April 22, 2024

A puzzling criticism — in the NYT — of Trump's lawyer's building Trump up instead of "blasting" him.

I'm reading Jonah Bromwich, in "Live Updates: Jurors in Trump Criminal Case Told That He Lied ‘Over and Over and Over’/Donald J. Trump is charged with falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened to derail his 2016 campaign. A lawyer for Mr. Trump insisted that the former president “did not commit any crimes" (NYT)(free access link).
This is the third time that I’ve heard lawyers for Trump talk in a New York courtroom about how successful the Trump Organization, his business, has been. It’s another way of pacifying their client — and it again shows the way that Trump’s lawyers are hemmed in by his personal preferences. Instead of blasting Trump but seeking to appeal to the jury’s fairness, they’re compelled to build him up.

The assumption appears to be that it would be a better strategy to tear Trump down and only Trump's narcissism is preventing his lawyers from taking that approach.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I would think it's better to portray Trump as a great benefactor of New York City, someone who has attracted political enemies who are bent on bringing him down. 


“Bad Genes” said...

This is when having a loving family in the gallery would benefit Trump. They are not there, so he is left alone and to his thoughts.

n.n said...

NYT: HateTrumpsLove

cubanbob said...

I would say it's more of an attempt to pacify the readers of the NYT. Aside from the fact that Trump is running for president and not governor of NY in which case at best it might be a federal issue, there is no there there at the state level. The broads signed an NDA. That's a legal agreement. Trump personally paid his then lawyer who deposited the money in the lawyers trust account and paid the agreed sums. What business records? A general ledger entry? This type of lawfare is why prosecutorial and judicial qualified immunity need to be seriously curtailed.

Tom said...

When Michael Avenneti testifies that Stormy Daniels was trying to pull last minute scam on Trump at the request of the Clinton Campaign and that Michael Cohen knew and advised Trump poorly anyway, that’s gonna land with the Jury?

Mary Beth said...

I am not a lawyer, but I do know, whether it's small claims or a huge case, it's not a good idea to take legal advise from your opponent (which I believe the NYT is.) The fact that they are saying his attorneys are doing it wrong makes me think they are succeeding.

Achilles said...

It is only puzzling if you think the people who read and believe the New York Times and follow this Regime are intelligent people and who are not complete pieces of shit.

Everyone that reads the NYT will tell you they are above average intelligence despite the obvious statistical impossibility.

They all are also the type of people that supported the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930's.

Notice how they are all out in the street cheering on Hamas's efforts to kill all the Jews when they aren't trying to throw their political opponents in jail.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

I don't know that it's puzzling, stupid maybe, but not puzzling. This is all bucking up now that doubts have set in that they're going to destroy Trump with this court case. Some of my Biden worshiping family members spent this past weekend going on about how Trump was "unraveling" and how it wouldn't be long before he started foaming at the mouth and well, you know, the walls are always closing in.

They really got worked up about Trump trying to leave the courtroom before the judge last week. It's a sign that he's losing it blah, blah, blah.... I don't think it ever occurred to them that Trump may have done that to wind up the judge. Probably not the best idea, but at this point anything the court does to him is going to win him points with his voting base.

Static Ping said...

It is hard to imagine lawyers putting up the defense that their client is a dirtbag that you should despise, but please find him not guilty because he technically is. It is essentially begging for jury activism, to find him guilty despite the facts. It would be exceedingly foolish with this jury pool which is overtly biased. You don't want the conflicted jurors to have a negative tiebreaker.

Then again, we are talking about the New York Times here. They suffer from the double whammy of hating Trump with all of their being to the point of irrationality, and the fact that they are journalists who are typically ignorant of all topics, even less than the average person on the street. Stupid and biased ain't no way to go through life, which is why we have the New York Times as a job programs for such disadvantaged.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump would probably win this case if me made his lawyers take strategic advice from the NYTs.

Doodad said...

The audacity or stupidity to think someone's lawyers should blast their client is gob smacking and reserved for only the worst TDS sufferers. Utterly astounding.

deepelemblues said...

I think the explanation can be found in numerous stories from a day ago:


And this one is perfect:


Trump spent the day listening to strangers insult him. And he couldn’t say a single thing back.

I wasn't aware that the purpose of our courts was to force doubleplusbad people to be subjected to a slightly more decorous, but longer, Two-Minutes Hate. Trump had to listen to people insulting him and he had to sit there and take it!

