Enjoy this video of Biden talking about how many ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ signs he sees and how many little kids flip him off 🤣
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024
"It happens all the time" — "in a rural town, in the west" — The signs say "F Biden" and little kids give him the finger.
Biden 2024,
dirty words,
the finger,
these kids today
All the time? There is hope, then!
Joe Biden looks to be in fine form in this video!
I am shocked, shocked to find American politics has devolved thusly.
il 19, 2024
"It happens all the time … and little kids give him the finger.”
And does Joe pull the finger?
"and little kids give him the finger."
Meh. Try being a Wisconsin hockey fan in Minnesota.
It is unfortunate that politics has gotten so divisive (little kids pick it up from the adults, of course), but if Joe Biden wants to claim he hasn't poured gasoline on that fire, I've got a finger to show him.
Do the little kids also eat human flesh?
"It happens all the time" — "in a rural town, in the west" — The signs say "F Biden" and little kids give him the finger.
Stop being a dick, then. Problem solved.
He's got that right. Resident F. Joe Biden.
Everybody hates his fucking guts. That poor kid standing behind him in the video hates his filthy fucking guts.
Fluck (sic) Biden has diverse viewpoints in varying cultures.
When does he go to a rural town in the west?
Does he mean the midwest? But he doesn't go to rural towns. When he comes to Wisconsin, he only goes to Milwaukee or Madison. These are cities, not rural towns.
It's like the cannibalism thing. He's imagining scenarios.
Show me pictures of little kids giving him the finger.
I'd like to believe the kids hating on Biden is a reflection of the opinions of the parents but the shit is so deep with this President little kids are forced to reckon with him...
When does he go to a rural town in the west?
He goes to Steyer's house in Tahoe. Some might not find that to be rural enough. That's about all I can come up with.
Joe's imagination is running wild. His handlers should just let him loose. It's a better campaign strategy than what he is offering now.
He burdened that kid with millions of dollars in dept. I don’t blame him for giving Joe the middle finger.
Maybe he's remembering his time as a lifeguard when the kids rubbed his hairy legs and then gave him the finger.
Making things up. That's what he does.
Maybe he means the western part of Lackawanna County.
Or did he say this in Pittsburgh? Western Allegheny County?
Okay, I watched it twice, and now I see the 'Scranton' id in the video. Lackawanna Co.
I really watched it twice to see if the kid in the background was listening. No reaction at all from the kid when Biden mentions the F word. So the kid wasn't paying attention.
Ann Althouse said...
When does he go to a rural town in the west?
Does he mean the midwest?
i'd assume he means the west of delaware.. and it's STILL a lie
Not something I would be talking about on the campaign trail. "And it happens all the time." Going for the sympathy vote?
He really can't be re-elected, can he? This is surreal. He hasn't even been there - though no surprise, given he's not popular there.
He's done all these awful things to our country, including indicting his political opposition multiple times, and he thinks people should be giving him hugs and kisses? Even the little ones get it.
To view the eclipse, I just did a 3,000 mile trip from Madison to Maine and back. 60 hours in the front seat of the camper. I saw a couple of "F Joe Biden" signs.
Drop the words "Feyenoord kid finger" into a respected search engine for a sample image. Timeless.
He should feel lucky after the shit he's pulled. Potentates in other states can sometimes find a far less welcome reception.
maybe all the hormonal kids are advising Dr Jill about connubial bliss for your beloved President?!
“It's like the cannibalism thing. He's imagining scenarios.
Show me pictures of little kids giving him the finger.”
OK, he’s a little hazy on stuff like reality. But he gets the sentiment right.
I didn't see anyone give him the finger when he visited the Sheetz. Or the WaWa where he did the exact same things he did at the Sheetz. Maybe his script writers just weren't feeling it?
"60 hours in the front seat of the camper. I saw a couple of "F Joe Biden" signs."
I can see three "Let's Go Brandon" flags without leaving my house- just looking out the windows.
When Biden goes on these little brain dumps that are plainly false, does the Campaign Staff go into panic mode, or do they just figure the National Press will go into ProtectBidenMode and ignore it so they don't ever have to deal with it.
Biden flucked girls through a conflation of the sexes and denial of gender differences. He flucked students through shared responsibility and sustainable academic progressive prices. He flucked Americans through immigration reform. He flucked Afghanis with a catastrophic climate and ethnic Spring. He flucked, he flucks, and will fluck some more until the bennies for babies are aborted.
"He really can't be re-elected, can he? This is surreal."
81 million people with the intelligence of a kumquat say he could be.
P0TATUS Biden oughta get of DC and the Beltway more often. He’d get a better understanding of what most Americans really think of him and the predicament he’s put America and Americans in.
A sad state of affairs.
"But he doesn't go to rural towns . . . He's imagining scenarios . . . Show me pictures of little kids giving him the finger."
Althouse! Why so skeptical? Don't be ageist and show a little respect to our president!
Anyway, does FJB ever give a speech in which he doesn't lie like this? Can he go five minutes wthout "imagining scenarios"?
