June 14, 2024

A Flag Day post, by Meade, on X.

That photo was not taken today, but on January 13, 2024.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Guards... Seize him! Felony!

Big Mike said...

That photo was not taken today …

I certainly hope not! I mean, I know Wisconsin is a northern states and all, but still.

Roger von Oech said...

Climate change run amok!

Kate said...

Although I disagree heartily with Chuck, and what he writes goes against much of the feeling of the commenters here, he still addresses everyone in a spirit of community. A person who comes here only to wound, especially by insulting the host, should be removed. Thank you.

Rusty said...

Started as a holiday in my little village here on the Fox River.

Original Mike said...

Even though I've lived in Wisconsin my entire life, I still find it a little jarring seeing a winter photo when everything is so green outside.

Original Mike said...

I had a faculty colleague who always wore a flag tie on Flag Day. The first time he did, I commented on it being Flag Day. He told me several years later that no one else had ever commented on his commemoration. Apparently, no one else noticed.

Breezy said...

Very nice photo!

Aside - I had a hard time figuring what car has a pope cage on top, thinking it must be your camper…. Then I realized the “pope cage” was your light fixture. SMH at myself.

Ann Althouse said...

"Then I realized the “pope cage” was your light fixture."


n.n said...

And the nation for which it stands.

Readering said...

Display of Meade reenacting an iconic Trump photo in honor of
his 78th birthday?

The rule of Lemnity said...

This is a different Trump impression.

Marcus Bressler said...

Full Disclosure by Ann so they nuts here don't cry "MISINFORMATION!"
Very nice, both of you

Whiskeybum said...

Straight Outta Waubeka!

Ann Althouse said...

"Display of Meade reenacting an iconic Trump photo in honor of
his 78th birthday?"

The photo was taken on January 14. We were celebrating the birthday of Ernie Kovacs, Wyatt Earp, James Joyce, and Hubert Humphrey. Quite an occasion!

Sheridan said...

I picture Meade as the flag bearer in the Iron Brigade during the Civil War. Get the man a Black Hat! Huzzah!

Meade said...

Blogger Roger von Oech said...
“Climate change run amok!”


hpudding said...

Love like that for a piece of fabric is really touching. Physical and touching.

Meade said...
