April 24, 2024

"Biden and his supporters are intent on making Trump the Nelson Mandela of America."

Said Trump pollster John McLaughlin, quoted in "How 'The Nelson Mandela of America' Is Making Bank Off of His Criminal Trial/'I’m catching up on my fucking sleep ’cause I’m bored,' Trump told one source" (The Bulwark).

Wow, that caught my eye, and not just because "I’m catching up on my fucking sleep ’cause I’m bored" is hilarious. Just this morning — and before reading that — I was saying, in conversation, that if Trump goes to jail the Trump movement will gain energy and "He'll become Nelson Mandela."
“If they lock [Trump] up for telling the truth, our fundraising will go supernova,” [an unnamed] Trump adviser told The Bulwark. “They don’t have the balls.”

Prosecutor Chris Conroy made clear to the court that he was mindful of turning Trump into a MAGA martyr. “We are not yet seeking an incarceratory penalty,” he said, adding that Trump apparently wants to go to jail: “Defendant seems to be angling for that.”

Not yet. Ha ha. I guess Trump's seeming to angle for it is playing on his antagonists' mind. If he wants it, we'd better not want it, so if later, he seems not to want it, then we will be seeking it. The use of the nonword "incarceratory" suggests that anxiety/confusion.

Trump pollster John McLaughlin said this wasn’t just about fundraising. “It’s more about exposing Biden’s real motives to lock up his political opponent,” he said. “The key is taking a really bad situation and turning it into an opportunity to help win the election. Biden and his supporters are intent on making Trump the Nelson Mandela of America.

This is what Trump does. Whatever happens, he makes something of it. He's a builder, and he will use the materials on hand. And if the material is boredom, he will catch up on his fucking sleep. 


The Vault Dweller said...

Here's hoping there is no actual convictions or prison time like with Mandela. And here's hoping there is no necklacing.

Heartless Aztec said...

Absolutely fucking hilarious.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I just don't think these people really grasp what's going on. It isn't the man. It's the discontent of a huge cohort of the country, a majority of the country and growing, that are thoroughly fed up with the liberal world order. That majority has seen what was hidden by the MSM for decades when cell phone video and the mass psychosis it created within the politically unbalanced among the left became visible for the 1st time.

This has been festering since before Birack Obama left office and it isn't going away. It will continue to grow, with Trump at the forefront or not. It will grow to the point where their margin of fraud will not protect their electoral prospects.

It doesn't seem like it, but this is just beginning. The liberal world order is on trial and for many that trial is already over and the status quo has been found guilty. They can jail 100 Trumps but it will not slow leviathan.

They should prepare for what's coming instead of trying to plug holes in their ship with fingers and toes.

PB said...

The forces pushing these prosecutions and jail are Hilary's people embedded in the Biden administration. It's all Hilary. Someone who committed real crimes wants to lock up someone who didn't.

n.n said...

Mandela. And here's hoping there is no necklacing.

Necklacing, political assassinations, rape and rape-rape, and imperial divestment are inevitably a progressive condition. Let's hope all lives matter in America, and color factions will lean away from their present forward-looking path.

Achilles said...

This is what Trump does. Whatever happens, he makes something of it. He's a builder, and he will use the materials on hand. And if the material is boredom, he will catch up on his fucking sleep.

Trump and Musk and Rowling have all figured out that opponents of the Regime gain social status. Now everyone in the world sees that the Regime is universally hated. Others like Rogan, Pool, Owens, and many others are joining them.

The regime is that class of people that have always sought power over others in society through positions of unearned social status. The people who used heredity or which college you attended or race or religion to centralize and dominate social contracts. They are the Human Resources department and Bureaucracy.

These people hate meritocracy. They hate Trump not just because he defies them, but because he succeeds and has talent. Same for Musk and the other notables.

Skeptical Voter said...

A Colombian immigrant student was quoted as saying that the Bragg prosecution is worse than anything she's seen in a banana republic. Well if you're going for banana republic,you might as well be the number one banana republic in the world. Keeps the kiddies at the New York Times happy.

God of the Sea People said...

Trump won't ever be Mandela, because if he ever ends up in prison he will be Epsteined as soon as they take away his secret service protection, and they are attempting to do exactly that.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I trust you understand that it’s not just that they want him in jail, it’s that they want to put him in jail based on bogus charges. That’s what causes him to resemble Nelson Mandela (except de Klerk was a more honorable person than fabulist Joe Biden).

Sebastian said...

