March 31, 2024

"This image from Donald Trump is the type of crap you post when you're calling for a bloodbath or when you tell the Proud Boys to 'stand back and stand by'...."

"Trump is regularly inciting political violence and it's time people take him seriously — just ask the Capitol Police officers who were attacked protecting our democracy on January 6...."

Said Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler, quoted in "Trump is 'inciting political violence' sharing Biden hog-tied video: Biden campaign/Trump shared the video on his social media platform on Friday" (ABC News).

You've seen the video, I'm sure:

One might say that the image of hog-tied Biden is too blurry and transitory to matter, that the point of the video is all the enthusiasm for Trump. But I think Trump — or whoever posts for him at Truth Social — wanted the image noticed and anticipated the cries of outrage and the way his antagonists would connect sharing hog-tied Biden with "bloodbath" and various other words of violence. Trump means for us to have a conversation about the people out there who tool along with the fool-the-eye look of Biden, bound and gagged in the bed of their truck. And his haters will amplify the graphic speech. It's irresistibly viral. 


Freder Frederson said...

Trump means for us to have a conversation about the people out there who tool along with the fool-the-eye look of Biden, bound and gagged in the bed of their truck.

Really?! Trump "means for us to have a conversation" about these people? They are assholes, how much further does the conversation have to go?

Your commenters are still having the vapors over Kathy Griffin being an asshole tweeting a picture holding the severed fake head of Donald Trump, but I am sure there will be numerous comments about how witty and brilliant this is.

n.n said...

Hog-tied is an unPlanned, nonabortive phase transition.

Yancey Ward said...

You think that was a violent image- you ain't seen nothing. Here is a very deeply disturbing viral video showing Biden being beat senseless by a Trump supporter.

tim in vermont said...

Haven't they looked at the polls and figured out that the choir that they are preaching to isn't large enough to get Biden a second term?

All we have to do is compare Trump's pre-Fauci engineered pandemic term to Biden's to see that the choice is pretty clear. None of these horrible things that Biden says he is planning to do remotely happened.

"Never underestimate Joe Biden's ability to f*k things up." are going to be the most immortal words Barrack Obama ever spoke.

Ann Althouse said...

"... how much further does the conversation have to go?"

You made my point by putting it in the form of a question. You're doing conversation about it and inviting a response, which I'm sure you'll get, and maybe you'll respond to the response.

I'll just say, I remember when we all talked about Kathy Griffin holding up a replica of Trump's bloody severed head. That went on for years, and both sides got their emotional exercise.

In other words, are you doing civility bullshit?

boatbuilder said...

That's pretty mild. Methinks he doth protest too much.

Trump is consistently outrageous, because that is how he broke the code. The code by which the self-appointed guardians of political decency, decorum and propriety impose their limitations on what is "acceptable" and what isn't--which vary according to what political agenda is being advanced.

Trump is like many of the best comedians--he speaks about things which are "taboo." Unlike most comedians, you can't just ignore him or limit him to the box in which "edgy comedians" are placed. He means business, in his outrageous way.

And yes, it drives them nuts.

Fritz said...

You should have turned the other cheek.

Phaedrus said...

Dang, folks just don’t get it. I suspect I’m the target demo for that: white, Christian, mid to upper middle class but still kind of paycheck to paycheck. Just a cog in the machine. And hearing the somber music plus taking in the murder of the police officer in NY, Trump’s presence at the memorial juxtaposed with the three Amigo Democrat President’s at their star studded event, my mind goes immediately to the outrage of police officers and the everyday citizens they protect towards the defunding movement and disrespect toward or men and women in blue.

And more importantly, hog tying is not a violent act. If you’ve ever done it (I have on cattle at a family ranch) it a process of subduing an animal, usually to isolate from the main herd for medical treatment or removal to a breeding pasture. When we want o totally remove an animal permanently, there is no need to go through the effort when a 30/30 or .45 LR rifle can take care of the issue instantly (with no damage to the meat!)

Fritz said...

The next time someone accuses Trump of promoting violence, show them this video.

