May 14, 2024

At this point, they're only asking you to suffer physically for the sake of the environment.

But you really ought to take that shower in "warm or room-temperature water — or even cold water"

I'm reading, "Why you should embrace using cold water, almost all the time/Heating water gobbles energy, leading to higher utility bills and more planet-warming emissions" in The Washington Post.

If I keep the house at 62° or lower all winter, may I still take the hot bath I think need to restore heat to my inner core? Or will the failure to take cold showers count as a sin henceforward? 

Look at the backhanded treatment of baths:
Instead of taking long hot showers or baths that can dehydrate your skin, dermatologists recommend showers of no more than 10 minutes, using warm or room-temperature water — or even cold water — which is less drying to skin.

They can't time limit a bath. Unlike a shower, the water usage is complete at the point when you get in (unless you stay in so long you need to reheat it with new water). But maybe you know the number of minutes it takes to fill your bath, so you could take a "10 minute" bath. Would that fill your bathtub? I ask Siri to set my timer to 15 minutes, and of course, I use hot water. Maybe I should only fill the bath 2/3 of the way — with room-temperature water — for the planet. I'd rather take a 3-minute shower and have it hot.

Taking away our hot showers and baths? It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world.


rehajm said...

It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world.

You’re starting to catch on…

…meanwhile, they’ll all be flying to the vatican climate summit, either in their Globals or Gulfstreams and/or on the taxpayer’s dollars. Their kids in tow, also paid for by taxpayers…

rehajm said...

I will say I’ve discovered the benefits of the cold tub. Great…but I get in a warm shower afterwards…

Kevin said...

These people will never be satisfied.

Just before humanity goes extinct, they will complain that it ever existed.

Gusty Winds said...

Who here believes Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg, Leonardo DiCaprio or any other Ivory Tower liberal takes room temp or cold showers?

Such bullshit. Totalitarian liberals want to control everything you do.

However I think a temp restrictor on Robert Cook's hot water heater would be appropriate.

Temujin said...

I maintain, the Climate Cult will not be happy until we are all sitting around in the dark and cold ( our case in Florida, the heat), eating crickets and grubs with a bit of dandelion greens, praising the Goddess Gaia.

They want us looking to The State for approval to do most anything, including washing yourself.

I read these little 'suggestions' all over now and it makes me wonder just how badly we've educated the last couple of generations. They are literally parading around for Hamas while blasting those who would take hot showers or baths, drive their cars, or work for any company who might have a White Male at it's helm.

Surely this is not a path to freedom or progress. How do these people get away calling themselves 'progressives'?

Heartless Aztec said...

The only time I ever have to deal with an idea like no hot water for a bath or shower is on my daily ramble through Althouse world. There's no Washington Post or New York Times in my life until I click open this blog. And there it is parsed, fisked and laid out for me to read and - for the most part - ridicule with my inner voice. Not Althouse, but the WaPo and NYT. A daily flagellation as it were only redeemed by an Althouse skewering.

Humperdink said...

Climate Change = Doing without.

Shut up and be happy.

gspencer said...

"Or will the failure to take cold showers count as a sin henceforward?"

AA, you, by merely posing this question, have apparently not understood the nature of climate alarm-ism. It is a cult, a religion. To question it is to have doubt. And doubt invariably leads to apostasy. Which will not be tolerated.

Like Islam, climate alarm-ism is totalitarianism masquerading as a religion.

R C Belaire said...

AA : "It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world."

That is EXACTLY the point. First, make our lives unpleasant, and then later on throw us a few crumbs to make us thankful for their beneficence.

Butkus51 said...

and youll like it

MartyH said...

These people really want to control our lives and make us miserable. They make themselves miserable through self flagellation. There really is a religious aspect to it.

Chris said...

I would bet dollars to doughnuts none of the nuts that write these incipid articles tut tut'ing over saving the planet ever take cold showers, or limit their energy use in anyway.

Leland said...

