April 20, 2024

Sunrise — 6:03, 6:08.




Joe Smith said...

Via Title IX changes, the Biden administration has destroyed women's sports and made it much easier for your son to be railroaded in college.

But keep voting to wipe out the future of your daughters and granddaughters...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Deplorables are a twitter over house of representatives waving Ukraine flags.

Sample link

Iman said...

Orange skies in the morning
It’s perjury Dems are suborning

MadisonMan said...

I don't remember much about Mandisa (RIP) from her run on Idol. That was the year Taylor Hicks won. Chris Daughtry and Katharine McPhee were both so much better.

MadTownGuy said...

Now Joe Biden is on X urging state governments to legalize marijuana and to commute sentences for people currently in prison for possession. Ilhan Omar has joined the chorus.

Did he happen to consult Kamala Harris?

Howard said...

The before sunrise picture does it for me

Narr said...

Love the luminous clouds in the second one.

Prof van Creveld (at "As I Please") has posted some interesting things recently.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't understand the NYT Connections game. How is it a game? More specifically, what does it mean when it says "Perfect" at the end? Won't it always be "perfect" if you group the words? Wouldn't you have to group random words for it to not be "perfect?" Why would someone do that? How is "don't click random words" a game?

gadfly said...

It occurred to me that I had not heard about Maxwell Azzarello's survival, so I checked. He died at 11:00 PM Friday.

wendybar said...

Since the Kennedys support Biden. I believe that Governors Abbott and DeSantis must send Illegals up to the places where the Kennedys live and play.

wendybar said...

Citizen Free Press
Yesterday Letitia James asked the judge to disallow Trump's $175M bond. There will be a hearing Monday.

Notice at the 45-second mark how Letitia says she is upset by how Trump treated Obama.

This prosecution smells like a Valerie Jarrett operation.


Ann Althouse said...

"I don't understand the NYT Connections game. How is it a game? More specifically, what does it mean when it says "Perfect" at the end? Won't it always be "perfect" if you group the words? Wouldn't you have to group random words for it to not be "perfect?" Why would someone do that? How is "don't click random words" a game?"

You have to perceive a connection and group four things according to the connection. It's often puzzling: What could the connection be? Once you get one, there are fewer options and you can figure it out.

There are lots of false connections, where only 2 or 3 things connect and you have to move on and find something else.

There's variety in the way things are connected, so you don't know if they are connected because they have the same meaning or because they work with another word in a fill in the blank phrase or because they are all associated with some real-world activity.

Try playing just on your theory of avoiding randomness. You won't be able to do it.

Ann Althouse said...

I think if you try the "avoiding randomness" approach, you will end up playing the normal way, which is looking for connections.

I'm reminded of the drawing method where instead of drawing the object you are looking at, you draw the negative space around it.

Ann Althouse said...

And this is a metaphor for life itself.

You can live your life by concentrating on avoiding whatever is wrong or bad, or you can pursue things that are good or pleasurable.

It would be hard and unwise just to do one or the other.

Humperdink said...

It matters not how much money we shovel to Ukraine, they will not win this war, short of giving the Ukes some nukes. And even that won't do it as their adversary will respond in kind. Where is the cry for a cease fire? Or peace talks?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Narr said...

Prof van Creveld (at "As I Please") has posted some interesting things recently.

"Revisited" is quite a statement. 168 dams? Whew!
Thanks for posting.

gilbar said...

Humperdink said...
It matters not how much money we shovel to Ukraine, they will not win this war..
Where is the cry for a cease fire? Or peace talks?

we WILL fight this war, until The Last Drop of Ukrainian Blood!!!

then, at that point...
US weighs sending additional military advisers to Ukraine as Russia gains momentum
this (THIS!) is how the Vietnam conflict started.. And Look how well THAT turned out!!!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Fauci Fingered? FBI says yes!



Rusty said...

This will give you another perspective.
He's a real lawyer.

Jersey Fled said...

“Now Joe Biden is on X urging state governments to legalize marijuana”

1. Joe Biden is on X? And Elon hasn’t censored him?

2. Does this include the thousands who pled down from possession with intent to distribute?

“Bad Genes” said...

"You can live your life by concentrating on avoiding whatever is wrong or bad, or you can pursue things that are good or pleasurable."

The worlds that people build for themselves are an open book to their lives—people build what they never had, but always wanted. Everyone is the same that way.

Political Junkie said...

The DJT trip to the "bodegas" in NYC was genius. The man has balls of steel.

gadfly said...

wendybar said...
Citizen Free Press
Yesterday Letitia James asked the judge to disallow Trump's $175M bond. There will be a hearing Monday.

