From this NYT front-page piece:

I'd like to see her handle herself answering tough questions, not merely delivering the scripted platitude in the subheadline — "global partnerships are critical to U.S. security, not a burden to be lightly discarded."
Munich has been a favored platform for Ms. Harris to try to showcase that for years. In 2022, she spoke just days before Russia invaded Ukraine, calling it a “defining moment” for the world. Last year, she used the conference to accuse Russia of “crimes against humanity” in Ukraine, raising the diplomatic stakes of the war....
But many Europeans also remain uncertain about Ms. Harris herself, maintaining that she has yet to carve out a clear identity. “Does she have any views and does she have any particular knowledge?” asked François Heisbourg, a senior adviser for Europe at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “Who is she?” He said that he did not mean it “as a pejorative,” adding, “It’s just a bewilderment.”...
Bulgaria's Defence Minister, Todor Tagarev, has expressed support for former US President Donald Trump's recent comments regarding NATO countries failing to meet their defence spending commitments. Despite the controversial nature of Trump's statements, Tagarev defended the position, emphasising the importance of honouring commitments made by NATO member states - UK Express
Think she'll address the inequity in funding NATO?
I'm chuckling how the NYTimes tries to make something out of her nothingburgerness. Oooh! "She spoke just before Russia invaded Ukraine!" "She accused Russia of crimes against humanity in Ukraine"
As if any Thomasina, Dick or Harriet couldn't have given the same canned speeches.
Out there wrapping up the EU/Davos vote…
Media(D) will do all they can to prop her up. Hey - look - it's already happening.
Bewilderment. Yah thats how I feel, too…
Biden faces questions about his senility, not his age.
Kamala has it too, whatever you call it when you're young and can't form a coherent thought. A brain that's a little too female.
If Kamala Harris is installed as President, what is the over/under on how long it will take China to invade Taiwan?
"I'd like to see her handle herself answering tough questions, not merely delivering the scripted platitude in the subheadline"
That would be fun. Very sly of Althouse to keep mentioning things she'd "like to see." It's almost as if there's a message in their remaining unseen.
You know they are grasping at straws if they are trotting out Harris.
Kamala "take a knee" Harris, VP. I wonder how many women, men who identity as the feminine gender, can, would compete with a person of her social orientation. You've come a long way, baby... fetus.
Was somebody under the impression that the 'jury is still out' on Kamala Harris? I don't think the jury is still out.
Funny how NATO is referred to as a "partnership" when many of the "partners" don't live up to their financial obligations to help this "partnership".
Canada, France, Italy, Germany...
I'd imagine if Harris is installed, our partners will cut their defense budgets.
Next time Europe starts a war with itself, can we just let them eat each other? Are we REALLY going to go to war for Article 5?
She's a lightweight. Her previous performance in offices and her garbled speeches during troubled times have demonstrated that. Tulsi shined the light on her.
Democrats are stupid enough to vote the two of them back in because TRUMP.
The significance of the passage of time, is that time passes, and that is very significant, cackle cackle cackle…
I'd like to see her sting together a cogent thought once.
Classic Kamala brilliance:
"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day."
-Kamala Harris
"global partnerships are critical to U.S. security, not a burden to be lightly discarded."
Isn't that part of the point that Trump is making? He just states the actual real potential consequences rather than a nebulous 'its important'.
How important? Why? What will happen if we just tell them to sod off? Democrats just say 'reasons' with no actual action.
If Biden wins reelection, the odds he won't last are high. Harris should be considered a POTUS candidate, not a VP.
Peggy Noonan, bless her heart, has a good article today about Dem strategy.
Last time she gave putin the go signal
Republicans should push Biden out before the DNC convention so that Harris will be the candidate.
"I'd like to see her handle herself answering tough questions"
LOL!!!! Like any Democrat ever gets asked tough questions by the media fellatrices.
Sarah Palin set a bar too high for Kamala Harris to ever reach. Sarah Palin was an electrifying speaker, which is why she had to be destroyed.
It's pathetic how, three years into her vice presidency, intelligent people are still skeptical of Kamala's fitness to assume the presidency or even to "handle tough questions." In a more serious age, the president who tapped such an incompetent as his vice president would apologize to the nation.
