February 3, 2024

Donald Trump, the motivational speaker.

Watch the video at Truth Social.

Is that a campaign ad or is he just trying to tell us how to run our life?

Also at Truth Social within the last day, there's this very cutting anti-Biden ad.

Truth Social is working out very well for Trump, I think. You have to intend to go there, but it's a sharp, clean environment, devoid of the clutter of Twitter ("X").

ADDED: Embedded Truth Social video removed, replaced by links. They did not play on my blog. If you click them, you get sent over to the Truth Social website. And they also caused my sidebar to relocate to the bottom of my webpage. So Truth Social is not working out very well for me. I'll link but not embed in the future. Do better.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The GOP/Trump would be wise to use this

and this.... over and over.

Just as the PBS Frontline propaganda uses J-6 over and over...
btw - interesting the FBI cannot find the "pipe bomb" agent on J-6. sure it's just a happy coincidence.

rehajm said...

Is that a campaign ad or is he just trying to tell us how to run our life?

It is an expression of his beliefs as a political leader. With Ann’s ‘question’ one could conclude she’s not prone to support anything Trump utters…

I could imagine Barack or Bernie or a twenty year younger Joe uttering the same words and lefties eating it up…even though they are the enemies Trump is targeting…

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's motivational speaking is really lame.
His focus would be ONLY crook dementia patent Burisma Joe.

RBE said...

His campaign should saturate the "airwaves" with this ad.

rhhardin said...

It's not motivating me. Where are the mean tweets.

n.n said...

PBS Frontline propaganda uses J-6 over and over...
btw - interesting the FBI cannot find the "pipe bomb"

J6 was Pelosi's Choice and a probable Whitmer consensus.

Ann Althouse said...

"Where are the mean tweets."

Clearly, you didn't go over there. Right now, the first thing I see there is: "Deranged Jack Smith, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, Alvin Bragg, the J6 Committee of Political Thugs (who have deleted and destroyed all evidence and findings), and all of the rest of the Biden prosecutors and “bad people who hate our Country,” are just as guilty as Fani Willis. It’s Biden Investigations for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Ann Althouse said...

Why "Peekaboo"?

At Reddit, I'm seeing the theory "There are two old timey slurs (pick****ny and j**aboo) that he put together as "peekaboo." It's meant to demean and diminish, and it's completely transparent and odious."


Dave Begley said...

I desperately want Trump to win, but I’m not optimistic. Suburban white woman and illegal alien votes in TX and AZ are going to make it impossible.

My best friend and I were talking about Trump yesterday. My remark was that Trump is the mentally toughest person I know. He’s facing 91 criminal counts in very hostile jurisdictions. And he just grinds through with a smile on his face. I can’t even imagine how he gets out of bed each day.

Wince said...

Aren't Letitia James' court appearances in the Trump case only when she shows-up in the courtroom gallery from time-to-time?

Mary Beth said...

I read that reddit thread. Those people sound like they come from trashy families. These aren't words I heard in normal life, and I'm assuming I'm older than most redditors. "Peek" isn't "pick" and I never would have associated peekaboo with the other words. Maybe I lack imagination.

I would have thought he was implying she was playing games - some kind of surprise "gotcha" where she thought she was clever but was at an infant level of cleverness. Or she was a skier.

TickTock said...

Reddit commentators are trying really hard I guess. Or else they never played with infants. Peekaboo I see you.

Aggie said...

"At Reddit, I'm seeing the theory "There are two old timey slurs (pick****ny and j**aboo) that he put together as "peekaboo." It's meant to demean and diminish, and it's completely transparent and odious.""

The first thing I thought of was the naughty connotations of 'peekaboo' lingerie and the story of the prosecutor's complicated, marriage-busting tryst arrangements, which have torpedoed the case because of the associated corruption. Trump is alluding to the sordidness of this saga, I think. Isn't that the most prominent feature here? Sexual misbehavior, abuse of power, corruption?

But yes, of course it figures someone would work to twist what Trump says into something that might distract attention from the real problem and defuse the crisis - for Democrats.

Rusty said...

Wouldn't that be,"picaboo"?

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump spent more than $55 million in donor money on legal fees last year. I’m almost certain the RNC would have preferred to have those funds distributed to down ballot republican candidates.

