February 17, 2024

"Aleksei A. Navalny’s political allies on Saturday confirmed his death...."

The NYT reports.
Kira Yarmysh, Mr. Navalny’s spokeswoman, said in a statement on X that Russian investigators had transferred Mr. Navalny’s body from a penal colony in the Arctic to the nearby town of Salekhard, where it is being examined....

In their statement about his death, Russian prison authorities said that its causes were “being determined.” Local investigators said that they launched a “procedural check” into Mr. Navalny’s death....


Howard said...

Tucker Carlson will tell us what really happened.

Kakistocracy said...

Every time you think Russia and Putin can stoop no lower, they find a way to show the world what a truly backwards, gangster state they are. This is not an outlier, and whatever eventually replaces Putin will be cut from the same cloth.

Europe has finally awoken to this monster. Too slow, no doubt, but awaken they have.

What a stupid man Putin truly is and his pitiful fans and cheerleaders here truly are the lowest of the low. The GOP congressmen and women must be really proud and patriotic to be doing Putin's bidding.

rehajm said...

I predict the investigation will conclude there was no wrongdoing…

wendybar said...

"I should be outraged by the death of Russian political dissident Alexei Navalny, but I’m not.

It’s not that I doubt Navalny’s persecution by Vladimir Putin and Russia’s security and intelligence services. I'm actually not familiar enough with the specifics of his case to pass judgment on those claims.

It's just that I have a finite reservoir of outrage and attention for such matters and right now I’m more than occupied by alarm for the political persecution, oppression, corruption and evil intent here in my own nation. I also can’t help but notice that the ones most responsible for that home-grown persecution, oppression, corruption and evil intent are the very same ones most outraged by Navalny’s death."


Tank said...

Whatever the US and Russia say about this is a lie and propaganda

planetgeo said...

If Putin was smart he'd be doing what a certain elderly man with a poor memory has been doing. Let a few dozen prosecutors and judges take care of the problem for you. Then it would be just fine with the NYT.

hombre said...

@Wendybar (7:20): Good one.

Third Coast said...

What wendybar said at 7:20. I can no longer point a finger at other countries' corruption as D.C. is now in the running for most corrupt in the World.

hombre said...

Rich: "The GOP congressmen and women must be really proud and patriotic to be doing Putin's bidding."

This is why the country is irretrievably divided. productive conversations with delusional people are not possible.

Gene said...

It's quite a thing to see Americans equivocating the doings of the Putin regime with what's going on in America regarding Trump, Jan 6, etc. It's due to ignorance, in part, of what it really like inside Russia, but the stronger force is to befriend the enemy if your enemy - in this case you hate Biden, so Putin must be good since the two are fighting. It's almost suicidal to think like that, but he we are, because local politics are more important than anything outside them. Let the world burn, as long as my candidate is mistreated here at home.
It's really a feeling being among the GOP these days when half the party has lost its compass.

Jaq said...

What is amazing to me is that we still don't know what happened to Nordstream after a year, and the US and NATO have killed all investigations, including Russia's request for a UN investigation, but within ten minutes of Navalny's reported death in a remote prison, north of the Arctic Circle, in a country with which we are, for all practical purposes, at war, and which keeps an extremely close eye on Americans, we knew *exactly what happened* within five minutes.

Stinks like a psy-op.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left would like to do to Trump what Putin did to Navalny.

Jaq said...

Look at Rich and Howard, baying for war against Russia. "We can never get along with Putin!" What a convenient outcome of his death! A guy in prison and long since discredited, and the only threat to Putin would be his murder...

Makes you wonder, unless you believe everything the same people said about COVID not being a lab leak because that was a "crazy conspiracy theory" when the journal Nature printed an article calling for a moratorium on the dangerous research being conducted on bat coronaviruses that involved gene editing to make them more infectious to humans. You know that the CIA was behind the efforts to discredit the lab leak theory, right?

They lie to us about everything, and we are just supposed to believe their lies as our patriotic duty and send our sons off to fight their wars.

No more. Resist. It's all we have left now that they have totally corrupted our court system. They can steal elections, but they can't force us to willingly send our sons off to war as if it were a normal thing.

Wince said...

You mean to tell me the jail cell video is missing?

Jaq said...

