May 2, 2024

"Despite a violent clash with police in Madison on Wednesday, pro-Palestinian encampments continued Thursday..."

"... at both the University of Wisconsin-Madison and at UW-Milwaukee.... Pro-Palestinian demonstrators have vowed to remain for as long as it takes until schools meet their demands. University leaders are balancing students’ right to protest with a desire to minimize disruptions to their campuses and enforce a state rule banning encampments."

Here's the statement put out yesterday by the UW-Madison chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin. It's painstakingly balanced. Excerpt:
We appreciate that many protesters chose the option of avoiding legal consequences in exchange for removing tents and other camping supplies from campus grounds. A set of individuals, including some faculty and staff, obstructed law enforcement efforts to remove the tents and were cited....

I cannot emphasize strongly enough our support for free expression and peaceful protest. Now that the illegal activity has been resolved....

But it's not resolved, because the encampments were rebuilt. 

... students and others are free to resume peaceful protest that abides by campus protest guidelines....

I also recognize that it is deeply felt pain and horror about the tragic and devastating loss of life and scale of destruction in Gaza that has fueled some of our community members’ desire to protest in ways that go beyond what is legal and permissible. UW–Madison has a long and proud history of fighting for deeply felt causes and exercising our right to free expression. Civil disobedience has been a time-honored tradition in our nation, including here. Yet it is a long-standing element of the civil disobedience tradition to respect the laws we share and to accept that there are consequences for violating them. It is this that distinguishes civil disobedience from mere lawlessness.

Further, I take very seriously the trust that is placed in me to help protect the safety of our campus community. While the gathering on Library Mall this week had been largely peaceful, we have witnessed disturbing accounts of people not affiliated with the campus coming into the area, attracted by the encampment, and engaging in confrontational and other inciteful behaviors. Such an increased risk to the safety of our community, which would be expected to grow over time, was a significant contributing factor to today’s action to address the illegal encampment. A small number of blatantly antisemitic actions on the grounds of the encampment have been credibly reported, but we have no evidence that any members of our UW–Madison community engaged in this odious activity.

Mnookin points to outside agitators. 

We have received and are investigating bias reports involving individuals from outside of our campus community. The presence of non-community members, including, reportedly, several highly aggressive individuals, is one of the predictable harms of an encampment like the one illegally staged on our campus and is one of the reasons we chose to act today. Let me state clearly that true threats and harassment based on one’s identity, religion or national origin will not be tolerated on our campus. Anyone experiencing this is urged to file a bias report. And let me repeat loudly and unequivocally that we must all roundly condemn both Islamophobia and antisemitism....

Note the painstaking balance.

I recognize that many in the Muslim and Palestinian communities on our campus continue to feel unheard and hope we can create further opportunities for engagement and understanding.

I also understand that many of our Jewish community members have experienced fear and anxiety during this year as well as during this week’s protest....

Speaking of outside agitators: "What to know about 'outside agitators' cops say are co-opting Columbia protests/'There is a movement to radicalize young people,' Mayor Eric Adams said" (ABC News):

"I know that there are those who are attempting to say, 'Well, the majority of the people have been students.' You don't have to be the majority to influence and co-opt an operation. That's what this is about," said New York City Mayor Eric Adam... "There is a movement to radicalize young people and I'm not going to wait until it's done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. These external actors are obviously not students and their presence on campus is a violation of Columbia's clearly stated policy.... This is to serve their own agenda. They are not here to promote peace or unity or allow the peaceful displaying of one voice. But they're here to create discord and divisiveness."...

