"We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will rout the fake news media. And we will liberate America from these villains. Once and for all."
Said Trump, in campaign ad video
here, at Truth Social.
It's a super hero movie. And we are his sidekick.
Sounds good to me.
Sign me up.
Those seem like reasonable goals.
I have to give Biden credit for better production. Biden has Independence Hall as a setting with Marine guards in the background. You had a real sense he’d do it with Biden, not just rhetoric.
Did he say that upon his election, the sea level would begin to fall?
This is why Trump will lose to the husk-puppet. (that and the easy peezy mob-like cheat machine)
super Hero talk only tickles the dudes who already adore him.
If anybody is going to do it, it will be him. The rest just go along to get along...the hell with American citizens who pay for all the pork they give to other countries and Joe Bidens "newcomers"
He says all the right things, he has all the right enemies. But he said the same things last time he was in office while his actual housecleaning was much more modest.
For all the nonsense that Trump is a totalitarian, he remains the only president in the modern era to actually reduce the power of the White House and roll back the administrative state. But he did almost nothing to drain the swamp.
For the first time in my life...since COVID at least, I no longer believe we [America] are the good guys. We probably haven't been the good guys since they took out JFK.
Biden - Pelosi - Deep State: The New Axis of Evil
Joe Scarborough - Stephen Colbert - Jimmy Kimmel: The Axis of Weasel
We do have a chance to defeat them. If the voter fraud wins again this fall, America will fulfill it's destiny as the Whore of Babylon in Revelation 17.
You have to demolish the deep state by persuading the deep state.
Ridicule is one way of doing that.
Well it sort of is a battle royal against the deep state, the media, etc. "They" started this and if they win no one is safe (even now). I read a story last night whereas a man was arrested and charged by ATF with crimes that could have resulted in over 100 years in prison. The "officials" involved (local and ATF) lied about what they witness this individual do (hint, he did NOTHING) and it took until after his arraignment for sanity to set in and all charges be dropped. No apology, no explanation, nothing. Today, this can be ANY of us. They are OUT of control with no oversight and no guard rails. They are the fascists that they call "regular" Americans.
Well, it makes for some excitement in an otherwise utterly stupid election campaign between a senescent dotard run by others and another overage guy that has lotsa problems, too. I hope I live long enough to see a better class of presidential politician than the first decades of this century have produced, but that hope is a very dim candle flame flickering against a vast empty darkness.
Sounds like the guy Katzenberg had in mind.
Sigh. He's still naïve.
Since forever the USA has had its people who love the state and state projects and feel glee for knowing what others don't know and telling others to do things. Human nature. This was very obvious from the slavery era, the Civil War era, the creation of the expensive and technologically obsolete Chesapeake-Ohio Canal (they dammed up the Potomac river and tried to get all the way to the Midwest. They ended up shipping W. Virginia coal to D.C. and never finished it. Railroads happened), and with certainly J. Edgar Hoover's FBI close to 100 years ago.
Trump's apocalyptic thinking and pursuit of salvation mirrors Biden's end-runs around to law to introduce a corrupt oligarchic-socialist paradise to the USA. No matter who "wins" in 2024 we remain in a dysfunctional cold civil war. The only hope is if the moderates team up to put the extremists on a leash and start to punish both the left and right. I'm not optimistic.
That’s a pretty strong message. I’m in!
Now do Joe.
"It's a super hero movie. And we are his sidekick."
Nice thought, but: 1. the deep state beat him in his first term and after J6, so how is Mr. Superhero going to be less inept the second time? and 2. most women don't want to be no superhero's sidekick.
The Deep State obviously has to re-brand themselves. DEI becomes IED, so the Deep State can become The Embedded Bureaucracy. Stated Deeply.
Good message. Super hero movies are very popular. They appeal to our reptilian brain.
DJT had better surround himself with body guards six ways from Sunday. He just declared war on the CIA and its assassin teams.
Blogger Sebastian said...
Nice thought, but: 1. the deep state beat him in his first term and after J6, so how is Mr. Superhero going to be less inept the second time?
Mr. Superhero was the first to take on and even challenge the Deep State. Everyone else was even a part of it, or afraid of it and just fell in line. Trumps mistake was perhaps underestimating their level of corruption. At first he tried working with them. Firing psycho James Comey was a the start of the Trump vs. Legion of Doom battle.
Trump was up against more than just the Deep State. John McCain help distribute the bullshit Steele Dossier. The entire Russia Collusion hoax was financed by Hillary's campaign.
JFK wanted to take on the Deep State, so they killed him.
This time Trump and is voters go in knowing a hell of a lot more than we did in 2016 and 2020.
You're just being disingenuous.
I continue to be amazed that he hasn’t had an “accident”
Blogger Sebastian said...
2. most women don't want to be no superhero's sidekick.
