March 8, 2024

"After I did Steve Bannon's War Room, so many listeners asked me for a link they could send to friends or family members who they argue with about politics."

"That's working-class America: People are in community with folks they disagree with. Polarization is an elite phenomenon."

Tweets Batya Ungar-Sargon, who's a fantastic speaker, succinct and impassioned. She's on the left, by her own report, but she's saying what Democrats don't want to have to hear about themselves (that they do not represent the working class, and Trump does):



Freder Frederson said...

I am getting tired of hearing that Republicans represent the working class. They exploit social messages to hoodwink the middle and working classes, but they don't actually support things that would make the working class prosperous again. Unions, nope. Higher minimum wage, nope. Any kind of housing assistance, nope. Affordable medical insurance, nope. Tax cuts for the rich that raise the deficit but do not pay for themselves or trickle down, of course. Strong health, safety and environmental regulations to protect worker safety and health, nope.

rehajm said...

Most current elite phenomenon would be dissolved by the application of pressure to the 'off' valve connected to the fire hose of government money.

rehajm said...

Oh, yes. Very well spoken but she self-identifies as left the same way those FBI guys identify as part of the insurrectionist crowd....but let me just go with she has mislabeled herself. I don't think liberals buy it either...

Gusty Winds said...

"The Democrats are the party of the college credentialed elite and the dependent poor".


Here is Wisconsin you see this clearly in the relationship between Madison and Milwaukee. There are elite white liberal communities that surround Milwaukee like Glendale, Whitefish Bay (Whitefolks Bay), Mequon. Inside Milwaukee the you've got the wealthy Upper East Side by UW-Milwaukee. The rest of Milwaukee is pretty much the dependent poor.

Living is working class Waukesha County it just seems insane. Especially when you accept that the college credential elite don't give a rat's ass about the dependent poor. All they care about is 1) protecting what they consider theirs, 2) abortion and, 3) getting your kid to march with a rainbow flag.

Old and slow said...

Freder, you misunderstand the meaning of the phrase "working class". The key to it is right there in the first word, "working".They aren't after housing assistance, or any other sort of assistance. Also, anyone who has actually been working longer than a month or so has no interest in what the minimum wage is. They are earning more than that. Your "strong regulations" drive down wages by reducing wealth. You are a perfect example of a left leaning person who simply fails to understand your opponents. You assume those of us on the right have been hoodwinked or are the ones doing the hoodwinking. Please consider the possibility that many of the people who disagree with you are not, in fact, stupid. They simply do not agree with you, and have different priorities.

JaimeRoberto said...

"they do not represent the working class"

It's worse than that. They actively despise the working class, especially the white working class.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When I worked in an office for over two decades, groups of us would go down to the cafeteria to lunch and have the most interesting conversations just about every subject, including politics.

That’s a fairly new phenomenon I hear about that people can’t talk about politics because they disagree.

Meade said...

"I am getting tired of hearing that Republicans represent the working class. "

Poor baby. Better get used to being tired. LOL.

YoungHegelian said...

She's on the left, by her own report,

I've seen BUS** many times on multiple Fox News shows, and that she identifies as Left surprises me. For one thing, she often shows up with a very visible Star of David around her neck, which few Jewish liberals do (visible crosses are ubiquitous on FNC staffers' necks). Maybe she's a Mickey Kaus kind of liberal.

But, like you, I do think she is intelligent and articulate. Whatever her politics I like to listen to her, and think she has a great future in opinion journalism.

** Isn't "Batya Ungar Sargon" the greatest name ever! It's like a name out of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Like the name of an Elvish princess who turned to the dark side or sumthin'! In reality she's a Palestinian Jew! I thought from the name that she'd be a Persian Jew, so my first guess was kinda close.

Original Mike said...

Yeah, importing millions of low wage workers just screams concern for the working class.

Curious George said...

"Freder Frederson said...
I am getting tired of hearing that Republicans represent the working class. They exploit social messages to hoodwink the middle and working classes, but they don't actually support things that would make the working class prosperous again. Unions, nope. Higher minimum wage, nope. Any kind of housing assistance, nope. Affordable medical insurance, nope. Tax cuts for the rich that raise the deficit but do not pay for themselves or trickle down, of course. Strong health, safety and environmental regulations to protect worker safety and health, nope."

