February 22, 2024

Sunrise — 6:47, 6:51, 6:52, 7:09.






Josephbleau said...

Now it’s the Ukrainian flag sunset! God hates Putin!

Howard said...


Big Mike said...

@Josephbleau, wrong end of the day.

Original Mike said...

Oh, crap. New sustainable visitor and education center to transform Picnic Point, Lakeshore Nature Preserve

The Vault Dweller said...

Doesn't Madison have a local ordinance that no building can be taller than the capitol building?

Original Mike said...

"It is a massive fraud and calling it a house of cards is not fair to houses of cards, this is so obviously fake that it would require an economic illiterate person not to realize and understand this."

Like our Rich…

Will China take us all down with them?

Mason G said...

According to a post on WUWT, the EU is proposing a ban on repairing cars more than 15 years old.

It's for your own good, I'm sure.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Costco gas lines are always long lines. And they are made unnecessarily longer by people waiting at the pump for their useless receipts to print out.

Every expenditure at Costco is available via their app on the phone. Every credit card charge is available via the bank app or online.

The only reason to litter up your car with gas receipts, you are never going to use, is so that when you go to the car wash you can gum up the works by trying to suck them up an already clogged vacuum hose by the previous Costco gas member.

Climate change? Don't make laugh.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via TwitterX : REPORT: After firing investigative reporter Catherine Herridge who was investigating the Hunter Biden laptop story, CBS reportedly seized her belongings.

The network reportedly seized all of her belongings including files, computers and most importantly, information on privileged sources.

"A former CBS manager, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said that he had 'never heard of anything like this,'" said @JonathanTurley

"He attested to the fact that, in past departures, journalists took all of their files and office contents. Indeed, the company would box up everything from cups to post-its for departing reporters."

"He said the holding of the material was “outrageous” and clearly endangered confidential sources."

The rule of Lemnity said...

@Cernovich · 3h: "We’re believing it was solar flares, huh?"

The rule of Lemnity said...

Do the cell phone outage and Katherine Herridge firing have anything to do with Hunter Biden?

The rule of Lemnity said...

YouTube Matt Orfalea: Biden Repeatedly Confuses Ukraine & Russia & Iraq

wendybar said...

It's great to be the QUEEN of Insider Trading.

"In just the span of 92 short days, Pelosi made ten years' worth of salary through her investment in NVIDIA (NVDA).

Her NVIDIA stock investment soared to a profit of about $1,800,000. Compare that to her annual salary of $175,000 as a political monster."


Howard said...

Good morning!!! Zero dark thirty is so quiet and solitaire. The coffee is richer and stronger, not bitter. The Warriors beat the Lakers, but LeBron was out. Winter seems to be winding down in New England. We're getting a cold blast after some rain. It seems like it took the ponds extra time this season to get really solid. Going ice fishing in New Hampshire for the first time on Sunday. Live Free or Die trying.

wendybar said...

The FBI are scum. Time to disband the corrupt group.

Houston FBI agent indicted on theft charges, accused of stealing money from houses that were raided
Lileana Pearson Image
ByLileana Pearson KTRK logo
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Houston FBI agent stole money from raided homes, records allege

"Houston FBI agent Nicholas Anthony Williams was indicted on theft charges, accused of stealing money and bureau property over a 16-month period.
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A former FBI special agent for the Houston Field Office has been indicted on theft charges after being accused of stealing government and personal property from homes during FBI raids, according to U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani.

Authorities have arrested 36-year-old Nicholas Anthony Williams. According to the indictment, from March 2022 to July 2023, Williams allegedly took money or items from multiple homes while executing search warrants as an FBI special agent."


Mark said...

"It's great to be the QUEEN of Insider Trading."

How is that insider training .... and how have you NOT invested in NVIDIA in the last years? You need a new investment advisor if you have not made serious gains from it in the last 18 months.

Allegations of insider training =/= paying attention to the magnificent seven.

wendybar said...

This is how Joe Biden is buying votes from ignorant assholes who take, take, take, and never make, make, make.....These are the leeches the Progressives are breeding. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13116565/DC-mom-miami-vacation-taxpayer-benefits.html

Josephbleau said...

“@Josephbleau, wrong end of the day.“

Oops, I remember when Mark Twain wrote that the sunsets on the Mississippi River are the most beautiful that there are, the sunrises are reported to be beautiful as well, I do not know.