In 2016 Trump won white women 47-45 over Hillary. In 2020, Trump won white women over Biden by 7 points. And that was with the voter fraud baked in.
This year he'll win white women by more. At least the ones worth dating.
He'll lose the green haired screeching liberal female vote. But they're permanently in the Legion of Doom.
Sebastian said...
"It's a super hero movie. And we are his sidekick."
Nice thought, but: 1. the deep state beat him in his first term and after J6, so how is Mr. Superhero going to be less inept the second time? and 2. most women don't want to be no superhero's sidekick.
This time he is going to realize that the McConnell/Ryan/Romney wing of the democrat party are traitors and not hire so many into his administration will be the most obvious change.
Mike Pence was a traitor from the start and he was picked to appease the GOPe.
And the only people who are saying things like this are bitter Desantis supporters who think most Trump supporters are "Listless Vessels" just like Desantis does.
Desantis would have lost to Biden and they wouldn't even have had to cheat.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
This is why Trump will lose to the husk-puppet. (that and the easy peezy mob-like cheat machine)
super Hero talk only tickles the dudes who already adore him.
Trump was saying openly what we all think and want. When I say "we" I am not including people who want to lose to democrats.
Ann characterized it as Super Hero talk. Ann has voted for known rapists and supported the democrat party for decades.
We get it that you all feel like you are better people than the Deplorables and sniff your own farts.
But Trump is objectively the most popular political candidate in history by over 10 million votes.
Trump is just a buy for time. We need extensive constitutional reform to hobble the national government and protect the rights of the people. An ideologue is needed to do that.
No McConnell/ryan/sessions/pence hopefully will help. If the gop wins the senate they can just ignore any impeachments sent from the house, just like Schumer did.
He already had a chance to dismantle the Deep State and he failed. Someone name one single thing he did to dismantle the Deep State. He wants to dismantle the Deep State until he is in charge of the Deep State. Then he sits on his fat ass. Nobody who is actually in power ever dismantles the Deep State. Lot's of things he could have done. Could have pardoned Assange. That would have made me think he is serious.
Trump is a bullshit artist. He has had his chance. He was either unwilling or unable to do it the first time. If you think the second time around will be any different stop being a child.
Democratic rep Henry Cellar was arrested recently for bribery or some sort of shenanigans.
Menendez Senator Menendez is facing trial for bribery or some sort of shenanigans. Until recently, I would have just assumed they were guilty and clap with Glee about another politician getting some comeuppance.
now I wonder. SHortly before his arrest was announced came out against Biden's open borders.
I don't remember if Menendez got in a row with Biden over something. It wouldn't surprise me if he did.
Then we have P Diddy who a couple months ago came out in favor of trump and just a few weeks later found himself with all sorts of child molestation charges.
I have no idea whether these people are guilty or not of they're charged with but I do know that our fascist state is quite capable of charging fabricating charges against innocent people. If they don't go along
everything within the state
nothing outside the state
And especially nothing against the state
John Henry
50 Of Robin's "Holy" Sayings From "Batman"
Snappy rhetoric fires up the base, but Enigma got it right, saying:
"No matter who "wins" in 2024 we remain in a dysfunctional cold civil war."
The left isn't going away. Should Trump win, the Gaza demonstrators and their allies will go from anti-Biden to ultra mega anti-Trump, and they will have the backing of the long list of institutions that make up the establishment. It is the objective correlation of material forces, Comrade!
There are no legal mechanisms to clean house. That's why the best we can hope for is a cold civil war. The worst we can fear is a hot one.
Blogger WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
This is why Trump will lose to the husk-puppet. (that and the easy peezy mob-like cheat machine)
One post you state that you know the voter fraud in 2020 was real, and will be repeated again in 2024.
Next post you blame other organic reason Trump will lose. Which is it?
Trump won in 2016. He won again in 2020, and was taken out of office by COVID massaged absentee voter fraud. He will win again in 2024 if the vote is clean, like in 2016. This time they don't have COVID...so I expect something else to blow up this summer.
Burt Ward is selling his dog food brand, or at least that's what the Deep State wants us to think.
Still hasn't learned how to effectively read off a teleprompter without a flat monotone, has he?
Meanwhile, enough people are dipsh*t stupid enough to fall for it.
I prefer Trump to Biden and hope he wins. Whoever wins, life will go on. My life has not radically altered from Bush to Obama to Trump to Biden. I just don't think either candidate will bring on the Apocalypse. I wish both candidates would dial back the rhetoric.
Enigma said: "No matter who "wins" in 2024 we remain in a dysfunctional cold civil war. The only hope is if the moderates team up to put the extremists on a leash and start to punish both the left and right. I'm not optimistic." Really...What part of Trump's goals do you consider "extremist"? More importantly, what would you consider a "moderate" agenda to be so we can all gang up on the extremists? We'd love to know. At present, your lack of specificity and condescension are both telling and disappointing.
