May 13, 2024

"While [Michael] Cohen is not under a gag order like Trump, it’s generally not beneficial for the prosecution to have a chatty witness publicly discussing ongoing proceedings."

"'Trump 2024? More like Trump 20 to 24 years,' Cohen said on a recent stream.... While it’s not disclosed how much money Cohen earns on these streams, the longer and more frequently he goes live, the more potential earning opportunity he has. It’s possible that Cohen sees his platform as an opportunity for character redemption. Once a Trump confidant, he now tells his audience to 'vote blue down-ballot.'"

From "The weird world of Michael Cohen’s live TikTok streaming/The former Trump fixer, now a critic, is expected to take the stand this week in Donald Trump’s hush money criminal trial. Meanwhile, he is live wearing cowboy hat filters, receiving calls from Rosie O’Donnell and sharing his feelings on TikTok" (WaPo)(free access link, so you can view a bunch of clips without going to TikTok looking for Cohen's account).

Cohen is the prosecution's star witness, and he's taking the stand today. 


Jersey Fled said...

The clown show continues.

Temujin said...

This trial is an abomination, a bad joke on the country and the judicial system. A page out of National Enquirer TV.

And Democrats are banking on it. It is all they have left to cling to. Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen. It's good to be a party of ideas and vision.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rossie "Fire doesn't melt steel" O'Donnell.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did you see/hear the clip of MNSBC's Lawrence Old man while leftist Lawrence O'donnell read the harlequin romance novel that is this trial - out loud?


Sebastian said...

"While [Michael] Cohen is not under a gag order like Trump"

And that is because?

Goldenpause said...

How does an inmate in a federal prison get to run such an internet based media business from prison? Only if it furthers the left’s lawfare agenda.

Achilles said...

The prosecution was caught deleting 3 pages of phone call transcripts between Cohen and Daniels Lawyer.

Admitted it in court.

Since Cohen was paid 420,000$ and Daniels got 130,000$ it is a pretty safe bet those calls were about the remaining 290,000$.

Everyone that supports this is corrupt and evil.

R C Belaire said...

I expect the cross-examination to be a disaster for Cohen. (But, fingers crossed...!)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

why is Cohen in prison?

the left put him there. Cohen is cooperating with the left - because they hold his future in their corrupt hands.

We do live in a leftist controlled Joke-NBC banana hellhole.

Birches said...

I'll put my tin foil hat on and say Cohen is doing this on TikTok because the Chinese government is funneling money to him for this. He might not know it, but i feel like TikTok has always artificially boosted content that went along with their aims.

tim maguire said...

Cohen is the latest "star" witness? Given the bad luck they've had with previous star witnesses, one would think the prosecution would try for a tactic other than being rescued by unsavory loose-cannon characters.

wildswan said...

News from 2026
In a nod to Schopenhauer, Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen have both won an unusual joint Nobel prize in both the fiction and the non-fiction categories.

Stormy won for A Hooker's Tale and Cohen for Around the Truth in 80 Ways: A Lawyer's Odyssey.

FullMoon said...

Fixer? Now Slang for "lawyer"?

Another old lawyer said...

Are we sure Cohen isn't still working for Trump?

hombre said...

Cohen is a thoroughly odious, crooked individual. Likely Good enough for Bragg, Merchan and the equally odious New York legal system.

Christopher B said...

Achilles said...
The prosecution was caught deleting 3 pages of phone call transcripts between Cohen and Daniels Lawyer.

Admitted it in court.

Since Cohen was paid 420,000$ and Daniels got 130,000$ it is a pretty safe bet those calls were about the remaining 290,000$.

Like I told Readering (IIRC) in another thread, if you're the only lawyer in town you're gonna starve.

Crooked lawyers, same.

Patrick said...

Michael Cohen has the opportunity to do the most hilarious thing...

Leland said...

Cohen earns a living now by sharing once confidential information about his former client and he is going to be a "star-witness" against his former client?

"It’s possible that Cohen sees his platform as an opportunity for character redemption."

It is also possible that Cohen will see his testimony as an opportunity to tell the truth, but like his TikTok platform, it is more likely he'll present anything that makes him more money, just like the Judge for his daughter.