Narr said...

Kathy Griffin's Trump head didn't bother me at all. Nor does this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...



oh and - MIND CRIME! THOUGHT CRIME! You will Obey the Puntin-like Party.
hold tight for FBI raid.

tim maguire said...

One might say that the image of hog-tied Biden is too blurry and transitory to matter

I thought it was the wrong video—all I saw were two enthusiastic Trump supporters driving down the road. Somewhere in there is an image of a hog-tied Joe Biden? I’ll have to take your word for it.

I’m not pleased that Trump posted the video, but these days, who is in a position to complain? Certainly nobody in the media or the Democratic Party.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ColoComment said...

All of this gratuitous political person- and personality-bashing is counterproductive at best, and divisive and destructive at worst.

It reminds me of nothing more substantive than this toy from decades ago, i.e., fake punches:

Perhaps the ulterior purpose is to divert attention from a serious evaluation and comparison of leadership and policy choices? After all, we have actual, real life, experience to use in checking out our options....

We see nothing, no discussion, that demonstrates differences between Trump's 4 years & Biden's 4 years, which, really, is what voters should be seeking in order to pick the better candidate, based on their answer the basic question:

"Are you [and is our country] better off today than 4 years ago?"

We are being done a grave disservice with this pointless, "Your guy said this, my guy said that," drivel posing as serious political discussion.

Bah humbug.

n.n said...

Pin the tail on the jackass may garner bloodletting.

Wince said...

Maybe the intended point of contrast is the picture of Trump behind bars on Twitter/X posted on the (at one time???) account of the daughter of the judge in the criminal case who slapped Trump with a gag order?

Two major Democratic clients of the daughter of the judge overseeing Donald Trump’s hush-money trial have raised at least $93 million in campaign donations — and used the case in their solicitation emails — raising renewed concerns the jurist has a major conflict of interest.

Trump’s attorneys are now considering filing another motion demanding Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan recuse himself from the trial set to begin April 15, sources said.

The judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is president of Authentic Campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm whose top clients include California Rep. Adam Schiff, who was the lead prosecutor in Trump’s first impeachment trial, and the Senate Majority PAC, a major party fundraiser.

“Authentic Campaigns, and thus the judge’s daughter, is actively making money from this sham attack against President Trump, rendering Judge Merchan conflicted out,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung told The Post, adding that evidence of bias is even clearer now than it was in August when Merchan rejected Trump’s first recusal motion.

“The judge should do the right thing and immediately recuse himself in order to show the American people that the Democrats have not destroyed our justice system completely . . . him continuing to be involved in this Crooked Joe Biden-directed Witch Hunt is a complete violation of applicable rules, regulations and ethics.”

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...

You think that was a violent image- you ain't seen nothing. Here is a very deeply disturbing viral video showing Biden being beat senseless by a Trump supporter.

That is a good video.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

I had to watch the video several times to see the image of a man on his side on the second truck's tailgate. Doesn't make sense to me, but I'll take your word that it's Biden hog-tied. I suppose the question is who did the hog-tying, his puppet masters or Trump supporters?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's a big - "so what? - but Maddow and the NBC crowd will all faint.

Biden should be in an orange jumpsuit - and handcuffed as he is led away from the White House due to his massive money laundering and illegal pay-to-play schemes used to enrich his family while he was VP.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I thought the severed bloody Trump head was way worse. I mean - it was a gruesome death. DEATH.
One does not survive a radical Islamic-like head shop.

This is just Biden hog-tied and taken to a safe location where he can be de-programmed.

rehajm said...

The Biden administration’s policies are harmful for humanity. Selective abandonment of rule of law, equity instead of property rights, catastrophic spending, electoral fraud. I focus on that…

Louie the Looper said...

The Trump tea did themselves no favor by posting the video. But the image of Biden in the back of the pickup made me think of the “photo of the year” of Hamas terrorists parading the body of Shani Louk in the back of a pickup. Maybe the message is subliminal.

Iman said...

