February 25, 2024

"'Joe may have tamped down his public bedroom declarations winning the presidency, but he has joked to aides that ‘good sex’ is the key to a lasting and happy marriage...'"

"'... much to his wife’s chagrin.'... [I]n 2004 when Biden was considering getting into the race to challenge John Kerry[, d]uring a meeting when aides were begging him to jump in, Jill walked into the room wearing a halter top with the word 'No' scrawled on her stomach. Biden followed that sexy veto.... Some — including Jill — might find the 81-year-old Golden President’s frisky comments about the first lady cringey. But at least he is celebrating sensuality. Conservatives seem determined to stamp it out."

Writes Maureen Dowd, in "Sex and the Capital City" (NYT). She's quoting and drawing on a book by New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers, "American Woman: The Transformation of the Modern First Lady, From Hillary Clinton to Jill Biden."

There's doing and there's talking. Do, but you needn't talk about it, and you certainly don't need to get high-profile columnists to celebrate you for "celebrating sensuality"... whatever that is. Does it include that hair-smelling stuff?

"Celebrating sensuality" sounds like a phrase from a marriage-advice book for modest women. I mean, when I google the phrase, the first thing that comes up is "Celebrating Sensuality In Your Divine Feminine Journey."

ADDED: A "Daily Show" bit from 2019 (before Biden became a candidate):

"Medically speaking, the nose is the penis of the face."


Aggie said...

Ahhh.... The old 'Republicans are up-tight, narrow-minded prudes' gambit. Except in this case, the go-to assumption is that Joe is lying - again / still.

You Go, Girl. Don't care where, just 'go'.

Cappy said...

Maureen Dowd - hot sex from a frustrated old bag.

Wince said...

Jill walked into the room wearing a halter top with the word 'No' scrawled on her stomach...

Let's go to the actual bedroom video, shall we?

JAORE said...

Does Biden have a cadre of Secret Service agents to help when he stumbles and falls down?

His nudity in front of agents adds credence.

Does he look down in dismay and say, "C'mon man!"?

Can DOCTOR)!) Jill prescribe little blue pills? And do they have to alternate them with the uppers that also serve to keep him erect?

Will his next physical include a sperm count but not a cognitive test?

Sweet baby Geebuzz. This is like the nobody-can-keep-up-with-Ruth-Bader-Ginsberg clap trap shortly before her death..

Quaestor said...

Whenever Dowd brings up sex (brings up as in regurgitates) I'm reminded of her masthead photo posed with that come hither look some headshot honch coaxed out of her after how many wasted frames of six by six, the shot she used for thirty-plus years while the Dowd of all flesh, the perennial spinster, withered unpicked upon the vine. I cannot but conclude her hatred of Trump springs from the poisoned root of her own unfulfilled sensuality, a paradigm alpha male with several children, a sexy wife, and several ex-wives who still regard him fondly, the man who would not turn a lustful eye toward the leaden wit columnist, the woman scorned.

MadisonMan said...

American Woman. Stay away from me.
American Woman. Mama, let me be.
Not sure I'd use American Woman for a book title.

gspencer said...

Biden is all-around uucky,


West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Tara Reade has entered the chat.

I had not heard that she "defected" to Russia last year.
She fees safer there, apparently.


Dave Begley said...

Joe can say it, but he cannot do it.

Ann Althouse said...

"Let's go to the actual bedroom video, shall we?"

Ha ha.

I was picturing Goldie Hawn in the 1960s.

Ice Nine said...

"Heyey, big guy, I'm waiting for you... No, over here honey. Joe, over here! Noo, the bed, not the closet..."

Quaestor said...

Great one, Wince. I didn't see that one coming.

AlbertAnonymous said...

So the admin/deep state ran to “conservative columnist” Mo Dowd for the propoganda piece to prop up their obviously BS comments that Joe is strong and capable and not at all as feeble and brittle as he looks to everyone with eyes.

And Mo, right on cue, tells us all about his vigorous sex life with Dr. Jill (how can the man possibly keep up with that young, hot, minx?) Halter top? Writing on her tummy? Schwiiiiiiiiing!

And those prudes in the GOP, they’re determined to stamp out all sexuality. You! Stop having fun. You! Cover up!

What’s the line the kids use? I’ll take “shit that never happened for $500 Alex”

AZ Bob said...

Does it include showering with his daughter?

Quaestor said...

West writes, "Tara Reade has entered the chat."

She doesn't strike me as Biden's type. Though he might attempt a theft of her ice cream treat, I doubt Biden would assault her sexually. Maybe he just assaulted her on principle, You tub of lard, take that!

Defecting to Russia could be very therapeutic. With a bit of luck and her unquenchable appetite for attention, Reade could discover the slimming Siberia experience.

Charlie said...

Watch the Jon Stewart (when he was funny) bit called the "Audacity Of Grope".


You're welcome.

Christopher B said...

