February 11, 2024

Sunrise — 7:00.



MadisonMan said...

I've been watching to see if the open water areas are getting any bigger. It doesn't appear to be happening, and there is colder air on the horizon. We'll see what happens to this year's Lake Ice season.

Josephbleau said...

The world runs on cognitive dissonance. This I believe:

Joe Beiden is more than competent but still can’t be charged for having secret documents that he transferred to unauthorized people, because he didn’t understand.

Trump is an incompetent ape who should be charged for having secret docs he gave to no one, because he is an evil genius dictator.

We hate war, so we hate Trump, who did not start any wars.

51 intel geniuses said Hunter’s laptop was a fake Russian plot, they were either lying or stupid, but we will believe them next time they say anything too.

Owen said...

Stunning sky color. Are we on Mars? Titan?

The rule of Lemnity said...

This is how a fixed game goes. A lot of stupid miscues.

Iman said...

Go 9ers!!!

gilbar said...

tonight's words of wisdom..
“I wonder if there’s a more efficient way to create jobs than printing $61 billion and sending some of the weapons it buys to Ukraine.” U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Are we now expecting violence at every big national event?

Oscar's slap... the Superbowl bump?

It's a terrible trend, should it continue.

The rule of Lemnity said...

More sidelining of "the elderly man" at the White House: "White House promotes Kirby to expanded role to coordinate national security communications"

The RNC pounces: Biden looking like "an elderly man"

Mr. Forward said...

Help wanted: sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man to count the chips in a Dorito bag.

rehajm said...

Kennedy apologized to a ‘cousin’ for causing pain with the ad. What the fuck kind of fucked up chain if command demands the Jr of the guy was killed to defer to a ‘cousin’? One that has people who drag billions of dollars through northern Virginia. No telling what you’ll find….

Jersey Fled said...

Jill for President!

tim in vermont said...

"I just want everybody to know that I just looked at my portfolio, and I appreciate all of the sacrifices you working stiffs are making, sucking it up with this inflation, tightening your belts, putting off buying that first home, etc. I will be in Europe for a month this summer, hopefully Putin will not have invaded yet, and global warming has not flooded my beach house; not to worry, my man there will take care of it if it does. I will think of you as I sip my espresso on some misty summer morning on some day that promises to be hot in some sidewalk cafe next to a fantastic art museum on the banks of some storied river that probably was mentioned in Caesar's commentaries. I may even drink a toast to you from the balcony of my hotel as I take in the splendid view. And don't forget! Vote Blue no matter who!" - A Loyal Democrat Who Cares About the Little Guy

wendybar said...

Scott Adams
I updated the Hoax Quiz to add the NATO Funding Hoax, AKA the expected Summer Hoax.


Rusty said...

Sounds like Howard. Howard hates poor Americans.