February 3, 2024

I suspect that Trump, on his own, is pleased that he inspires Biden to splutter dirty words.

I thought nothing of it when I saw — in Politico — that Biden, speaking in private, has called Trump a "sick fuck" and said "What a fucking asshole the guy is.” There is nothing the slightest bit surprising about this. I remember half a century ago, when people were surprised and censorious about Nixon's dirty words on the Watergate Tapes. But is there anyone sentient who didn't already know Biden says "fuck" in the White House?

But this morning I'm reading "Trump tells supporters 'Biden just called me a sick F-word!' in fundraising email" (NY Post). So Trump is making something out of it:
“BIDEN JUST CALLED ME A SICK F-WORD!” read an email sent by the Trump campaign on Friday, asking supporters to “chip in.”

“[Y]ou know he doesn’t just think that about me, he thinks that about EVERY SINGLE ONE of my proud supporters,” the 77-year-old former president asserts in the message....

In his fundraising pitch, Trump reminded his adherents that “Hillary Clinton calls us deplorables” and he claimed that “Biden will spit on us & call us every curse word in the dictionary.”

“If you stand with me now, we’ll be the ones laughing on Election Day,” he added.

I suspect that Trump, on his own, is pleased that Biden perceives him as a fucking asshole. It shows Biden is frustrated and cowed and not in the dominant position. Of course, Trump can take being called names. He is the toughest politico ever. But for that email to would-be donors, he uses the insults. It's not about him. It's about you. He employs his classic rhetorical move and redirects the insults. Biden is really saying this about you. It's just like when Hillary Clinton called you "deplorables."


Which Presidents do you think refrained from saying "fuck" in the White House? You can begin with JFK, but my hypothesis is that plenty of the pre-JFK Presidents used rough language in the White House. A more interesting question is which Presidents had close aides who would undermine their boss by quoting this sort of thing to the press?


rehajm said...

A more interesting question is which Presidents had close aides who would undermine their boss by quoting this sort of thing to the press?

To be clear someone on Team Biden believes the tough language helps Team Biden. It is a variation of the ancient Candid Comment in a Hot Mic tactic (trademark). It is a way to publicly communicate the ‘passion’ of a flat lining liberal politician to their supporters. Liberals expect this of their politicians.

The political strategists make millions from ripping off reruns of The West Wing hoping nobody will notice. They are correct.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Joe "Pedolf Sniffler" Biden refused to acknowledge his stripper-conceived granddaughter and says "fuck" in the Whitehouse. Trump retweets and shit. Fish are slanted and require beards because legacy media is dead as disco and need salacious tidbits for the menopausal.

Someone fetch smelling salts. Becky has the vapors.

Quaestor said...

Truman was known for salty language, though his use of f-bombs is probably conjectural. Hoover, on the other hand, must have been verbally demonstrative, he was a civil engineer, a member of a professional class that understands the limits of language.

Jersey Fled said...

Jimmy Carter

Dave Begley said...

JFK could not only it say it, he could do it with a number of women in the WH not named Jackie.

Big Mike said...

It's not about him. It's about you. He employs his classic rhetorical move and redirects the insults.

It certainly is! Have you found it convenient to forget about Joe Biden’s hate filled anti-MAGA Republican speech from September 2022, Professor Althouse? I assure you that the non-RINO Republicans haven’t forgotten about it at all. Now Biden bleats that we “must not be enemies.” Seventeen months too late for that.

It's just like when Hillary Clinton called you "deplorables."

You told us that you voted for her, Althouse, so I take it that you agreed with her arrogant verbiage. Do you still agree? Can anyone doubt it?

Humperdink said...

"A more interesting question is which Presidents had close aides who would undermine their boss by quoting this sort of thing to the press?"

Only those from Nixon on. JFK and LBJ carried huge baggage, all hidden from the press by loyal aides. And the of course the press was more discreet.

Biden, quoting Lincoln, sends out an olive branch, while at the same time curses Trump, and by extension his supporters. Who does this idiot think he's fooling? His DOJ investigates attendees at school board meetings, the Catholic church, sends pro-lifers to jail, along with J6 protesters.

William said...

Presidents Kennedy and Clinton were the least inclined to refrain from fucking. They probably didn't say the word fuck more than other Presidents though, so there's that in their favor....President Kennedy seemed to have gotten away with a whole freight train of disreputable behavior without any of it being reported on in his lifetime. In other respects, his life wasn't so fortunate.....I was reading the Ambrose book about Eisenhower during WWII. Eisenhower managed to be polite and affable in his dealing with assorted generals, politicians and world leaders who were extremely difficult to deal with. He had a temper and used profane language, but he kept it in check and got the job done. Of all the Presidents in my lifetime, he was the most Presidential in temperament and gravitas.

