April 26, 2024

"Biden, asked if he’s planning to debate Trump, says 'I am happy to'" — asked by Howard Stern.

The NYT reports.

Mr. Biden’s announcement, made in response to a question from the radio host Howard Stern, comes after pressure from television networks and Mr. Trump’s campaign for the president to agree to participate in debates.

Hey, I'm surprised he submitted to an interview... and irked and amused that the interviewer his people chose was Howard Stern. 

When Mr. Stern asked Mr. Biden if he would debate Mr. Trump, the president replied: “I am, somewhere, I don’t know when, but I am happy to debate him.”

That should be his motto: "I am, somewhere, I don’t know when, but I am happy." 

Mr. Biden’s remarks appeared to be off the cuff, rather than a planned announcement of a shift in his campaign’s strategy, according to a top Democratic official familiar with its thinking...

Oh? Let's see how they weasel out of it. It was a gaffe, right? Somehow it will be impossible to get the conditions right. 

Over the last month, Mr. Trump has made goading Mr. Biden about debates a feature of his campaign rallies. Before the former president takes the stage, screens show an image of his Truth Social post claiming his willingness to debate Mr. Biden “anytime, anywhere, anyplace.”

A staff member then brings an empty lectern on the stage, with a sign bearing those three words. The lectern remains in place while Mr. Trump gives his campaign speech.

“See the podium?” Mr. Trump said at a rally this month in Schnecksville, Pa. “I’m calling on crooked Joe Biden to debate anytime, anywhere, any place.”...

Chris LaCivita, a top campaign adviser to Mr. Trump, replied to the Biden debate news by writing on social media: “Ok let’s set it up !”


rehajm said...

Biden would need three allies on the panel and one would have to be that lickspittle Turk guy and they would have to do most of the talking- …what you meant to say Mr. President is…

Humperdink said...

Biden will lay down conditions for the debate .... moderators will be Jack Smith, Big Fani, and Fat Alvin.

minnesota farm guy said...

Never happen!

Darkisland said...

and irked and amused that the interviewer his people chose was Howard Stern.

I would have loved to see the 1990s version of Howard Stern interview him.

"Mr President are you a scruncher or a folder? Do you fold your toilet paper or scrunch it in a wad when you use it."

The 2024 version, not so much.

It will be like the ESPN interview. Questions asked word for word from a script with no comments or followups.

John Henry

Achilles said...

"Biden, asked if he’s planning to debate Trump, says 'I am happy to'" — asked by Howard Stern.

The NYT reports.

This just means that they are replacing Biden. His decline since the SOTU has been accelerating. They cost him years of his life when they juiced him up for that speech.

50/50 he is even alive by November.

FullMoon said...

Howard Stern? Did he ask Biden if he does anal?

Bob B said...

The Biden campaign has clarified his remarks so that it is understood Biden is happy to debate so long as neither Trump or Kennedy are invited.

Steve said...

Am I the only one that remembers Howard Stern was once a Libertarian? He's become a COVID simp in the most frightening way. Peak Howard Stern would have torn any politician to shreds. Now he's throwing softballs at octogenarians.

mccullough said...

Is Howard Stern still in his basement wearing a mask?

Darkisland said...

Gateway Pundit has a post about the interview with some clips. Including Brandon telling how he got arrested standing on the back porch with a black woman.


John Henry

walter said...

Team Juice members refresh their resumes.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Remember Mumbles on the old Dick Tracy cartoon? Biden will need a translator:

Biden: Humphrana...pebessositous...namawr!

Moderator: Mumbles says Trump's an insurrectionist and can't ever be president!

Darkisland said...

I was just reading that Brandon has gotten worse at staying upright.

My devil's playground started thinking about a Brandon-Trump debate. He fabulizing away and just falls down.

If you are Donald Trump what do you do?

If you walk over to help him stand up the media headlines will be "Trump shoves Biden to the floor on debate stage!!" They will play the video backwards if necessary.