Take a bath hippies. It is good for you.

jae said...

I can pretty much guarantee the folks pushing this will never take a cold shower.

Dave Begley said...

This CAGW scam is the Left’s new religion. No debate is allowed as the Chairman of OPPD told me last month. Al Gore and Bill McKibben are two of the High Priests. Heretics like Mark Steyn are crucified in “legal” proceedings in the Sacred City. Indulgences are purchased with carbon offset credits. Instead of hair shirts, it’s cold showers.

I do my part here in Omaha. In Yelp reviews of known liberal restaurants, I note their failure to purchase carbon credit indulgences.

wild chicken said...

Cue the macho "eww I hate baths" comments.

But God I love a bath. One of the few pleasures I had left, and I gave them up so that my spouse could have a walk-in shower. I weep during my 5 min in my tiny en suite shower stall.

Ten minutes? No way.

Some day I will have tub again. I just hope I'll still be able to get in and out.

Anyway, screw these people.

Kirk Parker said...

"They" don't want merely to deprive us of pleasure, they want 95% of us to die off.

BUMBLE BEE said...

So, the Pope says the American Lifestyle is dooming the climate! No word of India or China still building coal burning electrical generation plants? Why do they need more, with population in decline?
Maybe 'papa' is full of shit!
Trust the Science.

wild chicken said...

When I went back to school my old apt had a clawfoot tub.

One winter it we were below zero for a whole month 1984 I think and one day I took three baths just to warm back up.

Jamie said...

We are awash in energy, improving in our efficient use of it all the time and - if we can ever sideline the New Puritans - certain to continue to improve in its efficient and clean production. I usually only shower in warm water because that's what I prefer (and cool water after my morning dog-walks in south Texas summers), but my husband likes what the kids used to call "fire water" and nobody's going to deny him that.

Isn't it enough that my dishwasher does a fantastic job on un-rinsed dishes with less water than I'd use to hand wash half of them? Or that we've finally convinced my mother-in-law to use her dishwasher instead of hand washing? Or that my washing machine can be set to use steam to sanitize clothes rather than a drum of hot water? Or that I have approximately 3,000 LED light bulbs in my house that'll outlast our residency there, and thermostats that recognize when we're gone and adjust themselves accordingly? Or that my car, twice the size of what I drove in college and with innumerably more safety features, gets double the gas mileage with a tiny fraction of the emissions? We live in an age of wonders and it seems that these people are jonesing for the worst days of the '70s.

Aggie said...

"They can't time limit a bath."

Yet, Ann..... Yet.

People are out there crowing about the latest edition of Open AI, GPT-4o. I'm dreading these developments. Not out of superstition - we know the next editions will always be power-demanding in terms of the raw energy that drives them, the electrical consumption. But I wonder if people have not yet grasped that a demand for power in the form of energy input will ultimately drive a demand for agency. And I dread seeing the first time that an artificial intelligence driven device has been awarded with decision-making authority. It has already happened with purely mechanical systems, for example autonomous devices. When will they first connect it with, say, and 'intelligent home'? When will it first be given uninterruptable control of a system that concerns itself with your safety? Ugh.

Your tub will be drained, Ms. Althouse. For your safety. And the authorities will send an ambulance.

Rob C said...

Battle space prep. They're moving everyone away from things like gas-fired hot water heaters and destabilizing the electric grid. Those two items mean that you will probably have to accept cold showers when the lights go out.

It all goes back to the old question: "What did socialists use before candles? Electricity."

traditionalguy said...

What they want is their world back deprived of us. We are seen as deplorable occupants still living on their North America which we stole simply from the world aristocrats by military force using our own guns. The motto fifty four forty or fight used by the Jacksonian disciple Polk finally backed them off. But they are back.

Climate Hoax is the battle cry of the war on the Rebel Americans. Every sane person knows it’s totally false.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey do it for the Illegals.
They earned it.
P.S. Think they'll recycle?

