February 23, 2024

"The kind of folks that were Tea Party in 2010 are part of the MAGA movement in 2024. We owe all this to the Tea Party."

Said Scott Huffmon, a Winthrop University polisci professor, quoted in "How Did Haley’s South Carolina Become Trump Country? Ask the Tea Party. Veterans of the conservative, grass-roots movement see the state’s presidential primary as a fight between a 'crazy uncle' and a 'snowflake niece.' They’ve made their choice" (NYT).
Mr. Trump... made few gestures toward the libertarian economics championed by the Tea Party.... Instead, he had won attention from Tea Partiers by fanning the flames of conspiracy theories about Mr. Obama’s birth certificate and the construction of an Islamic cultural center near ground zero in Lower Manhattan.

Some national Tea Party organizers had labored to keep such preoccupations on the fringes of the movement, but they remained persistent among its rank-and-file supporters and local activists.

“It was an ethnonationalist passion about a changing America,” said Theda Skocpol, a Harvard University professor of government and sociology who has studied the Tea Party movement. “And that is something that Trump ended up picking up on.”...


rhhardin said...

The Tea Party are the thugs that clean up after themselves after a rally.

Fredrick said...

"an ethnonationalist passion about a changing America"
Not to be confused with "fundamentally transforming America" by Barack Obama. Can't use 'ethnonationalist' for that. But transforming, why that must be 'great'.

Scott Gustafson said...

The tea party was about changing the way Washington works. Given the choice, Trump offers the best chance of that. It's really pretty simple.

Enigma said...

Clueless guy discovers that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Dog bites man.

Only three generations of living in a bubble will reduce anyone to foolish naïveté.

Humperdink said...

"Instead, he (Trump) had won attention from Tea Partiers by fanning the flames of conspiracy theories about Mr. Obama’s birth certificate ..."

No idiot, it was the destruction of our culture.

Kate said...

It was the bank bailout, the housing crisis, and Obamacare.

But if you're determined to see racism as the underlying system everywhere you look, you wouldn't know that.

Kevin said...

“It was an ethnonationalist passion about a changing America,” said Theda Skocpol

If she really understood it, she could describe it in plain language.

She does not understand it.

Paul said...

Well I have got to admit... I leaned toward the Tea Party back in those days... and while I don't wear a MAGA hat (I've never been a groopie) I still lean toward MAGA ideals.

And F*CK JB!!!

wendybar said...

Fanning the flames of Obamas and Hillary's birth certificate....(conspiracy!!??!)

Dave Begley said...

“It was an ethnonationalist passion about a changing America,” said Theda Skocpol, a Harvard University professor of government and sociology who has studied the Tea Party movement.”

An academic way of saying White Supremacy or Christian Nationalism.

If Tea Party was about cutting insane spending, idiotic foreign wars and foreign aid and reigning in the Deep State, I’m all for it.

Just wondering if Theda plagiarized her research and doctoral thesis.

Rafe said...


- Rafe

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Here we go with another "Conservatives in the Mist" pseudo-ethnohistoric opinion piece. Anything, any fucking thing, to avoid confronting the "how did we get here?" regarding the ruling junta being a stumbling drooling POTUS who is the best representation of what Democrats have to offer. His sly "ethnonationalist" concoction sounds a lot like a disguise for their new fave Christian Nationalism which is of course just another evolution of the term White Nationalism.

So if a whitey white Christian is the ultimate desire of these voters why didn't they just flock to the ghostly white Biden the Catholic boy instead of gravitating to the Bad Orange Man* of dubious religiosity? Could it be that the modifier nationalist is actually a perversion of their hatred for patriotism? Could it be we prefer a president who will stand up for America rather than blame it for all the ills of the world?

Nah! We need another "Conservatives in the Mist" pseudo-ethnohistoric opinion piece. Yeah. That's the ticket!

*Remember when the NAACP gave Trump a lifetime achievement award around the same time Biden was hanging with his good friends Bob Bird the KKK Grand whatever? Good times man. Gee I wonder what Google Gemini would do with a request to see that scene.

Aught Severn said...

“It was an ethnonationalist passion about a changing America,” said Theda Skocpol, a Harvard University professor of government and sociology who has studied the Tea Party movement.

Sounds like Theda's research was undertaken with a whole bunch of confirmation bias. "Ethnonationalist"?! I guess that's a more polite way to say white nationalist or white supremacist.

iowan2 said...

The portion presented in this post is academic gobbledygook. Trump did not attract 8 million voters because of Obama's birth certificate, or the Muslim center at ground zero. Talk to the 8 million voters, political dross like that would not make the top 100 factors for support. And what the hell is libertarian economics?

