June 19, 2024

A view looking out at the crowd — and beautiful Lake Michigan — at the Trump rally in Racine yesterday.

"... he looked like he didn't know where the hell he was, but he didn't know where he was. He's blaming it now on AI, oh yeah, he's saying —he doesn't know what AI is — that's okay. Now, they're saying the media is manipu- — oh, he's saying the media is manipulating...."

Video by Meade, of course. As I said in yesterday's post, with the still photographs, I was not there.


Breezy said...

As evidenced in this and other Trump rally videos, the red cap is a decisively brilliant branding agent.

Leland said...

We were just talking about how Biden's team wants the media to manipulate the news.

Quaestor said...

"I was not there."

Was there a significant reason Althouse was not there?

cfs said...

That's a lot of red hats! And a pretty big crowd for a warm Tuesday afternoon in Wisconsin.

Chuck said...

Aaron Rupar clips and highlights most Trump rally speeches; here is his summary thread of the Racine speech on X:


Jersey Fled said...

I always liked Meade.

Uncle Billy said...

Aaron Rupar clips and highlights most Trump rally speeches; here is his summary thread of the Racine speech on X.

One side "clips and highlights" while the other side "deceptively edits" and creates "cheap fakes."

Rocco said...

Blogger Chuck said...
“Aaron Rupar clips and highlights most Trump rally speeches; here is his summary thread of the Racine speech on X:”

Wrong link, Chuck.


Dave Begley said...

How about a comment by Meade about the rally? Or is he still sleeping?

BamaBadgOR said...

Ann wasn't there because Meade was wearing shorts.

rehajm said...

That is what democracy looks like…

Ann Althouse said...

"Was there a significant reason Althouse was not there?"

I wanted to go but I didn't want to be out in the sun for hours in the middle of the day. I go out in the half light (sunrise) or (later in the day) where I know there is shade. I'm not a full sun person.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann wasn't there because Meade was wearing shorts."

I wore shorts yesterday. It got into the 80s.

Shouting Thomas said...

Aaron Rupar is infamous for fabricating the “very good people” hoax through deliberately deceptive video editing that reversed Trump’s message at Charlottesville. Trump repeatedly denounced the neo-Nazis. Rupar edited the video to fabricate the hoax that Trump praised them.

Rusty said...

Ya gotta admit the guy knows how to talk to crowds. He really filled that space up.
The lakefront is a nice place to be on a hot summer day. It's always at least ten degrees cooler. Racine did a nice job on their waterfront.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "Aaron Rupar clips and highlights most Trump rally speeches; ..."


A hack far left propagandadist whose previous serial lies and purposeful misedits so stand out even in a sea of far left hacks that his name was "verbed" (to be Rupar-ed) to mean dishonesty beyond the Pale!

What a perfectly representative choice for Chuck to make in pushing far left BS at Althouse blog!


There really isnt any deeper Chuck could dig in the FakeCon self-own narrative hole Chuck can dig at this point, is there?

wendybar said...

Any "conservative" that decides that Aaron Rupar speaks for America, has a REALLY bad case of TDS and needs to go to the emergency room right away and get help. Thanks for the laugh Cuck!!!

Mr. D said...

Rupar. Next up, Chuck endorses Randy Rainbow.

The only value Chuck provides is as a piñata.

Quaestor said...

Althouse writes: "I wanted to go but I didn't want to be out in the sun for hours in the middle of the day. I go out in the half light (sunrise) or (later in the day) where I know there is shade. I'm not a full sun person."

Significant, but insignificant in the context of Quaestor's fevered imagination. Althouse is a pale-ish person judging by photos and videos. Sunscreen is a stinky, sticky mess, no?

Mr. T. said...

Rupar? Really Chuck?

Perhaps next you'll post about rape claims according to Sabrina Erdeley?

Chuck said...

Does anyone have a good clear example of Rupar using deceptive editing to mischaracterize a Trump speech excerpt? I'm not aware of one.

As for the above-mentioned Charlottesville issue, I again commend to thoughtful Althouse readers the essay "The Charlottesville Hoax Hoax" by conservative writer, Charlottesville resident (and Civil War-monument-removal-opponent) Robert Tracinski.

Ann Althouse said...

"Sunscreen is a stinky, sticky mess, no?"

There was the prospect of being out in the sun for more than 3 hours. Sunscreen extends the time you can be in the sun, but you are still getting sun!

Ann Althouse said...

As for "stinky," I don't have enough of a sense of smell for that to be the slightest issue. But I do dislike sunscreen and have ordered my life to avoid needing to use it, except on rare occasions.

Shouting Thomas said...

Chuck, you’re just plain lying here. You got caught with your pants down.

There’s no way to rationalize your way out of this deliberate lying.

MadisonMan said...

