April 1, 2024

At the Monday Night Café...

 ... you can write about whatever you want.


William50 said...

Last Friday March 29th I had the pleasure of celebrating the 55th anniversary of the day I turned the woman I love, who is also my best friend, into my ex-fiancee.

Narr said...

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. William50. Many happy returns.

Tomorrow my wife and I celebrate um hmm carry the three . . . 47 years. Seems like only yesterday.

Mason G said...

Queer/fat group online appears to not be inclusive.


Anybody see this coming?

Original Mike said...

Looking at 5 different cloud forecasts for the afternoon of Apr 8. They're all over the map. Pretty much what I've come to expect from years of examining cloud forecasts for nighttime observing. Pretty useless.

“Bad Genes” said...

Bloodbath for Truth Social stock. A good example of why implied market cap is a flawed concept.

Great way to divert funds to the Trump campaign without reporting.

Jersey Fled said...

Add the CBD hoax to long list of others that we see every day.


Mason G said...

"Pretty useless."

You're asking the wrong question. If, however, you want to know the temperature of the planet in 100 years...

BG said...

Congratulations to the William50s! It will be 46 in June for hubby and me.
How did the years go by so fast?

gilbar said...

"I Didn't Do That": Biden Reportedly Has No Idea He Issued 'Trans Day Of Visibility' Proclamation
"I didn’t do that," Biden said when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday 'trans day of visibility." Asked about Speaker Johnson's claim otherwise, the president replied, "he’s thoroughly uninformed."

FullMoon said...

A woman on the ticket would help Trump immensely.
I am kinds liking Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Being a dem woman would attract left voters
And Trump could give her unimportant tasks to keep her
busy and useless.

wildswan said...

Congrats William50 and Narr. Away beyond the news, life goes on.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Big, if true: The jab is speeding up aging and stinking people up

Via Reddit: "My (34f) bf (41m) of 5 years got 3 Pfizer and idk if it’s that he’s getting older or that it’s the shot but he doesn’t smell good anymore (worse than normal BO…like someone aging idk how to explain it besides being in an old folks home). I’m like…not attracted him anymore and I used to love his pheromones. He’s also lost a lot of muscle like sagging skin (like he’s wasting away). Anyone else notice this? On some of the v’d subs people mention they notice a smell in themselves. Something about this is traumatizing to me. I don’t want to have kids with him anymore."

The rule of Lemnity said...

Jimmy Lives!

traditionalguy said...

Just getting acquainted with Caitlin Clark with U of Iowa. She is the real deal in women’s Baskeball just getting team into final four.

She mixes super intelligence with aggression seldom seen in women’s sports.

Big Mike said...

@William50, our fiftieth is coming next January. We were grad students, and felt constrained to get married over Christmas break. (Her professor demanded to know why we hadn’t asked for his permission. Professor are shits.)

iowan2 said...

Congratulations to the IOWA Women.

Beating the lippy LSU Tigers, like a rented mule.

Clark led the team. 41 points, 12 assists (double double) and 7 rebounds.

Waiting for the outcome of USC v U Conn for Fridays opponent. (U Conn is my pick. Experience over athletic flash)

Chuck said...

Some magnificent and important column writing by Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Inquirer:

A ship crashed into a Baltimore bridge and demolished the lies about immigration.

...Suazo and seven men with stories very much like his — migrants from the neighboring countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico — were filling potholes on the region’s major span on a raw March night. They were doing a backbreaking job at a wretched hour, one many other Americans simply can’t or won’t do ― all so their neighbors could drive safely to their warm, comfortable office cubicles in the dawn’s early light.

...In normal times, the deaths of these six migrants would serve as a tragic parable about how our American landscape was etched into existence by the big dreams, hard-earned sweat, and occasionally the sacrifice of each new generation of Maynor Suazos as they came from Ireland, then from Italy, then from Honduras and all over the globe.

But these are not normal times. Even before the first divers had arrived on the chaotic scene, an army of pampered coffee shop keyboard commandos and a few overpaid TV hairdos were denying the reality that the Baltimore bridge disaster was a tragic disruption of the diversity that keeps America running. Instead, lacking not just evidence but basic sanity, the worst people on your screen claimed the push for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) took out the Key Bridge.

...When the Dali cargo ship demolished that bridge support on Tuesday, it also obliterated all the ridiculous lies and myths our demagogues have been spreading around immigration. There were no sex traffickers aboard the Key Bridge that night. Nobody was dealing fentanyl. They were not “animals,” but fathers and husbands like Suazo and Luna, whose wife occasionally showed up in her food truck to bring the men tacos and pupusas. They were filling potholes so their children could have an even better life.

These six workers who perished were not “poisoning the blood of our country,” they were replenishing it. This is a moment of clarity when we need to reject the national disease of xenophobia and restore our faith in the United States as a beacon for the best people like Suazo. They may have been born all over the continent, but when these men plunged into our waters on Tuesday, they died as Americans.

gadfly said...

After watching Bobby Jr's interview with CNN's Erin Burnett, I have concluded that he, like Biden and Trump, stumbles all over his words, especially the names of things like federal agencies, and is unable to stay on any subject for more than two or three sentences - and he is only 70, but his raspy voice makes him sound really old. Perhaps dementia has arrived.

Somebody needs to convince Mark "The Shark" Cuban to run as the Libertarian candidate. He certainly would get my vote. He is far more talented than his CNBC Shark Show indicates. He is a billionaire five times over.

gadfly said...

Trump Media and Technology Group has until September 8, 2024, to complete a Business Combination. However, the company's recent 8-K report suggests that there is some uncertainty around its ability to do so, as it is unsure whether it can continue to operate as a "going concern." If the company fails to complete a Business Combination by September, it will be required to liquidate and dissolve. Therefore, the company needs to achieve a Business Combination by the given deadline to avoid this outcome.

wendybar said...

iowan2 said...
Congratulations to the IOWA Women.