Maybe this Highly educated and self cloistered deep thinker should watch President Trumps townhalls. They are nothing like the view from the window presented by the New York Times. A very small and dirty, smudged window, they believe reveals the whole world to the viewer

Bright thinkers like this example, seen oblivious the nuclear bomb that went off at the Capital when 3 leaders of 3 elite Universities exposed the very best academia has to offer. This guy validates those leaders clueless concept of reality.
Self awareness is not in their tool box of life skills

Mr Wibble said...

The Tea Party was the polite request. Trump was the less polite request. It does not get any more polite if the political establishment ignores Trump.

Freeman Hunt said...


Rusty said...

Jesus. They always concentrate on the wrong things. Obama's birth citificate came from Hillay's campaign and nobody believed it. Everyone with a brain knew Hillary was corrupt as hell. Just look what she did to the White House travel office.
No wonder the left is going over old talking points,(Smirnovf). Trump is winning the culture war.

boatbuilder said...

It is curious that all of those lunatics who can only focus on things like Obama's birth certificate and the Islamic trophy at the World Trade Center site somehow have become the strongest force in American politics. While the brilliant intellectuals promoting open borders, unbridled government spending, energy suicide and endless wars somehow can't gain any traction with these people.

It's a mystery.

Oso Negro said...

I suppose it would stand in opposition to legions of swarthy foreigners buggering sexually mutilated children, then sitting down to a meal of bug food under flickering wind powered lights.

Big Mike said...

“We owe all this to the Tea Party."

Almost correct. You owe it all to the response to the Tea Party, which was to mock it (“Tea Baggers”), suppress it, and ignore its polite requests. These days “polite requests” have become demands. Keep ignoring them at your peril.

Saint Croix said...

Trump won because of the swamp, the administrative state, and a belief by many that the Republican party is compromised and part of the problem.

Republicans are constantly nominating "outsiders" who are going to clean up that mess in Washington. That's what Ronald Reagan was. During my whole life, the Republican primary has been a fight between right-wingers, a.k.a. "outsiders," and moderate Republicans who have been in D.C. forever and are status quo.

Right-Wing Outsiders Who Will Clean Up That Mess in Washington

Barry Goldwater
Ronald Reagan
George W. Bush
Sarah Palin
Donald Trump

Moderate Republicans Who Are Status Quo

Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
George Bush
John McCain
Mitt Romney

The Tea Party and the Republican base have rallied around Trump because the government is doing sketchy, shady, dark and ugly things to him. Trump has captured the right because the attacks on him are so dishonest and awful. And it reminds us all how dangerous a government can be. (Particularly an unelected one).

gspencer said...

". . . said Theda Skocpol, a Harvard University professor of government and sociology who has studied the Tea Party movement."

Not much of a researcher. Not a mention of the John Birch Society which is still going strong.

James K said...

Skocpol is an avowed Marxist, needless to say. But when you prefer not to address the actual concerns of your political adversaries, tar them with sinister motives.

Caroline said...

I’m sorry, but did t Obama claim to be born in Kenya in his Hagiography?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If it is true that Theda "studied the Tea Party movement" then I question whether she actually authored her own thesis to become a perfesser, because she* still has no clue what the Tea Party advocated for and against. I doubt she could even decode the phrase "taxed enough already." Now I wonder what her take on the original Boston Tea Party would be, but only in mild sense of "gee I wonder what sound that bug would make if it was stomped on" type of curiosity, not like, you know, intellectual curiosity.

*Upon further thought I may have misgendered Theda an hour ago, or may be doing it now. Tough shit. I don't care.

pacwest said...

The Tea Party was the polite request. Trump was the less polite request. It does not get any more polite if the political establishment ignores Trump.

That's the polite way to put it.

chuck said...

Harvard, where all academics are below average.

RMc said...

“It was an ethnonationalist passion about a changing America,” said Theda Skocpol

If she really understood it, she could describe it in plain language.

For the Theda Skocpols of the world, that is plain language.

chuck said...

Harvard, where all academics are below average.

Christopher B said...

When you treat people like an ethnic or religious voting bloc, don't be surprised when they start to act like one.

Mike Sylwester said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Language matters. The weird ever-evolving way progressive pseudointellectuals abuse and torture language to code/decode things is disgusting. This person pretends to study people who were using plain obvious language, yet renders the intentions in creepy gobbledygook to give it an evil sounding veneer.