Oh look, in case you are wondering why they fucking hate Wikileaks. Navalny's party was funded by the US/CIA.

Cable from Wikileaks about the funding by NED-CIA of the party that Navalny created in 2005 : "Democratic Alternative"

Of course if Putin were to fund a political party in the US, all of the people screaming their outrage over Navalny's imprisonment would proclaim it a perfectly normal thing to be respected, and nobody better touch the founder of that party, or put him in prison! Of course he did give hundreds of millions to Hillary's foundation, so he was funding the Democrats, but on zero evidence, the US is attempting to imprison Trump for the rest of his life just by insinuating that he is a "Russian asset."

Every accusation from these people is a confession. Never forget that. They have to do it, even if it sort of shows their hand, because the truth is out there, and they need to confuse the normies so that it can't be seen, even as it's in plain sight.

Mike Sylwester said...

Navalny lived through a long, contentious career, during which he acquired many enemies. He accused many rich, powerful people of being corrupt. He was a lawyer who initiated legal actions against such people.

Navalny was poisoned in 2020. The plausible culprits include many people besides Putin.

Later, after being tried, convicted and imprisoned on charges of embezzlement, Navalny recently died. As far as the public knows, he died of natural causes.

Now Biden is publicly accusing Putin of causing Navalny's death. If Biden had any proof, he would have revealed some such proof in his recent public accusation.

Biden's public accusation violates international norms. Biden is not providing any evidence that Russia's elected president caused Navalny's death.

Remember Biden's violation of international norms the next time when Trump is accused of making reckless accusations.

John henry said...

Epstein died in federal custody.

Is mentioning that "bothsideism" or "whataboutism"?

Or maybe, and this is some out of the box thinking, "true"

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Useless FBI and CIA unable to get close to Putin.

Happy to do the bidding for the Mob-Money-Grub American Left.

Cappy said...

Thank god that in the wonderful Our Democracy (TM) that could never happen here.

Mike Sylwester said...

I am reading a book, written by Craig Unger and published in 2018, titled House of Trump; House of Putin -- The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia.

The book's text is 264 pages long, and I have reached page 215. The book includes many interesting facts and stories, but so far it has not come even close to convincing me that Trump has been involved with a "Russian Mafia".

Rather, the book is packed full with suppositions, insinuations and smears about Trump.

The book's treatment of Putin is similar. I am surprised that reading the book has made me much more sympathetic toward Putin.

Filling a book with sloppy accusations makes the book longer, but it does not make the book' thesis convincing.

Navalny is not listed in the book's index, and I don't remember any mention of him in the book.

Narr said...

The plain fact is that the US under the Neolib/Neocon regime is as corrupt and dangerous to the rest of the world as the Putin regime is.

What happened to Navalny happens to people in jails all around the world, all the time.

narciso said...

one of these days I'll tell you of my encounter with Craig Unger,

Jaq said...

"I am surprised that reading the book has made me much more sympathetic toward Putin."

I used to revile Putin, and I use to mostly believe our media, thinking that they only "slanted" the news. But seeing the way they treat insinuations against Trump only supported by "mind reading" as proven facts, has opened my eyes to the fact that they use the exact same techniques against Putin. I have made a lot of testable statements here regarding Russia, and Trump, and the only pushback I ever get, are ad hominems and smears against my love for my country. I probably love it far more than these guys, because I want it to be generally in the right on most issues, and a genuine informed democracy.

Jaq said...

Nalvalny was a "Christian Nationalist" Putin is a leader of a huge multicultural, multi-lingual country, which is what Navalny tried to whip up the Russian working class against, in order to break up the Federation, a neocon wet dream. Nalvalny was to Russia everything that the regime accuses Trump, without evidence, of being.


Jaq said...

This whole thing is a psy-op to counter the Carlson interview and try to frighten the normies back to the reservation. Of course Howard jumped at the first bark of the border collie, Rich? He is a border collie.

Kakistocracy said...

The Republicans are holding up Ukrainian military support. Priceless….If you’re (rightly) blaming Putin for Navalny’s death and saying he needs to be punished while you’re (wrongly) blocking military aid to Ukraine. You should pipe down and do your job.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "Look at Rich and Howard, baying for war against Russia. "We can never get along with Putin!" What a convenient outcome of his death! A guy in prison and long since discredited, and the only threat to Putin would be his murder..."

