April 23, 2024

Sunrise — 5:42.



wildswan said...

Next year the Jews will still be in Jerusalem

Whiskeybum said...

��From the land of sky-blue wa-aters…

bozonomous said...

very good choices of topics today

Big Mike said...

I have just finished reading about Judge Abena Darkeh, who presided over the case of Dexter Taylor. Taylor took up gunsmithing as a hobby and built his own AR platform from legally purchased parts that he machined himself. The judge disrupted the defense anttorney’s opening statement multiple times as he tried to set the stage for Taylor’s defense. Even further, she admonished the defense to refrain from mentioning the Second Amendment during the trial. Judge Darkeh is quoted as saying “Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.”

So the Constitution does not apply in the State of New York? Good to know.

Combine that with the antics of Judge Lewis Kaplan in the two E. Jean Carroll cases, Judge Arthur Engoron imposing his own views of the value of Trump’s property over professional appraisers in the made-up-out-of-whole-cloth case brought by Letitia James, and now Judge Juan Merchan, one is compelled to ask whether there is any such thing as an honest trial judge in the State of New York. Inquiring minds want to know.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Putting a gag-order on the defendant and not on his accusers smacks me of the right to a fair trial interference.

Bill Crawford said...

Your time is limited. Listen to Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan?

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube : Openly a Knight

Hint - Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad

The rule of Lemnity said...

Reddit: There is a dragon in the woman's bathroom

A follow-up to Sargon of Akkad video above.

JK Brown said...

Nate Silver advises going to a state school and skip the elite status universities. Not bad advice given how many employers will be looking at Columbia, Harvard, Yale students askance after the pro-Hamas protests


Howard said...

Interesting that the RFK Jr. Glenn Beck interview didn't get more comments. Junior is promoting the basic Trump agenda without the perception of racism and misogyny.

Perhaps this is why some folks believe he ultimately favors Biden by drawing away voters who have been holding their nose when pulling the Don's lever.

Big Mike said...

IANSL, nor do I play one on TV, but last night on Fox News I heard lawyers telling ingraham and Waters that gag orders are “never” employed solely against a defendant, and that the point of a gag order is to preserve a defendant’s right to a fair trial. Is that true? Could a legal scholar weigh in here? Perhaps you, Professor Althouse?

wendybar said...

"I’d say you have to go back really 10, 20 years. There has been a gross dehumanization of Israeli Jews and of Israel on campuses led mostly by faculty.

There is no diversity of viewpoint among faculty on campuses, not just on domestic issues. We often talk about Republican versus Democrat and how there are no Republican professors left pretty much.The same is true for Israel.

There are almost no openly pro-Israel professors left because they don’t get hired. If you have anything Zionist on your CV, on your resume, the likelihood of getting hired in the humanities or the social sciences at a place like Cornell or at Columbia, or at Harvard or at Yale, is close to zero.

So they have over 20 years weeded out diversity of viewpoint when it comes to Israel, just like they’ve weeded out diversity of viewpoint on domestic issues."


MadTownGuy said...

From AOC on X:

"Calling in police enforcement on nonviolent demonstrations of young students on campus is an escalatory, reckless, and dangerous act.

It represents a heinous failure of leadership that puts people’s lives at risk. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms.

wendybar said...

"As George Orwell wrote of the women who embraced Big Brother’s progressive party line, “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.”

That describes Democrat women’s emotional state. They are no better when it comes to either knowledge or wisdom. After several years in academia, they are utterly devoid of factual or cultural knowledge. Weak-minded sponges, they soak up every word their equally damaged teachers offer about America’s alleged sins when it comes to women, race, colonialism, religion, “gender,” slavery, liberty, poverty, capitalism, the free market, or any other subject these harpies touch."

Enigma said...

@Big Mike: one is compelled to ask whether there is any such thing as an honest trial judge in the State of New York. Inquiring minds want to know.

Not likely. New York, also known as The Empire State, spent centuries financing and building and shaping the world. They and similarly influential California are incensed by traitors in their jurisdiction (NYC developer Trump). Their fears include losing power, being proven wrong about core principles, and fading into obsolescence. These states are run by aggressive do-or-die establishment pigs and competitors...and they do not know how to adapt...

Trump is indeed a slippery NYC guy, but they never had issues with him before 2016. Nor did they have issues with the very similar "team players" Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, etc. Wealthy areas are often strategically blue, and blue in name only. The wealthy use the most energetic voting blocs to distract, divide, and maintain power. Insert the most recent list of unstable and angry "cause" activists here.

@MadTownGuy quoting AOC: "Calling in police...dangerous act...heinous failure...I condemn it.."