"In 2022, she spoke just days before Russia invaded Ukraine, calling it a “defining moment” for the world. "
Big impact that had.
The bewilderment is not limited to Europeans. What has Kamala ever said or done to suggest that she has the capability to lead this nation? And there she is. We are being ordered around by narcissist bubbleheads. Some cabal is responsible, but remains carefully hidden.
I hate to propound theories of malign conspiracy. But I suspect something dark and secretive is going on.
I'd like to see her handle herself answering tough questions, not merely delivering the scripted platitude in the subheadline — "global partnerships are critical to U.S. security, not a burden to be lightly discarded."
I'd like to see her handle a simple question. I don't think she could order a burger and fries without sounding like she's bullshitting you.
I'd like to see her handle herself answering tough questions...
I'd like to see her answer even simple questions without producing a Biden worthy word salad or a child chilling cackle (and sometimes both).
Just as Biden was Obama's insurance policy, Harris is Biden's.
"I'd like to see her handle herself answering tough questions, not merely delivering the scripted platitude in the subheadline ...".
Interesting. I'd like to see her fly around the room like a bat that accidentally came in the window. I'm guessing we're both just gonna have to settle for the platitudes. Actually, I'm not sure that the babble that her utterance rises to the level of "platitude". I know what you're getting at, she doesn't exactly impress us with trenchant observation. Still, a platitude is an assertion that is shop-worn and obvious -- but nonetheless, an assertion. A claim about some recognizable aspect of reality. Kamala seems to have a predeliction for statements that aren't really about anything much;
"Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment and our time. Right? And present culture is the way we express how we're feeling about the moment and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know…it comes in the morning ..."
Does it, though? Hard to say.
Question asked: “Does she have any views and does she have any particular knowledge?”
Question answered: "Global partnerships are critical to U.S. security, not a burden to be lightly discarded."
IMO the subheadline was taken directly off her briefing book from which she will read it verbatim, most likely with the cadence of a k-3 teacher and an added giggle to illustrate how silly it would be to discard such burdens lightly. Then to show her serious side she will tilt her head and repeat it again verbatim while looking stern. There. Identity carved! I mean, she said the pre-invasion moment (or did she mean the one to follow?) was a "defining" one for the world, right? Given that strong rebuke didn't deter Putin, what else do you want her to do!
I do notice, that in the picture, she is coming down the steps from the airplane. I'll bet she could climb them without falling down. That would at least be some assurance that she is more capable than F. Joe Biden.
She’s the best life insurance policy a president can have
She has nothing but platitudes, because she has no intellectual horsepower.
Q: Who is she?
A: A preposterous light weight.
"See, I'm capable. I didn't use the handrail as I came down those steps." Cackling follows.
Trump has been out of office for 3 years. If the European Allies still need reassurance, then Biden hasn't done his job in all those many years. Not surprising since Biden assigned Harris to solve the border crisis during their first year, and it has only gotten worse.
But let us look at the NYT reasoning here. It has barely been a week since it was suggested that Tucker Carlson was a traitor for just interviewing Putin. Now VP Harris is meeting European officials to discuss US elections and assure them they don't need to worry about a Trump Presidency. President Trump shouldn't be a conversation between Harris and any world leaders, but the NYT claims it will be. If Trump held a similar meeting, does anyone believe it would not be called collusion to interfere with US elections? This is the same NYT claiming Putin killed his opposition leader who was already in jail, and the Biden White House has met with prosecutors trying to put Trump in jail.
The devastation of Europe from WWII that was the genesis of NATO is long gone. The economies of European countries as a group is the equal to ours. They can afford to pay their fair share, as they freely agreed to, in order to protect Europe. Doesn't seem all that complicated.
"It will also be a chance for her to prove herself on the world stage..." How long Kamala been VP?
There is a better chance of Biden [doing] "more in one hour than most people do in a day".
Kamala said…"global partnerships are critical to U.S. security, not a burden to be lightly discarded."
stlcdr asked.."Isn't that part of the point that Trump is making? "
I'd like to see her handle herself answering tough questions
I'd like to see my Detroit Tigers win the pennant, but that's probably not happening, either.