Still getting it on at 81?

Like he graduated in the top half in his law school class?
Got three undergrad degrees?
Starred on his college football team?
Was offered a scholarship to Annapolis?
Was arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela?
Was arrested at civil rights marches?

Earnest Prole said...

But at least he is celebrating sensuality. Conservatives seem determined to stamp it out.

I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you, Maureen, but the strongest indication of senility is believing you live in the world of 30 years ago. Conservatives today celebrate banging porn stars and grabbing women by the pussy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

No mention by Dowd about him showering with his teenage daughter? Is she trying to “stamp out talk” about Joe’s sexuality?

Iman said...

“My sperm’s so strong, my baby’s going to come out stuttering and with hair plugs."

—- Josef Biden

The Drill SGT said...

Trump has already previewed his response in a presser in like 2019. When asked about the latest faux outrage, maybe putting young gangers into Obama cages at the border he was asked:

Q: "How can you sleep at night?"

response: "Naked with a super model"

Dave Begley said...

Speaking of Joe Biden, I think it is completely fair to say that Joe Biden and his policies have been the political proximate cause of the death of 410,000 Americans; about the population of Omaha.

400k due to fentanyl through our open borders and another 10k killed by illegal aliens.

GA nursing student Laken Riley would be alive today if Biden wouldn’t have opened the border. That really makes me angry.

I hate Joe Biden and all the Dems who installed and enabled him and his policies.

With Joe Biden, we have an American President who is directly responsible for the completely avoidable death of American citizens. It doesn’t get any worse than that,

Goldenpause said...

One of the symptoms of dementia is loss of the “filter” that enables one to control behavior. Welcome to Joe’s mental decline.

Leland said...

Conservatives seem determined to stamp it out.

When we learn Dowd hasn't read any of Helen Smith or listened at all to Jordan Peterson. I certainly don't recall conservatives supporting puberty blockers.

Rafe said...

“I don’t understand, conservatives are SO uptight about sex, but they just don’t care that Trump is a such a hound dog!”

Huh. Perhaps they should revisit their premise, or their conclusion. One or the other has to be wrong.

- Rafe

tommyesq said...

Middle-aged woman, halter top, writing on her stomach - these people are more white trash than Bill Clinton! And that isnt even counting the crackhead son cheating on his brother's widow with a stripper...

JaimeRoberto said...

If sensuality means gay porn and drag queens for children, then I guess it's true that conservatives are trying to stamp out sensuality.

Joe Smith said...

Someone on X quipped (paraphrasing), "It doesn't count if it's fucking the country."

Old and slow said...

When old men are preoccupied with sex it is often a sign of senility.

rcocean said...

If there's one thing I don't want to think about its Joe Biden's sex life. If I saw this old coot in the nude, it'd probably scar me for life. As for Maureen Dowd, she's 70. She's childless and never married. IOw, a loser. Or maybe a closet Lesbian. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"he is celebrating sensuality. Conservatives seem determined to stamp it out."

Maureen - Go F yourself.

chickelit said...

Whatever. I stopped reading Dowd when I stopped subscribing. She helped bring that ship down.

Big Mike said...

But at least he is celebrating sensuality. Conservatives seem determined to stamp it out.

The obligatory “we think conservatives are icky because we are stupid.” She’d lose her mind, and probably her job, if she realized that conservative women are smarter and better looking than she and her ilk.

Ampersand said...

Dems like Dowd are stuck in a perpetual 1959 in which their adversaries are uptight squares, and they are the perpetually youthful insurgents who possess the secret knowledge of sexual pleasure.

boatbuilder said...

I haven't read the other comments yet, so I am going to guess that I'm not the first to respond: Eeeeew.

Yancey Ward said...

From the resident quarters of the White House:

"Joe, Honeybuns, that isn't me- that is a cup of pudding."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden is a plagiarist, a crook and a money grubbing liar.

Maureen finds those characteristics.... sensual.

JT Neel said...

In this divine feminine odyssey we pass by Dr. Jill's halter top negitive dissent, Regan's protrusion cry for help, and nymph Calypso depicted by Goldie's Go-go.

Yancey Ward said...

This is one of two things- either the mental filter of Joe Biden is gone or this is a pretty pathetic attempt to make Joe Biden to appear to be virile by his pathetic staff.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Rocky Fellers....


Filipinos from '63

cfs said...


"Joe Biden Often Brags About 'Good Sex' With Dr. Jill. That Could Be a Sign of Dementia."

Jaq said...

"Good sex" is how to get your children's babysitter to marry you.

"One of the symptoms of dementia is loss of the “filter” that enables one to control behavior."


Jaq said...

"grabbing women by the pussy."

With consent... with consent. "She'll let you." If you think that putting your hand on a woman's crotch, even with consent, should be a great taboo, then maybe you are the one with a problem.

loudogblog said...