Lawnerd said...

Next they are going to suggest we cull the human herd to stop climate change. Oh wait, they already have.

grog said...

"Taking away our hot showers and baths? It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world."

That is the point...for you.
Those who require such sacrifices likely exempt themselves from the same, because of their "work to save the planet".

Krumhorn said...

Wow! Our hostess is in the spirit. She will be voting for conservatives before long. She can certainly see how “asking” becomes “telling” in the gameplay of the bug-eyed lefties, who as we know, are generally nasty little shits.

- Krumhorn

Gusty Winds said...


Author is Allyson Chiu - Reporter covering climate solutions
Education: Northwestern University, Bachelor of Science in Journalism

Northwestern in Evanston, IL is Ivory Tower liberal insanity like the University of Wisconsin in Madison. These people aren't going to sacrifice anything for anybody. They won't even TRY to control cost to help with student debt.

I'm positive Allyson Chiu took a hot shower this morning.

dix said...

and don't get me started on wanting your drinks cold. Do you have any idea how much ice warms the planet?

Mr. Forward said...

Washington Post "journalists" could help by submerging their heads under water for 10 minutes. Hot or cold.

MadTownGuy said...

"They can't time limit a bath."

Never underestimate the power of the climate scolds.

tcrosse said...

Try telling the Japanese to cut out the hot baths.

MadisonMan said...

I wonder if the authors of that article use dryers after laundering clothes.
I take nice hot showers. But more than 10 minutes? Never. I think the only thing that takes time in a hot shower is hair-washing, and my short hair is washable in 10 seconds.

TreeJoe said...

I use on-demand propane heated hot water (Rennai brand in my case) and it consumes a laughably small amount of energy (comparably) for my house of 5.

There are solar hot water heaters and many other systems that use even less.

dbp said...

Cold showers may be bracing, but they aren't very cleansing. There's a reason you clean things with warm water--it has lower surface tension and wets better when it's warm.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Chances are I won't be the first to quote* the late, great and so very prescient William F. Buckley: "A liberal is someone who is determined to reach into your shower and adjust the water temperature for you."

*Note the people who run Goodreads quote site do not feature this gem from WFB, but it is immediately presented at the AEI site.

AMDG said...

The point of the environmental movement is not to “save the environment”. It is to suck every ounce of joy and pleasure from the lives of ordinary people.

iowan2 said...

Want to save energy?

BAN Refrigerated Semi Trucks, Rail Cars and warehouses. The infrastructure that keeps fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers at the consumers fingertips 365/24/7. That includes tropical fruits that arrive by cargo ships
If the people are willing to do that, its a sign.

If Fossil fuels was a problem, we would have been commissioning 5 nuclear power plants a week for the last 30 years. We have not. Because the goal has always been to severely limit energy use.

Because the planet has too many people.

Lucien said...

The climate alarmists should be mocked ruthlessly at all turns. The length of your shower will matter even less than the number of plane trips you take. (Especially compared to our fearless leader’s decision to blow up Nordstream).

Achilles said...

Taking away our hot showers and baths? It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world.

The people pushing all of this fly to conferences in private jets to talk about it.

They also seem to have a small army of people that protest things and burn stuff down in our country.

Howard said...

Environmental scolds never run out of deck chairs for people to rearrange.

M Jordan said...

The sad part is that it’s all for nothing. There is no climate crisis, no hole in the ozone, no acid rain, no whatever next they dream up. What there is is a small cadre of human-haters who want you to suffer … or better yet, die. Oh, there’s also the useful idiots, all college-educated, mostly female, who will become their foot soldiers in this war.

Resist! Thirty minute showers! Vote Trump!

Kate said...

Soap won't lather in cold water.

Creola Soul said...