Imagine giving your money to a billionaire you know is a criminal.

n.n said...

Racist/ethnic Springs are first-order forcings of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform (CAIR). So is diversity, labor arbitrage, environmental arbitrage, redistributive change, and abortion/eugenics.

Aggie said...

....but then I realized I didn't read the story! Different prosecutor. Don't know what Fani's been up to.

Breezy said...

My guess re “Peekaboo” - It’s “now you see her, now you don’t”. I think it’s due to her being all over Trump - being seen there - and not being seen at all dealing with the rampant crime in NYC. So he’s pointing out that she is MIA when it comes to people’s day to day safety and security. Indicting him was a distraction and a waste of taxpayer money.

Breezy said...

I wonder if it’s equal time - people thinking up nefarious intent re Trump speech, or people trying to decipher what Joe actually says when speaking…. hmmm…

D.D. Driver said...

Trump is an outsider like Hunter Biden is an underdog.

Outsiders don't have the Clinton's at their weddings or have hang out seshes with Jeffrey Epstein. At least, no outsider I've ever met.

Michael K said...

I looked at the video and see that he is encouraging his supporters to ignore the slurs that come from, Biden and his lefties. "Peekaboo" was a simple game played with children from time immemorial.

tolkein said...

Rich said
"Trump spent more than $55 million in donor money on legal fees last year. I’m almost certain the RNC would have preferred to have those funds distributed to down ballot republican candidates.

Imagine giving your money to a billionaire you know is a criminal."

Maybe he isn't a criminal, you know, but just the target of Democrat lawfare. Maybe De Santis dodged a bullet in not being the Republican candidate in 2024. Imagine what they would do to him.

John henry said...

Rich said...

Imagine giving your money to a billionaire you know is a criminal.

In my case I don't have to imagine it.

I think the last time I gave money to a politician was in 94 when I donated to the guy running against speaker Foley (my guy won, I was happy to help) before that I maxed out to both Governor candidates. My son thought he might want to go to west point and might need a letter from the guv.

Other than that, nothing.

But I have been sending money to our president emeritus. In cash, to him personally at mar a Lago.

I include a note explaining that it is a gift and he can use it for any purpose. Legal fees, lunch, shoes or politics or whatever.

He's got my back, I've got his. It's the least I can do.

John Henry

Rusty said...

D.D. Driver said...
Trump is an outsider like Hunter Biden is an underdog.

Outsiders don't have the Clinton's at their weddings or have hang out seshes with Jeffrey Epstein. At least, no outsider I've ever met.

Like the Carters liked to hang out with John Wayne Gacey.

Rusty said...

"Imagine giving your money to a billionaire you know is a criminal."
Imagine giving millions to a crack addict.

Mutaman said...

Breezy said...

"and not being seen at all dealing with the rampant crime in NYC."

I guess that "rampant crime" must be bypassing the UWS. I keep missing it. Although I did see some woman not cleaning up her dog's duty the other day.

Mutaman said...

John henry said...

"I include a note explaining that it is a gift and he can use it for any purpose. Legal fees, lunch, shoes or politics or whatever.'

He's been forwarding it to Habba hoping she can purchase enough CLE courses that will instruct her on how to demand a jury trial and or mark a document for identification.

Mutaman said...

Dave Begley said...

"I can’t even imagine how he gets out of bed each day."

Horse de wormer.

Mutaman said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Where are the mean tweets."

Clearly, you didn't go over there. Right now, the first thing I see there is: "Deranged Jack Smith, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, Alvin Bragg, the J6 Committee of Political Thugs (who have deleted and destroyed all evidence and findings), and all of the rest of the Biden prosecutors and “bad people who hate our Country,” are just as guilty as Fani Willis. It’s Biden Investigations for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Reads like the comments to a typical Althouse post to me. And just like that the Know Nothings are weighing in on the meaning of “Peekaboo” .

bgates said...

At Reddit, I'm seeing the theory

If you take the letters in 'Reddit', reverse the order, and flip the d's vertically, you get "tigger", which is pretty ironclad proof that everybody who posts there is solely motivated by hatred of black people.

Jerry said...

D.D. Driver said "Trump is an outsider" but not really.

