February 10, 2024

Sunrise — 7:10.



narciso said...


narciso said...


narciso said...


narciso said...

More skulduggery


narciso said...

Day ending in y

Howard said...

Pretty soon we'll see the boys in the boat

TaeJohnDo said...

Remember that video of the teacher discussing the JK Rawlings transphobia claim with a student? Looks like he got into trouble... https://youtu.be/lV8L6Qh2RZs?si=TR6F_Se5YDYLfPVp

gadfly said...

narciso said...


"They could have built rent-free apartments for homeless American veterans. But of course, they didn’t."

We are talking about Maine where self-sufficiency is the name of the game among natives. Migrant asylum seekers generally end up in the Portland metro area which has 40% of the state's population. Homeless shelters are provided for about 3,300 among 1,400,000 Mainers (a quarter of one percent).

gadfly said...

Howard said...
Pretty soon we'll see the boys in the boat

Perhaps you will see the movie. Go to the first showing and say "hello" to George Clooney for those of us who don't live in the Apple State.

gadfly said...

"Russiagate" was not a hoax, narciso. Google it. So that means that @HansMahncke is making things up.

gadfly said...

Saturday Trump attacked Nikki Haley in Conway, SC to mock the absence of her husband, who is deployed overseas.

“Where’s her husband? Oh, he’s away. . . . What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone,” Trump said at his rally.

So where is Melania? Melania Trump has not returned to the campaign trail despite promises from her husband that she will be back soon - but not during this campaign to date.

And for that manner, Ivanka Trump has not appeared with Donald except in court during the New York fraud case where she had to testify.

Big Mike said...

You know, I’m starting to think that gadfly maybe — just maybe — doesn’t much like Donald Trump and his supporters. It’s just an impression I have.

Of course, if that does turn out to be true than it suggests (1) that he’s an elitist, who doesn’t give a damn about people who work for a living, and (2) that he’s probably part of the Democrat graft and corruption.

wendybar said...

gadfly still believes the Russian Hoax. How much is Hillary paying YOU gad?? No wonder why you are so upset. You are a useful idiot for the Progressive propagandists.

Leland said...

The Russian Hoax is properly named because it is a hoax.

Dave Begley said...

Trump makes idiotic comments about NATO. Dems pounce!

Drago said...

Yossi Gestetner on X:


You guys are idiots yet think you are oh so sophisticated."

Solid observation.

tim in vermont said...

Russiagate was indeed a hoax. Whatever trifling evidence you can find that Russia somehow interfered in our elections, the evidence that Ukraine interfered is direct and plain for any to see who wants to see it.

I am beginning though, to approve of this war. It's a cheap way for the US to use Russians to kill nazis. Unfortunately, the leadership in Kiev is throwing innocent Ukrainians to the front lines to protect their execrable regime. But Ukrainian demographics have been gut shot by this war. They know it. They won't draft men under 27 because of this, but it's already too late. The regime in Kiev is afraid of their own people though, and is afraid to enact a new draft mobilization law due to the risk of public demonstrations on the scale of those which enabled the coup that started this whole civil war.

The war is over, but like in scenes depicted by the movie, The Final Days, the leadership is making more and more decisions destructive to their own country, in a futile effort to stave off the inevitable, out of fear for their own miserable skins.

On the good side, they got rid of their nazi general, finally, but the new general has very close ties to Russia, and it seems like he is doing his part to maximize the benefits of Russia's attrition strategy by throwing away lives and armor in pointless efforts to defend the undefendable. Given the way he has conducted the war, he might be a plant, but he is simply following Zelensky's orders, maybe it's a case of "malicious obedience."

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

A defendant who has a penchant for mixing up events, or for putting events in the correct context by wrong order, but testifying to them with certainty, is subject to being impeached on cross-exam with the factual contradictions and inconsistencies. That defendant then appears to have lied under oath.

As a result, the defense attorney is playing with fire by putting the defendant on the stand to testify on his own behalf.

While a prosecutor I asked for an exam of one defendant, and he was declared incompetent on this basis. As a defense attorney I asked for a client to be examined, and he was declared incompetent on this basis.

As a prosecutor you do it in order to avoid the wasting of time and resources on a case that will get reversed on appeal if the defendant is incompetent to stand trial.

Rusty said...

Anybody else notice that women who shoot are way hotter than than gun control hags? I watched ISSF international womens trap and skeet. Oh boy!

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump says Russia can do what it wants to Nato allies who pay too little. Maybe Europe should sell US Treasuries, all at once. That might get some attention.

rhhardin said...

Symbolic romantic encounter Nerd and girlfriend

Modern airplanes represent women's needs in lovemaking, and to the woman represents financial stability, but I predict it won't last. The airplane is much more interesting to the nerd once you compare them and he'll realize it in time to avoid catastrophe.

gadfly said...

If you go down to the Strip today, you had better go in disguise, for every Vegas gambler that ever there was is gathered there for certain because today's the day the SF Fortiners play the KC Swifties.

Drago said...

LLR- democratical Rich: "Trump says Russia can do what it wants to Nato allies who pay too little. Maybe Europe should sell US Treasuries, all at once. That might get some attention."

Its really rather astonishing how quickly you reached gadfly level with your transparent lies.

Lets let Konstantin Kisin, no fan of Trump, respond to this particular smear:

Konstantin Kisin on X:
"Oh great, we're in the "Don't make me defend Trump against your blatant lies" season again.

Several mainstream media outlets are angrily (or happily?) promoting the idea that he said he wouldn't defend NATO allies and would let Russia do whatever it wanted.

