February 20, 2024

Sunrise — 6:40, 6:52.




gilbar said...

i watched this Jordan Peterson video, with Dr. Sarah Hill; where they talk about Hill's new book:
This Is Your Brain on Birth Control: How the Pill Changes Everything
which was fantastically interesting..
Would You Love the Same Man On and Off the Pill?
Basically, synthetic hormones are messing EVERYONE up.. And NOT in Good ways
The video is Over an hour long; Here's a clip (about 10 minutes) that is a highlight
Why She Stopped Finding You Attractive

The clip is good, but the full video is worth watching.. I just put her book on my Audible list

rcocean said...

Hey Althouse, could you make a separate post with your health program?

tim in vermont said...

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

I don't know if fining Trump a half a billion dollars using a 100 year old law that had never before been used in a case where there was no actual victim counts as an atrocity, per se, but if there is such a thing as a legal atrocity against the rule of law, well, it is one.

New Yorkers are all fine with it, but I wonder how many of them have memories that go back to when New York was bankrupt in the '70s.

MadTownGuy said...

3 Burnsville first responders killed after domestic call escalates to gunfire; suspect also dead

Only in the follow up article do they get around to identifying the shooter:

Burnsville shooting suspect identified; criminal history includes loss of gun possession rights

tim in vermont said...

The newspapers are mostly all boycotting Twitter, which is setting records on traffic, and the newspapers are dying for lack of traffic. Not that Twitter is perfect, they have this link from the US House of Representatives marked as "unsafe" so they are still doing censorship of government officials.


wildswan said...

"Peace is flowing like a river", I think looking at the sunrise. We prolifers used to sing that looking over where the police were gathering to drag us off to jail. Now life is really quiet and peaceful for me. To everything there is a season.

Mason G said...

"Only in the follow up article do they get around to identifying the shooter:"

If the original article doesn't mention the suspect's (or, in this case, shooter's) race, it's not hard to guess.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Another day, another crazy in a plane.

Via TwitterX: "30 minutes after departing Albuquerque I was shaken out of my Panda Express and Tequila induced stupor by a man trying to aggressively open the airplane door 4 rows back. Me and 5 other dudes had to wrestle him into the aisle, duct tape his legs, and throw flexi-cuffs on him. Just safely landed back in ABQ but HOLY SHIT."

Feb 20, 2024 from Albuquerque, NM


Meade said...

Impressive first half for Creighton. Wow! Begley might need help getting down off his ceiling. If Blue Jays play only half as well 2nd half they might knock off #1 Huskies.

Jupiter said...

Boys will be boys.

Jupiter said...

"Me and 5 other dudes had to wrestle him into the aisle, duct tape his legs, and throw flexi-cuffs on him."

Good thing they had flexi-cuffs. Don't leave home without 'em!

hawkeyedjb said...

I see that a pro-Hamas rally was held recently in the Bataclan nightclub in Paris. You know, the epicenter of a murder/mutilation spree a few years back, in which a few hundred locals were annihilated by the "Free Palestine" crowd. Civilizational suicide sweeps over Europe.

Meade said...

Could someone in the greater Omaha metropolitan area please swing by and check on Dave Begley? See to it he hasn’t suffered a stroke while watching the game? Thanks.

Rocco said...

Jupiter said...
“Boys will be boys.”

Babylon Bee responded…
Rare Triple Double: https://babylonbee.com/news/trans-basketball-player-achieves-rare-triple-double-with-36-points-14-rebounds-11-concussions

Josephbleau said...

Democrats are like Harold Loyd hanging above the streets holding onto the minute hand of a clock at the 15 min point of March hoping that the 30 min point of August will never be reached. They don’t know what they will do as the cars cross the intersection below but as long as they can visit everyone's house in force to collect mail in ballots they are hopeful.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, you won’t find Dave Begley at home. I’m sure he’s over the moon!

Jupiter said...

"I see that a pro-Hamas rally was held recently in the Bataclan nightclub in Paris."

Well, hey. No one else was using it for anything.

Dave Begley said...


I was at the game! Best regular season win ever. First time we beat #1. Best Creighton game ever!

I stormed the court in 1979 when we beat Larry Bird, but didn’t storm the court this time.

The students were the most fired up I’ve ever seen, They have this new song and they wave their hands up. Kind of like “Jump Around” and Wisconsin.

I do love college basketball so.

gadfly said...

On Tuesday, Trump’s “Save America” leadership political action committee reported raising just $8,508 from donors in the entire month of January, while spending about $3.9 million, according to a new filing with the Federal Election Commission.

Nearly $3 million of that overall spending total was used for one purpose: to pay lawyers.

At the same time, the Trump campaign itself reported a net loss of more than $2.6 million for . . . January. It raised about $8.8 million while spending around $11.5 million, according to a separate filing made public on Tuesday.