As far as DC goes, he really is. A product of NY Real Estate culture, he fit in there, knew the people, knew the systems, and as a RICH DEMOCRAT at the time he knew he was a hot commodity. Getting your picture with Trump at a party didn't mean he liked what the person was doing - it was publicity.

For several election cycles pre-2016, I'd hear interviews where he was thinking about getting into politics. I thought it'd be a good idea - why not try someone from OUTSIDE DC?

Then he ran as an R and everybody just goes nuts. Ds hated him because he was an R with no secrets they could drag out to embarrass him. Guy's an open book, nothing worked. So you end up with 'Russian collusion' and 'pee tapes' from the Dems.

Rs were wary because HE was a threat to THEM. He was an unknown quantity. Was he going to keep the status quo, where nothing was really supposed to change? Change can to go wrong. They had their established patterns, he might mess things up for everyone!

Then he gets to DC and the bastard DOES toss out the status quo! This was INTOLERABLE! Especially when the changes he made calmed a lot of issues that had been hot for a long time. (NK especially.)

Remember, DC HATES CHANGE. Trump was an outsider, he was an interloper, changing things that shouldn't be touched, that were 'stable'. They weren't 'optimal', but they could be 'managed'.

Trump's not a politician. He's a fixer. He sees a problem, wants to fix it. Sees a challenge, he wants to do something. Thus - Operation Warp Speed for a Covid vaccine when that asshole Fauci persuaded the world it was about to experience a great die-off, got hospital ships to NYC when it looked like they needed them (even if never used) and the like.

Give him a problem, he'll try to solve it. This is NOT what DC does, remember? They 'MANAGE'.

Add in the 'He's not OUR kind' feelings among the established politicians, who saw him solving problems they'd planned on campaigning for the next few decades (you get votes for PROMISING to solve X - never for actually FIXING X) and he was upsetting things in a way they couldn't stand.

Think high school cliques on steroids, and Trump was the new kid.

2020 hits, and the fecal matter hits the fan. Everything's pulled out to get Trump out of office. Voting irregularities are overlooked, and a candidate that barely popped up like a groundhog on Feb 2nd 'won'. That wasn't good enough - they had to discredit him. Media did a good job there, so did Antifa in DC at the Inauguration. So now it's a coup attempt, with people who had NO guns. Why, it's like they went there to peacefully assemble or something.

Anyone who looks at what Trump actually says, instead of what is reported he said, sees a different picture than what the media shows. I can get that you don't want to think about it, I can get that you don't want to see him in office again.

I can get that.

But at this point, after watching politics since the late '70s, I'm at a point where I don't see DC as an unbiased, neutral, benevolent group of politicians, just wanting the best for the country and politely disagreeing about what that is.

I see it as a bunch out to gather as much power and influence for themselves as they can manage, with the Rs slightly less so than the Ds. They're collectively stupid, prone to 'crisis of the moment' thinking, really bad ideas, and we've got no real chance aside from Trump to change that.

So - Biden? No, I'll not vote for him. He's everything that's wrong with DC. Senile, incompetent, 'managed' by people who pretty much seem to hate anyone outside the Beltway.

Trump? Yes - eagerly. Because DC must be changed or we will dissolve as a country.

“Bad Genes” said...

Trump has been a known crook for decades. He's had the reputation of not paying his debts for a generation. He's had a terrible reputation in multiple ways for failing businesses and dishonesty for decades. But banks keep getting into business with him and loaning him money. Almost 20 years ago I was a banker at Wells Fargo, and literally when they would explain to us the credit philosophy of Wells Fargo Bank, which at the time was the fifth-largest bank in the United States, they would say: 'it's people, credit, real estate'. You look at those things in that order, and literally the example my boss gave me of someone you would not lend to because they failed the people category was Donald Trump. And this is before Donald Trump was a political figure, it was before the birthers. It was based purely on his reputation as someone who tried to get out of paying back his real estate loans.

The relationship that he had with Deutsche Bank was so extensive and shady in part because the other banks of Deutsche Bank's stature generally didn't want to do business with Trump. But there are clearly financial institutions that still do. He still has ongoing businesses, he still has financial relationships, and some of these banks are probably thinking there's a good chance he's going to be president again. And that plays into their thinking.