Trump spoke for more than an hour in a hot sun yesterday.
I try to recall when Biden last spoke for more than 15 minutes. SOTU when he was Mr Angry? And never outside. And never where someone might ask him a question.

Old and slow said...

Chuck, why would I want to read an essay about the Charlottesville hoax when I can (and have) simply watch the entire unedited video of Trump speaking? I initially found the whole back and forth boring and tuned it out until recently when I watched the actual recording. Trump's statement and meaning were not the least bit ambiguous unless you were a moron or being deliberately obtuse. Why read a dishonest "analysis" when you can go to the original source?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’d rather watch Lady MAGA work the crowd than watch a Rupared video lying about it. And I have a strong aversion to drag show divas!

FredSays said...

Okay, already……..you were not there. Why not?

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Old and slow: "Trump's statement and meaning were not the least bit ambiguous unless you were a moron or being deliberately obtuse. Why read a dishonest "analysis" when you can go to the original source?"

One must always remember LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck's 2 explicitly stated reasons for posting at Althouse blog:

1) To literally smear and lie about conservatives and republicans

2) To attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers

Note: I am always amazed that Chuck actually blurted that number 2) out in the way that he did. That alone would justify a lifetime ban.

Now, a very good example of Chuck's Ruparing antics include attacking Ben Carson, a literal world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, as being only capable of leading a governmental "Dept of Black People".

Chuck's exact words.

When Chuck was called on his astonishing racism, beyond his typical serial vicious racist comments against black conservatives, Chuck then blamed Trump and claimed those were Trump's words!

So, as you can see, Chuck's continued lying about the now quite clear Charlottesville "fine people" hoax comes naturally to him and all his far left allies.

Kate said...

"I'm not a full sun person."

Oh, I like that phrasing!

For me, it's not just that the days of cooking my skin are over. A blue sky and intense sun don't appeal as much as twilight or thunderheads.

I do hope Meade had a wonderful time. It looks like it was a perfect day for a political rally. Very picturesque Americana.

Chuck said...

Old and slow said...
Chuck, why would I want to read an essay about the Charlottesville hoax when I can (and have) simply watch the entire unedited video of Trump speaking? I initially found the whole back and forth boring and tuned it out until recently when I watched the actual recording. Trump's statement and meaning were not the least bit ambiguous unless you were a moron or being deliberately obtuse. Why read a dishonest "analysis" when you can go to the original source?

Because the controversy was not simply about a single line or paragraph from a single Trump press conference. Trump spoke in detail on at least 4 or 5 occasions. Tracinski tracks back through the entire affair, going back to when the white supremacists first asked for (and had to sue for) a permit for their park usage. And then up through Trump's several meandering, clumsy, ignorant comments.

Your claiming that it is all about one clip lasting a few seconds shows how little you understand what Tracinski's essay was all about, and how important it would be for you to read it.

This is my new favorite trope amongst the Trumpkins; "I'm not going to read that! Why would I read something that is critical of Trump?"

Shouting Thomas said...

Chuck doubles down on getting caught pants down lying.

Chuck, you’re just lying. Lying is a moral failing. Stop doing it.

Amadeus 48 said...

The statue of Robert E Lee that was part of the Charlottesville fiasco has been de-platformed and melted down, but there was a time when Lee was venerated even in popular culture:

Back with my wife in Tennessee
When one day she called to me
"Virgil, quick, come see,
There goes Robert E. Lee!"
Now, I don't mind chopping wood
And I don't care if the money's no good
You take what you need
And you leave the rest
But they should never
Have taken the very best.

I personally have never taken a rebel stand and have preferred Grant and Sherman to Lee and Jackson, but in a free country we can all tolerate different points of view. Image-breakers are image-breakers. They used to be condemned as vandals.

Chuck said...

...Now, a very good example of Chuck's Ruparing antics include attacking Ben Carson, a literal world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, as being only capable of leading a governmental "Dept of Black People".

Chuck's exact words.

This isn't just profoundly offensive on Juneteenth; it is profoundly bad comment-page hygiene. Unrelated, off-the-wall personal attacks having nothing to do with the blog post and unrelated to any other substantive comment.

It's also completely false; the opposite of what I originally wrote in connection with that phrase, "Department of Black People." I was ridiculing Trump, and his cookie-cutter placement of facial types in his administration. Previously in other comments, I had commended Dr. Carson; I had noted that I had met him long before he ever had any inclination for politics, when he was an expert witness in a Detroit medical malpractice case, where he was a consummate professional and essentially a case-winning expert.

I reminded everyone that it was Trump, not me, who trashtalked Dr. Carson; "He's an okay doctor; not a great doctor.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm not a full sun person.

Have you considered a burqa?