Notice at the 45-second mark how Letitia says she is upset by how Trump treated Obama

Citizen Kane missed the real story that the $175 bond that Trump obtained was not worth the 131 pages of paper upon which it was printed. When you hire a crooked supporter and his underfunded company to give a bond that does not provide the state with security, then Trump once again attempted to cheat the system. The business fraud that Trump was convicted of now raises its ugly head in his attempt to appeal his civil fine of more than half a billion dollars. So Trump just delays in an attempt to get to the election but this time he is out of Schiltz.

tcrosse said...

The real challenge of Connections is figuring out what connects the last set of four words.

Political Junkie said...

Just learned the former pro basketball player Dennis Johnson, now deceased, was one of 16 children. Wow.

“Bad Genes” said...

House Approves Long-Stalled Ukraine Aid Over Angry GOP Objections ~ WSJ

Trump will be further diminished by this decision. He's having a bad week. Long may it continue. You can criticize Johnson for many things. However, I congratulate Speaker Johnson for doing the right thing. I wish him well as the republicans in Congress destroy him.

(Looking forward to Comrade Drago pushing the Kremlin narrative on Althouse.)

hawkeyedjb said...

Humperdink said...
"It matters not how much money we shovel to Ukraine, they will not win this war..."

Proxy wars usually don't work, though there can be exceptions. Iran has waged proxy war against Israel for 45 years without great success, but they will keep it up until the end of time. The United States does not want a direct war with Russia, and does not believe Ukraine can "win." But the goal of this proxy war is to diminish the Russian military, seemingly no matter the cost to US military readiness. The end result may be that Russia has in fact diminished the American military to the point where it cannot successfully engage the Chinese military. China didn't even have to pick a proxy to get what it wants.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Borrowed Quote...

Remember...you dems are Really electing kamala as prez in 2024

BUMBLE BEE said...


Rabid frothing at the mouth animals.


Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "(Looking forward to Comrade Drago pushing the Kremlin narrative on Althouse.)"

Rich is playing "military guy" again!

Laughter and mirth is sure to follow!

Lets see what happens next....

Mason G said...

"But keep voting to wipe out the future of your daughters and granddaughters..."

Your sons and grandsons, too, right? Unless you're okay with them being railroaded in college.

Humperdink said...

As if we needed another example of the fraudulent expansion of NATO, Turkey's president, Recep Erdoğan, is all in for Hamas. Headline: Turkish President Backs Hamas, Urges Palestinian Unity Against Israel (via HotAir) He's our guy!! How stupid.

n.n said...

Turkish President Backs Hamas, Urges Palestinian Unity Against Israel

Against Jews who don't take a knee. Deja vu.

Jewish Spring!

n.n said...

Kiev has a Ukraine problem, for 10 years in progress.

n.n said...

Hamas et al have struggled to push Jews into the sea for a century. Hope and change? Not yet.

MadTownGuy said...

Jersey Fled said...

[“Now Joe Biden is on X urging state governments to legalize marijuana”]

"1. Joe Biden is on X? And Elon hasn’t censored him?

2. Does this include the thousands who pled down from possession with intent to distribute?

1. Elon keeps him around for the laughs. You should see the comments!

2. Left unsaid, but it wouldn't surprise me.

n.n said...

Arabs, Turks and Muslims generally have coexisted with Jews, so long as they took a knee and didn't demonstrate political ambition. Apartheid was the model of choice in Antije cultures.

n.n said...

Title IX changes, the Biden administration

Political congruence ("=") is a principle of the Pro-Choice religion.

rastajenk said...

One of the favorites in this year's Kentucky Derby is a Japanese-bred undefeated colt, with Sunday Silence 3 or 4 back in his pedigree. Other international imports have been invited to the Derby recently with some hype, and don't do all that well, but this one seems legit.

His name is Forever Young, for all you Dylan fans out there in non-racing land. :-)

Narayanan said...

Bibi's chicken turn into vultures?
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told Likud Party legislators, according to Haaretz, Israel's longest-running newspaper. Doing so would help prevent the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority (PA) from ruling Gaza and giving Palestinians a relatively moderate, unified voice at the negotiating table. “This is part of our strategy -- to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

Narayanan said...

The end result may be that Russia has in fact diminished the American military to the point where it cannot successfully engage the Chinese military. China didn't even have to pick a proxy to get what it wants.
China and Iran could be using Russia as proxy against Amercian

Drago said...

Narayanan: "The end result may be that Russia has in fact diminished the American military to the point where it cannot successfully engage the Chinese military. China didn't even have to pick a proxy to get what it wants."

Feature of current US policy, not a bug.

ChiCom "investment" in the bidens and uniparty will no doubt pay off quite handsomely.

Rusty said...

Ukraine is has already chosen us to to defeat Russia. We are having to ramp up conventional weapons production.
The people that voted for Biden have a lot to answer for.

Josephbleau said...

"You can live your life by concentrating on avoiding whatever is wrong or bad, or you can pursue things that are good or pleasurable."

Well, you can spend all your time making love, or you can spend all your love making time. Comme ce comme ça.