March 31, 2024

Here’s an open thread.

Write whatever you like.


Humperdink said...

Headline: "Trailer full of Bibles set on fire outside conservative pastor Greg Locke's Tennessee church on Easter Sunday"

Peace, love, and compassion on the day of celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Biden smiles!

Narr said...

Disruptive protest during services at St. Patrick's in NYC. Guess who.

The security team gave them the bum's rush pretty effectively, thank heavens.

tim in vermont said...

Still think it's funny that somebody came along yesterday to prove my point about how works of art that need interpretation labels to somehow prevent WrongThink represent a sad regression in the relationship to art in Western Civilization.

Big Mike said...

There was a time when Jews had enough clout within the Democrat Party to shut down the antisemitism coming from the Left. This country may not be as dangerous as Germany in the late 1930s, but it’s not for lack of effort on the part of the pro-Palestinian extremists.

tim in vermont said...

“What we know for certain is that at some point in the early 21st century, all of mankind was united in celebration. We marveled at our magnificence as we gave birth to AI." - The Matrix, which came out 25 years ago today. Clip below.

tim in vermont said...

BTW, one of the writers of The Matrix has said that she is upset that the right has adopted the whole "Red Pill" thing, because she doesn't seem to know that her authorial voice "died" the day the film was released into the world, cut like an umbilical.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

NC State headed to the Final Four! Woooohoooo!

Go Pack!

Jupiter said...

The swallows are back, and a fine big bird, largest I think I've ever seen, was out flitting around the houses I prepared. I was outside, working on something else, but I was happy to see the swallows checking out my houses. But then I realized, that the reason the swallow was making multiple passes at the houses, but not landing, was that he (I'm guessing) wasn't interested in checking out the accommodations (fresh cedar shavings). He was trying to scare off a sparrow that was perching on the roof, over the houses, and cheeping loudly. But the sparrow was standing his ground.

Swallows don't like to nest near sparrows, because the sparrows invade their nests, and kill their young. I'm sure the sparrows have their side to this dispute, but I could not give fuck zero. Swallows are beautiful birds. Sparrows are shitbirds, and when they nest in my birdhouses, I take them down and dump their young in the dirt. Cheep, cheep.

Once I realized what was going on, I stepped out where I was clearly visible, and clapped my hands. The sparrow immediately flew off. I won't say he knows he is a shitbird. But I think he knows what I think. As do the swallows.

Jupiter said...

"This country may not be as dangerous as Germany in the late 1930s, but it’s not for lack of effort on the part of the pro-Palestinian extremists."

BM. Just as an exercise, can you give me some idea of what a pro-Palestinian who was NOT an extremist might have to say? Or is it your view that the existence of non-Jewish persons in Palestine is inherently extremist?

Rusty said...

Had a nice morning at the club. The new eagles were in residence and we got to see one of them come to the nest with a fish.

Larry said...

Hmm. Celebrate the resurrection family life, communty strength and fellowship or focus the nation on transexual visibility.

I am unable to understand modernity. Oh, yes. Encourage support of rapists, murderers, kidnappers, antisemites, and those committed to hateful viciousness.

Joe Smith said...

'There was a time when Jews had enough clout within the Democrat Party to shut down the antisemitism coming from the Left.'

Wait, I thought Jews controlled everything?

Somebody's got some 'splainin' to do...

wildswan said...

First they came for the Jews, then the Catholics.

gadfly said...

Big Mike: The antisemitic study from 2023 referenced HERE indicates that the epicenter of antisemitic attitudes is young adults on the far right.

So I am unsure why or how Jews in America's Democratic Party are involved with the MAGA cult, from where antisemitism likely springs. Some Jews are right-leaning but these folks are not languishing around in the Democrat Party.

Howard said...

Got in 4-hours of snowshoeing in yesterday on a glorious spring day in New Hampshire. Live Free or Die, Baby.

Drinking coffee before morning swim workout.

The total eclipse is coming in a week and New England has decently low predicted cloud cover. Texas is looking socked in.

Life is great. So many things to do and people to love. What is so rewarding about being a wannabe is the rewards you get for trying so hard. Life well lived in the real world is the ultimate participation trophy.

wendybar said...

So, Obrador from Mexico is demanding Biden pay him $20million a year in taxpayer money to pay for Latin American and Caribbean root causes of illegal immigration on TOP of sending us up to 10 million of their people.

Biden is stupid enough that he might just agree to this, AND keep the border open.

None of this would be happening if the election wasn't stolen with help from our intel agencies. They hate America...and they are proving it every single day by selling us out.

Enjoy it while you can, because it is quickly becoming the 3rd world country progressives have been dreaming of...their Utopia.

wendybar said...

HOW is THIS not a HATE CRIME?? If this were a trailer full of Korans that was burned in front of a Mosque, what would YOU call it?? Just imagine all the crying on all of the Pravda news stations.

Have you seen this on any network news?? You probably won't because it doesn't fit their narrative.
CNN- NOTHING online as of this morning.
Fox News has it. MSDNC..NADA. The Local ABC news has it. Newsweek has it. Daily Beast tells you that the "FAR RIGHT" pastor denouncing it as "100%" deliberate.

Progressives makes me sick.

wendybar said...