You would have been a big hit at the Trump rally, probably would have made national news, anonymously. A big, red burqa. A MAGA burqa. That would have really made the Dems' metaphorical sphincter pucker. A missed opportunity, perhaps.
Heck, I might just go to a Trump rally in a burqa. They wouldn't know I wasn't a just another patriotic, Deplorable, Afghani Trad wife. The tough part would be getting past the Secret Service.

Amadeus 48 said...

Chuck--I thought you said you were a life-long Republican. Can't you see that there is something worse than Trump, namely Biden? On his best day (now long in his past), Biden was stupid, empty, and vicious, with an exceptional mean streak.

Ann Althouse said...

I have what the NIH calls "Skin Type I" — "very light skin, very often with freckles/reddish or strawberry blond hair/blue or gray eyes/UV radiation leads to sunburn within 10 minutes, skin doesn't tan." That's all true of me, though my red hair turned white long ago. The maximum amount of exposure — which is obviously more than I want — is 10 minutes. I guess, theoretically, I could stand 5 hours of sun if I wore 30 SPF sunblock, but I don't believe it, and I don't want to be trapped in the sun. I've spent my whole life avoiding the sun, ever since I've taken responsibility for myself. When I was quite little, I'd be taken to Ocean City, NJ every summer and taken to the beach on the first day to get an extremely painful dark red sunburn that would blister and peel.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "This is my new favorite trope amongst the Trumpkins; "I'm not going to read that! Why would I read something that is critical of Trump?"'

Notice how desperate the far left Ruparians like Chuck are for you to NOT focus on what actually occurred and ONLY focus on essay-length "descriptions" of things that did not occur but fit the daily New Soviet Democratical narrative.

A perfect example of this in just the last 72 hours has been Chuck's profanity-laced attacks on everyone who dared to watch the unedited clip of obambi having to grab bidens arm and lead him off stage after biden froze up (Again!) just as biden did in France.

Chuck went absolutely bonkers that after watching the unedited clip that everyone was laughing at him over his pushing the cutaway from a distance MSNBC clip!

Wanna have some fun?

Ask Chuck if obambi took bidens arm and led him off stage and then let the fun begin!

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Old and slow said...
Chuck, why would I want to read an essay about the Charlottesville hoax when I can (and have) simply watch the entire unedited video of Trump speaking? I initially found the whole back and forth boring and tuned it out until recently when I watched the actual recording. Trump's statement and meaning were not the least bit ambiguous unless you were a moron or being deliberately obtuse. Why read a dishonest "analysis" when you can go to the original source?

Because the controversy was not simply about a single line or paragraph from a single Trump press conference. Trump spoke in detail on at least 4 or 5 occasions. Tracinski tracks back through the entire affair, going back to when the white supremacists first asked for (and had to sue for) a permit for their park usage. And then up through Trump's several meandering, clumsy, ignorant comments.

Your claiming that it is all about one clip lasting a few seconds shows how little you understand what Tracinski's essay was all about, and how important it would be for you to read it.

This is my new favorite trope amongst the Trumpkins; "I'm not going to read that! Why would I read something that is critical of Trump?"

This is perfect Chuck. Keep up the good work. This post was a 10/10 for dishonesty and despicability. I am not actually sure how you could be a more effective spokesperson for propaganda and dishonesty.

This post was worth at least 10 new Trump voters who wont just vote for Trump.

They are going to absolutely hate you too.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist: "It's also completely false; the opposite of what I originally wrote in connection with that phrase, "Department of Black People." I was ridiculing Trump, and his cookie-cutter placement of facial types in his administration."


Thank you for your inadvertant admission proving my point!

And your attempt at deflecting from your clear racist intent and racist words is just icing on the cake!

What a great morning!

Thanks Chuck!

Chuck said...

Amadeus 48 said...
Chuck--I thought you said you were a life-long Republican. Can't you see that there is something worse than Trump, namely Biden? On his best day (now long in his past), Biden was stupid, empty, and vicious, with an exceptional mean streak.

I'll bet that I have a better and more detailed memory of Senator Biden's (Judiciary Chairman) offenses against Federalist Society judicial candidates than you do.

I also see clearly the existential threat posed by Trump. In Ukraine; with NATO; with Pacific Rim allies; with (as a convicted felon) basic Constitutional order; with tariffs and trade; on a hundred other things. I'm going with a sane political opponent over an insane, psycho Republican.

Drago said...

Chuck also employed his go-to throw away supposedly deflector line "hey I met that guy once" as if it would mean anything even if it were true.

Chuck pulled that one after a vicious attack against Clarence Thomas.


Chuck's corrupted leftist patterns are well established and demonstrated repeatedly over almost a decade.

Which is very inconvenient for a FakeCon attempting to reestablish street cred as a "conservative" in order to continue attacks against conservatives/republicans "from the right" (wink wink)

cfs said...

