May 25, 2024

"There are days that I’ve come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door and cried. There have been those days. And there are likely to be more."

Said Justice Sonia Sotomayor, quoted in "Justice Sotomayor Describes Frustration With Being a Liberal on the Supreme Court/In a conversation at Harvard, the justice spoke of her despair at some of the court’s decisions, but she urged optimism and a focus on future generations" (NYT).
“There are moments when I’m deeply, deeply sad,” she said, without citing any specific cases. “There are moments when, yes, even I feel desperation. We all do. But you have to own it, you have to accept it, you have to shed the tears and then you have to wipe them and get up.”


Humperdink said...

"But you have to own it, you have to accept it, you have to shed the tears and then you have to wipe them and get up."

Today's Commie-Pinkos: But you have to say screw it, you don't accept it, you scream bloody murder and then you and your fellow Commies start protesting and if violence ensues, you smile.”

BUMBLE BEE said...

Point being, the future holds very little promise for the children of America. They're outnumbered by needy illiterate migrants of dubious backgrounds. Millions of them.
Battalions of em.
Don't look away.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

…”without citing any specific cases.”

On the record that is.

rehajm said...

Sounds awful.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Conservatives were in the minority most of my lifetime. I bet Sandra Day O’Connor never cried after a decision in which she was in the minority. Progressives are babies and bullies who resort to crying fits when they don’t get their way. Thanks for the reminder “wise Latina.”

Kevin said...

She’d feel better if these issues were settled at the state level.

Sally327 said...

I just read an article at the Daily Mail (UK) site about an otherwise healthy 29 year old Dutch woman who was voluntarily euthanized because she didn't want to continuing living with depression and anxiety. That's not what Sotomayor is talking about but hopefully she didn't cause anyone to confuse an emotional reaction to disappointment with more serious mental health issues that require professional help. Sometimes it's not just a matter of picking yourself up and dusting yourself off to start all over again.

This is off topic but I do want to mention that yesterday was Bob Dylan's birthday. He is 83. I bet he didn't cry. Unless he sang some Roy Orbison to celebrate his birthday. Or Aerosmith (just to tie this topic back to the main issue).

rehajm said...

How is anything she says constructive other than to massage the feelings of lefties hoping the Supremes would backstop all their destruction? She's a big bold data point for people who believe women can't be in important decision making positions because they are just emotional piles of mush...

rehajm said...

She worked so hard, leaking the decision and all...

Humperdink said...

Hopefully her future will include a flood of tears. Maybe she'll quit.

JRoberts said...

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that Obama was being sarcastic when he used the term “Wise Latina”

Howard said...

You Trump trippers cry everyday all day long about how the boundless freedom, opulence and benefits of living in the modern United States of America just isn't good enough for your sensitive constitutions who you greedily believe are rightfully entitled by Jesus himself to so much more wealth and status at the expense of 90% of the rest of humanity.

iowan2 said...

Judges are supposed to be invested in the law and Constitution. Not the result of any particular ruling.

Here's a little mind game to play with your self.

Would you rather have process, or results?

TaeJohnDo said...

Jesus Christ. What a wimp.

Iman said...

He’s a Masshole by way of El Paso…

Curious George said...

"JRoberts said...
Over the years, I’ve come to realize that Obama was being sarcastic when he used the term “Wise Latina”

Wasn't Obama. It was Sotamayor herself.

"Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor on the second day of her confirmation hearings explained the well-publicized "wise Latina" comments she has made in the past.

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life," Sotomayor said in a speech at 2001 at the University of California, Berkeley, law school. She made similar statements at other such events."

mezzrow said...

Mean old conservatives. Someone should do something.

Imagine having a few people in robes determine how the nation is to be ruled? That's not aligned with the principles of "Our Democracy".

How did we get here? Where did the Republicans learn how to do this to our nation?

Howard said...

This is her way of flying the flag upside down.

rhhardin said...

The Founding Fathers weren't big on feelings. They more interested in the stability of the system in the face of competing interests. They hadn't figured on women running things.

iowan2 said...

