June 29, 2024

Biden taunted Trump about his weight.

The debate has given us so much to talk about that something that ordinarily would have attracted a lot of attention has slipped by unnoticed: Biden brought up Trump's weight. He actually talked about the number of pounds.

Here's the transcript. The question, addressed to Trump, had been, "What do you say to voters who have concerns about your capabilities to serve?" 
TRUMP: Well, I took two tests, cognitive tests.... He took none. I’d like to see him take one, just one, a real easy one. Like go through the first five questions, he couldn’t do it... I took physical exams every year.... I just won two club championships, not even senior, two regular club championships... He can’t hit a ball 50 yards.... I think I’m a very good shape. I feel that I’m in as good a shape as I was 25, 30 years ago. Actually, I’m probably a little bit lighter....

In fact, Trump does look as though he's lost a lot of weight, so he brought up weight, but he was very low key about it, in the modest way that fits ordinary etiquette.

BASH: Thank you. President Biden? 
BIDEN: You’re going to see he’s six-foot-five and only 225 pounds – or 235 pounds.

Trump responds, but we don't hear it because his microphone is shut off.

BIDEN: Well, you said six-four, 200.

I don't know when Trump is supposed to have said he weighed 200, but it wasn't during the debate. Biden's "You’re going to see" statement might make some sense if Trump had claimed to weigh only 200. Biden — who's been asked about his own capabilities — speaks as if he's refuting something, but it's something that hasn't been said. Also, Biden's use of the word "only" before "225 pounds – or 235 pounds" is an odd misuse of language. 225 and 235 are more than 200, not less. What kind of mind makes a mistake like that? 

Googling "how much does trump weigh," I see that the anti-Trump press raised some controversy last August when Trump was booked in the Fulton County jail: "No, Donald Trump Is Not 6'3" and 215 Pounds/Behind Donald Trump’s most outlandish lie yet" (Slate). So I'm guessing this "fact" was rattling around in Biden's head and he thought he had the material to get off another Trump-is-a-liar shot, but the groundwork wasn't there. Trump had only said "I’m probably a little bit lighter," which was a modest understatement. Biden, befuddled, said "You’re going to see he’s six-foot-five and only 225 pounds – or 235 pounds." Who talks like that?

Even if he had been correct, and Trump weighs 235, it's not acceptable to call out the number of pounds you think somebody weighs. Most Americans are overweight, and we expect delicacy and consideration on the topic, certainly not taunting. Taunting is way off the norm.


Here's the famous clip, from 2020, where Biden calls a man "fat" as if "Fat" is his name:


Achilles said...

Joe Biden has always been a bully and an asshole.

Now he is just too lost to keep it off camera. It isn’t like he ever hid it well either.

Kevin said...

You call someone fat when you’re losing the argument.

doctrev said...

I realize this is a devastating argument to teenage girls, or women who peaked as teenage girls, or gays who read interviews of fashion designers. But Donald Trump, whatever his other flaws, is a grown man who has long since stopped trying to show off his abs or care about doing so.

The fact people thought this would work goes a very long way to explaining why the debate was so catastrophic for Joe Biden.

Amadeus 48 said...

Thanks for the 2020 clip. It shows an ugly side of Slow Joe that has always been there.

Narayanan said...

You call someone fat when you’re losing the argument.
Fixed Asset Transfer
FJB could be using it as code for 'send me the dineros'

Jamie said...

neo has been saying all along that she rejects the characterization of good ol' Uncle Joe - that she's followed his political career for decades and he was always simply a mean, venal man. I lived just across the PA border from Wilmington for twelve years and I concur.

But I was listening to the left opinion media yesterday. "You know, the Joe Biden we all know and love so much..." "You know I love Joe Biden..." "You know much much we've all loved Joe..." It was always, "you know," followed by a declaration not of liking but of love. Why? What can he (or his handlers) do to you, now that the open secret is just... open?

Or do they just feel bad about having to say that a person so diminished is in fact that diminished? I suppose that's a credit to them.

JRoberts said...

From my observation of aging family members, at a certain point lower weight means you’re losing muscle mass.

Trump may be somewhat overweight, but he looks pretty healthy for his age.

Despite the expensive, custom tailored suits, Biden looks like he’s lost a lot of muscle mass and it shows in many ways.

JAORE said...

Yep, Bide is a crude dude with a kind vernier polished for decades by a compliant press.

Hey, Trump missed a bet when Biden challenged him to 18 holes of golf. Trump should have said, you bet, Joe. I'll set up a Tee time at any of my courses within the next two weeks.

Not that I think Trump would tote a bag for 18 holes. But it's like the two guys and the bear. You only have to outrun the other guy.