Tom T. said...

Apparently he testified that his phone was synced to Trump's, and he wound up with 30,000 contacts on his phone. I'm sure that's entirely reasonable for someone in Trump's position, but it sounds funny. It also makes Cohen sound kind of hapless

Darkisland said...

I found this testimony a bit bizarre:

"Hillary Clinton wearing very thick glasses, some allegations she had some brain injury."

Hilary had a stroke in 2012. Her own staff told the NY Times and every other media outlet. It was certainly well publicized.

And Cohen calls it "some allegations"? The special stroke glasses, with fresnel-like grooves in the lenses were also widely publicized and visible in many photos.

John Henry

Static Ping said...

Most prosecutors would not bring a case about underlying misdemeanors without a specified overarching crime to turn them into felonies when the star witnesses are a porn star and a convicted criminal who is trying to cash in on the case, but then again that's just how they do things downtown in NYC.

It will be fun to see what they do with all the abandoned skyscrapers.

Darkisland said...

I was wondering if Cohen was still in prison, he's not. According to Wikipedia.

But I did find this:

"Cohen married Ukrainian-born Laura Shusterman in 1994"

Why are there always Ukranians in the mix?

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Finally someone is identified who Donald Trump may have stiffed on a payment. Cohen says that when he was hired, Trump owed him $100m.

When he asked about it, Trump told him he would be fired if he asked again.

Yet he went to work for Trump anyway.

Seems pretty odd.

John Henry

hombre said...

Cohen is a thoroughly odious, crooked individual. Likely Good enough for Bragg, Merchan and the equally odious New York legal system.

mindnumbrobot said...

The March of the Kangaroos continues apace.

Joe Smith said...

Poster boy for sleaziness.

In the '60s or '70s he would have been 'disappeared,' and nobody would miss him.

Michael K said...

No doubt Cohen has his script prepared to say what he needs to to try to reduce his sentence.

Mark said...

They can and will impeach Cohen's credibility and character.

The problem is that Trump has already vouched for Cohen's credibility and character by retaining him as his fix-it lawyer for so long. In fact, by Trump's telling, Cohen was so trustworthy that Trump just handed over hundreds of thousands of dollars without any specific line-item billing for what the money was for.

Mark said...

Since Cohen was paid 420,000$ and Daniels got 130,000$ it is a pretty safe bet those calls were about the remaining 290,000$.

Which raises the question of why Trump paid Cohen that remaining $290,000?

gilbar said...

Darkisland said...
Why are there always Ukranians in the mix?

because the hottest, sluttiest, MOST perverted prostitutes in the world are Ukrainian
Just ask Jeffrey Epstein

Big Mike said...

Well, Ann Althouse the law professor Emerita can enlighten me, but wouldn’t it normally be the case that the rights of a defendent (like Trump) to a fair trial would be best defended by placing prosecution witness Cohen under a gag order and lettingTrump speak his mind?

wendybar said...

Tom Elliott

Our democracy will only be safe once elections are canceled

Tom Elliott
Morning Joe: “Anybody that votes Republican [is] voting for the end of democracy”

Joe Smith said...

How can Cohen testify against his former client?

Isn't everything privileged?

You're the lawyer, is this allowed?

And yes, I get that there is no privilege if there is a crime, but signing NDAs and getting paid to be quiet is not a crime.

Yancey Ward said...

Shorter Mark:

Nobody knows what Michael Cohen knows.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

No problem. Donald will take the stand and clean it all up.

Achilles said...

Mark said...
Since Cohen was paid 420,000$ and Daniels got 130,000$ it is a pretty safe bet those calls were about the remaining 290,000$.

Which raises the question of why Trump paid Cohen that remaining $290,000?

Everyone with an IQ above 90 knows what was going on here.

The rest of the people think that every time Trump wrote a check he committed a felony.

You just have no idea what our justice system is supposed to do. You are so stupid you are a threat to our freedom.

Howard said...

I don't understand why people even bother to pay attention to this case. It's just a live action version of kukla Fran and Ollie. One interesting parallel is that in this case as in the puppet show, we can't see who is pulling all of the strings behind the curtain. My cynical side is all but certain that Trump is in on the gag. He's actually an agent provocateur for Hillary Clinton.

