March 31, 2024

"Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation.... they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms..."

"... as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves. But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families.... These bills attack our most basic American values: the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child.... Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back."

So reads the announcement from the White House — over the name of Joseph R. Biden — proclaiming March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.

March 31st had already been established as Transgender Day of Visibility, but in some years, including this one, that means Transgender Day of Visibility falls on Easter. 

And what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter? I'll answer: maximizing your complaints about transgender people on Easter. But that's what's going on.


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Steve said...

Or Biden could have just "looked the other way" and said very little, as in years past, since the TDV fell on Easter this year. One wonders why he chose to highlight the day this year, especially in light of the fact that he knew or should have known that Christians on the right would make it an issue.

iowan2 said...

The White House was perfectly capable of ignore the slain police officer if NYC. Ignoring the wake, while raising $25 million to get elected.

This is not Just Biden. It is the core values of the Democrat Party.

Butkus51 said...

Good vs Evil and Evil is winning

SO said...

Or Biden could have just "looked the other way" and said very little, as in years past, since the TDV fell on Easter this year. One wonders why he chose to highlight the day this year, especially in light of the fact that he knew or should have known that Christians on the right would make it an issue.

Sebastian said...

"And what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter? I'll answer: maximizing your complaints about transgender people on Easter."

Normies aren't maximizing complaints and are not trying to be Easter-y. They recognize the slap in the face and are fighting back in the culture war. For Christians, there must be a certain sadness: the devastation of the culture is nearly complete, and Jesus died in vain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My favorite transgender story is the "trans" man who exposed his penis in front of a young girl in the woman's locker room at a Planet Fitness.
One other actual woman witnessed this and took a photo of the MAN in the women's locker room exposing himself. (as evidence)

Then the woman who took the photo - banned from Planet fitness.

[meanwhile- actual real trans people are often very respectful - used private changing areas - and no one even knows they are trans.]

Leftists love and want to protect pedophiles.

Amadeus 48 said...

The news media could have let it all happen without reportage. Biden grabbed the “kindness” set, Trump pounced. What if no one heard about it? Would they care?

Trans people deserve all the kindness that other mentally ill people deserve. Will Biden pronounce a national day of visibility for paranoid psychotics?

Old and slow said...

Well that's that, he's locked up the whole transgender vote now. His re-election is assured.

Breezy said...

I find this more egregious than the visibility message:

“These bills attack our most basic American values: the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child.“

The Biden administration denies these basic American values to all Americans. We can’t share our views, we can’t decline a vaccine, we can’t object to CRT and other progressive ideologies being taught in the public schools (ex. keeping parents in the dark about their child’s “transition”)…. Etc. This Biden guy is a complete hypocrite.

Howard said...

Have you heard the good news, friend? They are risen!

EdwdLny said...

Sure just ignore that all of them are mentally ill and reject reality. Ignore that medical "professionals" fabricate "research " and data in an effort to mutilate children for profit. Ignore that so many in the trans "community " are flat out pedophiles. Although that would explain joey bidet's support, being a pedophile himself after all. There is no perversion, no abhorrent, disgusting behavior that the left doesn't support, promote, defend, and exhibit.
Libs are fascist terrorists in word, deed, and belief. Treat them accordingly. They are evil.

Critter said...

There are 365 days in a year. Picking Easter is poking a stick in the eye of Christians on our holiest of days.

Meanwhile, Biden is trying hard for a ceasefire in Gaza so Muslims are not offended to have to fight during their holy month of Ramadan.

Not hard to figure out the animus Biden has for Christianity. How many more files will the FBI open on Christians for voicing their opinion on this?

William said...

I live in NYC. I just don't know any transgendered people. I think there might be one who works at the reception desk at my gym, but I'm not sure. In any event, I wish that person well with their life....I don't bear any malice to transgendered people, but, what the hell, since when did your opinion of transgendered people become a marker for morality or fitness for public office.....I guess there's probably a way for a transgendered person to be a sane, functioning adult, but it does appear to be a condition that's either born of mental disorder or conducive to developing it.....I did know a guy who became a paraplegic. He was a decent enough person, but subject to bouts of depression and bitterness. It wasn't because of the way society treated him. It was because getting into a motorcycle accident and then ending up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life is a very bad deal.

Oh Yea said...

Happy Transgender Day of Visibility however you celebrate!

Mr. O. Possum said...

One can turn the other cheek and have compassion for another while still opposing that person's political policies.

Odds are a low-level staffer put this pronouncement on the White House press release/social media schedule weeks or months ago without realizing the conflict with Easter. It's another sign of the current administration's incompetence.

Same with White House ban on religious symbols on Easter Eggs. Pitiful. I'm surprised the Biden administration spells out the contraction Xmas or even uses the letter 'x' which is a symbol for Christ. Just call it 'mas.

Voters will soon say 'No mas.'

This administration has fallen, and it can't get up.

Humperdink said...

".... including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves."

If it stopped at that I could be on board, but no, they want to impose their mentally ill beliefs and positions on the rest of us. And we are saying no!

Mark said...

what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter?

Celebrating life and freedom, rather than being a slave to a lie? Wanting the true good for these poor deluded people, rather than encouraging them to further misery?

But then you know that. So you utter refusal to even acknowledge the reality of what others know about the human person, your ignorance, must be intentional. And therefore malicious.

rhhardin said...

It's always all about pussy. I'm surprised there are no constellations named for it.

Iman said...

Progressive Grotesqueries heal thy selves!

rehajm said...

You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were.

There could have been some sensitivity towards christians, or at least towards people like me who believe you’re trying to get me to soften towards brainwashing children and pedophilia and/or recognizing the unfortunate, incongruous timing of the occasion. Did The White House recognize Easter? Instead the unfortunate timing is a feature to you people. One more dig.

Fuck you all…

gilbar said...

don't forget THIS:
Religious-themed designs banned from White House Easter egg art contest

Biden's spokesperson said (and i invent): There is NO Place for religion in an Easter Celebration.
Easter is a time for ALL of US to celebrate the castration of young children!!!

Michael said...

It's all designed to send the following message:

Trump hates transgenders
Biden hates Christians

Our national breakup is proceeding nicely.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Testing Testing 1 2 3 testing

Tank said...

We love Trump because he does not look away as Biden tries to normalize mental illness. Transgender Americans are mentally ill. We should try to help cure them, not make believe they are normal or "part of the fabric of our nation" or that they help America "thrive." That's all a bunch of ________.

Creola Soul said...

First the TG crowd wanted acceptance…..ok. Then, they wanted equality…..well, that’s ok too. Then, they want you be their advocate……no. All these groups need to accept what they’ve gotten and stop ratcheting up the rhetoric.

Heartless Aztec said...

An improbable made up story vs an improbable made up human. Both fiction. Yet here we are.

Jersey Fled said...

Strangely, Biden issued an Easter Statement last year but none this year. I guess he made his choice. Or one of the Jr. High kids that actually run things in the White House did.

wendybar said...

We can look away when they stop shoving it down our throats....

wendybar said...

Why is it always the right who has to just look away when they won't stop ramming their agendas down our throats and telling us we will accept their mental illnesses no matter how much they hate us.

Dave Begley said...

The University of Nebraska Medical Center engaged in child mutilation and sterilization until a law was passed last year to stop this barbarism.

These kids are mentally ill, but the NE Jacobins staged a filibuster of every bill to continue the hacking. Eventually, the law passed.

The Chancellor of UNMC is Dr. Jeffery P. Gold. He has just been nominated to be the President of the University ofvNebraska system. By law, he has to make appearances at all four Nebraska campuses. I will have some questions for Dr. Gold.