And he needs $600 million if he wants to appeal civil penalties incurred but Trump's supporters are permitting themselves to be ripped off yet again by donating specifically to help pay his fraud judgment, via a GoFundMe page created by Elena Cardone, the wife of investor Grant Cardone. They are not questioning the judgement so they know he is unquestionably guilty. He claims to have $2.6 billion but grifting is the name of his game now and forever. Ugly Gold Tennies anyone?

Mutaman said...

I hope Begley has not suffered harm done by a disgruntled client.

Winning at home in the Big East is no biggie no matter who you beat. Winning on the road is what counts.

Mutaman said...

Some kid gets pinched for lifting a roll of bounty and the Know Nothings are all opposed to giving him bail. But a Russian agent gets indicted for lying to congress and all of a sudden they discover due process.

Josephbleau said...

Democrats are super smart. When after all their hard work their lawfare plan comes to fruition it just ends up making them look small, nasty, vindictive, and corrupt. For this stupid case Trump will probably be forced to pay more than the guys at Enron or the folks that created the 2007 crash. Democrats lose even when they win.

The smirking Judge Enron of NY is a great poster boy for the Democrats, you will see his smiling face often during the campaign.

Humperdink said...

gadly stated this: "a GoFundMe page created by Elena Cardone, the wife of investor Grant Cardone. They are not questioning the judgement so they know he (Trump) is unquestionably guilty."

And how do know their thoughts? You have peddled some stupid things on this blog, but this ranks up there with your dumbest.

Leland said...

I see that Hochul has come back and decided that what she really meant is that the law used against Trump will be used to go after others. Marxist going to Marxist.

“Bad Genes” said...

Donald Trump’s donor numbers fall by 200,000 compared with 2019

While it's not universally the case in general election polls so far, it's been more likely than not that in polls among likely voters Biden does better than polls among registered voters.

There may well be a difference between enthusiasm for a candidate and likelihood of voting. That could be interpreted as Democrats and independent voters -- over 70% of the American electorate -- aren't enthused about Biden the candidate, but are very likely voters and are passionate about ensuring Trump loses.

Humperdink said...

In a continuation of the Commie-Pinkos thumbing their noses at SCOTUS decisions (see Gov. Hochul 2nd Amendment loss) Biden is set to forgive $1.2 bil in student loan debt.

Looking forward to the reelected President Trump ignoring all court rulings. That will be OK with you lefties, right? You blazed the trail for this.


Enigma said...

@tim in vermont: fining Trump a half a billion dollars using a 100 year old law that had never before been used

I see many parallels between the dominance and control tactics of blue states these days. Greedy Newsom in CA is driving the wealthy to Nevada and Texas through high taxes and CA's (repeated) attempt to tax people after they leave the state. Illinois is losing population as an immigrant sanctuary, a union deep pocket, a gangster sanctuary, and high tax paradise. Delaware drove Elon Musk's billions away by saying "no no no" to his compensation package. New York may now use a post-hoc trick to get $500M from Trump, but this will likely drive $500B or $5T of other investments away from tyrannical New York. Also see AOC's tantrum regarding New York's canceled Amazon's project. See Colorado's endless anti-religious actions against the Christian cake baker. See their many cross-state-boundary lawsuits for guns, abortions, and any other thing that's locally democratically unpopular.

You can't trust autocrats. You can't trust anyone who changes the rules for immediate advantage. You can't trust the USA to be straight-arrow and naïve Boy Scouts, rather, the USA is now often controlled by a wolves-in-sheep's-clothing child molesting Boy Scouts.

Money flees to another state, country, or region when trust is lost. Even during COVID many Wall St. people relocated to Florida. NY won't have any deep pockets soon.

Humperdink said...

So the gad and other lefties are reveling in the Trump "fraud" conviction where no bank lost a nickel and every loan was paid back .... in full. I am curious what the number is of NYC commercial real estate borrowers who actually failed to pay their loans off. More than one? Undoubtedly. More than a thousand? Probably. But you can bet Letitia does not know, nor does she care.

iowan2 said...

Like Meade I watched the 2cnd half of the Creighton Uconn game. Thinking about...Begely!
Great basketball Punch and counter punch. Been following the Iowa State Cyclones whup up on great big 12 teams. My Hawks beat Michigan State at home Monday Night. The lady Hawks take on ranked Indiana Thursday.
I love February for the Roundball and streaming service. Usually the weather stinks, but have had over 2 weeks of temps above 50F

Congats DAVE

narciso said...


Meade said...

A well-deserved win, Dave. Congratulations. May your Blue Jays carry that fire all the way through the big dance.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And he needs $600 million if he wants to appeal civil penalties incurred...

Yes, a number Judge Dread pulled out of his ass, tied to nothing when it is usually indicative of damages, as in actual harm someone suffered. So by all means let's cheer the destruction of the Eighth Amendment along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. There is no such thing as "reasonable fines" when we're going after Trump. At least he can borrow against or sell the billions in real estate he holds. Oops. Judge Grinning Idiot also disallowed any bank from working with him, lending to him or facilitating a sale to help secure a bond.