I watched and listened to the entire Trump speech while sitting at my desk sorting through old papers and depositing them into the shredder. Trump spoke for an hour on various subjects and issues of concern to the American voter. He spoke in the same style in which he has always done, didn't wander off the podium, and interjected his usual brand of humor. Trump didn't freeze and suddenly forget of what he was speaking and those he recognized were actually alive and present at the rally. The crowd was large and engaged and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Aggie said...

So far this year, according to the calendar I just looked up, Trump has held 27 Rallies nationwide and 3 Town Halls. In addition, he's made quite a few appearance speeches.

Can someone please post Aaron Rupar's links to his summaries of President Biden's rallies? I'd like to compare the energy. Just the public ones will be fine, no need to include the high-dollar, gold-plate donor swab-downs. And to simplify it, just the ones featuring Joe, speaking solo.

(Bueller? Bueller?)

Drago said...

Given LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck's exceedingly explicit rage rape posting re Rod Dreher, I was going to write, in accordance with the online meme dealing with extreme blogsite suckups to on air personalities, to warn Chuck that his online Rupar sycophancy is not going to lead to a sexual encounter with the object of Chuck's "affection".

Especially given that Chuck seems like the type to prefer...."overly aggressive"..."encounters".

But then, given Rupar, perhaps I could be wrong about that.

Carry on.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Democracy? That's what a constitutional republic looks like.

Ann Althouse said...

Why do commenters who don’t like Chuck continually allow him to sidetrack the whole thread into a back-and-forth with him. It’s so stupid. You are encouraging him. Comments are much better when they deal with the substance that is raised in the post. Don’t allow one commenter to make it all about him. The dynamic is so obvious. Why don’t people see it?

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josephbleau said...

There are coping strategies for sun, wearing loose long sleeved white shirts and thin zoave pants. Along with hats and umbrellas. But perhaps too much to bother with.

“ Back with my wife in Tennessee
When one day she called to me
"Virgil, quick, come see,
There goes Robert E. Lee!"

This song always bothers me, Lee was fighting for Virginia and refused any command outside the VA theatre, including MD, DC, and PA. Although Longstreet, Lee’s subordinate, was sent to Tenn, there is no indication that Lee visited the volunteer state during the war. But accuracy in pop music is not a thing. At the end, when Lee’s army bugged out from Petersburg VA he was headed for North Carolina but did not make it there.

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
Why do commenters who don’t like Chuck continually allow him to sidetrack the whole thread into a back-and-forth with him. It’s so stupid. You are encouraging him. Comments are much better when they deal with the substance that is raised in the post. Don’t allow one commenter to make it all about him. The dynamic is so obvious. Why don’t people see it?

I agree, mostly. It's a pattern. This page is typical. I post a comment which goes to the substance of the blog-post; making no mention of any other commenter. Many times, I am complimenting Althouse's blogging. Other times, I am pointing out some disagreement with Althouse, or some criticism of Trump when the main post is a Trump-post.

Then, what ensues is a minor explosion of personal attacks on me, generally from the same handful of regular commenters.

I'll hammer Althouse's point for her; "Comments are much better when they deal with the substance that is raised in the post."

Narr said...

My wife is like Althouse (leaving aside the fame and money). Pale, fair, and liable to sun-damage, she avoids the bright sun or pays the price.

Maynard said...

Althouse at 9:34!!!

Wa St Blogger said...

The dynamic is so obvious. Why don’t people see it?

As one who is guilty as charged I think it has to do with our desire for truth and that a falsehood should not go unanswered. Typically, in forums, a statement that is made that is not challenged is often a sign that the statement is acceptable and non-controversial.

Skeptical Voter said...

Outside of Hollywood and other blue venues, Joe couldn't draw a crowd bigger than fits in an average church basement. Not that Joe would ever go into a church.

Narr said...

I always took the Robert E. Lee in the famous song as the steamboat, not the man. (Some versions use 'the' and others don't.)

It's still an obscure and ambiguous line, suggesting that the Yankees took either the man or the boat, when they did neither.

Drago said...

Skeptical Voter: "Outside of Hollywood and other blue venues, Joe couldn't draw a crowd bigger than fits in an average church basement. Not that Joe would ever go into a church."

Dementia-Glitch boy is NEVER the draw, regardless of venue/location. They always surround him with personalities.

They have to, otherwise who would lead him off the stage or cover for him in Normandy despite LLR-democratical Chuck's Rupar-ing lies to the contrary?

Mason G said...

"As one who is guilty as charged I think it has to do with our desire for truth and that a falsehood should not go unanswered. Typically, in forums, a statement that is made that is not challenged is often a sign that the statement is acceptable and non-controversial."

I'd like to say "Thanks!" to those who go to the trouble to point out Chuck's lies. As I scroll the comments, when I come to "Chuck said...", I just click the space to the right of the dots and the comment disappears. There's really no point in reading his spewings, he's the online equivalent of what you get on your shoe if you don't watch your step in progressive cities.

