January 23, 2024

Trump defeated Ron DeSantis. We all know that. But how gendered was it?

I'm reading a NYT "Political Memo" by Michael C. Bender and Nicholas Nehamas, called "The Emasculation of Ron DeSantis by the Bully Donald Trump."

Emasculation? Really?
The former president’s brutal, yearlong campaign of humiliation.... Donald J. Trump plumbed new depths of degradation in his savage takedown... a yearlong campaign of emasculation and humiliation.... 

... Mr. Trump painted Mr. DeSantis as a submissive sniveler, insisting that he had cried and begged “on his knees”....
In a series of sexually charged attacks, Mr. Trump suggested — without a shred of proof — that Mr. DeSantis wore high heels, that he might be gay and that perhaps he was a pedophile.

He promised that intense national scrutiny would leave Mr. DeSantis whining for “mommy.”... 
... Mr. Trump’s chief spokesman, Steven Cheung... cast doubt on Mr. DeSantis’s masculinity, saying that he walked like “a 10-year-old girl who had just raided her mom’s closet and discovered heels for the first time.” 
Mr. Cheung also referred to the Florida governor as a “desperate eunuch,” questioned why Mr. DeSantis would “cuck himself” in front of the entire country — sexual slang that implies weakness in a man — and accused him of searching for “new sugar daddies” to fund his campaign. He called Mr. DeSantis a “disloyal dog.”...

DeSantis mostly declined to speak in these gendered/sexualized terms, but... 

Responding to accusations that he wore lifts in his cowboy boots to appear taller, Mr. DeSantis [said] “If Donald Trump can summon the balls to show up to the debate, I’ll wear a boot on my head”....

I like "summon the balls." Oh, balls!

The NYT writers did cite some sex talk. What do you think? Did Trump get too sexual or display a worrisome enthusiasm for humiliating another man? I can't blame him for joking around about DeSantis's "high heels." That was a big topic of humor on the internet, and having a little fun with that isn't quite bullying. It's like making fun of Trump's ridiculous hair and orange skin color. Who is too dignified to stoop to that?


Iman said...

Consider the source…

John henry said...

A boot on the head is an old sexual fetish. Often practiced by gay men.

Was DeSantis saying he is gay?

John Henry

Limited blogger said...

DeSantis will be a better candidate in 2028 having undergone the rigors of this campaign.

rehajm said...

Hey, I was saving this really good Trump burn from DeSantis but I forgot about it until just now…

Give your balls a tug…

The ‘without proof’ is a nice touch, though…

BUMBLE BEE said...

The "Paper of Record" for the United States?

Dave Begley said...

I do recall Trump saying that he had dirt on Ron that even his wife didn’t know.

This act is old and I’m tired of it.

iowan2 said...

... Mr. Trump painted Mr. DeSantis as a submissive sniveler, insisting that he had cried and begged “on his knees”

So the media does believe what Trump tells them.

R C Belaire said...

"I won, you lost." Gee, who said that way back when? And doesn't that more/less completely summarize the objective in all this? Heat, kitchen, and all that...

Galitan said...

The article is a bit silly. The attempt to diminish DeSantis's masculinity is similar the media's effort to associate "wimp" with WWII hero GHW Bush (which admittedly had an impact).

No one who has watched how DeSantis has battled deep entrenched interests in Florida that others were too intimidated to tackle (teachers' unions, Disney, Soros DAs) could be persuaded that DeSantis is somehow not masculine -- regardless of Trump's juvenile taunts.

I think most Trump supporters (other than the zealots) are also supportive of DeSantis. This may have influenced DeSantis's "Trump without the baggage" strategy. When faced with the choice, however, voters have chosen Trump -- baggage and all -- over Trump Light.

Enigma said...

The former president’s brutal, yearlong campaign of humiliation.... Donald J. Trump plumbed new depths of degradation in his savage takedown... a yearlong campaign of emasculation and humiliation....

And then the MAGA army and Sam Brinton said "Oh stop, you are making my heart flutter."

boatbuilder said...

I am not anti-DiSantis, and if he could somehow have been elected President is 2024 I would be very happy.

But he has been painted (not entirely by Trump, although Trump took full advantage) as a Republican Michael Dukakis. Hard to overcome.

Kevin said...

So the NYT says gay men and men who wear women’s shoes are less masculine?

We’re the culture warriors temporarily blinded by Trump hatred?

Aught Severn said...

A boot on the head is an old sexual fetish. Often practiced by gay men.

