May 3, 2024
"Jesus Christ, can you [expletive] believe I’m not going to Washington, after everything I’ve done for that [expletive] guy? I’ve saved the guy’s ass so many times. That guy [Trump] is not even paying me the $130,000 back."
Said Michael Cohen, according to the witness Keith Davidson, the lawyer who represented Stormy Daniels, quoted in "The Tawdry Tabloid World in Which Trump Lived" (NYT).
Wow. He sounds at least as half as awful as LBJ.
Cohen is a stupid guy who thinks he’s smart.
He thought he was going to be Attorney General? Is even a NY jury buying this?
"The Tawdry Tabloid World in Which Trump L" (NYT).
Hmmm. Sounds like Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson lived in The Tawdry Tabloid World, not Trump. So was Cohen lying when he said, "That guy [Trump] is not even paying me back" or when he told this jury "that's what the payments were for"? I hope the people here (and Chuckles) realize that the payments to Cohen happened long after the election, so Bragg's theory that they influenced the election is suspect so far as timing.
Does campaign law actually require full disclosure of all one's skeletons prior to election day? (Asking for a friend.) If so, I have a list of recommended targets for prosecution.
That isn't even the best part.
Davidson also refused to label the cash payments as "Hush Money." It was for "Consideration" and services which is entirely legal.
Seems to me Trump keeping Cohen away from power speaks well of Trump.
"The Tawdry Tabloid World in Which Trump Lived" — that's carefully framed. Trump was (apparently) trying to fend off people who were coming after him and the leverage was they'd put this in the tabloid if he didn't pay.
What did he do that was "tawdry" other than to fight off tawdry efforts to take his money? He's in the traditional victim position.
It's tawdry to have sex with a woman who isn't your wife and to struggle to hide it. Is that all this is?
Achilles said...Davidson also refused to label the cash payments as "Hush Money." It was for "Consideration" and services which is entirely legal.
The media doesn't want you to notice this, but "hush money" is just a scary term for "non-disclosure agreement" And it's only illegal if the underlying act that is the subject of the agreement is illegal.
One could also be forgiven for not noticing that that's not what the case is about. The case is about whether the payment was a campaign expense. Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't, but Bragg has no evidence that it was and Trump has a perfectly plausible alternative explanation.
Bragg has no case and never did.
there's actual no proof of this, now bill clinton paid off persons 5 fold and no one went after him for that,
the access hollywood tape is not proof, it's an acknowledge of how things happen in media, see moonves and lauer, why are they not being tried, rhetorical
It's odd that the term "extortion" is never used in mentioning "Stormy's" story. There is no evidence of any affair, only a photo taken at a golf tournament. I've got a book of photos like that and no sex was involved.
Keith Davidson is lying. After I confronted her w/ her own text msgs, Daniels admitted to me in early 2019 that she & Davidson had extorted Trump in Oct. 2016 - it was a shakedown. This was one of the many reasons I fired her as a client in Feb. 2019 - Michael "The Holy Ghost" Avenatti on X 5/2/24
Ana Navarro must be shitting herself. I'm sure Avenatti would now like to be on Trump's side hoping for a future pardon.
Is it illegal to be "tawdry"?
It's OK to be an international shake-down crook if your last name is Biden.
Judge Merchan started today by clearing up any “misunderstanding” by Trump that he can’t testify. Merchan said clearly that the gag order doesn’t prevent Trump from testifying in any way. Judge Merchan has zero tolerance for Trump’s lies*
*("I’m not allowed to testify. I’m under a gag order" ~ Donald Trump)
Compared to what revealed itself in our nation's capital in response to Trump entering that world, mere tawdriness sounds almost refreshing.
That’s not something you would think someone would tell an adversary who has shaken them down for money at least twice. This relationship between Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson is odd.
But, on the subject of what Trump did that was tawdry, one has to include employing Michael Cohen. Trump’s defense seems to be that Cohen did the deal on his own and then shook Trump down when Trump didn’t give him a job in Washington. So, viewed in the light most favorable to Trump, he succumbed to blackmail, either by Stormy Daniels or Michel Cohen. If Trump then covered up the blackmail in a way that was illegal, does it matter which?
