Writes Glenn Reynolds, in "Mea culpa, Fetterman: I was wrong about the senator and his illness" (NY Post).
June 4, 2024
"Fetterman’s health has improved more and faster than expected, and in what may not be a coincidence..."
"... the more his brain damage recedes, the less he agrees with lefty activists and the Democratic Party’s functionaries.
Speaking at Yeshiva University’s commencement, Fetterman dramatically stripped off his Harvard hood and announced he was 'profoundly disappointed' at his alma mater’s refusal to address the antisemitism rampant on its campus, a discontent he extended to the entire antisemitism-enabling Ivy League.
Quoth Fetterman: 'As an alum of Harvard — look, I graduated 25 years ago, and of course, it was always a little pinko. But now, I don’t recognize it....' When pro-Palestinian protesters showed up at the senator’s house (no dogpiling in his defense from lefty activists over this) and told him he had 'nowhere to hide,' Fetterman defiantly got on his roof with an Israeli flag....."
Proof that conservatives are smarter than liberals.
“A little pinko.”
Fetterman sounds like John Wayne
Makings of a great story regarding his recovery. He must be giving heartburn to some members of the staff he assembled, however.
Brain damage…recedes?
Just goes to prove, that Progressivism is a mental disease!!
Fetterman's recovery is inspiring. He's turning into a decent Senator who isn't hyper-partisan.
Did anyone else notice that when giving the speech he did not appear to be wearing pants under his robe?
Or even worse, and I hesitate to mention this here for fear of triggering our hostess, he as wearing shorts?
I predict that before November he will have gotten so much better that he will get on the outlaw train and publicly endorse our President Emeritus and convicted felon DJ Trump.
John Henry
Martin Luther King was a convicted felon
I used to think that Glenn was an interesting thinker, but he is past his sell-by date. Fetterman was run to short circuit the Trump vote, and that is just what he is doing, keeping Schumer top dog in the Senate, PA, just like its neighboring state, West Virginia, is a red state, but with the proper manipulation of candidate selection, it can be kept voting deep blue, for all intents and purposes, just has has been done in West Virginia.
"Give me the power to nominate, and I will care little for your power to elect." - Machiavelli
John Fetterman did not kill himself.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, eh?
We'll see. I'm glad his health has improved, because it seems to be making him more worthy as a public official - but it doesn't erase his life history (look it up). I don't think my sentiments would necessarily be the same for other politicians with improving health. It is possible for people to change their views on things as they mature, but it is also true that a leopard doesn't change its spots.
The same corrupt pedos who killed Epstein, are behind the COVID release.
Interesting that not a single democrat Pol had any complications with Covid.
Must’ve been a red pill in his medications.
Having a brain slug isn't necessarily a permanent condition. Like any organism they need nourishment. I guess the poor little guy moved on to greener pastures. Word on the street he's eyeing Kentanji Brown Jackson because there's zero brain fluid in Sotomayor.
I was also wrong. I often say to my husband, "Fetterman! Who would have thought?!"
Sinema was a similar pleasant surprise.
Darkisland said...
Did anyone else notice that when giving the speech he did not appear to be wearing pants under his robe?
6/4/24, 10:22 AM
He is known as someone that does not wear pants, his "office" uniform is shorts and a sweatshirt. I believe it has been so since day one...
Fetterman--a recovering Democrat. Might even be smart one day.
As for Pennsuylvania as a "red state". It is if you exclude Philadelphi and Pittsburgh. Some one once said that Pennsyvlania --at least the part between those two cities is just Alabama North.
Fetterman's recovery is inspiring.
From a stroke and probable... degrees of brain damage, his return... evolution to a viable state is the story.
Clarity seemed to return about the time he parted company with Gisele Barreto Fetterman (naturalized US citizen from Brazil). She was authoring many of his campaign emails, which for some reason I was receiving several times daily in the weeks leading up to the election. Gotta wonder what kind of influence she had on him at that time.
He and Gisele have been seen together more recently, and are still married (AFAIK), but she was out of the US for a while.
I'm with Reynolds. Following his stroke, Fetterman seemed mentally disabled. With the accommodations that Fetterman required, it seemed like the press was covering up how disabled he was. My liberal friends defended him and his record.
Now that he is recovering, did anyone expect him to be such a maverick? Calling Harvard, "always a little pinko." That's fun.
