe's Wife in a room as Joe calls in some of his aides and secretaries. Joe can start by saying, "Look, I know last week's debate didn't go well, but I called you all in here to discuss something else. No one outside this room knows about this. (Joes pauses for a bit and looks worried) I have significant age-related cognitive impairment." Then there can be some jokes as the aides and secretaries try to act shocked and surprised, maybe some dementia joe jokes, and of course Kamala word salad jokes. Then at the end they can cut to The West Wing splash screen again and the narrator can say, "Next week on the West Wing, President Biden continues to deal with the politics of the 2024 Presidential run, tries to manage the war in the Middle East, and continues his investigation of the mystery of the man who fell from the sky at the D-Day memorial ceremony."
The Vault Dweller: "SNL should do a bit, where they take the music and title screen of the show The West Wing."
It would be the Inverse Phil Hartman/Ronald Reagan Skit.
Well done, Jamie.
I’m interested in the legal practicalities of replacing Biden in each of the states.
He's not the nominee yet. His delegates are committed to him. If Biden withdrawals before the convention, all his delegates are then free to vote for whomever.
Not disagreeing that replacing Biden after August would be a shit show but keep in mind the Torricelli option was necessary for a direct election for Senate. In the Presidential election we are voting for electors who will ultimately cast ballots for President so the name on the ballot line will mean less, and the Dems may want to leave Biden's name there. It may be a fight over 'faithless elector' laws more than ballot access.
Jamie said...
Kathryn51, oh, go on and vote for the orange guy. As you point out, you have literally nothing to lose! And I would dearly love to see it be close in these bastions of deep blue, as a thumb in the eye to everyone who has been lying to us all this time.
If I do - and I probably will for the 1st time - because altho it won't matter, my vote For Trump would be, a Giant Middle Finger to the vile Lawfare crowd. Regardless, it won't be close in WA state.
To the extent I have any impact, it goes to entities that play counter-lawfare and are reaching Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
Way to go Democrats. Give the electorate a choice between a man with zero moral capacity and a man with zero cognitive capacity.
If Joe Biden stays in this race his legacy will be the stubborn octogenarian who, because of hubris and ego, refused to step aside for the good of the nation he claims to love and handed Donald Trump a second chance to wreck America.
Dean Phillips tried to enlighten the Democrats. They didn’t listen.
You assured us, Rich, Joe had all his marbles.
Chuck said:
"And a felony conviction of Joe Biden would forever disqualify him from the Presidency. Right?"
You keep saying this, AND you claim to be a lawyer.
Yet the Constitution cites only three qualifications to run for/be President.
So NO, being a "convicted felon" isn't disqualifying, as long as the three conditions are met.
So....Will you PLEASE shut the fuc up.
Original Mike: "You assured us, Rich, Joe had all his marbles."
Not only did LLR-democratical Rich assure us Dementia-Glitch Boy had all his marbles, but that he was sharp as a tack and that it was really Trump (and last year Musk as well!) had mental issues!
Rich ran so hot with the psycho democratical talking points that the embarrassment that was Dementia-Glitch Boy during the debate and his defenders (Rich and Chuck) in real time now means that those hilarious LLR-democratical buffoons have to get all huffy and puffy and pretend to have been totally "surprised" by what everyone in the world has been watching in amazement for the last 3 years!
And listening to ANY New Soviet Democratical mentioning "moral capacity" is off the charts guffaw inducing!
Joe's policies reflected his brilliance.
(on second thought, they kinda did)
everything you've done over your long life..
what, Exactly, has he EVER done?
Democrats Fear Replacement Scenarios As Much As Keeping Biden
great article
I particularly enjoyed the description of a debate watch party in L.A.
"Rob Reiner was screaming about losing and Jane Fonda had tears in her eyes"
Hanoi Jane!
Bill Ackman on X:
is going to win in a landslide. The country should rally around Trump and help him succeed.
Jill and Hunter encourage Biden to stay in race
Family's view could shift if the downward spiral continues
Will Biden Drag Down the Entire Ticket, Including House and Senate Races?
New research is being conducted by Democrats throughout the weekend and into early next week in an effort to gain a deeper picture at the extent of the political fallout, particularly in key contests that will determine whether the party can win back its House majority and maintain its narrow control of the Senate.
A second longtime adviser said the only way Biden would even consider stepping aside — a move that is still very much an open question — is if he was presented serious data showing he would not only likely lose his reelection bid, but also endanger House, Senate and competitive local races across the country.