Just tell that bumfuzzled old liar preznit that it’s The Revenge of CornPop.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

Really?! Trump "means for us to have a conversation" about these people? They are assholes, how much further does the conversation have to go?

Lets have a conversation about people who want to censor and jail their political opponents and what should be done about them.

Joe Biden is a rapist as well. We should have a discussion about what should be done with rapists. Lets just add Bill Clinton to this list for fun.

Joe Biden took millions of dollars from multiple enemy foreign regimes. We should have a discussion about what we do with traitors.

And as for the democrat party and their ACTUAL political violence whinging about something like this?

Get f***ed Freder. You are a fascist who has supported clear political violence for years. Nobody is going to fall for your BS. Nobody is going to feel bad for you.

Mason G said...

"Said Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler..."

So... lies, then. Got it.

Michael said...

You con’t bring down a strong if obnoxious structure (Boston City Hall, say, or the Deep State) with a sledgehammer. You need a wrecking ball. Fortunately, that’s only one of Trump’s many personae.

Howard said...

It's the meme that keeps on giving. Of course Old Bone Spurs isn't making any threats. He's just keeping his base agitated in a constant state of feeling scorned by their neighbors.

The rule of Lemnity said...

This is what they mean by “not normalising Trump”.

Harun said...


People ask how John Eastman perseveres. They spike his driveway. They graffiti the streets of his neighborhood to dox his address. They send death threats. They protested outside his home for more than a year. They frisk him with armed FBI agents in a restaurant parking lot and detain his wife. They seize his phone and hold it and its contents for almost two years and counting.
His “friends” strip him of board memberships after decades of service. They suspend his membership in academic conferences, claiming he is a threat. They cancel his university classes and force him to retire. The Bank of America and USAA de-bank him. They humiliate him by forcing him to surrender himself to a prison facility, taking his mug shot and saddling him with a bond amount typically reserved for violent criminals. They burden him with millions in legal fees when he seeks the protection of our great Constitution.

Then they disbar him when they disagree with him and decide that a former president does not deserve legal counsel.

Joe Smith said...

Anybody who utters the words 'Our democracy' is a fucking moron and not to be taken seriously. They have room-temperature IQs at best.

"Of course Old Bone Spurs isn't making any threats."

How many deferments did Biden get again? Please remind me...

RCOCEAN II said...

Ok people are making moronic comparisons between kathy Griffith and this.

This: Somebody has a picture of a hogtied Biden on the back of his truck. Someone takes a 10 second blurry video as it drives in the rain. You can barely see see the picture.

Griffith: Famous D-List Hollywood Comedian goes on Social Media and posts bloody Severed head of the current President with her smiling.

Griffiths picture was a direct incitement to assassinate a sitting POTUS. She got contacted by the secret service. An she's STILL whining about how much she hates Trump and would love to see him die. And how she suffered for being such a edgy "comedian" who just wanted to hate Trump like 99 percent of Hollwyood and the MSM.

The back of the truck is a humorous picture. No one is going to "Hogtie" Biden. IT won't happen ever. He's hogtied like a Bull.

BTW, in REAL LIFE, Biden is trying to put Trump in jail like some Bannana Republic Dictator. I know all you Conservatives just want to "own the libs" and think its "Hilarious" that Biden wants to do this. But Biden is serious, and if Biden doesn't end up winning in Nov 2024 because he's put Trump in Jail, its not because Biden and the Democrats don't want to do it.

Marcus Bressler said...

Meh. I've seen this trunk tailgate art months ago here in my town (which voted bigtime Trump against Hillary -- all but the two 99% black precincts) and I was amused. As far as I am concerned, I'd like to see Biden in handcuffs, as well as most of his administration, hogtied or not, doesn't matter. Cold Civil War is on and I, for one, will not submit to tyranny and if there is to be damage done, so be it. Let the Leftists who want to destroy America stand in front of the politicians to deflect or absorb the retribution.

Tina Trent said...

Nice comment, Coop.

We seem to be returning to a time when political cartoons and gestures resemble the reality of politics.

