April 1, 2024

"Our former president WANTS to wear the orange jumpsuit. He's just taunting them now, asking for it. Can this be seen as anything but contemptuous behavior?"

Writes mezzrow in the comments to the first post of the day, which is about Trump's saying things like "This is a disgrace to our Legal System/Judge Merchan should be immediately sanctioned and recused."

Trump wants a prison sentence? I don't believe that. I think he's fighting hard, in his own stubbornly perverse, insubordinate, rebellious way.

But if he gets what mezzrow thinks he wants, and if he's also elected President, how would that work? I recommend house arrest in the White House.

You may not remember, but back in 2009, I recommended that the President of the United States stay in the White House and not travel: "Let the President stay in the White House — or, at most, retreat to Camp David." I was thinking of the expense and carbon footprint of Presidential travel and all of the security needs and risk as well as the world's extreme dependence on the U.S. President to be constantly on the job to deal with emergencies. 

So it would set a good example for President Trump to serve his term under house arrest. And let the rest of the U.S. Presidents voluntarily confine themselves to the White House. If any personal appearances are truly needed, they can be virtual....


Kevin said...

You WANT me in that jumpsuit! You NEED me in that jumpsuit!

Kevin said...

“In an unjust society the only place for a just man is prison.”

― Henry David Thoreau

MayBee said...

This is genius Althouse

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our current husk-puppet president NEEDS an orange jumpsuit. along with his crack head son and loser brother.

Mr Wibble said...

But if he gets what mezzrow thinks he wants, and if he's also elected President, how would that work?

I don't think that there's any way to do it without tripping over separation of powers and issues of constitutional supremacy. The President is the executive branch, and you can't restrict his ability to carry out his duties, certainly not by some state-level conviction.

If the President wants to take a diplomatic mission, does the State of New York get veto power over that? Visit wounded soldiers in a hospital? Tour a disaster site? Does the State of New York get to monitor his phone calls and internet usage, like they would any other prisoner? Conduct inspections for "contraband?"

It seems like the simplest answer is to say that election to the Presidency serves as an implicit commutation of any sentence.

deepelemblues said...

If he wins the White House, he will not spend a minute behind bars or under any kind of restriction, regardless of whether he has been convicted, and there is nothing the State of New York, the State of Georgia, any federal judge, or the Department of Justice can do about it.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

Don't give Biden's handlers any ideas...

mezzrow said...


If Trump gets his photo op in orange, what happens then?

So many questions. Who will deal with this turbulent man?

Can the folks who CAN do this to Trump exercise the discipline to NOT do it when (or IF) they think through all these possibilities? There's our razor's edge. Mine the wisdom (to this date) of this effort and these actors for clues. How's that working for them?

I find your solution not only elegant but comprehensively the Platonic model of justice. Talk about a bull confined to a pen... He knew the job was dangerous when he took it.

Readering said...

No golf clubs? I think he'd resign in 6 months.

MadisonMan said...

"Please don't put me in that Orange Jumpsuit," declared Brer Trumpy.
Meanwhile, the Mainstream Media, thinking they're smarter than Brer Trumpy, and channeling Brer Fox.

Joe Smith said...

'Trump wants a prison sentence? I don't believe that. I think he's fighting hard, in his own stubbornly perverse, insubordinate, rebellious way.'

It's devolved into farce. I think Trump is just emphasizing that...

Gusty Winds said...

Trump wants a prison sentence? I don't believe that. I think he's fighting hard, in his own stubbornly perverse, insubordinate, rebellious way.

Biden and his evil coconspirators USE TO want Trump in an orange jumpsuit. Now they know it only helps him. Also, there is obvious coordination between these "courts", DAs, The White House, and the DOJ. If The White House and the DOJ wanted Trump in an orange jumpsuit for violating gag orders they would have already done it. I think the public's reaction to the mugshot surprised them.

No judge can lock Trump up without permission from whoever is running The White House, and we know it's not Biden.

Trump understands this all very well.

Yancey Ward said...

Damn it, Kevin- you beat me to it!!

John henry said...

thinking of the expense and carbon footprint

Don't you mean "carbon dioxide" footprint?

Why conflate the two? Carbon is not even alleged to be a problem.

John Henry

Rusty said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...
"Our current husk-puppet president NEEDS an orange jumpsuit. along with his crack head son and loser brother."
They are, in fact, quite good at manipulating their status for graft. What they are bad at is keeping it a secret.

Iman said...

Gotta defeat sad old you-know-who
Scrape his crazed junta right off our shoe
Find a wall, line up his whole damn crew

tim in vermont said...

