March 31, 2024

Happy Easter.



Rusty said...

Same to you and Meade and the rest of your tribe.
God bless you for having us.

Jamie said...

Happy Easter to our host and the commentariat! Thank you all for the thought-provoking and entertaining conversations I've eavesdropped on for the past 40-days-plus-Sundays.

Howard said...

Happy Ēostre, the divinity of the radiant dawn, of upspringing light, a spectacle that brings joy and blessing.

Jersey Fled said...

Our granddaughters just called us on some app that gave them bunny faces. So cute.

wildswan said...

Christ is truly risen

Happy Easter

rehajm said...

Happy Easter. A bunny on Arlo last night, posing like a choco bunny. On the walk this morning two foxes and some neighbors having egg hunts for the little ones…

Kate said...

Christos Anesti!

May Meadhouse enjoy the blessings of the day.

BudBrown said...

virkelig cool

Christopher B said...

Happy Jesus (Re)Visibility Day!

Scott Patton said...

David Burge used a good word over on X with an old Easter photo.

MadisonMan said...

Beautiful sunrise this morning as I was out walking the dog.
Happy Easter all!

Old and slow said...

Cold and raining in Arizona, so I'm off to run 15 miles and enjoy it. Enjoy your Easter, however you do it!

Big Mike said...

Wife and I are at our grandson’s house. In a couple hours we’ll be outside with him and his parents at his neighborhood Easter egg hunt. It’s the last day of March and barely into the 60s here in Virginia. Tell the Anthropogenic Global Warming nutcases that it’s too damned cold and we need to get more CO2 into the atmosphere immediately.

Narr said...

Same to y'all.

planetgeo said...

Time to resurrect a "Normals Day of Visibility".

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He is risen indeed.

“Bad Genes” said...

Where have all the virtuous role models gone?

The famed short seller Jim Chanos, one of the first to call out Enron in the dot com bubble, referred to the current era as "a golden age of fraud."'

Then his decades-old short selling operation was shut down because so many of the fraud stocks he had shorted soared in price to the point his clientele gave up.

When grifters and jerks are glorified, being honest and kind is seen as a sucker play. Today's most visible "role models" taunt and mock their opponents at full volume; fighting dirty is the standard mode of operation and playing by the rules is for chumps.

Making a living through hard work is now also seen as a sucker play. The cool kids know how to double their money in a month or even a week. The idea of waiting a whole year for a 10-20% compound return is seen as ridiculous.

Sports gambling jostles with crypto and zero commission trading to dominate smartphone apps. Buy now pay later is all the rage. Half the financial world is set up like a casino operation in which grifters hunt for suckers and the suckers brag to each other about being winners even as they lose.

In politics and geopolitics it's the same. Bullies who fight dirty are seen as winners. Those who want rule of law and rational discourse are seen as crybabies.

It's like the whole zeitgeist has tilted toward awfulness. And even if awful people and their avid followers are only 10-20 percent of the population, they are so loud and obnoxious they drown out and crowd out the behavior of everyone else.

Humanity on the whole has handed a megaphone to its very worst elements, while reinforcing the worst of short-term and short sighted behaviors, to the detriment of the weak and the gullible, who are sold a bill of goods and then systematically mesmerized, fleeced and financially crushed.

It is hard to see what will change this other than, sadly, some form of collective tragedy or severe hardship that brings back a spirit of collaboration and noble character again.

tim in vermont said...

"Where have all the virtuous role models gone?"

Says the man who spends every day trying to convince people to vote for Joe Biden and his son Uday, err.. I mean Hunter.

tim in vermont said...

Millinery is a word I can remember being used unironically in my childhood, in actual advertisements for actual IRL shops, its fraternal twin, haberdashery, I don't recall being used too much.

tim in vermont said...

Rich's concern for the "weak and the gullible," is touching.

"Those who want rule of law and rational discourse are seen as crybabies."