Leland said...

JFK? Why would anyone think he didn't use vulgar language? Carter may have been reserved, but JFK? Fuck no.

All of this is truly the rhetoric I ignore, for the same reason I ignore it with friends and family. I do agree it shows a bit of weakness when all you can do is lash out with insults. Still, it is actions that matter most. I'm more concerned by the non-vulgar language that is used to classify people by skin color, such as POC or anti-whites. The people using that language are dangerous.

Jersey Fled said...

Incidentally, I can’t picture Reagan using that word in the White House either. I never heard him say it in any of his movies.

WisRich said...

Which Presidents do you think refrained from saying "fuck" in the White House?

My best guess would be Carter.

Money Manger said...

Hopefully the Biden foul-mouth story can knock the ginned-up Taylor Swift endorsement story out of the news cycle.

mezzrow said...

"Can I take a nap until the election is over?" - most of America

Nancy said...


traditionalguy said...

Ah the possibilities. Suppose George Patton had been a President. None could compete with Old Blood and Guts.

John henry said...

Jfk certainly did not refrain from using fuck all all his life, including in the white house.
Other rough language as well

John Henry

CHMCM said...

Personally, if I was the object of the insult, I would be far more offended by a Trump insult, than I would be by a Biden insult. Trump is good at finding some characteristic of his target and twisting it in a manner that is both funny and insulting. I would find it far easier to deal with someone calling me a f******* whatever.

Roger Sweeny said...

I strongly suspect that aide didn't think (s)he was undercutting the boss. She thought it showed how he wasn't a wimp, that he was a tough guy, who perceptively hated Trump because he really was a f*cking asshole.

Wince said...

Althouse said…
I suspect that Trump, on his own, is pleased that Biden perceives him as a fucking asshole. It shows Biden is frustrated and cowed and not in the dominant position.

“Fucking asshole” and “dominant position”?

Are you sure you’re not confusing the White House with a congressional hearing room?

Breezy said...

Since JFK, the only one I would guess who didn’t use the f-word in the office is Ronald Reagan. Among that set of Presidents, he had the most respect for the title and the office.

“Bad Genes” said...

Biden seems to be getting under Trump’s thin skin….

Joe Bar said...

Kennedy? He engaged in pretty reprehensible behavior as president, and did time in the Navy. I'm pretty sure the F-word was said frequently by him.

Kevin said...

Shorter Trump: I'm rubber, you're glue.

Mary Beth said...

Do you think Trump actually writes his fundraising emails? I believe he writes his own tweets, but it never occurred to me that he would write campaign emails.

I don't think that Biden writes his own tweets, or emails. I don't think anything he says originates with him except for the cussing.

Bob Boyd said...

"History remembers President Lincoln’s first inaugural address counseling us to heed, quote, “the better angels of our nature.”

“The better angels of our nature.”

We do well to remember what he said just a few moments before he concluded the same address. At a moment of deep division in our nation, President Lincoln said, “We are not enemies.” He said, “We are not enemies, but friends.” “We must not be enemies,” he went on to say.

I have long believed we have to look at each other even in our most challenging times not as enemies but as fellow Americans.

Scripture tells us, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.” I believe that’s our collective calling today."

- said Joe Biden, tearing up at the National Prayer Breakfast, 1 FEB 2024

Temujin said...

From what I've read, LBJ would have made all of them blush and stand back in awe. LBJ would have eaten Barack for breakfast.

Bob Boyd said...

But who was the first President to say motherfucker?
Probably Johnson.

Iman said...

POTATUS Biden: An old fuck who walks stiff-legged, arms outstretched like Frankenstein (“fire…BAD!”) to a microphone and stutters nonsensical platitudes.

Meade said...

All I know is: “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to [mess] things up.”

“[Let’s Go, Brandon!]”

Big Mike said...

Anyway, we know that Biden’s dislike of Trump isn’t serious until he calls Trump “a dog-faced pony soldier.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most Americans think... I mean "know" Biden is the "fucking asshole"

Burisma Joe. Family grifter deluxe.

hombre said...

"Of course, Trump can take being called names. He is the toughest politico ever."

This is one of the main reasons many support him. Democrats are attacking their political adversaries on all fronts including criminal prosecutions. Trump can take it. Whether he can overcome it remains to be seen.

He is right when he says they are after us and he is just in the way.