Please don't forget your attribution. The first sentence is from Winston Churchill, the second was amplification provided by Yogi Berra.

BUMBLE BEE said...

C'mon man. Did gadfly write that column?
What Galitan said, with the exception of "a bit silly".
Totally juvenile "article".
DeSantis to the bullpen for 2028.

Data Schlepper said...

Thank you Ms Althouse for reading the New York Times so I don't have to.

n.n said...

Male sex on male sex assault is a motif in the transgender spectrum... is trendy in the liberal establishment and JournoListic literary parades. #NoLioness #NoPride

Temujin said...

The editor at the NYT might have better headed this column, "Tell me you know nothing about Ron DeSantis without saying so out loud."

DeSantis is a very tough dude. He was not emasculated by Trump. He simply could not break through the ether of Trump's loyal followers while taking the beating from the national press at the outset of his campaign. Remember- at first DeSantis was the fear on the left. Capable, competent, smart, accomplished. And a product of their own Yale and Harvard. The guy was a very serious worry on the left early on.

So the media worked with the Trump campaign in a way- both beating on DeSantis, but from different angles. But the name DeSanctimonious was the least important thing uttered. Except to the true Trumpers, who get goosey every time Trump hands out a new nickname.

Gusty Winds said...

The 2024 Presidential election simply was not DeSantis' time. He should have waited.

Howard said...

All the posturing and braggadocio is gendered as female. You don't act that way on the floor of a diesel electric drilling rig among roughnecks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is an asshole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Temujin - @ 7:36


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump losing to Biden... a very real probability. The mob supported husk puppet VP is already out there rallying the but-abortion! white women.
Will Trump losing in 2024 break the Trump-adoration super-hero worhsip fever? Never. Trump or death... to America. All of this is a win-win for the left and the leftist media.
Trump doesn't give a shit.

Maynard said...

Trump is an asshole.

You can stop the sales pitch. I am already voting for him.

Birches said...

Oh brother to all the "he should have waited" talk. If Trump actually wins, and I remain very skeptical, his VP has the fast track, not RDS. This was his chance. He's not going to be VP because as Althouse says in another post, Trump wants some sort of minority or woman.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Temujin said...He [DeSantis] simply could not break through the ether of Trump's loyal followers while taking the beating from the national press at the outset of his campaign.

Trump supporters like DeSantis. 2024 was not the time to jump ship and capitulate to the J6 committee and the lawfare. The "let's just move on" crowd who didn't want to deal with (or simply deny) the absentee voter fraud were kidding themselves. A country doesn't "move on" from that.

Of ANY issue the reality of the 2020 voter fraud is the biggest. We are living under an installed President, who's fraudulent 'victory' was blessed and ordained by people we once thought were on the up and up. Pence. Barr... Federal and State Gov'ts usurped the vote. Even DeSantis supporters accept this as the truth.

Everything that has sucked for the last three years stems from that.

DeSantis should hop on the Trump train.

Kakistocracy said...

DeSantis was always very strange with his Disney campaign and his general demeanor... now he is doing a Ted Cruz and endorsing the man who has been insulting him for a year... they really have no dignity....

Prof. M. Drout said...

DeSantis' losing to Trump has almost nothing to do with the DeSantis' personality or masculinity or whatever woo-woo gibberish the national media is pushing today. He hired the absolute worst possible consultants, who then hired an idiotic, thin-skinned, hyperactive, off-putting troll army that made normals loathe the DeSantis people even more than they disliked Trump's drama.

The guy is the very rare Republican with actual accomplishments, but he needs to fire with prejudice every single person he hired, because all they did was set fire to huge piles of donor money.

The obvious strategy when Trump called him names or made fun of his boots was to say "President Trump does that to everyone to see if they are tough enough to laugh it off. Most of them aren't." That he didn't take such an obvious path* to VP makes me believe that someone high up in his campaign is a mole.

*My "so crazy it just might work" idea was to have DeSantis say he would pick Trump as VP if he won the nomination and that he hoped that Trump would do likewise. That would have gotten DeSantis much further than his idiotic "I served in the military and he didn't" TV adds, which were running constantly here in Massachusetts during sporting events until last week.

Kakistocracy said...

"I do recall Trump saying that he had dirt on Ron that even his wife didn’t know. This act is old and I’m tired of it." ~ Ed B

We'll see. If the economy soft-lands enough, gas prices stay reasonable, and people slowly forget they stuff used to be a lot cheaper pre-pandemic, sleepy Joe has a chance.