650,000 Ukrainian males of military age fled Ukraine to avoid fighting and now the average Ukraine "warfighter" is 43 years of age. The Ukes are pulling retirees in off the streets to keep filling the cannon fodder ranks so that the Ukraine grift can continue apace.

It is my understanding that Ukraine's foreign personnel signup operations are still in full swing which means self-anointed Audie-Murphy non-combat experienced types like Howitzer Howard and Rapier Rich can just go online now and get the process going to teach that Putin dude a lesson!

Be sure to drop us a postcard or 2 from the front to let us know how you are doing!

Joe Smith said...

'...penal colony in the Arctic...'

Now that's a prison.

Not my country and the guy's not a relative, so not my business.

Meanwhile, the deep state® is using lawfare to destroy an American president and any of his allies, and half the country claps like fucking trained seals.

The enemy is within folks...

Joe Smith said...

'Europe has finally awoken to this monster. Too slow, no doubt, but awaken they have.'

Then let Europe spill their blood and spend their treasure.

At least Putin knows what day it is and how to tie his shoes.

Our 'leader' can barely walk, let alone think.

Which is fine, it happens.

But mid-wits like you cheer the man on and will vote for him again.

Howard said...

Triggering the delicate sensibilities of the fragile Trump victimologists with the slightest spec of sarcasm is like exposing a snowflake in a blast furnace.

Jaq said...

The funny thing is that the Ukrainian NAFO trolls on Twitter use video of Navalny's rallies as proof that "Russians are the real nazis"

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to see the isolationists, the shoulder-shrugging, the what-abouters, and Putin apologists gather together in one place...

Freder Frederson said...

You know that the CIA was behind the efforts to discredit the lab leak theory, right?

I was not aware of this "fact". Other than the monkeys flying out of your butt, please provide a link.

Freder Frederson said...

This whole thing is a psy-op to counter the Carlson interview and try to frighten the normies back to the reservation.

Counter the Carlson interview. Who on earth took the Carlson interview as serious, let alone seriously enough to conduct a psy-op to counter it?

Freder Frederson said...

the US is attempting to imprison Trump for the rest of his life just by insinuating that he is a "Russian asset."

Which of the 91 counts against him has the remotest connection to him being a Russian asset?

FullMoon said...

Nobody ever dies of a stroke or heart attack in Putin's Russia.

And, our govt and media do not lie.

Drago said...

Howard: "Triggering the delicate sensibilities of the fragile Trump victimologists with the slightest spec of sarcasm is like exposing a snowflake in a blast furnace."

Shorter over-compensating non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: I cant follow this stuff and I've got nothing, so I'll just write this...

Mike Sylwester said...

CNN and its ilk keep inserting the phrase "without proof" into it reports about Trump.

For example, "Trump said without proof that there was significant election cheating during the election".

CNN never will remark, for example, that "Biden said without proof that Putin caused Navalny's death".

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Which of the 91 counts against him has the remotest connection to him being a Russian asset?"

He's not a "Russian asset" idiot boy.

But then again, you were always one of the biggest hoax collusion/hoax dossier pushers as well.

Joe Smith said...

'The Republicans are holding up Ukrainian military support.'

Go fight yourself.

Write Zelensky a huge check.

Send your kids to fight.


Rusty said...

Putin is a thief and a thug. Like Chicago aldermen are thieves and thugs. Like the president of the United States is a thief and a thug. I don't revile them. Thay are being true to their nature. I understand them and work against them. You want to know the truth?
Without exception they revile you.

Rusty said...

Putin is a thief and a thug. Like Chicago aldermen are thieves and thugs. Like the president of the United States is a thief and a thug. I don't revile them. Thay are being true to their nature. I understand them and work against them. You want to know the truth?
Without exception they revile you.

Tom T. said...

Navalny's party was funded by the US/CIA.

This is false. The cited source says that DA received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, a private non-profit. The CIA connection is pure imagination.

Jaq said...

Putin never pretended to be looking out for my best interests, Rusty. Never asked me to vote for him. Never asked me to pay for his weapons.

"Which of the 91 counts against him has the remotest connection to him being a Russian asset?"