I think 2016 was the last honest presidential election we will ever see. The Deep State counts the votes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It won't matter - because Trump is a dick-stepper who demands you kiss his ring. all while he is trying to get Biden and the corruptocrats elected. Men get angry that women do not like Trump. Try to figure it out, guys. Not sure why you think the Kari Lake strategy of telling potential voters to essentially "fuck off" is a winner?

Kate said...

"Yippee-kay-ai, motherfucker" -- Abraham Lincoln

Nancy said...

Oh! I thought you meant that Biden called Trump that in a fundraising email. Now that was interesting! Or would have been.

M Jordan said...

The thing about Hillary’s two baskets comment that rarely if ever gets mentioned is that the other basket, the non-deplorables one, is a basket full of losers. That’s much more offensive to me than being called deplorable. Then again, I didn’t take much offense at the deplorables comment. Hillary is a 60s progressive woman, nothing more, nothing less. Let her stew in her virtue.

Kevin said...

George H W Bush didn't swear.

Barbara would have washed out his mouth.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Lincoln once said this about U.S. Grant and Grant's drinking: "I can't spare this man; he fights." The same can be said about Trump by the MAGA Republicans.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Lincoln once said this about U.S. Grant and Grant's drinking: "I can't spare this man; he fights." The same can be said about Trump by the MAGA Republicans.

Readering said...

I associated use of the f word with serving in the military. Except Reagan (4F) all between JFK and HW served. So all of them.

planetgeo said...

They've never been able to figure out the martial art of Trump-Fu. When they yin, he yangs their yin. And when they yang, he yins their yang. Always. He's a Trump-Fu Grandmaster.

Iman said...

The word I associate with progressives is FUBAR.

Progressives are FUBAR.

Tom T. said...

It's amusing to picture the old Calvin Coolidge anecdote through a modern lens:

"I made a bet today that I could get more than two words out of you."

"F--k off."

Yancey Ward said...

I fully embrace the deplorable fuck accusation.

john mosby said...

Reagan wasn't a 4F - he had a reserve commission. He was already a bit old for combat service (born 1911 - you try humping a ruck in the jungle or the hedgerows at 30+!), and was quite nearsighted, so he was kept in the US to make training films.


Aggie said...

"A more interesting question is which Presidents had close aides who would undermine their boss by quoting this sort of thing to the press?"

What makes you so sure this is undermining? Joe has always liked to put his manliness on display with flashes of anger, maybe because he thinks it makes him look genuine. At this point, maybe his aides prefer their senile, demented candidate to show off a little manly cussing, since he's still capable of doing that, at least. To me, it's the same old phony shtick: Joe's got certain repetitive routines and behaviors that seem hard-wired in, and maybe they are increasingly relying on them to pull off the charade and hide the decrepitude.

chuck said...

he [Eisenhower] was the most Presidential in temperament and gravitas

I think he was the most experienced and best prepared for the job. Most of our presidents were amateurs when they entered office. Compare that to the education of the William of Orange, who was carefully groomed and educated for his position.

JK Brown said...

I was just noticing some calls for harking back to the "Boomers" by Clyburn in SC talking about black voters and the Civil Rights marches. And RFKjr saying Boomer should support him as they remember Camelot.

Really, no one born after 1953 is likely to have much memory of even RFK's assassination much less JFK or Camelot. Hell, I was born in '62 and the Beatles were disbanded before I was 8 years old. So my "memories" are all media hype.

And most of the Boomer nostalgia of the 1960s is just high schoolers latching on to what the late Silent Gen did.

JAORE said...

"Biden seems to be getting under Trump’s thin skin…."

LOL. Rich is not even trying now. But I appreciate the brevity.

n.n said...

Liberal progressions garner responses in kind...

Or is it responses in kind garner liberal progressions?

It's a fetus and baby paradox.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Big Mike said...It's just like when Hillary Clinton called you "deplorables."...You told us that you voted for her, Althouse, so I take it that you agreed with her arrogant verbiage. Do you still agree? Can anyone doubt it?

2/3/24, 7:21 AM

I believe Althouse has written here that she cast her vote for Jill Stein in 2016. Might be wrong about that, but pretty certain that she did not vote for Clinton.

Rabel said...

The piece in Politico is very well done if viewed as propaganda. Assertion after assertion not backed by reality but presented in a carefully worded manner such that an uninformed reader would tend to accept them as truth and a sympathetic reader would stand and cheer.

tolkein said...

I was born in 1954 and I remember seeing about the assassination of Kennedy in 1963 on the TV in my parents front room. Don't recall anything more but my parents did seem concerned. I remember the shock of RFK's assassination, as, a stupid teenager, I'd been rooting for him.

Joe Smith said...