Perhaps this is notable because the real leftist terrorists of the 20th Century, and especially the thugs of the Sixties and Seventies, were treated with kid gloves and hailed from places of great power as benign, energetic heroes.

Jersey Fled said...

I haven’t seen the video. From what I understand you have to squint and stand on one foot to see Biden in it. But I did see an image of Elvis burned into my toast once.

stlcdr said...

Freder Frederson said...

... They are assholes...!

You mean the ones on the other side?

Milo Minderbinder said...

Where was the outrage when Kathy Griffin loudly displayed a bloody, beheaded President Trump? Just, spare me....

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Looks like the image was modified from the Ludacris album cover that showed all the white male Supreme Court Justices bound, gagged, and murdered, and Democrat Party members loved that image, so what's the problem? The shoes on the other foot and it pinches... boo fucking hoo...

stlcdr said...

Howard said...
... He's just keeping his base agitated in a constant state of feeling scorned by their neighbors.

3/31/24, 12:26 PM

Feeling scorned? What, the deplorables?!

Michael Fitzgerald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ambrose said...

The Democrats know their supporters will react violently to a Trump victory - this sort of rhetoric is just prepping for that event. Let them call it a justifiable response to"save our democracy."

n.n said...

A cold, gray metal slab in an abortion chamber under the Planned Parenthood banner in the age of convenience. #progressive #liberal #inclusive

Mary Beth said...

There has been a similar truck decal of Trump. People did not treat it like the end of the world. Before that, there were decals of a blonde woman "kidnap victim". In the U.S., people seemed to side with "this is tacky, but whatever". In the U.K., the owner of a truck with that decal was threatened with being charged with a public order offense.

Remember when there was a first-person shooter game with the goal to kill President Bush? Then, remember when the rodeo clown lost his job for wearing an Obama mask?

So many of these things seem to go one way to over protect one side but the other is fair game for anything.

Krumhorn said...

I'm going to happily vote for Trump...but it seems to me that we can do without this sort of thing. Very often, less is more.

- Krumhorn

Rabel said...

The hog-tied image of Biden is a thoughtful and provocative work of art. It could reflect the artist's desire to hog-tie Biden and throw him in the back of a pick-up or it could represent the belief that Biden has been captured and restrained by the far left wing of the Party.

Text on the bumper would bring clarity to the artist's intention and inform the viewer as to the proper interpretation.

mikee said...

The left and right accuse each other of inciting political violence and dealing in bad faith with supporters who advocate violence. Which came first, the chicken or the egg, violent anarchist/leftists or antigovernment militia member pickup truck tailgate jokers? I would suggest that between say, Antifa and Sovereign Citizens, lie a vast 99.44% majority of people who realize that getting chicken crap all over one's house is just as annoying as having eggs thrown at it, and don't want either, but who will never be given such an option.

I, for one, look to the day when a candidate on either side who can do more than appeal to the Idiocracy of voters will one day arise. But I am not holding my breath. This is definitely an election of wishing failure to both sides.

Heartless Aztec said...


J Melcher said...

... the image of Biden in the back of the pickup made me think of the “photo of the year” of Hamas terrorists parading the body of Shani Louk in the back of a pickup. Maybe the message is subliminal.

Or maybe it's intentional. Remind me, which of the two leading candidates, Trump and Biden, seem to be more angry with Hamas? Which more supportive of Israel? Is this war, a long way off, of any consequence to voters? Does the prospect of attacks on young women, across previously peaceful borders, by military-aged men in civilian clothing, cast any shadow from one nation or pair of nations, to our own?

Chuck said...

All due respect, Althouse; I know that you like diagramming sentences and I invariably enjoy it when you do, and when you share your additional thoughts about it.

You wanna try this one?!? (It's Trump's all-caps, freeform punctuation, Easter-message screed from this afternoon.)

traditionalguy said...

The Dems are running on a fear of boogeymen with guns riding in pick up trucks. How stupid do they think we are??

Bob Boyd said...