The glee of these people at such a shameful spectacle. This is what the Republic has degenerated into. Indulging the ids of adult children.

Steve said...

The only thing you are missing is that the article is from a lefty propaganda sheet rather than a real news outlet.

Iman said...

“Maybe I'm missing something, but I would think it's better to portray Trump as a great benefactor of New York City, someone who has attracted political enemies who are bent on bringing him down.”

But you don’t write for the NYT, where common sense remains rather uncommon.

Narayanan said...

so lawyers for Trump are advised by NYT to throw punches at him if he won't let them throw towel?

GRW3 said...

Personally, if I'm on a jury, I expect the defense attorney to be, you know, defensive. Lead with your chin is never a good fight strategy.

Narayanan said...

so lawyers for Trump are advised by NYT to throw punches at him if he won't let them throw towel?

Big Mike said...

Maybe I'm missing something

What you’re missing is that the Times is no longer the slanted and biased, but fundamentally world class, newspaper it was when you were a young woman living in New York. Now it’s more like Pravda in the 1960s.

Narr said...

Trump prefers lawyers that will plead his case rather than bend over and spread cheeks for the prosecutors. Go figure.

But what do you expect from someone who Obstructs Justice (a.k.a. as denying guilt)?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

What is this? 2008? Is Althouse still pretending that the NYT is a reliable news source.

wendybar said...

Because to them, unless you are a gay black progressive tranny, who likes little kids, YOU are guilty. Period.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Achilles said...

Hold it right there pal. Are you saying that the NYT has promoted Nazis?
Oh, wait, my bad.

Yancey Ward said...

You know who else had lawyers that didn't slander their client? Hitler!

gilbar said...

Instead of blasting Trump but seeking to appeal to the jury’s fairness

you people are lawyers.. I've only ever been a defendant.
But; IF my lawyer had been "blasting" me.. Or, EVEN "seeking to appeal to the jury’s fairness"..
I'd have FIRED him.

My lawyers JOB was to keep ME from being found guilty. Barring That, his job was to convince the judge that Even Though *i* was GUILTY AS HELL, i shouldn't have to go to jail, and IN FACT; should have the trial REMOVED from my record.. Which he did, Very Nicely! Thanx Cousin!

Skeptical Voter said...

I'm hard pressed to find Trump lying repeatedly over and over again about the "lie" that's at the crux of this case. It's a single accounting entry. Okay--maybe the accounting entry was a lie. And maybe Trump came down to the accounting staff in his corporation and personally directed them to make that single entry. (Then again, maybe not).

Now the Bad Orange Man has no doubt told plenty of whoppers in his life. And his opponent, Slow Joe Biden is no slouch in the telling whoppers department his own senescent prevaricating self.

And maybe you could prosecute either one of these weasels for telling repeated lies.

But that's not what's properly before this jury. It's a single lie--if indeed it was a lie.

tolkein said...


it's doubleplusungood, not doubleplusbad. Haven't you seen the latest Newspeak dictionary?


You were going to come back with a link to that direct quote of Christopher Rufo. Haven't seen it yet.

Steven Wilson said...

On Twitter a site named MeidasTouch is reporting, perhaps via Maggie Haberman Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, that Donald Trump is farting so much that his defense attorneys are having a difficult time coping with the noxious odors. I smell another Pulitzer for Maggie!

Narayanan said...

could it be that NYT is mixing up different cases or believes this is take 2 of a serial trial soap opera?

since Engoran excoriated Trump for lack of contrition so some contrition should be on offer in tribute to justice system Chapter 2?

Rusty said...

All he has to do to make all this go away is to quit running for president. Everything will be dropped if he does that.
Would you?

Quayle said...

Where is Al Pacino when the New York Times needs him?

narciso said...

oh meidas is full of excrement, always,

TreeJoe said...

NYT demonstrates the presumption of innocence and the importance of fair and impartial jurisprudence.

Christopher B said...

Althouse gets it. Rich doesn't. Day ending in 'y'.

As Mary Beth said, best not to take advice, legal or otherwise, from people who mean you harm.

Trump most likely isn't trying to look some sad sack to get sympathy. He needs to inspire one (well, preferably more than one but that'll do) juror to stand up to the System like he is.

PM said...

Why not 'lied over and over and over AND OVER'?
Much more convincing.