Howard lacks historical knowledge

[“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.”]
― Robert Heinlein

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I cried because I had no majority until I met a Justice who had no law clerks.

MadTownGuy said...

I thought there was no crying in jurisprudence.

Leland said...

Crying and Pouting: Is Your Baby Manipulating You?

An infant, like anyone else, has likes and dislikes. And at young ages, those preferences can be quite strong. The older your baby gets, the more he or she understands cause and effect and may even try to affect change when possible.

Butkus51 said...

Howard you voted for a confirmed child abuser at best.

Be you.

Kate said...

There's a movie with Denzel Washington investigating the death of Meg Ryan, a military pilot whose helicopter is hit and goes down. He interviews the crew and they each tell a different version of what happened. One person describes her as weepy and weak, breaking down and shirking command. Another person describes the same moment as her tearing up. When asked if she's crying, she says, "It's just tension, asshole."

Heartless Aztec said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...

In fairness, Sotomayor is a better justice than I expected her to be, but this is basically a confession that she doesn’t understand the role of supreme court justice and is constitutionally unfit to be one.

gspencer said...

"But you have to own it, you have to accept it, you have to shed the tears and then you have to wipe them and get up."

Yeah, that's the spirit. That's the way Democrats do things. This paragon of virtue will be on full display next November should D cheating fail to undo Trump,



Temujin said...

Are you crying? There's no crying at the Supreme Court.

Imagine having 9 of these.

Guimo said...

She has no business being a justice, judge, or magistrate.

MountainMan said...

This woman should never have been on the Supreme Cout. I doubt she should have ever been a judge at all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

On the left - it's ONLY EVER about getting their way.

Breezy said...

It’s got to be an extremely stressful job. Each wants to be on the prevailing side, having influenced their peers with their insightfulness or knowledge of the creation of our Constitution. I’m not surprised at the shedding of tears as an outlet. If she cries for a moment then gets on with things, that seems like a positive message about a way to handle stress. The other justices may have other ways to handle their stress, as well. We don’t know.

stlcdr said...

This is pathetic.

It’s also disturbing that a Supreme Court justice cannot separate emotional responses from legal issues. It also demonstrates how partisan she is.

This ain’t a judge Judy show.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"The Founding Fathers weren't big on feelings. They more interested in the stability of the system in the face of competing interests. They hadn't figured on women running things."

No. No they did not. If you think this is bad I could regale you all with stories of enlisted and commissioned women in uniform, their feelings, and the totally inappropriate and ludicrous scenarios where they've manifested publicly.

As another commenter quoted, "it's just tension, asshole." No. No it is not. It very seldom is.

tommyesq said...

If only she and her liberal peers were more persuasive...

planetgeo said...

The tears aren't really necessary. It's already pretty clear that her feelings are more determinant in her rulings than whatever the Constitution happens to say

Dave Begley said...

No crying in baseball. No crying in the law.

doctrev said...

Temujin said...
Are you crying? There's no crying at the Supreme Court.

I'm quite sure Scalia would have taken this tack. I can't imagine Scalia, or for that matter RBG and Elena Kagan, getting bullied out of their seats. Justice Sobbytaco, though, is probably eating pints of ice cream as a daily thing.

Good tidings for a second Trump Administration, actually.

Howard said...

You all loved it when Fatboy Brett cried about liking beer.

Tank said...

Understandable. Women tend to cry. Things have not gone her way, and there is no end in sight. Her frustration and crying is understandable.

Dave Begley said...

Imagine the tears Sonia would have shed if she’d been a student in Professor Althouse’s class and been called on. A Socratic questioning for the ages!

mindnumbrobot said...

Oh brother. It's easy to see how feelings rather than the law guide her rulings. Thank God she's in the minority.

iowan2 said...

I remember an interview with Scalia. He was asked if he was disappointed by some of his rulings.

He said as a Judge, you aren't doing it right if the law required rulings that go against your desires.

robother said...