Without identifying them, [Rebecca Weiner, the NYPD deputy commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism] said some of the alleged demonstrators unaffiliated with Columbia were active in the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011, the 2020 so-called "autonomous zone" protests in Minneapolis, Minnesota following the police killing of George Floyd, and the ongoing Stop Cop City demonstrations opposing a police training facility in Atlanta. 
"These protests have been and are being influenced by external actors who are unaffiliated with the universities, some of whom have been known to our department and others for many years for their dangerous, disruptive and criminal activity associated with protests for years," Weiner said during Tuesday's briefing. "So, this is not about what's happening overseas, it's not about the last seven months. It's about a commitment to, at times, violent protest activity as an occupation."...


gilbar said...

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators have vowed to remain for as long as it takes until schools meet their demands?

CAN the schools meet their demands?
Let's review their "demands":
"Ask a rock, ask a tree..
from the river to the sea..
Palestine MUST BE jew free!!!"

Not really sure, How a wisconsin "school" manages THAT?

Gusty Winds said...

I also recognize that it is deeply felt pain and horror about the tragic and devastating loss of life and scale of destruction in Gaza that has fueled some of our community members’ desire to protest in ways that go beyond what is legal and permissible.

I also will purposefully fail to mention that all of this is in response to the horrific October 7th attack on Israel, where innocent civilians were raped, murdered, and taken hostage. Here at the University of Wisconsin, we believe rape is a horrific crime, except when young Jewish women are being raped by Hamas in Israel. Then we pretend it didn't happen. It's how we hold our arrogant heads high, and make believe we haven't shoved them completely up our own asses.

Dave Begley said...

UW Chancellor Jennifer Mook should hire Althouse and Meade as special consultants on this.

Here's my message: Get the fuck off the lawn by noon or we will have you arrested and expelled.

Scott Gustafson said...


"Fourth, outside agitators have become involved to an alarming extent. Police made arrests at 22 universities from Saturday to Tuesday; and, in 11 out of 12 instances where the numbers are known, they arrested more outsiders than students."

Hubert the Infant said...

This is not balanced. The protestors are blaming Jews for what is happening in Gaza rather than the terrorists who have caused it. It occurred to me that one reason why this is happening is that today's college students have grown up hearing that "Islam is a religion of peace" while Christianity and Judaism have been denigrated. Even George W. Bush contributed to this nonsense.

Who would have thought that the most significant result of 9/11 would be that the U.S. would open its borders to Muslims and that any criticism of Islam would be labeled as racist?

Aggie said...

James Woods says: "These campus riots have been spontaneous eruptions of support for Hamas terrorists. Luckily 500 professionally printed protest signs showed up unannounced out of nowhere !"

tommyesq said...

This one has it all - mostly peaceful protest, good people on both sides, its not us its outsiders, "no evidence that any members of our UW–Madison community engaged" in the bad behaviors (unless they know who did it, the fact that it took place in a student/faculty-led protest is evidence, albeit not proof, that members of the UW-Madison community engaged in bad acts).

tommyesq said...

You don't have to be the majority to influence and co-opt an operation.

Now do Jan. 6th.

tommyesq said...

Can anyone tell me what the campus protesters want the school's administrations to do? The Dean of Columbia can't fly to Tel Aviv and order Netenyahu to withdraw.

Temujin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Outside agitators are people too.

Temujin said...

"...but we have no evidence that any members of our UW–Madison community engaged in this odious activity."
Of course not. Badgers would never do such a thing.

"I recognize that many in the Muslim and Palestinian communities on our campus continue to feel unheard..."

Seriously? They utter anything and it is on the news. They've taken over the campuses nationally and are on 24/7. I utter anything out loud about Islam, and I am on the news. An Islamist cuts off someone's head, and I am warned to not say anything lest I show myself as....Islamophobic.
Muslims are the one sacred cow in our media. You can say any vicious thing you want about Christians and it'll not only be aired multiple times, but liked and applauded. Say something about Muslims and everybody holds their breath in horror (perhaps offended, perhaps waiting to see if that person gets their head cut off).

Lastly...In regard to outside agitators, New York Mayor Eric Adams said, "There is a movement to radicalize young people...". Well yes. That movement has been going on for decades now. It's called 'university faculty'. (with some notable exceptions).