Humperdink said...

Former US Senator and current MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill (D-Pravda) tells the media in no uncertain terms to quit fact-checking Joe Bribe'Em.

When I first watched her say this I thought she couldn't be this stupid. The media has been overlooking Bribe'Em's lies for years, why would she say this now? Because certain segments of the Commie-Pinko party now want him gonzo. I look at her comments as a plus. It's a sign of turmoil.

“Bad Genes” said...

@ Wendybar:
For those that think Trump is a great businessman:

In 1978, Trump and Warren Buffett's net worth were roughly the same- both estimated at $100 million at that time. Buffett's net worth is now estimated at $131 billion, and Trump's at $2.6 billion. Both The Economist and Washington Post have done studies on Trump's investment performance, and both concluded that he was mediocre at best compared to the stock market and New York real estate market. Had Trump invested in an average mutual fund in 1978, his net worth would be around $10 billion today, rather than the estimated $2.6 billion prior to the recent judgments against him.

The truth is that Donald has been a poor steward of his father's money. I've often said that Trump would end up in prison, bankrupt, and divorced (again). All of the above seem more likely now than ever.

“Bad Genes” said...

Wendybar wrote: "It's great to be the QUEEN of Insider Trading."

Luck, my friend is where opportunity meets preparation

The ‘Market’ is fundamentally misunderstood, being commonly held to be a giant brain which is never (or rarely) wrong, a sort of deity. This myth is bolstered by the folklore of legends like Buffet and Munger, true investors who use their money and brains to produce predictable earnings and asset growth. If they can’t find anywhere suitable to put their cash they hold onto it until something comes up. But the ‘market’ is driven by other motives. First the pension industry, which takes people’s money every month whether they have anywhere useful to put it or not - but they have to do something with it. This is the equivalent of putting a hundred millionaires in an auction room all bidding for a loaf of bread, the price reached will bear no relation to the production cost or any so-called intrinsic value. Second is the huge and growing amount of ‘spare’ cash held by people who are so rich their biggest problem is how to get rid of their money because they simply can’t spend it all. They aren’t interested in sensible or long term investing like Buffet and Monger, they want quick returns and sexy ‘assets’. And the all-seeing ‘market’ mixes it all up, presenting it as a homogeneous blend of so-called securities, perpetuating the myth that price movements reflect intrinsic value, instead of just short-term supply and demand. So when it all blows up in our faces like it did in 1929, 2001, 2008 etc we all assume something has gone wrong, instead of admitting that things are pretty much designed for that to happen.

Humperdink said...

Watching the corrupt stories of Dolton. Illinois Mayor Tiffany Henyard makes Big Fani look like a saint. But she has the standard lib defense for a POC- I'm black and you're a racist. Watching videos of her defense is hilarious. It borders on a parody.


gilbar said...

we were talking a few days ago, about resident Biden's dementia;
and how he could NOT talk for an hour straight.. which means the State of The Union speech is in trouble.

HERE is a video from the POTUS X site: it is edited to remove any slips and slumbers
Why Are There 30 Cuts In This 2 Minute Biden Speech?.
He looks GREAT! As Long As: you don't notice that No camera shoot is more than FIVE Seconds long.

I don't see HOW they'll be able to do a live State of the Union speech

Narayanan said...

I don't see HOW they'll be able to do a live State of the Union speech
is not SOTU clapster infestation - just set clapster on repeat every 5 seconds

Narayanan said...

well said Rich 2/23/24, 5:37 AM

Narayanan said...

I thank you > well said to Rich 2/23/24, 5:37 AM

Narayanan said...

The network reportedly seized all of her belongings including files, computers and most importantly, information on privileged sources.
"A former CBS manager, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said that he had 'never heard of anything like this,'" said @JonathanTurley
"He attested to the fact that, in past departures, journalists took all of their files and office contents. Indeed, the company would box up everything from cups to post-its for departing reporters."
CBS has learned lesson or has been guided by same actors: how to preclude need / prevent damage etc. after watching FJB v Trump and Mar-a-Lago raid.

Jersey Fled said...

“Buffett's net worth is now estimated at $131 billion, and Trump's at $2.6 billion”


Your estimate of Trump’s net worth of $2.6 Billion apparently comes from a Forbes list from October 2023 which included a value for Mar-a-Lago at $325 million.

What was it that Engoron value it at?

$18 to $28 million.