OMG. Unions don't support the working class. They support the Democratic party. And you think raising the minimum wage makes those workers prosperous? $15/hour? LOL It' does makes a lot of them unemployed. And raises prices of goods and services that hurts the working class and below the most. Housing assistance? How does that make the working class prosperous? Medical insurance costs went UP with ObamaCare.

Now let's look at the progressive left. EV mandates hurt workers a lot. So do stupid mandates like eliminating gas stoves and water heaters, going after the oil and natural gas industry, and government deficit spending which causes inflation.

And of course totally discount that the working and middle class is supportive of Trump. They have been "hoodwinked", the rubes.

What a fucking dope.

Christopher B said...

Freder Frederson said...
I am getting tired of hearing that Republicans represent the working class. They exploit social messages to hoodwink the middle and working classes, but they don't actually support things that would make the working class prosperous again.

Stopping unrestricted illegal immigration would do that.

Unions, nope.

Other than government employee unions, what do Democrats do that actually supports effective unionization? Unions are routinely rejected because most workers understand their dues are going primarily to fund Democrat political campaigns.

Higher minimum wage, nope.

What good is a higher minimum wage if you can't find a job where you live?

Any kind of housing assistance, nope.

A good job with a decent wage enabling you to buy a house is hard to come by when industrial production is shipped overseas. It's hard to obtain a mortgage when inflation jacks interest rates. Houses are hard to find when regulations are designed specifically to limit the availability of single family homes.

Affordable medical insurance, nope.

In 2008-2010 the Democrats had the opportunity to decouple medical insurance from employment (a unique situation courtesy of another 'Progressive', FDR). They instead chose to take payoffs from the insurance lobby and make medical insurance a mandatory purchase while doing only lip service to establishing market-driven insurance or medical care.

Tax cuts for the rich that raise the deficit but do not pay for themselves or trickle down, of course.

Working class people weren't hurt by the limitation on SALT deductions which has been the Democrats #1 priority to change.

Strong health, safety and environmental regulations to protect worker safety and health, nope.

Please link the last worker health and safety bill proposed by a Democrat.

In the end, it's really not that Republicans are necessarily supporting your laundry list of working class concerns. It's that working class people are being driven out of the Democrat party as it is captured by Woke liberal social values.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats represent the victim class, the insane class, the commie class and the taker-class.

n.n said...

Ah, Democratic diversity. She's a witch. Abort.

n.n said...

Democrats represent the rich that get richer, the social liberals, the Spring-mongers, the diversitists, the transgender, the transnationals, and subsidized dependents.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Freder reminds us of how the left are determined to stay as economic illiterates.

Curious George said...

"Gusty Winds said...
Inside Milwaukee the you've got the wealthy Upper East Side by UW-Milwaukee. The rest of Milwaukee is pretty much the dependent poor."

What crap. The "dependent poor" is the hood on the northside of Milwaukee. Most of the rest of Milwaukee that isn't affluent is working class/middle class.

J Severs said...

Really interesting clip. Points were sharply stated (even if you disagree). Thank you for posting it.

Narayanan said...

rehajm said...
Most current elite phenomenon would be dissolved by the application of pressure to the 'off' valve connected to the fire hose of government money.
is there Off valve? or is it fantasy? delusion?

original delusion is that thre is such a thing as 'government" money v normal money.

Christopher B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher B said...

And it's not just us saying it, either

The Nonwhite Working Class Bails Out on the Democrats RUY TEIXEIRA

Cast your mind back to those heady days of 2012 when Barack Obama vanquished Mitt Romney and won a second term in the White House. In that election, Obama carried nonwhite working-class (noncollege) voters by a massive 67 points, while losing white college graduates by 7 points. That means Obama did 74 points better among the nonwhite working class than among white college graduates.

In the next two presidential elections, that differential steadily narrowed as Democrats did worse among nonwhite working-class voters even as they improved among white college graduates. In 2020, Biden carried the nonwhite working class by 48 points (19 points less than Obama did in 2012) while carrying white college graduates by 9 points (16 points better than Obama). That cut the Democrats’ positive differential between these two groups almost in half, down to 39 points.