I heard an institutional investor comment on Bloomberg recently that they were long Biden. Reason being Biden was at or near a bottom now with a pretty decent economy and a shot at inflation being tamed. Trump is at a peak, facing 91 counts and federal indictments, and facing an incubent with a pretty decent economy behind him.

Kakistocracy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

The times as usual lies by omission anc you all swallow it up

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
Trump losing to Biden... a very real probability.

If the vote is clean, Trump wins in a landslide just like he did in 2020. Yes 2020 was a landslide and only stopping the count on election night and slipping in just enough fraudulent absentee votes in purple states stole it. DeSantis knows this is true. Not speaking the truth hurt him.

I am a bit worried after yesterday's Supreme Court decision against Texas. (Barrett and Roberts joining the liberal coven) I'm not sure it's guaranteed the SCOTUS overturns CO and Maine.

What the hell were Barrett and Roberts thinking? Roberts is a douche...but Barret? Is her family under threat?

Butkus51 said...

Not a bully: telling voters they are a lying dog-faced pony soldier.

John henry said...

Birches said...
his VP has the fast track, not RDS.

Could you explain how, please?

In 212 years since the 12th amendment, 2 sitting vps, 150 years apart, have won the presidency.

2 others later won after a hiatus.

None have been very good presidents

Unless you are counting on president trump to be killed or die in office?

John Henry

planetgeo said...

Trump is definitely an asshole. Nothing he said about DeSantis was accurate, but everything he said about DeSantis is spot on about any male writer (as well as some ostensibly female ones) at the NY Times.

And yet, despite the NYT's best efforts, I'm going to vote for Trump in 2024. And DeSantis in 2028.

Narr said...

"Bully!" said Teddy Roosevelt.

It's hard to see how my day could get any better after reading deep thoughts about masculinity from two NYT sissies.

Earnest Prole said...

I have no problem with colorful/obnoxious gendered descriptions of our dopey politics, but emasculated by Trump gets it precisely wrong. DeSantis did this entirely to himself by trying to out-Trump Trump (as though such a thing is possible or desirable). Self-immolation is the better description.

n.n said...

The masculine malaise. The feminine Choice... uh, choice. Gender in politics.

hombre said...

It has never been necessary for Trump to attack his recent adversaries as he has. The exception is Haley who has relentlessly attacked him and whose proposals are frequently unacceptable.

He's just a prick who enjoys it. Indiscriminate prickishness is his great failing as a politician. His great failing as a statesman is picking unreliable confidantes.

Regardless, if he can overcome Democrat sedition, election fraud and lawfare, he might stop them from ruining the country.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Male sex on male sex assault is a motif in the transgender spectrum... is trendy in the liberal establishment and JournoListic literary parades. #NoLioness #NoPride”

Male on male sex is seen as dominance behavior by many, if not most, straight men. The recipient is considered the submissive. It’s common in prison, because there it is primarily an act of dominance. We even saw it when Hamas invaded Israel and kidnapped all those people. They, of course, raped, often very violently the women, and indeed, several of the women were murdered in the process of being raped. But some of te men were apparently raped too. The purpose of these sexual assaults was dominance and degradation. Similar to what happens with some men in prison, but at a lower level.

In, I believe, Plato’s Symposium, the discussion turns to Love. And at one point, a distinction is made between M-M love and M-F love (F-F love was ignored, as irrelevant). But then, the M-M sex was inevitably between the dominant male, and a submissive adolescent. The Romans, being more puritanical, often looked down on the Greeks for this behavior. Nevertheless, it persists to this day. It was one of the pernicious practices that we were not able to stamp out in Afghanistan. And, indeed, it is still practiced throughout other parts of the Muslim world today too. Homosexual rape is still considered a dominance display, esp by men. And the recipient is considered degraded since he can’t prevent it.

Male on male aggression often has sexual overtones. Probably some of this involves reference to male on male rape. Also probably contributing is that male/male competition invariably revolves around breeding opportunities. Who has the biggest dick? Who can piss the furthest? Who can have the most kids, from the most, and esp most beautiful, women? Sex is why men compete. Not just humans, but throughout the animal kingdom. Trump, of course, wins there. He has banged innumerable beautiful women over the years, married three of them, and had 5 beautiful kids from them. Compounding this, we naturally follow the strong horse. So, sexual posturing is commonplace in political interactions.

Oligonicella said...