A near progression, but a "burden" no longer.
John Fetterman is looking like a Rhodes scholar compared to this woman who proves how ignorant their whole movement is... Lady Maga has the facts (and YES, a Drag Queen for Trump! No children present unless you call this college graduate a child)
Remember that Palestinian activists carry the burden at each protest of theirs that they are NOT going to explode and kill people, or shoot people, or kidnap people, as their past behavior has shown those actions to be their primary forms of protest. An Israeli flag and an AR-15 might get you more respect from Pali activists than an Israeli flag alone. Hopefully at least a full block or more of respect, away from your front door. And no, it is not brandishing to hold a firearm in a safe manner when faced with a potentially violent mob.
Fetterman ain’t stupid. He read the part where God chose to make a covenant with Abraham, thru the line of Isaac and Jacob to bless them and to bless those who bless the, and to curse those who curse them.
It is possible for people to change their views on things as they mature, but it is also true that a leopard doesn't change its spots.
I love conversion stories - I hang out at neo's place for the political version, and at Premier Unbelievable? for the religious kind. And of course I recognize that both of those places deal in conversion to "my side," and that the conversion can go the other way too. But it's fascinating to hear how and why people change their minds.
Our old friend Gahrie, may he rest in peace, was always conservative (or maybe he'd have considered himself libertarian - but in any case, of the right and not of the left). But he used to be pro-Palestinian, back in our younger days, and changed his mind to become strongly pro-Israeli after the Intifada, when, as he said, it became clear that peaceful coexistence with Israel was not in the Palestinian plan nor wheelhouse, no matter what public (and heavily publicized) statements they made.
I don't follow Fetterman enough to know whether his Israel stance extends to other areas of left vs. right disagreement. And it's not too often that you see a public figure change dramatically, on camera, so to speak. So I'm withholding any opinion on him except approval of that Israel stance.
Hes better than cigar store indian casey hes as silent as a basenghi probably better than dr oz in certain respects
"Positioning himself as an old school Bob Casey Sr. Democrat is a way to avoid getting caught up in all that crap. But, of course, this was all predictable. You don't need a Fetterman to know which way the wind's blowing."
He'll wind up like Manchin. He'll become a Republican, then a Democrat again, and end up as an independent, if he lasts that long.
♫♫♫Anyway The Wind Blows♫♫♫
I trust fetterman more than I trust McConnell or Thune.
Fetterman is a reminder that, until recently, the political party to which a politician belonged did not dictate his or her stance on every single issue. Also, even now, there are some politicians from the other party who want to do good but simply disagree with you on how to accomplish that.
“The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”
— Ronald Reagan
Fetterman ain't there yet but we should take what we can get.
Also, I think it's telling that quote didn't come from any of the Democrat's luminaries.
"... the more his brain damage recedes, the less he agrees with lefty activists and the Democratic Party’s functionaries..."
Which is great for the Left because they can put Fetterman's "aberrations" down to him being brain damaged and not have to contemplate that their policies and ideas just plain suck.
Would Glenn be issuing his mea culpa if Fetterman hadn't become such a valuable voice for certain bread-and-butter conservative issues? I know I wouldn't.
Yes, he has recovered more than expected. But if he fully recovered into the second coming of AOC as I thought a fully functional Fetterman would be, I wouldn't care that he was mentally recovering and I certainly wouldn't be engaging in self-reflection about how wrong I was.
Doesn't make electing someone in his condition responsible.
But then...Pedo Pete.
Skeptical Voter said..
Pennsyvlania --at least the part between those two cities is just Alabama North
Sowell wrote in his book 'Black Rednecks' that the Borderland British that moved to The south, ALSO moved to other places.. like western Pennsylvania (NOT Pittsburgh
I read that yesterday. Good article. Glenn has a humorous way of wording things and I always appreciate a pundit saying, "I WAS WRONG." More of them should acknowledge it more often. It shows strength of character. Putting a weaselly tiny correction on page B25 when you ran a front page headline that turned out to be wrong is how the "mainstream" operates. Glenn is modeling good behavior for he next gen of pundits.
Sinema was a similar pleasant surprise.
And a snazzy dresser, unlike Fetterdude.
I'm glad he seems to be recovering, but because he recognizes Israel's right to defend itself against barbarians and elite college's are overrun with anti-semitic Commies isn't exactly impressive.
