Said Katherine B. Forrest, a former federal district judge, about Lewis A. Kaplan, federal district judge in the ongoing E. Jean Carroll trial. She's quoted in "As Trump Treats Trials Like Rallies, Judges Study How to Rein Him In/One judge was reluctantly permissive. Another came down hard. Their contrasting approaches may inform the jurists overseeing the former president’s criminal trials" (NYT).
I don't think Trump is treating his trials "like rallies." Have you seen his rallies? He's far more restrained in court. But he is using something of his own style and is finding ways to take what has been thrown at him and turn it into useful political discourse. What should a judge do? If he cracks down too hard, he's giving Trump new material.
How do you like the expression "This is not his first rodeo"? I try not to let it annoy me. I try to be amused. I picture the 79-year-old judge on a bucking bronco.
I think it with be great if judges studied how to rein in the prosecutors.
Now do ‘Worcestershire’.
It wasn't the hiker's 'first rodeo' either, as mentioned in your earlier post. First or last, rodeos come and go and sometimes we learn from them, sometimes they have new lessons to teach us. I suspect anyone dealing with Trump learns some new lessons.
Either way it exposes how the justice system has been destroyed got political advantage.
the first rodeo expression has been done. Stop it.
It's another case of "How Dare He". Trump refuses to lose and the more he refuses to lose the more they want, no, need him to lose.
If you’re going to railroad a candidate you have to balance the needs of the people what want to see him railroaded- enough exposure to make the voters think he’s a criminal but not so much exposure you get backlash for providing him a platform…
…when really, the problem is really just the railroading. But do keep analyzing it to death. There’s still a few who haven’t caught on…
Rodeo clowns got fired for the first time during Obama's reign as King. You cannot wear an Obama mask. THAT is against every rule in America. The first cancellation.
These ain't Trump's first trials. He sure ain't treating them like trials. Lawyers bail accordingly.
The real question is, are they even trying to get Trump right? Or are they merely continually going with the useful narrative without much concern for its veracity? Are they trying to be insightful, or is it enough that they use the language of insight?
"What should a judge do?"
Stop the persecution.
Southern USA vernacular - from the soft Eastern Virginia patois to the hard scrabble of the deep South and the speech patterns of southern England are very similarand in many ways unchanged from the 1600's.
What's Russian for rodeo? I'm guessing it's something like "cow gulag".
NKVD comrade restains soon-to-be-meat with Soviet Socialist Peoples' gag so that Party Chairman not distracted by moos of kulak exploiter ruminant.
I asked the other day- can anyone show me any other man who has been sued for libel or slander for simply denying that the raped someone?
If anyone has good cause to be contemptuous of the legal system, it is Trump. The J6 cases, this case, the Trump prosecutions, the civil nonsense in New York and the DOJ/FBI double standards and abuses are beyond the pale.
Add to all that the farce being played out at the International Court of Justice, the pro-Palestinian riots everywhere in support of terrorism, mass looting and shoplifting
here and it is pretty clear that the unraveling of the west is beginning with the law.
Our courts are politicized. There is no effort to counter that. What's to respect?
Brian said...
It's another case of "How Dare He". Trump refuses to lose and the more he refuses to lose the more they want, no, need him to lose.
1/21/24, 9:29 AM
Trump refuses to lose except for the elections of 2018, 2020, and 2022 as well as bankrupting casinos multiple times, overpaying for the Plaza Hotel to such a degree that bankrupting it was baked into the cake the day he bought it, leading a lawsuit against the NFL resulting in the dissolution of the USFL (technically he won the suit but he was awarded $1), and purchasing the Eastern Shuttle which he bankrupted within three years of purchase.
Lewis Kaplan is going to "get" Trump. His only hope is a good Second Circuit panel. That's a lottery ticket.
How do you like the expression "This is not his first rodeo"?
Everyone knows what it means, so it has that going for it.
Now do ‘Worcestershire’.
That's why I only get Henderson's. It's easier to say 'endo's.
There's a song about it and how it's superior to Wəh-stəh sauce. NSFW language.
