Photographed from Meade's truck.
Here's an article about the phenomenon:
"Mysterious Trump and Epstein billboards are popping up across Wisconsin" (UpNorth News).
Like similar signage spotted in North Carolina and Georgia, the Wisconsin billboards feature a photo of Trump and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, along with a small notation reading “Paid for by ProtectChildrenQ LLC.”Despite the LLC attribution, the root source of these billboards remains unclear. “ProtectChildrenQ LLC” is registered as an active domestic LLC in Delaware per Bizapedia, but no specific contacts or additional information about the company are listed. A WordPress-hosted website called “protectchildrenq.com” leads to a 404 error message.
Clinton has to spend her money somewhere.
OK. Now let's see the rest of the client list. No? Oh yeah. Because those people are still in charge. Too bad we can't ask Epstein because he "killed himself". In a maximum security prison. With camers all around. With 24 hour guards.
"Backroads North of Milwaukee" is Ozaukee County. Fifteen years ago solid red, and part of the W.O.W counties, which balanced out with Madison and Milwaukee. Now purple with millennial liberal white women.
Makes sense the lie is being pushed there.
Wisconsin owned Penzey’s Spices doesn’t play!
Billboard in Milwaukee
Remember, Remember
January 6th
This November! ~ Penzey's
What it means is Please Imagine, Please Hate.
This is why you don't let congenitally retarded minorities run a country. Oligarch-sponsored Epstein billboards mainly make MAGA ask "so where's the Epstein client list?" They simply aren't smart enough to even acknowledge that the Trump faction has a much better grasp on actual history than they do.
Nice blog post. It calls to mind a recent Don Junior post on Xitter.
Wisconsin, and Michigan, are going to be fun places from now until November.
Including barak burns the cia director mitchell thr late bill richardson
Democrats are good at propaganda.
Well with a "Q" in the URL, our local dog whistle experts Inga Chuck and Rich LLC should be along any minute to advise us. It's a strange phenomenon for a variety of reasons.
Given the almost perfect correlation between Epstein and Democrats (in that photo even Trump was a Democrat then) and the fact even the DNC Media had to admit Trump never went to Pedophile Island* and Trump ejected Epstein from Mar-A-Lago for skeevy behavior, it is unlikely the sponsors have much political savvy. After all Trump is running against "Pedo Pete" and the FBI just admitted under oath that the laptop showing Hunter abusing underage girls has been validated, so it's not like reminding people of the Democrats former biggest fundraiser who's clients have never been prosecuted will give any traction to our toddler-sniffing POTUS.
*"But but Trump rode on his plane" one of our losers will be along to point out, and it is true Trump caught a free ride back to Florida on Epstein's jet BEFORE Epstein was convicted the first time, but that's so weak as argument that even the DNC Media don't bring it up anymore. Rich seems to be the last fighter willing to die on that hill. "Hey it pays the bills!"
Its facing away from the road
My wife was going to buy some spices from Penzey’s website. But the site is littered with left wing politics so she said Fuck You to Penzey’s.
What everyone remembers is that the Regime had Epstein killed in jail to keep hundreds of known pedos like Bill Clinton out of the news. Everyone knows what happened and who they were protecting. Kevin Spacey just described being on a plane with Epstein, Clinton, and "young girls" on Piers Morgan the other day.
Look how happy Chuck is. He knows Trump had nothing to do with Epstein and banned him from Mara-lago.
The people who paid for these billboards are desperate and they are losing. And the more they cling to their lies and act like assholes the more snap back there is going to be.
Please keep acting this way Chuck.
And please throw Trump in jail Merchan.
People take these "Me Wall" pics much too seriously.i wouldn't blame celebs on bit if they refused to pose for them.
Sadly, for pols it's all part of fundraising.
Rich said...
Wisconsin owned Penzey’s Spices doesn’t play!
It wont be long now.
Apparently they don't actually like their business very much.
From the post:
Like similar signage spotted in North Carolina and Georgia, the Wisconsin billboards feature a photo of Trump and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, along with a small notation reading “Paid for by ProtectChildrenQ LLC.”
Despite the LLC attribution, the root source of these billboards remains unclear.
“ProtectChildrenQ LLC” is registered as an active domestic LLC in Delaware per Bizapedia, but no specific contacts or additional information about the company are listed."
In DE for tax advantages, or close to home?
Gotta wonder if the ad is a veiled threat against DJT. Could he could be Epsteined at Riker's?
The sign ignores the fact that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago. Link goes to CNBC, so of course they try to make something out of Trump's connection to Ghislaine Maxwell.
Please remember; Jeffery Epstein had nothing on Bill Clinton though the former President frequently flew on Epstein's private jet without his assigned SS protective detail who wouldn't talk anyway because reasons, and suddenly killed himself for no reason other than a sudden attack of extreme clinical depression with no recorded medical history as reliable sources have frequently assured us. Furthermore, please do not remember Vince Foster, and please do not remember Seth Rich...
And while you're at it, please do not remember White Water, cattle futures, Chardonnay, flying crockery, and Mena Airport.
That's a silly idea, considering that picture of Bill
How about a billboard featuring this, with the caption: 'Publish the List', and maybe a little intimate photo op of Epstein, Bill and Hillary, and any other prominent Democrat?
Maybe not such a silly idea after all !
Rich said...
"Wisconsin owned Penzey’s Spices doesn’t play!
Billboard in Milwaukee
Remember, Remember
January 6th
This November! ~ Penzey's"
Someone should paste Ashli Babbit's name on that billboard.
And an illegal private email server in a bathroom... never heard of it.
@Rich sez: 'Wisconsin owned Penzey’s Spices doesn’t play! Billboard in Milwaukee:
Remember, Remember
January 6th
This November! ~ Penzey's
Rich, you are intelligent enough to realize that sign could be interpreted in different ways? The distinction is, other voters are able to process the message without thinking it's a 'gotcha !' moment. I think Penzey's has a very smart advertizing team.
Penzey’s Spices - over-priced and over-rated. I walked into one of their stores once. The leftism was everywhere. Nothing like pissing off half of your possible customers.