I thought the planet had been saved with banning gas stoves. Or was it requiring EVs? No wait, it was getting rid of incandescent lights. Yeah, that was it!
The climate alarmist have jumped the shark yet again. It’s all, to borrow from your first post, bullshit. It makes not a tinker’s damn whatever we do on climate. China and India have yet to slow their emissions. Plus, new data shows man made CO2 may not even be the driver.
I still think that instead of spending trillions on solar this, wind that, and EVs that we would have been better off spending a few hundred million on getting the basic science right. The models are atrocious and produce results way outside any reasonable bands of confidence. It’s too late for that though. Science + politics= politics. That part of science is definitely settled.

Bob Boyd said...

Your hot bath and shower are occasions of sin.

gilbar said...

if you're using warm water this year.. you will NEED to be using room temperature water next year
if you're using room temperature water this year.. you will NEED to be using cold water next year
if you're using cold water this year.. you will NEED to be QUIT TAKING BATHS next year

and IF, you are a villain, that heats there house to 62 last winter..
you will NEED to STOP USING A FURNACE next year.

Progressives are called Progressive.. because their objectives ALWAYS progress further and further away

gilbar said...

How long before progressives get to allowing (then asking (then Requiring) suicides?
I guess that ties into yesterdays post, doesn't it

But Frankly; *IF* you are a human.. you are USING resources and producing CO2. your ONLY option is death.
Sooner? or Later? Why wait? Die NOW, and QUIT USING RESOURCES!!!!

Rusty said...

(Rusty clomps down the basement stairs and turns the water heater up another notch.)
Wanna bet AlGore has never taken a cold bath in his life.
I wonder how much hot water a P&W 1000G turbine can make?

Goldenpause said...

North Korea is the eco-left’s model of success.

Bob Boyd said...

Environmentalists, you need to kick that fucking shower curtain down.

Yancey Ward said...

The media are preparing you for the Climate Emergency regulations Biden etal. will impose should they win the election while taking Congress.

I am not joking.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Taking away our hot showers and baths? It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world."

That's because they do. Climate alarmism is basically a religion and its adherents are the sort of people who would have been living in a monastery and flagellating themselves if they lived in the medieval period. It draws in moral scolds much like, as Orwell said, socialism attracts,

"every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist and feminist in England.”

Dave Begley said...

After I wrote my comment, I took a hot shower. And I never recycle. I'm a heretic. And I love it.

mezzrow said...

@MJB Wolf beat me to it. As with so much else, Bill Buckley was right.

The situation in 2024 is that too many people are starting to notice, because it takes too much effort to not notice by now. As with the famed metal band Spinal Tap, the appeal of this strain of liberalism becomes more selective each and every day. This is particularly dire due to the religiously secular nature of the exercise.

Time for a good hot shower.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Taking away our hot showers and baths? It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world."


Oligonicella said...

…meanwhile, they’ll all be flying to the vatican climate summit, either in their Globals or Gulfstreams and/or on the taxpayer’s dollars. Their kids in tow, also paid for by taxpayers…

And they will be taking hot baths and showers for as long as they want.

They've become so transparent they're glass.

Charlie said...

How about I take whatever kind of shower I want and you (Washington Post) STFU?

How about that?

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Kate said...
Soap won't lather in cold water.

Your water might be too hard.

There is a large degree of overlap with environmentalist practices and religious practices where folks endure hardship or loss but in exchange get salvation. I don't mind if people want to purchase their own moral indulgences. I just object when they purchase them at other folk's expense.

Ice Nine said...

Soaking in a hot bath for the pleasant feeling of it, yeah, ok, understandable. But I have never understood baths as a cleansing procedure. Soaking in my own lathery dermal detritus (years ago) never left me feeling especially clean.

RNB said...

'The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.' -- Robt. A Heinlein

Political Junkie said...

Yesterday, after full work day from home, then 7pm to 9pm working in the yard, the shower immediately after felt awesome.
Will be same schedule all week.


Smilin' Jack said...

“At this point, they're only asking you to suffer physically for the sake of the environment.”