Drago said...

"Comments are much better when they deal with the substance that is raised in the post."

I'll paraphrase:

Comments are much better when they deal with the substance that is raised in the post and have not been Rupar-ed beyond all recognition by the Usual Suspects, at least one of whom was banned but refused to respect that.


Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt

Really? Prove he got out of paying debt "six times." My recollection was he utilized Chapter 13 in which the debt was renegotiated and repaid within five years. But it doesn't matter, if the company (not Trump personally obviously) filed Chapter 11, then that's what the law was written for. Right? I notice he's had no trouble staying in his other businesses for years and years, and the recently created Truth Social made him one of the richest Americans overnight.

Your envy of his success is unbecoming, Rich. Don't forget to offer that proof he "got out of paying debt six times." You've piqued our interest now with your financial knowledge.

wendybar said...

Rich said...
Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt.

6/19/24, 10:27 AM

And what does that have to do with Biden buying votes?? So are you saying all the people who took the student loan money are assholes, because we know that is what you think of Trump. So I guess I agree. Anybody who accepted free money from taxpayers to pay off a loan the taxpayers DID NOT SIGN are assholes, and shouldn't be hired.

fairmarketvalue said...

Richie said: "Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt."

Richie, Richie, Richie: First, so much for staying "on thread". Second, there is this thing in federal law called the "Bankruptcy Code", which provides relief for *anyone* who qualifies under its provisions, even EV companies like Fisker, who filed yesterday. In contrast, there is no constitutional or statutory basis for Biden attempting to buy votes by canceling student debt, doing so even after the co-equal third branch, SCOTUS, ruled that he had no authority to do so. But you knew that already, right Richie? So I'd say a characterization of that action as "vile" is charitable in the extreme.

The sheer mendacity of lefties never fails to amaze me, and if it weren't for blog guidelines discouraging personal attacks, I believe I would give voice to my inner thoughts that Richie is a lying scumbag MF.

Peace out.

Gunner said...

Chuck: No one who writes for the Bulwark can be called conservative.

Mason G said...

"Comments are much better when they deal with the substance that is raised in the post and have not been Rupar-ed beyond all recognition by the Usual Suspects, at least one of whom was banned but refused to respect that."

Some comments are the internet equivalent of graffiti. If someone spraypaints the n-word on your fence, what do you do? Ask your neighbors to ignore it?

Vance said...

I am one of the posters that occassionally comes in and attacks Chuck. And I have often wrestled with it.

By rights, everyone should follow our lovely hosts request to ignore him as the leftist troll he is. He clearly does not argue in good faith. I don't even think the leftists like Rich and Inga support him anymore.

So why not just ignore him? And most days, I do just that.

But there is a lot to be said to countering deliberate falsehood. If we do not speak the truth and point out the lies coming from Chuck, then do we not accept some small responsibility for allowing lies to proceed unchecked?

Plus, I often learn a lot from those that debunk and fisk Chuck's comments. Reminding others of Chuck's vile racist and violent commenting past is useful too. And well I remember Chuck's personal attacks on me and other commentators, using the worst language I have ever seen anyone on this blog use. So it's not like Chuck doesn't have it coming.

Joe Smith said...

"I was not there."

God forbid you should hang out with the Walmart crowd...

Joe Smith said...

"There was the prospect of being out in the sun for more than 3 hours. Sunscreen extends the time you can be in the sun, but you are still getting sun!"

Big hats and umbrellas are your friend.

Japanese men and women use umbrellas in the summer.

It seemed silly to me at first, but after a round of golf in Chiba (in the 90s with brutal humidity) it made a lot of sense.

No sunscreen needed.

Jamie said...

Japanese men and women use umbrellas in the summer.


No sunscreen needed.

But be careful if you're near or on water - the reflection can still get you, or such has been my experience.

Is this still part of the substance of the post? Again I will understand if this gets moderated out.

AMDG said...

Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
Chuck--I thought you said you were a life-long Republican. Can't you see that there is something worse than Trump, namely Biden? On his best day (now long in his past), Biden was stupid, empty, and vicious, with an exceptional mean streak.

6/19/24, 8:16 AM


It is like choosing between stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and stage 4 Colon cancer. Both men are horrible incompetent human beings. Neither belongs within a billion miles of the Oval Office.

Drago said...

Wanna-be DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG: "It is like choosing between stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and stage 4 Colon cancer. Both men are horrible incompetent human beings. Neither belongs within a billion miles of the Oval Office."

Keep hope alive! Your GOPe heroes and funders working hand in glove with the left media and dem lawfare effort may yet deliver an opportunity to corruptly remove Trump at the convention.

DeSantis might be able to step in and win his first out of state county...as long as he has permission from his beltway betters.

Yancey Ward said...