No he isnt
Lawnerd, tell your wife to head to Spice House instead. That’s what we did. I’ve bought online and in their store in Milwaukee. Someone told me they are the sane side of the family, but I don’t know if that’s true. It’s certainly very good.
I saw that billboard the other day. I think it was between here and Green Bay. We are heading down there today, so I’ll keep an eye out. I pointed it out to my husband because it was so ridiculous.
Let's all ask no question! They had a falling out, okay!
He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.
What "fun" were you having, Don? You don't drink or do drugs! What "fun." Was he out there "cutting a rug"? Were they playing Pinochle? Did they strip down to their swimsuits and run through the sprinkler? If he is running for President shouldn't he have to answer that question?
What "fun" was "Trump Daddy" having at P Diddy's underaged fuck parties? Shouldn't he be held accountable for the phase in his *adult life* when he was all about going to very questionable hip hop parties. What was he doing there?
When Trump Daddy rode on Lolita Express with Mark Middleton (a Clinton scumbag) what did you guys talk about? NO ONE is fucking curious AT ALL why Mr. Drain-The-Swamp is taking free jet rides from a pedo to ride along with a Swampthing to Washington D.C.? No one?
Aside: If you haven't read Mark Middleton's bio, you really should read about this guy. He was even too scummy for the Clinton White House and got banned. Then, he eventually hung himself and shot himself at the same time. His suicide sound like a Buster Keaton scene. The shotgun was found 30 feet away. Which is normal. Nothing to see here. Don't ask questions. Don't ask about Middleton's relationship with Epstein and Clinton! And, DON'T ask why Trump was riding to DC with him either.
Why do you guys only care about scumbag corruption when it's the "other guys" doing it. The Number One problem with partisanship is it causes us to ignore 50% of the corruption in society. Republicans can't even see what a corrupt scumbag Trump is. It's all "fake news." (Except Trump has a looooooong paper trail.) So let's just ignore his questionable life and play act as if its all "fake news." Even though you know in your precious little hearts much of it is true.
If you are a Democrat you can lean on "there is no evidence"! So why even ask the question whether there is any connection between the President's crackhead son sitting on an energy company board and then "someone" blowing up a Russian pipeline. There is no evidence! Nothing to see here! Russian disinformation!
So we all ignore 50% of the corruption and as a consequence 100% of the corruption goes unpunished. And fuckheads like Hunter Biden and Donald Trump get rich.
Shouldn't he have to explain his plane rides on Lolita Express?
Wouldn't be surprised to find joey bidet on epstein's list. But until it's released joey bidet has kept it mostly all in the family. Mostly, well except for Ms. Reid that is.
After burying Jeffrey Epstein (in all meangs of "bury") they now dig him up.
Right you think we have forgotten vote or die the dems youth extortion scheme going on for 20 years why did new york give p diddy a key to the city try harder jackass
Trump never went to lolitta island. Bill Clinton did. 26 times.
Sign of the times. One guy committed "suicide" in a NY jail, the other guy is headed for a NY jail. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Trump never went to lolitta island. Bill Clinton did. 26 times
He took free plane rides on Lolita Express and used to party with Epstein. These are undisputable facts. What did Trump know and when? "Banning" him from Mar-A-Lago is not fucking good enough. If he knew and he did not go to the authorities...what a piece of shit.
He is like Joe Paterno. Look the other way and sweep it under the rug.
How's the Foxconn project going in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin?
Typical Trump. Promise something and it never happens. The Local GOP got taken to the cleaners on this one.
This was a scam from day one. Walker and Trump thought they had found a golden goose, the reality is that they have both been goosed and the people of Wisconsin have watched a wild goose chase.
WHOEVER NEEDS TO HEAR THIS: "The other guys are pedos too!" is NOT a winning argument.
All that matters is if AWFLs in Ozaukee County believe the Penzey Spice sponsored billboards.
Penzey knows the shifting demographic in Ozaukee County. He's massaging it. They probably buy his overpriced spices. No risk to his business there.
Hypocritical detail is, Ozaukee is far enough north on I-43 to be out of reach of Milwaukee crime, unlike Whitefolks Bay and Glendale. People live in that area for a reason. It's safe, quiet, open, but it is now going woke.
Mequon and Cedarburg are nice towns. So is Port Washington etc... But the AWFLS are taking over. We're still holing out in Waukesha and Washington Counties.
Got proof? I mean that he actually went to the island and cavorted with under age girls.
No? We don't have proof Clinton did either. You ever wonder what that client list looks like? Who's on it?
No. I don't think you're intellectually curious enough to make that broad a leap.
Got proof? I mean that he actually went to the island and cavorted with under age girls.
Where did I say that? I said he rode on Lolita Express. And, yes, there are flight manifests. If you haven't seen them, you are uniformed and should educate yourself before November. But, if you honestly haven't seen the flight manifests and don't know how to use Google, let me know and I will 100% drop the links for you.
Just let me know, Rusty. I'm here to help.
Funny. The Trumpies are pretty quick to accuse me of saying things "without evidence."
You guys do it too!
Lacking any sense of self-awareness: the basic requirement for a Yellow Dog Democrat.
Epstein, Clinton, P. Diddy. <---- All former best buddies with Trump. Isn't that a wild coincidence? I mean really. What are the odds of that "just happening"?
Shouldn't he have to answer questions?
I you liked Penzey's adobo as much as I did, you should know that combining a standard Goya/Badia adobo with an equal measure of cumin will get you about the same effect.
Not another dime of mine shall they have.
Does anyone, in their WILDEST dreams, think that the feds or some looney leftist DA would refrain from prosecuting Trump if there was evidence that Trump had sex with underage girls?
D. D. Driver writes, "If he knew and he did not go to the authorities..."
If and If. Two evidence-free speculations/accusations linked in typically propagandistic conspiratorial style as pioneered by Gippy Joe himself.
So what does the "D. D." stand for, Mr. Driver? Disinformation Dispenser?
Wisconsin owned Penzey’s Spices doesn’t play!
Billboard in Milwaukee
Remember, Remember
January 6th
This November! ~ Penzey's
6/19/24, 7:37 AM
You are fine with banning Trump supporters but would you be fine if a company banned you for being an asshole??