“Since 1992, federal law has dictated that new showerheads should not pour more than 2.5 gallons (9.5 liters) of water per minute. As newer shower fixtures came out with multiple nozzles, the Obama administration defined the showerhead restrictions to apply to what comes out in total. So if there are four nozzles, no more than 2.5 gallons total should come out among all four.”

Since I hate taking baths, this was an issue for me when I replaced my shower head a few years ago. Fortunately, like most things these days, quality shower heads are manufactured abroad, and intended to be sold in many countries, including some that still believe in freedom. To restrict the flow for sale in the U.S. they simply add a small plastic washer behind the spray nozzle of the regular shower head. First thing I did when I got my new shower head was Google how to remove this washer. It’s pretty easy. But I suspect such knowledge has now been banned from Google, at least in places like the U.S. and China.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

AGW is the Big Lie of the 21st Century.
Global temperatures have been rising since the Little Ice Age ended in the 18th century.
Everyone with access to Disney knows that North America was once covered with a mile thick sheet of ice.
93% of climate scientists believe that the most important data points are when their grants run out and who funds them.

Leland said...

Alternatively, we could support global warming such that the average temperature allows for warm baths.

Skipper said...

Hysteria reigns supreme.

Rocco said...

Dave Begley said...
After I wrote my comment, I took a hot shower. And I never recycle. I'm a heretic. And I love it.

Dave, you need to get a lifted full-size Dodge Ram pickup truck with crew cab and extended bed next. With a Hemi.

Anthony said...

I admit I rarely shower for more than 10 minutes and the water is never very hot. Although now I feel like doing so.

I was going to sell my old Mustang with a 280hp V8 but now I think I'll keep it and drive it as much as I possibly can for the rest of my life.

Tina848 said...

Water heaters can be powered with solar energy, with a Nuclear plant, and with the abundant natural gas and petro products we have as natural resources. We can use coal, both soft and hard, with proper scrubbers on the stacks.

Why do we need to conserve anything? We have the resources, we have technology.
What is the point of requiring people to limit usage - other than control?

tolkein said...

"Taking away our hot showers and baths? It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world."
Not the Inner Party elite, of course. But yours, and everybody else's? Why yes.

Lewis said...

The only times I felt like I wanted a cold shower was after a hot date that didn't go as planned.

tcrosse said...

A bath can, indeed be limited. One's time in the hot tub can be limited so as to allow other, marginalized individuals their time in the hot water. It is selfish to keep the bath all to oneself.

Mason G said...

"Why you should embrace using cold water..."

To the author: I'll get to reading that just as soon as you read "Mind your own fucking business." Work for you?

"And I never recycle."

Neither do lots of people who think they do. The people who pick up your trash decide whether or not you recycle and many of them don't.

"To restrict the flow for sale in the U.S. they simply add a small plastic washer behind the spray nozzle of the regular shower head."

I recently replaced my bathroom sink faucet with a new one of the same model. The flow through the aerator on the new model was cut by 30% from the old one. Fortunately, the threads are the same on both.

Levi Starks said...

I’ll start worrying about my energy bill when it becomes more than a small fraction of my real estate tax bill.

Joe Smith said...

"If I keep the house at 62° or lower all winter, may I still take the hot bath I think need to restore heat to my inner core?"

So now you can make the tradeoff. Lower house temperature in exchange for a hot water splurge.

Soon you will have no choice. Electricity will either be metered or will be made to be so expensive that only connected democrats will be able to have hot water.

All for the greater good of Gaia, and the largest money laundering scheme in the history of the world.

Btw, it is not uncommon (or at least it wasn't when I was there) to have one bath-full of water last for the entire family...

Btw 2, get rid of 30-40M illegal aliens and see how much the price of energy falls.

Jupiter said...

"Taking away our hot showers and baths? It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world."

Who are you addressing? Oh, right. The idiots at the WaPo that you pay to concoct this drivel. Carry on.

Banzel said...

