May 20, 2024

"The Biden Campaign, however, put out a Fake Story that I 'froze' for 30 seconds, going into the 'Musical Interlude' section..."

"... when in actuality, the 30 to 60 second period of silence is standard in every one of my Speeches where we use the Music. Check out any of my Speeches! The reason they came up with this Disinformation is that Biden freezes all the time, can’t put two sentences together, and can rarely find his way off the stage without help. Donald Trump doesn’t freeze! It is a MADE UP Biden Campaign story, put out in a dying Newspaper that I never heard of, and every Reporter knows it, including the large group that was there…."

Writes Donald Trump, at Truth Social.

I'm not sure which newspaper is the "dying" one that first put out — or "MADE UP" — the freeze story, but now, the story has become Trump's "furious rant" about it:

Trump is right. The moment of silence when the music begins is a regular feature of his rally speech. I've watched a few, and I happened to have watched the NRA speech live. It's theater, and it gives the impression that he's so moved he's about to cry or is actually crying. Then he goes into this dramatic recitation of the terrible things that are going on in America now. In the end, he says he can fix it and he can fix it very quickly

It's one thing to loathe Trump and want to write about it from one's platform in mainstream media, but you ought to know your Trump. These outlets must cling to Trump-hating readers who also do not know their Trump. They are part of the decline of America that Trump's recitation is about. I wish these people would get up to speed and begin to write about reality. Talk about things that need to be done very quickly.

It's not too late, but they don't even yet see that they have a problem. They must look at the polls, but they're staring in disbelief. You might say, they are frozen.


Temujin said...

The reality is that Donald Trump can go on for 2+ hours without a teleprompter. I'm sure he has notes of things he wants to cover, but he just goes on...and on...and on. I'll never forget his blitz over the last days going into the 2020 election. He covered the country, doing multiple campaign stops each day over a number of days, in front of thousands of people, talking for 2+ hours at each of them. It was a staggering display of energy and the ability to blather on.

They can accuse Trump of many things. But having his mouth and brain freeze up is not one of them. And- given Biden's inability to complete full sentences on a daily basis, one would think they would veer off of this topic instead of making us do a comparison.

Not very bright.

Howard said...

Trump is a Def jam grandmaster MC. Another example of the DNC/MSM lining up in a circular firing squad aiming at a ghost.

Wince said...

The Biden/Democrat playbook really does seem to be falsely accuse Trump of all of Biden's flaws and transgressions.

AMDG said...

Does the Biden campaign really want to make the election about which candidate has a worse case of dementia?

If the issue is dementia than Biden loses.

Aggie said...

"I wish these people would get up to speed and begin to write about reality. Talk about things that need to be done very quickly...."

Please believe me when I tell you, that writing about reality is the last thing - the very, very last thing - that the Biden team and the Progressive Democratic Party is willing to tell you about, and for very, very good reasons. It is the antithesis of their message.

rehajm said...

These outlets must cling to Trump-hating readers who also do not know their Trump. They are part of the decline of America that Trump's recitation is about. I wish these people would get up to speed and begin to write about reality. Talk about things that need to be done very quickly.

If these words from Ann’s keyboard isn’t sending the leftie narrative writers into a panic they have completely lost any sense of reality. Getting high on your own supply is quite unprofessional. If I was paying these jokers I’d be pissed….I probably am paying these jokers…

Mr. Forward said...

Trump borrowed Biden's teleprompter.

Robert Cook said...

"I've watched a few, and I happened to have watched the NRA speech live. It's theater, and it gives the impression that he's so moved he's about to cry or is actually crying. Then he goes into this dramatic recitation of the terrible things that are going on in America now. In the end, he says he can fix it and he can fix it very quickly."

Anyone saying he can "fix" all the problems of the nation "very quickly" is obviously lying, and those who accept it are fools. (Aren't we still waiting for all the jobs to come back from overseas, so we can fill up our factories here full of workers, running three shifts a day, 24-hour a day productivity?!)

"The reality is that Donald Trump can go on for 2+ hours without a teleprompter. I'm sure he has notes of things he wants to cover, but he just goes on...and on...and on."

A skill gained over years of lying and bullshitting to all and sundry, a necessary skill for any career grifter. The other necessity for a career grifter (besides being completely amoral) is an endless number of marks willing and eager to believe magic is real and instant miracles can be (and are!) manifested merely by claiming they have happened.

mezzrow said...