Big Mike said...

“Embrace the label, because it’s the outsiders that change the world…”

I’m going to disagree with Mr. Trump. I would say that DC insiders are changing the world, in ways that benefit them financially for the short term, and are inimical to the short and long term interests of the ordinary people.

Big Mike said...

I see that Rich engages in “trust us,” or “trust him” anyway. Why I or anyone else would do that is beyond me.

And he references his (alleged) time at Wells Fargo Bank, one of the most scandal-plagued banks in American history. A list of their financial misdealings includes creating fake accounts, a scandal that cost 5300 employees their jobs (was Rich on of them?), including CEO John Stumf, who was hit with a $17.5 million dollar fine and barred from ever working in the banking industry again. The bank is currently defending itself from a charge that it discriminates against black and Latino borrowers. The fines levied against Wells Fargo in the past decade or so seem pretty impressive: $2.1 billion here, $1 billion there, $480 million elsewhere.

But Wells Fargo thinks Trump is a person of poor character?

D.D. Driver said...

"As far as DC goes, he really is."

I don't know... seven trips on Lolita express? Maybe if Trump only took two or three free trips on Lolita Express, maybe then he could still claim to be an outsider.

And then there flying around on the Lolita Express with Mark Middleton (https://the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html), the Clinton advisor that "committed suicide" with a shotgun found 30 feet from his body in 2022. Seems kind of DC-insidery to me.

Maybe Trump is an outsider the same way the Clintons are outsiders. They, too, made a killing in real estate.

Rusty said...

Rich said...
"Trump has been a known crook for decades. He's had the reputation of not paying his debts for a generation. He's had a terrible reputation in multiple ways for failing businesses and dishonesty for decades. But banks keep getting into business with him and loaning him money."
Maybe he's not as much of a crook as your friends have been telling you.
I mean you'd think, a guy that shady, the IRS would have been onto him decades ago.

Mutaman said...

Jerry said...

"Trump's not a politician. He's a fixer. He sees a problem, wants to fix it. Sees a challenge, he wants to do something. Thus - Operation Warp Speed for a Covid vaccine. "

I thought that you Know Nothings were opposed to the vaccine. You keep posting that its a bad thing that does nothing but enrich Big Pharm. Now you're praising Trump for inventing it.
I wish you would make up your mind.

Jerry said...


"I thought that you Know Nothings were opposed to the vaccine."

Wait - I thought Fauci said it was absolutely essential? And all The Best Minds™ In DC agreed?

I'm supposed to be unhappy because Trump accepted the judgement of the Experts™? And did what he could to expedite the development?

I wish you would make up your mind.

Jerry said...


As Rusty said - if Trump were as you portray him, the IRS would have been all over his returns like white on rice. Maybe, just maybe, they didn't like that THEY tried to screw him, and he wouldn't go along?

"Hey, sorry, uh, we gotta raise this loan a few points."

"Yeah, no, got the paperwork here, it says it's this, I'm not paying a penny more."

That'd get a rep. Yet he still got loans, and paid them back.

Funny, that.

Jerry said...

D.D. Driver:

You mentioned the Epstein plane and my immediate thought was if he'd ever been to the island that would have been front-page news. Or if he'd really been chummy with Epstein there'd have been a LOT of evidence. So... reading that article you provided a link for:

"A passenger list shows on 23 March 1993, Mr Trump and Epstein flew from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey to Palm Beach with Erin Nance, a former Miss Georgia who competed in the 1993 Miss USA beauty pageant.

Six days after that flight, Mr Trump is listed as returning to Teterboro on a flight with Epstein, Ms Maxwell, and others mentioned by their initials.

On 15 May 1994, Mr Trump is listed as flying on Epstein’s Hawker Siddeley jet with his then wife Marla, their daughter Tiffany and Mark Middleton, an aide to president Bill Clinton.

Visitor logs from the White House released to The Daily Mail show Epstein was a regular presence at the presidential mansion during Mr Clinton’s first term in office.

Then on 13 August 1995, Epstein and Ms Maxwell were joined by Mr Trump, his son Eric Trump, and several others on a flight from Florida to New Jersey."

