June 18, 2024

Marrying an American citizen generally provides a pathway to U.S. citizenship. But people who crossed the southern border illegally..."

"... must return to their home countries to complete the process for a green card.That means long separations from their spouses and families. The new program would allow families to remain in the country while they pursue legal status. Officials briefed on the discussions said the announcement could amount to the most sweeping unilateral move by a president to provide relief to unauthorized immigrants since President Barack Obama implemented DACA. In a separate move on Tuesday, Mr. Biden is also expected to announce new ways to help people in DACA, known as Dreamers, gain access to work visas."

From "Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens/Undocumented spouses of American citizens will be shielded from deportation, provided work permits and given a pathway to citizenship, according to officials briefed on the plan" (NYT).

"The decision comes as Mr. Biden tries to strike a balance on one of the most dominant political issues in 2024. Aware that many Americans want tougher policies on the border, Mr. Biden just two weeks ago announced a crackdown that suspended longtime guarantees that give anyone who steps onto U.S. soil the right to seek asylum here. Almost immediately after he issued that order, White House officials began privately reassuring progressives that the president would also help undocumented immigrants who had been in the nation for years...."


Dave Begley said...

Is this new program of Biden’s allowed by statute? I doubt it. More lawlessness by Crooked Joe.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Changing laws by fiat. What could go wrong? And don’t fret you Right Wingers, if it does turn out to be overreach the SCOTUS will certainly do the right thing and overturn it in a few years, once people are used to the new rules. Win win!

Kevin said...

In other news, Trump is lawless and Biden just wants to restore norms.

Breezy said...

Where does Biden get this unilateral power over immigration, asylum and amnesty for illegals? And student loans and 10 years of guaranteed support of Ukraine? He is out of control.

rehajm said...

They live in the lawless zone between their illegal actions and appeal. It is no way to run a nation…

John henry said...

The legal term under US law for "undocumented immigrants" is "illegal aliens"

To take it further, the legal term for anyone on US soil who is not a US citizen, regardless of legal status, is "alien".

We need to start using proper language.

John Henry

rehajm said...

Where’s a Hawaiian judge with an injunction when you need them?

Jamie said...

So now we have "unauthorized immigrants," who - poor things - need relief.

I am ever grateful that I live in a country so free and prosperous that the world is constantly knocking at our door to get in. And I am ever proud that this country has welcomed and continues to welcome so many.

But we have no obligation to those who enter illegally, no matter their reasons - in my opinion, not even a Christian obligation (for us Christians) beyond trying to keep them from dying while we return them to their place of origin. I reject the concept of "economic asylum" - particularly in today's world in which starvation (for example) now only occurs where there is political unrest (read: war and violence, real reasons to seek asylum).

typingtalker said...

"The decision comes as Mr. Biden tries to ̶s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶a̶l̶a̶n̶c̶e̶ buy some votes."

TreeJoe said...

Wasn’t it just a few months ago that Biden claimed he needed funding for Ukraine in order to pass a bill with other provisions allowing him to take action on the southern border ?

Also if I read that right someone with no documentation can claim
To be married to a US citizen and be given the right to stay here and work here on the basis of such a claim.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media gush over Biden's lawlessness.

Wilbur said...

In election news, Biden digs himself a deeper hole for his reelection prospects.

If he has to pull this crap to solidify his Leftist base, he's in trouble.

Iman said...

What a mess facilitated by the desiccated, demented old grifter.

Delaware: Land of the shit-for-brains bunch.

Rusty said...

The flop sweats are setting in.

narciso said...

Did we learn anything from 9-11 commission,

narciso said...

The plans to the towers were obtained by an egyptian alqueda operative who married an american and joined the fdny

narciso said...

Actually peter lance uncovered that

Sebastian said...

"the most sweeping unilateral move"

Coming from people who gaslight us about the "rule of law."

RoseAnne said...

I know many believe Biden is trying to import a voting base but I think he is just trying to make the situation as bad as it can get. If he wins, fine. He will be the hero - in his eyes. If not the American public deserves what it gets for not voting for him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

screw all Americans...

It's all about the poor poor illegals who will be voting in the next election.

Mr Wibble said...

In election news, Biden digs himself a deeper hole for his reelection prospects.

If he has to pull this crap to solidify his Leftist base, he's in trouble.

I suspect that the Dems may have decided that Biden isn't worth the effort to save, and so will use the time until the election to push through as many left-wing goodies as possible, while working to either take control of the House, or retain hold of the Senate. That would allow them to prevent Trump from effectively repealing everything Biden has done.

Levi Starks said...

You people are commenting as if you actually think Biden has actual input on decisions being made.
I’m not saying this as if I have any idea who’s making the decisions.
There in lies the problem.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Illegal entrants get tax payer funded phones, housing - much in the form of whole hotel stays... and more!

WE get a higher tax bill, inflation and the middle finger from the authoritarian Soviet mobsters who run the show.

Jersey Fled said...

Unilateral moves are heroic when your guy does it.

narciso said...

We know hes as responsible for his actions as a oiuja board

Aggie said...

Hey - but at least those Republicans are putting in a stiff resistance about lawless rules-making by Presidential fiat, and burning up the airwaves and print to make sure we're informed about it, so we can organize the vote - right?