Emasculation? Really?

NYT is a shit rag. You expected otherwise why?

Joe Smith said...

We're supposed to take notes on masculinity from a couple of NYT writers.

They should try comedy...

Rabel said...

If you guys need a new hero to bolster your spirits, there's a candidate on the ballot in NH who is already fully accessorized.

Also, I don't know if Althouse caught it but there is yet another assassination hint in the article title. Bastards. I'd suggest Cruise in the James role rather than Pitt for a better reflection of the stature of the principal when they make the movie.

Also, it's taking a big bowl full of self-control to avoid any Scott Tenorman references today. But I'm trying.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"So the media worked with the Trump campaign in a way- both beating on DeSantis, but from different angles. But the name DeSanctimonious was the least important thing uttered. Except to the true Trumpers, who get goosey every time Trump hands out a new nickname."

Oh, please. The notion that "true Trumpers" are all about Trump the man, and not about resistance to a grotesque, transparently corrupt, and staggeringly incompetent Establishment, is willfully ignorant. The narrative of people who desperately don't want to talk about what is there for everyone to see.

Howard said...

Rhonda Santis doesn't have any masculate to begin with. There's nothing to "e"

Jim at said...

DeSantis will be a better candidate in 2028 having undergone the rigors of this campaign.

Only if he gets better and/or different advisors.

Hassayamper said...


Joe Smith said...

'Rhonda Santis doesn't have any masculate to begin with. There's nothing to "e"'

Then Obama must be really feminine:

"I make love to men daily, but in the imagination"

-- Barack Obama

Ampersand said...

The fervent hatred of DeSantis by Democrats, the media, and Internet trolls speaks well of him. Keep on being you, Ron.

rehajm said...

Usually discussing policy doesn’t go out the window until after New Hampshire. Ahead of schedule this time around…

RMc said...

"The Emasculation of Ron DeSantis by the Bully Donald Trump."

The title should be "The Persecution and Character Assassination of Ron deSantis as Performed by the Inmates of MAGA Under the Direction of the Donald Trump".

Bruce Hayden said...


Yes, but it makes it too easy to learn the wrong things. For a significant extent, what matters with lawyers is winning, and not acting PC, etc. Right now, it doesn’t help the proponents of the LawFare legal attacks to win their cases to just point out that Orange Man Bad. I have had other attorneys try to intimidate me. A thick skin is just part of being a decent lawyer. It’s not about you and your feelings, but rather it is about your client and their case. You can be sure that most, esp attractive, female attorneys have faced internal sexual harassment, because it works. You Just have to make sure that no one sees you do it. I also know female attornys who would rip the gonads off any guy who tried that. You have to remember that it isn’t about your feelings, or about you at all, but is about your client’s case. Winning is everything, and if you have to cross the line to do it, then are sure no one sees you do it.

Drago said...

Ampersand: "The fervent hatred of DeSantis by Democrats, the media, and Internet trolls speaks well of him. Keep on being you, Ron."

Not a single DeSantis supporter, despite several years of questioning, has ever been able to answer 2 basic questions which have been asked over and over again:

1) Why was DeSantis a Paul Ryan America Last voting clone while in congress? (TPP, fast track authority for obama, etc)

2) The biggest funders of the DeSantis campaign, as well as DC insider consultants DeSantis hired (looking at you Jeff Roe) are some of the biggest globalist America Last guys. Was DeSantis really going to stand up to them after Murdoch gave DeSantis a $10M advance on a book deal and the establishment types (RGA = $20M alone in a cakewalk reelect campaign) kicked all that cash into the DeSantis Gov re-elect campaign which was then rolled over into a $85M lump to the DeSantis Pesidential campaign?

And dont think that Gov campaign cash rollover into a Presidential run against Trump didnt piss off a boatload of grassroots supporters who supported both DeSantis and Trump and gave money to DeSantis because he promised never to run against Trump.

And the need for that second question was brilliantly illuminated when DeSantis when asked by Tucker early on about Ukraine amd DeSantis gave a perfectly acceptable answer...only to get a phone call from Ken Griffin and then change his tune immediately.

In the end, the DC/insider globalists poured honeywine into the ears of Ron and Casey and promised them Trump would be taken out by GOPe/dem/deep state lawfare...and Ron and Casey bought it.

On one level, can you blame them? This was going to be their chance. The 2028 window could not be counted on in politics. Too much changes too quickly. And a bit of generational wealth for the family never hurts.

And here we are.

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