The Biden campaign has long had polling that found Democrats would still support down-ballot candidates even if they didn’t vote for Biden. If the president’s debate setback would make some of these voters far less inclined to vote at all — handing a turnout advantage to Donald Trump and Republicans — Biden could be confronted with a starker reality.
I wouldn't mind knowing what ails Biden. The Telegraph asked a physician, who after the usual caveats about diagnosis in absentia, suggested that it was Parkinsons. One salient fact about Parkinsons is that it doesn't get better, and can mimic dementia. Now, one of the typical first reactions to dementia is denial, which we are seeing in spades.
Saint Croix: "great article
I particularly enjoyed the description of a debate watch party in L.A.
"Rob Reiner was screaming about losing and Jane Fonda had tears in her eyes"
Hanoi Jane!"
You'd have to heart of stone to not laugh at these cats.
The problem with the Joe Biden 'Brandon' Presidential Library is that anybody who's looking for it will forget where they left it.
The "Family" went to Camp David to meet with Vogue's Annie Leibowitz for photos to be used in an upcoming Vogue hagiography of good ol' Joe and kids.
Rh said... "Dementia can show innocence, if good character comes into play."
link to video
Mike D commented:
"The "Family" went to Camp David to meet with Vogue's Annie Leibowitz for photos to be used in an upcoming Vogue hagiography of good ol' Joe and kids."
So you're thinking that Grampa Joey's granddaughter Navy was included in the Vogue photoshoot?
Wow. What a weird take. Among most of the country he is hated. Stole an electi, let rampant inflation and immigration happen
Look, I hate Presidential Election years. They're just awful - so much speculation, people are devoting their considerable skills to examining the 'known' and 'unknown' unknowns, and the result is always that the risks seem to outweigh any benefits; The fear of the unknown keeps pressing its interminable thumb on the Scale of Reason and wild thoughts begin to take over, leading to even wilder forecasts, all made with absolute conviction that crazy outcomes are possible. At least in Louisiana, it's considered a form of entertainment. They have Huey Long to thank for that.
Well... I think old Joe is going to try to tough it out. But we should be mindful that Kamala is a political creature of supplication and conformity. She likes power just fine, and she knows the shortest path to getting it might sometimes be.... a little short-term unsavoryness. I suspect she's every bit as terrible a person as she's cast, but darn it, she's dependable. That's how she got there; She honors her bargains. And the current one is, don't make Joe look bad. Be an air-headed screwball with regular word-salad outbursts, and stay out of the limelight. You're turn is next. And this might turn out to be the Democrat's only saving grace, a process that has at least a few shreds of constitutional and party legitimacy clinging to it.
I still think if the Biden Crime Family can't defend the bailey and won't agree to vacate the premises, then there could be open war within the motte. California, Chicago, East Coast establishment, all having it out. The stream of oligarchal funding will probably point the way. Just a truly awful way to have your leadership picked for you.
I’m interested in the legal practicalities of replacing Biden in each of the states.
As a practical matter, I don't see how Biden can be replaced with a specific candidate (other than maybe Harris) before the convention. Suppose he withdraws from the race tomorrow. They can't suddenly hold new primaries, and in any case the delegates from different states likely aren't all going to glom onto one candidate. So there would be an open convention in late August, just 10 weeks before the election? Seems like an impossible situation for the Dems, unless I'm missing some scenario.
Image of life at the La Brea Tar Pit 10,000 years ago which closely resembles the situation within the Democratic party today.
effinayright said...
Chuck said:
"And a felony conviction of Joe Biden would forever disqualify him from the Presidency. Right?"
You keep saying this, AND you claim to be a lawyer.
Yet the Constitution cites only three qualifications to run for/be President.
So NO, being a "convicted felon" isn't disqualifying, as long as the three conditions are met.
So....Will you PLEASE shut the fuc up.
I wasn't talking about any Constitutional disqualification. I was simply making fun of Dave Begley. And all the other Trumpers with their knickers in a twist over Hunter's laptop. I'm a bit saddened, actually, that Democrats don't seem to have the ruthlessness of the Trumpers. Where a few dozen felony charges just energized the base. And a felony conviction did him no damage with that base.
Trump's floor is about 46.1% and his ceiling is about 46.8%.
These royal societies take their seniority and titles pretty seriously.