"Biden and his supporters are intent on making Trump the Nelson Mandela of America.”

So, what island? Right in the middle of a swamp?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Whatever you do, don't throw me into the briar patch you stupid bastards. Anything but that.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

The King FAKE NEWS stories. The beans are spilled by what a Pecker!

Jamie said...

I suppose it's a cancelable offense these days to bring up Br'er Rabbit. And the Tar Baby.

My husband remains convinced, though, that a criminal conviction will kill Trump's electrical chances among the unengaged middle for sure, as well as among squeamish Republicans.

Personally I just think that the Democrats learned a little from 2016 and a lot from 2020, and that we'll never again have a truly auditable election in my lifetime - say, 25-30 years. I'm not saying there will be no Republican presidents in that time - just that they'll be elected on sufferance; and that we'll never again know for certain what any particular election result is or would have been if not for overwhelming media control of the runup.

Rusty said...

They will fuck around until they have only one option left to stop him. And they will use it.
We are not dealing with rational people who sre interested in an equal playing field. We are dealing withn idelogues, zealots who have left reason behind. On purpose.

mikee said...

We don't want a Mandela, who kept the communists in the government because they "supported" his liberation struggle. We don't really want Trump, despite some darn good policy from him. He is an unpleasant person. We just really, really, really don't want what the other side is offering, and will take whoever most strongly opposes it and has better policy than destruction of the middle class and permanent dystopian progressivism.

Michael K said...

I assume, as the backlash grows, he is increasing his security. I hope so.

Hassayamper said...

I'll donate the maximum allowable to Trump's campaign if he is convicted or jailed. I don't care if I have to take extra overtime shifts to afford it. These banana-republic scum have to be taught a harsh lesson.

The Real Andrew said...

There were numerous times during his presidency that I thought Trump was finished. The forces arrayed against him seemed too strong. Yet again and again, he survived, and even became stronger. It was like something out of the Old Testament, where Israel's enemies fall into their own traps. I'm hoping that the same thing is about to happen here.

Gusty Winds said...

"Biden and his supporters are intent on making Trump the Nelson Mandela of America."

Wow. Talk about cultural appropriation.

Kay said...

Nelson Mandela is an interesting choice for this journalist to use for his metaphor at a time when many on the left believe biden to be a supporter of apartheid in israel.

PM said...

He's closer to the Pete Rose of America.

Michael said...

Trump is the most anti-fragile public figure I've ever seen. Remember how they called Reagan the Teflon President? Not even close to Donald.

gadfly said...

Comparing Trump to Mandela was first done by TFG himself during the New Hampshire primary. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in South African prisons so those of us who believe that Trump lived his life dodging prosecutions are cheering for Trump to enter a Federal Prison soon. To date, Donald has not spent a day single in the slammer.

Our Trump pollster is asking the wrong questions and the wrong people about Trump's popularity and innocence among voters.

Darkisland said...

I can see our President Emeritus saying he was going to catch up on his sleep. Great line.

I somehow don't see him using the word "fucking". Has he used it before. Say in a hot mic moment?

It just doesn't seem to fit his style but I may be naive.

I have no problem with it if he did.

John Henry

Enigma said...

With its selective enforcement of laws, adoption of Nazi iconography, racial "safe spaces," job and school set asides for those who score poorly on standardized tests, and many other equity programs, the Democrats do indeed mimic South African apartheid and tribalism.

This is a weird metaphor though. If Trump is Nelson, who is Winnie? I can't see Melania going out to necklace Donald's enemies.

Leora said...

If the Congress votes to strip his Secret Service protection conviction, I will not be able to sleep at night.

Leora said...

I note that President Trump is not allowed to express an opinion about Mr. Conroy without incurring contempt of court penalties.

Joe Smith said...

I was saying, in conversation, that if Trump goes to jail the Trump movement will gain energy and "He'll become Nelson Mandela."

Which is why I previously posted that he should attend his son's graduation.

Moms (and women in general) would be sympathetic...

wild chicken said...

Time to double down on DJT Media!

Ranten N. Raven said...

Necklacing? Oh, God, hadn't thought of that. Pray things not get so ugly here!

My wish: Someone finds a person the prosecutor paid off for an NDA, causing the whole thing to fly apart like a shattered flywheel.

Eva Marie said...

“This is what Trump does. Whatever happens, he makes something of it. He's a builder, and he will use the materials on hand. And if the material is boredom, he will catch up on his fucking sleep. “
I love this so much.

Crazy World said...