Penzey is an asshole. He has good spices. We buy from him to piss him off more, because we already received the letter from the old bastard that if you vote for Trump not to buy his stuff. Fuck him. I am an American, and I can buy whatever I want with my money. Karma would be his company going under because of the asshole he is. He doesn't deserve a good clientele. Maybe Antifa and BLM can burn it down.
The funniest thing about Progressive retards at Penzeys is their slogans. Be Kind!!! Choose love!!! Maybe Mr Penzey should learn what all of that means before he bloviates and spews his hate!!
I didn’t get enough sleep last night and I could blame that on the fact that I 100% misinterpreted this billboard as being pro-Trump when it is obviously, if you give it a second of thought, anti-Trump. I’m spelling out where my mind went because I think it’s possible that in the cars whizzing by, others might make the same mistake. I see Epstein in a political context (next to Trump) and seeing him in a political context reminds me of the constant Clinton/Democratic associations with him. Then there’s Trump on the billboard so my brain added it up to “this billboard is tryiing to tell people they should vote for Trump because you don’t want any of that nasty Epstein/Democratic stuff.”
The Epstein/D brand is pretty firmly entrenched as a matter of pragmatic reality whether it should be or not. If what the billboard purchaser wanted to do was try to pull Epstein off Ds and stick the Epstein cooties on Trump, that’s a very heavy rebranding lift.
"What everyone remembers is that the Regime had Epstein killed in jail to keep hundreds of known pedos like Bill Clinton out of the news. Everyone knows what happened and who they were protecting. Kevin Spacey just described being on a plane with Epstein, Clinton, and "young girls" on Piers Morgan the other day.
"Look how happy Chuck is. He knows Trump had nothing to do with Epstein and banned him from Mara-lago."
I agree someone had Epstein murdered to protect other powerful people who would or might have been implicated in the sordid and criminal goings taking place on Epstein's island if he he had lived to go to trial.
I don't agree "Trump had nothing to do with Epstein." They were undeniably acquaintances, at the least, "social friends," and there are photos and videos of them socializing together in party situations. Does this prove Trump visited Epstein's island or participated in the rape of underage girls. No, it doesn't (necessarily) mean that, and, as much as I think Trump is a vile human being and a pestilence on the public weal, I am skeptical that he did so. Basically, I don't believe it, absent further evidence, (convincing evidence).
Hi friend: Check out Page 27!
Has Trump EVER answered real questions about any of this. When did he know and what did he know? There are rumors that there was an assault at Mar-A-LAgo and that is why there was a "falling out." If that is true, why didn't Trump go top the cops? Why did he assist the cover up for a shitstain billionaire? How many other girls were raped because Trump decided to "ban" Jeffie instead of going to the cops.
Why are you so fucking afraid to know the answers to these questions? I think I know why.
I remember. Epstein was brought to justice under the Trump Administration. That’s the interesting thing about the sign. First, you have to recognize both of those people. Then, you have to pretend only Trump was photographed with Epstein, and somehow just being photographed by Epstein is worse than flying on Epstein personal jet, as Bill Clinton did often. Then you have to realize not Clinton, not Bush, not Obama had Epstein arrested.
I also look at photos like this and never forget the image of Hillary Clinton kissing Robert Byrd, who recruited 150 people to start his own KKK chapter in West Virginia. How that photo exists and minorities still support Democrats over 70% is beyond me, but it tells me these photos do nothing.
Intelligence operation.
When Republicans gather in Milwaukee next month at Fiserv Forum (Go Bucks!) to nominate him for president, Donald Trump planned to stay not in Wisconsin but at the Trump Hotel & Tower skyscraper just north of the Chicago River in downtown Chicago is 92 miles away, (and two hours away if I-64 is used) - all this according to three members of the press briefed on the former president’s logistics. Flying from Chicago Midway to General Billy Mitchell Field would likely take longer but Secret Service would not likely permit the land route.
Trump has let the cat out of the bag when he stated that, he truly hates Milwaukee - so now he has to stay in the Brew City - but the stay in Chicago was designed to permit him to charge monstrous prices for putting up SS agents and to scoop up DNC cash for his Chicago stay and use of his airplane.
Everything is fair in politics.
“Trump flew four times in 1993, as well as once in 1994, 1995 and 1997. The flights were between Palm Beach, Florida, and New York City airports, with one 1994 flight stopping at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.”
“In another June 1994 flight, Trump traveled with a woman named "Marla"—presumably then-wife Marla Maples—and his then-infant daughter, Tiffany, along with a nanny.”
“There is no evidence that Trump visited Epstein's notorious Little St. James island, where the late financier is alleged to have trafficked and sexually abused young women and girls. Trump has also never been implicated in the offenses committed by Epstein or Maxwell.”
Source: Newsweek.com 1/2/2024
But liars like D.D. Gotta lie. Even if it’s by omission.
As Democrat dirty tricks go, this is pretty mild. However I have to agree with commentator doctrev upthread. Where is the Epstein client list? Which members of the Biden crime family are on it?
I will spot the Dims those billboards; if a Republican LLC can put up billboards of Joe in the shower with his teenaged daughter.
Another dirty trick that wasn't thought through.
How many people are going to recognize Epstein and yet not remember that Bill Clinton was the big name Epstein client?
"I remember. Epstein was brought to justice under the Trump Administration."
Nope. He was arrested and charged by the Southern District of New York, not by the Trump administration. Moreover, he was not "brought to justice." He was mur--uh, "committed suicide" in his jail cell before he ever even went to trial or, much less, received a sentence of punishment.
"Nope. He was arrested and charged by the Southern District of New York, not by the Trump administration."
Whose administration was the Southern District of New York run by, Robert?
Mr. Penzy is an a-hole.
After Hillary lost in 1016 - the man lost his mind.
“There is no evidence that Trump visited Epstein's notorious Little St. James island, where the late financier is alleged to have trafficked and sexually abused young women and girls. Trump has also never been implicated in the offenses committed by Epstein or Maxwell.”
Source: Newsweek.com 1/2/2024
I thought “without evidence” was the mark of a D. D. Driver comment. Hoisted on his own petard.