This is "Justice" to the Left. Using a law the State says won't apply to anyone else to destroy a man, a single citizen, whose "victims" testified they were not defrauded and in fact wished to do business with again ASAP because Trump paid them back early and in full. There are no limiting principles to Leftism, no constraints to their ambitions. They would rather burn it all down in the faint hope they also get Trump. Enjoy your banana. It used to be a Republic.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Meathead's (Rob Reiner) latest movie, God and Country, is a flop at the box office. It averaged $112/day/theater for a total of $38,415 over four days.

Once a meathead, always a meathead. His tag line should be "Flops are us!"

Enigma said...

Follow up on New York's apparent business suicide in going after Trump:

Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary disavows NY and calls it a loser state.


Five questions that reverberate?

Victimless crime?
Political indictment?
Business ramifications for NY?
How rare is this ruling?
Will it negatively affect Trump's campaign?


Leland said...

Data to support enigma’s post:

And yeah, it is not just NYC:

narciso said...


wendybar said...

Congratulations Dave. I am a UConn fan, but I am impressed with your Creighton team. I always pick Creighton into the final four in my pool. Good job!!

Mrs. X said...

They are not questioning the judgement so they know he is unquestionably guilty.

Headline from fundraiser page: Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment.

Doesn’t sound like the Cardones know what you claim they know.

Humperdink said...

Think the physical requirements to be NYC policeman/ policewomen have been lowered? Take a peek at the NYC police dance team. It the team were flying on an airplane, the pilot would have recalculate the weight and balance numbers.

iowan2 said...

"should we banish all vegans to a deserted Island, to save the sanity of world?"

William50 said...

The oldest firearms manufacturer in the United State, Remington Arms, after 200 years has had enough of New York bullshit and is moving to Georgia. Do you think the Trump verdict may have had an influence on their decision? Naaa no way.

Enigma said...

@William50: Remington Arms, after 200 years has had enough of New York bullshit and is moving to Georgia

This has as much to do with utter mismanagement for 20 years as the later NY stuff, and follows a fiasco of a buyout by Cerberus Capital Management. Remington may still have moved, but they've been functionally broken for a long time.


Narayanan said...

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire
I was under the impression that the law was specifically crafted recently to go after Trump.

If it is 100 years old and has not been used at all - then surely the law is the absurdity waiting for atrocity to be committed.

Narayanan said...

Money flees to another state, country, or region when trust is lost. Even during COVID many Wall St. people relocated to Florida. NY won't have any deep pockets soon.
will NYSE relocate and change initials? and turn out lights as they leave?

Narayanan said...

Money flees to another state, country, or region when trust is lost. Even during COVID many Wall St. people relocated to Florida. NY won't have any deep pockets soon.
will NYSE relocate and change initials? and turn out lights as they leave?

Leland said...

Meathead's (Rob Reiner) latest movie, God and Country, is a flop at the box office. It averaged $112/day/theater for a total of $38,415 over four days.

I think Mike just identified who the red states can bring NYC Trump type fraud charges against. How many theaters across the country were defrauded into showing crappy movies in their theaters? Paramount’s “Madame Web” and Disney’s “Marvel” are recent examples. We’ve seen “The Producers” so we all know it is fraud.

hawkeyedjb said...

Narayanan said...
"will NYSE relocate and change initials?"

No, New York will remain the financial capital and it will remain popular with capitalists. As former Mayor Bloomberg said, New York is a luxury good.

The people who can afford to live there are wealthy people and welfare recipients.

“Bad Genes” said...

Seems important and worth noting: An FBI informant allegedly gave Kremlin anti-Biden propaganda to top Republicans who built a fake impeachment case on it.

Ex-Informant Accused of Lying About Bidens Said He Had Russian Contacts
Federal prosecutors portrayed the former informant, Alexander Smirnov, 43, as a serial liar incapable of telling the truth about even the most basic details of his own life.

Just an amazing own goal by MAGA House Republicans. Confirmed Russia is still interfering with elections to Trump’s benefit, made them look like utter fools while doing it, and obliterated their case against Biden, all in one fell swoop. It would be inaccurate to say that Congressional Republicans are the useful idiots of Russia because, as the bungled Hunter BIden hearings showed, they aren’t particularly useful.

Leland said...

Talk about own goal in the Smirnoff arrest:

“ In indicting Smirnov, Weiss confirmed his office had botched the Hunter Biden investigation by ignoring the FD-1023 for nearly three years — and then only investigating Smirnov’s claims after Grassley made the document public. ”


“Bad Genes” said...

This whole court filing on Smirnov, the indicted former FBI "informant," is really worth reading.

Mutaman said...


"It would be inaccurate to say that Congressional Republicans are the useful idiots of Russia because, as the bungled Hunter BIden hearings showed, they aren’t particularly useful. "

great line.