I remember that Norm McDonald did a bit on SNL about Bob Dole admitting to taking Viagra. He said that Bob had come out with a book called, The Joys of Viagra. Then, in other news, Elizabeth Dole has come out with a book called, The Horrors of Viagra.

Not Sure said...

Joe knows the sex is good because he wears Trump Gold Sneakers in the boudoir.

William said...

I think Fani has about the best sex life of any elected official. That's the secret to great sex. Fix your partner up with a job that pays 600 grand for openers, and that partner will be all over you. They'll leave their spouse for you. Call you twenty times a day. I bet Fani got more cannoli than Bill Clinton.....If Maureen wishes to empower women, she should write a column about Fani. There's a woman who knew how to celebrate her sensuality. And take note of how much better she treated her subordinate than Bill Clinton treated Monica.

William said...

Is oral sex a different and more pleasurable experience after losing all your teeth? Maybe there's a plus side to being sans teeth, sans hair, sans everything. As a general rule though, octogenarians don't have great sex. We do our best, but it doesn't qualify as great sex.....I read the Dowd column. Maureen is of the opinion that capping abortions at sixteen weeks will tend to inhibit the libido. Maureen has her own quirky opinions about sex.

Marcus Bressler said...

That wasn't the word "NO" scrawled on her tummy -- that was her stretch marks. People reading between the lines, if you ask me.

gilbar said...

Serious Question..
How Much, would YOU PAY? to NOT see Dr Jill in a halter top? Even Dr. Jill from 20 years ago?
This could be a new venue for Only Fans.. Paid Subscriptions, to NOT see a girl's revealing pix

Josephbleau said...

DOCTOR Jill says, Brandon, you big stud. Take me to bed or loose me forever.

That was back when Joe Beiden was an instructor at the Top Gun school.

Mikey NTH said...


Milo Minderbinder said...

Can you imagine the NYT reaction if Trump said that? …. Wait, I think Trump did say that.

Josephbleau said...

Dr Jill feels the need, the need to FJB.

JAORE said...

"Jill walked into the room wearing a halter top with the word 'No' scrawled on her stomach..."

Joe saw her in the mirror. Her stomach actually said, "On". Jill has long had to guide the POTATUS.

hombre said...

"Conservatives seem determined to stamp [sensuality] out." Is this silly woman for real? Were trying to elect a guy who's married to a sensual woman. There were also a couple speaking at CPAC. We like sensual women. Democrats like Hillary, Fauxcahontas and Michelle.

Sensuality? What in the world is she talking about, tranny sideshows for children, pornographic books in school libraries?

Mazo Jeff said...

Ok! So let me think Melania or Hillary... OK ok I'm thinking......Melania or Jill......gosh who would I want to see in a halter top???? Gosh this is very hard to decide!!!

John said...

JAORE said:

"Jill walked into the room wearing a halter top with the word 'No' scrawled on her stomach..."

Joe saw her in the mirror. Her stomach actually said, "On". Jill has long had to guide the POTATUS.

You had me for a moment, but then, because I'm dyslexic, I tested it. It is not in a mirror (the N is backwards), but upside-down. So Slow Joe was standing on his head talking to reporters...

GRW3 said...

Good sex... With whom...

PM said...

Are we sure he knows where what goes?

Skeptical Voter said...

Isuspect that Virile Old Joe (he talks a good game) is what the young ladies of my day referred as NATO. No Action Talk Only

But the older Joe gets the more his memory tells him that he was a heck of a bedroom performer.

Rocco said...

GRW3 said...
“Good sex... With whom...”

Well, he did whip out a six foot chain and threaten to use it on Corn Pop.

Mutaman said...

Dave Begley said...

"Speaking of Joe Biden, I think it is completely fair to say that Joe Biden and his policies have been the political proximate cause of the death of 410,000 Americans; about the population of Omaha.

400k due to fentanyl through our open borders "

There's a reason Begley never provides any links supporting his bullshit statements.

"While blaming immigrants for the fentanyl crisis may have political appeal, research by professors Ben Feldmeyer (Univ. of Cincinnati), Diana Sun (Florida Atlantic University), Casey T. Harris (Univ. of Arkansas) and Francis T. Cullen (Univ. of Cincinnati) found immigrants are associated with fewer drug overdoses and homicides in an area."


Old and slow said...

The immigrants aren't so much TAKING the drugs, as bringing them in.

JAORE said...

"You had me for a moment, but then, because I'm dyslexic, I tested it. It is not in a mirror (the N is backwards), but upside-down. So Slow Joe was standing on his head talking to reporters..."

Good point! (Curse you scientific method!)

Of course Biden doesn't seem to know what direction to leave a stage So he may be equally confused on how to approach (Let's play Doctor) Jill. Head on or foot first.

Sydney said...

I remember this story when it was first reported. At that time it was a bikini Jill was wearing as she walked past everyone. I thought it reflected badly on her. Just like her husband- vain.

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