Spare me the pearl-clutching.
If the Biden team on a campaign visit somewhere came across a truck flying rainbow flags and Biden flags and it was painted to like Trump was bound and gagged in the bed, Biden's X account would have posted the video and all his supporters would have laughed because it's funny.

Jim at said...

Again, if you leftists keep blaming people for shit they didn't do, pretty soon some of them are going to figure they've got nothing to lose.

Bob Boyd said...

No hog was tied in the making of this video.

Big Mike said...

Howard said...

It's the meme that keeps on giving. Of course Old Bone Spurs isn't making any threats. He's just keeping his base agitated in a constant state of feeling scorned by their neighbors.

So tell me, Howard, can you you give us a link to any comment of yours made on the Althouse blog anytime within past 12 months where you did not express scorn for Trump supporters?

Interested Bystander said...

Oh that Trump. No telling what nefarious things he's up to. I saw some nimrod writer today still yakking about how happy Moscow will be if Trump wins re-election. Serious journalists are still hanging onto the Russia hoax. Of course they'd believe the "good people" myth.

We have some Proud Boys active in our area. They came to a couple of council meetings, shouting heil Hitler and one clown making nazi salutes. Seems they aren't fond of our Jewish mayor. Not a group anyone here would want to hang out with. But for some reason our "elites" think Trump does.

Sally327 said...

I haven't seen the video. I guess this is a civility thing. Most of the violence these days seems to be crime based not politics based but then maybe crime IS politics by other means?

I don't want to watch the video. I don't watch the ones where Biden stumbles and falls or gets lost on stage or loses his place on the teleprompter either.

William50 said...

Much ado about nothing

tcrosse said...

Harry S. Truman said that if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Internet memes about progressives are funny and Joe is the figurehead of the most progressive White House since Woodrow Wilson. I haven’t seen the video in question but the fact Biden’s spokesnerd is sputtering with angry lies about Trump makes me laugh. Keep flailing lefties. You have no idea how stupid you sound. (Remember last week’s poll that showed only about half of Biden voters even believed the bloodbath spin? What a hoot!)

james said...

Hum. For all the tone policing people like Fender, Howard, and Chuck engage in of Trump and his supporters, they never seem to get around to condemning the equally, or more outrageous behaviors by the political left and Dems. But then their point isn't really about outrage about the over-the-top Trump behavior. It is about the threat Trump represents to establishment politics and the political culture that is far to the left of the US population as a whole. If Trump succeeds in tearing down the establishment and the political culture, the left will suddenly find itself politically and culturally impotent. Which is completely intolerable to them.

wendybar said...

Biden hogtied in the back of a truck, compared to Trumps bloody head, an assassination video by Snoop Dog, An stabbed Trump in a Shakespeare in the park play in NYC, and numerous other takes of Progressives who hate Trump assassinating him, and we are supposed to be crying about Biden?? Take a hike.

Progressives HATE when the new rules they forced on us get turned back on them, don't they??

Don't start anything and you don't have to worry about your little hurt feelings.

Skeptical Voter said...

Sorry but my old tired eyes couldn't seen any "hogtied" object in the back of either pickup truck. But the Whitehouse claims there's a hog in one of them. Okkaaay!

The White House, which has barred religious symbols on Easter eggs for the Easter Egg hunt on the White House lawn this year, says it didn't mean nuffin by going whole hog on Transgender Visibility Day today while sorta kinda hiding the fact that Joe, the devoted Catholic who attends mass every day, every day I tell ya, didn't have anything much to say about Easter.

Sorry about the run on sentence, but today is a day for tone poems in paragraphs. And I'm getting a foul sound from Team Biden.

Lucien said...

Seconding Marcus Bressler, I saw that tailgate graphic months, if not years ago, and imagine it's common in Texas. I can well understand, though, that no one from inside the beltway had ever seen one before.

It's amusing, but not that funny. I didn't think Kathy Griffin was amusing, or funny, or even offensive. It's on the same level as Colbert saying that Trump's mouth was Putin's "cock holster" -- sheer comedy gold, that.

rhhardin said...