Could she not turn her academic prowess to better uses, perhaps analyzing the recent speech of our current ambassador to the UN who used the obvious and intentionally loaded with significance phrase "final solution" on Monday to describe the Biden admin's plans to hamstring Israel with a ceasefire demand. Those who see "ethnonationalism" in the Tea Party's anodyne request for lower taxes and fewer bank bailouts just can't bring themselves to turn their decoder rings on the huge Nazi symbolism of the clumsy but obviously evil Biden admin. Steven Hayward of the Hoover Institute demonstrates how to take a more intellectual approach to discussing motives at the link. Perfesser Theda could learn a bit about clear writing from Hayward.

RNB said...

"...a Harvard University professor of government and sociology who has studied the Tea Party movement." Like Jane Goodall studied chimpazees. Or Margaret Mead studied the sex lives of Samoan teenage girls.

Amadeus 48 said...

No mention of the IRS sitting on the Tea Party entities paperwork until after the 2012 election, I suppose.

We are not sending our best to either the NYT or Harvard.

mikee said...

I remember when the Tea Party started on CNBC with Rick Santelli.

It wasn't about a changing America. It was about government fiscal idiocy, corporate cupidity and the corruption of both.

Leland said...

George W Bush was a far better President than Al Gore or John Kerry ever would have been, but he wasn't what I would call an Outsider nor were relations friendly between the TEA Party conservatives and Karl Rove's GOP.

Oligonicella said...

Academics, especially polysci - or any socio - can't see past their own bias. Their entire careers are spent affirming themselves from a position of self-assigned authority in front of groups who dare not argue. Why would they look further than their own knee-jerk initial thoughts?

Anyone who lends credence to an opinion piece is an idiot.

Aggie said...

Fanning the flames of conspiracy with ethnonationalist passion ! Was there any 'touting' going on? And 'garnering', was there any 'garnering' ? How about 'pouncing' ??

Big Mike said...

Just wondering if Theda plagiarized her research and doctoral thesis.

Probably made up fake data to support her biases, same as Claudine Gay did. More and more we are learning that modern researchers are “adjusting” their data to better support their hypotheses, and that’s when they aren’t just making the data up.

Robert Cook said...

"The tea party was about changing the way Washington works. Given the choice, Trump offers the best chance of that. It's really pretty simple."

Hahahaha! Trump offers no chance of changing the way Washington works.

Oligonicella said...

According to a study by the University of California in Berkeley ... automated tweeting alone by thousands of bots added 3.2 percentage points to Trump's vote in the US presidential race.

That is a pant load pulled out of an ass and promoted by other asses. There's no way you can derive such accurate stats from subjectively points.

AMDG said...

Blogger Scott Gustafson said...
The tea party was about changing the way Washington works. Given the choice, Trump offers the best chance of that. It's really pretty simple.

2/23/24, 5:50 AM


Trump already showed that he is incapable of achieving that.

The major difference between the Tea Party and MAGA is that the Tea Party was focused on issues. MAGA (which actually is a minority of Republican voters) is focused on a single personality.

If MAGA was really interested in fixing Washington they would have moved on from Trump long ago. It is hard to to fix a problem when you keep losing elections.

Let’s put together a roster of the MAGA all stars. It is a freak show worthy of the bar scene in “Star Wars”:

Kari Lake

Really??? These are the people that are going to deliver us from the deep state?

Butkus51 said...

Scott Huffman is not good at what he does.

Aggie said...

@Mike Sylvester, I was curious about your post. Does it reference this article:


In the course of writing two books on Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, the same question occurred to me again and again: How is it possible that I knew all sorts of stuff about Donald Trump, and the FBI didn’t seem to have a clue? Or if they did, why weren’t they doing anything with it?...

Yes... how is it possible? Is Unger a credible source? My reading of more recent work by recognized journalists is that the Russia Collusion story was a whole-cloth creation of the Clinton campaign, that was taken up and leveraged by the FBI / intelligence services to mount an attack on Trump that lasted through his Presidency.

'Craig Unger is the author of five books on the Republican Party’s assault on democracy, including, most recently, NYT bestsellers House of Trump, House of Putin, and American Kompromat, which has just been published in paperback.

AMDG said...

Blogger Saint Croix said...
Trump won because of the swamp, the administrative state, and a belief by many that the Republican party is compromised and part of the problem.

Republicans are constantly nominating "outsiders" who are going to clean up that mess in Washington. That's what Ronald Reagan was. During my whole life, the Republican primary has been a fight between right-wingers, a.k.a. "outsiders," and moderate Republicans who have been in D.C. forever and are status quo.

Right-Wing Outsiders Who Will Clean Up That Mess in Washington

Barry Goldwater
Ronald Reagan
George W. Bush
Sarah Palin
Donald Trump

2/23/24, 7:19 AM


Here is the difference. Goldwater, Reagan, Bush, and Palin (when she came on the scene before she was afflicted with Trump Sycophancy Syndrome) all believed in a cause greater than themselves. Trump’s only cause is Trump.