Let her speak. Amplify her words. Let her bring back memories of the mostly peaceful summer of 2020 just in time for the 2024 election. Watch her incite Jewish-Palestinian conflict in New York. Watch her create internal party warfare (as brewing in 2015 with Bernie Sanders, and then went underground with Trump). AOC is a clueless and inadvertent right-wing marketer.

Breezy said...

Are we witnessing the beginning stage of a 2024 version of the 2020 summer of love riots? Another election year, another phase of unrest. Whomever is funding these protests needs to be exposed, at a minimum.

The Blue team seems to be in an adrenaline rush from fight or flight.

Jersey Fled said...

“ Nate Silver advises going to a state school and skip the elite status universities. Not bad advice given how many employers will be looking at Columbia, Harvard, Yale students askance after the pro-Hamas protests”

I remember reading a study several years ago comparing the outcomes of students who went to Ivy League schools with students who were accepted at Ivy League schools but chose to go to state universities. The two cohorts came out exactly the same as measured by future earnings. My daughter was in that position at the time and chose Ohio State. Aside from saving me a ton of money which someday she will inherit, she has done very well in her career, thereby confirming the results of the study.

In the end, it’s the kid, not the school.

MadTownGuy said...

Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros (New York Post)

"George Soros' Open Society Foundations has funneled over $16.3 million in grants since 2016 to groups recent pro-Palestine protests.

Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.

A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims.

Tides’ beneficiaries include Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project, which on the day of the Oct. 7 massacre posted a photo on Instagram of a bulldozer tearing part of Israel’s border fence down and a caption: “Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison… no cage goes unchallenged.

More at the link.

Clyde said...

I saw an article about plans to build the fifth-tallest super-skyscraper in the world (and the tallest in the U.S.) in Oklahoma City have been approved. Legends Tower would stand 1,907 feet tall, supplanting One World Trade Center (1,776 feet tall) as the tallest building in the U.S. It would be a multi-use building with offices, apartments, shopping areas and restaurants, and a hotel. It would be more than twice as tall as Oklahoma City's current tallest building, the Devon Tower, which is 844 feet tall.

My question would be whether there is the actual demand for that sort of architecture in a city the size of Oklahoma City. I can understand the need for skyscrapers in densely-populated cities like New York City, where there is no place to go but up. This plan just seems a bit grandiose to me.

Leland said...

DOJ settles to pay $135M to women of USA gymnastics that the FBI allowed to abused so that one of their Special Agents could pursue a position on the USOPC. No jail time for the agents.

Leland said...

Are we witnessing the beginning stage of a 2024 version of the 2020 summer of love riots? Another election year, another phase of unrest. Whomever is funding these protests needs to be exposed, at a minimum.

Did you miss the BLM attempt two weeks ago of claiming cops shot some random black guy during a traffic stop with over a hundred bullets while hiding the lede that he shot first firing 11 rounds? You can bet they’ll use the same playbook that worked last time.

Jamie said...

My question would be whether there is the actual demand for that sort of architecture in a city the size of Oklahoma City.

My follow-uo question is whether it's wise to build a building that tall in Tornado Alley.

Oh, architectural engineers can probably ensure that the building can withstand an F5. But what about the windows, for instance? That's LOT of flying glass. I know it's not common for tornadoes to go through city centers, but it does happen - Ft. Worth in, what, 2000?

For that matter, if - and I have no idea whether this is true, just going on my own memories of tornadoes - tornadoes from in the open for good and scientific reasons, and move across country until their energy dissipates thanks to... whatever makes that happen, maybe how much debris they carry contributes to their end? - is there greater risk/likelihood of a tornado's surviving the traverse through the outskirts of a small city to get to its downtown core?

Kai Akker said...

A WSJ piece this morning on NPR's new CEO, Katherine Maher, says little to nothing new. Except for one item -- she wants to change the "fair and intellectual" tone of NPR (self-described) to a more folksy, friendly one. Imagine her idea of folksy friendly wokedom.

It reminds me of the impression her video clips and tweets made when they were being discussed here. Her strangely rote speaking style, the odd verbal usages, and especially the overwhelming sense of a total absence of serious thought and reflection made me wonder how anyone could have listened to her in an interview and wanted to hire her for something important.

She seems like a market-researched piece of packaging whose sole purpose is to call attention to its WOKE INC contents. She manages to embody the worst trends in our intellectual, political and social fashions at this stage in our history. Critical thinking skills? Zero, that I could see. She is remarkable. With any luck, she has come along at the perfect moment to assist the case for ending the public subsidy of NPR.