So, NYT suggests that the judge will bait, switch, insert banderillas, and ultimately abort the target. A violent expropriation of Hispanic culture or the milder American variant? The human rights activists should be outraged by this violent analogy. Perhaps the judge could scalp the target to relueve their "burdens" h/t Obama. Although, shooting the deplorable beast would be more humane.
"But he is using something of his own style and is finding ways to take what has been thrown at him and turn it into useful political discourse."
Isn't this what the courts are trying to do- "turn it into useful political discourse"? Of course it is. Sucks when your target is better at the game than you are, doesn't it?
Maybe Trump is smarter than the left seems to think.
Imagine that! A puff piece by the NYT on a Trump-hating judge.
Here’s my bet with Ann Althouse. Kaplan will be reversed twice on these Trump cases. The loser buys steak dinners at Omaha’s Drover.
I've been saying all along - it will be Trump V Biden, and there is no way the corrupt powers that be will allow Trump to win again.
Sucks to be us.
Why does Gulliver's Travels come to mind? Lilliputians trying to tie down a giant?
It turns out this isn't an original thought regarding Trump.
I will make the prediction right here- the court will award the plaintiff 2 billion dollars.
You know I am right, and the judge will let it stand.
And if the tedious "ain't my first rodeo" thing goes, please let it take "I didn't fall off the turnip truck" and "I may have been born at night, but not last night" with it.
Lots of horses asses at every rodeo.
Steve-Deace-like DeSantis-Online-Influencer-Wanna-Be AMDG: "Trump refuses to lose except for...(more words here)"
The DeSantis Brigade, getting their arses kicked by Nikki Haley of all people, are not handling the collapse of the DeSantis campaign very well and are lashing out in anger at everyone and anyone and are now indistinguishable in their rhetoric, content and tone from the worst of the worst at MSNBC.
As is now being noted by just about everyone, since its become politically safe because real losers have no residual political clout, the stories of DeSantis campaign utter incompetence, grifting and moronic "tactics" are becoming legion.
Typical of disastrously failed campaigns, the "insiders" are all maneuvering as fast as they can with reporters so the "insider" survives the fallout.
AMDG appears to be about a week or two behind the rest of the class here in reality-ville so we'll give him/her another couple of days to try and catch up.
By that time we'll also know who in the DeSantis Duo has won the "Drop Out Immediately To Conserve Future Viability" / "Linger On Until Trump Is Removed Via Lawfare Then Pick Up The Pieces" battle.
Ron is clearly the former while Casey is clearly the latter.
My money is on Jackie mean Casey.
Unless Ron puts his foot down hard on the issue...which is not always easy to heels.
A little levity at these times is a good thing, eh AMDG?
The California Rodeo in Salinas is pronounced row day oh.
Slim Pickens said it best
Well, I've been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that's the stupidest thing I ever heard come over a set of earphones.
3/09/1989: Eastern Airlines Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Amid the US airline deregulation period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, labor disputes and high debt loads strained the airline under the leadership of former astronaut Frank Borman. Frank Lorenzo acquired Eastern in 1985 and moved many of its assets to his other airlines, including Continental Airlines (CO) and Texas Air Corporation.
The 1989 filing came as the airline attempted to survive its ongoing financial crisis. EA was in the midst of a crippling labor dispute, costing the carrier an estimated US$4m per day. Owner Frank Lorenzo had ordered the lockout of EA’s engineers and ground crews.
Several of the EA’s Airbus A300s were subsequently transferred over to Texas Air Corp’s other airline Continental (CO), as part of the asset strip.
Sympathy Strike
In sympathy, the airline’s Pilots and Flight Attendants called a strike. Aside from its Boston-New York-Washington air shuttle and some Latin American flights, EA was forced to ground most of its domestic operations.
The airline had a staggering US$2.5bn in debt. Its reorganization plans would see numerous assets sold. This included its lucrative Eastern Air Lines Shuttle being sold to Donald Trump, who renamed the operation the Trump Shuttle (TB) before selling it to US Airways (US) on April 7, 1992
Deal Made On Trump Shuttle
In the last two years, shuttle fares have risen rapidly, partly to offset the doubling of the price of fuel during the gulf war.
"This is not his first rodeo. He is going to be quite careful and thoughtful about how he handles this situation."