Wince said...

Did the NYT writer think this was a scene from the movie The Devil’s Advocate?

Watch, the reason Keanu Reeves tells the jury his client “is not a nice person” is completely inapplicable to the Trump case.


(Although ironically the Craig Nelson character home scenes were film in Trump’s condo.)

Leland said...

but seeking to appeal to the jury’s fairness

But? They needed to precede that statement with a “but” and suggestion that “seeking to appeal to the jury’s fairness” was wrong for any lawyer to do. Does the NYT want juries to be unfair and for lawyers to appeal to that unfairness? Perhaps the right word isn’t “fairness” but “impartiality”. NYT wants juries to be partial and have that partiality to the state?

Tell me this again NYT, but then ask me why I would vote for Trump in November.

I have no doubt left in my mind that Trump will be found guilty in this trial, which is equal to my lack of doubt this trial is corrupt and couldn’t possibly be seeking justice. My primary caution is to any Republican that might seek to capitalize on this injustice.

Robert Cook said...

"This is when having a loving family in the gallery would benefit Trump. They are not there, so he is left alone and to his thoughts."

The stalwart Trump expresses his thoughts on and objections to the proceedings via his snoring and (reportedly) farting.

Tomcc said...

Sure, he should throw himself on the mercy of the court. At least, that's how I read it.

Achilles said...

BUMBLE BEE said...

Achilles said...

Hold it right there pal. Are you saying that the NYT has promoted Nazis?
Oh, wait, my bad.

The only difference between the National Socialist Workers Party and the average Biden Regime supporter is about 90 years.

The physically violent brown shirts are attacking Jews all over the country right now.

Others work at Google and Facebook and other giant corporations who are working directly with our government to censor wrong think in social media on the internet.

Others are prosecutors for the state using "novel" legal theories to jail political opponents.

All of the people that pretend to be nazi's and white supremacists turn out to be government agents when we pull their masks off and take pictures.

The person who organized the Charlottesville "tiki torch" "protest" was an Occupy Wall Street leader.

They are fascists and should be treated as such.

Rabel said...

The jury was instructed that they should not do any independent research. I don't think that precluded reading the Times.

If so, the Times knows this and it affects their coverage. Most of them are regular readers and a target audience.

“Bad Genes” said...

“And maybe you could prosecute either one of these weasels for telling repeated lies.”

Then how was Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen convicted of a *felony* for the exact same thing?

Jake said...

I assume this has been focus-grouped.

Mark said...

Trump is a great man who did only great things for NY. Genius of a man.

But he also didn't know what Cohen was doing. He never authorized anything. He just gave Cohen hundreds of thousands of dollars, but doesn't know what it was for. He doesn't even know who this Daniels person is. He doesn't even know who Cohen is. Suddenly he's Sgt. Schultz.

Mark said...

One thing is highly likely -- Trump will take a winnable case and buffoon his way into a conviction.

Chuck said...

Great hourly/daily reporting from attorney Lisa Rubin @LawofRuby.

Example from this morning's opening statements.

Skeptical Voter said...

Steven Wilson --qouting Maggie Haberman, said that Trump is farting so much that his defense attorneys are having a difficult time coping with the noxious odors. . ."

I smell a Swalwell moment here. Is The Donald commenting on the quality of the proceedings?

But I'd also note that those defense attorneys have been exposed to noxious odors ever since the prosecutions pleadings arrived in their office. This entire case is a big fat wet meadow muffin.

There was an interesting Doyle McManus op ed piece (on the front page of course) of today's Los Angeles Times. He thinks that this trial might cure the Trump Amnesia. I think Doyle is worried that the Dims launched their lawfare war against the Bad Orange Man a bit early, and lawfare fatigue has set in. Those Deplorable Dogs have lost their taste for lawfare dog food and aren't lapping the stuff up anymore. Well Doyle, all of life is luck and timing and maybe you Dims shot your lawfare bolt too early.

Just an old country lawyer said...

I never did criminal defense work, but when a civil case was lost I never imagined it was because I failed to sufficiently "blast" my client. What a moron.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Maybe I'm missing something, but I would think it's better to portray Trump as a great benefactor of New York City, someone who has attracted political enemies who are bent on bringing him down.

you're arguing from a position of sanity and non-dishonesty, neither of which the TDS afflicted like Jonah Bromwich understand

to cover up a sex scandal that threatened to derail his 2016 campaign
This is so seriously delusional one wonders how anyone could actually write something that stupid.