She's still looking for the root cause of why illegals are storming our borders...
The fact that he will be 86 and still in office is not talked about enough.
There is a massive difference between his current age and 86.
Coincidentally, 86 is Harris' IQ.
I think the astute Willie Brown hinted she was good at just that one thing.
Sad how she still thinks those 'L's people press against their foreheads mean I Love You, Kamala.
I was going to jump on the "I'd like to see her . . ." thing, but apparently I'd have to wake up earlier.
There's a very simple setup here:
- If a nation joins NATO, commits to certain obligations of being a NATO member, and then doesn't meet those commitments - repeatedly - with no efforts to address those gaps...
- Are conforming members of NATO required to mutual defense stipulations of another country which does not meet its obligations?
Trump's stance on this is clear. Biden and Harris' stance on this is unclear.
Everything about her delivery wreaks of rank amateur. She is an unserious pretender. If she ascends to the presidency, God help us all.
Julia Louis Dreyfuss's character in Veep is a pretty accurate analogue to Ms. Harris.
I don't think she could order a burger and fries without sounding like she's bullshitting you.
"It is time for us to eat what we have been craving. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are burgers and fries that are available to us.."
"We have the ability to eat what can be made, unburdened by what has not been made, and then to make the eating actually happen."
"We are announcing today also that we will assist the kitchen in meal production by assisting in terms of the eating efforts that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of food consumption, but also of the economy."
"Talking about the significance of the eating of lunch, right, the significance of the eating of lunch, so when you think about it, there is great significance to the eating of lunch."
"This burger, it has no eyes, and yet it knows exactly how we eat it and how we eat fries."
"It's just a bewilderment"
Obviously, she never had the chance "to prove herself" or "to carve out a clear identity":
Fifty-nine years old.
Three years as Vice President of the United States.
Four years as a United States Senator representing the most populated state in the country.
Six years as Attorney General of California.
Seven years as District Attorney of San Francisco.
Fourteen years in various state and local administrative and political roles.
"Who is she?"
In 2022, she spoke just days before Russia invaded Ukraine, calling it a “defining moment” for the world. "
She should have told her boss to pick up the phone and call Vlad to see if there was any way to avoid this senseless war.
Have they ever heard a cackle in Munich?!?!
Every Kamala Harris speech in one video.
I think that is one of the best impersonations of a political figure since Vaughn Meader impersonated JFK over 60 years ago.
If she wants to show she's worthy of the big promotion, why doesn't she start by actually doing the jobs that were assigned to her as VP? Biden has announced that he put her in charge of several things and to date, she hasn't done any of them.
Trump did not disparage NATO. If he disparaged anyone it was those who aren't paying their NATO bills. He gave the classic negotiator's answer to would we defend defaulters: "No ticket no shirtee". The general concensus seems to be that unless she's on her back or knees ( God, how I hate the symbolism!) she is useless.
"Kamala "take a knee" Harris"
Both knees.
The article said…
“But many Europeans also remain uncertain about Ms. Harris herself, maintaining that she has yet to carve out a clear identity. “Does she have any views and does she have any particular knowledge?” asked François Heisbourg, a senior adviser for Europe at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “Who is she?”
Nancy Pelosi said…
“You have to elect her so that you can find out what she’s all about.”
"Munich has been a favored platform for Ms. Harris to try to showcase that for years. In 2022, she spoke just days before Russia invaded Ukraine"
This sort of writing isn't helping her.
Kamala has already proven herself on the World stage. Unfortunately, she proved herself incompetent.
Serious Questions..
What Was the purpose of NATO?
What IS the purpose of NATO?
WHO benefits from NATO?
Who should be paying for NATO
Has NATO prevented conflicts?
Has NATO encouraged conflicts?
Has NATO CAUSED conflicts?
Bonus History Trivia Question (for EXTRA POINTS!!)
What was Poland's response to Hitler's capture of Czechoslovakia?
Did Poland protest? or grab some for themselves?
Kamala Harris is brought out onto the world stage where she attempts to prove herself once again, as seen through interpretive dance.