Now it’s Biden running for a second term and, astonishingly, that positive differential may have entirely disappeared. According to the just-released New York Times/Siena poll, Biden is actually doing worse among the nonwhite working class, carrying them by a mere six points, than among white college graduates, where he enjoys a 15 point advantage over Trump. Amazing. There is perhaps no better illustration of the Democrats’ transformation into a Brahmin Left party, beloved by the educated but increasingly viewed with suspicion by the working classes of all races.

gadfly said...

Why would anyone make a big deal about particpating in any way on convicted criminal Steve Bannon's "War Room" website? Anyone who thinks that Trump somehow represents the working class is weak-minded at best and deliberately going against the rule-of-law by siding with criminals is an attack on the common man.

PM said...

Listened to the whole piece. She had some interesting thoughts, but that voice - she'd be a tough drive through Monument Valley.

phantommut said...

In an ideal world she'd be on the short list for a position in RFK's Cabinet. (Not a huge RFK fan but he's better than either of the clowns at the top of their tickets.)

Kirk Parker said...

Christopher B.,

I love what I read by some economist (I no longer remember who, exactly.)

At the tail end of f a discussion on minimum wage, he said: Of course, the government is entirely powerless to raise the true minimum wage, which is zero -- but it can certainly increase the number of people who receive it.

Mutaman said...

Batya Ungar-Sargon : "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago back in 2018".

MadisonMan said...

That's a great clip to listen to.

Original Mike said...

Get some new material, Mutaman.

The country was in such a better place during Trump's presidency. The democrats have no answer to that.

Mr. T. said...

Goverment unions have long been the enemy of the middle class. This was raised to to all out war declared by the teacher unions against middle class parents during the pandemic and since.

Also, if you are middle class, then you should not be needing housing assistance. Unless the goverment is of course, doing something to attack the middle class...

Oh and public education? Of course any brain-fuctioning citizen would have no interest in funding it. As you have non-cogently, yet laughibly ironically demonstrated, Freder, with your nonsensical drooling, the public education system has failed entirely and the middle class should consign it to the dust bins.

Mr. T. said...

Goverment unions have long been the enemy of the middle class. This was raised to to all out war declared by the teacher unions against middle class parents during the pandemic and since.

Also, if you are middle class, then you should not be needing housing assistance. Unless the goverment is of course, doing something to attack the middle class...

Oh and public education? Of course any brain-fuctioning citizen would have no interest in funding it. As you have non-cogently, yet laughibly ironically demonstrated, Freder, with your nonsensical drooling, the public education system has failed entirely and the middle class should consign it to the dust bins.

JAORE said...

There are good things about Trump.

Burn the witch!
- The caring left

Hassayamper said...

Please consider the possibility that many of the people who disagree with you are not, in fact, stupid. They simply do not agree with you, and have different priorities.

I'd tell Frederson to go a step further and consider the possibility that it is in fact he and his lotus-eating left-wing friends who are stupid.

A higher minimum wage is tailor-made to drive the most marginal workers out of employment. Teenagers, the poorly educated, the disabled, convicted felons, those too poor to afford a car, immigrants with limited English skills, and so forth.

The impact of the minimum wage on minority communities has been so devastating and disproportionate that if it were a corporation instead of our government that implemented it, the Department of Labor would consider it prima facie evidence of illegal disparate-impact race discrimination.

Quaestor said...

I watched a few minutes of Biden's SOTU address -- as much as I could stand without puking. The shouting and fist-clenching were especially obnoxious. The Senescent One may have been an underachiever in most academic subjects, but he must have made Phi Beta Kappa at the Adolf Hitler School of Public Speaking.

The contrast to Trump's style cannot be more stark. Trump speaks softly without notes, cue cards, or any form of prompting. Nor does he pump his fists or scowl. Yet he can keep his audience enthralled for hours. Trump is like the lovable black sheep uncle who brings you exotic gifts that scandalize your mother. Mine brought me a shrunken head and a jaguar skin rug. Mom didn't like either one. The head turned out to be fake, but that was fine, I used it to amaze my male classmates and send the girls shrieking. The jaguar skin was genuine, though the hair started to shed while I used it as a wall hanging in my dorm room. So I rolled it up and put in an army surplus dufflebag. Later on after being stored for years I took it out and discovered that mice eat cat skin. Revenge, I suppose. Or karma. Karma's gonna get Biden.