West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Jersey Fled said at 0642:
"In the end, it’s the kid, not the school."
If a prospective employee came to me with Ivy League credentials, he would have 20 seconds to convince me that he is not going to be more trouble than he's worth. Otherwise, to the round file.
She would have 10 seconds.

Aggie said...

@Clyde said: "My question would be whether there is the actual demand for that sort of architecture in a city the size of Oklahoma City."

Google-map OK City and compare its urban congestion-level to Manhattan's. They could build something with twice the capacity at 20 stories and still have plenty of pastureland for parking garages.

It has to be pure dick-measuring by civic leaders, and I bet they're gloating in Chicago's direction, and farting towards Dallas.

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Old and slow said...

A similarly tall skyscraper was proposed for Phoenix AZ decades ago. It was immediately ridiculed as "the dildo in the desert". I want to go on record dubbing this OK project "the penis of the plains". The Spire in Dublin is known locally "The stiletto in the ghetto", which really works when said with a North Dublin accent.

“Bad Genes” said...

Mike Johnson Gives Impassioned Ukraine Speech as He Defies MAGA

“I really do believe the intel and the briefings that we’ve gotten,” Johnson said last week as he explained his decision to call a vote. “I believe Xi [Jinping] and Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil . . . I think Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed.” ~ Newsweek

I'm glad this is finally understood, though not by everybody in Europe. Yet.

The Republicans are giving up their party-of-national-security brand — the so-called Daddy party — to the Democratic internationalists. In short, Donald Trump has thrown Ronald Reagan under the bus. This maneuver was of course set-up by the juvenile failings of the Adults of the George W. Bush administration who managed not only to fail in their invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq but set the Republicans off onto a wander into the Wilderness of American Isolationism. The Republicans will have to await the arrival of a new prophet while their current clay-footed, golden-haired Huckster-in-chief leads them into the swamps of deep dissatisfaction.

For over 40 years, Republicans made Strong America Overseas work well in tandem with laissez-faire at home. Trump has broken up that powerful tandem.

With US prosperity rooted in internationalism and the country becoming more cosmopolitan, the Democratic internationalists have the wind at their back.

Big Mike said...

@Rich, and now the bill has come due. Are you happy that the IMF has scolded the US over the unsustainability of our deficit? We’re borrowing the money that we’re shipping overseas and we cannot afford to keep doing that.

Big Mike said...
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Big Mike said...

Anybody besides me see yesterday’s Kinsley gaffe by Joe Biden?

”How many times does (Trump) have to prove we can't be trusted?” [my emphasis]

Big Mike said...

Has the Babylon Bee decided to cease satire in favor of straight news? Consider this:

”Columbia Admins Promise To Carefully Investigate Whether 'Let’s Kill Every Jew We See On Campus' Chant Violates School’s Conduct Policy“

“Bad Genes” said...

How do half the House Republicans get to the position where their main foreign policy cause is that Ukraine must submit to Russia?

iowan2 said...

All the bulletts and bombs are worthless unless you can find half a million fighting age men, to deliver the munitions.

Where exactly are these men going to come from?

Until the European Nations start sending MEN to fight in Ukraine, I will stay with my conclusion, this is nothing but a huge grift, with money making its way to US politicians and DC swamp dwellers

Rich, Stay on task here

Where are the fighting age men coming from?

Iman said...

“Anybody besides me see yesterday’s Kinsley gaffe by Joe Biden?

”How many times does (Trump) have to prove we can't be trusted?” [my emphasis]”

Yes, Big Mike. Noted in another thread

Rusty said...

Rich said...
"How do half the House Republicans get to the position where their main foreign policy cause is that Ukraine must submit to Russia?"

What was Putin doing in 2019?

“Bad Genes” said...

“All the bullets and bombs are worthless unless you can find half a million fighting age men, to deliver the munitions.”

That “resistance is futile” claim is quite common from Putin’s agents around here.

Jim at said...

Your time is limited. Listen to Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan?


Playoff hockey.

SteveWe said...

Rich said,
"the country [USA] becoming more cosmopolitan...."

No Rich; the USA is becoming more suburban/rural -- more like what some call "flyover country." The citizens coastal cities and megalopolises have failed us. And the citizens outside of those city boundaries are taking the USA back to the fundamentals of this republic.

Mason G said...

"The citizens coastal cities and megalopolises have failed us."

They seem quite pleased with themselves. But then, what's more cosmopolitan than having to scrape the human shit off your shoe before you get into your EV? You know, the one you left the windows down on so that the unhoused (calling them "homeless" is soooo 1990s) living on the street don't break them looking for stuff to steal in order to sell for drugs?

So- they've got that going for them. Which is nice.

Rusty said...

Notice Rich can't answer the question.