They're deliberately omitting the context which is that he was talking about a meeting with NATO allies in which he was encouraging them to meet their obligations to fund NATO.

Of course, in a negotiation in which you are trying to get the other parties to pay their fair share of their defence spending you would threaten to not defend them if they don't.

Trump was 100% right about the need for European countries to meet their NATO spending commitments. It is their failure to do so, not Trump, that helped to provoke Putin's invasion by signalling weakness.

Trump is human. Moreover, he is frequently wrong and makes mistakes like other humans. He should be criticised for them. But to lie about him so blatantly in a world in which we can all go and check the facts will only help him.

Stop making us defend Trump you fucking loons."


The LLR-democratical Brigade (Chuck, lonejustice and Rich) which infests Althouse blog continues to reach hilarious new "Loonish Lows" every single day!

Lows of a "quality" that are more commonly found in the comments sections of Yahoo!

Drago said...

LLR- democratical Rich: "Trump says Russia can do what it wants to Nato allies who pay too little. Maybe Europe should sell US Treasuries, all at once. That might get some attention."

Its really rather astonishing how quickly you reached gadfly level with your transparent lies.

Lets let Konstantin Kisin, no fan of Trump, respond to this particular smear:

Konstantin Kisin on X:
"Oh great, we're in the "Don't make me defend Trump against your blatant lies" season again.

Several mainstream media outlets are angrily (or happily?) promoting the idea that he said he wouldn't defend NATO allies and would let Russia do whatever it wanted.

They're deliberately omitting the context which is that he was talking about a meeting with NATO allies in which he was encouraging them to meet their obligations to fund NATO.

Of course, in a negotiation in which you are trying to get the other parties to pay their fair share of their defence spending you would threaten to not defend them if they don't.

Trump was 100% right about the need for European countries to meet their NATO spending commitments. It is their failure to do so, not Trump, that helped to provoke Putin's invasion by signalling weakness.

Trump is human. Moreover, he is frequently wrong and makes mistakes like other humans. He should be criticised for them. But to lie about him so blatantly in a world in which we can all go and check the facts will only help him.

Stop making us defend Trump you fucking loons."


The LLR-democratical Brigade (Chuck, lonejustice and Rich) which infests Althouse blog continues to reach hilarious new "Loonish Lows" every single day!

Lows of a "quality" that are more commonly found in the comments sections of Yahoo!

tim in vermont said...

An Aussie translates Putin's interview: [language warning] https://twitter.com/UniqueMongolia/status/1756663407745306703

tim in vermont said...

"Maybe Europe should sell US Treasuries, all at once."

Maybe, but Europe is a continent of cucks completely controlled by the US. But if they could stand up for themselves in that way, they could probably fund their own defense. The reason that the deep state does not even want Europe to fund its own defense, is because it's actually an occupation. Trump doesn't see the point of that, not being a guy who supports or even sees any positive value in an extensive American empire.

If Europe is afraid of Putin, they should institute a draft and fund the army they raise. But let's look at the chessboard, what would Russia gain from an occupation of Europe other than the headaches? Is the European continent rich with resources that Russia doesn't already have in abundance? No. Europe has enriched itself for centuries with overseas empires which raped the resources of Africa, India, China, and the Americas. Russia encompasses 1/6 of the land surface of the planet with a population smaller than that of the US. Russia has no reason to invade Europe. Why would it start a war that would quickly go nuclear squabbling over stuff it already has? The real motivation is for Europe to gain access to the resources of Russia and the real plan, the only plan that makes any sense, was that Europe and the US would embrangle Russia into a war that would cause the collapse of the Russian Federation, the way the USSR collapsed, and leave the remaining states, smaller and less powerful, but rich in resources, easily passed around by the US. That plan failed.

This idea that Russia, which has made it plain over and over again that it doesn't even want Western Ukraine, will instead, keep rolling beyond the headache that it already has, and roll through Europe is crazy. Only idiots believe it.

Narr said...

Shorter tim in vermont: Putin AND the Europeans are America's cucks.

Not a sparrow falls . . .

Dr Weevil said...

Russia may have "made it plain over and over again that it doesn't even want Western Ukraine" when speaking in English to gullible people who can't be bothered to find out what they really want. But anyone who looks into what Putin's pet propagandists say on state television knows that that is a lie. They openly talk about destroying Ukraine "as a nation and a culture", about occupying all of Ukraine, about restoring the Soviet Union, along with any territory that was ever part of Russia, even if it was not part of the Soviet Union, meaning Finland, Poland, and Alaska. If 'tim in vermont' had ever bothered to follow my advice and find out what Russians say in Russian, he would know that. But he prefers what Catholic theology calls "supine ignorance": that's when you don't know something because you can't be bothered to find it out. In his case it may even be "affected ignorance": that's when you go to great trouble not to inquire into something because you don't want to know the truth about the subject.

It's very easy to find out what Putin and his followers think: Kremlin Yap has retired from Twitter, but @JuliaDavisNews and @francis_scarr are still going strong, along with @WarTranslated and others. Julia Davis in particular provides subtitled tapes of Russian propaganda shows, so anyone who knows Russian can check her translations and argue in the comments.

It's also very easy to see why Russia wants Western Europe: it's where they'd rather be. For instance, top propagandist Solovyov is still whining about not being able to visit his multi-million-dollar villas on Lake Como now that he's been banned from the EU, and his draft-dodging sons live in London.

As for how they think they can "roll through Europe": they talk about their 6,000 nuclear weapons even more than 'tim in vermont' does.