Wouldn't her crying be more effective in conference, at least with the men? Followed up with days of the silent treatment, if she didn't get her way. For a wise Latina, she doesn't seem to know how women win arguments.

Money Manger said...

For Times readers this is meant to be counterpoint to the cold MAGA-supporting Judge Alito.

traditionalguy said...

Empathy makes bad laws. But Obama counted on her vote.

gilbar said...

why does she cry?
because she knows the Constitution will require her to vote against her wishes?
because she knows her wishes will require her to vote against the Constitution?

because she knows her side won't win?

Goldenpause said...

Just what we need: Supreme Court Justices who cry when they don’t get their way.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"I'm going to stick with my theory: Sotomayor leaked Alitos draft to the White House. She wanted to give them a heads up about Roe so that they could prepare. It was the Admin who decided to pass it on to Politico."

This. Not even Kagan would stoop that low. I'll bet she cried when it didn't work.

Iman said...

Sad Latina…

Aggie said...

How many Conservative justices do you see bragging about their crying? Talk about a shameful argument. Oh, woe is me! Oh, the ag-o-ny! Because I know I'm right !

Yancey Ward said...

Boo hoo and fuck off.

Jersey Fled said...

Did the NYT open up comments on this one?

Now that would make interesting reading.

Mary Beth said...

why does she cry?
because she knows the Constitution will require her to vote against her wishes?

Does she vote against her wishes? Or is she just outnumbered by those who do?

Mason G said...

Aren't judges supposed to rule based on the law, as it exists? I would think a judge having an emotional investment in the outcome of a case would be a bad thing.

Mr. T. said...

Yes we know she's still angry and depressed that her hatred and discrimination against Caucasian male firefighters didn't work.

RCOCEAN II said...

Yeah, she's upset that the SCOTUS isn't using its judicial power to move the country far left. Sotomoyor doesn't care about the law or the constitution, its just all about using the power to help the Left.

I don't think the Democrats on the SCOTUS have ever been such of low quality. Their opinons are an embarrassment. Breyer and Ginsberg may have been power-mad leftists, but at least they were smart.

Kai Akker said...

It is a liberal requirement to demonstrate feelingz. And it has worked for her in her career. She must lead. She wants her pals to know: sadz in private, stiff upper lip in public, outrage and indignation at the drop of a hat. The winning combin-A-tion for resembling a liberal leader. Maybe some premium ice cream in the freezer.

John henry said...

She is the third woman, first nonwhite woman, the first Hispanic and the first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court.[3]

She is Nyorican, born in NY to Puerto Rican parents.

She is not "non-white" based on skin color (true of most Puerto Ricans)

I guffawed to se That She is Not only latina but hispanic as well!

A fourfer in the diversity sweepstakes


John henry said...


A better real life example would be the USS Fitzgerald.

30 some Sailors died because the woman that had the watch on the bridge was not speaking to the woman who had the watch in combat control. the lack of communication caused a collision that killed 30+ sailors.

John Henry

Dude1394 said...

So sad, here and her solid block of democrats cannot destroy the country anymore. So sad, too bad.

n.n said...

Hush little baby don't you cry, mother's going to relieve my little burden.

Jupiter said...

At least she shut the door.

Hey Skipper said...

Perhaps this isn't completely OT. From this morning's NYT Opinion Today email introducing the lead Op-Ed:

Forget about the horror of being alone and middle-aged — there is nothing more terrifying to a patriarchal society than a woman who is free. That she might be having a better time without permission or supervision is downright insufferable.

I’ve been warned about the invisibility that comes with being a middle-aged woman for about as long as I’ve understood the concept of middle age. You reach a certain point (you become a woman of a certain age), and you seemingly cease to exist. Not only will men stop noticing you (the worst thing that could happen to you, I was assured), but so will waiters and taxi drivers and sales shop assistants. You become a nonperson.

This has not been my experience. To put it mildly.