Mom grew up on a farm in the Depression and WWII. Grandma boiled a single teapot for all 3 girls' baths.

Sebastian said...

"It feels as if you want to deprive us of the most basic pleasures of living in the modern world."

Modern is the problem. Degrowth is the solution.

Actually, they don't just want to deprive you of basic pleasures, they want to cleanse the planet of you altogether--you and me. We are the plague of the anthropocene.

BarrySanders20 said...

What you won't see next up in the series: Why the Washington Post and its Employees Should Give Up Air Conditioning For The Greater Good of the Planet. And don't get me started on how far those avocados (and the white wine) have to travel before they get to DC. No AC and only locally-grown food and drink for DC'ers otherwise they hate Gaia.

TreeJoe said...

AI is consuming ridiculous amounts of energy. By this logic, banning AI now is better than 5 years from now.

HistoryDoc said...

Does this apply to Hot tubs as well? Because you're going to have to pry my cold dead fingers off the "power on" button for my hot tub before I submit to this communist BS.

EAB said...

Having grown up in drought-ridden CA where I spent some time doing Navy showers, a 10 minute shower still feels like a nice indulgence for me. I only do the hot side of warm in winter (which in NE WI is most of the year). The rest of the time is more tepid warm. I’m not doing cold. I tried it a bit during COVID - alternating hot/cold in the shower as a way to stimulate immune system - but that didn’t last long. I don’t wash any of my clothes on cold. I generally don’t shower every day, anyway, so I consider those carbon credits…

I once did a 13 day rafting trip down the CO River thru the Grand Canyon. We bathed in the very cold river, which I didn’t mind after a hot day. My indulgence, though, was to leave a hard plastic water bottle tethered to the raft so it was in the sun all day. It gave me a warm water hair rinse at the end of the day. Small pleasures. But that was a unique experience. Some people want that to be our daily experience.

PM said...

What has the planet ever done for me?
Gravity weighs me down.
I'm in the dark half the time.
I gotta deal with snow, wind and heat.
And share the place with eight billion people.
Now it wants my hot shower?

Hassayamper said...

For decades commentators have used the metaphor of Big Government as an officious nanny, reaching through the curtain while we take a shower to adjust the taps to what she thinks is the optimal temperature. For our own good, of course, since we peasants are incapable of comprehending our own best interests.

It seems a fair bet that this will soon be more than a metaphor, and the criterion by which the adjustments are made will no longer be "for our own good."

Hassayamper said...

The people who pick up your trash decide whether or not you recycle and many of them don't.

In most places these days, aluminum cans are the only items fished out of the "recycling" waste stream for actual recycling. The rest of it goes to the same landfills as the regular trash.

SteveWe said...

As we all return to the Victorian Age using wash basins, climbing stairs, and traveling in a cart behind a horse or two, what will we do about about all the horse farts and apples, getting our hot water from coal or wood fired stoves, etc.

Hassayamper said...

I was going to sell my old Mustang with a 280hp V8 but now I think I'll keep it and drive it as much as I possibly can for the rest of my life.

That is, in fact, a "greener" decision than purchasing a newly manufactured Prius or Tesla.

Just one of several reasons that "Cars for Clunkers" was one of the most stupid and destructive government programs in history, which is really saying something.

Marcus Bressler said...