As an aside, one TV station did a records request on the Regents and Governor on their efforts to keep the former Athletic Director. Why no records request on the number of children mutilated by UNMC?

Dave Begley said...

Biden, “ The Department of Justice has taken action to push back against extreme and un-American State laws targeting transgender youth and their families….”

What’s that about? Nebraska protected children. Is there a lawsuit coming? On what grounds?

I’ll tell you what is un-American: medical experiments on kids.

All of this is so hard to believe.

donald said...

Joe Biden and every single cocksucker in his administration deserve the most painful deaths possible.

“Bad Genes” said...

Easter does not fall on the same date every year. The next time Easter will even be on 3/31 will be 2086.

donald said...

And all of their assets seized, then given to the poor in Appalachia. Ain’t been no trillions upon trillions off dollars thrown down the toilet in them.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

Johnathon Haidt, my favorite liberal, because he has always been honest in his thinking, on transgenderism. I would excerpt it, but it needs to be read in full; no one part conveys the whole.

stlcdr said...

It doesn't always fall on Easter, but lo and behold, a lot of times it does (right in the middle of where Easter generally falls). Who decided the day?

Since Alphabet people tend to be in-your-face in pretty much everything - putting their sexuality on display, first and foremost - the chance of this day being chosen is very much deliberate.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Yeah... just like the 2024 "Picture Of The Year".
Sniff this, Pedo Joe. It's a Happy Day.

Edwin Hawkins 1969

holdfast said...

Don’t you just hate it when major religious holidays fall on the same day?

So naturally the story is “Republicans pounce!”

This is nothing more than Democrats smacking Christians in the face with their lady-dick, just to remind the Christians who really has the power.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grimson said...

Biden's Easter statement is pretty perfunctory in comparison; it seems not that important to him, certainly less so than Transgender Day of Visibility.

Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.

From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Thanks for posting a clarification. I still don’t like it but… it’s just a WH declaration. It means nothing.

robother said...

"March 31st had already been established as Transgender Day of Visibility." Of course, I remember that day being celebrated from growing up in the 50s. Isn't that in the Constitution? Or maybe the Declaration of Independence. I'm sure every American President from Washington on down has honored Transgendered on March 31.

Yinzer said...

So Ann, this is on us unforgiving Christians that we are not willing to just 'turn the other cheek' when we are insulted? There is nothing sacred about this manufactured holiday having to be on March 31st. All of this could be avoided by simply moving it a day when it conflicts with a religious feast day with a 2000-year history.

wendybar said...

Even transgender Caitlyn Jenner recognizes what a joke this is...

Maybe Progressives can look away, turn the other cheek about Christians for once.

Caitlyn Jenner
I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden has declared the most Holy of Holy days - a self proclaimed devout Catholic - as Transgender Day of Visibility. The only thing you should be declaring on this day is ‘HE is Risen’.

Randomizer said...

It seems like transgender folks would have a Transgender Day of Invisibility. If a person's objective is to be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, the intent should be to commit to the role and convincingly deceive the casual observer.

I'd be impressed if the goal is to make Easter the holiday celebrating the shape-shifters. Easter commemorates Jesus rising from the dead, so re-messaging the holiday as trans folks rising from their dead-name, is clever. Appropriating an existing holiday for the new religion is a time-tested practice.

Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation...they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.

The same could be said of Trump voters, traditional Christians, patriots, Constitutional literalists, survivalists or any other group of deplorables.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good news in the works. The Left are going make Christmas into a shared holiday with International Pedophilia acceptance Day.

mark your calendars!

Scott Patton said...

Trump playing the blasphemy card in any context is offensive, except maybe a joke, if it's funny.
There are any number of reasonable objections to the big guy's proclamation. Blasphemy isn't one of them.

Christopher B said...

These bills attack our most basic American values: the freedom to be yourself (you mean the ability to force people to conform to your wishes),

the freedom to make your own health care decisions (you mean like being forced to accept a vaccination with no track record of efficacy?),

and even the right to raise your own child (you mean like people deliberately hiding the way your child's identity and sexuality are being influenced?)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Recall when the date when the 2 gay DEMOCRATIC men Butt-fukkked on camera for all to see in the US Congressional chamber.
That too will be a sacred commemorated Holy day! Mark you calendars!

You will be forced to worship. You will obey.

Mike Sylwester said...

Instead of saying "Colored People", we are supposed to say "People of Color".

Instead of saying "Transgender Visibility Day", we are supposed to say "Transgender Day of Visibility".

I don't get the purpose of such syntax rules.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is not in charge. The corrupt woke pedo-army are in charge.

Chuck said...

As Althouse rightly and accurately notes, the International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) has been celebrated on March 31 since its inception; falling on an Easter Sunday is a rare coincidence. There was no intent to engineer the TDOV to be celebrated on Easter.

The annual celebration started 15 years ago. The organizer "chose the springtime date because she wanted some distance from Transgender Day of Remembrance as well as Pride Month, which is in June." (Per an NPR interview with a founding sponsor; see link below.)

President Biden has issued presidential proclamations on TDOV for all four years of his presidency. This year, it just happens to coincide with Easter, which is causing bad faith actors to post stuff like this instead of Googling the information in this post.

The Fox News Channel story that Althouse embedded in her main post mentions almost none of this. Fox News followers may understandably believe the falsehood that the Biden White House engineered the date purposely.

There are TEN other White House proclamation days this weekend. Cesar Chavez Day, and days for organ donation, care workers, cancer prevention, child abuse prevention, public health week, Arab American Heritage Month, sexual assault awareness and prevention month, month of the military child, and "second chance month."

Finally -- and to me most importantly -- what part of "Christianity" is offended by transgender awareness and acceptance? I am thoroughly serious here, and demanding specifics. I am a United Methodist. Like Senators Tom Cotton and Elizabeth Warren, Like John Kennedy and Debbie Stabenow, like Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton, like Liz Cheney and Dan Crenshaw, like Colin Allred and Thomas Massie. I know of no doctrinal reason why any of my fellow Methodists would object. Should Roman Catholics like President Joe Biden object? I'm guessing that there may be politicized wings of a denomination like the Southern Baptist Convention that might object, but exactly why (other than the the bludgeoning politicization of religion) is unclear to me. If any readers here can point us to any major denomination(s) that take any considered offense (and why), please let me know.

A tip of the hat to Brian Stelter on Twitter/X for much of this content.

Don B. said...

This confluence has occurred once previously in the short history of Transgender Visibility Day, in 2013. I doubt Obama issued a proclamation. I certainly wouldn't if I were president.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadisonMan said...

As opposed to Transgender Invisibility?

grimson said...

And what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter? I'll answer: maximizing your complaints about transgender people on Easter. But that's what's going on.

Hardly--this is only the second time Transgender Day of Visibility has coincided with Easter Sunday. It last occurred in 2013. Obama issued no such proclamation; and a search of the archived Obama White House site for "Transgender Day of Visibility" yields no results.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meanwhile - our nation's veterans still struggle with homelessness, addiction and suicide.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck - take your left-wing virtue signaling and preaching and pound something.

Mike Sylwester said...

To celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility, the Biden Administration will fine every Christian baker who refuses to bake a cake celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility.

narciso said...

It is abomination of jewish and christian scripture no surprise it also angers moslems as well who are the most binary

Cappy said...


Oh Yea said...

Even though Biden has recognized this day in the past there is no reason that it needed to be this year. GLAAD has a whole LGBTQ Community Calendar with nearly 50 days/weeks/months of significance including November 13 – 19: Transgender Awareness Week. Seems like Transgender Day of Visibility is a bit redundant and if questioned Biden's spokesperson could just say they were going to concentrate on the week in November.

narciso said...

Genesis deuteronomy and matthew for starters

Leland said...