"It is like choosing between stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and stage 4 Colon cancer. Both men are horrible incompetent human beings. Neither belongs within a billion miles of the Oval Office."

Nice rhetoric and completely beside the point and I suspect you know it.

A better and more accurate analogy would be: (1) choosing to die of pancreatic cancer in a hospice on the beach in Maui in Winter surrounded by friends and family vs (2) dying of colon cancer in an un-air-conditioned apartment alone in Phoenix in the Summertime.

Honestly, if people like you and Chuck can't understand that Trump is a superior choice to Biden given who he will bring into the government and the judges he will select, then you might as well actually vote for Biden rather than siting it out or voting for a third party. You aren't trying to solve the problem by making the perfect the enemy of the better.

Mason G said...

"Honestly, if people like you and Chuck can't understand that Trump is a superior choice to Biden..."

They can understand. That's why they're whining so badly about it.

Yancey Ward said...

And if, for example, had Haley won the nomination, I would write the exact same comment to Trump supporters who compared Haley to Biden by using AMDG's cancer analogy. You have to deal with the reality of the choice in front of you and not the one you wished you had- this is true everywhere and at all times.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward (to AMDG): "Honestly, if people like you and Chuck can't understand that Trump is a superior choice to Biden given who he will bring into the government and the judges he will select, then you might as well actually vote for Biden rather than siting it out or voting for a third party."

AMDG, like VA Lawyer Mark, is a butt-hurt DeSantis supporter who thought $250 Million to the DeSantis campaign from Team Globalist and dem/GOPe lawfare to remove Trump would deliver a Yellow Brick Road opportunity for DeSantis to win the republican nomination.

On paper in 2021, when the planning for this started and don't let anyone tell you it didn't, this probably looked pretty good. Then Murdoch had his publishing company deliver a $10M book advance to DeSantis.


Really, a $10M advance for that? We all know what that was....a little sugar as a promise joined with Ken Griffin over at Citadel Capital shepherding the globalist donations to the DeSantis Campaign.

But it didn't work out. DeSantis parked his arse in Iowa, hit every county and couldn't even win 1.

And the DeSantis supporters went full MSNBC.

Ampersand said...

Josephbleau said:

"Back with my wife in Tennessee
When one day she called to me
"Virgil, quick, come see,
There goes Robert E. Lee!"

"This song always bothers me, Lee was fighting for Virginia and refused any command outside the VA theatre, including MD, DC, and PA. Although Longstreet, Lee’s subordinate, was sent to Tenn, there is no indication that Lee visited the volunteer state during the war. But accuracy in pop music is not a thing. At the end, when Lee’s army bugged out from Petersburg VA he was headed for North Carolina but did not make it there."

The song starts by referencing the winter of 1865, so it's post-surrender (Appomattox was 4/9/65). I always thought I heard the lyric as "the Robert E Lee", and so a reference to a steamboat. In 1866, that steamboat was built and traversed the Mississippi River through Tennessee. The lyrics are consistent with the idea that the sighting of the steamboat occurred after the winter of 1865. But who knows? Songwriters are almost as unreliable as leftist historians.

The Cracker Emcee said...

"It's also completely false; the opposite of what I originally wrote in connection with that phrase, "Department of Black People." I was ridiculing Trump, and his cookie-cutter placement of facial types in his administration."

Good heavens. Incredibly to me, Biden pre-designated two tokens. It really is a plantation.

who-knew said...

The lyric to the Night They Drove Old Dixie Down in the original is about Robert E. Lee. Those who add the "the" IMHO, ruin the song's meaning. Robert E. Lee was a true icon to the southerners (and also IMHO, one of the main reasons we didn't end up in a protracted guerrilla war), but 'the' Robert E. Lee is just a damn steamboat. As a lament over the lost war 'taking the very best' could apply to many things, I always thought it was a prefiguring of the singers brother "who took a rebel's stand, until a "Yankee laid him in his grave"

Priscilla said...

I always thought I heard the lyric as "the Robert E Lee"

That is correct. His wife is calling him to see the steamboat, not the man...

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt."

Another purposefully mischaracterized smear.

- How many companies has Trump owned over the years? Spoiler: Hundreds
- For those companies that declared bankruptcy, what line of business were they in? Spoiler: Hospitality and recreation
- Were there relevant external factors leading to bankruptcy and reorganization? Spoiler: Recessions impacting entire industries as well as war in the Middle East
- Were any of the companies successfully reorganized and successfully relaunched? Spoiler: yes

You know, its been pointed out before that Rich has presented himself as a big shot business insider who has literally "been in those rooms" when big business-y decisions were made.

But when he posts, Rich comes off as dumb as a box of rocks, which is another way of saying "gadfly".

RCOCEAN II said...