It's not going to be the 2020 campaign. America knows more than it did in 2020.

It takes a whole lot of medicine not to see it, and Cookie's "marks" are too numerous and too persistent for the rich folks living in the castle on the hilltop to be able to call the shots like they did the last time.

That was a one off, not the Trump win in 2016. All this is not a sign of a healthy republic, to be sure. Get ready.

Iman said...

Biden fomenting racial animus and preaching how black male college graduates have NO chance of making their way in the racist United States of America is the story.

Saint Croix said...

Anyone saying he can "fix" all the problems of the nation "very quickly" is obviously lying

ha ha

change the subject much?

one problem that Trump will not be able to fix quickly is our dishonest media

after calling him a Nazi and a fascist and a spy for Putin, now they're going with sex assailant and crime lord

after his election, I expect the "crimes" to melt away or get dismissed

and we will return to normalcy

except for the media, which will report on the end-of-days

as they lose still more viewers and readers

mindnumbrobot said...

These ham-handed attempts to paint Trump as in a state of mental decline are so lame. The man's energy and long-winded "speeches" at his rallies are legend. Sometimes the guy just won't shut up!

I guess Team Biden believes this is some clever form of Jujutsu, but it's just dumb. Nobody but the most crazed TDS suffer will fall for it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftist Soviet Democrats LIE?

NO way!

Bob Boyd said...

I wish these people would get up to speed and begin to write about reality.

That would be against their religion.

mindnumbrobot said...

Robert Cook said...
Anyone saying he can "fix" all the problems of the nation "very quickly" is obviously lying, and those who accept it are fools.

It's called campaign season.

robother said...

mindnumbrogot:"I guess Team Biden believes this is some clever form of Jujutsu, but it's just dumb. Nobody but the most crazed TDS suffer will fall for it."

And today, MSNBC's MikaJoe is rolling out the Russia Collusion Narrative. Apparently, Russian advances in Ukraine are an illegal campaign contribution to Trump's election, or something. The flop sweat is spreading everywhere on the MSM body politic.

gadfly said...

Judge the pause for yourself:

Yancey Ward said...

I was going to point out that Gadfly was here yesterday peddling this false story, but he showed up immediately to double down on the lie.

Robert Cook said...

"It's called campaign season."

With Trump it's always "campaign season," every day of every year, as that is and has been his permanent job as a career grifter: telling lies to his manifold marks--investors, lenders, voters, etc.--about all the miracles he will accomplish.

Saint Croix said...

It's weird that the Biden campaign wants us all to think about old age and senior moments.

Regardless of whatever old age symptoms Trump has, he's running against a man four years older, and whose decline is far more notable and worrisome. 75% of voters are worried about Biden's mental health. Here's his press secretary cutting off his speech because he's babbling and lost his way.

The only reason Biden wasn't charged with the crime of stealing secret documents when he was vice-president is because he is too old and feeble to bring to court! And his memory is shot.

Why would you try to manufacture a fake mental illness in your opponent that is easy to disprove? All it does is remind us all of Biden's decline. The accusations Democrats make reflect their inner demons.

Dr. Freud might suggest that the people who spend a great deal of time around Biden are subconsciously worried about his mental decline. And that's why they want us to focus on the issue. It's self-sabotage.

Jimmy said...

Trying to make Trump look bad, only draws attention to the fact that Biden is a disaster, with or without a teleprompter.
Same thing is happening with the Trump trials.
No one, in the media or on the left, is talking about what Biden has accomplished. That is a big zero, and everyone knows it.
Worst campaign ever-much worse than 2020.
People are waking up after all the lefts lies, smears, and false narratives.
After listening to people who put out this nonsense, ask them to speak to bidens accomplishments. that ends the conversation fast.

Robert Cook said...

"Judge the pause for yourself."

It's obviously a planned and theatrical pause, not a spell of aphasia or some other neurological dysfunction.

TeaBagHag said...

Does that dipshit think people are too dumb to accurately observe and interpret reality,?
While that’s definetely true of his MAGAt colony, the rest of us have fucking eyeballs and ears.

tommyesq said...

Ironically, I went to Gadfly's link to see for myself, and the video froze for about 20 seconds.

Mason G said...

"No one, in the media or on the left, is talking about what Biden has accomplished. That is a big zero, and everyone knows it."

"Zero" would have been doing nothing. Biden has been worse than that, he's in negative number territory.

Robert Cook said...