As I approach my 50th birthday this summer, I am experiencing the exact opposite. I’ve never felt more visible, more attractive, more powerful. The sex is better (and more frequent, if I’m being honest), the friendships are deeper, and life is more exciting and satisfying than it’s ever been.

The narratives we have around women’s lives have never served me — or most women, I would argue — all that well. Still, it was a bit of a shock to find myself, deep into my 40s, single and childless and having such a good time, even though research tells us that single women rate high in happiness polls. It has been stranger still to be experiencing it against the backdrop of so much awfulness in the world. It’s a different sort of dissonance from the one that comes with living a life you rarely see reflected in culture.

Yet as I write in my guest essay this week, the recent violent rollback of women’s rights — from restrictions on abortion and birth control access to challenges against no-fault divorce — strikes me as directly connected to the reality that women are doing just fine on their own. In fact, our enjoyment of our main-character energy, as the kids say, might be a bit too visible.

A stream of pronunciamentos, non-sequitors posing as logic, blaming the patriarchy for warnings clearly from women. And, perhaps most strikingly, the stampeding incomprehension that comes from "a woman who is free". She clearly fails to recognize that the only thing separating women from mud huts and pit toilets is men.

This OpEd clearly targets the primary NYT demo: bitter AWFLs, who are capable of doing very little useful, never mind necessary, and routinely substitute feelz for thinkz.

See also our Wise Latina Woman, who seems to know nothing about Spanish.

Joe Smith said...

There are days that I’ve come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door, ate three chalupas, and cried.

I cried because my clerk said there would be four chalupas and a side of cheesy sauce and there was no cheesy sauce for dipping.

They even got the hot sauce wrong as I asked for Hot and not Fire.

It is very lonely at the top.

Skeptical Voter said...

Boo hoo. There comes a time in every working trial lawyer's life when a verdict goes awry. He or she has put their heart and soul in a case--and the jury or the judge disagrees.

Now old school folks may have gone to the bar to drown their sorrows; or a wise latina goes into her office, shuts the door and cries. It's life. You won't always be on the winning side.

Joe Smith said...

Howie went on a communist rant yet again.

I don't feel entitled about anything and I don't look to Jesus to solve my financial problems.

But I do feel that I should be able to keep more than half of what I've earned over decades of very hard work and long hours.

I don't think the government makes better financial decisions than me, so excuse me for trying to keep the money I earned.

Oligonicella said...

Everybody has 'em.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Maybe she wouldn't be so emotionally drained if she judged based on the law and not based on her emotions.

I always thought she was the worst SCOTUS pick, until Ketanji. Now I’m not so sure there’s a clear winner.

Narayanan said...

I have heard of anti-perspirant for armpit that dry out sweat.
anything similar for eye to dry out tears?

JK Brown said...

What? She cries over her inability to convince the other justices of her view of the Constitution and law? Or does she cry because they are mean and won't just go along with her emotional desires regardless of the Constitution and laws?

Narayanan said...

among crocodile who cry more? male or female?

Narayanan said...

founding fathers > They hadn't figured on women running things
so how many were married men? how many were playing the field? how many were life-long bachelors?

Narayanan said...

founding fathers > They hadn't figured on women running things
so how many were married men? how many were playing the field? how many were life-long bachelors?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

She could put down her burden by resigning. No more cry jags. Just take the pension, and start taking those Caribbean cruises.

effinayright said...

"Judicial temperament."

There's yer "judicial temperament", right there.


Humperdink said...

Senator Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Mike Johnson insist on a meeting with Chief Justice John Roberts to discuss the fragile psyche of the Whiney Latina .... said no Republican ever.

Rick67 said...

We should care about the feefees of Supreme Court justices who often find themselves in the minority.

Now we should care.

iowan2 said...

Why is it a Supreme Court Justice is so ignorant of our system of governance?

The People through their elected representatives take care of all the gut wrenching stuff.

SCOTUS needs to back off and let the People take action.