Even if the "rule of law" means creating tenuous theories based on 100 year old laws, under which no person has ever been tried, even though they had been "broken," according to these theories, probably hundreds, or thousands, or tens of thousands of times, nobody knows because until Trump came along, nobody every combed somebody's books looking for such victimless "crimes." But sure, bleat on about the "rule of law" when what you really mean is cargo cult law under the "rule of men"

Shorter Rich: "We own the justice system now, and you better bow down to it the same as you used to do when you could get a fair shake!" Stalin told the Russian people the same thing.

Candide said...

Rich so crotchety

Iman said...

Happy Easter to all who rejoice on this day!

And I hope all others enjoy this fine Sunday.

Joe Smith said...

There's a reason for this holiday; Christ has risen.

Joe Smith said...

'Happy Ēostre, the divinity of the radiant dawn, of upspringing light, a spectacle that brings joy and blessing.'

Such smugness mocking the beliefs of others.

It's all the left has. They can only tear things down.

Dr Weevil said...
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Dr Weevil said...
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Iman said...

‘Rich's concern for the "weak and the gullible," is touching.‘

Always thinking of himself…

Dr Weevil said...

I was wondering how long it would take for a Neo-Pagan skunk to show up to try to ruin the Althouse Easter garden party*, and who would play the rôle. It was Howard, in the third comment. Here's the story of Ēostre from The Guardian (link), found via @noah_nonsense on Twitter, who does a good job combatting it there.

The Ēostre Bunnies come out every year at this time to sneer at Christian beliefs with hogwash about Ēostre and Ishtar and God knows what, just as they come out at Christmas to claim that (e.g.) Dionysus (!) was born of a virgin. They never respond to evidence, and quickly resort to gross insults when challenged. Someone qualified in Abnormal Psychology should do a study: are they all still resentful about being made to go to Sunday School when young, or what?

*I was going to compare Althouse to a punchbowl, and the Neo-Pagans to something even lower than a skunk, but decided I should be better on Easter Sunday.

Humperdink said...

How do we know George Washington was the first president? I know I didn't see him, but it was recorded. How do we know Jesus was resurrected from the dead? It was recorded that numerous people saw him alive post crucifixion in the new testament. Maybe the writers were all liars. Interestingly, all of his close followers (read: His disciples) were willing to die for spreading this gospel and subsequently did.

Rosalyn C. said...

Happy Easter, y'all. My bubbe (Yiddish word for grandmother) used to sew us new Spring outfits every year and we'd go downtown to Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia for the Easter Parade. She was a great sewer and it gave her a lot of pleasure, nothing to do with the Christian religion. It is a wonderful memory of colors and fabrics. I don't really understand why Christmas gets all the a hoopla when Easter is actually the most significant Christian event. According to " The reason Christmas is more celebrated lies in its marketability and cultural appeal. Christmas has become a secularized holiday that easily translates into a child-centered celebration, focusing on family and childhood imagery. In contrast, Easter's message of an adult man's resurrection from death is harder to secularize, making it less commercially attractive." lol

I had a laugh about Rich's comment: "Making a living through hard work is now also seen as a sucker play. The cool kids know how to double their money in a month or even a week," in regards to the Biden legacy. Hunter takes up art and within his first year he has a dealer in NYC selling his work for 6 figures. So much for the artist toiling in obscurity for years to develop their craft and vision before achieving recognition.

TickTock said...

May peace be with you.

Tina Trent said...

We did nothing. Our religious emblems were literally banned from the White House on our holiest day.

We did nothing. Women are being housed in prison cdlls with male rapists.

We did nothing. A famous ariter is being threatened with prison for merely criticizing this.

We did nothing. Dozens of churches were vandalized and burned last night. Betcha' you didn't even know.

We did nothing. Many tens of thousands of Christians are slaughtered for being Christian worldwide every year.

Perhaps stop worrying about our cheeks, whic are already turned, often by force, and try pulling your head out of your ass instead.