Or, PEDJT doesn't fall for this and stays in a neutral corner headlines "Trump shoves Biden to floor refuses to help him up."

Or, and this just occured to me "When Biden fell, Donald Trump pulled out a revolver and started walking over to him. When stopped by the Secret Service he said "Why not? They shoot horses, don't they?" We would show you video but our cameras glitched"

John Henry

William said...

Is Howard Stern that far in the tank that the Biden people feel that Biden can be comfortably interviewed by Stern? I thought the Stern brand was that he asked celebs probing and embarrassing questions? "Mr. President, when did you lose your virginity?",,,,,I'd like to see a debate between the First Ladies. That would be interesting, although, predictably, Jill would probably nix the swimsuit competition portion of the debate as sexist.

Iman said...

Stop your messing around;
Better think of your future,
Time to straighten right out,
Creating problems in town.
A message to you, Joey.
A message to you.


Ampersand said...

Biden also stated that he was arrested during the civil rights era for standing with a black family on their porch.

Everyone who believes this deserves to have Biden as their President.

MadisonMan said...

That should be his motto: "I am, somewhere, I don’t know when, but I am happy."
This made me laugh. Thanks!

traditionalguy said...

Of course Biden only means if the Warden in the Federal Prison System allows it. And he won’t on Biden’s orders.

Lawfare is the best warfare.

Static Ping said...

We keep pretending that Biden actually makes decisions for himself.

PM said...

I smell a sad medical issue.
Brave Joe out.
Gallant Gavin in.
Kamala stays to enact Joe's legacy.
One big Californication.

Joe Smith said...

Stern is a shill.

Once a rebel, he's turned into a hysterical old lesbian, with all due respect to hysterical old lesbians.

Howard would get the Covid jab every single day if he could.

Lilly, a dog said...

After the interview was over, Dr Jill smacked him with a rolled-up newspaper and withheld his pudding.

Enigma said...

One cognitively challenged old man interviews another cognitively challenged old man. Bibs, cookies, cartons of milk, and nap time during the break. Watch out for drooling on the notes.

You've got to wonder who they are trying to motivate with this interview. Aging white male liberals who are defecting in large numbers, such as Joe Rogan and Bill Maher? People who talk about sex all the time? Old people who don't know about streaming or podcasts and who still listen to radio stations? NPR wouldn't have Biden because the new boss feared Biden would have a non-Woke slip of the tongue?

Brian said...

The real question is: Was that a campaign approved, scripted question, from Howard? Or did Howard go Rogue.

If the former, then they plan to get rid of him before the election. If the latter, then nobody is safe to the WH staff, and they will need to do better at scripting future interviews, i.e. "not live".

lonejustice said...

I don't believe Biden will actually agree to debate Trump, because he would be just awful. Stuttering, stammering, incoherent, forgetful, etc. Biden has substantially deteriorated since his last debates with Trump. I expect his campaign to weasel out the debates somehow. I've often wondered if they will float the idea of saying Biden doesn't need to debate Trump because Trump never debated his Republican rivals in the primaries. Of course, this is comparing apples to oranges, but it might be something they would try, because Trump did decide not to debate his opponents in the primaries.

Jupiter said...

I am happy to debate you Tuesday for an ice-cream cone today.

gilbar said...

I'm sticking with my prediction..
resident Biden will be dead by the end of the convention (PROBABLY during the 1st night; possibly on stage)
Then, the nation will "rally around" whoever the dems tell us to; who will win with Over 100 million votes

Geoff Matthews said...

Joe Biden will not be the nominee.
The Democratic Presidential Primary is June 7th. Joe will get the nomination.
Then an undisclosed health emergency will occur, and he'll be replaced. And it won't be Kamala.

Steven Wilson said...

Can't have Gavin and Kamala on the ticket. Constitution forbids President and VP from same state. Oh, wait what am I saying about the constitution forbidding it, silly me.

Leland said...

Is Biden happy to debate Trump for a Presidential run or Senatorial run?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Biden could offer to debate Trump after his trials are over.

Rabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabel said...