Favorite TDS from concerned Christians on the right The Extraordinary Depravity of Donald J Trump

Howard said...

BM: do you're own homework.

Krumhorn: Less is more only applies to the Democrats. Trump does over the top because it works. The Democrat overreacting and over prosecution of Donald is the wind beneath his wings. That's the beauty of Bloodbath, etc.

Craig Mc said...

At least it doesn't feature celebrities singing.

Iman said...

“He's just keeping his base agitated in a constant state of feeling scorned by their neighbors.”

Shorter Howard: “It rubs the lotion on its skin!”

Drago said...

Banned Commenter, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "All due respect, Althouse;..."


Freder Frederson said...

Biden hogtied in the back of a truck, compared to Trumps bloody head, an assassination video by Snoop Dog, An stabbed Trump in a Shakespeare in the park play in NYC, and numerous other takes of Progressives who hate Trump assassinating him, and we are supposed to be crying about Biden?? Take a hike.

But of course, none of these various memes and threats were incorporated into an official video published by Biden.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

But of course, none of these various memes and threats were incorporated into an official video published by Biden.

Don't forget the myriad examples of actual violence and harassment that Freder and his POS fascist friends have added to their threats of violence.

And the Biden administration has added to this violence by it's voters by sending it's FBI agents out to harass people who post mean things about Biden on the internet because that is what illegitimate fascist regimes do.

And when an illegal alien Biden brought into the country kills a nursing student Biden of course apologizes to the murderer for calling him illegal because that is just how despicable democrats are at this point.

Don't worry Freder. We know that you and your violent asshole friends are not officially part of the Biden administration.

wendybar said...

But of course, none of these various memes and threats were incorporated into an official video published by Biden.

3/31/24, 7:11 PM

They didn't have to be. The Pravda news gleefully played them for the masses of salivating progressives if they missed it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Freder doesn’t understand guerrilla marketing or memes. OTOH he might possibly understand that Trump is being prosecuted for retweeting memes as much as any other phony crime the Left alleges he committed.

stlcdr said...

Freder Frederson said...

But of course, none of these various memes and threats were incorporated into an official video published by Biden.

3/31/24, 7:11 PM

This has been quoted a couple of times…but here’s an interesting aspect of that. Totalitarian governments govern by proxy. Using their proletariat to do their bidding. Should i5 go wrong, they can always take the high road (sic) and appear benevolent.

An example of this is th3 British government trying to ban smoking; once you have exhausted all possibilities without actually completely banning smoking, because, of course that would fall into actual totalitarianism, they use the people to attack others for the crime (sic) they want to ban. Specifically, dehumanizing the smokers, which gives the non smokers a green light to attack: you are not attacking people but smokers! Deplorables, if you will.

Rusty said...

Drago said...
"Banned Commenter, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "All due respect, Althouse;..."


What is it with his obsession with Althouse? It's creepy. Like there's a room in his house with dozens Althouse photos pinned to the wall.Meade. Get your concealed carry lecense. Just in case.

Michael said...

These people simply do not know when they are being baited, and they rise like a fat trout to a well-tied fly every time. Amazing.

Immanuel Rant said...

Per Howard:

"Krumhorn: Less is more only applies to the Democrats."

That's because it is Biden's re-election campaign in a nutshell - Less groceries for your money, less heating oil, less price stability, less peace, less police protection, less speech -- Look how good you have it! Look only at our chart, and certainly not your last grocery bill.

Less is more. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

Jupiter said...

"This image from Donald Trump is the type of crap you post when you're calling for a bloodbath ... Said Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler ...".

I think he means, "This image from Donald Trump is the kind of crap I post when I'm calling for a bloodbath". He's thinking about all the work he did during the St. Floyd riots.

Mind your own business said...

Just about everything coming from the Left and the Democrats, be it the White House or the media, is inciting violence as a response, as far as I'm concerned. And when it happens, they'll deserve every bit of it.

TaeJohnDo said...

Looked like a mostly peaceful graphic of a restrained brandon.