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Mark said...
They can and will impeach Cohen's credibility and character.

The problem is that Trump has already vouched for Cohen's credibility and character by retaining him as his fix-it lawyer for so long. In fact, by Trump's telling, Cohen was so trustworthy that Trump just handed over hundreds of thousands of dollars without any specific line-item billing for what the money was for.

When Bill Clinton paid 850000$ to Paula Jones did he commit a crime?

Joe Smith said...

'The problem is that Trump has already vouched for Cohen's credibility and character by retaining him as his fix-it lawyer for so long.'

He wasn't a 'fix-it' lawyer, he was an attorney at law.

Your lawyer is trustworthy until he isn't.

Same with your doctor, mechanic, pit bull, babysitter, etc.

You don't live in the real world.

Iman said...

Cohen is a “hump”, as they say in some Yew Nork circles.

Rusty said...

Howard said...
"I don't understand why people even bother to pay attention to this case."
But you voted for this, Howard. These are your friends prosecuting this case. The witnesses for the prosecution are all people you've supported and admire. Are you not happy with the selective form of justice you voted for? Why are you not happy?

Achilles said...

Howard said...

I don't understand why people even bother to pay attention to this case.

Maybe because they are trying to throw the person we plan on voting for for president in jail?

That really is a dumb question. You know that there is massive historical importance in these trials.

Howard said...

Hysteria isn't a good look, especially for those whom brag about themselves being traditional old school real macho mens.

The circus is for children. Time to grow a pair and grow up.

Leland said...

Since Cohen was paid 420,000$ and Daniels got 130,000$

If Cohen got a lump sum of $420,000 and then split some of that to Daniels, where is the fraud on Trump's part?

Yancey Ward said...

Howard is feeling some shame and want us to not look at the source of it.

Yancey Ward said...

Howard mistakes anger with hysteria- what a fucking surprise.

Steve said...

I am starting to believe that Cohen is still on Team Trump. He has to be some sort of deep plant by Trump to completely undermine everything that he is involved in.

Mikey NTH said...

The prosecution's witnesses are a circus sideshow so far. They need to get on to the point or they're going to lose the audience.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard - the trial is pure hysteria on the part of the corrupt desperate Soviet left.

Achilles said...

Leland said...

Since Cohen was paid 420,000$ and Daniels got 130,000$

If Cohen got a lump sum of $420,000 and then split some of that to Daniels, where is the fraud on Trump's part?

Don't forget Daniel's lawyer Keith Davidson.

Between Davidson and Cohen they split 290,000$.

That would be 145000$ each if they did 50/50.

They both probably got more than poor Stormy.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

Hysteria isn't a good look, especially for those whom brag about themselves being traditional old school real macho mens.

The circus is for children. Time to grow a pair and grow up.

Heh you got me that time.


FullMoon said...

Watched live NBC updates. Cohen mentioned numerous payments to various people. After a while, began to seem that although he had a good relationship with Trump, Cohen may have been scamming him a bit.

Trump was concerned about election being affected. Question is, legal, or illegal?

And. prosecution obviously trying to influence jury to convict Trump on his personal behavior, not necessarily on the law. Some people hear stories of extracurricular sex and and automatically abhor the culprit.

Almost as bad as murdering Cricket.

Drago said...

Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Hysteria isn't a good look...."

So true.

You should probably go all the way back to 2015 and start deleting all your hoax-driven emails now since it will take a significant amount of time to delete them all.

Start with your russia collusion lies, move on to your hoax dossier lies (howie bit down hard on the russia hookers lies) and then, more generally, work your way all the way thru and up to the insurrection lies and then take a breather as the next 4 years are even worse!

Good luck and keep us apprised.

wendybar said...

Howard said...
Hysteria isn't a good look, especially for those whom brag about themselves being traditional old school real macho mens.

The circus is for children. Time to grow a pair and grow up.

5/13/24, 3:55 PM

We know.
We don't know why you and YOURS keep voting for this. It's time YOUR side grow a pair and grows up is the truest thing you have ever posted.