April 19, 2024

At the Friday Night Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

(Photo taken at 6:17 yesterday morning. The forest floor is carpeted with trout lilies.)


Gusty Winds said...

Althouse: As a Waukesha County follower and long commentor, I'm always wonder how does Madison in general react when the see you/recognize you. You're the most enigmatic figure in the entire town. A feminist truth seeker, committed to free speech.

I figure you won't tell us. You deserve peace where you live. I'm sure you have it.

I'd imagine Madison is more intimidated by you. Perhaps envious. Those locked in silent conformity, wish they could be more like you.

I'd imagine for those in Madison, sell their souls to the man...it's hard to be an individual. They need paychecks. And if they got fired, or driven out of town...they know they can't survive in the private sector. My theory is, that on the Althouse Blog comment section, it's why the are silent.

But I'll bet they read it. Only you would know that.

MadTownGuy said...

From X:

"For those who believe that the rewriting of Title IX is no big deal because, meh, sports, please understand it applies to EVERY protection your daughter has at school, and any other federally funded program. Bathrooms, locker rooms, housing, accommodations on school trips (for every activity - band, choir, math meets, etc.). There will no longer be a protected “female” category. And there will be nothing you can do about it.

Also, “preferred pronouns” are mandated, and your child (or you if you are part of a school/college/federally funded program) can be disciplined for using the “wrong” pronoun. Compelled speech is unconstitutional, so how this has become law is beyond troubling.

I wonder if the school board in Kiel, WI will refile charges against those
three middle schoolers

“Bad Genes” said...

Speaker Johnson’s Ukraine Package Clears Key Hurdle With Democratic Help ~ WSJ

Centrists working together across the aisle to exclude extremists and pass bills? It’s about time.

There are two categories of opinion: that of people who are from countries neighboring Russia and who for several generations of their families, know what this implies — violence, brutality and deportation...and those who are from countries further away who seem to be in complete denial.

The only counter to predatory, calculating, and remorseless leadership in Moscow is highly effective war leadership in Washington with the courage to act on its convictions. Ukraine has become the principal testing point between the Eurasian autocracies and the globe-spanning democratic alliance. Let's remind our pivot-crazed leaders in Washington that Ukraine is the pivot point — the real deal, not a rhetorical device. Fail in Ukraine, and the ensuing problems will multiply everywhere.

Iman said...

C’mon, Sacramento Kings!

BG said...

Just when you think they can't go much lower...
They go lower.

The Democrats better be careful of what they wish for. It may backfire.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Today’s 🤯

Gravity is faster than the speed of light.

Check out YouTube conversations with Sheldrake.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Tucker went on Rogan.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, I want to say that this is the most amazingly open-minded, incisive collection of single day’s posts from that I can recall reading since I started coming here some 16 years ago. I appreciate it.

The Real Andrew said...

“I'm always wonder how does Madison in general react when the see you/recognize you.”

If they read the comments, my guess is it’s something like this:


Narayanan said...

@Blogger The Real Andrew ...
in your video clip who is the blog and who is the reader?

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks, Big Mike.

I'll take another look, through your eyes.

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm always wonder how does Madison in general react when the see you/recognize you”/"If they read the comments, my guess is it’s something like this"

No one bothers me. Not at all.

Enigma said...

@Althouse: No one bothers me. Not at all.

Wisconsin: Part of the Blue Wall. Its community and support-oriented culture follows from a population that emigrated from cold north and central Europe, and who now live in a place with long and cold winter survival front of mind. When in gift sharing mode they resemble welcoming Scandinavian social democracies (e.g., see Sweden's recent excessive immigration era) and allow anyone do anything. When in controlling mode they resemble other cold region expansionistic governments: Scandinavian vikings and USSR Soviets and Justin Castreau's bullying/incoherent Canada. (Plus, they are not much different than cold China, Japan, and Mongolia either).

iowan2 said...

I caught some of Clay and Buck yesterday. Clay Travis has done as much detailed analysis as I have heard, and His opinion? Trump is toast.

The question on all these trial have never been the decision. We all know they will be guilty verdicts. We all know they will all be overturned.

In this Bragg Carnival ride. The only question is how is Bragg going to explain to the leftist mob, why Bragg will refuse to jail Trump.
The judge's gag order, has Merchen in the Proverbial dog catching the car, scenario. He cant jail Trump. Nor can he Restrict Trumps movements . . .During a campaign. It is clear the gag order is a violation of the 1st amendment.

TickTock said...

Althouse @ 4:49. That is good to know and reassuring.

Humperdink said...

In an effort to quell the blowback from the government of New Guinea, the Biden administration has pledged $5 million in EBT cards to the citizens of the country. Behind the scenes, the Biden administration is hoping the citizens will use the food stamps to supplement their high protein diet.

donald said...

One things for sure, you’ll never see ole Rich doing any freedom fighting.

The Real Andrew said...

I meant that our host might endure hostility from the Madisonian elite.

Glad to hear it.

If the thought police ever come for you, Ann, for asking open minded questions and providing a free-speech forum in the comments,I hope to have the courage to lose my anonymity and vouch for you.

“First they came for the bloggers, and I was not a blogger.
I was, however, a commenter.”

walter said...

Dear Rich,
With such an expansive threat, you'd think all of Europe would be paying up piles of cash support.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Poor Tater, aka Brian Stelter, has been <a href="https://thepostmillennial.com/trump-campaign-denies-brian-stelter-press-credentials-tells-him-to-buy-ticket>denied press credentials</a> to cover the Trump campaign. I hope he doesn't breakdown and cry. That would be so embarrassing.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Blogger Lem the artificially intelligent said...
Today’s 🤯

Gravity is faster than the speed of light.

Check out YouTube conversations with Sheldrake.

4/19/24, 10:17 PM

Not. There was a dual neutron-star merger some billions of light years away. The gamma rays from the merger arrived two seconds after the gravity waves. Gravity waves move at the speed of light.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

4/20/24, 6:13 AM
Blogger Humperdink said...
In an effort to quell the blowback from the government of New Guinea, the Biden administration has pledged $5 million in EBT cards to the citizens of the country. Behind the scenes, the Biden administration is hoping the citizens will use the food stamps to supplement their high protein diet.

4/20/24, 6:14 AM

Joe Biden's going to host a meal for the cannibals in the White House dining room. DJT will be the "guest" of honor for the meal.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

@Althouse (4:47 am), I’m not sure what it means to see through my eyes. I guess I’ll figure it out from future posts. If you mean that you and I should see eye to eye, we won’t always do that. But if I feel that you reasoned yourself into a position because you honestly looked at facts and applied your mind, then that’s different from reading “the feminist position is” or other words suggesting that you are drifting into groupthink.

Rusty said...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
"Today’s 🤯

Gravity is faster than the speed of light.

Check out YouTube conversations with Sheldrake."
That leads to some pretty interesting possibilities.

“Bad Genes” said...

Whether it's AZ Republican Austin Smith repeatedly accusing Democrats of election fraud or Austin Smith personally committing election fraud, Austin Smith has shown himself to be an unparalleled authority on election fraud.