Al Swearengen for president!

Skeptical Voter said...

Joe's language here is indicative of a small man with a small mind. But then most of us who did not vote for him in 2020 (or in any of his four prior failed Presidential campaigns) knew that about him already.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I was born in 1954 and I remember seeing about the assassination of Kennedy in 1963 on the TV in my parents front room. Don't recall anything more but my parents did seem concerned. I remember the shock of RFK's assassination, as, a stupid teenager, I'd been rooting for him.”

We were staunch Republicans. We laughed a lot at a record named, I think, “the First Family”. It was mostly people with very nasally Boston type accents talking very arrogantly. The record abruptly disappeared upon his death (quite possibly at the hands of the CIA/FBI). We found it 40-50 years later cleaning up stuff at our parents’ house. Listening to it again, after all those years, it was still quite enjoyable. And part of it still was that condescending Boston accent.

loudogblog said...

As Frank Sinatra once sung: "I've got you....under my skin. I've got you...deep in the heart of me. So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me. I've got you under my skin."

walter said...

Roger Sweeny said...
I strongly suspect that aide didn't think (s)he was undercutting the boss. She thought it showed how he wasn't a wimp, that he was a tough guy..
They've been leaking this sort of reframing of Pedo Pete's accelerating decline.
Unless Team Juice had just visited, whatever he said was a garbled mess or on a prompter.
He sputters. He stutters.
Girls shudder.

mikee said...

Joe Biden has always been an ass. Why is this ongoing behavior of his newsworthy?

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...

I associated use of the f word with serving in the military. Except Reagan (4F) all between JFK and HW served. So all of them.

Typical lefty lie. Reagan was in the Army Reserve before the war and was not cleared for active duty.

Aggie said...

"It was mostly people with very nasally Boston type accents talking very arrogantly."

The Rubber Schwan.... is mine.

Josephbleau said...

"Ronald Reagan enrolled in a series of home-study Army Extension Courses on March 18, 1935. After completing 14 of the courses, he enlisted in the Army Enlisted Reserve on April 29, 1937, as a Private assigned to Troop B, 322nd Cavalry at Des Moines, Iowa. He was appointed Second Lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps of the Cavalry on May 25, 1937. On June 18, 1937 Reagan, who had just moved to Los Angeles to begin his film career, accepted his Officer's Commission and was assigned to the 323rd Cavalry.

Lieutenant Reagan was ordered to active duty on April 19, 1942. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only excluding him from serving overseas. His first assignment was at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation at Fort Mason, California, as liaison officer of the Port and Transportation Office. Upon the request of the Army Air Forces (AAF), he applied for a transfer from the Cavalry to the AAF on May 15, 1942; the transfer was approved on June 9, 1942. He was assigned to AAF Public Relations and subsequently to the 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City, California. Reagan was promoted to First Lieutenant on January 14, 1943 and was sent to the Provisional Task Force Show Unit of This Is The Army at Burbank, California. Following this duty, he returned to the 1st Motion Picture Unit, and on July 22, 1943 was promoted to Captain.

In January 1944, Captain Reagan was ordered to temporary duty in New York City to participate in the opening of the sixth War Loan Drive. He was assigned to the 18th AAF Base Unit, Culver City, California on November 14, 1944, where he remained until the end of the war. He was recommended for promotion to Major on February 2, 1945, but this recommendation was disapproved on July 17, 1945. On September 8, 1945, he was ordered to report to Fort MacArthur, California, where he was separated from active duty on December 9, 1945.

While on active duty with the 1st Motion Picture Unit and the 18th Army Air Forces Base Unit, Captain Reagan served as Personnel Officer, Post Adjutant, and Executive Officer. By the end of the war, his units had produced some 400 training films for the Army Air Forces.

Reagan's Reserve Commission automatically terminated on April 1, 1953."

"In 1937, he went to California to cover the spring training of the Chicago Cubs—and to meet a Hollywood agent. By chance, Warner Brothers was seeking a new actor to replace a promising young star who had died in a car accident, and Reagan vaguely resembled him. He took a screen test for Warner Brothers, and the studio immediately offered him a then-munificent $200-a-week contract."

Regan served honorably to the best of his ability and gave up a then large salary to train airmen by film production for four years in roles of increasing responsibility.

Josephbleau said...

In my opinion, if I was Beiden I would be calling Hunter a sick fuck before calling it to anyone else. Take the beam out of your own eye Joe. You lovable old Irish Paddy.

Ralph L said...

The Army taught Reagan how to ride horses.

Every Republican after Nixon knew any bad personal behavior was bound to be leaked.