Hahaha, love this! I shared it on Truth Social.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Trump antagonists are so afraid of what’s happening with Trump and the black community, they made Stephen A Smith apologize for stating the obvious via a Shawn Hannity interview.

Michael said...

That wascally wabbit!

Narayanan said...

where in USA are the briar patches/thciktes

Blackbeard said...

I'm no Trump fan and I was going to sit this terrible election out. But if they put him in jail of course I'll vote for him. If he's off the ballet I'll vote for whoever replaces him, sight unseen.

We really can't sit still for becoming a country that decides elections by locking up the opposition.

“Bad Genes” said...

I'd be willing to compare Trump to Mandela if he spent 27 years in prison first.

A better comparison for Trump might be Jim Jones, except Jones had to force his acolytes at gunpoint to drink the Flavor Aid. In Trump's case many are drinking it willingly and eagerly.

Real American said...

Nothing says DEMOCRACY like throwing your political rivals in jail.

Joe Smith said...

'I'd be willing to compare Trump to Mandela if he spent 27 years in prison first.'

Mandela was a thug and his wife was even worse.

Indigo Red said...

Biden was in prison with Mandela, ya know.

Rocco said...

Since were throwing out analogies, how about Bragg/James as Javert from Les Miserables?

Joe Smith said...

'A better comparison for Trump might be Jim Jones, except Jones had to force his acolytes at gunpoint to drink the Flavor Aid. In Trump's case many are drinking it willingly and eagerly.'

You really know nothing about Jim Jones, and how he used to hobnob with all the San Francisco democrats. He was their go-to boy and they loved him.

This information is very easy to find, but I've included a couple of links because you are too disingenuous and lazy to do it yourself:



Bear in mind that SFGate is a very liberal site.

Butkus51 said...

4 more years [pause]

Butkus51 said...

Cant wait til Rich is whipping women for not wearing their burqa.

He might lose.

Darkisland said...

Yesterday someone on BlueSky linked to a NYT article that they claimed that his take for Truth had been reduced to $1bn. BlueSky is a slightly more crazy version of Twitter. I don't do much with Twitter because I use it mainly to promote my Packaging Machinery Handbook (PORTAL!!!) and don't want to annoy potential buyers. I do have some fun on BlueSky.

Someone more literate pointed out that his stake had been increased by $1bn.

I agreed that the $1bn was on top of what he already had but pointed out that even if it had been reduced to $1bn, it was still to the good since, as I understand it, he has put none of his own money in. Anything he gets, no matter how much or how little, is pure profit.

Imagine, a man earning $1bn while catching up on his fucking sleep in court. I love it!

(Got my first block today for pointing out that calling CO2 "carbon" is disinformation. I reported the blocker to management for posting disinformation. We'll see what happens. I am "MegaMaga" at BS in case anyone wants to follow me)

John Henry

narciso said...

except Mandela actually tried to violently overthrow the Apartheid regime, thats not in doubt,
thats why he could not be accorded 'prisoner of conscience' status,

Rabel said...

“We are not yet seeking an incarceratory penalty,” he said, adding that Trump apparently wants to go to jail: “Defendant seems to be angling for that.”

This was in a discussion with the Judge about the gag order, not the trial proper.

Iman said...

Dinky and the Broke Dicks @10:30am…

Go get ‘em, Dinky!

WK said...

Pleaded the causes in NYC
Only one man in a large army
Are you so blind that you cannot see?
Are you so deaf that you cannot hear his plea?

Jim at said...

It will grow to the point where their margin of fraud will not protect their electoral prospects.

Disagree. It will grow to the point of where blood will be shed.

Rusty said...

A better comparison might be MLK.

Iman said...

“Four more years. Pause.”

— P0TATUS Joe Biden

Krumhorn said...

My hope is that when Trump becomes our next president, he will apply the forces of government to go after Rich, Chuck, Howard, and all of their fellow Marxists that masquerade as Democrats and decent humans.

Paybacks will be heavenly from an emotional perspective but awful from an American institutional perspective. However, this outcome has been bought and paid for by the lefties.

- Krumhorn

n.n said...

Gaza has an apartheid regime. West Bank does by default, perhaps. Israel has an integrated government. Hamas is led by Mandela and his person of feminine gender. Fatah before their progress under the colorful arc of Nobel Pieces.

n.n said...

Trump was politically congruent until he rattled his gilded cage. In the worst case, the witch will be burned in a Capitol punishment, tolerated by good Americans, celebrated by the far-left and empathetic interests.