The nerve of Donald Trump not showing these kangaroo courts the respect that they demand, after they killed the justice system, and skinned it and put on the skin. Don't you see the judge is wearing the skin! Have respect normies!

gilbar said...

do NOT throw Trump into that Br'er patch!

gilbar said...

resident Biden is going to go on national (mainstream) news, and PROUDLY PROCLAIM:
That he "SAVED DEMOCRAT(cy)" be imprisoning Any and ALL who defied him??

gilbar said...

famous (paraphrased) quotes
"a DA in NY? how many divisions does he have?"
"the DA has MADE his decision.. Now; let him enforce it"
"IF they Want WAR.. They've GOT it"
{and my favorite, by Buck Dharma } "If he Really Thinks we're the devil.. Then Let's Send him to HELL"

MattJ said...

It is really incredible to me how consciously or subconsciously the left believes that actions taken against Trump are in no way precedents that will ever be used against them, or that the reaction from the right might be to escalate.

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump’s Truth Social stock plunges as 2023 loss put at $58 million ~ Wapo

Delirious. Imagine the rest of his presidency.

The P/E ratio is 2000 if you ignore the losses. That doesn’t look like a good investment. Looks more like grift.

Freder Frederson said...

It seems like the simplest answer is to say that election to the Presidency serves as an implicit commutation of any sentence.

Where in the constitution is this articulated?

Sebastian said...

"I was thinking of the expense and carbon footprint of Presidential travel"

Next, you'll tell us progs should act like they care. What, Biden shouldn't go on vacation every week? Kerry should give up his private jet?

Anyway, if Trump is gonna be put on house arrest, let it be in Mar a Lago.

Skeptical Voter said...

Restricting most Presidents to the White House most of the time is a good idea. I fly RC model airplanes and I got awfully tired of having all activity shut down within a 30 mile circle every time the New Light Worker travelled out to the Hollywood ATM machine getting cash contributions. Seems like he was out here at least one weekend every month.

And for Scranton Joe's safety, he should not follow through on his plans to go to Baltimore to "accelerate the repairs" on the Francis Scott Key bridge. That's true even though Joe has a long history as an underwater salvage diver (just ask him-no malarkey there) and is a dab hand with an acetylene cutting torch. He might get wet, or some hot metal might splatter on him
But then again Joe just might be looking for that Amtrak train that fell in the river when the bridge collapsed.

mikee said...

I, for one, look forward to his pardon by Biden, which would be a deadly blow politically to Trump's campaign, and if he won, his presidency. And also, HILARIOUSLY FUNNY.

Howard said...

It a third-rate Telenovela, but you can't change the channel.

hombre said...

Trump is contemptuous of contemptible behavior and people. These Democrat judges and prosecutors and their accessories in the White House and DOJ are engaging in or condoning behavior that I could not have even imagined during 30 years as a prosecutor.

They are dirtbags who, along with Jan 6 prosecutors, judges and FBI Stasi, have destroyed respect for the criminal justice system among the half of the population who were once their strongest supporters.

PM said...

He'll just rename it the Big House.

mikee said...

I came here hoping for an April Fool's post, but either I'm too dense to see it or it hasn't been uploaded. Happy April 1st!

Deep State Reformer said...

Too weak by much I fear. Can't we now all finally admit that the American experiment with liberal democracy has failed and revert to a more stable parliamentary-type system without an independent executive or judiciary? Democracy is a very messy form of government prone to run amok at its best and this reform might avert the USA's government collapsing. At least for a while.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

The left didn't want to have to get Trump convicted and jailed. They wanted to pile on such an insurmountable mountain of criminal charges that he'd say uncle and not run for reelection. By refusing to back down, he's calling their bluff, or turning his enemies into the proverbial dog who catches a car and doesn't know what to do with it. Meanwhile, of course, the process of pursuing Trump in such a relentless and obviously unfair manner makes a lot of even non-MAGA people feel very uncomfortable and at least somewhat sympathetic to Trump and his supporters. Trump may not be Christ, but he's at least David going up against Goliath. People like the underdog. They hate the bully. So what doesn't kill Trump (lawfare) in fact makes him stronger.

Michael K said...

Blogger hombre said...

Trump is contemptuous of contemptible behavior and people. These Democrat judges and prosecutors and their accessories in the White House and DOJ are engaging in or condoning behavior that I could not have even imagined during 30 years as a prosecutor.

They are dirtbags who, along with Jan 6 prosecutors, judges and FBI Stasi, have destroyed respect for the criminal justice system among the half of the population who were once their strongest supporters.

Hear, hear.