Robert Cook's post at 9:28 is why he is one of the leftist whose posts I don't skip over. I don't agree with him on everything, but at least he is an honest lefty. This place needs more Robert Cooks to improve the debate level.
Hey people: NO ONE is saying Trump visited Epstein Island. That is a strawman.
Trump took free plane rides on Lolita Express. There is NO EVIDENCE that Trump went to Epstein Island. I NEVER said he did. He flew on the Lolita Express Airplane with Jeffery Epstein. There are DOCUMENTS that show this happened.
But he should answer NO QUESTIONS!!!
Nothing to see here. Lol.
Let me ask this: if Bill Clinton were on the manifests, wouldn't you have questions? Because he is, and I do. Trump gets the same scrutiny as Clinton. From me. But not from the partisan dispshits. Because to partisan dipshits, party comes before the rape of teenaged girls. Only the "other guys" should answer questions and be held accountable.
Probably time to display the Clinton-Trump photos..
+ the Bill Clinton + Epstein photos.
We all know Epstein is dead because he had the Arabella Receipts.
People have glossed over what Kevin Spacey said about being on Epstein's Lolita Express. He said he was on the plane for a Clinton Foundation trip with Bill Clinton, Epstein, and underage girls.
Whereas, Trump is on the record as having banned Epstein from Mara Lago for inappropriate behavior with staff.
Out of all stories [about Trump], one is the most explosive and bizarre — a woman who says Trump violently raped her at an orgy when she was just 13 years old. But the horrific details of her accusation have gotten the least attention.
["Katie Johnson"] claimed that Trump violently raped her when she was 13 at a 1994 orgy hosted by Jeffrey Epstein — the billionaire who was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and has been accused of having sex with more than 30 underage girls.
Johnson’s lawsuit mentioned Trump’s friendship with Epstein and a comment Trump made in 2002 about their respective tastes in women: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
The lawsuit alleged several charges against both Trump and Epstein, including rape, sexual abuse, assault and battery, and false imprisonment. Johnson said that when she was 13, Epstein lured her to parties at his apartment by promising “money and a modeling career.”
Johnson said Trump had sexual contact with her at four of those parties, including tying her to a bed and violently raping her in a “savage sexual attack.” The lawsuit said Johnson “loudly pleaded” with Trump to stop, but that he responded by “violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.”
After that, Trump allegedly threatened to harm or kill Johnson and her family if she ever told anyone. Johnson said Trump told her he could make them “disappear” like Maria — a 12-year-old girl Johnson says Trump also forced her to have sexual contact with, and whom Johnson hadn’t seen since that encounter.
Johnson also accused Epstein of raping her “anally and vaginally despite her loud pleas to stop,” and that he “attempted to strike Plaintiff about the head with his closed fists while he angrily screamed that he, Defendant Epstein, rather than Defendant Trump, should have been the one who took Plaintiff’s virginity.”
The court filings also included a statement from “Tiffany Doe,” another anonymous woman, who said that she witnessed the rapes and procured the young girls for the parties, and “Joan Doe,” a classmate of the victim who said she was told about the rapes during the following school year. Tiffany Doe said that Epstein and Trump knew that Johnson was 13.
The plaintiff mysteriously dropped her lawsuit just days before the 2016 election without consultation with her lawyer. Epstein must have provided the hush money because Michael Cohen didn't work this one.
Thanks for reading my comment, but besides Yancey Ward's good question; should we discuss what Epstein was doing during Bush's and Obama's Administrations? After all Jeffrey Epstein was indicted in 2006 and plead guilty to soliciting a minor in 2008 in Florida, Palm Beach county; yet the Federal Prosecutor in Florida made an agreement with Epstein not to prosecute him for federal crimes. That agreement remained in place throughout Obama's Administration.
And I specifically used the term "brought to justice" because Epstein was at least put behind bars. I have no idea if he deserved death, because the DoJ still refuses to prosecute cases related to Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell trial (her arrest also came under the Trump Administration, but the trial under Biden's) was interesting in how the prosecution attempted to prove sex-trafficking by having a few victims tell their story while avoiding discussion to whom they had sex and were trafficked. And while that worked to the defendant's advantage, many people thought the DoJ should identify and prosecute those involved in having sex with these victims. Instead, the DoJ, under Joe Biden, has blocked access to that evidence.
Yeah, OK. Let's go with the theme.
Please Remember...
>No wars
>The price of gas, groceries, and utilities in 2019
>Borders being enforced
>Criminals actually being arrested and not immediately released
>Women's sports for, you know, actual women (double ditto for bathrooms)
Or MAYBE Trump didn't go to the cops because he didn't want the cops asking questions about him? What would you do in that situation? Would you the right thing and go to the cops? Would you sweep it under the rug? What if it was your daughter or wife?
Everyone remembers "grab 'em by the pussy." But who remembers the other part: the part where Trump brags about trying to take another man's wife furniture shopping so he could fuck her.
I did try to fuck her. She was married." That's not very Christianly, IMHO. And, in fact, I think the type of man with those types of morals who always seems to buddy up with Bill Clintons, and Jeff Epsteins, and P Diddys maybe should answer some questions and be held accountable.
He's bragging about it. I think the reason Trumpie want the story to go away is they know what they would find out. Trump spent his life on the pages of the Enquirer.
Since you make outlandish claims. Exactly when was this orgy in 1994? Where was it held? You jump from an orgy in 1994 to Epstein's pleading guilty to a crime from 2005. Besides Epstein, can you associate Trump to the 1994 event and 2005 event? They are in the same sentence, so are you suggesting they are the exact same event? Why was the 1994 "plaintiff" bringing a lawsuit in 2016? What was the reasoning for waiting 22 years?
Answer those questions and I might believe you have a compelling story rather than your normal conspiracy theory hoaxes you like to spout, such as Russian Collusion and Hunter's Laptop is Russian Disinformation.
“Hey people: NO ONE is saying Trump visited Epstein Island. That is a strawman.”
Telling part of the story with an intent to deceive is a lie, D.D.
Only someone like you would not know that.
Goo Golly
Got to jump up now!
Billy Levise Detroit's Very Own. Besides singing he's prescient.