May peace be with you.

rehajm said...

My favorite transgender story is the "trans" man who exposed his penis in front of a young girl in the woman's locker room at a Planet Fitness.

It certainly seems well within transgender rights to expose your penis in front of young girls. Is masturbating in the locker room in front of young girls within transgender rights? I have a theory this is important in the rights of transgenders.

We should establish the new ground rules so everyone may adjust to the new society….

cassandra lite said...

Best Twitter comment I saw was, “You don’t think if National Pork Day happened to fall on the first day of Ramadan they wouldn’t have postponed it, do you?”

wendybar said...

Critter said...
There are 365 days in a year. Picking Easter is poking a stick in the eye of Christians on our holiest of days.

Meanwhile, Biden is trying hard for a ceasefire in Gaza so Muslims are not offended to have to fight during their holy month of Ramadan.

Not hard to figure out the animus Biden has for Christianity. How many more files will the FBI open on Christians for voicing their opinion on this?

3/31/24, 7:49 AM

And The LBGTQ community has laid claim to 145 days to call their own.....

Read the numerous holidays and the months they claim as their own.....

Iman said...

Speaking of Progressive Grotesqueries, spotlight on Brian Stelter, y’all.

Chuck said...

And of course there's no bit of whining, dumb hypocrisy that Trump cannont make worse if he enters the fray:

Ron Fournier on X/Twitter.

WK said...

They should have made Transgender Day of Visibility the first Tuesday of July. Then every few years we could celebrate with fireworks.

Big Mike said...

Are Christians opposed to transgenders per se? One doesn’t have to be a particularly devout Christian to be opposed to biological males entering a girls’ locker room, and waving their penis at the naked women inside while saying “I’m trans” as a get-out-of-jail-free card. What was the point of all that effort to enact Title IX if biological males can supplant biological women in women’s sports?

Yes, I get that Joe Biden is reaching out to cement the support of the hardcore Christian-haters in the Democrat base. Christian-haters are a key component of the Democrat coalition (along with Jew-haters and, strangely enough, Jews).

wendybar said...

Anybody who gives LYING Brian Stelter credit for anything is a joke themselves. Sorry, chucky, we don't give credit to Russian Hoax liars for anything. Has he apologized for lying to us for 6 years yet??

Howard said...

Now you know how I feel. Our beautiful pagan celebration and blessings of the fertility Goddess of life and health has been taken over by a sick Middle East desert zombie horror show that celebrates an angry, jealous vengeful god who commands loyalty upon pain of eternal torture giving licence to priests to control the masses via shame and guilt.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Mike S, the purpose of the "syntax rules" is multifold. To distinguish the hip, in the know kids from the lumpenproletariat. To induce fear of a social gaffe in the wannabe elites. To accustom the masses to comply with whim and illusion. And to annoy everyone else. (Everyone, really, but some hide their annoyance because they believe it will soon be their turn to be annoying.)

It's a power-play, not language-improvement.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Activists long ago rejected the option of let's leave each other alone. They declared war on us. We will not surrender.

alanc709 said...

Chuck chooses anathema over belief, as usual, and supports punching Christians when they turn the other cheek. Althouse, as usual, just blandly pretends cruel neutrality and settles for acquiesing to more debauchery in the name of intolerance of Christians what oppose debauchery. How eelitist (sic).

rhhardin said...

"Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our nation"

That would be the warp.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Who created this "Day"? Leftist radicals. Has Congress approved it? No. Therefore, in America, it does not exist. Therefore, no reason to "celebrate" it. Except to trash the Christians and other normies.

MartyH said...

Biden could have eliminated all controversy by moving it back one day, to tomorrow.

Wince said...

Notice, one pediatrics group comments on medical efficacy, the other comments on politics.

Gender-affirming therapy’ is not beneficial, pediatrics group concludes

MARCH 29, 2024

Treat gender confusion with therapy, not drugs and ‘affirmation,’ doctor says

“Gender-affirming therapy” is not beneficial, a pediatrics group concluded.

The American College of Pediatricians issued a policy statement on “gender identity” and “biological sex” after reviewing existing literature.

The medical group “cannot condone the social affirmation, medical intervention, or surgical mutilation of children and adolescents identifying as transgender or gender nonconforming.”

“Rather, intensive psychotherapy for the individual and family to determine and hopefully treat the underlying etiology of their gender incongruence should be pursued,” the medical professionals wrote.

Contrary to claims someone can change their sex, ACPeds “affirms the medical fact that the sex of an individual is based upon biology and not upon thoughts or feelings.”

Pediatricians’ group reaffirms support for gender-affirming care amid growing state restrictions

August 3, 2023

The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirmed its support for gender-affirming medical care for transgender children on Thursday, even as the treatments face a growing push for bans and restrictions from Republican lawmakers across the U.S.

The board of directors for the group, which represents 67,000 pediatricians, unanimously voted to reaffirm its 2018 position on the treatments. The board also voted to provide additional documents to support pediatricians, including clinical and technical reports, and to conduct an external review of research regarding the care.

“The additional recommendations also reflect the fact that the board is concerned about restrictions to accessing evidence-based health care for young people who need it,” Mark Del Monte, the academy’s CEO, said in a statement released by the group, calling the restrictions enacted by states “unprecedented government intrusion.”

“We therefore need to provide the best and most transparent process possible,” he said.

At least 21 states have now enacted laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors, and most of those states face lawsuits. A federal judge struck down Arkansas’ ban as unconstitutional, and federal judges have temporarily blocked bans in Alabama and Indiana.

The judge who struck down Arkansas’ ban cited the position of the groups in his ruling against the ban. Arkansas has appealed the judge’s decision.

People opposed to such treatments for children argue they are too young to make such decisions about their futures.

Every major medical group, including the academy and the American Medical Association, has opposed the bans and has said the treatments are safe if administered properly.

The academy and the AMA support allowing children to seek the medical care, but they don’t offer age-specific guidance.

Michael said...

Chuck. A pro tip would have been to change the day of celebrating the visibility of trans heroes so it didn’t coincide with the most holy of Christian holy days. Yeah I know they had codified the date in stone but really. Think about it. Try.

Martha said...

Trans Americans are free to be themselves in American today. What I object to is having elementary school aged children forced to participate in PRIDE celebrations. In researching a school in Cambridge, Massachusetts my 6 year old granddaughter is transferring to for the next academic year, I discovered the school proudly posted videos of the students dancing to a bastardized version of ODE TO JOY—renamed ODE TO PRIDE. The students danced around in rainbow colored costumes. The younger children looked confused. This is indoctrination. This is grooming. Transgender Day of Visibility is not just celebrated today—it is forced on children in schools throughout the school year.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Yes indeed, Trump will declare January 1st the Three Christs of Ypsilanti Day.
Use your Porthole.

"Three troubled and profoundly different men".

chuck said...

I want you to know that the small "c" chucks of the world are super important, they help America thrive. When is our day?

Bob Boyd said...

Althouse is right. The left want the trans issue to be a new civil rights struggle. They can't do that without a civil rights oppressor. If you're a Christian or a conservative or a Trump supporter you're being cast in the role of oppressor by the producers of this show. How will you play the part? Will you be believable as the ogre they want you to be?

Quayle said...

The good news is that in the resurrection of which Christ was the first fruits. And of the resurrection of us all, a prophet teaches in the Book of Mormon “The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame. And now, my son, this is the restoration of which has been spoken by the mouths of the prophets…“

Even those who mutilated their bodies ignorantly will be restored by Christ’s power. This is the good news that surpasses and overpowers even the statement of the White House.

Christ overcame all. Evil has already been defeated. The battle is already won, even though each of us has a battle with ourselves to banish our pride and passions and accept the victory for ourselves individually.