Drago said...

There is nothing more New Soviet Democratical than reading Field Marshall Freder, the Hopeless gadfly and hilariously moronic Mutaman telling the entirety of the working classes and working poor to get back in line and stop thinking for themselves!

Don't they know the credentialed uneducated class has the answers?

Welcome to The Newest Left...just like The New Left...just like The Old Left.

Mikey NTH said...

It is easy to discover who the parties represent by who supports them. It isn't difficult to understand if anyone *wants* to understand.

Mikey NTH said...

It is easy to discover who the parties represent by who supports them. It isn't difficult to understand if anyone *wants* to understand.

Freder Frederson said...

They support the Democratic party. And you think raising the minimum wage makes those workers prosperous? $15/hour?

Show me anywhere in the country where it is possible, working full time, to live on the current Federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour), or even at $15 an hour.

Dave said...

"I am getting tired of hearing that Republicans represent the working class. They exploit social messages to hoodwink the middle and working classes, but they don't actually support things that would make the working class prosperous again. Unions, nope. Higher minimum wage, nope. Any kind of housing assistance, nope. Affordable medical insurance, nope. Tax cuts for the rich that raise the deficit but do not pay for themselves or trickle down, of course. Strong health, safety and environmental regulations to protect worker safety and health, nope."


We don't want your fucking handouts. We want to work. Did you even listen to what the woman said? She said Democrats are the party of the elite rich, that's you Freder Fuckface, and the dependent poor -- that's people who don't who don't work you dumb bastard.

You think it's lost on us you open the border illegally to bring in cheap illegal immigration so you don't have to pay us, you cheap bastard?

Not any of that shit you list helps us. What helps us are good jobs, like the kind you send to the Chinese, and higher wages, which your corporate masters like the Koch Brothers aren't interested in paying.

That's right, Freder Frederson, you are a Koch Brothers stooge.

Ann, I apologize that I am not embracing the epistemic virtue of academic charity here. I will be ok if you don't approve my post. Besides, I am sure Drago will be along soon enough with much more clever ad hominems.

Mutaman said...

phantommut said...

" In an ideal world she'd be on the short list for a position in RFK's Cabinet. (Not a huge RFK fan but he's better than either of the clowns at the top of their tickets.)"

"First of all, I’m in New York for most of my life. And I run into everybody in New York. I mean, I knew Harvey Weinstein. I knew Roger Ailes. I knew– OJ Simpson came to my house. Bill Cosby came to my house"

Bobby Jr

Even Althouse has jumped off that bandwagon.

Jim at said...

Republicans represent the working class.
Republicans represent the working class.
Republicans represent the working class.
Republicans represent the working class.
Republicans represent the working class.

Now go throw another tantrum, Freder.

Jim at said...

Anyone who thinks that Trump somehow represents the working class is weak-minded at best and deliberately going against the rule-of-law by siding with criminals is an attack on the common man.

How many thousands of jobs did the Trump Corporation provide for the common man?

Weak-minded, indeed.

rehajm said...

Narayanan said...
is there Off valve? or is it fantasy? delusion?

original delusion is that thre is such a thing as 'government" money v normal money.

Oh no. I’m on the front lines of ‘normal’ money and will attest there is definitely a difference between government money and normal money. I’m all for running the experiment that proves it for the unconvinced ITWYW…

Rafe said...

Boy oh boy, the pigsticker sure hit the mark with Freder and Gadfly. Squeal louder fellas! Maybe if you do it’ll make your whining true!

- Rafe

Indigo Red said...

Seems only Democrats hear Republican dog whistles.

Rusty said...

Meade beat me to it.
The arrogance of the elites like Freder thinking they know what's best for the working class. I call it cultural bigotry. When she was descibing what the elites think of the working class I thought she was descibing Howard.

Apparently gadfly does not believe in redemption. What a mean spirited man is our Gadfly.

Jim at said...

Show me anywhere in the country where it is possible, working full time, to live on the current Federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour), or even at $15 an hour.

The minimum wage never was, is not now nor ever will be a livable wage. Nor was it designed to be.