Tired of complaining about being played for a chump, while your country is being invaded by millions of illegal known-unknowns according to plan, not by accident? What you need is more time to think, Citizen ! The Chamber of Commerce thanks you for your interest.

William said...

In the Middle East there are thousands upon thousands of good people who only want to make a good life for themselves and their wives. They are deprived of this opportunity because of the Biden administration's recent draconian strictures. This current easement, so far as it goes, is an improvement but it doesn't address this nation's repressive bigamy laws. I can understand such laws when it comes to Mormons. They are, after all, Republicans,but aren't such laws also Islamophobic and in need of repair.

Rocco said...

“I’ll have those vote Democrat for the next fifty years.”
- Joe “LBJ” Biden

Jamie said...

You people are commenting as if you actually think Biden has actual input on decisions being made.

It's just shorthand. No one believes Biden can make any decision or take any action beyond, you know, the ice cream.

Tulsi Gabbard seems to think it's Obama via his alumni in the administration. I could see that.

The scariest prospect, for me, is that it's nobody - that maybe there was a postmodern, nihilist, critical-theory puppet master(s) in the past, but that person or people could even be dead now; that the goals and the agenda have taken on a life of their own. I've been trying to think of an example in any other area where such a thing has happened, and it turns out that there is one: the invisible hand.

Isn't that so? Isn't the idea there that no one has to direct the free market? What if the same is true of the bleak endgame philosophy that Marx codified?

The Vault Dweller said...

This isn't going to help out Biden with black folks at all. And it isn't going to help him out with Latino voters as much as he thinks either.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

This is a good policy, despite the current border invasion. These folks are largely productive members of US society who are living trapped into poor circumstances, making them vulnerable despite their usefulness as members of society. Regularizing their status is largely a good thing, even though illegal immigration is a huge problem.

Many things can be true at the same time.

(Permanent residents cannot vote — that is just reality. The opposition are not usually interested in it.)

cfs said...

Don't worry folks. This is just for those people here without the proper documentation. A simple clerical matter which is easily fixed with the stroke of a pen. Voila! Now law of the land!

Birches said...

Oh brother. My family did this. If it's too much of a burden, don't come illegally.

Josephbleau said...

What is interesting is that once Beiden does this, the courts will find that Trump is not allowed to reverse when he becomes president, for some reason. This is the “democrats got there first” principle.

Zavier Onasses said...

NYT admits Biden speaks with forked tongue.

" Almost immediately after he issued that order, White House officials began privately reassuring progressives that the president would also help undocumented immigrants who had been in the nation for years...."

Joe Smith said...

It sounds like a nightmare for people here legally.

I have a family member who is dealing with it now.

Lawyers will be paid...

Narayanan said...

anchor brides/grooms/babies = anchor voters!

Michael said...

“Aware that many Americans want tougher policies on the border”. Really? Americans want the strolling in to the USA to stop. Period. Full stop. Enforce the fucking law. We have allowed the language regarding this bright line issue to make it normal that millions have told us to fuck ourselves and our so called border.

Hassayamper said...

I reject the concept of "economic asylum" - particularly in today's world in which starvation (for example) now only occurs where there is political unrest (read: war and violence, real reasons to seek asylum).

Me too, but you forgot to include "Marxist economic policy" as a root cause of starvation in addition to war and violence.

Kathryn51 said...

This is squarely aimed at the Hispanic vote that Biden desperately needs to return home.

Anecdote: daughter dated a Hispanic guy - he was born in the country, citizen (legal) and most of his immediate family were citizens, but extended family (aunts/uncles) were not - they either still lived in Mexico or were here illegally. Anyway, his cousin (citizen) married a really nice guy who had been here for years - but illegally (family came when he was in junior high). Lovely wife, lovely kids - at that point, he was legally here in the country but couldn't get a green card to work for others. So, he set up his own business (painting - did a great job on our whole house and it was difficult to get him scheduled). Licensed, bonded, etc.

Summary - as long as he's married, he can stay here and run his business. His kids are citizens and will eventually be able to vote. But i'm pretty sure he doesn't currently have a path to citizenship. If the Biden plan comes to pass, sounds like he will - and that large, lovely Hispanic family that doesn't like Biden and may have been thinking of voting for Trump (or simply not voting at all. . . . .I can assure you that this will buy their vote - I'd say at least 10 votes - all legal.

Rabel said...

Some of the reports on this, like the one in the Times, mention the dreaded third rail of immigration politics, "pathway to citizenship," others don't.

I guess we'll see.

Good bit of pushback in the comments at the Times.

GrapeApe said...

Kathryn, he does have a path. Went through it with my illegal alien husband who crossed arrived on a tourist visa and never went back home. Not cheap- roughly $5000 for the attorney and government application fees. Took two years or so. Second interview with immigration at the end after a somewhat brief interview, the guy approved his application. Not easy, but doable.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Joe Biden will do whatever he wants, regardless of the law or the Constitution. Forgive student debt even though SCOTUS wacked him on the noggin and said NO. Now it's bending immigration law on its head to garner more votes from the grateful spouses.

The barbarians of the Democrat Party are always crying how Trump will be a dictator. We have one in office now. His name is Joe Biden.

Democrats revere DEI. Everything and everyone exemplify it: Deranged, Extremist and Incompetent.

Tim said...

The US in now a third world nation.