Big Mike said...

I think Trump has done a better job of gaming out the possibility of receiving a prison sentence than the Democrats have. I suspect that Donald Trump in an orange prison jump suit will quite literally break the Democrat Party, and I think a few of the smarter ones among their political operatives are starting to see that. Unfortunately, the different trains are a long way down the tracks and they’re going to be hard to divert.

Point of information: there is nothing in the Constitution requiring that the President-elect be sworn in on the Capitol steps by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Having the oath of office administered by a prison chaplain in a jail cell would be somewhat novel, but perfectly Constitutional.

deepelemblues said...

Where in the constitution is this articulated?

Where in the constitution is it articulated that a state or a federal court can enforce criminal penalties on a sitting president?

Meade said...

mikee said...
“I came here hoping for an April Fool's post, but either I'm too dense to see it or it hasn't been uploaded. Happy April 1st!“

You don’t see it because we don’t say “fools” anymore, mikee. Too hurtful. Made fools feel disrespected. Suicidal even.
We now call it “April Wisdom, Sense, Understanding, and Judgement Disability Awareness and Visibility Day”
Please make a note.

planetgeo said...

No, the simplest answer is for him to immediately imprison every single person who falsely and maliciously put him through this. Yes, every judge, every prosecutor, every FBI agent, and every BS accuser that thought this was going to be a fun game. Because that's the only way that this game is going to end.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

S.O.S. was - indubitably - ABBA's greatest song.

tim in vermont said...

"Where in the constitution is this articulated?"

Oh, I am sure that if we were to use logic as loosely tethered to the text as this 14th amendment stuff, we could come up with something. In fact, I think we just did!

Mr. O. Possum said...

Just imagine what Shakespeare would do with characters like Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, and Fauci.

Too bad we have to live this, and it's not a play.

loudogblog said...

"I recommend house arrest in the White House."

That wouldn't work because the President needs to be free to evacuate the White House quickly in the event of a crisis. Also, the President needs to attend various summits and meetings with other world leaders. I think a better option would to be for the President to be placed under Secret Service guard 24/7 and have his trips limited to official Presidential duties.

I think that you're looking at the Presidency wrong. Once you're elected, you automatically become a prisoner to the job.

Freder Frederson said...

No, the simplest answer is for him to immediately imprison every single person who falsely and maliciously put him through this. Yes, every judge, every prosecutor, every FBI agent, and every BS accuser that thought this was going to be a fun game. Because that's the only way that this game is going to end.

imprison with no trial? And what exactly are the charges? This is not an end game, it is an acceleration.

But this is from a bunch of people who look forward to seeing people gunned down in the street by the military, or hung from lampposts.

Jupiter said...

It's NYC. They have to just release him without bail to offend and offend and offend as often as he likes. Its the LAW!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Planetgeo - you do realize that is never going to happen. right?

Jupiter said...

But yeah, they ought to at least put an ankle bracelet on F. Joe Biden. I read that he got lost yesterday, near the White House. He heard the music from an ice cream truck. But after he got his ice cream, he became disoriented.

Rusty said...

If we're going to be fair, Freder, you and your friends have already tried and convicted Trump before he ever got to the courthouse. Because EVERYBODY knows, right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

F Joe Biden is controlled by the Neo-Marxist demon contingent.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's supporters are often delusional about his powers.

Big Mike said...

@mikee, @Meade, so far today I have received an Email, ostensibly from the DNC, thanking me for my contribution to Joe Biden's campaign (Whaaaat?!?!?) and another, ostensibly from Donald Trump himself (Whaaaat?!?!?) announcing that he was suspending his campaign. So April Fools is alive and well, at least on Email.

Old and slow said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...

Where in the constitution is this articulated?

Did you overlook the word implicit? Perhaps it is unfamiliar to you.

William50 said...

If he's elected and the Dems control the House and Senate he will be impeached on his first day, the Senate will convict him in the fastest impeachment trial in history and it will be off to the hoosegow with Trump.

Chuck said...

I honestly did not get this Althouse Blog post at first.

Now I do:
April 1, 2024
"Our former president WANTS to wear the orange jumpsuit. He's just taunting them now, asking for it. Can this be seen as anything but contemptuous behavior?"
...So it would set a good example for President Trump to serve his term under house arrest. And let the rest of the U.S. Presidents voluntarily confine themselves to the White House. If any personal appearances are truly needed, they can be virtual....

"April 1."

bob said...

he's not exactly the type to go gentle into that good night

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

imprison with no trial? And what exactly are the charges? This is not an end game, it is an acceleration.