Dont see the crazy enthusiasm of 2016, but that's undestandable. My fear is that Trump will lose Winc., Penn, and Michagan by talking too much about how he loves Israel, tax cuts, and black people, and not enough about how he loves Working class people and average Americans. Did he attack Biden over opposing the Railway strike, or his ignoring the people of Maui or Palestine OH after the fire/chemical spill?

If you run the mitt romney/Mccain/Jeb Bush playbook you lose. Even if you are Trump.

Jim at said...

Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt.

Whether he did or didn't is immaterial. I wasn't being forced to pay for it.

See the difference?

Leland said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Why don’t people see it?

I think it is boredom. Ironically, those that claim not to be for boring and criticize those that are for truly boring, they fall for boring and respond to boring.

RMc said...

Why do commenters who don’t like Chuck continually allow him to sidetrack the whole thread into a back-and-forth with him. It’s so stupid. You are encouraging him.

No, professor, you're encouraging him by not banning him. So, this is your fault, not ours.

Amadeus 48 said...

I just listened to the Band sing TNTDODD in The Last Waltz and also a remastered version from the original recording. Definitely, Levon Helm sang "the Robert E. Lee", so the reference is to the riverboat, not the general himself. But the general held such a strong position in American culture that the mostly Canadian group (Helm was an American) could treat him as an iconic and respected presence in 1969 when the song was was issued.

The Joan Baez recording of TNTDODD may be a source of confusion. Baez didn't check the lyrics and sang a somewhat jumbled version based on her impression of what the lyrics were after listening to a recording. She refers to the general (no "the"). The lyrics website I originally consulted referred to the general himself, rather than the riverboat. My bad.

In a similar line, in 1978 I was on a business trip to Winston-Salem NC. In the lobby of the Hyatt Hotel (owned by the Pritzker family of Chicago, I note) was a well-lit portrait of General Lee. I observed to my counter part, a partner in a local firm, that you wouldn't see a picture of General Grant in a northern hotel. He said, "I wouldn't wonder."

Achilles said...

Rich said...

Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt.

Pretty obvious that Rich has no clue how actual businesses work or been in any way affiliated with a non-state supported entity.

Achilles said...

AMDG said...

It is like choosing between stage 4 Pancreatic cancer and stage 4 Colon cancer. Both men are horrible incompetent human beings. Neither belongs within a billion miles of the Oval Office.

Cry more Nevertrump scum.

We don't need you. You can crawl back on your belly but we don't care if you do or not. You have been wrong about everything while being snotty assholes about it.

Nobody likes you or cares what you think. Go hang out with your democrat friends. You are more like them than like us.

We have already replaced you with 10 minority/working class voters. Trump got millions more votes than Desantis would ever dream of getting. We are not going back to your scummy bought and paid for losers.


Chuck said...

RMc said...
"Why do commenters who don’t like Chuck continually allow him to sidetrack the whole thread into a back-and-forth with him. It’s so stupid. You are encouraging him."

No, professor, you're encouraging him by not banning him. So, this is your fault, not ours.

If mere "criticism of Trump" is what merits banning, then maybe I should be banned.* But if adherence to Althouse's commenting directive means anything -- "Comments should respond to material raised in the post. I encourage brevity and substance and discourage personal attacks and repetition." -- then I'm one of the last on the ban-list. There are few commenters who have more passionately urged Althouse to enforce her own commenting rule(s), than me.

*Althouse would never, ever admit to this. To her credit, I think Althouse would not want it.

Mason G said...

"Pretty obvious that Rich has no clue how actual businesses work or been in any way affiliated with a non-state supported entity."

Put a period after "clue", forget the rest and call it good.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

Why do commenters who don’t like Chuck continually allow him to sidetrack the whole thread into a back-and-forth with him. It’s so stupid. You are encouraging him. Comments are much better when they deal with the substance that is raised in the post. Don’t allow one commenter to make it all about him. The dynamic is so obvious. Why don’t people see it?

You need to complete the question. "Why don't people see it?..." the way I see it.

The best thing you could do is actually care about what other people are thinking and how they are motivated.

Then you might actually be able to figure out what we are doing and why we do it.

From your perspective comments are better when everyone ignores Chuck. You think Chuck would go away if we ignored him completely. You want to blame other people for Chuck's existence here.

This is obviously not true or fair.

Chuck is obviously an execrable person that nobody actually wants around. He wants to ruin this space. But he is just a smaller part of a larger group of people that wants to ruin our society. What he does here is what they are doing to our country as a whole.

Ignoring them has led to our current situation. Open borders. Wars everywhere. Hyperinflation. Blatant Racist policies. Sexual grooming of kids in our schools. Men in women's spaces.

You need to realize why Chuck is here and stop trying to blame us for it. Ignoring him is not going to make these power hungry fascist assholes go away. That isn't how it works.

Mason G said...

"No, professor, you're encouraging him by not banning him. So, this is your fault, not ours."