Rit said...

The Republican party was just as assiduous and relentless in undermining and destroying the Tea Party movement as any of the so-called leftist organizations that were doing the same. And then they profess their wonderment and dismay about where Trump came from and why he gets so much support.

Money Manger said...

Progressive NYT reporter Charles Homans dreams up story idea, gets it approved by his editor and writes basic outline. He then flips through his digital Rolodex to find obscure Progressive academics to provide validating quotes.

Dave Begley said...

Mr Wibble, "The Tea Party was the polite request. Trump was the less polite request. It does not get any more polite if the political establishment ignores Trump."

Agree. And if the Left jails Trump, I expect his backers to break him out of jail and burn the jail down. And burn down K St. And maybe the White House. Our Bastille moment.

In my French Revolution class at Creighton, the prof said the veneer of civilization is thin. We've seen that many times in other countries since 1979. We've been exempt until now. But jailing Trump could be the tipping point.

The Left has gone too far with its push to jail and bankrupt Trump.

William said...

I attended TWO South Carolina Tea Party conventions, and Trump spoke at both. I met him at both, one time in an elevator. Chatted like people do in elevator. GENUINE. What you see is what you get. Loves our country.

The Harvard b_itch didn't interview me. Duh!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left belittled the tea-party from the get-go. F the corrupt left. The left do nothing but lie and smear.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"...a Harvard University professor of government and sociology who has studied the Tea Party movement." Like Jane Goodall studied chimpazees. Or Margaret Mead studied the sex lives of Samoan teenage girls.

If only. Those famous women scientists actually lived with and observed first-hand what their subjects did for years before trying to interpret it all. Do you really think Theda ever hung out with Tea Partiers? Even once? Salena Zito is more of a serious scientist than Theda. At least Salena spoke face-to-face with a bunch of Trump voters in several states. I doubt Theda ever left Cambridge to "study" the Tea Party and if she did, it was to go to DC and ask Obama his opinion of us.

It still amazes me that Alexis De Tocqueville had a better grasp at what makes Americans tick from his travels a here a century-and-a-half ago than all the Harvard intellectuals put together from 1950 to now.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump’s only cause is Trump.

If so then why expend so much energy trying to destroy him?

Wince said...

Trump's mistake was making the document issue about Obama's birth certificate rather than his Harvard Law School application, where Obama did have the opportunity to lie about his national origin.

Narayanan said...

Dave Begley said...
... And maybe the White House. Our Bastille moment.
I never looked it up but had heard tell that Bastille was empty at that moment in France?

can anyone confirm?/fact check me!

Narayanan said...

The confrontation between the commoners and the Ancien Régime ultimately led to the people of Paris storming the Bastille on 14 July 1789, following several days of disturbances. At this point, the prison was nearly empty, with only seven inmates: four counterfeiters, two madmen, and a young aristocrat who had displeased his father.

iowan2 said...

Right now, there are a dozen commenters already, more intelligent, thoughtful, factual and incitefull then what ever you call this piece by Theda Skocpols. Granted, the comment section of Althouse Blog, offer Phd level conversation everyday, there are not the many doctorates represented. Point being, a great cross section of commenters on a blog are infinitely more informed than a professor from an elite University.

hombre said...

"Ethnonationalist." What nonsense. A made up word for a made up concept intended to denigrate a movement opposing the leftist template. The Tea Party was about Economics, the Constitution and big government. It was destroy by criminals in Obama's IRS.

I've been reading comments on Yahoo News. These nutbags sound like Prof. Scocpol in the sense that they too are delusional about the other side. No issue can be discussed without vitriolic references to TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, MAGA, MAGA, MAGA. They are woefully ignorant about important issues. The leftmediaswine are the culprits. Everything is about Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the perps who shot and killed one innocent person, and injured many - at the big Super bowl parade in Kansas city MO - all black.

Wonder why we hear nothing about it? or right - the narrative isn't correct.

If the perps were MAGA! or anyone white for that matter- it would be wall to wall non stop D-hack Soviet press moaning.

rehajm said...

If so then why expend so much energy trying to destroy him?

Having lived amongst lefties elite and riff raff for decades my studies show unequivocally lefties have an insatiable need to display their contempt toward people they think are not like them. Public rituals like inventing the most creative insults bond the tribe but there is also the necessity to loathe sitting alone in your kitchen eating (three) day old takeout….

iowan2 said...

The major difference between the Tea Party and MAGA is that the Tea Party was focused on issues. MAGA (which actually is a minority of Republican voters) is focused on a single personality.

You're as ill informed as Theda

Narayanan said...