Jeebus. Are you all this economically clueless?

Mason G said...

"Show me anywhere in the country where it is possible, working full time, to live on the current Federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour), or even at $15 an hour."

When I started working (early 70s), minimum wage was $1.65/hr. Full time = $50 (more or less) per month, after taxes. A crappy 1 bedroom apartment was $150/month. That leaves $50 for utilities, food, clothing and transportation.

NOBODY alive at that time with the sense God gave a goose (I guess this leaves out leftists) thought you could live on minimum wage.

What a maroon.

Quaestor said...

Rotwang's Cabana Boy writes, "I am getting tired of hearing that Republicans represent the working class."

So, Freder, are you a member of the working class? You write like one, not now, but generally. This evening your voice is a bit more upscale, like a Sarah Lawrence freshman.

Drago said...

The working classes remember having more jobs available, more opportunities, more money in their pockets, etc, which is why the polling numbers have shifted, despite our racist lefties attempting the most pathetic "those weren't the economic gains you were looking for" Failed Lefty Jedi Mind-tricks ever!

Mutaman said...

Original Mike said...

"The country was in such a better place during Trump's presidency. The democrats have no answer to that."

“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

The Commander in Chief
January 2020

Dave said...

They support the Democratic party. And you think raising the minimum wage makes those workers prosperous? $15/hour?

Show me anywhere in the country where it is possible, working full time, to live on the current Federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour), or even at $15 an hour.


And who is responsible for this, exactly? Perhaps it's the inflationary policy of DC that makes it so hard for ordinary Americans to get by?

You want higher wages Freder? Tighten the border. Stop inflating the dollar so we can buy eggs.

But yes, if you have property worth $100,000,000.00 and it inflates 10%, then you can afford an extra .25 cents on milk.


We like Trump because even though your fat cat polices would help him, he works for the good of America, and certainly his own ego, but what do I care about that? I'm just tickled to death you rejected him as "not our kind" the way you did us, or else we might not have such a great champion in the man.

Drago said...

From Mutaman:

Original Mike: "The country was in such a better place during Trump's presidency. The democrats have no answer to that."

Mutaman"“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

The Commander in Chief
January 2020"


Yes ladies and gentlemen, Mutaman really is going to pretend we havent peeled back all the layers of lies, misrepresentations, traitorous activities of Fauci, Birx, the NIH, Ecohealth and the rest of the deep state "cabal-ers" that literally brag about how they steered Trump astray and hid their funding for gain of function to their ChiCom partners.

Have you read Birx's book where she laughingly relates how they altered data and lied to the duly elected President?

What a perfectly Mutaman-ian thing to do.

No wonder the ChiComs were throwing diamonds and cash and business deals and drugs and underage trafficked prostitutes at the Bidens.

The lefties throughout our government, working arm and arm with Biden's ChiCom paymasters, unleashed a global pandemic and worked with their Sovietized media allies to smear Trump.

Sorry Mutaman. Its not 2020 any longer and Team New Soviet Democratical no longer has absolute narrative control...just as you cannot "convince" the working classes they have it better under your Klaus Schwab and globalist Reset and population/voter replacement strategy.

bagoh20 said...

The Left doesn't covet the working class. They want their votes, but they don't want anything else to do with them.

Big Mike said...

The commentariat sure seems to have helped Freder hijack this thread. Folks, you are making a mistake in trying to explain economic reality to someone as economically ignorant as Freder. It has to be like trying to explain colors to a blind person.

walter said...

"Show me anywhere in the country where it is possible, working full time, to live on the current Federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour), or even at $15 an hour."
How prevalent is minimum wage used to atttract even teenagers?
Describe "ive on".
Shared apartment?
Full context.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
"They support the Democratic party. And you think raising the minimum wage makes those workers prosperous? $15/hour?

Show me anywhere in the country where it is possible, working full time, to live on the current Federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour), or even at $15 an hour."

It's not. What it is supposed to do is to you an incentive to learn a skill. When you start out you don't know shit. In fact you're a burden to your employer and your fellow workers. As your knowledge set grows so does your wages. I get so tired of explaining this. I should be getting paid. Labor is a commodity. Just like any other commodity its value is determined by the amount of good it can do. Low skills, low wages high skills high wages. You know absolutely nothing about what it takes aquire the skills needed to do a blue collar job, but by god you know exactly how it should be done. Stand aside, kid. Yer steppen on my dick.