Chuck said...

I'm not quite certain what it is about this particular blog post, or perhaps it's the general mood surrounding the first week of Trump's criminal trial after jury selection; but wow, this is some kinda comments page!

With the notorious exception of Rich at 1:43pm, it's a page that is virtually filled with TrumpWing extremism; a smattering of crazy conpsiracism; a few vague threats of civil war; general "deep state" fear mongering.

I could not have imagined such a uniformly weird and crazy bunch of commenters back in 2010-11, when I came to this blog as it was one of several well-known "law" blogs getting more national attention, and as it was authored by a lawprof. Back then, there was a mix of commenters; some informed Madison progressives, a number of conservatives from across Wisconsin and the midwest. Educated professionals; grad school students and graduates; informed people from an array of partisan and ideological perspectives.

It's just such a lot of uniform repetitive Trumpist dreck now.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"4 more years [pause]"

Biden read the silent part out loud.

Breezy said...

“We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again,” Biden said.

That was Nov 9 2022….”legitimate efforts of our Constitution”….aka lawfare. Biden is responsible for all of this.

traditionalguy said...

Love your post. And the educated MAGA crowd hereby awards The Professor an honorary American Patriot Degree with oak leaf cluster.

Leland said...

Democrats can't win on policy, so their only hope is to get a felony conviction on Trump and remove him from various blue state ballots. Even then, Biden would probably lose.

Leland said...

If it is good for the goose, it would be interesting to see Florida or Texas look into this collusion to interfere with an election.

The Godfather said...

In the primaries for 2016 I didn't favor Trump. I thought it was a winnable election for any Republican who didn't have three heads (that's an expression, not a requirement). I opposed Jeb Bush, not because he hadn't been a good governor of Fl. -- he was --, but because the "vibes" for another Bush-Clinton race didn't feel right. My first choice at the beginning was Scott Walker, because I thought he had proved that he could handle the crap the Democrats would hand out, but he apparently didn't have the stomach for handling the crap from Republicans (sorry about that; I think he would have been a good general election candidate and good President.) In the end, it turned out to be Trump.

Trump was a better President than I expected, but that's a fairly low standard.

But EVEN IF HILLARY HAD BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT in 2020 (I know, she wasn't running that year) I would not have expected the President of the United States to use her office and political machine to throw her principal opponent in jail. Whatever you may think about Trump -- and there's a lot of negative stuff to think about -- I don't think he, as President, would do to his political adversaries what Biden is doing to Trump.

Iman said...

Biden continues to pursue the Nazi vote.

Darkisland said...

Speaking of sleeping, what is the law on that? The judge may be able to force PEDJT to be there every day. Can he force him to stay awake? He can come to court in pajamas and fuzzy slippers plop down in the chair, pull on a blindfold and grab some zs

If the judge complains "Your honor, I have things to do, people to see and places to be. If you are going to restrict my movements, I need to do that when I might otherwise be sleeping. I need to be rested up for the important stuff."

Or even pay attention? Suppose he sits there at the table typing quietly on the computer? Perhaps writing another book, maybe "The Art of the Trial"

John Henry

Kai Akker said...

---The King

Dinky, who's your Derby horse? What else are you boxing?

Looks a lot like a chalk Derby to me, at this point.

Kai Akker said...

Ride Space Mountain 10 a.m. says it all.

"It's the discontent of a huge cohort of the country, a majority of the country and growing, that are thoroughly fed up with the liberal world order. That majority has seen what was hidden by the MSM for decades when cell phone video and the mass psychosis it created within the politically unbalanced among the left became visible for the 1st time.

"This has been festering since before Birack Obama left office and it isn't going away. It will continue to grow, with Trump at the forefront or not."

Well said. And I think the D's feel it, even if they haven't quite admitted it to themselves. That's why Rusty's forecast (10:54) is all too real a possibility.

Mason G said...

"Whatever you may think about Trump -- and there's a lot of negative stuff to think about -- I don't think he, as President, would do to his political adversaries what Biden is doing to Trump."

I would hope he wouldn't make up shit to try to imprison them, the way they are trying to do to him. I'd be okay with him prosecuting actual criminal acts committed by his political adversaries, however.

walter said...

Walker was pretty cowed by the Jon Doe harrassment. Aggressively Normal would have been eaten alive in DC. I felt ill when he tweeted he and his boys at Lake Michigan wearing masks.

Friend of the Fish Folk said...

“ I could not have imagined such a uniformly weird and crazy bunch of commenters”

What’s the saying? If everyone you know is an asshole, the problem might be with you.