Removing SCOTUS from abortion is 100% a States issue.

narciso said...

she wanted masks and lockdowns forever, the quality of clerks they are gerring might be why their argument is so pitiful,

it used to be the Right figures were less skilled in argument, see the Warren Court pirouettes,

ChuckUnderscore said...

She should be ashamed of herself. There is only one objective: Interpreting the constitutionality of questions placed before the court.

Howard said...

60 lb of sugar per year, 130 lb of wheat per year, and 500 drinks per year on average could not possibly be harmful. But a couple of micrograms of a vaccine is causing every premature death known to man.

The conspiracy ideation expressed on these comment pages is direct evidence of a combination of wet brain and pre-dementia caused by the standard American diet.

Joe Smith said...

'But a couple of micrograms of a vaccine is causing every premature death known to man.'

Go ahead and chew on that tiny dose of cyanide. Lick that petri dish of ebola.

What could go wrong, they're so small!

You are the dumbest person on the internet today.


Mea Sententia said...

Conservatives feel desperation too, and they have no optimism, as Sotomayor does, about the upcoming generation.

She says her guiding principles are equality, diversity, and justice. I wonder how she defines them, and which takes priority.

Joe Bar said...

Are these people adults?

Robert Cook said...

"Point being, the future holds very little promise for the children of America. They're outnumbered by needy illiterate migrants of dubious backgrounds. Millions of them.
Battalions of em.
Don't look away."

All of "the children of America" are descended from migrants, (many of them illiterate, needy, and of dubious backgrounds).

Oh, except for the descendants of the indigenous peoples who were here before any Europeans, and who were largely wiped out by the "newbie" European migrants and their descendants.

Mr. T. said...

HOWARD said:
"You Trump trippers cry everyday all day long about how the boundless freedom, opulence and benefits of living in the modern United States of America just isn't good enough for your sensitive constitutions who you greedily believe are rightfully entitled by Jesus himself to so much more wealth and status at the expense of 90% of the rest of humanity."

For those of us not fluent in incoherence, wtf are you rambling about?

Robert Cook said...

"Conservatives were in the minority most of my lifetime."

Where? Quantify that. In my perspective, conservatives have been predominant throughout my life, and they remain so.

Joe Smith said...

'Oh, except for the descendants of the indigenous peoples who were here before any Europeans, and who were largely wiped out by the "newbie" European migrants and their descendants.'

Where is the word 'legal'?

One side of my family came here legally and the other before this country was founded.

The indigenous people were a stone-age society who lost to a technologically superior society.

IQ matters...

rehajm said...

What could go wrong, they're so small! You are the dumbest person on the internet today

That was pretty dumb…

Robert Cook said...

"She is not "non-white" based on skin color (true of most Puerto Ricans)"

Can you clarify your meaning in your remark "true of most Puerto Ricans?" I lived in NYC for 40 years, and nearly all the many Puerto Ricans I knew, worked with, or encountered had complexions of various shades of brown.

Robert Cook said...

"The indigenous people were a stone-age society who lost to a technologically superior society.

"IQ matters...."

Oh...I guess that makes it all OK! I guess you're down with the eradication or pushing out of "lesser" ("more stone-age-ish") peoples if space is needed for the "superior" peoples. Got it!

Joe Smith said...

'Oh...I guess that makes it all OK! I guess you're down with the eradication or pushing out of "lesser" ("more stone-age-ish") peoples if space is needed for the "superior" peoples. Got it!'

I am perfectly OK with it. I didn't kill anyone. I am here living a good life as seemingly are you.

Keep bitching and moaning about inequities and historical wrongs your whole life.

Doesn't bother me.

Give your house to a Native American. No? Why not? You're living on stolen land.

Your arguments are idiotic because you are a liberal and can't think past your Subaru bumper sticker slogans.

And you might want to read a bit of history of the indigenous people of North, South, and Central America.

It was savagery beyond belief for a thousand years before Europeans showed up.

But you don't know that because you are willfully ignorant.

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

"Conservatives were in the minority most of my lifetime."