Christopher B said...

Big Mike said...
The commentariat sure seems to have helped Freder hijack this thread.

Our host commented above, and I'm assuming that this is a significant part of the reason she posted the clip, and not to get into discussions of whether BUS is really on the Left or opinions about Steve Bannon.

... she's saying what Democrats don't want to have to hear about themselves (that they do not represent the working class, and Trump does)

Freder got triggered and provided the perfect example.

It's also seems to go to the point of why it is so difficult to discuss political topics right now. Back in the day, as recently as Bill Clinton's time I think, we were usually discussing the means to achieve ends that were largely a consensus. On one side of the aisle we're still largely talking that way but on the other side those means and ends have become an identity, and disagreement is an attack on that identity rather than a policy discussion. (Though we have a loud but vocal minority that spends most of its time emoting over identity, too.)

Big Mike said...

@Rusty,see my comment from 10:20. Freder assumes that a minimum wage employee never makes more than the minimum wage. Perhaps this suggests something about his own employment history, I don’t know.

My local Dunkin Donuts had a help wanted sign up offering $10 an hour plus benefits. Let’s suppose the shop averages 3 workers per shift (sometimes I see 2 workers, at busy times of the day I see 4, mostly I see 3) and suddenly has to pay $15 per hour. The owner can’t cut his fixed costs (rental of his space, maintenance) and he is pretty limited as to other options. Raising the cost of donuts by 50% is a recipe for driving customers away, so what’s left? He lays off a third of his staff. Well done, Freder! The laid off staff would like to know your real name and where you live.

Yes, I made a pretty fair number of simplifying assumptions, but in dealing with Democrats keeping it simple for the ignorant and simple-minded is your only option.

Old and slow said...

The minimum wage is utterly irrelevant. I live in rural Arizona, and I couldn't possibly hire ANYONE for less that $15/hour, and I don't pay less than $18 for unskilled labor. The swarthy guys standing outside Home Depot? They won't get in your truck for less than $20, and usually it's better to go with the $25 guys. Forget minimum wages, they're meaningless.

Bruce Hayden said...

"The Democrats are the party of the college credentialed elite and the dependent poor".

“Show me anywhere in the country where it is possible, working full time, to live on the current Federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour), or even at $15 an hour.”

Freder inadvertently makes her point. The Minimum Wage is a starter wage, for the most part. Studies have shown that few try to live alone on it. Instead, you earn it starting out, very often living in a family situation. That’s what many of us here did - we earned it starting out, living at home with our families. We learned basic work ethics and skills, and as we gained those, we earned raises. I remember a time in spring of 1973, when I was able to push up my wages 25¢ an hour a week. Its real purpose is to raise a barrier to moving from the dependency class to the working class, thus increasing the number of dependent poor, one of the Dems’ primary constituencies. The higher the wall between the minimum wage and the value of the work provided by entry level workers, the larger number of people looking for work, and the number of jobs needing qualified workers going infilled.

We are seeing this play out in CA, with their War on Fast Food. That industry has long been one of the larger providers of minimum wage jobs. It doesn’t take a lot of skill to flip burgers at McDonalds, where the process has long been simplified and regularized. It mostly takes just a modicum of entry level skills, like showing up on time, looking somewhat neat, and not insulting customers. These job skills cannot be underestimated- biggest problem filling some of the jobs here at the hotel we are living in, is finding people willing and able to show up consistently on time, etc. So, is the greatly increased minimum wage in CA helping or hurting entry level workers there? It’s hurting them, as evidenced by increased automation and shutting down fast food restaurants. Businesses cannot stay open if they pay more to their employees than their marginal utility to the business. That means that employees whose marginal utility is below the minimum wage will ultimately be eliminated. That doesn’t usually mean being fired, but rather, when they move up, are less likely to be replaced. That’s the deep dark secret of the Dems’ push to drive up minimum wages - it’s not to increase the wages of the working poor, who can most often move up from their entry level jobs, but to make entering the work force harder, increasing the number of poor trapped there, and dependent upon Dems for survival. It’s not compassion, but rather heartless oppression.