Creola Soul said...

Biden is doing everything he can to get Trump elected….leaving the border open, driving gas and food prices up, forcing EVs on people and in his latest gambit, going Charlottesville by not denouncing the antisemitic protests. It will be a binary choice in November and he is doing nothing to address the issues that are most important to voters.

Aggie said...

@Chuck 16:01 said: ".....but wow, this is some kinda comments page!

With the notorious exception of Rich at 1:43pm, it's a page that is virtually filled with TrumpWing extremism; a smattering of crazy conpsiracism
(sic); a few vague threats of civil war; general "deep state" fear mongering.

I could not have imagined such a uniformly weird and crazy bunch of commenters back in 2010-11, when I came to this blog as it was one of several well-known "law" blogs getting more national attention...."

Really? I realize I'm biased (as is everyone), but I read through the comments, and I saw some extremes from both sides, I would say. And a few people that don't seem to be Über-Trumpers that are saying they'll vote for him because of the Lawfare, not in spite of it. It would seem that comparing Trump to Mandela has really touched a few nerves, eh? Funny, that.

wildswan said...

Chuck has thought we are all uniformly crazy here since he's been commenting. That's his stance - a mournful whine on what mutts we all are. "As a Life Long Republican (LLR), I deplore you all and Althouse who doesn't keep you in check." Still it's different here than ten years ago. These days we're all commenting on crazy, unheard-of events, banana republic time, and it makes a difference - antisemitism on campuses; political show trials; a senile President being run by unelected unseen unknowns; two wars. And we're too busy to notice we're going bankrupt. Still I think Trump has the right idea. What is actually going on in front of me is a slow working out of personal actions and consequences. It's personally interesting but not the stuff of a news story. And the news is just one story - DOOM. DOOM. DOOM. It's tiresome. What can anyone do about DOOM? FATE IS GONNA GET YOU. OK, I hear, fate is coming, but why constantly read about it? There's only a story if there's a place for effective action.

Drago said...

Uh oh.

Banned Commenter LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck is once again on the warpath over Althouse blog not being run like an MSNBC psycho leftist show.

We've seen this before with Sybil-like schizophrenic Chuckles who alternates between a greasy Eddie Haskill persona and a vicious racist and misogynistic and disturbingly young-child-focused persona.

Remember, Chuckles, in what was no doubt a gin infused momentary lapse into honesty, proudly proclaimed his 2 reasons for posting at Althouse:
1) to smear any conservative/republican that fights back against Chuck's beloved democraticals
2) to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers

That second point makes Chuck's moronic selective memory on the good old days at Althouse blog even more ironic and ridiculous given Chuck's explicit and malicious intent here.

And he brought his LLR-democratical pals Rich and lonejustice along to assist in this endeavor.

The good news? Chuck, Rich and lonejustice have utterly failed.

But only utterly.

And completely.

Howard said...

Trump is Mandela, Gandhi, Jesus, Patton, and John Holmes to his fanbois.

Robert Cook said...

Ha! Mandela was a man of honor and conviction. Trump has never been and never will be a man of honor, and he has no convictions other than the determination to enrich himself however he can from everyone and every situation that avails itself.

Narayanan said...

Necklacing? Oh, God, hadn't thought of that. Pray things not get so ugly here!
good thing fossil fuel ban is in works

Narayanan said...

I'd be willing to compare Trump to Mandela if he spent 27 years in prison first.
how true is it that?

SA Regime offered Mandela to be freed if he renounce violence? which he did not! hence 27 years.

so if Trump is imprison will he be offered freedom if no more election campaing?

Darkisland said...

Blogger Creola Soul said...

Biden is doing everything he can to get Trump elected….leaving the border open, driving gas and food prices up, forcing EVs on people and in his latest gambit, going Charlottesville by not denouncing the antisemitic protests. It will be a binary choice in November and he is doing nothing to address the issues that are most important to voters.

That's a Bingo!

I doubt any thinking person would disagree and I have said similar things here over the past several years.

My question is Why? Is he doing it on purpose? Is he incompetent?

Heinlein wrote about this in 1940 in the short story If this goes on. In 53 he expanded on the theme in Revolt in 2100.

Lenin also wrote about it in the late 1800s "Worse is better"

Come to think about it, I was saying this in 2008 in support of Obama, quoting Lenin. Though I did hold out hope for a Senate President Palin.

John Henry

Wa St Blogger said...