"Trump had consensual sex with a porn actress, and paid her for it!!11!" Seriously? THAT was supposed to cause male WWC voters not to vote for him?

Or anyone else?

The lies told about the "pussy tape" were all designed to try to convince people that Trump was bragging about non-consensual sexual activity forced on women. Attacking him for paid consensual sex with a prom actress is not going to help that story line

Biff said...

The NYC powers-that-be never forgave him for rehabilitating Central Park's Wollman Rink in the 80s after years of incompetence and delays by the city. It's easy to forget how popular he was in the NYC area back then. He once was a local folk hero, and that could not be tolerated.

PB said...

rememberthe Wollman rink. the city couldn't rehabilitate it for years, but trump came in and did it in months.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Rabel said...
The jury was instructed that they should not do any independent research. I don't think that precluded reading the Times.

It precludes reading anything, anywhere, about the case.

including in the NYT

Of course, a bunch of leftists lied to get on the jury in the first place, so it's not like they're going to follow that rule

MB said...

This is New York Times's way of letting them know what is at stake. Start blasting Trump or else. Look how Giuliani ended up, from hero to zero.
Successfully defending Trump or even employing a defence strategy considered dishonest by the New York Times may get them disbarred in New York. At the very least, it will not earn them any favors from the people who matter.
Presumably their friends and family (and the lawyers themselves) read the papers and will take such sincere warnings to heart.
This is what happens to lawyers for opposition figures in Russia too. The US still have a ways to go, but are heading there.

walter said...

Tommy Flannigan advice.

gadfly said...

Donald Trump, in his hush money criminal trial: Glowering and staring - again today attempting to influence David Pecker; dozing off on three separate days; and farting - actually passing gas as his lawyers struggle with the smell.

Drago said...

"Maybe I'm missing something, but I would think it's better to portray Trump as a great benefactor of New York City, someone who has attracted political enemies who are bent on bringing him down."

Greg: "you're arguing from a position of sanity and non-dishonesty, neither of which the TDS afflicted like Jonah Bromwich understand"

Similar to the TDS that has afflicted VA Lawyer Mark who has allowed his TDS to take him right over the cliff into moron lefty land.

Rosalyn C. said...

The whole case seems kind of silly to me, the whole purpose solely to harass and threaten Trump.
The only people who are impressed with his "felonies" charges would never vote for Trump anyway.
Trump's supporters, or Trump leaning voters, aren't interested in his bookkeeping errors.
We all knew about his sexual infidelities before the 2016 election, so how can anyone prove he wouldn't have been elected then if people knew about that? If it doesn't matter now, would it have mattered then? Doubtful.

Mikey NTH said...

How far gone must your mind be to express surprise - real or feigned - that a lawyer isn't attacking his client? They have gone bat guano crazy.

Narayanan said...

so Professora : when do you send out invite for arrange

beer meeting between
Rushdie and
to discuss

The Godfather said...

I'm a native New Yorker (to ANY native New Yorker that means I'm a native of "The City" -- born in Buffalo? Getoutadahere!) Born in Manhattan. But in my adult life I only lived in The City for 3 years, so discount what I say accordingly.

BUT what I know about New Yorkers is that they LIKE WINNERS. Before he went into politics, "The Donald" made lots of money, built lots of buildings, had his own TV show, etc., etc. Even when we lived in Florida, when it was announced that "TRUMP" was going to build a new hi-rise down the block, all the ex-NY retirees thought they'd found El Dorado. New Yorkers are Democrat voters, but they ARE New Yorkers.

A regular New Yorker would say "He paid off his girl friend with his own money, and you want to send him to jail for how the accountants reported the transaction? FUGGETABOUTIT!

Narayanan said...

nice of gadfly to volunteeer service for arduous and dangerous job of

President Trump Health Monitor physical and cognititve


Wa St Blogger said...

Glowering and staring - again today attempting to influence David Pecker; dozing off on three separate days; and farting - actually passing gas as his lawyers struggle with the smell.

Absolute proof of his guilt. Or at least proof that we should not worry about his guilt. He is uncouth and needs to be punished.

What a sad bunch our left-leaning commenters are.

Wa St Blogger said...