So, Trump's crime was ultimately reimbursing Cohen? Which he did after the election, which made this a double crime, because Trump always intended (1) to reimburse Cohen and (2) to not report the reimbursement as an election contribution, or something? I can't even understand the theory behind why this is all a felony under NY law. Short of the judge directing the jury to find the defendant guilty (which wouldn't surprise me in the least) it is hard to see how any unprejudiced juror would find Trump guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
"It's tawdry to have sex with a woman who isn't your wife and to struggle to hide it. Is that all this is?.."
And yet, as I understand it, they've both sworn affadavits that there was no sexual encounter between them. So: Who's being tawdry?
IF he didn't get the money back from Trump, maybe Trump didn't think it was proper to pay the money in the first place.
And what are the rules on Jews invoking Christ?
It that kosher?
he did it as a favor for a friend of the family, if memory served,
all the shills like stephanopoulos carville, who never leave the lime light, betsy wright did it for clinton,
'All of this is fallout from the Clinton impeachment. The hypocrisy of defending him broke the left, who never fully recovered.'
There should be a Clinton rule; If it's only a blowjob it's not sex. So heed this republican politicians, never stick your dick in anything except the top hole and you're fine...
no thats just a day ending in y, for ana, who fell for the modern version of lionel hutz,
again this is a criminal waste of time from fat alvin who has his own dirty laundry that was aired prior to his selection,
If Trump then covered up the blackmail in a way that was illegal
What? Blackmail is illegal. Covering it up when you are the victim is not. WTF is wrong with you Lefties? What color is the sky in your world?
It's tawdry to have sex with a woman who isn't your wife and to struggle to hide it. Is that all this is?
That's all it is if the prosecution is right about the sexual affair. At this point, I have reasonable doubt Trump had sex with Daniels. But going with the assumption that he did, then it seems questionable that "hush" money was spent during the campaign, that it was any sort of in kind donation to the campaign, and it was most certainly presented to Trump by his attorney as legal fees. Where's the crime?
But let's remember, maybe 2 or the 12 jurors doesn't get their news from the NYT, so don't expect the jury to be thinking as we are at Althouse. Certainly, Judge Merchan isn't, because he should have already shutdown this trial.
Judge Merchan has zero tolerance for Trump’s lies*
*("I’m not allowed to testify. I’m under a gag order" ~ Donald Trump)
Lies, or pointing out the utter absurdity of the situation by pushing it to its extreme limit?
Rich said...
Judge Merchan started today by clearing up any “misunderstanding” by Trump that he can’t testify. Merchan said clearly that the gag order doesn’t prevent Trump from testifying in any way. Judge Merchan has zero tolerance for Trump’s lies*
*("I’m not allowed to testify. I’m under a gag order" ~ Donald Trump)
The best part is that Rich thinks this is an intelligent contribution.
They just cannot be honest about anything.
Merchan is obviously corrupt and his family is profiting directly fundraising off of this case. Even the stupid fools like Rich know Merchan is corrupt and they know that this deck of cards is imploding in their face.
Joe Smith said...
There should be a Clinton rule; If it's only a blowjob it's not sex. So heed this republican politicians, never stick your dick in anything except the top hole and you're fine...
Bill didn't even follow this rule.
They focused on Monica to hide the women and girls that Bill raped.
I agree it would be Audrey to have sex with a woman not your wife. Is there any evidence that Trump had sex with Stormy Daniel's? She has denied IT, the lawyer denies IT, Trump denies it. Who's saying that it actually happened besides some reporters who have no knowledge of it one way or the other?
What are you basing your statement on, Ann?
John Henry
CheezWiz said...
He thought he was going to be Attorney General? Is even a NY jury buying this?
Nobody has been buying anything the whole time.
The only thing that is happening now is the veneer of Democrat fundraising corruption is being peeled back to reveal a core effort that is a purely fascist and evil attempt to influence an election and persecute a political opponent.
I read the article. The writer points out that Weisselberg, Trump's former chief financial officer, is at Riker's. I don't know exactly why Weisselberg is in jail, but my guess is that it would take a couple of paragraphs to explain all the legal niceties of how and why this man committed a crime.. And there he is at Riker's while every day some flagrant criminal is recognized on his own cognizance and goes on to commit a bigger and better felony. We all have our biases, but at times our biases rise to the level of bigotry. The cases as against Trump aren't biased. They're bigoted.....There's a part of Trump that welcomes and even enjoys the fight. But there are many lesser people who got caught up in his orbit who are doing hard and excessive prison time for their support of Trump. It's tawdry to pay off a porn star, but to send people to jail for years for debatable accounting practices is something truly disgraceful. Bragg is a stone bigot.
