May 1, 2024

There's no bees in baseball!


rehajm said...

Ha. He’s no Banana but that is entertaining…

Humperdink said...

Spouse and I woke up one morning to the sound of significant buzzing. A cluster of bees had parked outside under our bedroom soffit. Called a beekeeper. His estimate was 30,000. He scraped them in to a container. Once he got the queen, they all followed. It was a sight.

Aggie said...

It's the time of year when the hives split and a swarm forms, and about half the workers follow a new queen. This is how bee hives reproduce. It takes them a few days to find a new home. I've picked up 2 swarms this year, they happened to be right near my hives. I didn't have my equipment with me, but I had 2 empty hives (attrition and hive loss is pretty normal) so I scooped up the bees with my hands, hoping I had gotten the queen too, and just placed them into the empty hives. Since those frame already had empty comb on them, they were more than happy to move in.

This guy seems very experienced at capturing swarms. In a metropolitan area, he'll be a busy boy this time of year. Glad they didn't just whack them.

MadisonMan said...

Hooray for Bees! That would have been something to see. The last MLB game I saw was in 2016. Maybe it's time to go again.

David53 said...

So who was originally scheduled to throw out the first pitch?

RCOCEAN II said...

I like Bees. Except the "Killer Bees". But being a bee-keeper would be last on my job wish list. Imagine having to constantly be suited up and worried you'd get a 100 bee stings.

So all props to the Bee guy. A fun postive video.

Rusty said...

The are two Bs in baseball!

Dave Begley said...

He played it perfectly.

Are pest exterminators available that quickly?

The rule of Lemnity said...

I would trust the bees calling balls and strikes better than the current crop of umpires.

Jimmy said...

Nice story. Beekeeper saves baseball. My favorite bee person is the young woman on youtube. Texas Beeworks. She usually doesn't wear protective gear, and scoops the bees out with her bare hands.

Roadkill711 said...

Beesball been berry berry good to me.

So says Garrett Morris, anyway.

Floris said...

"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." The future is here.

MadisonMan said...

So who was originally scheduled to throw out the first pitch?
Very Charlie Brown comment! (Context)

mccullough said...

The bees unnerved Betts. He went 57 straight plate appearances without striking out before last night. Then struck out twice.

Was a fun game to watch. Arizona won in extra innings.

David53 said...


Good memory!

Mason G said...

"Are pest exterminators available that quickly?"

I'd imagine a gig like that would get a quicker response than someone calling about bees in their backyard. Look at the exposure you get without having to pay anything for advertising.

PM said...

They had a nice seat.
Sucks for them.

Joe Smith said...

Bee the best that you can bee.

Honey joke, buzz joke...

gspencer said...

Garrett Morris didn't say that.

That quote came from Chico Escuela.

Tom T. said...

I read another article about this. He was 20 miles away at his son's T-ball game. He got in his truck and headed right over.

Bill Peschel said...

Watching his self-congratulation and self-backpatting, I'm reminded of the football coach (Snopes traces it back to Vince Lombardi, among others) who told a mediocre showboating player celebrating a successful play: "Act like you've done this before."

Narayanan said...

can we seed college protests with queen bees?

Wilbur said...

There used to be Bees in baseball.

The Braves franchise in the National League was known as the Boston Bees from 1936 through 1940. Fun fact: from 1938 through 1940 they were managed by Casey Stengel.

Roger von Oech said...

I sent your link to my beekeeper (we have two hives and about 40,000 beds). She was impressed!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Having been caught in a bee swarm (stung over 100 times) I'll say that you can make jokes, but it's a good thing he took care of that.

mikee said...

Swarming bees are usually disinclined to sting, and there are many beekeeper videos on YouTube showing bare-handed, normally dressed beekeepers scooping up bees and placing them atop a box hive for relocation. This guy's outfit &vacuum technique were just nifty, and avoided many sting opportunities from bees who don't watch YouTube.

Find or move the queen and the rest follow peacefully, cuz phermones are a helluva drug (to paraphrase James Brown).

The Vault Dweller said...

There's no bees in baseball!"

Is that a reference to the Tom Hanks line in "A League of Their Own," where he says, "there's no crying in baseball"?

RCOCEAN II said...

Other B's in baseball:

X Base
X baseman
Breaking ball

Its almost swarm. And while there is no "I" In team. There is a "Me" in Team.

PM said...

Bush-league or just Bush.