March 26, 2024

"Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intends to announce Tuesday that Nicole Shanahan, a wealthy attorney and..."

"... entrepreneur in the San Francisco Bay Area, will be joining his campaign as his vice presidential selection, according to two sources familiar with the Kennedy campaign's plans. Shanahan, who like Kennedy has never run for elected office, has contributed to his campaign and said she gave to his super PAC...."

NBC News reports.


Joe Smith said...

The new Pat Paulson.

And in Oakland?

Talk about a shithole democratic city.

I have to go there sometimes, and it is not good.

All the smart white people have either left or are living in their mansions in the hills overlooking the city, but far away enough to not have to deal with the bullshit.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Polls show that RFK and the other third party candidates are a real problem for Biden's electoral prospects, especially now that it's too late in the process to indict them.

Howard said...

She's had a very interesting and full life. Her Wikipedia page looks like a parody created for a movie written by Aaron Sorkin

Fred Drinkwater said...

Uh-oh. Bicoastal Irish mafia...

Enigma said...

She's twice divorced (once married to Google's Brin) and a long-time lefty donor. She'll perhaps draw votes from some California tech workers, female college students, and female college graduates. She's surely more appealing to young voters than Crypt Keeper Biden and Cackling Kamala.

If Kennedy had brought in Tulsi Gabbard he'd have drawn some Trump voters, but he'll not draw a single one with Nicole.

Check to see if Biden's operatives attempt to edit or manipulate this. I'm counting the minutes:

Tom T. said...

Ex-wife of Google's Sergey Brin. That's where the wealth came from.

Quaestor said...

Has Shanahan taken the Board of Supervisors to court over their oblivious dereliction of duty (hehe, I wrote "doo-dee"), or is she just another corporate mouthpiece?

It seems that every cycle the Democrats spew up a Kennedy clone, a Camelot clown who thinks hair equals heir. Now we have a genuine Kennedy, and no one seems interested. Is this the end of the Kennedy mystique?

Joe Smith said...

'She's had a very interesting and full life. Her Wikipedia page looks like a parody created for a movie written by Aaron Sorkin'

She married and divorced one rich guy and one really rich guy.

Looks like she got funding from her first company from the first rich guy.

These Dem women are so accomplished...

PM said...

I say this with all respect, she's fucking hot.

Achilles said...

""Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intends to announce Tuesday that Nicole Shanahan, a wealthy attorney and...""

If I had to read this move I would say that RFK wanted to make sure everyone knew he was not serious and just wanted to hurt Joe Biden as much as possible taking 3 or 4 percent here and there.

This move just ensures that nobody on the right or the center even considers voting for him.

Dave Begley said...

That's the ticket!

Yancey Ward said...

She has a ton of money that she can use to get him on the ballots of all the states- his major obstacle right now- so it is overall a plus for Kennedy, though he had better political options available outside the monetary issue.

Gusty Winds said...

Well.... RFK Jr. just lost me.

Too bad. He was good on the truth about vaccines. This woman is left wing nut bag.

rhhardin said...

A woman pulls more votes from Biden than Trump. Women are against Trump.

Former Illinois resident said...

What a way to destroy your campaign momentum to garner independent and republican-leaning voters. Suppose RFK Jr is pandering to the progressive-left disheartened by Biden. Certainly won't attract any Republican Party member-voters who don't like Trump personality.

Rich said...

Did RFJ Jr. Pick the Wrong Shanahan? Niners coach Kyle's talent for devising innovative offense schemes could easily translate from football to politics.

Roger Sweeny said...

Good for RFK Jr. giving us a choice. We need more wealthy attorneys in politics.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gusty - huh? You are a Trump supporter.
How could RFK jr lose you?

Douglas B. Levene said...

Nicole used to be married to the co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin, so I'm wondering if she got serious Google money as part of the divorce settlement?

rehajm said...

A tiny net Democrat vote suck. They must be stopped...

Hassayamper said...

Well.... RFK Jr. just lost me. Too bad. He was good on the truth about vaccines. This woman is left wing nut bag.

I'm delighted. The farther left his campaign tilts, the more harm he will inflict on Biden and the Democrats. I was fearful he might select a Manchin or Gabbard type who enjoyed a certain amount of respect on the Right.

Political Junkie said...

She is nice looking and 38. My goodness.

walter said...

Can she ride a bike?

MOfarmer said...

He just doomed his already doomed campaign.I would guess he is now just trying to hurt the Democrat Party because they screwed him so badly by not letting him on primary ballots.

Readering said...

Kennedy would be the 3rd oldest president after the 2 major party nominees. But obviously did not take that into consideration on picking someone who would be the youngest if something happened to him.

Chick said...

Thanks Bob!

Goldenpause said...

RFK Jr is also a nut bag. But even a blind pig can find an acorn now and again.

rhhardin said...

It's good to have an Irish woman on the ballot.

Caroline said...

Another Irish Catholic abortion cheerleader. yay.

Jim at said...

I say this with all respect, she's fucking hot.

You sure you're looking at the right person? I saw a brief clip of her and, well, not even at last call.

The Godfather said...

Obviously RFKJr doesn't expect to win the Presidency. So what does he want? I figure he wants to hurt one of the major Presidential candidates. Why? Maybe for spite, maybe for principle, maybe to earn brownie points with the eventual winner. I infer that he thinks Trump is going to win, so he doesn't want to piss him off, and Biden is going to lose, so there's no harm in pissing him off. Also, maybe -- just maybe -- this outside-the-box guy is drawn to the outside-the-box Republican candidate over the tired retread Democrat Joe Clownshoes.

tcrosse said...

Funny he always mentions his Dad and Uncle Jack, but never a word about Uncle Ted.

Leland said...

All of Wikipedia is a parody, don't let it make you a fool.

Mason G said...

"And in Oakland?

Talk about a shithole democratic city."

For those who may not know, In-N-Out is a California based burger joint with a pretty fanatical following. Over the years, they have expanded into several other western states, recently opening their 400th store in Idaho. Upon first opening, the wait time in line was 8+ hours. This past Sunday, they closed a store in Oakland- a first for the company. Reason? Unsafe environment for customers and employees.

Way to go, Oakland!

bobby said...

He's whacked. He has, for a long time, claimed to want to jail "climate deniers", and execute "anti-climate" corporations and political organizations.

This guy is further left than any other national candidate. I cannot believe any conservative - or even anyone who understands science - would ever vote for him, for prez or dogcatcher.

Tina Trent said...

This choice hopefully clarifies all his actually leftist politics to those who weren't paying attention.

It's all about the platform. Now if only Trump would pick someone, we could all settle in to a long summer of cicadas and Vice Presidential debates.

Tina Trent said...

Nicole is The Global Joy Officer at the Sloomoo Institute and maybe had an affair with Elon Musk. Despite this and her former support for Marianne Williamson, it only cost her four million to a superpac to become RFK's political partner. Both she and RFK's incredibly leftist wife, Cheryl Hines of Curb Your Enthusiasm, are vaccinated. All three are pro-choice, but true to her Joy thing, Nicole thinks technology will soon unite the pro-life and pro-choice movements, though she isn't clear on the details. She met her first billionaire husband at a yoga festival and her second billionaire husband at Burning Man. Her favorite tv show is The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt. She also wants to be her best self and for the world to have more fun.. Her passion is women over 50 becoming pregnant. This stuff just writes itself.

Besides that, she's just basically a Soros mini-me, policy-wise.

So if a George Soros with perky buns is your thing, she is your Joy Officer.

walter said...

"She met her first billionaire husband at a yoga festival and her second billionaire husband at Burning Man. "
Alert Crack.