I doubt Biden could get the bag to the tee box on hole 1. In any case, hole 2 should have an EMT standing by.

Plus I've seen videos of Biden's swing. Handicap of 6 (or 8, he used them both) my azz. But Walter Mitty Biden probably thinks he taught Tiger Woods in his early years.

Iman said...

OT… RIP Lowell George who died on June 29, 1979. A talented, under appreciated singer/songwriter/slide guitarist.

Captain BillieBob said...

Biden likes to throw out challenges to anyone who stands up to him but has he ever followed through on any of those challenges. I can’t recall ever seeing Biden do even one pushup. Typical bully.

Leland said...

Reading Althouse description, it seems like Biden was prepped to respond to Trump talking about his weight. How did Biden and his preppers know that would be a point of discussion?

tommyesq said...

If Trump's most outlandish lie was about his height and weight, he goes down as history's most honest politician!

Todd said...

As others have pointed out [and most of those NOT in a coma understand], Joe Biden was and is an a*sh*le of the highest order. Always has been. He has a mean streak that the media and DNC have always seemed to ignore because(?) he is Joe Biden.

As to "You know, the Joe Biden we all know and love so much..." "You know I love Joe Biden..." "You know much much we've all loved Joe..." It was always, "you know," followed by a declaration not of liking but of love. Why? What can he (or his handlers) do to you, now that the open secret is just... open?

As to all of their gushing, well you could love ANYONE when they are running against "literally Hitler", who wouldn't? You want to be known as a "Hitler lover"?

Did not watch the debate but viewed some highlights. THAT is pretty much the same Joe Biden we all have been seeing for the last [at least] 4 years. The idiot media are suddenly acting like this just happened last night, that earlier in the day Biden was some Mensa god, 6D chess player and all of a sudden BAM, this dementia addled elder wondered onto the debate stage. They were aghast!

As someone famous once said: No matter how much you hate the media, it is NOT enough...

Big Mike said...

@tommyesq, + 1

Drago said...

It was clearly a "strategy" by the biden preppers to try and use several direct personal attacks at a below the belt level to try and make Trump angry enough to pop off.

Recall bidens intense "losers and suckers" ploy as well as bidens rundown of the E. Jean Carrol hoax accusations and Stormy Daniel accusations, along with the weight stuff.

In each case Trump never rose to the bait. The polls are what they are and Trump showed confidence in the public's understanding of the lawfare lies.

Had to be a disappointment on the biden handler's side of the house. They probably had several Dark Brandon memes ready to go and it didnt work out since Dementia-Glitch boy went Full Emperor Has No Clothes Mode.

It must be very difficult to get the drug cocktail "right" in terms of potency and timing for Joey B.

Earnest Prole said...

Six-foot-five, 225-235 is the lean, mean body of a professional boxer or basketball player in their prime. Attributing that body to Trump is the opposite of an insult, and also clearly ludicrous. Biden must have been attempting some other rhetorical maneuver like implying Trump’s a liar. The utility of that implication was zero even back in 2016.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The "my dick is bigger than your dick" conversation is not impressive to most people.

John henry said...

I was at the VA last week and the dietician told. Me I was fat.

I told her I wanted a second opinion so she called in the doctor.

He took a look at me and said. "you are ugly too"

John Henry

Iman said...

Corn Pop could’ve settled Biden’s hash years ago but failed to step up. A missed opportunity…

Bob Boyd said...

The "my dick is bigger than your dick" conversation is not impressive to most people.

Unless you can whip it out and it truly is enormous.

Gunner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...

My I make a request of Althouse? Would it be possible to post the debate video when quoting the transcript? I'm curious to see, side by side, the difference between the two.

AMDG said...

The Biden team is full of idiots. They should never have insisted on the turning off of the mics.

Trump’s boorish behavior in the first 2020 debate helped Biden immensely.

The only reason to personally insult Trump would be to goad him into repeating his prior behavior. Having the mic turned off prevented Trump from indulging in his worst instincts.

Gunner said...

Joe's handlers/debate preppers have clearly consumed too much Anti-Trump Twitter. They probably overloaded him, encouraging him to reference every debunked hoax and petty Trump complaint that is posted online.

Bob Boyd said...

@ John Henry

Then there was the Alabama gym owner who put up a billboard advertisement,

"Tired of being fat and ugly? Just be ugly!"


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That strikes me as very rehearsed, like they had a pretty good idea Trump would bring up weight if prompted by a health question. But it sounded weird live, making me think “who memorizes their opponent’s height and weight?”

M Jordan said...