As Victor Davis Hansons new one....

Humperdink said...

I spotted the our local bald eagle last week in it's usual nest. The nest is 75' up on top of a scraggly white pine. The pine is located in a swamp. Yesterday her male buddy was standing/ sitting guard 4 feet away on another branch. What a sight, two bald eagles glaring at you from 100 yards.

wendybar said...

"Syzdek says he and the men he served alongside “never imagined in our wildest imagination that our country, that we all worked so hard to defend for those many years that we were in, would have open borders.”

“I think of all the agents, myself included, who were injured on the job and agents who were killed … only to find out that everything was for nothing,” Syzdek said.

“Over the course of my 31 years in Border Patrol, I caught, you know, tens of thousands of aliens,” he said.

“I caught 20,000, let’s say, I kept them out of here. But they’ve let 10 million in … so, everything that I worked for my entire career was for nothing,” he added. “And the only thing I feel good about is the many, many drug loads I busted and people I sent to prison and got the drugs off the streets.”

When he looks at the current situation at the southern border, Syzdek says, “it’s just heartbreaking that we have laws on the books and an agency to enforce the laws, and nobody’s doing it.” "

iowan2 said...

Big Mike: The antisemitic study from 2023 referenced HERE indicates that the epicenter of antisemitic attitudes is young adults on the far right.

Universities are the epicenter of antisemitism. There are thousands of examples. Conservative youth?
Young conservatives is he straw man you are going to erect?

Ignore the Deans of elite Universities performance in front of a Congressional Committee?

Pull my other finger, it has bells.

Breezy said...

“Donald Trump issued an executive order in 2019 to combat antisemitism and drew particular attention to antisemitism on college campuses, presumably driven by students and faculty on the left.”

A helpful nugget in that antisemitism study cited above.

Political Junkie said...

It's tough when an old parent starts having mental issues/decline. They are there but not there.

Enigma said...

@gadfly: Antisemitism found on the far right.

First, the authors adopt a "horseshoe" model of political ideology. Many authors hold (or the PolySci standard model) is a "circle" view, where the hard left and hard right are functionally identical. With a circle view of politics the so-called far right disappears into the general dominant bully persona (e.g., Saddam Hussein and Joseph Stalin and David Hogg and Greta Thunberg and Michael Bloomberg and AOC and Chairman Mao and warlords and random kings in castles are all the same).

Second, the entire argument evaporates if pro-Palestine and university cultures are accurately labeled as "neo-conservatives" -- which they have clearly become. A hard leftist is merely a conservative out of power or who seeks an alternative form of conservatism. Functional conservatives hold a wide range of self-perceived "superior" dogmatic beliefs and are prone to bullying or destroying their enemies. Check out what has happened to the libertarian "right wing" speakers on colleges who dare challenge any neo-left gender, race, economic, or political dogma. Parties routinely flip over a few generations -- the Republicans fought slavery. The Democrats created the KKK. [Soft leftists are touchy-feely compassionate utopians and bohemians, and the first to die when they cross the hard left. Most will board the trains to Auschwitz or Siberia without resistance.]

Third, universities have been partisan propaganda mouthpieces for a couple generations. Consider the source. Discount its credibility.

Fourth, universities have been DEI equity social promotion cr*phouses full of ignorant buffoons for a couple generations. Without constant serious competition, academia collapses down to nothing. Consider the source. Discount its credibility.

Arch-leftist Greta Thunberg, where is your Jewish blue octopus now? Has it grown into a bigger octopus with longer tentacles?

Meade said...

“The total eclipse is coming in a week and New England has decently low predicted cloud cover. Texas is looking socked in.“

Try to get on up to Enosburg Falls VT for the full experience, Howard. Order your protective eyewear now—1 pair for each member of your party. Should be a once-in-a-lifetime day. Especially if the Boilermakers of Purdue later that night claim the national title. Clear skies, smooth sailing and BOILER UP!!!

Jersey Fled said...

I heard a new term today. Gender Expansive.

I guess lgbtxyzabc… was too hard to spell.

Howard said...

Thanks Meade!!

"Try to get on up to Enosburg Falls VT"

Meade said...

Political Junkie said...
“It's tough when an old parent starts having mental issues/decline. They are there but not there.“

PJ, you have my sympathy. Times 2.
Be there for them every single day. By phone or in person even if for just 10 min. You’re doing it for them, mustering all your patience and loving-kindness. When they tell you the same stories you’ve already heard a hundred times, act as if they’re brand new. You’ll be doing it for them but soon enough — all too soon — you’ll know how much it means to you. Take good care of yourself.

Political Junkie said...

Thanks Meade.

Rusty said...

Howard said...
"Got in 4-hours of snowshoeing in yesterday on a glorious spring day in New Hampshire. "
That's a workout. My brothers 2nd home is on the Wisconsin-Michigan boarder. They didn't get any snow till February this year and it's almost gone now.

Joe Smith said...

"So I am unsure why or how Jews in America's Democratic Party are involved with the MAGA cult, from where antisemitism likely springs. Some Jews are right-leaning but these folks are not languishing around in the Democrat Party.'

You realize that Democrats are/were the party of racism, the KKK, Bull Conner, and slavery.

Really fucking inconvenient...