Beating the lippy LSU Tigers, like a rented mule.

Clark led the team. 41 points, 12 assists (double double) and 7 rebounds.

Waiting for the outcome of USC v U Conn for Fridays opponent. (U Conn is my pick. Experience over athletic flash)

4/1/24, 10:07 PM

GOOD for them!! Sending Angel Reese home is the best thing to happen so far in the tournament!!

wendybar said...

Ever wonder why Progressive women are so ignorant?? They watch ABC News Division THE VIEW. These 5 women spew the most outrageous crap, and get away with it, AND make millions of dollars doing it.
Between them, and George Clinton Snufalufagus, ABC is right up there with MSNBC.

"Black people, we were not in this insanity of trying to figure out why our history’s no longer welcome in the educational system. Women were realizing something was happening. If you were coming from another country, if you were coming to this country to find a better life, you were not welcome. Listen. It wasn’t a good time for lots of people.

If forced to interpret this nonsense, I guess I would say that she's angry that there's been a backlash against the divisive CRT and DEI ideologies, she's obsessed with abortion, and she thinks illegal aliens should be welcomed. But I'm just guessing here."



iowan2 said...

Being a dem woman would attract left voters
And Trump could give her unimportant tasks to keep her
busy and useless.

The VP has ONLY a few Constitutional powers as President of the Senate. One is tie breaking votes. The other is certifying EC votes. Best a Republican President have a loyal Republican VP

Leland said...

Congratulations to William50. I have 31 years to go to catch up and looking forward to every one.

Congratulations to ladies of Iowa. I’m an SEC fan, but the ladies of LSU needed to be more game and less talk.

Sad that with so much to discuss outside politics, gadfly arrives to talk politics… everyday the same. I feel for the misery of such people who can’t live life without politics. I suspect more people helped William50 celebrate their 55th than made sure to catch RFK Jr. on Erin Burnett live. For certain more people watched LSU vs Iowa.

tim in vermont said...

It's weird that we are in Syria, without any kind of UN mandate, and without Syria ever having attacked the United States, or any NATO member, and our invasion of Syria caused a huge refugee crisis there, and the only place where ISIS operates in Syria is in areas that we keep the sovereign government of Syria from controlling. If we were really interested in fighting ISIS, we would have helped the Syrian government fight them, but obviously that wasn't our goal, to fight ISIS. ISIS is a pretext. John Kerry is even on tape saying that we were hoping that ISIS would overthrow Assad, and then we could maybe control them.

We invaded Syria right after the Democrats won a whole log of elections based on "no more regime change wars" in the Middle East, and yet we immediately engaged in another regime change war in the Middle East, unprovoked.

tim in vermont said...

"Great way to divert funds to the Trump campaign without reporting."

Why doesn't he just use 20 shell corporations whose only purpose is to shuffle around payments and hide their origins the way Biden does? Or simply turn off address verification on credit card donations on his web site, the way Obama did. Trump's way seems kind of overly complicated and unlikely to work perfectly.

tim in vermont said...


Like Rich, she talks about what she is told to talk about.

wendybar said...

🔥🇺🇸 KC 🇺🇸🔥
Remember when all the food processing plants mysteriously were exploding & catching on fire one after another? It will be interesting to keep an eye on United States main infrastructure across the country the next several months..
11:30 AM · Mar 26, 2024


Rocco said...

William50 said...
“Last Friday March 29th I had the pleasure of celebrating the 55th anniversary of the day I turned the woman I love, who is also my best friend, into my ex-fiancee.”

Congrats to those with an anniversary! It seems like there is an opposite-of-Taylor-Swift’s-songs song in there.

Enigma said...

@Lem the artificially intelligent: Via Reddit: "My (34f) bf (41m) of 5 years got 3 Pfizer and idk if it’s that he’s getting older or that it’s the shot but he doesn’t smell good anymore (worse than normal BO

Several red flags and doubts: (1) Reddit is not a credible source. (2) Metabolism changes with age and is more noticeable around 40 years old. (3) Female hormones and monthly cycles affect scent tolerance, and this may indicate early-onset menopause with her rather than an issue with the male. (4) This couple has been together for 5 years, and couples tend to split up for all sorts of reasons around 4-5 years. It could be a convenient excuse for her general wandering eye. (5) Diet and smoking affect body scent more than anything else. Processed meats, onions, garlic, asparagus, etc. can be horrible. New lunch restaurant nearby?

Vax...perhaps just lingering anxiety? Must have more than one anecdote about a couple entering middle age.

Kai Akker said...

---Bloodbath for Truth Social stock

For lots of stocks. Could be the market, more than your living-free-in-your-head tenant.

Rusty said...

Good on ya William!

Rusty said...

And Trump just stands there. "Yeah. OK. What else ya got?"

Narr said...

Thankee, wildswan and other wishers-well.

Jim at said...

I am kinds liking Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Apparently, you've completely forgotten what she did during the Covid lockdowns.

Whitmer is a thug.

wendybar said...

It is REALLY pathetic in Joe Bidens America that he is collecting Political Prisoners. These Pro Lifers did no damage, did not attack anybody, weren't throwing things at the patrons.
They were praying and singing hymns. And now they may go to prison for 11 years, whilst the thugs that burned down cities got help getting bailed out by the Vice President of the United States. What an embarrassing country we became.

Unfortunately, since the MSM won't report this...I posted the story from Gateway Pundit. Say what you will, but at least we see some of the fucked up things the Biden administration and his goons are doing to the law abiding people of this country.