"she has yet to carve out a clear identity"
Her identity is a black woman. That's it. That's why she was chosen as VP. That's why she got elected Senator from California.
Well, we're doomed then, depending on Harris,
Harris should expect an endorsement from Vladimir Putin pretty soon now that he's dished on soft ladyboy Tucker.
We would all like to see Kamala Harris prove herself with tough questions. The problem is she is incompetent and only ended up in the position she was in because (a) she was the sidepiece of a powerful politician and (b) President Potato decided that he needed an African-American woman as VP and the pickings were extremely slim. It is a recurring theme with her that whenever she actually has to work for something in politics, she will fail while sounding like an idiot.
That said, Harris is amazing. Biden was excellent at politics such that he kept getting elected and put into positions of power, but once he had power he was utterly incompetent at actually governing, unless you consider taking graft as governing. Harris is both an incompetent politician and an incompetent leader. She's less talented than Biden. Honestly, Biden with dementia is probably too tough an opponent for Harris. If Biden died tomorrow, he might still be too tough an opponent for Harris.
"Serious Questions..
What Was the purpose of NATO?"
After two world wars in which sea lanes in the North Atlantic were threatened; allied countries that border the North Atlantic organized and created a treaty to defend and protect the sea lanes in the North Atlantic. They named the effort the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or if you prefer French: Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord (OTAN).
Kamala's going to Munich, eh? Think she might bring home "peace in our time"?
Munich is the place where Germans do stupid political stuff. She fits right in.
"Who is she?"
Wrong question.
I'd like to see her get that golf ball through the garden hose.
I spent an entertaining hour scrolling through Althouse posts with the Kamala Harris tag. She is truly an empty pantsuit and credit to Althouse for recognizing it early. It was fascinating in the manner of a flaming car wreck on the highway and hard to stop reading, especially as I reached 2020 and before. Thanks for the memories.
Here's an example featuring a local favorite and some classic Althouse snark.
an amazing amalgam
Biden has proven being "president" is equivalent of an extended in-town vacation, take a call or two, show your face for 15 minutes, wave to the camera. Really, a trained ape in a clown suit could adhere to Biden's routine day as "president".
Kamala Harris can easily replicate Biden's performance as president, and fulfill the workday equivalent assigned to Biden during the past three years of his presidency. Easy-peasy.
Question is who actually selects the folks who operate Biden-dolly, who sit in backroom and formulate those teleprompter statements Biden mumbles, who compose White House press secretary's restatements of Biden "message", who choreograph "on behalf of president" the unseen calls, meetings, and conferences with other world leaders and their administration directors. Biden is likely sleeping 14+ hours/day, snoozing another 6 hours/day, leaving 4 hours for eating, grooming, walking, and "presidential-like activities". Kamala can do this too; she's ready - she said so.
She should have told her boss to pick up the phone and call Vlad to see if there was any way to avoid this senseless war.
Restore services to Crimea. Hold a criminal trial at the Hague for Zekenskyy, socialists in aligned axis, Obama/Biden et al for staging an insurrection to overturn democracy and attacking Ukrainians throughout the East in an ethnic Spring.
Kamala Harris has a clear identity, as a cackling, word-salad-spewing buffoon. As the affirmative action pick for Veep, to satisfy blacks despite being the half-Jamaican, half-Indian child of former slaveholders. She couldn't win a junior high school debate. Expecting anything more than failure from her is ludicrous.
Unfortunately, she usually seems like a bit of a moron when she speaks. Also, that laugh!
Howard said...
Harris should expect an endorsement from Vladimir Putin pretty soon now that he's dished on soft ladyboy Tucker.
Howie trying to outdo Harris' word salads.
Check the oxygenation in the float tank.
Trump did not disparage NATO. He did disparage deadbeats and freeloaders. And I'm with him on that.
I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect
Larry J., n.n:
The vice president is not an assistant to the president! How I hate this bullshit language about "jobs she's been assigned" and "her boss".
Go read the Constitution, and see what the vice president's duties actually are.
Reading a "scripted platitude"?
C'mon man! Don't ask the impossible.
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