I thought CA did some limiting on use of (hot) water during the droughts?
True soap (not body wash) works very well over 100 F, not below. The heat range of 100-110 causes the molecules to work in a fashion that they change "shape" and pull the oil off your flesh (which contains the bacteria and viruses) when you rinse. Try getting suntan lotion off your body at a public pool shower with cold water and no soap.
100F is "tepid" in that your body temp is 98.6 -- remember when Mom would heat a baby bottle and cause a few drops to fall on her wrist to test for temp? Don't feel the "heat"? Under body temp. Too hot? Let it cool down naturally. Tepid? Just right.
Women seem to take the longest hot showers, even if they skip washing their hair. I take Navy showers: quick and efficient but I do leave the water on until concluding my shower. I spent a little time in jail a long time ago and the AC was so cold that my hot shower after "dinner" was to warm me up -- though the time between stripping off my jail blues and underwear and sweat shirt and socks and getting into the shower I began to shiver. Being thin is nice except you get cold very easily. I never want to go to jail again. For many reasons. I kept myself in bed under that horsehair blanket, fully clothed for such long periods of time that I developed my first blood clot. When I describe the reason for my clot to my doctors, I tell them I once spent (#) of days in bed and that non-activity probably caused or contributed to it. They then ask me, where you seriously ill? No, I was incarcerated.

Banzel said...

Mom grew up on a farm in the Depression and WWII. Grandma boiled a single teapot for all 3 girls' baths.

Now she's a Deplorable even as the Global Elite circle back to basics that have guided her life - but without the smug condescension.

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, Barry Sanders is correct- let's see WaPo and NYTimes give up their air conditioning in the Summer, to save the planet, of course.

minnesota farm guy said...

I think that anyone who writes crap like this should be made to live in a sod hut a la our plains settlers. Take them about two days to start screaming for mod cons.

Yancey Ward said...

And you really need to take a quick shower after a tub bath, else you just arose from the bath containing your grime.

Joe Smith said...

Obligatory: Shrinkage!

Joe Smith said...

"Wow! Our hostess is in the spirit. She will be voting for conservatives before long."

No she won't.

She's super smart and analytical, but the switch will not be flipped.

Patrick Henry said...

How about you do whatever you like because it's not really going to make a hoot of difference to the environment.

CO2 is not a poison. It's plant food.

AndrewV said...

A few years ago, my hot water heater died in the middle of winter, and I had to take ice cold showers for a week before I could get it replaced. All that week I would get out of the shower with a serious headache because I was mildly hypothermic. So, all I can say is Never Again.

TickTock said...

I am a Southern California boy, living through Sierra winters. I wouldn't make it without a hot hot bath.

Michael K said...

Blogger West TX Intermediate Crude said...

AGW is the Big Lie of the 21st Century.
Global temperatures have been rising since the Little Ice Age ended in the 18th century.
Everyone with access to Disney knows that North America was once covered with a mile thick sheet of ice.
93% of climate scientists believe that the most important data points are when their grants run out and who funds them.

Corollary: "97% of scientists agree with whoever funds their grants."

wishfulthinking said...

Communists never change. They just have to modify the way they present their lies.

Jim at said...

If I'm paying the bill, I'm taking as hot of a shower for as long as I want.

Fuck off.

Michael said...

OK. fuck you. Here is my plan after reading this. I am running the shower full hot until it turns cold. Then I’m stepping in. I happen to like cold showers but not for Gaia’s sake. When I read of traffic stops by the no more oil crowd I fire up my diesel truck and let it idle for half an hour with the AC at full blast. I am burning down the planet singlehanded.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I used to live in a hundred years old house. In the attic was a giant galvanized steel tank, maybe 100 gallons.
They used to hand pump the spring water up there, and the attic was hot enough to provide warm water much of the year. Practically free.

Jerry said...

The people who think like this influence the 'people in charge' in DC. It's not the senators and representatives - it's the long-standing structure that supports them.

Think about it: Every year the NTSB comes out with new safety rules and regs. EPA comes out with new efficiency regs. We're supposed to do more with less - dishwashers need to use less water, washers and dryers are supposed to get by with less water and energy.

Why? Because they've got to come up with new standards and ideas to justify their existence.
Are autos now objectively safer than they were five years ago? Maybe. Are they safer than 50 years ago? Yes, definitely. How MUCH safer can they get, and at what cost?

How about washers and dryers? Do they use less water and work better? Yes to the first, no to the second. Concentrating on one aspect of the device instead of looking at the whole function leads to inefficiency and high expense.

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