It is with great satisfaction that I watch the downfall of this nasty old man. I had actually felt a pang of sympathy for him during his public meltdown but then, true to his nasty form, Biden doubles down on the Charlottesville lie (“Fine people on both sides.”). He’s a liar and an asshole and a wannabe thug and Dems are stuck with him until the ugly end when he goes down to McGovern/Mondale levels of defeat.

Kate said...

We have two vain men running for POTUS. However, I'll take the swoopy combover and overuse of a tanning booth to plastic surgery and hair plugs.

Limited blogger said...

Like most of Joe's responses during the debate, the weight taunt was so garbled I didn't realize what Biden was trying to say and do.

The debate was long over by this point, so Trump was happy to talk about his golf game.

gilbar said...

it's not acceptable to call out the number of pounds you think somebody weighs.

interesting thing..
Back almost 2 years ago (23 months), when i weighed 374.4 lbs; the ONLY PERSON that EVER mentioned my weight was my doctor (who was VERY unflattering :)

Now that i've lost weight* EVERY BODY is all "OH! you've lost So Much Weight! you look SO GOOD!"
I appreciate the support, but it's Interesting that NOT ONE PERSON (other than my doc) EVER SAID
You let the knife and fork dig your grave!

lost weight* weighed in this morning at: 249.8 lbs.. 1st time below 250.. Hurray!
(as if that's something to cheer about :)

gilbar said...

Bob Boyd said...
"Tired of being fat and ugly? Just be ugly!"

that IS my long term goal!!!

Oligonicella said...

"You’re going to see he’s six-foot-five and only 225 pounds – or 235 pounds." Who talks like that?

Pretty common around here. Like everyone else, I've shrunk with age, so I'm 5'11" and 205 - 215. It depends. It's probably colloquial, so I'll pass on that with Joe as the phrasing is irrelevant to the content.

As I demonstrated a few days ago, BMI is really a meaningless marker unless you're already looking at someone who is overweight/out of shape. But let's use that....

Biden - 6' @ 178 @ 81yr = BMI 24.1. Just under 'overweight'. This, using nothing but the numbers, might indicate he's healthy, but just watching him stumble and shamble across a FLAT stage shows he is not healthy.

Trump - 6'2" @ 235(Biden's high-end) @ 78yr = BMI 30.2 - riding the line of overweight/obese. Yet, when you see him stride across a flat surface or bend over w/o effort to retrieve and replace a Marine's cap, you can see he's in much better shape.

Now you must factor in Biden's space-cadet stare episodes and the nonsense syllable streams spewing forth. He MAY just be thinking of what he is about to say but his mouth is not getting that message and keeps running w/o control. Common with dementia.

Freeman Hunt said...

Congratulations, gilbar!

John henry said...

Is Brandon "slim & trim"?

Or "gaunt"?

John Henry

Oligonicella said...

Bill, Republic of Texas:
Would it be possible to post the debate video when quoting the transcript? I'm curious to see, side by side, the difference between the two.

Easily found.

Oligonicella said...

"Tired of being fat and ugly? Just be ugly!"

that IS my long term goal!!!

One down, one to go.


Achilles said...

If Trump is only 235 I would be amazed.

At 6’ 4” he is pretty thick for 235.

Louise B said...

BillyBob Thorton pointed out at 7:44am that President Biden likes to throw challenges out but wondered if anyone had ever taken him up on one. I would answer that President Biden threw out a challenge for a debate on his terms and someone DID take him up on the challenge!

Sally327 said...

Calling it a taunt is a stretch. It comes across as just one more inchorent expression of a mangled thought.

Neither one of them is Jack LaLanne.

Friend of the Fish Folk said...

Congrats Gilbar!

I’ve lost 50lbs this year, and I also really don’t like anyone mentioning it. It seems presumptuous of anyone to think that is a conversation I want to have with them.

Sebastian said...

"What kind of mind makes a mistake like that? . . . Who talks like that?"

A senile bully.

"Taunting is way off the norm"

And yet it continues, refuting Stein again. When you're a Dem, they let you do it, to paraphrase a celebrity.

Oligonicella said...

that IS my long term goal!!!

One down, one to go.


Wince said...

What you saw in that clip was Biden's campaign rhetorical strategy presage the lawfare strategy of his administration.

Bully in to silence and destroy the first person to challenge him in an effort to dissuade others from doing the same.

It's Biden's instinctual reaction made clear.

Yancey Ward said...

I would guess based on seeing him walk out to the podium the other night that Trump weighs around 240, but he looks a lot lighter than he did in 2020. However, you have to account for the fact that he almost surely has body armor under the suit all the time (I know I would, were I in his position).