Happy Easter!

iowan2 said...

"But extremists are proposing hundreds of [hateful] laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families"

Biden hard at work dismantling democracy.

Strange? Yes?

Destroying democracy and recreate it in the form of single party authoritarian rule.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I knew Chuck was a troon.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We will be hounded and hounded and hounded... by the moral Authoritarians of the Left.

The leftwing holiday list. it grows and grows.
Traditional Americans will be made to pay the price. Obey - or you will be destroyed.

A glimmer of hope:

Gays Against Groomers.

mezzrow said...

Asking conservatives to "let this slide" for tactical reasons is like asking progressives to give cops a break for that video of them shooting the black kid. Those with traditional beliefs are just as concerned about those who would activate the desires of MAPs to activate or enable children's sex lives as race warriors are concerned about white cops killing black children. That the black children may have been armed and pointing their gun or knife at the cop, or that the law gives the trans individual the legal right to authentically exist and be there in this place with minor females are factors that are to be discarded as irrelevant to the transgression.

This isn't going to get better. This is one of those Palestine/Israel things. Eventually it will end when one side loses permanently, and perhaps existentially. Each side will be pointing at the other and assigning total blame to the very end of their existence. It goes to the core of how they see the world.

Zavier Onasses said...

When they poke you in the eye, turn the other eye.

Sally327 said...

I don't know why anyone needs to turn the other cheek, this is all just politics. President Biden's celebration of transgender day is political, a canned and mostly meaningless message of support intended to be seen as some glorious pledge of faith and true allegiance to that incredibly small but exceedingly loud segment of his supporters that care about this kind of thing. Biden comes out! Yeah!! While Pastor Trump is preaching a political gospel of his own to his flock, larger than the transgender bloc on the left, presumably, but certainly not as noisy. And there is no reason to be. For those true to the faith every day is Easter.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sure. “Republicans pounce” is always the greater evil, isn’t it.

Yancey Ward said...


How about you and the other transgender rights supporters fight to stop the mutilation of children until they reach at least 18 years of age.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "A tip of the hat to Brian Stelter..."



And is perfectly in line with Chuck's years long..."interest" and "fascination" in Barron Trump.

An "interest" that clearly waned significantly as Barron...aged out...of Chuck's zone of interest.

I am not surprised in the least Chuck now combines his supoort for groomer tactics in school with support for the mental illness "trans" social contagion that teaches children they are born in the wrong body and should mutilate themselves to correct that "error"...even over parents objections.

Ambrose said...

These sort of things always present the left's position as the normal, accepted status quo under attack by the radical right wingers:

"But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families."

typingtalker said...

Another own goal for the incumbent.

Christopher B said...

Blogger Chuck said...

Finally -- and to me most importantly -- what part of "Christianity" is offended by transgender awareness and acceptance?

Motte and Bailey, dude, Motte and Bailey. Read the proclamation and defend what it actually says, not what you want to pretend it was. Everybody knows what the euphemism 'health care choices' and 'right to raise your child' means in this context, just like we know 'reproductive care' means murdering unborn babies. You support mutilating healthy kids to support your sick desires to own the cons.

I believe the phrase is "God doesn't make mistakes", and He doesn't. Our hubris in using technology to destroy healthy bodies is going to be repaid a hundredfold. And don't start that 'disease is natural, too' bullshit. God had given us reason to enable our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and uses our hands and intellects to perform His good works.

Paul said...


I was assured by the Pope that Biden was a 'Good Catholic'! Well the Pope in this case is a liar. He knows well Biden supports abortion and trans and homosexuality. Biden even hobnobbed with Epstein!!! Bishop Joseph Francis Martino of Biden's hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, said Biden would be denied communion in the Scranton diocese over his support for abortion rights.

And yet the Pope says he is a 'Good Catholic'... what a gas!

Trump is right.. again.

Estoy_Listo said...

And March is both Women's History Month and Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. You don't hear any moaning about that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

1956 America

The Modern Progressive Authoritarian Left would melt like witches and water at the mere sight - if that happened today.

Marcus Bressler said...

Happy Easter, Althouse.

Milo Minderbinder said...

It's called the 1st Amendment, rights of free expression we all have at birth. Nothing more is needed.

Timing is everything. I suppose the incompetent Biden Gang won't even let us worship in peace anymore.

Marcus Bressler said...

When is Bi-Polar Day? Or Paranoid Schizophrenia Day? All Mental Illnesses Matter!

TaeJohnDo said...

You people need to keep turning your cheek every time we slap you until you are dead!

Estoy_Listo said...

Chuck, I'm a Lutheran,as traditional and conservative as they come. On Thursday we commemorated the Last Supper when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and gave them a new commandment:“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." That seems pretty clear to me.

Achilles said...

I know Daily Wire and Candace Owens are not mainstream enough for Ann to notice, but there is an earthquake erupting right now and tearing apart the political landscape.

Jeremy Boreing and Ben Shapiro are committing ritual seppeku in slow motion right now much the same way the Biden administration is doing by cleaving their coalitions with stupid crap.

This is what a preference cascade looks like. Vivek went on the same show and they were combative and full of hate just a few months ago. They were staunch supporters of the Regime.

But voters that used to identify as democrats by race can no longer ignore just how bad and obviously evil Democrats are. This trans bullshit is just too much. They hate Republicans too but they are starting to notice the change in the Republican coalition. They really can't abide by the obviously anti-christian activity. They may not understand how it is an attack on the underlying foundations of a free society but they are noticing all of the wars and the shit economy and the obvious instability.

In 2020 Trump won the election 75 million to 60 million. People noticed the censorship and the jailing of political opponents. They note the banana republic bullshit the democrats and GOPe are unleashing on Trump. They are also noticing that the majority of Republican voters are more like them than democrats and we are openly fighting the snotty snoots like Ben Shapiro.

In November the Democrats and their Republican allies will not succeed with just 20 million mail in votes. They will need many many more. There will be massive disruptions this year as they cling to power they illegitimately hold.

RoseAnne said...

The annual celebration started 15 years ago. The organizer "chose the springtime date because she wanted some distance from Transgender Day of Remembrance as well as Pride Month, which is in June."

There are TEN other White House proclamation days this weekend. Cesar Chavez Day, and days for organ donation, care workers, cancer prevention, child abuse prevention, public health week, Arab American Heritage Month, sexual assault awareness and prevention month, month of the military child, and "second chance month."

Thanks to Chuck for making my point as to why I did not appreciate Biden's statements on the
day. This is NOT the only day set aside to recognize/celelbrate trangender people. Biden did not choose the date but he chose to highlight it knowing the conflict with the Christian holiday and celebration. Also proclamation days are generally a function of a PR camapaign and little else. Did Biden give equal weight to each of other 10 proclamation days this weekend ... Again he is signaling his priority.

Based on Biden's past history - particularly with women and people of color - I doubt he made the proclamation out of concern for transgender people. He is identifying an 'opponent' to rile up his base for the election. It's what politicians do. He is trying to save his ego and power - no more or less.

As to how I feel about transgender people as a Christian .... I pray for their well-being. Which is why I object to surgery as the first choice for people under the age of 18. 12 year olds should not be getting double mastectomies when there is no evidence of cancer or another physical disease. But with easy access to surgery - and the profit available to surgeons - it seems to be the 'go to' choice.

Zavier Onasses said...

Since the beginning of recorded history (or before) until about 70 years ago (think Christine Jorgensen) some small fraction of humanity has been conflicted about their sex - and quietly found ways to deal with it.

Now with medicare, medicaid, and Obamacare, government bureaucracy is firmly in control of the entire health care field - physicians, surgeons, visiting nurses, mental health, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices, and durable medical equipment.