"I’m sure he’s thinking about when he draws lines, how he draws lines, what the lines mean and what agenda it plays into."
Whole lotta jargon goin' on. Did he think outside the box? Push the envelope?
Caine is a worldwide treasure. Enjoy him whilst you can...
"Not my first rodeo" wasn't on my bingo card for being the most overused cliche of 2024.
"I didn't realize I was suppose to know how to do everything by the second rodeo"
"Seems like a very low amount of rodeos"
The Left: "Trump is making a mockery of our show trials!"
Seeing as there is no case whh should he pretend there is one?
We don’t say Rodeo Drive. We say ro-DAY-oh Drive. Maybe that’s how Michael Cain got tripped up there. It may have something to do with Californias intimate relationship with Spanish 🧐
A judge thinking about how to draw the lines is a moonlighting artist.
BONUS: Warning: language:
This is what passes for clickbait at Althouse Blog.
“Dear Diary: My teen angst bullshit now has a rodeo count.”
— Veronica Sawyer, Heathers
Yancey Ward, google punitive damages US Supreme Court.
khematite said...
And if the tedious "ain't my first rodeo" thing goes, please let it take "I didn't fall off the turnip truck" and "I may have been born at night, but not last night" with it.
I came very close to "I didn't arrive on the pickle boat last night" In mcd's this morning.
Fortunately the customer who told me I had to use the kiosk to order could not withstand my stinkeye.
So I didn't need to. Plus my wife was with me.
John Henry
I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills is always pronounced ro-DAY-oh. Perhaps this is the pronunciation Michael Caine learned from hanging around Hollywood.
stlcdr said...
Now do ‘Worcestershire’."
The English do pronounce it a little bit differently than it's spelled. It's pronounced 'trunalimunumaprzure'.
William said...
"Not my first rodeo" wasn't on my bingo card for being the most overused cliche of 2024.
I'd vote for "over his skis" and "we have the receipts": stick a fork in them, they're done.
Mason G: "The Left: "Trump is making a mockery of our show trials!"
Thread Winner.
Trump refuses to lose except for the elections of 2018, 2020, and 2022......
You just made my point. Trump doesn't think he lost those things and it kills the left that he won't acknowledge his loss. Here's a hint. He never acknowledges a loss. It will never happen. You could put him in prison and he won't ever say, "My Bad".
In his brain, losses are wins of a different fashion.
Make him go to trial on defamation? He'll sit at the table and shake his head and make pronouncements on the courthouse steps.
Meanwhile the left (and the media) internalizes that as "How Dare He!".
What should a judge do?
He should refuse to take part in an obvious crock of shit, which is what anything to do with "my friends and I are sure that Trump raped me, and we talked about it right after it happened, but we can't tell you what day, week, month, season, or year it happened!" is.
if you're going to preside over such an obvious fraud, then you deserve to be screwed
'"Not my first rodeo" wasn't on my bingo card for being the most overused cliche of 2024.'
A phrase you never hear in Montana or Wyoming.
If you're older than a month old everyone assumes it's not your first rodeo.
'The English do pronounce it a little bit differently than it's spelled. It's pronounced 'trunalimunumaprzure'.'
“The real question is, are they even trying to get Trump right? Or are they merely continually going with the useful narrative without much concern for its veracity? Are they trying to be insightful, or is it enough that they use the language of insight?”
It’s all they have. What they are doing is called “LawFare”, which has been used against him since the first weeks of taking office (if not from when FBI Dir Comey exonerated Crooked Hillary by misinterpreting the Espionage Act). LawFare involves novel, invariably incorrect, interpretations of statutes and the like, that will never survive appeal, against their targets. For Due Process, criminal statutes MUST be interpreted strictly against the state. Otherwise, their targets have no notice that what they are doing is criminal.
Babe Ruth struck out 1330 times in MLB. He held the strikeout record for 30 years.
What a loser that guy was, huh?
If a republican that pedjt did not endorse lost in 22, should that be counted as a loss for Trump?
There were about 435 Republicans running for house seats and about 33 for Senate.
Pedjt only endorsed about 100 of them. Something like 95% of those won.
What a loser, huh?