From before the Muslims took away Cat. Full version.

Kakistocracy said...

I don’t think it makes any difference. Trump does as much campaigning from a courtroom as does at one of his Nuremberg re-enactments. He isn’t going to win anyone over. You are cult or free. And Biden barely bothers to campaign. He just relies on his belief that the majority of Americans are intending to choose freedom over serfdom. In any case the most dramatic parts of the Trump legal process will no doubt happen after he has lost the election.

Big Mike said...

[shrug] Stern gets lots of interviewees to say things they don’t really mean and that they have no intention of doing.

Humperdink said...

Who interviewed Biden again? Was it our beloved Howard or the Stern guy?

Anonymous said...

Howard Stern? Howard Stern? Howard Stern? The guy who had lesbian kiss-offs, X-rated actresses riding sex toys in his studio, and real incest family members...

That Howard Stern?

Where's the #metoo moment with all this? The ones who grew faint at Trump's Access Hollywood comments?


Candide said...

“We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day”

narciso said...

obama was campaigning on bubba the love sponge, I don't know if he still a thing,

Aggie said...

"Mr. Biden’s remarks appeared to be off the cuff, rather than a planned announcement of a shift in his campaign’s strategy, according to a top Democratic official familiar with its thinking..."

That's a funny choice of pronouns, there. But I suppose it underscores the sentiment that Joe Biden isn't doing any of the thinking.

Ralph L said...

Constitution forbids President and VP from same state.

Darth Cheney had to quickly change his residency from Texas to his Wyoming home in 2000. Does Kam own any houses outside California?

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Gavin and Kamala, a match made in heaven. But, it's so heavenly that they can kiss California's EC votes goodbye. The Constitution says no EC votes can be awarded in that situation.

The Godfather said...

In the 2020 election there was a debate between Pres. Trump and former-VP Biden. The pro-Trump folks, maybe some of them are commenters here, promised that the debate would show that Biden was a senile, incompetent doofus.


Pro-Trump folks need to focus. Trump would be a better president than even a (imaginary) compos mentis Biden. Trump's policies are better. Look at the economy under Biden. Covid is gone. Is THIS the best we can hope for?

Do we have to debate who's the bigger lawbreaker? President Biden has the OBLIGATION to enforce immigration laws -- HE'S NOT DOING THAT. What laws has Trump violated? Reporting the values of his apartment buildings? Reporting how his accountants report LEGAL payments to someone who sued him? Keeping the same kinds of souvenir records from his presidency that Biden kept from his vice-presidency?

Stop playing on the Democrats' field and according to their rules.

Narayanan said...

Does Kam own any houses outside California?
there could be village or two ready to adopt / surrender to her! in Tamil Nadu

HistoryDoc said...

Biden will be happy to debate if he can select the questions beforehand, and bring notecards and teleprompter to the podium.

You think I'm kidding?

Narayanan said...

he Stern brand was that he asked celebs probing and embarrassing questions?
not when they wear adult diapers for chrissake!

n.n said...

Biden is betting that his criminals... cronies have sufficiently softened his competitor in chief.

The Real Andrew said...

Someone should ask Biden (or his press secretary) about some of Stern’s more infamous quotes. Like how the Columbine killers should have raped the females before killing them. Or any number of misogynistic comments. Trump is always guilty by association. Biden can appear on Stern’s show without consequences.

FullMoon said...

The Real Andrew said...

Someone should ask Biden (or his press secretary) about some of Stern’s more infamous quotes. Like how the Columbine killers should have raped the females before killing them

Stern did his 180 during metoo movement. No doubt scared to death his time was coming.

Christopher B said...

Steven Wilson said...
Can't have Gavin and Kamala on the ticket. Constitution forbids President and VP from same state.

It's a bit pedantic but no, it doesn't.