Chauncey Gardner is more lucid than Biden and less pathetic than Harris. After the last four years of this country being hosed by Biden and his handlers, FJB is the mildest epithet that can be laid to Biden & Co. Anyone still believe Biden got eighty one million votes?
Maybe it was a city bubbling with rage. With good reason.
Anyway, politicians should be flipped off. Constantly. It would be a sign of a free society and an engaged electorate.
Good, he and his democrat fascists are destroying the country for those children. They will have to pay the price for the democrat tyranny.
Perhaps it’s due to fact even children realize he’s about as much the President as their pets are. Out of hands of babes, the emperor has neither clothes nor clues. That and their parents are fed up to the back teeth with being gaslighted by this puppet morning, noon and night.
When he comes to Wisconsin, he only goes to Milwaukee or Madison. These are cities, not rural towns.
They are compared to NY and DC.
Is it just me, or does Biden rarely/never blink?
There are some videos from Maui where people were shouting "F' Joe Biden" and flipping off the motorcade. There are kids in the crowed but, you really only hear grown men.
How did this not get the Althouse using children in politics tag?
Or could it be that he thinks of Ohio as a western state? I can picture something like what he describes happening to him when he finally got around to visiting East Palestine, OH. Most of the signs said things like “Too Little Too Late,” but there may have been some “F*** Joe Biden” signs mixed in. It’s not as though the residents had no reason to feel that way.
Or, as Althouse suggests, he could just be tabulating again.
There's hope out there.
This is a golden comedy meme. The hot opening in SNL tomorrow night just about writes itself. A lock the writers run with it. A lock.
" Happens all the time."
The iconic photo of the little girl Pedo Joe is snorting doesn't help his PR any.
Oingo Boingo's Biden Theme.
"I can see three "Let's Go Brandon" flags without leaving my house- just looking out the windows."
That was your house? Small world!
It saves time jodete biden
poor husk puppet.
A little taste of what your corrupt regime does to us - crook Joe. (btw - the middle finger really goes to his handlers and mob controllers)
another BTW - New Biden education rules - 1500 pages of pro-trans madness.
It's offical - democrats hate women and girls.
This clip, and other recent ones I’ve seen, give me reason to think that we’ll see President Kamala Harris before too many more weeks pass. Maybe even just days.
Easy prediction: Harris will so thoroughly botch the job that no woman will be electable until an entire generation has passed.
Yes, Joe...and?...
The editing of that clip is amusing, ending precisely on the reaction shot.
I too doubt the truth of the middle-finger story. We know from the coverage of the kid at the Chiefs game that any child raising the middle finger to Biden would have been publicized nationwide.
The F Biden signs probably exist, but Robert De Niro went on SNL to say "F Trump." This is the world we live in now.
LOL! Fuck Joe Biden.
It was the little town right outside of where his uncle was eaten by cannibals.
"That was your house? Small world!"
No, not my place- three neighbors. Maybe I'll add one of my own.
NorthoftheoneOne said...
"I didn't see anyone give him the finger when he visited the Sheetz. Or the WaWa where he did the exact same things he did at the Sheetz. Maybe his script writers just weren't feeling it?"
In the part of PA that had the most Sheetz stores, they pronounce it Sheetz's (say sheetzes)
For some reason, they are uncomfortable with the Z ending, so they make a possessive. It's very strange.
Two mothers are in the park airing out the babies. One says to the other
"Oooh, your baby is quite breathtaking."
The other replies
"And smart, too. Felina, say 'fuck Joe Biden' for Betsy here"
John Henry
Far, far, Better to have little kids giving Brandon the finger than the reverse. Iykwimaityd
John Henry
Biden looks like an animatronic singer from Chuck-E-Cheese
If you're trying to analyze what Brandon is saying, you're wasting your time. He's either lying outright or making up shit.
Biden’s White House staff are calling Trump “Hitler Pig,” aren’t they?
Back in the day we called this thinking you're the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.
Half of that fits FJB.
I remember grown ass women giving Trump's motorcade the finger. When has Biden been in a rural western town in the last three years? Was it when he went to El Paso?
East Palestine, for one. Border towns, for another. Excess murders and rapes, undoubtedly. Diverse jurisdictions that do not support Capitol punishment and other novel Democratic judgments. Women and girls pushed to the back of the bus, under the bus.
The Kids Are Alright.
I dunno. That 8 year old kid that Biden is kvetching about--he of the rigid digit--has greater cognitive ability than Joe in his present mental decline.
I'm reminded of the Obama Texan joke.
Obama is out on a ranch in Texas. Flies are buzzing around his head. He asks the rancher, "What are these things flying around my head?"
The rancher replies, "Well those are horse flies. You usually find them around a horse's tail"
Obama, in some dudgeon asks, "Are you calling me a horse's ass?"
The rancher replies, "Nope. Can't fool them flies though."
Eight year olds aren't fooled by Joe.
When I was a kid in a rural town, in the west, we always gave the finger to anybody who'd had a relative eaten by cannibals. That's just what you did. Why wouldn't you? I'm glad to hear young people are still keeping some of our American traditions alive out there.