That, combined with the ability of Government to depreciate the currency, borrowing against phantom future income, resulted in the inevitable growth cycle...

...all and sundry in the "health care" field donate to persons with or seeking power in Government; Government grants favors, approving or creating new medical afflictions and treatments thereof.

Now, for personal gain, greedy unprincipled players in the "health care" field inflict barbarous permanent harm on that unfortunate small fraction of humanity conflicted about their sex.

Drago said...

I always try to cut Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard some slack on Christian holidays.

Howard, be of good cheer! Several of your islamic supremacist allies disrupted services at St Pats Cathedral last night.

Thats a big "win" for you!

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
“Bad Genes” said...

MAGA world getting their collective knickers in a twist over the annual transgender day falling on Easter this year easily as ridiculous as anti-MAGA world going bonkers over Trump calling the economy a bloodbath last week.

It’s been declared/proclaimed every year. along with hundreds and hundreds of other annual days. This just happened to fall on Easter this year. Utter stupidity going nuts over this.

J Melcher said...

William says "I live in NYC. I just don't know any transgendered people. " Yeah well, I'm willing to wager actual money that there are more Americans of the Baha'i faith than there are surgically-transitioned Americans. When was the last White House acknowledgement of that identity groups holidays, or even existence? More Jains, more Hindus, more Seventh-Day Adventists ... maybe not yet more Zoroastrians. Given the ever increasing census of "trans-gendered/pretenders" who include drag artists, perverts, autogynophilliacs, body-dysmorphics, and political posers I'm guessing we'll all make acquaintance with some "transgendered" person, eventually.

Here in Dallas I worked with a person who had completed the drastic surgeries and was maintaining on dangerous drugs to present as female. Early on I honestly couldn't tell that "she" wasn't a female -- one who had been extremely injured in a horrible accident and been patched back up insofar as imperfectly possible with heroic medical interventions. Voice was wrong, movement was wrong, a whole "uncanny valley" aspect pertained. I considered "her" condition too personal and delicate to make inquiries. I was informed much after the introductions. My advice: Do the work, treat a co-worker with respect, and trust in each other's skills. Just as one would with any victim of a tragedy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Recall the date when the 2 gay DEMOCRATIC men Butt-fukkked on camera for all to see in the US Congressional chamber.
That too will be a sacred commemorated Holy day! Mark your calendars!

You will be forced to worship. You will obey.
Children will be forced to watch the repeated reruns of the sacred Democratic Butt-fuKKKing event.
You haters.

Temujin said...

Happy Easter.

There are enough LBGTQ++ 'day's and 'weeks' and 'months' to fill the entire calendar year. It's all so preposterous and is what happens when you raise a generation that gets awarded for participation. LGBT+ Awareness Days.

The White House purposely stepped in this to put a finger in the eye of half of America. It's what they do. It's what they've done regularly since the Biden team took office.

Yes- everyone could ignore it. But it is what it is- The Biden people could have ignored it as well. It's Easter. Have some respect for the Holiness of the day. Even if it isn't your religion or does not follow your narrative, it is the most Holy Day in the most followed religion in our country.

Temujin said...

Happy Easter.

There are enough LBGTQ++ 'day's and 'weeks' and 'months' to fill the entire calendar year. It's all so preposterous and is what happens when you raise a generation that gets awarded for participation. LGBT+ Awareness Days.

The White House purposely stepped in this to put a finger in the eye of half of America. It's what they do. It's what they've done regularly since the Biden team took office.

Yes- everyone could ignore it. But it is what it is- The Biden people could have ignored it as well. It's Easter. Have some respect for the Holiness of the day. Even if it isn't your religion or does not follow your narrative, it is the most Holy Day in the most followed religion in our country.

Narayanan said...

if cheek has to be turned then cheek was slapped.

when did your Government gain power to slap any cheek without due process?

and you, a law professor?!

Jersey Fled said...

Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday…

Posted three hours ago. Damage control.

Bill Crawford said...

Chuck, Why no Easter proclamation?

Ampersand said...

From Estoy listo:
Jesus said:“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." That seems pretty clear to me.

Sometimes you show your love for others by telling me that they are gullible, wayward fools. Jesus also had some messages that weren't exactly peacenik.

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.(Luke 22:36)

Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.(Matthew 10:37)

Christianity is a tough spiritual discipline that constantly challenges all forms of complacency and self congratulation. It's been airbrushed into gooey greeting card sentimentality.

I say this out of love for all of you. Happy Easter.


hombre said...

"You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were."

It's a cumulative thing isn't it? If 3/21 has been Tranny Visability Day, no unctuous presidential decree was required to remind Christians that our most important holiday, acknowledging the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, is also a day to acknowledge the gender dysfunctionals who are preying on our children.

Despite the odious Jan. 6th and Trump prosecutions, the endless attacks on the First and Second Amendments, the mutilation of our children under false pretenses, the invasion at our southern border, the attacks on our church, the budding terrorists on campus, etc., the professor is evidently having a hard time believing that her (former?) political and professional consorts are bent on destabilizing the nation.

There should be no looking away.

RigelDog said...

Randomizer said: "It seems like transgender folks would have a Transgender Day of Invisibility."

Le mot juste!

Breezy said...

Since the trans community is tiny, why do this? I’d be surprised if this proclamation enticed the minority groups back to the democrat fold. It may just accelerate their flight. Does the proclamation stem the flight of younger people? Hard to see how this helps him. The LGBT* faction is not that large either, in the grand scheme of things, but they are rambunctious.

“Bad Genes” said...

Religious-themed designs banned from White House Easter egg art contest

History repeats itself at Fox News. The only news outlet in US history to pay almost $1bln for lying to their viewers/readers — just can’t break the habit .

This story is about nonpartisan guidelines that have been in operation for 45 years. Including during the last administration.

GingerBeer said...

On the other hand, November 5th will be "Joe Biden Day of Visibility."

Skeptical Voter said...

Or National Pravda Radio could have looked away. My newsfeed this morning was full of a dozen or so NPR stories glorifying the transgender experience. There's a reason why folks don't like NPR shoving stories down their throats--or up their bums.

As usual Joey and the posse around him are--individually and collectively--tone deaf. They are completing Obama's project of fundamentally "trans"forming the USA.

Jupiter said...

"You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were."

I think you meant, "Spread your cheeks". Didn't you?

Jupiter said...

"Do the work, treat a co-worker with respect, and trust in each other's skills. Just as one would with any victim of a tragedy."

Yeah, well, except. Not so much with the trusting in the skills. Trust that your skills will get the lunatic a promotion.

MadTownGuy said...

"And what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter? I'll answer: maximizing your complaints about transgender people on Easter. But that's what's going on.
You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were.

If pushing the trans agenda weren't so coercive and in our faces, including those of our children, most of us would be so inclined. And I'd rather not turn either cheek to them. I don't trust them.

Jay said...

Going to be a very busy Sunday for some people. Having to fit the transgender celebrations in around the kill the Jews Pro-Pali protests. I hope they don't get them confused. Could be awkward.

Bob Boyd said...

"You know, of course it’s good to destigmatize social, mental illness. We don’t want people to be ashamed. But boy, is it a terrible idea to valorize it, to tell young people, ‘You know what? The more you have this, the more popular you’ll be, the more support you’ll get.’" - Jonathon Haidt who believes social contagion is behind the surge in number of people claiming to be transgender.

Protect Trans Kids should be a conservative chant. The left certainly isn't going to protect them. They're using them to foment hate and division.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC Rich - Again - you lie.

Trump was discussing the Chinese auto plants being mass-built in Mexico - and how if Biden allows those cars to be sold in the US - the auto industry will never be the same - it will take the US auto industry down with it - "a bloodbath."