Whereas, Trump is on the record as having banned Epstein from Mara Lago for inappropriate behavior with staff.
Do you have a citation for this. Of him going "on record"? I hear this repeated a lot but I am interested in the original source. What was the "inappropriate conduct." Why didn't Trump go to the cops? How many girls would not have been raped if Trump would have done the right thing?
Good Golly!
Telling part of the story with an intent to deceive is a lie, D.D.
That's the only part of the story we know because he has never had to answer questions. LOL.
That's my whole point. What is he hiding and why won't he come clean about his relationship with Epstein? Obviously, it was more than photo ops. They were travelling together.
We all know Epstein didn't kill himself. Trump didn't kill him. Had no reason to.
But we also know that Epstein infected (perhaps for blackmail purposes) Bill Clinton, and many other US Politicians and Hollywood elite. Prince Andrew is just a douchebag like the rest of the family. William and Kate seem ok.
Trump's barring of Epstein from Mara Lago is good suggests Trump cut ties when he found out about the guy. John McCain's wife stated publicly everyone in powerful US circles at the time know what was going on. McCain, Obama, Biden, the Clintons and many more. They were in power.
Trump was not. I don't for a minute believe Trump was playing around with underage girls, when he can get his hands on the likes of Karen McDougal, Marla Maples, and the beautiful Melania.
Bill Clinton trolled trailer parks. JFK didn't. Prince Andrew has second born syndrome. An insecure weasel.
Trump is a JFK. That is a known-known.
Did Trump sweep everything under the rug because he didn't want the cops asking too many questions about his conduct? Or the conduct of his other close friends who are Jeff's buds? Was it just so spare his country club the embarrassment? Why allow girls to continue getting raped when he could have helped stop it?
Shouldn't he have to answer these questions? Why the fuck not?
I don't for a minute believe Trump was playing around with underage girls, when he can get his hands on the likes of Karen McDougal, Marla Maples, and the beautiful Melania.
This is the stupidiest thing I have ever read: that men who fuck young girls do it because they can't fuck adults. So fucking stupid.
“The plaintiff mysteriously dropped her lawsuit just days before the 2016 election without consultation with her lawyer. Epstein must have provided the hush money because Michael Cohen didn't work this one.”
So now the fact that an anonymous (Katie Johnson was a fake name) lawsuit was dropped days after it was filed (she didn’t show up in court) is proof that the allegations were true? Is that what you are implying gadfly?
Did you go to the D.D Driver school of truth telling?
If someone told a similar lie about Biden, it would be in the WaPo/NYTs, and "fact checked" while all the anchors clucked their tongues and demanded Trump "disavow".
But points to the Left for being such good liars and always knowing what buttons to push to get Dumbo Normies on their side. That was Hitler's big mistake. He should have claimed in attacked Poland to "Protect the Children".
I'm being redundant but if you know the county by county political dynamics in southern Wisconsin, the location of the sign is the most important subject.
The location is meant to fire up the Affluent White Female Liberals in that area. They are pink pussy hat voters.
Like Madison white people, their kids go to good public schools while Milwaukee minorities are stuck in shit. They live in safe ivory towers, and pretend to care about the minorities that mow their lawns for substandard wages. Horrible people.
This thread shouldn't be about debating Epstein. It's really about the battle for Wisconsin.
Insinuation is a microaggression.
This is the stupidiest thing I have ever read: that men who fuck young girls do it because they can't fuck adults. So fucking stupid
As a guy that was interested in older women, because they were more interesting and a challenge, why do claim the above is stupid? Especially when Epstein special service was to provide these young girls so that his client didn’t have to seduce them. I submit that those who can’t get sex without paying is because they have difficulty with seduction. So why wouldn’t they seek a less experienced prey?
Explain yourself DD.
Diaper Dampener Driver neglects to ask why Biden won't allow Garland to answer those Hur Report questions.
Reminding us all that Trump kicked him out of Mar-a-Lago!
Penzey’s can ESSAD
Trump should be campaigning on releasing everything related to Epstein.
And also put pressure on congress to release the list of who paid hush money (with our tax dollars) to sexual assault victims.
Think about it; Senator X goes around pinching the asses of interns and pays her/him off with taxpayer dollars and keeps that a secret.
Fuck all those pervs...
Did Trump sweep everything under the rug because he didn't want the cops asking too many questions about his conduct? Or the conduct of his other close friends who are Jeff's buds? Was it just so spare his country club the embarrassment? Why allow girls to continue getting raped when he could have helped stop it?
I have read that there was no rape or other crime to report, just Epstein's creepy flirtation with the teenage daughter of another member of the Mar-A-Lago club, who complained about it to Trump.
The Spice House was founded by Penzey's parents and until it was recently sold was owned and operated by his sister and brother-in-law. Great spices and NO POLITICS.
I give Bill Penzey credit for successfully building and running a great spice company, but he is a total asshat leftie who deliberately insults and demeans all Republicans, including his customers. And not outside his business--he does it in his advertising.
There are lots of other places to buy good spices.
D.D. Driver is not going to rest until he can transfer all responsibility for Epstein/Maxwell and their partners (CIA? Mossad? MI6?) onto Trump.
Most amusing part is D.D. Driver has completely internalized the reverso-chango New Soviet Democratical ploy of demanding Trump prove negatives for questions that are completely over the top.
And D.D. Driver is now even implying that girls raped on Epstein Island is somehow Trump's fault.
There really is no low too low for these cats.
And its all really very easy to understand why there is no "there" there: It would have come out loooooooooooooooong ago. "It" would have come out long ago if the Dems/GOPe/CIA/NSA/DOJ/FBI et al could even have faked something up as they did with the hoax dossier.
Maxwell convicted of trafficking women but nobody named who she trafficked to.
just Epstein's creepy flirtation with the teenage daughter of another member of the Mar-A-Lago club
Canceled with probable cause. Good for Trump.
The ethics of social conservatives: pedophilia, sodomy, sadomasochism, friends with "benefits", incest, transgender grooming, human rites, etc, are recurring progressions in human history.
I love Penzey’s spices. We have one not too far away in Brookfield and Delafield, WI and I will stock up on spices a couple times a year. They’re doing very well and people order their spices from all over the country.