Wince said...
Trump's mistake was making the document issue about Obama's birth certificate rather than his Harvard Law School application, where Obama did have the opportunity to lie about his national origin.
would not Harvard require Obama to back up claim about non-US national origin with document from Columbia [who are still not releasing data about him]

my Q has always been
?did Obama 'putatively' 'constructively' etc renounce US citizenship?
?also is language in Constitution prohibit this fact cluster qualifying/validating his candidacy

- even if he did renounce US citizenship
- since he was factually US born and
- lived X years etc and
- 35+ years old etc.

JK Brown said...

What conspiracy? about the Muslim Community Center in Lower Manhattan?

Do a search on the term and the NY Times is the top result with a page of links to their stories. The latest being an emotional piece on Sep 11, 2021 "Painful memory for Muslims: Outrage over a proposed Islamic center in Manhattan."


Do NY Times writers know how to search their own paper's archives? Using a search engine?

rehajm said...

"an ethnonationalist passion about a changing America"
Not to be confused with "fundamentally transforming America" by Barack Obama. Can't use 'ethnonationalist' for that. But transforming, why that must be 'great'.


hombre said...

AMDG: "Trump's only cause is Trump." This is, of course, nonsense. Trump's egotism is always on display and lefties prefer to focus on that instead of his accomplishments.

And wait, AMDG! George W. Bush a right wing outsider? Really? LOL!

Narayanan said...

hombre said...
"Ethnonationalist." What nonsense.
in other news their hero Navalny is one.
but glorified as
Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny was a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner.

EdwdLny said...

"The Tea Party was the polite request......" True. In that politeness and civility are no longer due the left, 400,000,000 is a much, much less polite demand. A deserved demand.

rcocean said...

Every NYT's article on Trump has to include several lies, half-truths, exaggeration, and insults. Get Trump is their only consistent message.

If Trump asked questions about whether Obama's birth place, then that's a Conspiracy theory and so important it has be included in a NYT's article 10 years after it happened!

Biden and Hillary are STILL pushing "Conspiracy theories" without evidence that Putin interfered with the 2016 election to help Trump, and that Trump is "colluding with Putin", or that Trump is a Nazi, or that Trump "is an insurrectionist" who "Lied about the election being stolen".

As for the libertarian Tea party crowd, Obama had the IRS deny them non-profit status, Democrat congressmen falsely accused them of being racists, and the FBI and DHS spied on them. Their "we're only interested in economics/spending" didn't protect them. Threaten the establishment for any reason and they will attack you. McConnell and Ryan actually approved of using IRS to cripple the tea-party. Just like Coryn in Texas approved the impeachment of Paxson the AG.

hombre said...

AMDG channeling Chuck (LLR): "If MAGA was really interested in fixing Washington they would have moved on from Trump long ago."

Trump as demigod is a creature of the leftmedia. They went all in on him long ago assuming he was easy meat. They are still all in on him, belittling his strongest opponent, DeSantis, and puffing his weakest, Haley.

The mediaswine and the Dems have made it impossible for anyone else to emerge. With their lawfare and overwhelmingly negative media coverage they have preyed on decent Americans commitment to fairplay to stimulate support for Trump.

The tragedy is that decent Americans may no longer be a majority.

Dude1394 said...

President Donald J. Trump won over the tea party because he loves america and recognizes the absolute BULL**** that has been vomited by the eGOP for decades. And MCCONNELL IS STILL THERE.

Iman said...

Where would we be without the Theda “Moose” Skowrons of the Fifth Column!?!?

Rusty said...

"The major difference between the Tea Party and MAGA is that the Tea Party was focused on issues. MAGA (which actually is a minority of Republican voters) is focused on a single personality."
They are not getting it on purpose now.

Robert Cook said...

"In my French Revolution class at Creighton, the prof said the veneer of civilization is thin. We've seen that many times in other countries since 1979. We've been exempt until now. But jailing Trump could be the tipping point."

So could giving him the White House again.

Humperdink said...

Robert Cook mysteriously stated the following: "Hahahaha! Trump offers no chance of changing the way Washington works."

If that is true, why are the people in power in Washington trying to destroy him? One would think they would pay him lip service and embrace him behind the scenes.

FullMoon said...

No mention of leftists attacking the tea party rallies? Did the same at pro Trump rallies here in California.
Tensions surrounded the Fort Lauderdale protest even before it began. A Florida chapter of ANSWER sent out an e-mail in the days leading up to the event, saying the Tea Partiers were racists:

“Racism is like anything else in this world: in order to make it fall, you must smash it!” the e-mail notice read. “That is why we are calling on all people to come out tomorrow, to organize a militant confrontation with the so-called ‘tea baggers.’ Beating back these forces will require us to organize together, take the streets, fight the racists wherever they show their faces, and drive them out of every community.”