Jimmy said...

Good news! Iran has offered scholarships to any student expelled for being Pro Hamas. This is really happening btw.
Great opportunity for Professors and students suffering under the terrible burden of capitalism- they can spend hours explaining global warming, pronouns, and trans theory to the Persians.
Teaching queer marxist trans interactions with school kids is something Iran needs.

Sebastian said...

"condemn both Islamophobia and antisemitism"

When Jews and Israel are being targeted en masse, such "balance" is itself imbalanced.

Richard said...

To state the obvious, when someone who is supposedly making a statement denouncing anti-Semitism also includes a denouncement of Islamophobia, you know that they do not care about anti-Semitism.

Hey Skipper said...

This is on point:

So is this:

“ Reminder: Communism is when ugly deformed freaks make it illegal to be normal, then rob and/or kill all successful people out of petty resentment and cruelty. The ideology is all just window dressing.”

Hey Skipper said...

This is on point:

So is this:

“ Reminder: Communism is when ugly deformed freaks make it illegal to be normal, then rob and/or kill all successful people out of petty resentment and cruelty. The ideology is all just window dressing.”

mikee said...

Palestinian protesters have a well-earned burden of proving themselves non-violent before being treated as if they won't be. My prediction: before they try nonviolent protest, they'll return to explosions.

Richard said...

It is those outside agitators that are making all the trouble. We love our Jewish students. That is why we serenade them with shouts of Heil Hitler.

Gusty Winds said...

One of the common themes from all the encampment videos available on X, is the high pitched shrieking of young white women. UW, UCLA, Columbia...

That annoyance alone may get all demands delivered.

n.n said...

January 6 revisited, but with a peculiarly different narrative. Is Madison a Capitol punishment jurisdiction?

insurrection (n.)

"an uprising against civil authority," early 15c., insurreccion, from Old French insurreccion or directly from Late Latin insurrectionem (nominative insurrectio) "a rising up," noun of action from past-participle stem of insurgere "to rise up" (see insurgent).

TobyTucker said...

Funny how "outside agitators" always show up at disruptions of this sort. It's almost as if there's some unknown organization facilitating their transportation and supporting their efforts. Could this possibly be true or is it nothing more than a "conspiracy theory"?

Howard said...

Again, Like the fastidiously conservative commentator Pamby French, this is another example of the mistaken notion that civil disobedience is some sort of polite way of breaking the law while respecting the rule of law in order to make a controversial political policy shift.

Thomas Jefferson on civil disobedience:

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

Sally327 said...

I think conservatives have clearly been fighting the wrong battles for the last 40 years. And I'm not sure if that's because the leadership on the right didn't know any better or if it was deliberate.

There is no "right to protest" at an academic institution. And what does that even mean anyway? She certainly wouldn't be proclaiming that or striking this "painstaking balance" if the so-called cause weren't considered a "good" one.

n.n said...

Occupy, Antifa, SS [B]LM revisited, etc, but with peculiarly different headlines.

Mason G said...

"University leaders are balancing students’ right to protest with a desire to minimize disruptions..."

Suppose the demonstrators were protesting the use of lawfare against President Trump. What sort of "balancing" do you think university leaders would be contemplating?

n.n said...

Pro-Hamas protests. West bank is unrelated, and the people of Gaza and Israel will remain at risk from Palestinian et al terrorism.

RCOCEAN II said...

A small number of blatantly antisemitic actions on the grounds of the encampment have been credibly reported, but we have no evidence that any members of our UW–Madison community engaged in this odious activity.

OMG. How horrible. Maybe the FBI should be called in. Or at least the US Navy, Marines, and Air force. Too bad we aren't given any details, no doubt because everyone would see the reports were neither ethnic slurs against Jewish American nor supported by anything other than hysterial words.