Another thought. Being that this trial is designed to keep Trump from campaigning, running his businesses, or any other activity because he is required to sit in court for a felony that is actually a misdemeanor, but supersized solely to GET him in court, there is no requirement that he be awake for it. My guess is that he spends his evenings doing things he is unable to do during the day due to the kangaroo court, so he cat naps in court to make up for it. And of course, our integrity-filled left-leaning commenters ridicule him for it. As many have said, the process is part of the punishment. Every day I lose more and more grace for those on the left. They have no shame.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Turley lays it out so even gad can understand.


Well, maybe not. There's a lot of facts in there.

Chuck said...

Achilles said...

The person who organized the Charlottesville "tiki torch" "protest" was an Occupy Wall Street leader.

Dear readers;

The person who organized the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally was Jason Kessler. (Achilles didn't supply his name. I'm providing the name, for reasons that will become apparent.) What Achilles clearly intended was for readers to think that the Charlottesville rally just might have somehow been a left wing inside job. Some sort of false flag operation. "That shitshow wasn't right wing, it was an 'Occupy' job..."

But just look at Jason Kessler's Wikipedia page. Don't miss any of the footnotes and original sources.

Then, make up your own mind about Jason Kessler. A very fine person, on one side.

lonejustice said...

Achilles said... "Everyone that reads the NYT will tell you they are above average intelligence despite the obvious statistical impossibility. They all are also the type of people that supported the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930's."

So, you are saying that our host, Althouse, supported the Nazi regime in Germany in the 1930's because she reads and posts articles on this blog from the New York Times? You are a deranged and demented idiot.

walter said...

Jabfly's got the goods!
"Ben Meiselas, co-founder of MeidasTouch and owner of Los Angeles Magazine, reported today that "Donald Trump is actually farting in the courtroom and that it's very stinky around him."

"Trump's lawyers are repulsed by the scent and the smell," he said, noting that these observations are from credible sources in the courtroom.

X users, including lawyer George Conway, concurred that he heard the same information"

Iman said...

Fuck these NY scheisters, their mattress actress and their msm Dem operative clowns��.

tommyesq said...

F'ing Chuck:

What Achilles clearly intended was for readers to think that the Charlottesville rally just might have somehow been a left wing inside job. Some sort of false flag operation. "That shitshow wasn't right wing, it was an 'Occupy' job..."

But just look at Jason Kessler's Wikipedia page. Don't miss any of the footnotes and original sources.

Well, I looked. According to that page (and remember, it is the wildly malleable Wikipedia) "up to 2008, Kessler was a supporter of Democrats and held liberal views." The page is then silent on anything he did politically until 2017, when Trump was in office. Meaningless.

tommyesq said...

One thing is highly likely -- Trump will take a winnable case and buffoon his way into a conviction.

Holy moly - Mark agrees that Trump should win this case!!!

Iman said...

Kessler was an Obama voter. Wikipedia is not an honest broker of facts (see Katherine Maher).

Stop with the upchucking, Chuckles.

traditionalguy said...

Haba says the NYT trick is to make Trump lawyer look inept because Jury members see it.

And it is a known part of Jury science that they seek guidance from the authority of the Judge and the degree of respect the lawyers seem to have. The want to side with winners.

Yancey Ward said...

"Well, maybe not. There's a lot of facts in there."

Facts are like a can of Raid to Gadfly.

Yancey Ward said...

Wow, Gadfly, maybe Bragg can indict Trump for flatulence. Trump should bring a battery powered fan that blows the air towards the prosecutions' table.

Oligonicella said...

This is what empathy in judges gets you. Sided affairs.

Funny how the empathy always seems to go to the side the judge already entertains.

Drago said...

Tommyesq: "Holy moly - Mark agrees that Trump should win this case!!!"

That comment came not from Dumb Lefty Mark, but instead from DeSantis supporter and Lover of Corrupt Democratical Lawfare, VA Lawyer Mark.

There is a not insignificant % of permanently broken DeSantis supporters that lost their minds during the primary and have since devolved into full MSNBC idiot mode.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "Facts are like a can of Raid to Gadfly."

Recall gadfly's lunacy extends to the claim Trump buried nuclear secrets IN IVANA'S CASKET at Bedminister and gadfly was demanding her casket and body be exhumed to look for those pretend documents!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Achilles said...

The person who organized the Charlottesville "tiki torch" "protest" was an Occupy Wall Street leader.