"I have read that there was no rape or other crime to report, just Epstein's creepy flirtation with the teenage daughter of another member of the Mar-A-Lago club, who complained about it to Trump."
Where did you read that? Why won't Trump say that then? Hmmmm.... Stay gold, Ponyboy.
There are a lot of unanswered question here and Trumpies DO NOT WANT ANSWERS.
D.D. Driver: "There are a lot of unanswered question here and Trumpies DO NOT WANT ANSWERS."
There are NO unanswered questions re: Epstein and Trump....because the deep state would have run Trump out of town if there were.
Keep kicking that horse D.D. Seems like a productive use of your time.
Next up for D.D.: why won't Trump answer whether or not he buried nuclear secrets in Ivana's casket? Will Trump agree to exhume the body so we can check? Did Trump murder Ivana just to have a place to hide nuclear secrets he wants to sell to PUTIN?!!!!
There are so many unanswered questions!!!
Kick rocks.
“There are a lot of unanswered question here and Trumpies DO NOT WANT ANSWERS.”
Why would any father allow his minor children accompany him when he was socializing with Epstein?
D.D. Driver is not going to rest until he can transfer all responsibility for Epstein/Maxwell and their partners (CIA? Mossad? MI6?) onto Trump.
"All" of the responsibility? How about his own responsibility? Do we know what that is? Nope. Here is what we do know:
--Trump and Jeffie were *friends*
--Trump went on record about he admired Jeffie "young" taste in women
--Trump fly around on Jeffie's plane
--Trump and Jeffie had a "falling out"
--NOW Trump says he "never liked the guy" even though that part is quite clearly a lie.
Here are the questions I think Trump should answer:
--How often did you get together with Jeffie?
--Who else was with you?
--What did you guys do?
--When you mentioned he liked them "young," did you know that young?
--What exactly lead to the "falling out"?
--Did he ever invite you to Epstein Island? Why? Who else was invited?
--If there was a crime committed, did you report it?
--If not, why not?
--Why all the P. Diddy parties? Did you go alone? Who did you talk to? What did you do there? Did you see drug use and illegal activity? Did people have guns?
Which of these questions is unfair or irrelevant?
Where did you read that?
I don't know where they read it, but 2 seconds found this CNBC article headlined: "Trump banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after sex criminal hit on member’s daughter, book claims"
Answers provided. That Trump didn't say so publicly, as the article notes, could be because flirting "hitting on" is an allegation that is to back up, and making such a claim in public is defamation. That doesn't stop clowns like DD and Gadfly from committing such, but other people aren't as careless with accusations. Still, making allegations is one thing, but taking action matters more, and Trump acted and banned Epstein.
Here is more information from the NY Post a year prior to CNBC coverage. I mention NY Post, because they originally covered the story in 2007. Seems like something was said then.
As if the average person driving through Wisconsin knows what Jeffrey Epstein looked like. Keep wasting your money, whoever you are. Also, old (non-)news.
Epstein Weinstein Ranieri, Ed Buck, if you are a pervert, the Dems are your gateway, the guy behind the same sex bathrooms who fled to Australia,
It seems like Inga is desperately hoping that the Trump-Epstein hoax is the one that takes wings. So far all the hoaxes have been shown to be just that.
The utter desperation and stupidity ...
mother always told me
be careful of who you love
and be careful of what you do
‘cause the lie becomes the truth
My goodness, it's a very busy day here on the ward, and some of the excitable inmates have really been working themselves into a state, trying to make something out of....well...not very much, at best.
Nurse Ratched should put on the calming background music methinks. The Big Nurse knows what's best for the patients
Now I'm fond of saying, I don't listen to what he says, and I certainly pay no attention to what other people say that he said, but I do pay attention to what he actually does.
And as far as I can tell, he is the only person that publicly shamed Epstein by banning him from the grounds of his resort and home, as a way of publicly shaming that behavior at the time it became public knowledge. Now..... others continued to associate with Epstein or his associates, or pursued ongoing contacts in official and private settings
So maybe the inmates should listen to a little calming music and wait for the dinner call.....
D.D. Driver said...
Got proof? I mean that he actually went to the island and cavorted with under age girls.
Where did I say that? I said he rode on Lolita Express.
So, riding on an airplane given a nickname BY THE MEDIA is "proof" Trump was screwing young girls, even though he didn't go to the island where said screwing allegedly took place.
Got it.
Getting worked up about this seems counterproductive. A fairly non political woman would need to see this billboard and recognize not only a much younger Trump, but also Jeffrey Epstein. How many apolitical people recognize Epstein on random billboards?
Self-appointed Grand Inquisitor D.D. Driver asked:
Which of these questions is unfair or irrelevant?
I think Trump would reply, "All of them are nunya bizness."
Blogger Inga said...
“There are a lot of unanswered question here and Trumpies DO NOT WANT ANSWERS.”
Why would any father allow his minor children accompany him when he was socializing with Epstein?
Why would any wife allow her philandering husband to continue to socialize with Epstein? Don't you want answers, Inga? I do. I'm willing to find answers on the internet, but I can't find the answer to that one. Maybe you will find it because you want answers too.
DD, you seem unusually obsessed with this notion of Trump fucking little girls. Do you believe that if there were any even implausible evidence of this, it would not have been broadcast far and wide and lawsuits or criminal charges brought? Do you honestly believe that? No, you do not. You're just throwing mud.
The handy thing about Trump as a politician is that he is so despised by all of polite society and the organizations wielding power that you can be quite certain he has NOT done something if he has not been charged with it. After all, they keep inventing crimes because that is all they can come up with.
The resident dullard pops up again.
Blogger Inga said...
“There are a lot of unanswered question here and Trumpies DO NOT WANT ANSWERS.”
Why would any father allow his minor children accompany him when he was socializing with Epstein?
When was he "socializing with Epstein?" Was that the time Trump expelled Epstein from His Home/club ?
If Robespierre lived long enough, he would end up sounding like D.D.
"So, riding on an airplane given a nickname BY THE MEDIA is "proof" Trump was screwing young girls, even though he didn't go to the island where said screwing allegedly took place."