John Henry FFRSA
That's Former Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts & manufactures
I think I'm senior to M. Broad
Ah, Christopher B, you're so naive. The Torricelli option was not necessary in NJ. It was a nakedness violation of NJ election law aided and abetter by an activist demoncRAT judge for the sole purpose of electing a fellow traveller.
The Party could have thrown their support to Ted Glick the Green Party candidate. Or the Liberarian Elizabeth Macron. Or their ideological ally Socialist Greg Pason. Democrats in their primary KNEW the charges Torricelli was facing- and picked him anyway. Without a demoncRAT on the ballot- the voters of NJ had a choice of who to vote for. The judge's reasoning that the voters needed a choice was therefore- a big fat lie. Not based in law. As is typical of activist tulings.
The Torrecelli Option would need to be done in every state, correct? Sounds like an up hill climb to me.
The Torrecelli Option would need to be done in every state, correct?
No, the Ohio deadline is Aug 7. Most others are Sept 7. The Dem convention begins Aug 19, so a brokered convention (every journalist's dream, when it's Republicans) means only Ohio is lost to them. If they use a court to put someone on the ballot, the Ohio legislature has the Constitutional power (if not the will) to countermand it and/or hand their electors to whomever they want.
Their problem is if Biden doesn't withdraw, all the convention delegates must vote for him in the first ballot--under the current rules. They can't very well claim to be saving democracy if the party bosses toss out all the primary results because Biden appears to be a loser.
"Look, I hate Presidential Election years. "
All years are now election years. Remember the good ole days when the Presidential election was barely discussed until after Christmas holidays of the year prior to the election? And the real news coverage didn't ramp up until after Memorial day with it then muddling along until after Labor day when people really started paying attention.
Now it all-election news every day non-stop 24/7/365 every single year.
Michael Broad LLB, ARPS said...
For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon compete in a controlled debate with a 'nice guy' 81-year-old geriatric with dementia for the post of the next president. Surely this is a cockup by the American people of gargantuan proportions. There must be millions of better qualified candidates.
6/30/24, 2:44 PM
You must watch CNN Europe or something. Joe has NEVER been a "nice guy" YOU were lied to just like we were.
Aggie said...
The problem with the Joe Biden 'Brandon' Presidential Library is that anybody who's looking for it will forget where they left it.
6/30/24, 8:45 PM
It will be filled with classified documents that the FBI didn't yet find, that were hidden in Hunter's drug locker.
I doubt that Jill will agree that Biden should either resign or drop out of the race. Biden has the delegates and unless he dies several states have laws that the DNC nominee is locked in.
They then have to have the convention and have the delegates vote and then it is an open convention.
The DNC could have allowed other candidates compete . They structured the rules that all votes go to Biden. It was rigged primary process.
Democrat's have a lot of practice in rigging elections. This time it looks like it will back fire on them. Good.
Somebody will tell Jill about "six ways from Sunday."
Michael Broad LLB, ARPS said...
"For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon...."
Yeah. Cool. Ya ever read any of our founding documents? Every fuckin' one of those old white guys who put their names on those documents were felons. Subject to summary execution if aprehended. Trump is in good company.
Uh, no. And there is not going to be second debate. The American people may be preoccupied, but they aren't stupid.
Do you really think Jill is ready to become a nobody again?
"we will portray you as a noble and beloved public servant"
I just threw up in my mouth. Not a little. A lot.
I don't see Joe doing the right thing for his party. He flamed out once before for the tiny matter of Plagiarism but that is the popular thing with University presidents these days. He is not about to make that mistake again.
At least Biden still has enough sense and self-awareness to be abashed at his own fumbling and how that hurts his appearance. Trump is too dishonest and narcissistic to care or recognize what a fool he reveals himself to be at every turn, with every appearance and statement. He knows his supporters are ignorant, or outright stupid, so he doesn't question himself, but laughs at fooling the rubes...again.
"Every fuckin' one of those old white guys who put their names on those documents were felons. Subject to summary execution if aprehended. Trump is in good company."
Hahahaha! Desperation to elevate Trump, who isn't worthy even to suck the dicks of the Founding Fathers.
For many Europeans like me it is bemusing to see a 78-year-old convicted felon compete in a controlled debate with a 'nice guy' 81-year-old geriatric with dementia for the post of the next president. Surely this is a cockup by the American people of gargantuan proportions.
For many Americans like me, we don't give a shit what Europeans think.
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