"Judge Merchan started today by clearing up any “misunderstanding” by Trump that he can’t testify. Merchan said clearly that the gag order doesn’t prevent Trump from testifying in any way. Judge Merchan has zero tolerance for Trump’s lies*"
Judge Engoron severely limited what Trump could say when he testified in the Tish James case. Trump has every reason to believe he'd be speech limited in this case as well. Maybe not full gag, but unconstitutionally limited nonetheless.
"Tawdry." It's all right for the NYT to describe these folk this way. But of course, if Trump were to publicly call Stormy Daniels or her lawyer or Cohen "tawdry" or "sleazy" or "extortioners," he'd be found in violation of his gag order and the judge would lock him up on Rikers. To protect the witnesses, you know. Even though Cohen and Daniels have been getting paid by TikTok and Youtube to badmouth Trump during the trial.
A Republican cannot get a fair trial in NY or DC. which speaks volumes to the lack of integrity of Democrats, and their mantra "nobody is above the law" is a big pile of dog doo.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
That’s not something you would think someone would tell an adversary who has shaken them down for money at least twice. This relationship between Michael Cohen and Keith Davidson is odd.
If you're the only lawyer in town, you're likely gonna starve.
Said Michael Cohen, according to the witness Keith Davidson, the lawyer who represented Stormy Daniels, quoted in
What is the rule about testifying to the statement of others? Why is this not hear say.
Cohen is available to testify to his own statements.
IANAL, but there seems to be procedural missteps at every turn.
I saw reported this morning Trumps defense asked the Judge why he is allowing these witnesses that fail to advance any facts concerning the charges. In light of last weeks reversal of Wienstiens conviction, for the reasons of allowing witnesses to testify about facts not touching on the charges of the case.
As reported in the New York Tawdry Tabloid Times (NYTTT)
The Tawdry Tabloid World in Which Trump Lived — and then he really debased himself by moving to Washington. Really, one has to live among “civil servants” to have the appropriate level of contempt for them.
Jesus Christ, can you [expletive] believe I'm not going to Washington...
It's not JC you need to ask since the horn and pitchfork guy is in charge of everything Washington...and also all the lawyers.
Jesus Christ has no comment.
Having followed both Trump and Biden careers for decades, I'd say Biden is "tawdry", but Trump is jovial but fundamentally uptight and proper. Trump may be brash, but he has manners. Biden may be president, but he's proven himself to be a serial liar and sleeze-ball.
Trump should get some credit for not giving this guy an important job in Washington.
Like the guy sleeping with chinese spies the one who may have killed his assistant and now lectures on ethics so on and so on
There is enough reasonable doubt in this case to power 'Too Good to Go' over 'TikTok' to the top.
The fact that Trump refused to pay Cohen back the $130 makes it seem like a possibility Cohen cut a deal without Trump’s knowledge.
- Rafe
Does the NYT et.alia have the letters from their readers commenting on the Moscow show trials of the 1930's or Trotsky's assassination somewhere that are searchable? I'll bet most had a politically strident and utterly tone-deaf dismissive quality about them just like today's NYT readers do today. This is American-style partisan lawfare like back in Stalinist Moscow only without the Lubianka torture cells, the gulags, and the firing squads. For now.
The expletive is most probably fucking, one formally an adverb and one formally an adjective, though the grammar is just made a convenience of to color the whole sentence.
Any Tawdry Port, in a Stormy
Having followed both Trump and Biden careers for decades, I'd say Biden is "tawdry", but Trump is jovial but fundamentally uptight and proper.
He's more than that. He is the most honest man in America, if this laughable chickenshit is all they can hang on him.
How many ordinary citizens, let alone how many politicians, could withstand the proctological scrutiny that Trump has incurred from every organ of the Deep State and news media establishment? I said a couple of days ago that Jimmy Carter would still be in prison if his peanut-farm paperwork had gotten the Inspector Javert treatment the tyrannical Democrat scum are dishing out to their opponents.