We would just be doing what you shitheads are doing to the J6 protestors. They were jailed for years with no trial.

But your pathetic fascist mind doesn't realize payback will be a bitch on that one.

But this is from a bunch of people who look forward to seeing people gunned down in the street by the military, or hung from lampposts.

Let us start with the people who lied to the FISA courts in order to spy on Trump's campaign and everyone who was part of this criminal conspiracy that is now openly admitted to and inarguable fact. That means the entire Obama and Clinton organizations. There is clear probable cause to arrest and jail all of these traitorous people.

Next lets arrest everyone who protested the 2000 election or worked for Al Gore during his insurrection. Charge them all with RICO. In Florida.

Then we can arrest everyone who is responsible for killing Jeffrey Epstein and covering up for all of the people he helped rape girls on his island.

Next step is to hire a bunch of moonbat women to remember being raped by any Democrat at some point. They don't even have to remember what year it happened. We will do this in Alabama or maybe Wyoming.

Then we can start working on the list of people that have taken money from foreign regimes for obvious political favors. We could scoop up the Romneys and McConnells along with the Clintons and Biden's in that round up.

And then after all of these criminals have been rounded up I am certain they will release their BLM/Antifa minions to burn more shit down and be just as violent as they have been the last decade or so. They could just be rounded up en masse at that point.

Achilles said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

Trump's supporters are often delusional about his powers.

We understand Trump is nothing without us.

But we also understand that he is braver and smarter than the Nevertrump cowards and traitors.

Trump hasn't betrayed us yet. We honor that.

Drago said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin: "Trump's supporters are often delusional about his powers."

Trump supporters are the most aware of the limitations of powers...and they are also keenly aware of just how much more those powers are limited by the GOPe and GOPe suckups who deliver for their democratical allies via Failure Theater which is ALWAYS excused away by the GOPe suckups.

But only always.

Trump supporters certainly appreciate not being despised by Trump as they are actively, and continuously, despised by the dems/GOPe/GOPe suckups who tend to use the same language to "Gorillas In The Mist" "analyze" them.

PB said...

the judge has a daughter who is a political activist who has admitted 'talking' to her father about trump and the case. someone deserves a tongue lashing.

Bruce Hayden said...

“It seems like the simplest answer is to say that election to the Presidency serves as an implicit commutation of any sentence.”

“Where in the constitution is this articulated?”

The issue is not federal sentences. There, the President has plenary pardon authority. Fredor’s buddies on the left had a meltdown when Trump pardoned LTG Flynn, which he had to do, because crooked Judge Sullivan refused to drop charges against Flynn, after the DOJ (under AG Barr) tried to withdraw the charges. In the end, neither federal bureaucrats nor federal judges can prevent the President from pardoning anyone they damn well please, whenever they want. And that includes pardoning themselves. Moreover, it is even arguable that anyone has the power to imprison the President. Anyone 8 the federal government would be violating their oath to support the Constitution.

Which brings us to state charges. Incarcerating a sitting President would adversely affect his ability to operate as the head of State, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, etc, of the US. And that is preempted by the Supremacy Clause. Who is going to host White House diplomatic dinners, if the President is stuck in a state prison? Does he share a cell with the military officer holding the nuclear codes? Etc. My guess is state prosecutions and sentences would be paused while the President is in office.

Mason G said...

"someone deserves a tongue lashing."

You could probably get Joe to sniff her hair. Would that work?

“Bad Genes” said...

Gag Order Against Trump Is Expanded to Bar Attacks on Judge’s Family ~ NYT

By prohibiting factually inaccurate attacks on a judge’s child, this attack strikes at the heart of the First Amendment by outlawing the most core, essential elements of the Republican Party’s 2024 platform.

wendybar said...

Rich said...
Gag Order Against Trump Is Expanded to Bar Attacks on Judge’s Family ~ NYT

By prohibiting factually inaccurate attacks on a judge’s child, this attack strikes at the heart of the First Amendment by outlawing the most core, essential elements of the Republican Party’s 2024 platform.

4/1/24, 7:42 PM

Judges child??? She is a 35 year old Progressive activist who worked on the Biden/Harris campaign.

You progressives are nuts. You think poor little Hunter Biden, can't defend himself because he is a child. HE is in his 50's.

No wonder you want to kill babies. Your adult offspring are all children who have to be protected from all their political wrongdoings because the Big Bad Orange Man was MEANNNNN to them, and as Progressive adults it is making them CRYYYYYYY1'

Grow up and and stop watching MSNBC. You sound as pathetic as Biden.

Rusty said...

"Trump hasn't betrayed us yet. We honor that."
There it is,