Dude1394 said...

I thought it was hilarious that Trump called biden, brandon. Heh

"And he didn’t need legislation because I didn’t have legislation. I said, close the border. We had the safest border in history. In that final couple of months of my presidency, we had, according to Border Patrol – who is great, and, by the way, who endorsed me for president. But I won’t say that. But they endorsed me for president.

Brandon, just speak to him.

But, look, we had the safest border in history. Now we have the worst border in history. There’s never been anything like it. And people are dying all over the place, including the people that are coming up in caravans."

NKP said...

Unless you can whip it out and it truly is enormous.

I think Lyndon did that from time to time with "Jumbo".

Rusty said...

Congrats Gilbar.
I know how hard it is.

Charlie said...

Hey, at least he didn't challenge him to a push up contest!

Michael McNeil said...

Congratulations, Gilbar! It does feel great to no longer be carrying around all that extra weight. A hundred pounds! Imagine carrying that in a backpack. Me, I've lost about 80 pounds over the last about dozen years. I'd breached 240 lbs. back in 2012—after beginning to care for my mom, after she broke her ankle at the age of 98—while also eating the food I was preparing for her (she finally left us at the age of 104 in 2017).

After the foregoing high I started bringing it back down, to about 220, in the course of which developing eating habits—basically eating very little, plus depending on (a few daily glasses of) milk, which I love (plus a multi-vitamin pill), for protein and nutrition—which gave me voluntary control over my weight.

By 2020 I had it down to about 200 (which I might have decided to just hold my weight at), but the onset of Covid with its obvious penalty for the grossly overweight encouraged me to continue my regimen through the last few years. I was tempted again to stop pushing it along at about 180 (which I'd long thought would be kind of my “natural” weight); but at that point I was surprised to find that I still had a considerable belly. (A one-time, sort-of girlfriend, near my high point, once commented that I had a “butt in front”—which I thought was totally mean, but eventually realized she was absolutely right.)

So, I just continued on with the process until reaching my new goal of 165 (i.e., about 1-2/3 hundreds of pounds, or 3/4ths of a hundred kilograms—I remember not that many years ago when I was at 100 kg, or 220 lbs.) which I achieved about a year ago. Since then I push my diet until I get a few pounds below that point (162.0 as of this morning), whereupon I defrost (e.g.) the steak in the freezer and cook it up for something of a splurge meal for my spouse and me; then resume dieting to push it back down again.

Now I wear a (U.S.) men's size 32. A dozen years ago I wore size 42. Plus, my monthly food bill (not counting that occasional steak, et al.) is about $100.

Coincidentally, my female supervisor at work (quite a nice person, I liked her—though she was grossly overweight) just passed on last week at the age of 49—and not from an automobile accident either.

Drago said...

Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG: "Having the mic turned off prevented Trump from indulging in his worst instincts."

It's a pity the DeSantis campaign could not make use of your "stellar" mindreading skills.

Captain BillieBob said...

Louise B said...

BillyBob Thorton pointed out at 7:44am that President Biden likes to throw challenges out but wondered if anyone had ever taken him up on one. I would answer that President Biden threw out a challenge for a debate on his terms and someone DID take him up on the challenge!
6/29/24, 9:30 AM

He should have gone with pushup challenge!

mccullough said...

Trump lost some noticeable weight since he was president. 215 pounds seems accurate.

Many celebrities and athletes fudge their height.

When he was younger, Trump’s out of bed height was probably a bit above 6’2 and a half. So his afternoon height (without shoes) would be about 6’2. He was taller than Will Smith on the Fresh Prince who claims to be 6’2. Trump was (and still is) taller than Bill Clinton who claimed 6’2 when he was president.

Joe Biden afternoon height when he was younger was 6 foot.

If they took their shoes off at the debate and Tapper measured them Trump would be a bit above 6 foot still. Biden would be a bit above 5’11.

So Trump’s lost more height as he got older than Biden but Biden lost some too.

Trump’s claim to 6’3 is based on rounding up his morning height when he was younger or just his afternoon height in shoes.

Trump never claimed to be 6’5 so Biden’s handlers are just lying when they put those words on Biden’s mouth.

No one lies about their height and weight more than women. So I’ve never understood this line of attack on Trump. Who are they trying to sway?

Narayanan said...

does not height indicate how far to step on dick?

Jupiter said...

As I recall, when Trump was arrested and booked by the corrupt vermin running Atlanta, it was widely reported that he had given his height as 6'3" and his weight as 215. So this was just another case of F. Joe getting his facts muddled.

Biff said...