This has to be nipped in the bud. These leftist filth are no longer to be considered fellow Americans of good will. They are our enemies, evil to the very core, and by far the greatest threat we face as a nation of free men.
If this country is to enjoy another 250 years of liberty, this generation has to destroy the Democratic Party and their allies in the Deep State and media. Not defeat them. Destroy them. Excise them like a cancer from all positions of public trust and influence. It remains to be seen by what means it will be done, but done it will be, or the US will become a gigantic gulag where everyone is either a slave or a toady.
I hope it can be done without bloodshed, but every day I grow more fearful it cannot, especially when I contemplate the catastrophic risks of economic collapse our government's monetary and fiscal recklessness is likely to produce.
"If Trump then covered up the blackmail in a way that was illegal, does it matter which?"
Well, don't leave us hanging, Left Bank- what illegal method did Trump use to cover up this blackmail?
Ah Mr. Wibble. Did you save yourself for marriage? Considering the amount of humping, thumping, hooking up and general fooling around that the unmarried young uns are engaging in today (and those nearing geezerhood as well) with women who are not their wives, you must be wearing buttonhooks on your shoes. Unmarried sex is not necessarily tawdry.
Now lying about it after the fact is. I can still remember watching television when Slick Willie came on--and while pointing his finger at the nation said, "I did not have sex with that woman." Now I'm a happily married guy looking at our 59th anniversary coming up in a couple of months. But I can recall a comment from one of my younger--and very much sexually active fellow lawyers right after Clinton made that claim. James was a young man who frequently came to work in the morning from different directions. He said that, since Clinton had officially ruled that a blow job "wasn't sex" --well most married guys who had strayed were off the hook.
Any Tawdry Port, in a Stormy
Howard has become the epitome of ridiculous lefty humor. Or was it his version of reasoned commentary?
The entire lawfare attack against Trump is pitiful and dangerous.
We are heading into a socialist authoritarian regime and the libbies are loving it.
A new wrinkle. If he never paid the $130K, where's the crime?
Now here's an interesting question. You've got three candidates for Attorney General of the United States. Michael Cohen, Merrick Garland or Bill Barr. Cohen is crooked; Garland--well the country dodged a bullet when he didn't get on the Supreme Court, but he's got an integrity with a spine of tapioca; and Bill Barr who proved to be not all that and a bag of chips.
As between Barr and Cohen, Barr is clearly superior--and he's probably better than Garland.
The very fact that this guy was picked to be Trump's personal lawyer and therefore responsible for handling sensitive matters is the main reason I have serious doubts about a second term for the man. How could Trump possibly trust this goof with such delicate matters? How how did Cohen even get through law school and the bar exam? Bad personnel choices by Trump severely limited his ability to get anything done as much as did the Democrat's resistance to Trump's policies in my opinion. Tell me I'm wrong.
Greg Gutfeld Expertly Mocks NYC Trump Trial: ‘A City That Can’t Keep Violent Felons in Jail Wants to Lock up a President for Talking’
Having followed both Trump and Biden careers for decades, I'd say Biden is "tawdry"
@Former Illinois resident, Biden is waaaaayy beneath merest “tawdry.” He is the most corrupt major politician since they closed down Tammany Hall (unless he’s second to the Clintons).
Cohen experienced from Trump the same thing Falstaff got from Hal when Henry IV died. I doubt a modern Shakespeare will ever immortalize this relationship so well, but then again, the opera Nixon in China exists and the world has not imploded, caught fire nor ground to a stop.
So maybe there is a chance for a dramatization of the Trump/Cohen relationship. Another stage play or opera would be OK, but I'm hoping for a modern dance format, to see Trump's abjuration of Cohen interpreted by plus size guys in tights.
Cohen experienced from Trump the same thing Falstaff got from Hal when Henry IV died. I doubt a modern Shakespeare will ever immortalize this relationship so well, but then again, the opera Nixon in China exists and the world has not imploded, caught fire nor ground to a stop.
So maybe there is a chance for a dramatization of the Trump/Cohen relationship. Another stage play or opera would be OK, but I'm hoping for a modern dance format, to see Trump's abjuration of Cohen interpreted by plus size guys in tights.
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