Dear readers;

The person who organized the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally was Jason Kessler. (Achilles didn't supply his name. I'm providing the name, for reasons that will become apparent.) What Achilles clearly intended was for readers to think that the Charlottesville rally just might have somehow been a left wing inside job. Some sort of false flag operation. "That shitshow wasn't right wing, it was an 'Occupy' job..."

But just look at Jason Kessler's Wikipedia page. Don't miss any of the footnotes and original sources.

Then, make up your own mind about Jason Kessler. A very fine person, on one side.

Everyone knows that Kessler was an Obama voter and was an organizer during Occupy Wall Street.

The fact that a completely dishonest piece of shit like you doesn't even try to argue the point makes it obvious to everyone what the truth is.

Charlottesville was clearly planned by the Democrat/Uniparty at every level up to and including recruiting KKK wannabes who wanted to join the Party that was founded on slavery and hating black people.

Oligonicella said...

The empathy of the delicate nose.

tommyesq said...

Tommyesq: "Holy moly - Mark agrees that Trump should win this case!!!"

That comment came not from Dumb Lefty Mark, but instead from DeSantis supporter and Lover of Corrupt Democratical Lawfare, VA Lawyer Mark.

My mistake. Is there a quick and easy way to tell?

Iman said...

Prosecutor Cocksuckerjello says it was a “catch and kill” operation. What a clown.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Then how was Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen convicted of a *felony* for the exact same thing?”

One big key difference is that Cohen was the lawyer, and Trump was the client. Cohen (may have - it’s NYC Justice) lied and told Trump that it was a legal expense. You hire lawyers to, among other things, give legal advice. And, effectively, that is what Cohen did to Trump. What was Trump supposed to have done? Asked his tax attorneys whether the expense was properly classified? Or trust that Cohen had done it correctly? The key here is that Trump has people who do all this for him. Everyone at his level do.

Yancey Ward said...

"My mistake. Is there a quick and easy way to tell?"

The Mark who is a lawyer in VA, if you hover over the name, has a profile number that appears in the lower left of my laptop screen that starts 0757. Idiot Mark has one that begins 100. That is how I distinguish them when I can't tell from the comment itself, which is rare.

Jim at said...

Is there a quick and easy way to tell?

You can hover over the user name and see the #s on their account. One Mark had an 08 something and the other is a 75 something.

But as I mentioned the other day, there's really no difference between them anymore.

Drago said...

Tommeysq: "My mistake. Is there a quick and easy way to tell?"

Not your fault as VA Lawyer Mark is now indistinguishable from the idiot leftists...by choice.

Just click on the name: no profile is Dumb Lefty Mark and VA Lawyer Mark's profile clearly identifies him/her.

Crazy World said...

rich at first comment is delusional as usual, why would anybody participate in this shit show if they weren’t threatening to throw you in jail if you don’t go?

gadfly said...

Chyron announcing Trump's trial at MSNBC.

gadfly said...

Yancy and Drag haven't figured out that the "Trump is a fucking idiot" trial is past the indictment state.

And Raid is for killing bugs, not odors - but that has nothing to do with Trump's poor manners.

As for Trump hiding classified documents, like all his other failures, he never succeeds in hiding anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are we shocked that Gadfly drinks MSNBC?


wendybar said...

Yeah Gad, we get it. Trump wasn't as good at hiding Classified documents for dozens of years like Biden was for stealing them when he was a Senator from a SKIF.

Drago said...

Gadfly's very sad little missive at 1:19am demonstrates why gadfly usually just plagiarizes the writings of others and attempts to pass it off as his own.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

“Then how was Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen convicted of a *felony* for the exact same thing?”

He pled guilty, to a plea agreement. I don't know why he did, or what other charges were dropped in exchange for him giving the plea that the politicians going after him wanted.

That doesn't prove that the action was actually criminal, it just proves that prosecutors and Cohen were willing to make a deal that said it's criminal.

If he'd been actually convicted of that crime in a trail, and it had been upheld on appeal to SCOTUS, that would be a different thing. but that's not what happened.

gadfly said...

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
Are we shocked that Gadfly drinks MSNBC?


Come on - Had you opened my referenced site, you would have found an image of a very funny title that reads "Trump Worried About Pecker Leaking."

But when I read your ever-changing screen name, I guess you probably wouldn't laugh.