Where? Quantify that. In my perspective, conservatives have been predominant throughout my life, and they remain so.

When you are a communist, everybody looks conservative.

Somebody please tell Cook that the Indians ate all the horses, which were native to America. The Spanish had to reintroduce them.

Oligonicella said...

60 lb of sugar per year, 130 lb of wheat per year, and 500 drinks per year on average could not possibly be harmful.

But 4oz of fish can cause paralysis and suffocate you.

But a couple of micrograms of a vaccine is causing every premature death known to man.

If you have to create an Andromeda Strain level of hyperbole you're wading into a lost argument.

John henry said...


All of the people you thought were Puerto Rican looked like Puerto Ricans.

But you probably passed 100 other Puerto Ricans daily without realizing it because they didn't fit your stereotype.

Ever been to Puerto Rico Robert?

Puerto Ricans come in all skin tones with no sharp color line as in the upper 50.

Some are jet black as you might find in congo. They could be called non-white. Others are blue eyed blonde. Calling them non-white because they are Puerto Rican is downright ludicrous.

Sotomayor is a prominent example. (aoc is another) both are lighter skinned than many non-African Americans.

Calling them non-white is racist.

John Henry

John henry said...

I'm glad to see Howard is off the "co2 causes the oceans to boil" gravy train.

After all, how could 0.04% co2 concentration do anything at all?

John Henry

RideSpaceMountain said...

"A better real life example would be the USS Fitzgerald.

30 some Sailors died because the woman that had the watch on the bridge was not speaking to the woman who had the watch in combat control. the lack of communication caused a collision that killed 30+ sailors.

John Henry"

Wait'll you hear the one about Serena Maria Auñón-Chancellor (a hyphenated name...of course it is), the astronaut who broke up with her husband while she was on the ISS and drilled a hole in the pressure-hab when Houston told her they couldn't retrieve her early. According to several firsthand accounts she went berserk, stopped assisting with maintenance and expirements, let her hygiene and hab hygiene go down the tubes, and did the space station equivalent of locking herself in the bathroom.

None of this has ever been proven of course, even though the Russians proved conclusively the hole was the result of a manmade tool from inside the hab, which NASA has never affirmed nor denied. NASA and many other acronym agencies have worked tirelessly to ensure this remains in the urban legend realm, but it's pretty conclusive that this really happened.

Can you even imagine what dealing with this would be like on a 2 year voyage to Mars?

John henry said...

And, robert, I suspect you saw many people that you thought were Puerto Rican who were not

If we could get a lineup of 50 random from across the upper 50 and 50 random from Puerto Rico you could do no better than random chance picking the Puerto Ricans based on appearance.

John Henry

Joe Smith said...

'30 some Sailors died because the woman that had the watch on the bridge was not speaking to the woman who had the watch in combat control. the lack of communication caused a collision that killed 30+ sailors.'

And speaking of seamen, Harvey Milk was a pedophile yet has a navy ship named after him.

Gayness is our new religion...

RCOCEAN II said...

At least the NYTs didn't call her an "daughter of immigrants". I cant tell how many times I've read liberal/leftists call Puerto Rican's "Immigrants". LOL.

RCOCEAN II said...

And yes, Puerto Ricans come in all shades, and plenty are white. The same is true of Mexicans, but you don't see many uber-white Mexicans crossing the Rio Grande, because they either stay in mexico and enjoy their very good life there, or they come here legally.

Joe Smith said...

"The same is true of Mexicans, but you don't see many uber-white Mexicans crossing the Rio Grande, because they either stay in mexico and enjoy their very good life there, or they come here legally."

The tall (6'3" - 6'4"), Spaniards like Vicente Fox run Mexico.

No Mestizo he.

Why would they leave?

Steve said...

Yeesh, if she cries after losing a decision how did she survive as a lawyer before moving onto the bench? Even the best lawyers lose some cases where they think the result is wrong or unfair.

Joe Smith said...

'Yeesh, if she cries after losing a decision how did she survive as a lawyer before moving onto the bench? Even the best lawyers lose some cases where they think the result is wrong or unfair.'