So you are admitting that the first two years of his presidency, that were taken up by that BS investigation was nothing but a partisan witch hunt? But It is a comfort to me that when I do make an incorrect statement, even if it is in the interests of rhetoric, I get called on it tout suite. Makes me have more confidence in the rest of the stuff I say here that nobody here pushes back on.

Dr Weevil said...

Here's @DarthPutinKGB on Twitter (link):

1. "A short history of how Navalny was a foreign agent..

A Russian in Russia, under close surveillance by Russian intelligence, left a hotel in Russia & got on a Russian plane going from Russia to Russia & consumed a Russian nerve agent only Russia has by the CIA."

2. "Then that irrelevant Russian, while in a coma, was given permission to leave Russia personally by the president of Russia so that when he returned to Russia he was arrested for leaving Russia without permission & put in a Russian jail"

3. "That Russian, while in a Russian jail, in remote Russia, guarded by Russians, went for a walk under close surveillance by armed Russian prison guards & returned alone to his high security Russian jail cell where CIA killed him.

The end."

You have to be remarkably stupid to think the CIA killed Navalny. And you have to be remarkably ignorant not to know that he's at least the 20th prominent opponent or dissident to die of unnatural causes under Putin. Sometimes Putin doesn't even try very hard to hide his guilt. One of the two men wanted in the UK for poisoning Litvinenko in 2006 is now a member of Russian Parliament (the Duma). By the way, having killed one man with nuclear radiation in 2006 and tried to kill another and his daughter with nerve gas in 2018 (an innocent Briton was killed, and two more sickened), I expect the next overseas assassination attempt to use biological weapons. I think Putin would find it amusing to use the whole nuclear-biological-chemical array, just as his troops in Ukraine have repeatedly violated just about every provision of the Geneva Convention.

Jaq said...

Here is an ad that Navalny made where he compares Muslims to cockroaches and flies, and suggests a handgun to deal with them. This is the guy whose political party the US was funding. He's Ray Epps. We gotta do what we gotta do, I guess, but isn't it a bit over the top to demand that we all be outraged when Russia kills one of our agents?


Tom T. said...

A guy in prison and long since discredited, and the only threat to Putin would be his murder...

Poor Putin. Such a weak and helpless leader, he doesn't even control his own prisons. What masterminds his opponents are, to kill themselves in order to discredit him.

Tom T. said...

I can no longer point a finger at other countries' corruption as D.C. is now in the running for most corrupt in the World.

This is the same line the old Left always used - "You can't criticize Communism because the US suffers from racism."

rcocean said...

Its always amazing to me how the MSM and the NYT in particular pull these propaganda stunts, and like Robots all the libtards fall in line and squaw out the party line.

Someone left a paper copy of the NYT's outside the Doctor's office so I was able to skim through it. Literally, 1/2 of the first 10 pages, y'know where all the important news stories were supposed to be, was all about this who-is-it dying in Russian Prison and how Putin MIGHT have killed him.

There is no proof. There is no evidence. Its just wild speculation pretending to be news. And this man was not important. There's no reason for we Americans to care. How many today, now crying their eyes out, could name him last Thursday?

I'll just repeat what I've written before.

Liberal/leftist aren't upset about Genocide in Gaza, you have to go to foriegn newsites to get the daily death toll of Arabs killed by the IDF. The liberal MSM doesn't care about the crime and other negative effects caused by our open southern border. Nothing about immigration gets into the MSM unless its pro-immigration. How many people were murdered in Chicago last weekend, you wont read about it in the WaPo/NYT's they don't care. What about the massive food inflation that is making working class and even middle class Americans feel poorer? Not the concern of the Liberal/left media.

And you know what GOvernment can kill its own citizens and get no blowback? Its not Putins Russia, its Biden's America. Go talk to the families of the J6 protesters killed or left to die. But Libtard MSM loves that police brutality!

Tom T. said...

a psy-op to counter the Carlson interview

Counter *what* about the Carlson interview? Nothing about that interview was troubling to the DC establishment. Besides, Carlson made himself into a laughingstock by trying to present 1970s supermarket technology as some sort of Russian cutting-edge. Imagine never having seen a shopping cart coin slot. If he knows so little about the United States, it's silly to think he's being genuinely insightful about Russia.