Re business, about 60-80% of all new businesses and products fail.
About 10-20% of Trump's 100+ businesses failed.
What a loser, huh?
He had a top rated TV that he did as a part time gig. It ran for 14 years on prime time network TV.
What a loser, huh?
Very few people have been as successful in business, tv OR in electoral politics in the history of the world as he has been in all 3.
What have you, those branding him a loser, accomplished in your live comparable?
John Henry
People keep bringing up Trump's bankruptcies.
Two questions :
Can you name a creditor who lost money? No. They were all made whole.
His investors lost money. Can you name any who complained? Or did they just say "win some, lose some" and invest in other Trump projects?
If his creditors and investors didn't complain, on what basis can anyone else?
John Henry
I think it with be great if judges studied how to rein in the prosecutors.
Interestingly, today I stumbled across this short clip. Apparently the judge is irked that a police officer lied under oath, causing the defendant to lose her driver's license, and wonders out loud whether the prosecutor shouldn't nolle pros the case and probably go after the officer on a charge of perjury. The female prosecutor becomes combative, shouts over the judge, and at one point appears to call the judge a liar in open court. Whoa.
Now I'm neither a lawyer nor do I play one on TV, but is this how things really are handled out in real courtrooms? Can someone explain to me how a prosecutor can basically call a judge a liar to his face in the open courtroom and not be hit with contempt of court and given some time in the local jail to cool down? Could the law professor blog hostess and some of you lawyerly commentators explain this whole thing to me? Because it sounds as though the prosecutor things she runs things, and not the judge.
"What have you, those branding him a loser, accomplished in your live comparable?"
I'll bet some of them have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, so they've got that going for them. Which is nice.
Glenn Beck, currently mentioned as a possible vp pick, used to describe himself as a "rodeo clown"
This was when he was on CNN. I don't know if he still does.
A vp/senate president who admits to being a rodeo clown would be a nice change presiding over the senate.
John Henry
"Yancey Ward, google punitive damages US Supreme Court."
LOL! Like a democrat judge is going to give a shit about those guidelines. He will leave the matter to a higher court.
Brian said...
Trump refuses to lose except for the elections of 2018, 2020, and 2022......
You just made my point. Trump doesn't think he lost those things and it kills the left that he won't acknowledge his loss.
News flash: because of Trump's incompetence, he lost 2020. We know that he lost, because Biden is President.
Was the election stolen? Hell yes! Why was it stolen? Because Trump sat on his fat ass and did nothing while Democrat's illegal re-wrote election laws to enable them to send in massive numbers of illegitimate ballots.
We watched on national TV as the Fluton County Democrat "vote counters" kicked everyone out, watched to make sure the poll watchers and press were gone, and then immediately pulled out "votes" and started "counting" them.
Trump should have been pounding on that every single day. The "Brooks Brother's Riot" during the Gore attempt to steal the 2000 election in FL started because of something far less crooked than that.
Trump should have been pounding on that, saying you can never trust "vote counters" who kick out the press and then start playing with ballots.
But he didn't. Because he's a fat, lazy, loser. Instead he whined to the GA Sec of State to please help him.
Leftists and Trump supporters obsess about words, as if the words define reality.
They don't. Reality defines reality. And the reality is that the Biden team took over, and has seriously fucked up this country, because Trump spent 2020 fucking up.
Oh and spent 2017 - 2-19 fucking up, too. Which is why the FBI in 2019 started the work to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop, and the information about Joe Biden's corruption that was on it.
"Trump won't acknowledge he lost in 2018, 2020, and 2022." Big fucking deal!
There's a bunch of D Seante wins, acknowledge by Trump or not, that mean that a whole bunch of really bad Biden nominees are judges, screwing us over.
Stop being a leftist. Stop wanting about words. Start focusing on reality
That's fine, as long as at the end of the day, it takes "at the end of the day" with it.
are these judges really trying to referee due process under law?
Like rodeo sex?
Do your wife doggie style & tell her she smells like her sister
Hold on for 8 seconds.
I'm avoiding DeSantis/Trump for a few days.
It's memes & jokes
What I want to know is how a seasoned jurist like Forrest can confuse a rodeo for what's so obviously a circus.
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