She just needed to be a Wise Latina.

Early DEI and affirmative action at work.

Robert Cook said...

"And, robert, I suspect you saw many people that you thought were Puerto Rican who were not."

I wasn't referring to people "I saw," but people I knew, worked with, interacted with to greater and lesser degrees.

Jersey Fled said...


“I lived in NYC for 40 years, and nearly all the many Puerto Ricans I knew, worked with, or encountered had complexions of various shades of brown.”

Strange that they all had Spanish surnames.

Jim at said...

Maybe if she made rulings based upon the Constitution - and not on her political biases - she wouldn't be so sad.

Robert Cook said...

"But you don't know that...."


Robert Cook said...

"And yes, Puerto Ricans come in all shades, and plenty are white."

I don't deny that. I questioned the assertion that most Puerto Ricans are white.

John henry said...

This might be of interest, robert

John Henry

Hassayamper said...

I want President Trump to return, to be followed by President Rand Paul, and I want a lot of liberals to be doing a lot more crying. So much crying that they fuck off for Canada or Europe.

Iman said...

“The conspiracy ideation expressed on these comment pages is direct evidence of a combination of wet brain and pre-dementia caused by the standard American diet.”

Stick with your brown rice and coffee enemas, Howard. Try decaf.

effinayright said...

Robert Cook said...
"Point being, the future holds very little promise for the children of America. They're outnumbered by needy illiterate migrants of dubious backgrounds. Millions of them.
Battalions of em.
Don't look away."

All of "the children of America" are descended from migrants, (many of them illiterate, needy, and of dubious backgrounds).

>>>>>Those earlier migrants came here legally, at our invitation, and many were sent back for having dangerous diseases. The point is, they were evaluated when they got here, not waved in and allowed to disappear. Plus, there was no welfare state to take care of them; it was swim or sink.

"Oh, except for the descendants of the indigenous peoples who were here before any Europeans, and who were largely wiped out by the "newbie" European migrants and their descendants."

>>>>>there were different peoples crossing the Bering Strait who pushed back earlier arrivals. It's The Way of the World". And, of course, you forget that many Indian tribes were enemies busy making endless war with each other.

>>>> North America had about 4 million indigenous peoples when the Europeans arrived. The area of North America is 7.7 million square miles. So each such native American "owned" 1.9 square miles of territory. Have I got that right?

>>>>>If you disagree with the claim that low-skilled illegal immigrants will displace low-skilled citizens in low-skill jobs---which is the way history has always worked---address that claim, not engage in sidetracks as you did here.

phantommut said...

This is her way of flying the flag upside down.

Which she of course has every right to do, even as a Supreme.

effinayright said...

Michael K, have you any evidence to support your claim that horses were native to America?

I can't find any. Everything I've seen says the Spanish brought them in, as early as 1519.

Mason G said...

"She cries over her inability to convince the other justices of her view of the Constitution and law? Or does she cry because they are mean and won't just go along with her emotional desires regardless of the Constitution and laws?"

It's possible she doesn't cry at all and just made up the story to garner sympathy. You know how progressives love themselves their narratives.

mccullough said...

I look forward to Trump appointing her replacement

Yancey Ward said...


Equus ferus, the wild horse from which the domesticated version comes, were native to Europe, Asia, and North America by 15,000 years ago- their bones have been found and dated to prove this. For whatever reason, however, the species vanished in North America about 10,000 years ago- it can be postulated that they were hunted to extinction, though I know of no proof of that, but haven't looked. The Spanish reintroduced them to North America in the 16th century.

Mason G said...

"it can be postulated that they were hunted to extinction"

That can't possibly be true. Everybody knows that the indigenous peoples lived in harmony with their environment.

Josephbleau said...

"Michael K, have you any evidence to support your claim that horses were native to America?"

Come on man,

"Horses evolved in the Americas around four million years ago, but by about 10,000 years ago, they had mostly disappeared from the fossil record, per the Conversation. Spanish settlers likely first brought horses back to the Americas in 1519"

Josephbleau said...