Nope. Riding around on Lolita Express, partying with Jeffie, is not PROOF of anything OTHER THAN Trump has a lot of questions to answer. Why are you sooooo afraid of the answers.
Epstein, Bill Clinton, P. Diddy. These were Trump's friends. Nothing to see here!
There have been a lot of people who have had dealings with Epstein. That doesn't make them a pedophile. Unfortunately, the left play guilt-by-association; and cover things up.
This isn't a defense of Trump, it's just how commentary how nasty those on the left are.
The further away from the city they are, the less effective they will be.
Billboards make me think of Burma-Shave. And Lady Bird Johnson. And National Lampoon's Vacation movie.
I suppose the GOP could counter with some billboards of their own showing Joe Biden staring off blankly with the slogan "Please Remember...Because He Can't".
That Democrat billboards isn't really compelling IMO because Donald Trump looks young and fairly attractive there and you'd have to know who the other guy is and it wouldn't seem obvious that he has anything to do with Trump. More Prince Andrew really, that's the Epstein connection if you know anything about that guy. Which Prince Andrew reminds one of the Queen and now she's dead and that was sad and the new King, Charles, former husband of Princess Diana, and Kate Middleton, William's wife, Diana's son, both have cancer now and that's sad, too, and Prince Harry, Diana's other son, wrote a mean book about the family and that's sad as well because he was a hero in Afghanistan and...wait a minute, didn't Joe Biden screw up the war in Afghanistan and a bunch of young Marines got killed there at the end because it was all so chaotic and poorly handled and then Biden was looking at his watch during the memorial service like he couldn't wait to get away, geesh what a creep.
Based on Sally327's comment above:
Please Remember
D.D. Driver said...
"So, riding on an airplane given a nickname BY THE MEDIA is "proof" Trump was screwing young girls, even though he didn't go to the island where said screwing allegedly took place."
Nope. Riding around on Lolita Express, partying with Jeffie, is not PROOF of anything OTHER THAN Trump has a lot of questions to answer.
>>>>>>>>so lame. Intellectually vapid. Classic "guilt by mere association." You keep deluding yourself thinking that because YOU want answers, Trump must give them to you.
Why are you sooooo afraid of the answers.
>>>>>>>> more vapidity. Why would I be afraid of the answers? For that matter, why do you *assume* the answers would be damaging to Trump?
>>>>>>>>Hasn't it crossed at least one of your few working synapses that the Dems have been fine-tooth combing through Trump's life, looking for any dirt they can find? So why haven't they come up with enough to charge him with something involving Epstein? Are you claiming they are protecting him?
p.s. Epstein's plane didn't have a "Lolita Express" logo painted on its fuselage. The media gave it that name. Your attempt to tar everyone, including Trump, with with pedophilia for having "ridden around" on that plane is just more lameness.
With you, it's lameness... all the way down.
“Why would any father shower with his teenage daughter”
Fixed it for you, Inga.
White Savior Karen Inga: "Why would any father allow his minor children accompany him when he was socializing with Epstein?"
Inga has her new Pee Tape!!!
Inga is a wind up toy for the lefties.
“Why would any father shower with his teenage daughter”
“Ashley Biden wrote that others had "once-grossly" misinterpreted her "once-private" writings and thrown "false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love. Biden also said that her "innermost thoughts" recorded in the diary had been "constantly distorted and manipulated," and assumed that the point of the theft was to "peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts."
Why would any father say that what he has in common with his adult daughter is “sex”? Why would any father say that if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter he would “date” her? Why would an adult male say about a 10 year old girl that in 10 years he would “date” her. Why would any father let some radio personality call his daughter a “piece of ass” and actually agree with him?
The billboards are effective anywhere, even in the countryside. Farmers, country people, small town residents have the internet, a TV and are as interested in politics and current events as the next person.
And just like that, our lefty wind up toy White Savior Karen Inga falls in line behind the latest rationalizations for what Ashley Biden wrote in her diary, where she had zero reason to lie....as we watch what Hunter has done with his niece (on video) and underage hookers and Creepy Dementia-Glitch boy years long habit of feeling up wives and girls he can get his hands on...and its all on video.
But Inga has been told not to believe that stuff...and so she officially doesn't now...even though it wasn't that long ago where she disapproved of what she knows biden did....which was after she spent years refusing to address it. Yes, she's that malleable to the force applied by her betters.
Inga is the poster child for this:
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The image of Trump in company of Epstein can play only a small part in any random local election results. However, they can serve as a hook for media release that will be put into nation-wide distribution.
So, a small ridiculous smear can be released somewhere in remote locale. That is enough justification for some major media outlet to “report” on it, kind of like a local curiosity but published across the land, repeatedly, again and again, in DDD fashion.
‘fly @10:26AM…
That’s about as believable as the rest of the m00nbat shit you post, lol.
Soooo far-left dramatic…
DD, you seem unusually obsessed with this notion of Trump fucking little girls. Do you believe that if there were any even implausible evidence of this, it would not have been broadcast far and wide and lawsuits or criminal charges brought? Do you honestly believe that? No, you do no
I don't necessarily think he did. But, at a minimum, I think he knew about it. And if somehow he implausibly did not know about it, he is too stupid too be president. Pick your poison.
When was he "socializing with Epstein?"
Oh, I don't know? Maybe when they were flying on Epstein's private jet. I bet they were socializing.
Next question?
Here's another question: who is buying Hunter's stupid fucking paintings? The Democrats think this is a "smear campaign" the exact same way that you think Trump/Epstein is a "smear campaign." But, I think these are (equally) important questions.
Until we end the childish hero-worship, and the rah rah team sports bullshit, and start treating all politicians like the fucking scum they are---nothing will ever get better.
They call him DD Driver
Once he tells a pack of lies
He eats some shit and he dies
We got his number
DD drivels...
I don't necessarily think he did. But, at a minimum, I think he knew about it.
And by contemporary accounts around the time he found out about it (see above links to NY Post 2007), Trump banned Epstein from his facilities.
When was he "socializing with Epstein?"
Oh, I don't know? Maybe when they were flying on Epstein's private jet.