DEI becomes IED,...
Which I find hilarious. They don't like what DEI has become to most people so they choose - IED??? Improvised Explosive Device??? A description of exactly what that whole crap is?
Putting all the crooks in a supermax prison would also be on my list, but I'll take what I can get...
Gusty - It's Both
Cheating by the left. Trump's inability to attract enough voters to overcome the cheating.
I hear this from Trump, and am reminded of the scene in True Grit where Outlaw Ned tells Rooster Cogburn, "That's bold talk for a fat man."
I'll happily vote for Trump--mean tweets and crudeness and all. Compared to the alternative he's the lesser of two weasels.
I'll also applaud his taking on the Deep State, but I'm not holding my breath that he will actually accomplish anything.
More like his co-pilot.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
Gusty - It's Both
Cheating by the left. Trump's inability to attract enough voters to overcome the cheating.
This is so stupid.
Trump got 15 million more votes than any other Republican in history.
Just plain dumb.
D.D. Driver said...
He already had a chance to dismantle the Deep State and he failed. Someone name one single thing he did to dismantle the Deep State. He wants to dismantle the Deep State until he is in charge of the Deep State. Then he sits on his fat ass. Nobody who is actually in power ever dismantles the Deep State. Lot's of things he could have done. Could have pardoned Assange. That would have made me think he is serious.
Trump is a bullshit artist. He has had his chance. He was either unwilling or unable to do it the first time. If you think the second time around will be any different stop being a child.
The Pence wing of the party took off their masks during and after Trump's first attempt.
Now that you have all outed yourselves it will be much harder to stab Trump in the back this time and you are just bitter about that.
You traitors are not going to get a George Bush/Mike Pence in the VP slot this time and Mike Johnson will not be speaker as he has gone full traitor.
The best thing Trump is doing is clearing the weak hearts and traitors out of the Republican Party. When you McMuffin voters vote for Biden again, all couple thousand of you, nobody will even notice.
Jupiter said...
More like his co-pilot.
Trump actually listens to his voters. It is shocking to people who prefer standard politicians.
Trump is the leader of this movement because of that ability to get in front and lead the charge.
This is something that Desantis forgot how to do when he hired Jeff Roe.
@fairmarketvalue: Really...What part of Trump's goals do you consider "extremist"? More importantly, what would you consider a "moderate" agenda to be so we can all gang up on the extremists? We'd love to know. At present, your lack of specificity and condescension are both telling and disappointing.
Funny, funny you. I consider EVERYTHING Trump has done politically to be moderate. He's not a conservative and never was one. You are projecting here. The moderate Ds and moderate Rs crawled away as cowards in 2016 because of Trump's interpersonal style. The sane moderates need to shut down the psychopathic loonies. That includes shutting down crazy Pelosi, the pathological liar Adam Schiff, greasy-palm Biden, and one-foot-in-the-grave McConnell.
Thanks for the laugh.
Mark said...
"Still hasn't learned how to effectively read off a teleprompter without a flat monotone, has he?
Meanwhile, enough people are dipsh*t stupid enough to fall for it."
And yet you voted for Biden.
"It's a super hero movie. And we are his sidekick."
May be true. But the leftmedia and voter fraud are the Kryptonite.
Someone name one single thing he did to dismantle the Deep State.
Well, there was the pre-COVID axing of, what was it? Three old government regs for every new one promulgated? Something like that. That was actually being done. It's a step.
Getting rid of Deep State actors proved to be a bigger and more recalcitrant octopus to stuff into a mesh bag than he expected, I think. (That was how I once heard the process of dressing a toddler described and I love the visual.) I suspect he thought that he could, first, get his people approved by Congress at the highest levels (which is how we ended up with so many - I don't like this term, but we all know what it means - GOPe appointees); then get those people to clean house at the managerial levels; then get the remaining productive and useful managers to clean house in their departments.
And maybe he should have known better; even with a profit motive, you still get strongly protectionist organizational branches and hierarchies. But I suspect he thought it would be like the military of the movies: everyone focused on a common goal, plus unquestioned authority of higher ranks over lower ranks, so it's easy to get rid of people who aren't contributing or are actively inimical to the goal. Of course the real military never worked that way, and the Deep State isn't even close.
I also suspect he's learned that lesson.
But what will or can he actually do? I don't know - all I know is that I'd rather give him the shot than continue to let Biden and his ilk expand the power of the Executive branch and of the Deep State and chip away at the autonomy of the States and the people therein.
Uncommon valor is a common virtue in the Presidency of Donald John Trump. He is a traditionalist.
Blogger WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
Gusty - It's Both
Cheating by the left. Trump's inability to attract enough voters to overcome the cheating.