It was reported that in 1864, after 6,000 Union soldiers were casualties in the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, Lt Gen Grant went into his tent and privately wept for 15 min. Good for him.

I will not judge how sotomayor does her job. She is in it and must do it her own way, according to the law.

Joe Smith said...

'I will not judge how sotomayor does her job. She is in it and must do it her own way, according to the law.'

Sitting on your Wide Latina® ass all day and commanding an army against rebel forces are the same thing.

PM said...

That's the way it works, dear.

Rocco said...

"... first nonwhite woman ..."

"Non-white" suuure. She looks more like my mom than her three sisters did. And Ma was mostly German and Frech; although she did have a Sicilian great-grandfather.

Rocco said...

Joe Smith said...
"The tall (6'3" - 6'4"), Spaniards like Vicente Fox run Mexico."

Spanish, French, and German in Vicente's case. His grandfather, Joseph Luis Fox, was an immigrant to Mexico from... Cincinnati, Ohio.

The surname was originally "Fuchs", which is the German word for "fox". They anglicized it by 1870.

Joseph's grandfather was from Alsace, France; his grandmother was from across the Rhein river in Baden. The families immigrated to Cincinnati around 1820, making them some of the earliest Germans and French here.

bagoh20 said...

Confidence inspiring.

If anyone should cry at the idea of doing their job, it should be plumbers, but they never do.

effinayright said...

I will not judge how sotomayor does her job. She is in it and must do it her own way, according to the law.

NO. Not her own way, but according to the oaths she took:

"I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

The Second Oath
Appointees to the Supreme Court Bench must not only take the oath listed above, but a second oath. This statement is called The Judicial Oath. The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the federal judiciary. The Act set the number of Supreme Court Justices at six (five Associate Justices and one Chief Justice). It also mandated that for the Supreme Court Justices to begin serving, they must swear a second Oath of Office. The original text of this was:

"I, _________, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God."

This oath was used until 1990 when the Judicial Improvements Act replaced the phrase beginning with "according to the best of my abilities..." to "under the Constitution." This language proved reasonably more effective in tying the decisions of the judiciary to the authority of the United States Constitution.

If taking cases make her cry, and she cannot act as an judge charged with duties according to her oath, she should resign immediately.

Blair said...

I think it's now pretty obvious just who it was that leaked the Dobbs draft.

Rocco said...

John henry said...

I have heard the claim that AOC's paternal surname of "Ocasio" is a hispanified form of O'Casey. OTOH, Wikipedia claims it is an archaic form of a Spanish adjective. Considering the name is found mainly in Puerto Rico, the origin has to be relatively unique to the island.

Ambrose said...

If only there were some way Justice Sotomayor could display the U.S. flag to indicate her distress.

Cappy said...

Peals of derisive laughter!

JAORE said...

Those big old conservative meanies made the girl cry?

Booo, you big old meanies.

(FWIW, I follow SC decisions more than many including reading dissenting opinions. But I'll - gladly - admit to not being a lawyer. That said, Sorta My Oar is NOT a Scalia in the compelling/logical argument department.)

Greg the Class Traitor said...

What a whiny little bitch.

I didn't think I could have any more contempt for her than I do. I was wrong

Greg the Class Traitor said...

If taking cases make her cry, and she cannot act as an judge charged with duties according to her oath, she should resign immediately.

Nah, she needs to wait until next year, when Trump can appoint her replacement

~ Gordon Pasha said...

As a type 1 diabetic, she should be using a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System. Has anyone tried to correlate her blood sugar with the crying jags?

Clyde said...

"...and the lamentation of the women."

JAORE said...

"If you disagree with the claim that low-skilled illegal immigrants will displace low-skilled citizens in low-skill jobs---which is the way history has always worked---address that claim."

Ooooh, there's a nifty video of a guy named Biden that supports that claim 100%.

Look it up. It's a corker.

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