The 12th Amendment says that an Elector can not vote for a Presidential candidate and a Vice-Presidential candidate who are *both residents of the same state as the Elector*. In general no campaign has been so sure of an EC victory that it wanted to potentially throw away electoral votes unnecessarily so the Presidential and Vice-presidential candidates generally claim to reside in separate states. In theory California electors could arrange to vote for a third candidate for VP to ensure that the selected Presidential candidate is elected at the risk that the difference in EV is such that the Republican VP candidate could be elected.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Howard hosted Pedo Joe? Stern was always ahead of the curve. Now pedos? Sad.

Jimmy said...

Seems like many people here think Biden will withdraw, or die, before Nov. I agree. But figure it will be Michelle Obama who steps in to save democracy in America. (sarcasm)

gilbar said...

Steven Wilson said...
Can't have Gavin and Kamala on the ticket. Constitution forbids President and VP from same state.

George W and Dick Cheney were Both from Texas. Both had lived there for MANY years.
So, when W pick Cheney; Cheney just bought a house in Jackson Hole, and pretended to live in Wyo.
Later, Cheney's daughter (who had spent her ENTIRE life in Virginia (after being born in Madison) pretended to be "from" Wyo as well.
Lizard even got arrested for having a false Wyoming resident* hunting/fishing license.

Of course, NONE of them could ever beat my former Senator.. Tom Harkin. Tom's primary residence was in Alexandria.. With his Only other house being in the British Virgin Islands (NOT the US Virgins, the British Virgins).. His ONLY connection with Iowa was a PO Box at the Hotel Fort Des Moines.

false Wyoming resident* Wyo law states that, in order to get a resident license; you must prove:
a) that the Wyoming residence is your PRIMARY residence
b) [this, is the kicker] it has to have been your Primary residence for MORE THAN ONE YEAR

i'm not a resident, and *i* knew this (it's On their website).. But: Lizard didn't know and didn't care

Steven Wilson said...

You know, Christopher B. , even as I was hitting send, I thought if this is a piece of received wisdom that is incorrect or at least not foolproof, I'll soon find out. Thank you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I heard some snippets of the interview. Biden is a total freak, embarrassment, a lair and a fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left will ear piece old Joe. feed him his lines.

wendybar said...

He just relies on his belief that the majority of Americans are intending to choose freedom over serfdom. In any case the most dramatic parts of the Trump legal process will no doubt happen after he has lost the election.

4/26/24, 2:50 PM

You are contradicting yourself. Freedom is voting for Trump SERFDOM is living under Progressives...whomever they stick in there...

wendybar said...

"The live interview went sideways after Joe Biden absurdly claimed he “got arrested standing on a porch with a black family” during the civil rights movement.

Biden recounted a conversation with his mother: “She said Joey, remember – true story – remember when they were desegregating… the neighborhood, you know, 70 homes built…and there was a black family moving in and people were down there protesting. I told you not to go down there and you went down. Remember that? And you came and got arrested for standing on the porch with a black family and they brought you back, the police? I said, yeah mom, I remember that!”

This is why Biden’s handlers do not allow him to do live interviews."


Tina Trent said...

Anyone who read Stern's first autobiography already knows he has a microphallus, but now we all know how much he sucks up to leftist power, and how much he sucks as a friend: he used to love having Trump on his show.

MB said...

They are turning Biden debating Trump into an exceptional act of bravery, setting low expectations for the outcome.
"I stared into the abyss and the abyss stared back". His sacrifice will be remembered.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump just needs to remember not to call Biden “Obama” …

Trump will never let this happen, and Biden knows it. Polling has shown that debates hurt Trump. That's why he refused to participate in the primary debates. Trump’s handlers won't allow this — high risk low reward.

Gk1 said...

Well we do know that no matter what the debate venue will be Biden and his handlers will get the questions beforehand, that's what they do. They will never happen of course, as they are a minefield for an increasingly addled Prez.

RMc said...

I don't believe Biden will actually agree to debate Trump, because he would be just awful. Stuttering, stammering, incoherent, forgetful, etc.

And Dems would care not one jot. (These are the people who elected Fetterman, after all.)

wildswan said...

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There'll be the debate we hear of ...

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