Interesting how all our most powerful College Presidents and Political leaders feel their number 1 priority is making sure American Jews and Israelis are "Comfortable" and "Safe". And fighting "antisemitism" undefined. Too bad, that attitude doesn't extend to anyone else.

mccullough said...

“Deeply felt” twice in the same paragraph offends my sensibility.

“A set of individuals” means a group.

Barbaric writing.

RCOCEAN II said...

At UW-Madison, tension had been building for two days. It culminated in a clash with four people booked into jail, eight officers injured and two professors detained. Outrage among protesters intensified at how police handled the intervention while UW-Madison defended the action as necessary to maintain campus safety.

Pretty objective reporting compared to the "Mostly peaceful" BLM-Antifa riots. Notice that EIGHT police were "injured". How many were hospitalized? Probably zero. A cut on the hand or a bruise = injured. How many protesters were injured? Not reported.

wildswan said...

I have often said that it would be very effective to tell students that they will have to go on Zoom learning if they are arrested for blocking other students' free access to the whole campus. At present, an encampment arrest in Madison or Milwaukee is really no more significant than going to a concert raising funds for Gaza; but it seems like more. Encampment arrests are glamourous, if you will; they make a fashionable statement. But it's in the nature of fashion to actually have no commitments and no consequences. Next year, another fashion and you don't get in trouble for wearing the last year's fashion last year. Same with these encampment "arrests." But Zoom learning for the next year or a Zoom graduation would be a real consequence for an encampment arrest which students would feel. They don't like distance learning. Yet it wouldn't affect their learning - at least, it wouldn't according to the fashion two years ago.

Linda said...

IMO -- if you want to protest and make demands on institutions, etc. you should have the guts to NOT have a mask on. So so many of the protesters have masks and it has absolutely nothing to do with Covid or having a cold or being immune compromised. They don't want people to know who they are!

Zavier Onasses said...

"I also recognize that it is deeply felt pain and horror about the tragic and devastating loss of life and scale of destruction in Gaza...."

Poo. Blah, blah, and blather. Do not even go there. Keep it simple and stick to the REAL ISSUE: the behavior, commandeering public space for private use, erecting an encampment, is not permitted. Period. Full stop.

Then, either take it out AT ONCE, or out yourself as wimp and weakling, confirm that you are full of hot air and your "rules" mean nothing.

The "issue" is not the ISSUE. Would your "statement," Ms Mnookin, and your action or non-action be any different if the agitators were chanting "Strawberry, Strawberry, is our dream; We don't like Banana Ice Cream?"

tim maguire said...

In the places where there have been mass arrests, they’ve found a large portion of the protestors to be non-students. It seems to me the schools and the school-friendly media would want to make more of that. It’s never too early to do reputational damage control.

MadisonMan said...

Maybe the incoming line of thunderstorms will help.
What percentage of these Hamas-Lovers are actually students? That's what the Universities should be determining.

Wilbur said...

I remember George Wallace used to castigate "outside agitators".

Not that he was wrong.

Tim said...

Is it a state RULE or a state LAW. Because if it is a state law, they can call UTKnox or UTChatt and get some pointers on how to handle it.

Esteban said...

Shouldn't they properly be called Pro-Hamas rallies? Israel's stated goal is the destruction of Hamas, not Palestine. This would all be over tomorrow if the people of Palestine aided in the removal of Hamas.

deepelemblues said...

Obviously, painstaking balance is needed when it comes to hating Jews.

Leland said...

Why not have a message of "Hey, shouldn't you be studying for finals? Get back to class. If you want to do something about Gaza/Israel, then consider a summer internship abroad, because you ain't doing anything for them protesting here in Madison, WI."

donald said...

They’re gathering for the express purpose of getting Jews and anybody else they can get while they’re at it Howard and their weapons are screeching future hags. Kinduva big difference.

Jupiter said...

"Can anyone tell me what the campus protesters want the school's administrations to do?"