Trump's award speaking was a bit unclear - as usual - but we all understood what he meant.

You, (& your hivemind collective) - as a dedicated leftist- just lie. But that is what leftists do. YOU LIE.

hombre said...

The lefty loons here don't get it. QuidProJoe, fallen Catholic, chose to aggrandize, falsely, .06% of the population, while telling 60% that no recognition or symbols of their faith will be permitted at the White House on Resurrection Day.

As demented as Joe is, only a loon would suggest that he and his handlers intended no insult to our Saviour to delight of his progressive brownnosers.

WK said...

In a certain sense, isn’t a resurrection a kind of transformation?

hombre said...

(Corrected) You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were."

It's a cumulative thing isn't it? If [3/31] has been Tranny Visability Day, no unctuous presidential decree was required to remind Christians that our most important holiday, acknowledging the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, is also a day to acknowledge the gender dysfunctionals who are preying on our children.

Despite the odious Jan. 6th and Trump prosecutions, the endless attacks on the First and Second Amendments, the mutilation of our children under false pretenses, the invasion at our southern border, the attacks on our church, the budding terrorists on campus, etc., the professor is evidently having a hard time believing that her (former?) political and professional consorts are bent on destabilizing the nation.

There should be no looking away.

3/31/24, 10:55 AM Delete

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

award = awkward

planetgeo said...

Leftism constantly morphs to create the maximum conflict possible. It repurposes words. It invents and overlaps celebrations with directly competing beliefs to incite maximum conflict. And if necessary, over time, it flips its own previous positions to always keep the conflict fires burning. Thus, for example, the fight for Title IX gets flipped to Transgender Rights to compete. Whoa, you plucky little women who started to win medals and jobs better be good little Methodists and turn the other cheek.

Silly gooses.

JAORE said...

I know there are things like National Pickle day.

Is there a National Pork Day?

Would it be OK to have it on a Muslim holy day?

Or is "turn the other cheek" only for Christians?

n.n said...

Political congruence ("=") of couples and couplets.

Equivocation of sex and gender.

Boys in girls' social attire and spaces.

Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele.

A month of celebrating albinophobia in parades.

And so it progresses again, and again, and again.

effinayright said...

".... including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves."

If only, IF ONLY, Jeffrey Daumer and John Wayne Gacey had been left to be their true selves!

n.n said...

The rationalized bigotry of Respect for Marriage Act.

Narayanan said...

The White House purposely stepped in this to put a finger in the eye of half of America.
could be The White House purposely building upto claiaming with justification

we poked Palestinian Muslim eyes and we poked Isreale Jew eyes and now we poke American Christian eyes ---- now looking around to who else is there !

effinayright said...

"In other news, Biden has proposed a change in our National Anthem, to the Kinks' "Lola":

"Well, that's the way that I want it to stay
And I always want it to be that way for my Lola
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world

Except for Lola

rehajm said...

Animal activists hitched their wagon to climate change policy. People will stop eating tasty animals if we ride the climate policy wave. Pedophiles shaping gender dysphoria policy have an opportunity they previously only fantasized about…

rehajm said...

Pedophiles learned long ago it is beneficial to have regular people, especially women, who will vigorously defend their grift, oblivious to their true intentions. It’s clever…

Joe Smith said...

It is mental illness and mass hysteria pushed by the left and our Chinese Overlords via TikTok.

We have become a low-T nation and it suits our enemies to a T (pun intended).

Look at our intelligence community and our military, celebrating men in dresses and promoting the fiction that it makes them better at their jobs.


Joe Smith said...

Who are these transgendered people you speak of?

I've never heard of them. Are they in the news? Do they have organizations that represent them? Do corporations know about them? Do local, state, and national government bodies know that they exist?

It must all be very under the radar if they need the president to declare a national day just so people know that they exist.

I think they need better PR people because I've never heard of them before.

robother said...

While Biden's White House was delivering this slap in the face to traditional Christianity, his pro-Palestinian allies were stopping the Easter services in St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC. Open contempt for Christianity is the default position for all Progressives, even as they avoid (religiously, so to speak) anything that might be seen as disrespect for Islam. Try to imagine an LGBTQ demonstration in a US mosque protesting the routine killing of gays in Islamic countries: impossible.

Christian tolerance has been weaponized against itself to the point where the remnant of sincere Christians are reviled as bible-thumpers or bitter clingers in public media and at the highest levels of government. As Chuck bears witness, a considerable body of Christians have turned the other cheek so often, they have succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome.

effinayright said...

As Joe Biden, America's Putin points out at 8:04 AM, LGBQT+ etc get two months and numerous days devoted to honoring their moral perversity, confusion and mental illness.

Meanwhile "normal" heterosexual Christians, still the great majority of Americans, get Easter and Christmas, and that's it.

The reason, of course, is to continually downgrade and denigrate Christian values by exalting society's outliers..

It's a continuation of Nietzsche' position that Christianity, "not merely as a religion but also as the predominant moral system of the Western world, inverts nature, and is "hostile to life", and "limits and lowers humankind by assailing its natural and inevitable instincts as depraved..." ---

Following N, being LGBTQ+etc are natural and inevitable instincts, so Christians had better get with the program and stop limiting and lowering mankind by opposing them!


Jersey Fled said...

“And I'd rather not turn either cheek to them.”

And I especially wouldn’t want to turn both cheeks to them.

(I wonder if Ann will let me post that)

MikeD said...

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Biden issued a stern condemnation of Jesus Christ after learning that the Savior of mankind had the audacity to rise from the dead on Biden's "Trans Day Of Visibility".

"Who does this Jesus think he is?" shouted an angry Biden. "Today is about dudes becoming chicks and chicks becoming dudes, not dead people becoming alive! Come on, man!"

MikeD said...

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Biden issued a stern condemnation of Jesus Christ after learning that the Savior of mankind had the audacity to rise from the dead on Biden's "Trans Day Of Visibility".

"Who does this Jesus think he is?" shouted an angry Biden. "Today is about dudes becoming chicks and chicks becoming dudes, not dead people becoming alive! Come on, man!"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Put it in a positive light. Democrats have finally gutted Title 9, women's sports. That is something even Trump never considered doing!

Oligonicella said...

And what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter? I'll answer: maximizing your complaints about transgender people on Easter. But that's what's going on.

"maximizing your complaints" How's that work exactly?

What's more Easter-y? Perhaps not marching and chanting "We're queer, we're here, we're coming for your children."

That's tantamount to a declaration of war. Every moment after that is confrontation until that declaration of "focus", shall we say, is completely rejected by those currenty espousing it.

Chuck said...

Bill Crawford said...
Chuck, Why no Easter proclamation?

Oh you're going to be so sorry you asked that, sport.

Because HERE IT IS.


Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.

From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you.


Laughing My Christian Ass Off.

n.n said...

Homosexuals with a heterosexual fetish. #TransgenderSpectrum #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Oligonicella said...

I posted the "progress" of the trans ideology a few months ago, showing step by step what's happened so far.

I need to add another few rungs at the bottom.

There's going to be an explosion. It's just a matter of what form it will take.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The White House purposely stepped in this to put a finger in the eye of half of America. It's what they do. It's what they've done regularly since the Biden team took office.”

“Yes- everyone could ignore it. But it is what it is- The Biden people could have ignored it as well. It's Easter. Have some respect for the Holiness of the day. Even if it isn't your religion or does not follow your narrative, it is the most Holy Day in the most followed religion in our country.”