So - a few flights. Four? Looks like Epstein was giving others flights too. No, nobody's ever tried to schmooze a billionaire before, or tried to gain credibility by hanging out with one. Four flights, last in '95?

Hmm. And it looks like Epstein was a frequent visitor to the White House. While Clinton was there.

Now, when did Trump ban Epstein from Mar a Largo? That was 2007, when Epstein tried to grab a minor. 12 YEARS after the last Epstein flight.

And there doesn't seem to be any indication he ever visited the island.

Hmm. Those pesky flight logs don't seem to be terribly incriminating...

So - he used the plane a few times, never went to the island, was never close to Epstein (Maybe Epstein was using Trump for a veneer of celebrity cover) and when Epstein showed what he was he kicked him away. And helped the prosecution against Epstein.

Wow. It's almost like he wasn't really involved with Epstein, and was actually appalled when he found out.

From the tweet.

"Donald Trump banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago all the way back in 2007.

Attorney Bradley Edwards named Trump as the only one who helped him with his case against Epstein.

And now the unsealed court docs say that Trump was never on the Epstein island or ranch:"


I really don't think this proves what you think it does.

D.D. Driver said...

"I really don't think this proves what you think it does."

It proves absolutely nothing except how quickly Trump fans will rush to his defense. No one is accusing Trump of being a pedophile...although he was the one to boast: “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. 😬 That quote has NOT "aged well." (Pun intended.)


But, do I think when Trump is flying around with Mark Middleton (google that name) maybe someone, somewhere, should ask some questions.

Jerry said...

D.D. Driver:

You're the one who brought up the Epstein/Trump connection.

"It proves absolutely nothing except how quickly Trump fans will rush to his defense."

Right. Couldn't be because I think you're distorting the issues. You've tossed out a puzzle here - what's the sequence of events, and do they prove what you think you're trying to prove?

Do you think Trump was controlling who was flying on Epstein's plane?
Or who he may have flown with once?
You mention Mark Middleton - what do you think the connection is there?

Looks like that was a one-time occurrence, instead of a series, so it may be something, or it might not. After all, if you go commercial air how many problematic people could you be associated with on each flight? (Considering the state of commercial air these days, I shudder to think...)

You know, you're kind of proving a theory that I've had for a long time now.

For some people, time between events that catch their notice doesn't actually exist - all events are essentially simultaneous even if they're many years apart. Trump was an acquaintance of Epstein in '93, didn't seem to have much regular contact after that until '07 when Epstein did something out of line, at which point he dumped him.

That's 14 years.

The incident reported at your link happened in '02 - 5 years before Epstein became persona non grata by his own actions, 9 years after Trump first met him, 3 years before he was first accused of kiddy-diddling.

So let's do the timeline here. Epstein flew Trump a few times, not many, and never to the Island. Then, it would seem, there was nothing. So... minimal contact, I'd say.

Trump was asked about him 9 years later. He gave a statement, not saying much at all. 'Great guy, likes pretty girls' - and that was about it, embellished in the usual Trump style, and not really out of place for the time. (Emphasis on 'For the time'. Standards have changed since 2002. Whether for better or worse, I leave to you to decide.)

And nobody at that time (2002) thought of Epstein as a problem. There were questions about where he got his money, but nobody I'm aware of was seriously digging into him.

5 years later, Epstein did what Trump rejected him for. That was 2007, and Trump cooperated fully with investigators afterward when it was clear what was going on. Epstein was first accused of kiddy diddling in 2005, sentenced in 2008? Man, time flies. Why'd you have to point me down this rabbit hole, anyway? Think I need to go take a shower. Yeech, that Epstein was foul.

Somehow, though, that doesn't seem to me that Trump's guilty of anything except peripheral association, and considering the circles in NY society they both ran in, they were bound to bump into each other. That could be why there's little to no solid connection after '93 - maybe he felt there was something 'off' about Epstein. Not off enough to reject completely, same social circles after all, but enough to not want to really be friends.

Okay, I've think I've pieced together enough of the puzzle now. At worst, Trump is guilty of accepting some rides in the '90s and saying something vaguely pleasant about him in 2002. When he realized what a sleaze Epstein was, he kicked him completely away and testified against him.


YMMV. Thanks for the puzzle.