Drago said...

Tom T: "This is false. The cited source says that DA received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, a private non-profit. The CIA connection is pure imagination."

The NED, founded in 1983, is quite likely a CIA front, like so many others.

And I am not saying we shouldn't have them to advance our national interests. I would humbly suggest its naive in the extreme to think otherwise.

Drago said...

Tom T: "Besides, Carlson made himself into a laughingstock by trying to present 1970s supermarket technology as some sort of Russian cutting-edge. Imagine never having seen a shopping cart coin slot. If he knows so little about the United States, it's silly to think he's being genuinely insightful about Russia."


Are you jackasses really trying to rerun the HWBUSH grocery store scanner hoax from '92?

Too funny.

Carlson's point at the grocery store was straightforward and unassailable: the economic sanctions our current "best and the brightest" put on the russkis was supposed to bring the russkis to their knees...leading to an overthrow of Putin...followed by a breakup of Russia into 15 or 20 little nations that could all be coopted and exploited by the Western establishment elites, beginning with Blackrock and Vanguard and all the New Soviet Democratical aligned players.

It hasnt worked out that way because our "best and the brightest" are morons...but very powerful morons with technology, lawfare and economic weapons that make it very difficult to dislodge and/or disrupt them in the western nations.

So it appears we'll be on this trajectory of "elite" failure but continued "elite" entrenchment for some some time.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Wall Street Journal put it in perspective.

link to X

rcocean said...

Seems no one can die in jail without the "big guy" at the top giving the Order. Interesting. So, I guess all those Conspiracy theories about epstein being killed by Trump were true.

Christopher B said...

I see a lot of the same folks who I suspect expect everyone to believe Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself without any external aid wanting the rest of us uncritically accept their contention without evidence that Putin specifically intended a guy who survived multiple years in likely brutal conditions to die.

Like Rusty noted above, I fully accept that Putin's a bastard and a thug, and probably routinely puts people in prison with no hope of exit other than in a pine box. Saves on bullets.

It is still worth noting the hypocrisy in the reaction to the two situations, given that US prisons are widely known to be full of violent conduct with at least some of that violence targeted at specific inmates and the widely reported anomalies surrounding the circumstances of Epstein's death.

No Name said...

Probably most, if not all, of the so-called "despicable class" of people convicted of Jan 6 insurrection actions, jailed without bail, receiving severe sentences, suffering in inhumane conditions in DC jail, seem outrageously punished for what Capitol's video-cams record as mostly peaceful protests. No George Floyd riot. No significant damage by looters, arsonists, nor confirmed physical assaults upon Capitol police-force, beyond misrepresented post-episode suicides. These convicted protestors were arrested after "drag-net" internet investigations, served no-bail pre-trial jail, and received significant prison-time sentences. These Jan 6 protesters' punishment is disproportionate and cruel, politically-motivated to shut-down dissent. We've plenty of news coverage of other protests at US Capitol, at White House, and other violent protests elsewhere around US with significant property damage.

I'm not a MAGA Trump. Non-judgmentally viewed, the Jan 6 videotapes seem to show a friendly sometimes rowdy group of relatively well-behaved middle-aged folks, same crowd you'd expect at a Green Bay Packers homegame. Not even if English football hooligan caliber. Certainly not George Floyd Riots caliber of resulting property damage, looting, and violence resulting personal injuries. Oh, except for Ashley Babbitt.

Seems our citizens with Jan 6 insurrection prison-time convictions are our own "Navalny" dissents.

Jaq said...

"Such a weak and helpless leader, he doesn't even control his own prisons."

The death of the CIA funded nazi in a Russian prison does not bother me. Have you ever watched video of any of his rallies?


Check out the nazi salutes when they shout "Glory to Russia!" You do know that it's considered good form in Ukraine, until the bad publicity started hurting their fund raising, to do the same salute when saying "Glory to Ukraine" or "Slava Ukraini" This is the champion of freedom, and the new Nelson Mandela who died in a Russian prison.

If you want, I can link to the Wikileaks copy of the cable that admits that his candidacy in the Russian elections was funded by the US, which as I have said, Navalny was exactly what the Democrats have accused Trump of. Navalny was a traitor. His death has been very convenient to the US, though.

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