Rusty said...

Big Mike said...
"@Rusty,see my comment from 10:20. Freder assumes that a minimum wage employee never makes more than the minimum wage."
I think we're used to Freder acting like an idiot. The shame of that is we'll never know how intelligent Freder actualy is. Freder is our under-achiever.

Bruce Hayden said...

“It's not. What it is supposed to do is to you an incentive to learn a skill. When you start out you don't know shit. In fact you're a burden to your employer and your fellow workers. As your knowledge set grows so does your wages”

When I started working, in my teens, earning minimum wage, I was living at home. Over >40 years of working my way up, my billing rate as a patent attorney was almost $400 an hour when I retired a bit over a decade ago. The raises started very slowly, then came increasingly quickly. Initially, I just had to look somewhat neat. Later, I had to be groomed and dressed as a successful attorney. Initially, I just had to be fairly much on time. A couple minutes late didn’t hurt anyone. Later, my tardiness could have cost my employers and clients millions. We had hard, computer verified, deadlines. File a minute late, and the client is SOL. Indeed, I was talking to one of our security agents at the hotel. They are desperately trying to hire more of them. But few survive probation, because when the SHTF, they take the day off. And it does - when the Big Guy (PDJT) shows up, they go to 12+ hour shifts for most of the week, and when the newbies don’t show up, everyone else has to cover for them, working even longer hours. Three strikes, and they are out, failing their probation. And punctuality is the most common reason to get those strikes.

bagoh20 said...

If I need a job, it's immoral for the state to tell me I can't negotiate for any wage I want. I may have no skills to make me worth a higher wage, or I may want get anything I can for now, or I may want the employer to hire me no matter what, so I can impress him with my effort, discipline or attitude, and then negotiate for higher pay when he knows I'm worth it. A mandatory minimum takes away my negotiating ability, and the higher it is the less ability I have to get that job I want.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...

"I am getting tired of hearing that Republicans represent the working class."

Nobody with any sense says that/believes that.

Anyone who does isn't paying attention.

Anyone who believes anyone believes it probably also thinks Trump supporters love "Faux News" (and still wedges that cutesy phrase into outraged screeds in reddit).

Google "uniparty." Try and keep up. You're operating on moldy Intel. "Trump" and "Republican party" are not interchangeable. Re-listen to the interview with this adjustment.

bagoh20 said...

In 1983, I got a job with startup for $7/hr, which was above minimum, because I had some skill and some education, but it was still a low wage (which, yes I lived on without help). After a couple weeks, I decided I liked the work, and believed the company could grow to be something. So, I asked my boss to let me work FOR FREE after my 8 hours was done and on weekends when I wanted. It was illegal, but he agreed. Eventually we did grow that company to an "INC 500" multi-year winner. I eventually became President and later bought the company from my boss. I got rich, and gifted the company to some key employees. We hired, trained and employed over 2000 people through 40 years. If my boss followed the law, and resisted his "greed", it never would have happened. I always had the freedom to quit.

cfkane1701 said...

It's not that the working class thinks the Republicans or Donald Trump represents them, it's that the Republicans and Donald Trump are the ones the working class identifies with.

Most conservatives know the the Republicans in Washington have mostly been corrupted by the process of government and by the ridiculous perks of being an elected official, but at least they still love the country. At least they still make the right noises about lower taxes and smaller government. At least they still seem like the regular human beings they were when they got elected. The GOP Establishment still loves their wars and their compromises, but people like McConnell are fading with age.

As for Donald Trump, the working class knows he sees them. Because he says he does, and he acts like he does. And he's patriotic. And he's virile.

When blue- and white-collar people look at Democrats, it's hard to even see them as Americans. They publicly hold and proclaim such utter garbage, they seem to do things completely opposed to America and normal life. There's no home in the Democratic Party for people who live on a budget, have to save for the future, want to buy a car or a house. All those Democrats have climbed up the ladder and are furiously pulling it up.

I couldn't possibly vote for a Democrat at this point. There's nothing to identify with. And while there's a lot wrong with the Republicans we have, I do identify with what they say they stand for.

It's a shame conservatives have to settle for verisimilitude instead of truth, but here we are.

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