To be sure, most of the hundreds of Tea Party protests held this year have been populated by peaceful, middle-age, middle-class people indulging their inner John Hancock – not radicals out to pick a fight.

“Bad Genes” said...

Tea Party deficit outrage was a symbolic protest against the burden of taxation for Democratic social programs (such as the ACA) and never directed against Republican tax cuts. The more fundamental issue was who benefited from government largesse: "us" or "them."

The Tea/Trump Party is/was/always will be a nativist coalition of angry, disaffected, mostly whites who resent a multicultural, corporatized nation. The timidity of the Democratic Party to some extent enabled this, with its inadequate industrial and trade policies, and its Wall-Street friendly orientation.

Many Tea Party/Trumpers — farmers facing corporate agriculture, small-town businesses facing corporate retailers, (most recently) union workers facing industrial corporations — have real economic grievances. Economic nationalism (now vis-a-vis China), rising immigration, and racism (stimulated by the Obama presidency) have deepened and broadened this more recent Trump version of old grievances.

The Tea Party and Trump's success has resolved none of these problems. In fact, it has worsened them. But there exists an amazing capacity to self-deceive when you feel empowered by a bully and a charlatan who mirrors your own anger.

But the most remarkable thing about modern day deficit politics is that Republicans, despite the record breaking deficits of Reagan, Bush and Trump have successfully branded Democrats as the party of deficits.

AMDG said...

Blogger iowan2 said...
The major difference between the Tea Party and MAGA is that the Tea Party was focused on issues. MAGA (which actually is a minority of Republican voters) is focused on a single personality.

You're as ill informed as Theda

2/23/24, 9:57 AM


What are the issues that Trump is more capable of delivering on than any other person?

Does it concern you that the RNC is being converted into a way to funnel funds to Trump’s lawyers instead of its primary function, which is to get Republicans elected?

D.D. Driver said...

I remember when the Tea Party started on CNBC with Rick Santelli.

It wasn't about a changing America. It was about government fiscal idiocy, corporate cupidity and the corruption of both.

Exactly. The Tea Party was opposed to spending and bailouts. Trump loves spending and bailouts. I don't see the connection.

I always thought Trump's precursors were Perot and Pat Buchannan.

Joe Smith said...

And we saw what the IRS did to the Tea Party.

Paging Lois Lerner...

Freeman Hunt said...

These groups are not the same. There may be some people in both, but the groups are very different. The Tea Party is about fiscal conservatism. MAGA is not.

Michael K said...

The NY Times can certainly be trusted for an objective report on the TEA parties.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah the progressives, liberals and other lefties. They are always making up new strawmen (the dreaded "ethnonationalist conspiracy groups") to beat on.

But when they build those strawmen, they go to the race track stables to get their straw. And then they build a strawman out of that straw. I've noticed that their beating usually involves a lot of horse manure. (And yes I'm using approved Bess Trumanism who worked hard in her marriage to Harry to get him to use the word "manure").

I was a Tea Party guy back in the day--but hewed only to the "taxed enough already" part of the group. Of course my Congress critter was Adam B Schiff and I lived in a district showered with more Schiff than I could stand. Now he's likely to unload on all of California.

Rabel said...

"Instead, he (Trump) had won attention from Tea Partiers by fanning the flames of conspiracy theories about Mr. Obama’s birth certificate ..."

Pardon me, but bull-fucking-shit.

And if I've ever see a politician bought out it's Nikki Haley.

Go away, so the media can quit using you to damage Trump, his supporters and this country.

Rusty said...

Rich proclaimed,
"The Tea/Trump Party is/was/always will be a nativist coalition of angry, disaffected, mostly whites who resent a multicultural, corporatized nation. The timidity of the Democratic Party to some extent enabled this, with its inadequate industrial and trade policies, and its Wall-Street friendly orientation."
Aw, Jesus. Nevermind.

Ficta said...


JFC, what an idiot. The one person I know personally who was a Tea Party member (went to marches, bought bumper stickers) is a second generation Indian American. (And the one person I know who went to a "Stop the Steal" march is a Chinese immigrant). Anything to avoid engaging with the real issues, no, it's always RACIST, RACIST, RACIST! It's tedious and adolescent.

rcocean said...

Freeman Hunt is correct. Tea Party and MAGA are different. Corker, Jeff Flake and Paul Ryan were tea party. The Guy from Colorado, Buck, who constantly sides with the D's and is retiring was Tea party. The guy from Michagan Congressional delegation who voted to impeach Trump was tea party. Amash was his name. I think Ben Sasse was tea party.