Babylon Bee: Weird: Man Becomes More Conservative As He Regains Brain Function
As much as I disagree with Lefty politics trying to pathologize it and tie it to brain damage is a bad idea.
Christopher B said...
“The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”
— Ronald Reagan
6/4/24, 12:39 PM
This sentiment is how the Bushes and Romneys bargained with the base for years. It was a lie then, and it's just stupid now. Fetterman was and is a reliable vote for all the toxic America-hating policies of the Uniparty. He's only an "allied" politician if your loyalty is primarily to Israel.
As people begin pointing this out, they'll start wondering why Con Inc keeps celebrating this stroked-out scumbag.
well he has shown some sensibillity on other issues like immigration,
Geez, people are so credulous the minute one of those filthy Donks says something vaguely approaching a moderate viewpoint. See also: Bill Maher.
Fetterman is still a hard leftist. He just happens to be hawkish on Israel because he's Jewish. So what? So is Bill Kristol, and I'll bet most of the people singing Fetterman's praises think Kristol is a heinous traitor.
There are no good Democrats, people.
LOL. He's still a Leftist. He's just a zionist lefty.
He'll wave an Israeli flag, and yell back at anyone who doesn't support bibi and genocide.
But burn a USA flag and he'll shrug his shoulders. And letting millions of people invade our Southern Border? He's OK With that too. Send Billions to kill Russkies in Ukraine, he'll cheer. Send millions to beef up the border patrol, hey that's a bridge too far!
Millions for Defense, not one cent for Tribute. But Fetterman only applies that to Israel. The country that brings tears to his eyes. The USA? Meh.
Perhaps Israel could build a 2nd wailing wall right here in the USA. Maybe put it in DC next to the Washington Momument. Charge admission, and make it Gentiles only.
It'd make a fortune! All proceeds go to 1000 lbs. bombs for Israel.
Whatever corrected the prior wackiness in the brain of John Fetterman, I hope that Dr. Fauci and Mei Ling Shuan Kei Inga can perfect it in the lab. I would like to nominate several for the inverse stroke: Well, I'll stop at Nancy Pelosi. When she walks out on the roof waving Trump's State of the Union speech, that will be sufficient unto the day. When she makes Paul donate the checking account to Tea Party LLC, and then she asks to testify about Jan6 -- sweeet....
It seems Senator Fetterman is his own man, to the consternation of his friends and the delight of his foes.
As much as I disagree with Lefty politics trying to pathologize it and tie it to brain damage is a bad idea.
I entirely agree. I want to hear the best, most compelling arguments for the policies and, yes, the worldview of the left, so as to avoid attacking strawmen, and pathologizing the whole side utterly sidesteps that possibility.
My son and I recently had an argument about the electoral college - he wants it abolished and I do not. I don't want it abolished not because my party tends to benefit from electoral college-only victories (which was his claim), but because I think our system of circumscribing straight-up popular democracy has worked well for two and a half centuries and we'd better think very hard before deciding to allow a few megaplex and large cities and their exurbs entirely to dictate national policy. He thinks, in essence, why not? If that's where the majority of the population resides, why not let the majority determine policy? My immediate thoughts in response didn't satisfy me; they seemed both elitist and not quite on point (how can we trust people who live in an urban environment to make good electoral decisions about non-urban life? Like that - although a lot of those decisions would be made at the state or local level anyway). So I had to dig deeper.
We stopped arguing due to time and circumstances, but it made me go looking for the best Popular Vote arguments. I'm still considering them. So far nothing I've learned has been enough to make me believe this particular fence needs to come down posthaste (or should come down at all), but I'm doing my homework. I'd way rather do that than not know the other side's strongest cases.
"If that's where the majority of the population resides, why not let the majority determine policy?"
Perhaps he should spend some time investigating what the founders had to say about democracy. Since he's the one that wants to tear down the fence, shouldn't he be able to 1) explain why the fence was originally erected and 2) explain why tearing it down is advisable before proceeding further?
Here are some thoughts on your question. The 13 colonies would never have formed the Union without some protection for the interests of states with smaller populations. That protection was two senators per state and the electoral college. That was the bargain.