Why should we ignore that? This is still a Christian country. Christians built this country. Not Muzzies, or transgendered. Yes, some Jews and atheists. But for the most part, it was built by Christians. The bulk of the country is Christian, and maybe half of it deeply Christian. This is the most important Christian holiday. Catholics tend to empathize Good Friday, while Protestants tend to emphasize Maundy Thursday, but Easter is the key to our faith. It celebrates the central facet of our faith, that Jesus was executed by the Romans, by crucifixion, but rose from the dead to save us from our sins. It has essentially be celebrated by most Christians the same time every year for most of the last two millennia. (There is a fringe argument that the specific timing of Holy Week may not have been possible under Jewish customs at the time - but it has long been synchronized with their Passover). The timing of Christmas, as well as all of the other holidays practiced by Roman Catholics and Orthodox, are problematic. Not so for Easter and Holy Week. And the FJB WH just disrespected Christians around the country by removing Christian symbols from the celebration of Easter at the WH, while walking over it by emphasizing this made up holiday celebrating, in most of our view, mental illness and body disfigurement.

In sports terminology, I would call this having scored an “own goal”. At this point, I seriously doubt that FJB himself, a lifelong token Catholic, understood what was going on in his name. Ditto for “Dr” Jill, his wife. My guess is that one young WH staffer pushed the de-Christianizing of Easter, while another pushed the LGBTQ agenda. They could be Obama, whom many still believe to be a Muslim supporter, placements. Maybe Wiccan. My point there is that there is substantial evidence that the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing in the FJB WH, and radical left wing zealots are making a lot of the decisions. And that is a big problem with the FJB Administration- that many of the important decisions are being made by unnamed, unelected, lower level left wing nut jobs, with FJB, in his dementia, being trotted out, drugged, and propped up to cover for whatever they do.

Chuck said...

chuck said...
I want you to know that the small "c" chucks of the world are super important, they help America thrive. When is our day?

Well, little guy, I'm not certain of the exact day that was yours, but I'm quite certain that the year was 1862. Or thereabouts.

Chuck said...

150+ posts in, and not one has taken me up on the challenge to name which part(s) of which Christian denominations must take some doctrinal offense at the mere statement of support for an international day of recognition. I wanted specifics.

The fact that I stated my question so clearly, and so many other commenters clearly read my post taking the time to call me out by name, makes it all the worse that no one could make even a passing attempt at a serious, meaningful answer.

Mary Beth said...

the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child

Yes, let's talk about that last one, the right to raise your own child. Do the "hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families" include the ones where parents want schools/other adults to not be able to encourage a child to transition and keep it from their parents?

Rabel said...

"March 31st had already been established as Transgender Day of Visibility, but in some years, including this one, that means Transgender Day of Visibility falls on Easter."

I have to think that the transsexuals wouldn't have a big problem with changing the date. It's not an immutable characteristic of the celebration. And if it was, a chemical or surgical or calendrical correction would bring to it a resolution of it's painful conflict with the resurrection.

April 1 would have been a good choice.

MacMacConnell said...

The Biden hunta fucked up again! Doesn't the régime know there is already a National Mental Health Day on Thursday Oct, 10th?

Rabel said...

Transgender visibility conflicts with tucking and chest binding.

What's a girl to do? So confusing.

mikee said...

I once knew a girl who, whenever she did some big stupidity, would immediately throw a hissy fit with her boyfriend over something, anything, about him and have a huge argument over that. She did this avoid attention going to her big stupidity. It usually worked once or twice per boyfriend, until they wised up and left the relationship and her toxic vicinity.

When a politician does something absolutely and indisputably designed and produced as attention-mongering, such as Biden's transgender affirmation on Easter, I always like to look for whatever they've just done that isn't getting reported because their clickbait has attracted all eyes and ears. Biden is failing in dealing with Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Hamas, China/Taiwan, and is losing voters among critical groups of Blacks, Muslims, Youth, and Business. He is just covering his failures with noise by this.

I'd say it is time for the breakup, but getting together with him was a mistake in the first place. We knew he was toxic years and years before he ran for president.

Humperdink said...

The spokesperson for Bud Light was unavailable for comment.

Tina Trent said...

You, Althouse, have no idea what you're taklking about, politically or spiritually.

Would they do this at the Ramadan White House fast-break?

Would they do this at the White House Passover event?

Jesus wept, they treat us worse than Moonies, though I don't lack the underlying humor in that statement.

Some respect, please. I don't recall you drawing pictures of Mohammed when that was a risky endeavor. If I'm mistaken, please correct me.

This is our holiest day of the year. It is also, to soothe your femininist feelings, the advent of the first religious belief to elevate women.

If Catholicism didn't exist, you wouldn't be a law professor: you would be a slave.

tolkein said...

When Eid falls on 31 March, can we expect a similar announcement from the White House? Asking for a friend.

ALP said...

Is there only 'one true self'? Is it not true that in East Asia, one has many selves - depending on the context?

Mason G said...

"Try to imagine an LGBTQ demonstration in a US mosque protesting the routine killing of gays in Islamic countries: impossible."

Based on some of the protest video I've seen, I could imagine an LGBTQ demonstration in a US mosque. I expect it would probably not go as the protesters imagine, though.

Ralph L said...

All those poor children living in fear that they won't be castrated or mutilated! Paging Dr. Freud.

Tim said...

If the Democrats thought this was a winning issue for them, they need to stop diversity hiring ASAP and hire a polling firm of old white competent men.

Jim at said...

Easter does not fall on the same date every year. The next time Easter will even be on 3/31 will be 2086.

You do understand that's not the point, right?

Paddy O said...

"which Christian denominations must take some doctrinal offense at the mere statement of support for an international day of recognition. I wanted specifics."

Most orthodox Christian denominations should disagree with the underlying assumptions about transgenderism. John Wesley certainly would have, but of course the Methodists in the US later strongly supported slavery, so they haven't always been on the right side of either Wesley or history.

The basic reason I say "orthodox" is that fundamentally transgenderism argues for a separation of body and mind, which is more gnostic in essence, saying that there's a "real" person determined by mind and this "real" person is effectively trapped in the wrong body. But Christianity argued for a unity of physicality and spirit and mind. The soul/mind isn't the "real" us, the real person is this unity of body and spirit and mind. All the more reason it's ironic to acknowledge this visibility day on Easter. The earliest Christians were extremely clear that Jesus resurrected bodily, enforcing the idea that our particular body matters.

walter said...

You are right. Since it's variable whether it lands on Easter, the concern should be placed on whether there should be a day declared for this at all..especially since it's been extended way into childhood in ways that manipulate medicine and parents.
It's a fucking mess.

Chuck said...

Paddy O said...
...John Wesley certainly would have, but of course the Methodists in the US later strongly supported slavery, so they haven't always been on the right side of either Wesley or history.

This is wildly false. In the late eighteenth- and early nineteeth-centuries, Methodists in England and the U.S. were among the fiercest and most influential opponents of slavery. Amrican Methodist churches split, over the divisions between northern and southern churches. Yes, some southern-state Methodist churches clung to slavery and then secession. They lost. But again, the wellspring of antislavery sentiment in the popular American consciousness in the early eighteenth century was most at home in northern Protestant churches, very much including the Methodist church.


Humperdink said...

Healthcare providers are guaranteed a revenue stream forever in treating mutilated children. Although I have not heard of a market for used genitalia, I suspect there's money to be made there also.

Jim at said...

MAGA world getting their collective knickers in a twist over the annual transgender day falling on Easter this year easily as ridiculous as anti-MAGA world going bonkers over Trump calling the economy a bloodbath last week.

Well, except one is an official White House proclamation and the other was completely made up bullshit. But, yeah. They're exactly the same.

Paddy O said...

Chuck, not only am I wildly right, my own denomination, The Wesleyan Church, was founded by Orange Scott who was silenced by the Methodist General Conference for wanting to speak against slavery. Your link shows that the founders of Methodism were indeed very anti-slavery. But by the mid 1800s Southern Methodists were rather for it, mostly because of the wealth.