Sure. Denounce and divest. They worked this procedure out with South Africa. That's why the Jews are so pissed off. When they devised these methods, they assumed that they were honorary non-white people. They planned on running with the foxes while hunting with the hounds, and they are appalled to finds themselves lumped in with the execrable likes of me.

Richard Dolan said...

The long statement constantly repeats "I ... I ...I" while ending up saying almost nothing. It's as if the main issue is whether this pathetic academic bureaucrat can justify herself.

n.n said...

They should be protesting at NYT, NPR, PBS, etc, to facitate publishing their message and reduce their carbon footprint.

Mason G said...

"In the places where there have been mass arrests, they’ve found a large portion of the protestors to be non-students. It seems to me the schools and the school-friendly media would want to make more of that."

Are the non-students advancing a cause different from what the students are?

Iman said...

Nice touch there at GWU… dressing the statue of Washington up like some terrorist shitbird.

I’m sure weaksuck Biden will get it all straightened out.


Static Ping said...

I'm pretty sure that holding the campus hostage is not permitted per the college acceptance agreement.

It is bizarre to think a customer who agreed to contract with a business and pay a sizeable amount of money to do so now thinks he or she has the right to dictate how the business operates by occupying its facilities. The only reason this ever works is (a) the business wants to do it anyway and this was just an excuse and/or (b) the business is run by losers who should all be fired. With college administrators, both are typically true.

GingerBeer said...

Comedian (and Jew) Michael Rapaport's sold-out show for tonight at "Comedy on State" in Madison has been canceled to protect the " and well-being..." of all from the "...current environment downtown..." and "...contentious nature of the dialogue..." More "...painstaking balance..." to avoid the attention of peaceful protestors.

Iman said...

The appropriately named Jennifer M00k

Tina Trent said...

The outside agitators are brought in by the students to train them, thus blurring a heck of a lot of lines, eh?

Rosalyn C. said...

The antisemitism at UW as well as other campuses has been ongoing for years. It has been documented by the organization: I suggest taking a look. This is not the work of outsiders, this is the work of the students.

For example:
University of Wisconsin, Madison Daily From 12/05/2022:
(Quoting from the amchainitiative website):

An article in the UW Daily titled "Resistance is justified when people are occupied - SUPER UW rebukes ADL’s false accusations of Palestine activism and affirms international solidarity" included the statements: "From its inception, the Israeli regime, Zionist movement, and United States imperialism have deemed any form of Palestinian resistance as ‘terrorism’ to delegitimize our righteous struggle;" "[PFLP leader and convicted hijacker Leila] Khaled, the activist ADL categorizes as a terrorist, was forced to flee the coastal Palestinian city of Haifa during the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist occupation forces;" "Khaled and her family became impoverished stateless refugees in Lebanon, and, like millions of other Palestinian refugees, never gave up on her right to return to her homeland forcibly stolen from her;" "She eventually became involved with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), one of several sizeable Palestinian resistance organizations;" "The ADL is a vital instrument of the Zionist movement’s campaign to legitimize Israel's settler-colonialism and apartheid practices within the civil rights umbrella;" "They also equate the deplorable anti-Semitism expressed in westernized countries with principled anti-Zionist politics and support for Palestinian liberation and return;" and "Their cynicism is the size of the American empire's military funding for Israel" [1].

Referring to Israel as Zionist settler-colonialism and being apartheid is absurd and intentionally offensive, and defining the war in Gaza as a genocide displays a profound indoctrination of students with an anti-semitic pov.

The students appear to have all the answers to solve this difficult conflict and yet there is absolutely no critical thinking whatsoever about the PFLP, Hamas, Fatah, etc., and their aims and methods and their internal conflicts. There is no discussion about the fight between secular socialists and Islamic fundamentalists and what their goals are for the region. The solution to all the problems is to get rid of Israel.

IOW, attacking Israel is not anti-semitic but discussions about the corrupt, anti-West governance in Palestine would be Islamophobic.