And while we're on the subject, I bet those cannibals sniffed Uncle Bosie before they gave the thumbs up to the cook. Bosie passed the sniff test, something Joe has never been able to do. But now Joe sniffs anybody who strikes him as tender and toothsome. Draw your own conclusions.
I don't know who that kid in the background is, but I can see the wheels turning in his head.
According to The Cook Political Report brain addled Biden received received 81,282,916 votes. So he won based on counted votes.
But virtually no one, including a crapload of actual Biden voters, believes that 81,282,916 people voted for him. There's way to much evidence of fraudulent vote counting and fraudulent votes cast to believe that. Kicking out poll watchers, middle of the night ballot drops, unfolded pristine mail in ballots, etc.
Many, including me, have substantial reason to believe brain addled Biden did not legitimately win the election. Fact: there have been recent court rulings in different states ruling that procedures followed in the 2020 election were unlawful. What that says, without saying it, is that the election itself was illegitimate.
And then there's numbers, historical numbers and trends. Trump garnered 62,984,828 votes in 2016. 74,223,369 in 2020. Becoming the first incumbent US president to increase his vote total and lose reelection. That's a red flag. While winning counties doesn't count for anything, brain addled Biden won fewer counties than any winners before. Evidence of his widespread popularity I guess. And since they- the media and pundits - started defining and identifying bellweather districts, won the smallest percentage of them ever and won. Not evidence per se, but it creates a pattern. Biden won PA with a whopping 50% of the vote overall, and from what I read earlier today an 80-20 edge in mailin votes. You know, the type of voting prohibited in almost every other country because of the fraud problem. Makes one wonder why DemoncRATs nationwide are pushing for 100% mailin voting...
Has brain addled Biden seen children give him the finger? Probably not. But he should see it everywhere he goes from children and adults alike.
I live in rural NW Wiconsin. I see dozens of FJB flags and signs, along with many more Trump 2024 flags and signs. The rubes really dislike Biden, and want Trump back in the White House.
Kids and dogs recognize asshole quickly.
Either way...even if Biden is lying about the kid....
He's the kid pointing out to everyone else the Emperor is naked. No magic cloth.
And Biden is too stupid to make the connection.
I love these feel good stories.
Biden misses the kids from when he used to swear in new legislators, and he would focus on giving the kids a warm welcome.
Opportune moment to press him on the Pedo Pete label.
“This is a golden comedy meme. The hot opening in SNL tomorrow night just about writes itself. A lock the writers run with it. A lock.”
Sorry, Lorne. No sale.
The sole question is whether the 3:00AM vote count staff shoot Biden a middle finger instead of feeding fake Biden mail in votes into the counters. The rest is a charade.
I don't doubt that it actually happened somewhere, any more than I don't doubt that Joe Biden is making it up on the spot, when telling the story. We've known for over 40 years that Joe Biden will spin a tale to work a crowd, pulling BS out of the air to make some point to gain whatever points he can, at a public gathering - most of them self-aggrandizing. He's one of the most craven modern politicians we've seen, so craven and un-self-aware that he'll repeat a lie that's been disproven every time it's been uttered publicly, if he thinks that it'll still score him political points. And so far he's apparently had enough sympathetic press coverage that he still figures the odds favor him.
More heeling than healing, Joe. Way to listen to your experts, Joe.
Kids say the darndest things.
Easy prediction: Harris will so thoroughly botch the job that no woman will be electable until an entire generation has passed.
my prediction > D's run a trans and check the win box all the ways possible
Biden has always been a lying idiot. Always. If Obama hadn’t picked him for VP he would be sitting in the dust bin of history now. I still can’t believe we have two of the biggest sub-mediocrties at the top of our government.
I have not seen any Fuck Joe Biden signs. I have seen a LOT of Lets Go Brandon and "I Did That" signs however.
Regardless of the truth of Biden’s statement, he appears totally worn out and in need of yet another vacation. I seriously doubt that he can withstand the rigors of a campaign. Seems like elder abuse at this point.
Show me one example. No, since "it happens all the time" show me dozens of examples of children giving him the finger.
And speaking of kumquats Chuck shows up.
That is disgusting--letting an old man ramble about his fantasies of persecution. It is elder abuse. He needs to be tucked away with a minder. Just wait until he starts to wander.
Fresh hope for a new generation.
C'mon, kid, you can walk all over my lawn.
Crook Joe is OK to yammer on how he wants to beat the hell out of Trump - to cheers from the Maddow-Schitt-Hillary hiveminders who hate Trump as their religion.
Yes, high IQ seven year olds populate the west. But Joe still wants to shower with them.
This is a great example of Fake but Accurate.
Obama and Biden have been the most divisive Presidents of my lifetime. They deal in identity politics and both have far left policies. At least Obama could draw a crowd. Same with Trump. Biden not at all. Tell me again how he won the 6 battleground states.
"Just wait until he starts to wander."
He's got Dr. Jill to lead him arou,d.
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