"'No one, in the media or on the left, is talking about what Biden has accomplished. That is a big zero, and everyone knows it.'

"'Zero' would have been doing nothing. Biden has been worse than that, he's in negative number territory."

Not so.

As is pointed out in the linked article, Trump came into office with a strong economy, one he rode and managed not to fuck up--until COVID, while Biden came into office with a severely damaged economy. Not to assert we're in economic Nirvana now (and we never will be, as the economy will eternally drop and rise), but, from where they each started, Biden's performance is more substantive than Trump's.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump’s teleprompter stopped scrolling and he has absolutely no idea what to do except shake his head, pissed off, until it restarts. Trump literally always uses teleprompters for his rallies, news conferences, and speeches.

/Trump said at a campaign rally in August 2015, “I say we should outlaw teleprompters … for anybody running for president.” also Trump, "We should have non-teleprompter speeches only when you’re running for president, you find out about people"./

Trump and the teleprompter: A brief history

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said'
"Anyone saying he can "fix" all the problems of the nation "very quickly" is obviously lying, and those who accept it are fools."

Argentina seems to be doing rather well, and in a surprisingly short span of time. How do you suppose they accomplished that? I think Trump can accomplish something close to that. I bet the stock market jumps 1000 points the day after election day.

lonejustice said...

I don't think it was a freeze. It was a pause for effect. The music is rather sad, and Trump reflects this sadness when he starts speaking again by saying: "“But now we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation."

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

If the issue is dementia than Biden loses.
what if
... If the issue is framed = dementia on the part of Biden voters so that ballot verifiction is insult to them + impossible aanyway

n.n said...

Biden operates an office of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation published by the JournoListic Industrial Complex (JIC).

Narayanan said...

Thaanks gaadfly
like figure-skateres freeze while music start up!
Trump should show case rink-prowess on ice

Joe Smith said...

'A skill gained over years of lying and bullshitting to all and sundry, a necessary skill for any career grifter.'

'Career grifter'???

He has only recently been a politician.

Have you seen the massive building projects that his company has built?

Is the 58-story Trump Tower in Manhattan an illusion? You must have seen it.

How about the 98-story, 1,000 foot+ hotel tower in Chicago? Is it not real?

And then there's sad Joe who has spent his entire career sucking on the public teat and making his family rich with foreign money paid for no services whatsoever.

Oh, wait, he had ONE very brief job with a private law firm before taking a public defender job. I'm assuming the law firm figured out how fucking dumb he was and let him know he'd never be partner.

What has Biden built? What has he sold or marketed other than his name?

You are a low-IQ communist tool.

Original Mike said...

wendybar posted this in the cafe last night:

"When I was vice president, things were kinda bad during the pandemic," Biden said.

"And what happened was Barack said to me, "Go to Detroit and help fix it. Well, poor Mayor, he spent more time with me than he ever thought he was going to have to, God love you."

I really don't think pushing the narrative that Trump has diminished mental acuity is a good idea for Team Biden.

PM said...

Trump stops talking and the DNC sees it as a mental freeze from a fading mind. They're very familiar with it. New strategy: "Our vegetable is better than your vegetable."

Rabel said...

"The reality is that Donald Trump can go on for 2+ hours without a teleprompter.'

Trump does use a teleprompter scrolling his prepared remarks. He deviates from the script and extemporizes extensively, impressively and humorously.

You can see the dual screen setup in images from New Jersey, and watching his rallies you can see that at times he is reading off the monitors.

Just the facts, ma'am. Trump 2024.

Rabel said...


Yancey Ward said...

Careful, Rabel- Gadfly will either fact-check that or use it himself as evidence. The odds are 50/50.

donald said...

“ A skill gained over years of lying and bullshitting to all and sundry, a necessary skill for any career grifter. The other necessity for a career grifter (besides being completely amoral) is an endless number of marks willing and eager to believe magic is real and instant miracles can be (and are!) manifested merely by claiming they have happened”.

This is the story of Joe Biden’s life. And nobody can deny it.

Donald Trump for all the bluster and bullshit has built a real estate empire of which the lying grifter above is trying to steal. You’re an awful person Cook. So completely dishonest and small. A small envious little man.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Is there any evidence that when a candidate gives a speech in front of a crowd it has any bearing on the election results?
In 2020 Biden talked in front of tiny audiences, mostly just political reporters, in a handful of venues. He "garnered" the most votes evah.

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