I don't even understand how a small group of students who are attending a university for a couple of years can make demands based on their uninformed, biased opinions and anyone takes them serious. And I am even more incredulous that no administration at any university makes any attempt to discuss the issues. Are they too afraid or are they too compromised by funding from Qatar, etc.?

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Again, Like the fastidiously conservative commentator Pamby French, this is another example of the mistaken notion that civil disobedience is some sort of polite way of breaking the law while respecting the rule of law in order to make a controversial political policy shift.

Thomas Jefferson on civil disobedience:

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

I agree with Howard.

Time to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of fascists who are pushing censorship, wars, open borders, political repression, racism, and corruption.

Real American said...

The Jewish students are being openly harassed without the University doing anything. No wonder they're anxious!

The pro-terrorist campers know there won't be any real consequences for their illegal actions because the school is run by leftist cowards.

Balance! If it were up the school administrators, they'd ask that the Hamasniks demanding the extermination of all Jews and the Jews who don't want to be murdered meet somewhere in the middle.

No Name said...

Compel every UW Madison student-protester to take ACT test, mandatory punitive punishment, in real time. Previously submitted ACT scores, if included in initial acceptance application, not acceptable substitute. With LD accommodations so commonplace now for standardized college testing procedure, likely half UW Madison's undergraduate-student enrollment received some test accommodations, whether extra 50% - 100% time, to unsupervised room, even with illicit I-phone test-assistance.

Every student who doesn't score a Jun 2024 ACT score of 29 should be expelled, because they don't belong at UW Madison anyways.

Would demonstrate how current college students at supposedly highly-selective universtieis and colleges are too frequently truly lacking in grade-appropriate reasoning skills, reading comprehension, and basic logic skills. Suspect average score would be ACT 25. Suspect at least one-third of undergrad enrollment is assigned some remedial classes in freshman year.

With rampant grade inflation and affirmative action acceptance goals, there are many many many enrolled college students who will fail to graduate from college in six years.

tommyesq said...

Interesting how all our most powerful College Presidents and Political leaders feel their number 1 priority is making sure American Jews and Israelis are "Comfortable" and "Safe". And fighting "antisemitism" undefined. Too bad, that attitude doesn't extend to anyone else.

The Universities have seemed very comfortable letting things get to a pretty extremely anti-Semetic point (particularly given that Jews on campus are not the Israelis attacking in Gaza). Also, I would highly question the notion that Universities don't extend "comfortable and safe" to other races/ethnicities/religions, so long as they aren't white and Christian. I call b.s. on this.

AlbertAnonymous said...

My violence is speech.

Your speech is violence.

Your silence is violence.

Don’t ha just love how it’s always the “infiltrators” and “others” who do commit the violence and atrocities?

And how would they know anyway? Do they have a list of the paid/non-student activists that they bussed in to take over the campus?

Amadeus 48 said...

My wife read the Koran for an adult continuing education course. Her conclusion: Islam is a religion about killing people who don't agree with you.

There are some real problems with Muslim assimilation in the West. A friend of mine had a team of four research assistants while he was working on his PhD several years ago. They were all from Pakistan. They all thought Salman Rushdie should be killed pursuant to the fatwa.

The immigration and assimilation problems may be deeper than anyone in public life is willing to admit.

Oligonicella said...

Can anyone tell me what the campus protesters want the school's administrations to do?

They've been rather explicit, albeit in another context. When they demanded a guarantee that the cops and administration would allow supplies brought it and asked if there has been any suppression of that so far, "We want a statement they won't."

They didn't care about 'supplies', they wanted an "in advance" capitulation to demands.

Same with this - make a statement agreeing with us regardless of your ability to execute it.

Coercion, nothing more.

Oligonicella said...

Palestinian protesters have a well-earned burden of proving themselves non-violent before being treated as if they won't be. My prediction: before they try nonviolent protest, they'll return to explosions.