"Here's the famous clip, from 2020, where Biden calls a man 'fat' as if 'Fat' is his name:"

Joe Biden: The most beloved man in the Democratic Party.

John Althouse Cohen said...

I usually call out Biden when he acts like a jerk to everyday Americans in public, which he’s done too much, including in that video. I’ve seen videos of worse behavior from Biden, so I don’t want to defend him. But I’m just not hearing Biden say “fat” in that video. It sounds to me like “Pat.” Did the man introduce himself as Pat or Patrick? The video is edited to leave out the beginning of the interaction. The word “fat” is written on the screen, which could trick you into thinking that’s the word you’re hearing.

Iman said...

“Trump was (and still is) taller than Bill Clinton who claimed 6’2 when he was president.”

Paula Jones testified that Bill Clinton warn’t no bigger than a roll of quarters.

Crazy World said...

I forgot how absolutely awful that video is, thanks for reminding me.

Original Mike said...

"But I’m just not hearing Biden say “fat” in that video."

I don't either. And it's not said with the nastiness that Biden is prone to.

The Godfather said...

Like Biden and Trump, I'm an old fart (that's the technical term). I'm within a few months of the same age as Biden, and thus slightly older than Trump. I know that in my 80's I am not as sharp as I was in my salad days of, say, 75 or so. If you were to ask me to take on a demanding, full-time job, I'd check my 401K and say no thanks. OK, King of England I might take, but only with reduced public appearances.

To tell the truth, although I don't support some of Trump's policies, that's how I felt about Nixon, Ford, and both Bushes, but you vote for the "better" if you aren't offered the "best". Biden AT HIS BEST was a bad choice for President. The last 4 years have proved that, haven't they?

Patentlee said...

How about when Biden called a young woman, during the Iowa primary, a “lying dogface pony soldier”. What an asshole. I still don’t know what that phrase means, nor have I ever heard anyone else use that phrase.

Meade said...

If the man introduced himself as “Pat” or “Patrick” or even “Fat,” it doesn’t matter. Biden intentionally insulted the person with the question about Biden’s corrupt dealings with Burisma, the Ukraine oil company, the same issue for which Trump was wrongly impeached. Biden has always had an anger management problem. Explosive anger disorder. Too many Americans suffer from the anti-social disorder. But it’s way too late for Biden to do anything about it. He should have sought talk therapy before he turned forty when he was still young enough to gain insight. He could have learned to change his behavior.

Original Mike said...

Biden is a jerk, including in that video. No doubt.

MikeD said...

My favorite Biden line was when he alluded to taking DJT "behind the barn"! The only time Biden could've best DJT in a fight probably ended when Biden was 13 & DJT 10. BTW, the biggest money maker in history would be a DJT/Biden MMA/UFC match. LoL!

J Scott said...

The terminally online democrats seem frozen with this caricature of Trump that has been developed and pushed by their media for years. This character filled with massive insecurities ready to explode with rage after being personally insulted. That's never been in evidence.

They can't separate two New Yorkers that share the same style of speaking and interacting, Alec Baldwin and Donald Trump, in their mind, one of whom is known to violently attack people.

Whenever people insult Trump he insults them back but then it's done. He moves on.

wendybar said...

Joe has always been an asshole, but the lapdog media covers up his gaffes and pretends he is "just Joe, being Joe", which actually means...JOE IS AN ASSHOLE.

wendybar said...

lost weight* weighed in this morning at: 249.8 lbs.. 1st time below 250.. Hurray!
(as if that's something to cheer about :)

6/29/24, 8:45 AM

Congratulations Gilbar!!

You should be extremely proud of yourself. It is hard to start, but you stuck with it and are being rewarded. I bet you feel a lot better too!! Cheers to you!!!

boatbuilder said...

I just looked up both Donald Trump and Joe Biden's USGA handicap indexes. Trump is 2.6 and Biden is 6.7. Trump has not posted a score since 2021, Biden since 2018. Both were trending upwards, but you have to be damn good golfer to get that low (even if you don't always report your true score, or you own the club where you play). Neither posted very often.

I was able to do this because I have my own USGA handicap, like most serious golfers (In my own case I am serious but not very good).

Did not anyone is our ever inquisitive press corps think to call the USGA? Or just look it up?

boatbuilder said...

Actually, someone did look them up.


Greg the Class Traitor said...

Also, Biden's use of the word "only" before "225 pounds – or 235 pounds" is an odd misuse of language. 225 and 235 are more than 200, not less. What kind of mind makes a mistake like that?

One deep into dementia

imTay said...

Biden learned to be a bully when he got thrown in with younger kids as he repeated the third grade because he couldn’t do the work kids his own age were doing.