Only between Florida and New York with the latest in 1997. Your suggestion then is Trump quit socializing with Epstein three years before Virginia Giuffre met Ghislaine Maxwell and five years before Bill Clinton started using Epstein's plane to destinations outside the US. Trump though said he quit socializing with Epstein in 2004 ("15 years ago" from an interview in 2019).
Speaking of socializing and the Clintons... Also in 2004, Hillary Clinton kissed former KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd, then memorialized his death 6 years later. Please Remember.
I think Penzey's has a very smart advertizing team.
They may or may not be smart, but they're left-wing nutjobs and have been for years.
I would boycott them but I've never wanted nor needed their product in first place.
His daddy got a big promotion
His mama got a raise in pay
There's no one home, he’s all alone
Oh, throw the little dog a bone
Watch him moan
@Jim said 16:57: "I would boycott them but I've never wanted nor needed their product in first place."
I don't know anything about them. If they're committed leftists, then they've really screwed up: How would a conservative that considers the imprisoned January 6th protesters as 'Political Prisoners', and Ashli Babbitt as a murder victim, react to this:
Remember, Remember
January 6th
This November!
It's a call to action, an appeal to Conservatives !
"---nothing will ever get better."
Nothing will ever get better until Dick Devouring Driver explains when and why he stop raping little boys.
Answer the question, D.D. Driver. You have one hour.
I always had an idea that our dear friends on the left were more into conspiracy theories than those on the right, but, whew!, this thread shows they are absolutely bonkers.
D. D. is now laser focused on Hunters laptop.
D.D. Driver said...
"All" of the responsibility? How about his own responsibility? Do we know what that is? Nope. Here is what we do know:
--Trump and Jeffie were *friends*
--Trump went on record about he admired Jeffie "young" taste in women
--Trump fly around on Jeffie's plane
--Trump and Jeffie had a "falling out"
--NOW Trump says he "never liked the guy" even though that part is quite clearly a lie.
You are just a dishonest piece of crap. But I am going to lead you through this so that I can teach others while humiliating you.
Jeffrey Epstein had all of the hallmarks of an intelligence agent that developed kompromat on people. Typically you aren't able to get incriminating pics or video on the first contact. It takes time and you have to work on people. Some people it takes longer than others.
Epstein clearly targeted Trump and clearly tried to get Trump to do the same things that hundreds of other people did.
At some point in the relationship Trump banned Epstein from Mara-lago and ended the relationship.
It is obvious to any intelligent and honest human being what happened here.
Epstein started a relationship with Trump with obvious intent to recruit and corrupt.
Trump figured out what Epstein was up to and kicked him out.
The FBI has all of the material that Epstein collected. They have every video and picture. We know for a fact that Trump didn't have sex with any of Epstein's girls because the FBI was willing to make up Russian Collusion out of whole cloth to get Trump.
If Trump had sex with any of those girls he would be in jail right now.
When's the last time you looked up something you saw on a billboard Inga?
Inga said...
The billboards are effective anywhere, even in the countryside. Farmers, country people, small town residents have the internet, a TV and are as interested in politics and current events as the next person.
Oh really? Then why do Hillary and the Dems consider them slack-jawed "deplorables"?
The reporters seem to have not checked archive.org for a working version of the site: https://web.archive.org/web/20240313193817/https://protectchildrenq.com/
"Thank you for visiting
Please feel free to get in touch using the contact form.
ProtectChildrenQ raises awareness about the risks and harms America’s children face every day. Its orientation is to uncover the truth, follow the breadcrumbs and encourage the public to wake up to this widespread problem.
All inquiries can be sent to:
382 NE 191st St PMB 58168
Miami, Florida 33179-3899 US
protectchildrenqllc@gmail.com "
Candide said...
The image of Trump in company of Epstein can play only a small part in any random local election results. However, they can serve as a hook for media release that will be put into nation-wide distribution.
And I really hope they do.
Bringing up Epstein will inevitably help Trump.
Everyone knows that the FBI has everything Epstein collected. If there was any evidence at all that Trump did anything with any girls anywhere near Epstein the FBI would have released it.
People will also find out that Trump banned Epstein from Mara-lago and the obvious timing is obvious. Epstein tried to hook Trump up with some young girl and Trump kicked him out.
Trump wasn't a disgusting reprobate like Bill Clinton.
Anyone with above a 90 IQ can figure that out in 30 seconds.
Only dipshits like DD Driver fall for any of this because they are not really objective.
Plug that street address into Google Maps. Zooming in to see that the business there (as of when Google imaged the location) is "Baron Delivery Service". Google's link on the screen goes to Courier Services Miami Florida. Follow the link to find:
COVID-19 has changed the world and our way of life overnight. But rest assured that we're still here, open and ready to deliver for you. Our dedicated team is standing by 24/7.
All the links from the homepage are dead ends.
So I don't see anything fishy at all about ProtectChildrenQ.
Achilles said...
If Trump had sex with any of those girls he would be in jail right now.
Yep. Absolutely. Trump is by far the most investigated person in America. Ever. In our short history.
Let's be totally honest. Except for a particular someone back about 0 AD/BC or so, he's the most investigated person in history, ever. And I'm not certain the Romans investigated him that thoroughly.
And the best they can come up with is manufacturing process crimes that don't actually exist.. And pretending a POTUS cannot declassify everything in his possession before he leaves office. And changing laws so someone with a history of false accusations against others who can't recall a time, day, month, or year when she was sexually assaulted by Trump can be believed by a jury of partisan DemoncRATs hand selected by partisan prosecutors with a partisan judge.
Actually, that story does sound somewhat familiar with compared to one particular historic event... Except the judge back then washed his hands of the matter, while today's judges, but for one courageous one in FL, encourage persecution. Not prosecution- persecution is the correct word.
I am sure the rubble is not just bouncing, but landing in chunks on D.D. Driver's microcephalic head tonight.
@phantommut said 20:25: "Zooming in to see that the business there (as of when Google imaged the location) is "Baron Delivery Service". Google's link on the screen goes to Courier Services Miami Florida.
Not what I see. Baron Delivery Service is in the same building, but at address 386 NE 191st St .
The company at 382 NE 191st St is AMW Group, a marketing company - probably offered as a front for this organization.
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