Nope. They'll resort to gang-beating a young woman unconscious. Then the next day when an angry group shows up and kicks their asses they scream about the lack of police protection.

Not a theoretical. Just happened in last couple days.

Kakistocracy said...

Add Minnesota to the list of schools that have found a peaceful solution.

University of Minnesota says it reaches deal to end pro-Palestinian encampment ~ Star Tribune

But if you reach a peaceful and sensible solution with *these* students won’t the pressure to reach a peaceful solution next time be intense? What about that, huh?

Josephbleau said...

Why Chancellor, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world. But for UM- Milwaukee?

Achilles said...

Rich said...

Add Minnesota to the list of schools that have found a peaceful solution.

It wasn't peaceful. The students violently trespassed on property and threatened people who wanted to use the public space. The threat of violence was always present and they physically imposed themselves on everyone in the community.

Calling it a peaceful solution is not honest. The college surrendered to people who continue to threaten further violence if their demands are not met.

The violent PLO thugs will only be stopped by violence. There is no right or wrong. There is only what comes next and what kind of society we wish to have.

The actions of the school promote a social contract that rewards thuggery and violence. If this path is followed then there will eventually be much more violence.

If we want a safe free society then all of these mostly paid fascists thugs need to at minimum go to jail for an extended period of time to dissuade others from following their example.

Big Mike said...

I also recognize that it is deeply felt pain and horror about the tragic and devastating loss of life and scale of destruction in Gaza

Every time I read crap like that the image that comes to mind is the nearly nude body of Shani Louk being carted around on the back of a small pickup truck so that young Palestinian boys can come up and spit on her corpse. Is there anyone, anywhere in that heathen land not so indoctrinated in Jew hatred that they can be dealt with as a rational human being? And by extension the pro-Hamas protesters on American campuses are cut from the same antisemitic cloth, and deserve no better treatment.

Last Tuesday on the UCLA campus a young Jewish woman was attacked by pro-Hamas protesters and beaten unconscious. That night a group of counter-protesters, apparently young Jewish men, arrived at the tent city and used pepper spray, fireworks, and fists to introduce the pro-Hamas protesters to the “Find Out” part of FAFO. Apparently under he mistaken assumption that any violence at the tent city would be initiated by the pro-Hamas folks and would therefore be righteous, the LAPD officers had been ordered not to interfere. Oops. I understand that UCLA has since had the tents removed.

I confidently assert that any peaceable interactions between these rabid protesters on the two Wisconsin campuses and Jewish students just trying to finish the semester, take their finals, and go home, will be due to the actions of those counter protesters on the UCLA campus informing the world that “Never Again” means NEVER AGAIN, snd not because of the mush produced by Mnookin.

I wish there was some way to stop terrorists other than inflicting vastly more terror on them and their supporters and enablers. Sadly, no one has yet discovered anything as effective.

Kirk Parker said...

Somebody wrote "[the protesters] feel unheard", which at first glance seemed preposterou, since their bleating is heard everywhere.

Fortuneky, I own a late model disgronificator. If you feed this phrase into it, out comes the far more understandable (though entirely indefensible) translation, "We didn't get our way.".

Big Mike said...

Let me amend my comment at 9:09 to read “a young Jewish woman was attacked by pro-Hamas protesters and mostly peacefully beaten unconscious.”

JK Brown said...

Re the protestors at Columbia, I say:

Let them drink tap water

Rusty said...

Achilles said,
"I agree with Howard.

Time to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of fascists who are pushing censorship, wars, open borders, political repression, racism, and corruption."

He loves all those things.That's why he wants more Biden.
I wonder how much all these demonstrations are costing Soros?

MacMacConnell said...

The universities should just cancel in person classes and go online. That way Jewish students could just hide in their attics and get their degrees. Sound familiar.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Did you not go down to the demonstration to get your fair share of abuse?

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