This isn't even arguable. The historical record is very clear, something I've studied quite a bit.

The AME too was founded because of Methodist racism, wanting to segregate during the eucharistic which Richard Allen rightly opposed.

Paddy O said...

The Methodist church changed a lot from the early 1800s into the mid 1800s. They went from a outside group to the establishment and so swayed the directions of wealth and power. Not unique to them but especially sad given how strongly Wesley was against slavery. His last known letter in life was a strongly worded support of Wilberforce's antislavery work.

Methodists as a whole were split to be sure, not just north and south, but the denomination silenced abolitionist advocacy. And there were indeed as you note splits some of which resolved after the Civil War some didn't. That's the roots of the Hokiness movement.

Paddy O said...

One wonders what would have happened had the Methodists of the mid 1800s taken a denominational stand against slavery.

Daddy Binx said...

"Chuck said...
150+ posts in, and not one has taken me up on the challenge to name which part(s) of which Christian denominations must take some doctrinal offense at the mere statement of support for an international day of recognition. I wanted specifics."

Try stomping your feet and/or holding your breath.

You're welcome.

Paddy O said...

It's also interesting to discuss the Methodist church position in light of current transformations in the denomination. The Global Methodist Church split off in large part because of a schism over human sexuality and same-sex marriage, which was a protest against UMC denomination not holding to its own rules but making wholesale changes and blaming others for schism.

So... the Global Methodist Church would be an example of a denomination not supporting the current day of visibility.

Former Illinois resident said...

God awful pandering. Transgender Fan Day on Easter Sunday, about as crass and offensive as you can get to a mainstream Catholic voter. Biden White House has offended a great number of Democrat-leaning Catholics, and should rightfully be chastised from the pulpit this Easter Sunday.

Time to excommunicate fake Catholic Biden. At least take his communion privileges away.

The Biden White House team is obviously a bunch of assholes.

Former Illinois resident said...

Think that normies "turning the other cheek" is root-cause for the predicament we find ourselves in.

Ask the Western Europeans about success of their immigration programs; passive acceptance of progressive politics doesn't vaccinate against ultimate social and economic calamity.

Howard said...

It's a co-opted pagan celebration, Tina Trent, just like Christmas. So much for high holy days. It's as empty as a large chocolate Easter bunny. I'm pretty sure it's the original Mother's Day... Estrus Day.

traditionalguy said...

Transgenderism is a lawlessness. We surrender to its hostile practitioners at our own peril.

Funny that the Nashville schools shooter’s proclamation of her murderous intent has still not been allowed to be read. It would clarify the war the normies are in. So it’s kept deep and secret lest we are warned to protect our children from them.

guitar joe said...

My sister is an RN and pretty smart and when I asked her about an article about the rise in colon cancer among people in their mid-30s (her son, a physician, was one of them) she told me she thought that food additives, even in fresh food and meats, were the likely culprits. She thinks their use has increased dramatically over the years. "Tell you something else," she went on," I think all the hormones they've added to these animals in order to make them bigger and meatier, and so on, along with hormones that make their way into milk, are behind the rise in gender dysphoria." At first I thought she was taking a pretty big jump, but when I thought about it...

I grew up in the 70s, a highly experimental time sexually. I wanted to be a rock musician. Guys like Bowie and others were trumpeting bi-sexuality and all the rest. I was highly suggestible. But no way was I going to go in that direction. Not drunk or high, and even if I thought I had a shot at "making it." Maybe I had a solid upbringing, but lots of these kids I know who are going through this stuff now came from good, healthy families. It can't just be left professors pushing them into this. And I don't think it's just peer pressure. I think there's something else behind it, and my sister's theory seems logical the longer I consider it. I asked a physician I know about it and he said he's seen studies that suggest that women who take birth control pills might be putting high levels of estrogen in the water supply via urine.

In other words, there are consequences to what seem to be advances we make.

But, for God's sake, get over this pedophilia obsession. Quit reading the QAnon shit. Lefties had the same obsession 30 years ago, encouraged by therapists who convinced women they had been molested by their dads. Evil, every one of those therapists, in the same way current therapists who push kids into sex changes are evil. But it's incompetence and trendiness--banal evils--that causes these things. By throwing out the "pedophile" pitch every time, you so charge the argument that it keeps people from seeing something more subtle, but also so obvious they'd catch it if their blind rage over this obsession didn't cloud their judgement.

lonejustice said...

Here are some other March 31 national "days":

National Crayon Day
National Tater Day
National Clams on the Half Shell Day
National "She's Funny That Way" Day
International Taco Day
Eiffel Tower Day

So it's not just Transgender Fan Day.

Craig Mc said...

Well, they've locked up the Transgender vote. All 0.5% of it.

The March 31 transgender parade in Dearborn will be something to see.

Drago said...

Look, all LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck is fighting for is the "right" for psychotic aggressive males to invade female spaces, for pornography to be available in public schools and for children to be able to permanently mutilate themselves based on a horrific lie without parents being able to stop them or guide them.

Thats all.

Drago said...

Has Inga decided Joey Dementia only showered with his adolescent daughter as a form of "baptism"?

tommyesq said...

including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.

There is no such right. What about horrible misogynists? Antisemites (obviously the Dems are okay with this one)? Homophobes? Psychopaths? How far does this never-previously-recognized "right" to be one's true self extend? What about Christians? Do they get this right? What about Trump fans? Do they get this right?

Be very careful about assigning "rights" unless you are willing to assign them to your most hated enemy.

walter said...

Because Zer may be in fetal position unable to use zer's keyboard, I would like to remind folks how triggering this discussion can be and proceed with sensitivity.

lonejustice said...
The fact is that there are more women transitioning to men than there are men transitioning to women. But the men transitioning to women is what causes all of the uproar, boycotts, yelling, etc., not the other way around. This is especially evident here on Althouse blog, where the loudest opponents are men. Why? Maybe because Mulvanney is causing the men on this blog to question their masculinity, and that scares the bejusus out of them. I often wonder how many of the angry men here are getting boners when they watch the Mulvanney videos, and that scares the hell out of them.
4/22/23, 4:46PM
lonejustice said...
This post will probably get me banned from Althouse Blog for life. But when I read the comments here from Drago and the rest of the like-minded people here condemning Mulvaney, I have this image in my mind of them all jacking off to his videos while listening to Lola by the Kinks. Please, G_d, make this image go away.
4/22/23, 5:08PM

lonejustice said...
I often wonder how many of the angry men here are getting boners when they watch the Mulvanney videos, and that scares the hell out of them.
4/22/23, 4:46pm

I have this image in my mind of them all jacking off to his videos while listening to Lola by the Kinks. Please, G_d, make this image go away.
4/22/23, 5:08pm

tommyesq said...

You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were.

Not sure Jesus approved of or endorsed turning the other cheek as the powers that be physically and mentally abused psychologically damaged children.

Freder Frederson said...

And the FJB WH just disrespected Christians around the country by removing Christian symbols from the celebration of Easter at the WH

Except, you fucking liar, the rules about Christian symbols at the White House for the Easter egg roll (and btw, please explain how the Easter bunny and eggs have anything to do with Christianity) have been in place for 45 years, which means Trump, that model Christian, followed the exact same guidelines.

Freder Frederson said...

Is there a National Pork Day?

Well, yes there is, it is March 7, which often falls within Ramadan (missed it by three days this year).

Freder Frederson said...

Time to excommunicate fake Catholic Biden.

Who are you, the Pope?

Crazy World said...

Is FJB going to transition on this Blessed Holy Day? He reeks of desperation and smells to high Heaven.

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