And for which GOP nominee would the take a pass on the voter fraud?
Achilles is right. Trump got 15 million more votes that any GOP in history. He actually won 2020 by a landslide. That's why they stopped counting. If you remember, on election night after FL, NC and OH came it...the Chinese stock market was tanking in real time.
Then, all of a sudden the counting stopped in AZ, NV, GA, PA and MI...and WI dumped their dirty votes in the box at 4am under police guard.
Right, the final battle, like Fukuyama’s End of History for people who don’t read.
We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will rout the fake news media. And we will liberate America from these villains. Once and for all.
This may play to the MAGA contingent out there, but other people might ask: "how are you going to achieve this without destroying the constitution?" And who exactly is going to determine who the globalists, Communists, Marxists and fascists are? Will we be relying on Trump to tell us who these people are?
But what will or can he actually do? I don't know - all I know is that I'd rather give him the shot than continue to let Biden and his ilk expand the power of the Executive branch and of the Deep State and chip away at the autonomy of the States and the people therein.
He's got some arrows in his quiver he never used.
Direct insubordination is still a firing offense, despite the civil service protections. He can give a direct order to any underling he likes, and fire him if it's not obeyed. It would take a while to get him off the government payroll, but I would suggest a few dozen of them be made examples of quite early in his new administration. March them out of their offices with a couple of beefy US marshals, carrying all their desk photos in a cardboard box.
He can also reassign them anywhere he wishes, as long as their pay and benefits are not cut. Some of the troublemakers from the Russia hoax should be posted to paper-clip inventory duty in a broom closet at the post office in Idaho Falls. If they don't like it, well, there's the door, turn in your badge.
Unlike Triple D I think Trump learned many things the first time around and is unlikely to make many of those same mistakes. For certain he will select better personnel and he will push the Executive power vested in the office at least as far as Biden has. Haven't we learned about all the extraordinary things those magical Emergency Powers do? He doesn't have to be as reckless and punitive as FDR was, or as subtle yet devastating as the COVID overreaction was, but the Deep State actors have brought us to the brink of a Constitutional Crisis, so I would appreciate Trump at least defanging the unelected bureau-rats who keep illegally interfering in "Our Democracy"(TM).
And who exactly is going to determine who the globalists, Communists, Marxists and fascists are? Will we be relying on Trump to tell us who these people are?
Nope. No need to.
You're doing a fine job all by yourselves.
That's just words. Trump won't do shit about the deep state. Trump will forgive the criminals that spent the last 8 years torturing him and everyone associated with him. Trump will do no cleaning out, clearing out, or firing anybody. We know this already, folks. It's baked in the cake. Trump picked Ronna, in 2020. Trump praised Pelosi, in 2023. Trump gave his blessing to the current milquetoast weakling speaker of the house who is serving up our asses to the DNC. And he won't be deporting millions, or even hundreds of thousands.
What we'll get with Trump if we're lucky is better economic performance and better secured borders. But there will be blood, the DNCommies are just dying to annihilate republicans and decimate Americans and they can just about taste the victory. They will cause chaos and cost lives, and then blame Trump.
This may play to the MAGA contingent out there, but other people might ask: "how are you going to achieve this without destroying the constitution?"
Poor dim Freder. You've already destroyed the constitution. You don't like the constitution.
The US is circling the drain. He'll be our Ty-D-Bol man, not our Superman.
Poor dim Freder. You've already destroyed the constitution. You don't like the constitution.
Maybe I do, maybe I don't. One thing is certain though, in spite of your proclaimed love of the constitution, you are ready to throw it out to own the libs and kick the hippies. Your willingness to use the military against protesters and obvious desire to have progressives rounded up and executed (I'm not sure you have advocated that but Achilles, Jim at, and Gadfly certainly have) begs the question of who the true fascists are.
He can't "destroy the Deep State", unless he destroys the entire government. The "Deep State" is simply all the people in government who have authority but are "below" the leadership level that answers directly to the elected officials. To the extent that those people have a common culture or position, the Deep State is a force - or anchor, which can prevent the elected government from running amuck.
The Deep State in Turkey historically anchored the government to the secularist principles established by Kemal, against periodic surges of Islamist sentiment. However, the current ruler Erdogan has over the last 20 years systematically purged the government of secularists, especially in the army. Turkish liberals applauded, because they disliked the army. Now they face untrammelled Islamism.
Arguably, at this time the Deep State in the US is predominantly partisan and hostile to Trump. But the only way to "destroy" it would be to fire everyone, which would effectively destroy the government. Fire the entire FBI? That would unleash the mobsters, drug lords, and other criminals. And they can't be replaced overnight.
What's needed is a very deep and thorough purge of the Deep State - about 1/3 of them. It's like dealing with cancer: one wants to remove all of it without removing any vital organs.
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