Lots of DC "Tea party" types were liberal democrats who liked big business and low taxes. They didn't accomplish much except help the Democrats.

Mike Sylwester said...

Mr. Trump ... won attention from Tea Partiers by fanning the flames of conspiracy theories about Mr. Obama’s birth certificate and the construction of an Islamic cultural center near ground zero in Lower Manhattan.

Yesterday I finished reading a book by Craig Unger, titled House of Trump, House of Putin --- The Untold Story of Donald Trump and Russian Mafia, published in 2018. Let's discuss Unger's conspiracy theory.

Unger quotes approvingly the following excerpt from the debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton on October 19, 2016.


Putin would rather have a puppet as President of the United States.

You're the puppet!

It's pretty clear that you won't admit that the Russians have engaged in cyber-attacks against the United States of America, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the Putin line, to sign up for his wish list, to break up NATO, to do whatever he wants to do, and that you continue to get help from him, because he has a very clear favorite in this race.

I think this is an unprecedented situation. We've never had a foreign government trying to interfere in our election. We have 17 intelligence agencies -- civilian and military -- who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber-attacks come from the highest levels of the Kremlin and that they are designed to influence our elections. I find that deeply disturbing. ...

[end quote]

Mike Sylwester said...

A few pages further, Unger continues his election story as follows:


On October 27, polls were showing her with a reasonably comfortable margin of six to nine points over Trump But Clinton later said, "Our analysis is that [FBI Director James] Comey's letter raising doubts, which were baseless, stopped our momentum."

To complicate matters further, on October 31, just nine days before the election, a New York Times headline -- "Investigating Donald Trump, FBI Sees No Clear Link to Russia -- seemed to exculpate Trump entirely when, in fact, the investigations were just beginning.

But the electorate didn't know that. Voters only knew that Hillary was being in the press, and Donald Trump always seemed to skate free The polls tightened By November 3, that 7 percent margin had closed to less than 3 percent.

In the closing weeks before the election, Trump used Russia-backed WikiLeaks as a battering ram against Hillary, day after day. ...

On November 8, Election Day, Russian hackers targeted election systems in at least 21 states, mostly in the form of "assaults on the vast back-end election apparatus -- voter-registration operations, state and local election databases, e-poll books and other equipment."

Initially, the impact of these attacks was unclear. Typical of these complaints, according to an election-monitoring group called Election Protect in Durham, North Carolina, were being told they were ineligible to vote, even when they displayed valid registration cards. Others were sent from one polling station to another, only to be rejected again, or were told incorrectly that they had already voted.

... VR Systems, which provided information about voting via e-books for Durham, had been hacked by Russians. Without VR's information, which is used to verify voters' eligibility, voters would be unable to cast ballots at all. ...

By 8:22, things still looked gook for Clinton. As the votes rolled in, The New York Times tweeted that Hillary had an 82% chance of winning.

But suddenly, the narrative changed. ...

In some ways, it seemed that everything had come together better than Putin could possibly have dreamed: three decades earlier ... the Russian Mafia's compromising of Trump had begun by possibly using Trump real estate to launder their [the Russian Mafia's] money. They had bailed out Trump when he was bankrupt. They had ensnared him with some form of kompromat .... They had ensured that he was beholden to Russia's money, and its power. ....

According to a study by the University of California in Berkeley ... automated tweeting alone by thousands of bots added 3.2 percentage points to Trump's vote in the US presidential race.

Given Trump's narrow victory ... it is more than likely that the Russian interference made the difference.

[end quote]

Howard said...

You guys only have eyes for Donald's teabags. Careful, don't choke.

Joe Smith said...

'You guys only have eyes for Donald's teabags. Careful, don't choke.'

Love the gay slur from an enlightened, tolerant liberal.

If you hate gay men just come out and say it.

iowan2 said...

What are the issues that Trump is more capable of delivering on than any other person?

Because your history knowledge only goes back 5 days, does not mean the rest of us are so ignorant.

All you have to do is look at what Trump worked on.
Peace. No new foreign military excursions, the highly successful Abraham accords, spreading peace across he middle east. A factor in the Hamas terrorists attack on the women and children of Israel.
Trade... redoing traded deals that gave away the US trade advantage to subsidize other nations, China being the worst offender. Trump understood china needs the customers of the of the United States way more than the United States needs the slave labor of China.
Economy. Obama inherited a recession. The laws of economics tell us the deeper the recession the steeper the recovery. But ,like FDR prolonged the pain of the people to greatly expand the federal govt. Trump junked all that and got an immediate bump. Something the laws of economics says should not have happened after 8 years.

There any many more, some smaller, but still important.