The good news? Chuck, Rich and lonejustice have utterly failed.

Worse, they do more to galvanize people against the left than they do to entice people over to it. Kings of the own goal, I would say. They try and malign others and denigrate our values rather than provide coherent points that might appeal to our values. You can't appeal to someone's better nature if all you do is tell them they are reprehensible.

wendybar said...

They are intent on being NAZIS come back to life. They are what they say Trump and his supporters are.

wendybar said...

Friend of the Fish Folk said...
“ I could not have imagined such a uniformly weird and crazy bunch of commenters”

What’s the saying? If everyone you know is an asshole, the problem might be with you.

4/24/24, 6:48 PM

100% THIS^^^^^^^^^^

Drago said...

Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Trump is Mandela, Gandhi, Jesus, Patton, and John Holmes to his fanbois."

Dont you have some small Jewish girls to pick on in support of Team Hamas?

Tina Trent said...

Is that pollster the son of "Bye-Bye" John McLaughlin? It sounds like something he would say. Remember when you didn't have to be a leftist to be on PBS?

It should be the Democrats' worst nightmare to put Trump in prison. He'll take over the cell block and start rapping. He'll use free-weights and buy everyone extra noodle ramens from the commissary. I don't like his sometimes pro-offender pandering, but the optics will be unbreakable.

Tina Trent said...

Is that pollster the son of "Bye-Bye" John McLaughlin? It sounds like something he would say. Remember when you didn't have to be a leftist to be on PBS?

It should be the Democrats' worst nightmare to put Trump in prison. He'll take over the cell block and start rapping. He'll use free-weights and buy everyone extra noodle ramens from the commissary. I don't like his sometimes pro-offender pandering, but the optics will be unbreakable.

Rusty said...

"Packaging Machinery Handbook (PORTAL!!!)"
I'd actually like to read that. I'm no engineer, but a lot of what I had to do was repurpose equipment. Some of it packaging equipment. Feeder bowls mainly.

One conclusion I came to the other day vis a vis the 2020 election. If Biden had won with the largest number of Democrat votes ever. Why keep beating on the guy? Why didn't you just let him have his recounts? Show him up to be a fool and let him drift away. Why keep pounding on him. Stomping him in the face? 81 million votes. You made your point. Why the high end lynching? Oviously you didn't realize that because of this ongoing persecution he'd garner(Althouse. Did I use that right?) even more support.

Mr Wibble said...

One conclusion I came to the other day vis a vis the 2020 election. If Biden had won with the largest number of Democrat votes ever. Why keep beating on the guy? Why didn't you just let him have his recounts? Show him up to be a fool and let him drift away. Why keep pounding on him. Stomping him in the face? 81 million votes. You made your point. Why the high end lynching? Oviously you didn't realize that because of this ongoing persecution he'd garner(Althouse. Did I use that right?) even more support.

Because any investigation would have shown how broken the system is. I'm not talking about proving that the 2020 elections were stolen, but that no one really knows the truth because the elections are mishandled. That was the lesson from Kari Lake's lawsuit against Maricopa County: it was apparent that the county board of elections and their subordinates had no clue how to do their jobs. My guess is that's the case with most local election officials. They don't know the laws which apply; they don't follow the laws and rules regarding ballot handling, mail-in ballots, or voter roll maintenance; they don't know how to properly calibrate or use the equipment, etc.

Chuck said...

wildswan said...
Chuck has thought we are all uniformly crazy here since he's been commenting...

That is most emphatically not true. As I have pointed out repeatedly, anyone who bothered to review my comments on this blog before 2016 would have found me to be a sort of "mainstream" Althouse blog commenter; a pro-Walker, anti-Wisconsin Democrats, pro-Federalist Society, pro-Scalia conservative.

My biggest dispute with Althouse, pre-Trump, was over the string of gay rights cases (Lawrence, Windsor, Obrgefell) where I took the "Scalia" side and Althouse was on the "Kennedy" side.

I was a not-much-noticed commenter, pre-Trump. It was Trump that changed the blog and the comments pages.

Drago said...

Chuck: "I was a not-much-noticed commenter, pre-Trump. It was Trump that changed the blog and the comments pages."


OMG! This is too good!

Chuck: Trump turned me into a vicious racist and misogynistic far left poster with seriously demented unhealthy obsessions with underage children of political enemies and violent fantasies of physically attacking women and homosexual rage raping of men whose mission in life is to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers!....

.....and Trump turned me into a newt too!...but I haven't gotten better yet....