This sort of bargain made, and continues to make, sense. A nation isn't just big cities. Big cities aren't self-sufficient. They depend on food grown on farms in Kansas, on oil pumped in Texas or fracked in North Dakota, on coal mined in Wyoming, on rail lines that transport goods across vast spaces, and on military bases and test ranges in low-population areas. When they get around to building a permanent repository for spent nuclear fuel, where do you think it will be? Manhattan? Others can probably think of more examples. In a very real way, then, rural areas make our big cities possible. Given the importance of these areas, the people that inhabit them deserve a system that doesn't let the big cities run roughshod over them.
Jamie and Mason G: That is where my thoughts were going. Why didn't the authors of the US Constitution want to have high population states drive the entire nation? It is because we are a Federal Republic consisting of States, that each State gets a voice?
It occurs to me that I might expand on "1) explain why the fence was originally erected" just a bit.
It's obvious, almost beyond need for explanation, that a majority popular vote is an option for electing a president. What's not so obvious is how using a system of electors, who can be chosen in a variety of ways, to meet to vote in their respective states and then, submit those votes to the Senate might have been designed instead. Clearly, that's a much more complicated and convoluted system (how many hours/days went into developing that process, anyway?), yet it was chosen as superior to "majority popular vote". The people who wrote the Constitution had a reason for preferring the more complicated method over the simple one. Explain why they made that choice.
I suspect that after Fetterman's stroke, he was replaced by a quasi-body double. Remember that when first elected Fetterman had eyebrow ridges worthy of a Ferengi. The double - let's call him "Festerman" - has a relatively smooth forehead unless he's intentionally frowning a lot.
I think Fetterman died, and "Festerman" has now stepped into the role permanently. Remember, "his" wife disappeared from the scene about that time. Festerman was more in the way of a moderate Democrat, so not nearly as insane as the left-wing fringe who now run the party. That's why he sounds more sane, and moderate, and reasonable.
" The people who wrote the Constitution had a reason for preferring the more complicated method over the simple one. Explain why they made that choice."
Even in 1787, the populations of a few large cities - New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston - exceeded the populations of ALL the farmers and small towns. The Founders created the Electoral College to prevent a few cities from running roughshod over the rest of the country. And it's still true now, that the big cities have an even HIGHER proportion of the population. There's a meme circulating on X claiming that the STATES didn't vote for Biden in 2020; 15 CITIES did. And another meme about the "Obama archipelago", showing a few coastal regions as land and the rest of the nation under water.
"The Founders created the Electoral College to prevent a few cities from running roughshod over the rest of the country. And it's still true now, that the big cities have an even HIGHER proportion of the population."
Yes, that's the point Jamie needs to get her son to arrive at, preferably on his own.
Frankly, I still don’t much like the man.
Something else for Jamie to consider: how many first-world nations elect their head of government via a single nationwide vote?
Like abortion law in Europe or their conduct of elections, its far different than the left would have you believe.
Jamie-ask your son whether he considers a pickup truck to be a useful item.
In a pure majority vote system they would be prohibited to anyone other than the government and licensed contractors, and the economy would collapse.
Most of the founders were also farmers.
Much as I fully agree with and defend the Zionist position on Israel and the Americans fomenting to destroy it, I have to wonder why this only became a crisis now. Straight white people, of whom nearly all Jews are a subset, have been systematically dehumanized and outright persecuted by activists and entire university administrations and policies for a long time. We need to oppose this just as vehemently. I expect all the people I stand with to stand with me too. This ain't beanball.
Doctors and therapists told me all the healing from my brain injury (2015) would happen in the first year. And were surprised when I continued to make progress during the second year. I have had friends and colleagues say they could tell a difference between second year and third year.
There is a colossal difference between how I functioned cognitively in 2016 and how I function today. Although each year the improvements (if any) are smaller. I tried to come up with a rough formula. Let's say the initial injury took me down to 50%. Each year that gap closes by (let's say) half. I will never get back to 100%. This is a crazy rough approximation.
2016? 75%
2017? 87.5%
2018? 93.75%
I can tell that "gap closes by half" is too high a guesstimation. Nine years later my family says I am around 90%.
But here's my point. Close to his cerebral vascular incident aka stroke he was not functioning terribly well. Each year he gets better. To the point where he seems more like a sharp Harvard grad.
The severity of the initial injury does not determine how involved the injury is years later.
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