This is off the top of my head stuff. 10 minutes of google to jog my memory and can triple this

That your ignorant of what happened 7 years ago sums up your confusion.

Mike Sylwester said...

he had won attention from Tea Partiers by fanning the flames of conspiracy theories about Mr. Obama’s birth certificate

I never thought that issue of Barack Obama's birth involved a conspiracy. Rather, the issue was simply that he should prove that he was a natural-born citizen in accordance with the US Constitution.

If the long-form certificate had been displayed promptly, the controversy would not have developed.

Discussions about the definition of the expression "natural-born citizen" were valid and proper.

Amadeus 48 said...

Hi Howard. You remain as vulgar as always, I see. Some old, tired jokes are not worth repeating. Be neither a boor nor a bore.

narciso said...

Is that legit as the georgia tech put up job

Btw they burned smirnov on everyone of his attempts to recruite russian assets

Iman said...

Howard and the other Dancing Raisins will be right back…

Tina Trent said...

Theda Scopal's book is idiotic, hateful, and racist.

And nobody needs an academician to understand the connection between the TEA Party and MAGA. Except, maybe,academicians.

But Trump was initially a very hard sell to TEA Party members. The Kochs were pushing their open borders bagboy Marco! The Christian Right wanted Cruz. Of course, this is all too complicated for someone like Theda to comprehend.

Mea Sententia said...

The article portrays the Tea Party as angry white racists who have now migrated over to Trump. If the NYTimes were my sole rule of truth, I'd view them that way too.

Rusty said...

D.D. Driver
"I always thought ......................"
"There you go. Workin' without tools again."
That's the troule,D.D.. You don't.

Jupiter said...

... said Theda Skocpol, a Harvard University professor of grinding America into the dirt.

Christopher B said...

Amadeus 48 said...
Hi Howard. You remain as vulgar as always, I see. Some old, tired jokes are not worth repeating. Be neither a boor nor a bore.

Don't be too harsh. Howie's howitzer is of very small caliber. Might be called a peashooter.

Mike Sylwester said...

Aggie at 8:49 AM
@Mike Sylvester, I was curious about your post. Does it reference this article:

Aggie, see today's Sunrise article in this blog.

wildswan said...

This sociology professor does not discuss in her work anywhere the impact of the selling of the US manufacturing base in the Nineties to China or the impact of the restrictions on oil and gas causing expensive energy and impoverishing whole sectors of society. No one can understand Trump who does not realize that he picked up on those issues, that he called for rebuilding US manufacturing, for cheap energy and for better trade deals with China and others. How can a sociologist ignore such a massive social change? and call the response to it "ethnonationalism?" But it's a blindness typical of the whole profession. The academy sided with the elites who benefitted from the selling of America and no one gets in the academy any more who isn't committed to defending the elites by trashing regular Americans.

“Bad Genes” said...

The political movement is towards the center, a regression towards normal. It will not require too much regression towards the center to leave the Republican party stranded on the far shore. Only the small state advantage even leaves the Republicans in the game.

Kirk Parker said...

"Haley’s South Carolina"???


Rusty said...

OK. That's good.

Michael McNeil said...

It still amazes me that Alexis De Tocqueville had a better grasp at what makes Americans tick from his travels a here a century-and-a-half ago than all the Harvard intellectuals put together from 1950 to now.

I agree – but please note that Tocqueville's momentous visit to America began in July 1831 – which is very nearly 2 centuries (192 years) ago.

Tina Trent said...

"Conservatives in the Mist"

Very funny, MJB.

I very much respect Freeman Hunt, but the TEA Party began as an inchoate but primarily populist movement, with its main platform harkening back to Eagle Forum and John Birch Society groups who made up the core of older members advocating for American renewal through strong families, patriotism, and community ethics. Certain libertarians -- particularly the Koch foundations but also small grifters like Jenny Beth Martin tried to astroturf the groups away from populism and border issues to pure libertarian economic cant. Over time, their meddling (and AFP's thuggish Ken Dolls delivering threats of lawsuits) destroyed many productive groups. People who wanted to focus on issues actually affecting them (like the many legal Mexican TEA Partiers in Florida losing construction work and community safety to illegal workers and gangsters) just stopped engaging. The TEA Party came first. Freedomworks, AFP, and other Conservative Inc. thugs broke it. Trump reunited the little people and foregrounded the populism again.

I never ran into Theda Sokopol in Washington, South Carolina, Florida, or Georgia, where I attended or spoke at hundreds of groups at the height of TEA Party meetings, but we did once eat an MSNBC tart for lunch at a conference in South Carolina. The book is an incredibly boring discharge of questionable statistics co-written by two very lazy scholars (or, likely, their research assistants). I practically had to Clockwork Orange myself to read it.