My old neighborhood started having a problem with tagging the walls in the alleys. A bunch of people got together and made a point of removing or painting over the tags as soon as they were found. Eventually, the whoevers doing the tagging moved on to greener fields.

Found on the intertubes:

"To deter tagging, here's been my experience: fix it right away and remove the pleasure the tagger gets from seeing his work up the next time he comes by."

Chuck said...

... You think Chuck would go away if we ignored him completely...

Knowing pretty well what Chuck thinks, I can assure you that Chuck would be delighted if you lot -- you handful of relentless personal attackers -- would kindly ignore Chuck.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

If mere "criticism of Trump" is what merits banning, then maybe I should be banned.

Althouse would obviously ban you if she could. You are a giant douchebag who contributes nothing useful or acts in good faith.

You are a liar, a racist, a fascist, and in general just a terrible human being. You have no value here to regular people who just want a fun community to discuss daily topics and you are trying to ruin the space.

The only things you are ever honest about are your racist attacks on Black Republicans and your calls for violence against decent people who disagree with you and your other pedo friends.

But I find you extremely useful. You are such a dishonest scumbag and so blatantly dishonest I can humiliate anyone that may fall in your political tribe with your existence. You linked to Rupar. Rupar is literally a meme for dishonesty and shameless lying.

I feel bad for Ann. You are an uninvited guest who pukes in the corner and shits on her couch.

But in the end you are probably the thing that will get her off the fence. You are obviously despicable and incorrigible. Ignoring you or politely asking you to leave will not get you to leave. Nothing will get you to leave.

You are too much of an asshole to leave.

In the end she will be forced to the same conclusion that many people in the country are coming to now: People like Chuck just have to go.

Achilles said...

RMc said...

Why do commenters who don’t like Chuck continually allow him to sidetrack the whole thread into a back-and-forth with him. It’s so stupid. You are encouraging him.

No, professor, you're encouraging him by not banning him. So, this is your fault, not ours.

There is no realistic way to ban Chuck. The tools do not really exist.

She could make it harder for him to post here. That is about it.

Rusty said...

RMc said...

"Why do commenters who don’t like Chuck continually allow him to sidetrack the whole thread into a back-and-forth with him. It’s so stupid. You are encouraging him.

No, professor, you're encouraging him by not banning him. So, this is your fault, not ours."

She isn't encouraging anybody. She's doing what Althouse does. She exemplifies free speech. Unfortunately some people take advantage of her good nature.
As long as Chuck believes that he can influence Althouse he will continue to come here.
I call it stalking and creepy. You might have another opinion.

Achilles said...

Rusty said...

She isn't encouraging anybody. She's doing what Althouse does. She exemplifies free speech. Unfortunately some people take advantage of her good nature.
As long as Chuck believes that he can influence Althouse he will continue to come here.
I call it stalking and creepy. You might have another opinion.

Every society forms a social contract. What is tolerated and supported defines the shape of the community that results.

Most people here want a place where we can discuss things and to improve our understanding with discussion among peers.

Most of us want a free high trust society.

The lesson that Chuck teaches everyone here is that some people are not compatible with a free high trust society. Just as you cannot have a society with incompatible elements you can't have an open discussion room with people who act in bad faith.

Eventually everyone will learn that if you tolerate people like Chuck you cannot have a free high trust society or a functioning discussion space.

I am more familiar with just how terrible the rest of the world is and what kind of people ruin it for everyone. I have been in the shittier parts of the world dealing with the shittier people on it.

I feel bad for other people that Chuck ruins this space.

On the other hand Chuck is the object lesson. People like Chuck are trying to tear this country down and they cannot be ignored. Until a critical mass of you realize this and kick them out they are going to continue to tear things down and shit on the couch.

People like Chuck will never leave you alone.

RCOCEAN II said...

Commenting on the comments, and playing "Crossfire" with Chuck is a way for dullards to find something to write. They have no real interest in the topic as stated and nothing to say about it.

But they can "Battle" chuck. And some might be Chuck's friends. Sock puppets or not.

Fortunatly, its all easy to skip. See the word "Chuck" go to next comment - do not pass Go.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck is like herpes- you can try to ban him, but he always comes back.

John henry said...

That's Rich(tm)

remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt.

So Rich, can you tell us what creditors/lenders lost money in Donald Trump's Chapter 11 bankruptcies?

As far as I know, there were none at all. All got paid back what they were owed, 100 cents on the dollar.

Do you have any knowledge of the difference between debt and equity?

Do you even know what Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code does?

(I'm betting no)

John Henry

Amadeus 48 said...

I compared Inga to a case of herpes once in these comments. (You think she has gone away, but she hasn't.) That was after she went through a period of calling herself "unknown". She just laughed. That made me think more of her (and less of myself).

Yancey Ward said...

Inga is more like a cold sore than genital herpes like Chuck is.